#in all seriousness i like Engfah she's fun
In defense of my wife (one of them atleast) aka my rant about Engfah from The Secret of Us
In part two of the fandom not appreciating the complexity of the characters we have let's talk about Engfah. Engfah is introduced as a love rival. She has an obvious crush on Earn, she makes her move and is rejected.
She quickly pivots, offering to help Earn and shenanigans ensue. I love when stories take this route with love rivals but let's be clear Engfah has ulterior motives. Anyone in her situation would. My guess is it was a mixture of wanting to be close to Earn no matter what, hoping that their proximity would lead to a fake dating to lovers arc and wanting to torment Lada a bit because she's a little petty and Lada is the only thing standing between her and the girl.
This all makes sense and its realistic. No one magically lose feelings for a crush simply because they dont reciprocate it, even if they're dumb enough to volunteer to help that crush win over their ex. But to Engfah's credit she was a good wing woman.
She made mistakes like when she pushed Earn to kiss her when she clearly was not comfortable (again pulling for that non existent fake dating arc) and there's nothing that can justify that so I wont. However, the second thing she gets flack for makes less sense to me which is when she told Lada that Earn said they were just friends. People like to paint Lada as an innocent bystander in this scenario but she wasn't. She saw Earn and Engfah's closeness and she got jealous and took a cheap shot at Engfah.
So Engfah took one back. Some people say she went too far. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the chaos of that interaction so I dont mind it.
I'm not saying Lada was in the wrong. I dont think there was a right or wrong in that scenario. I think they were two extremely attractive women taking swipes at one another because they were feeling jealous and petty and feelings were hurt.
The reason why I like Engfah as a character, more than I've liked any other love rival in a gl show is the fact that she realised her mistake and she fixed her mess. She even went the extra mile to make sure Ratee stopped messing with Earn because she cared about her even after she realised they would never be a thing. She's not perfect and she's not necessarily a green flag given some of her actions but she's not the villain of this story. She's just a girl that liked a girl and did questionable things because of it. She exists in a gray area like most other gl women and we should appreciate that. Maybe we'll even get her story someday if TSOU is successful enough.
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