tastymelonfarm · 8 years
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@imtotallycoolwithscott that actually sounds literally perfect 💗💗
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jamieleecvrtis · 9 years
I'm about to go see AoU, wish me luck. (Well not really. "Wish me luck" ?? that just seemed like a fitting way to end a short sentence. Anyway.) :)
it’s still in the cinemas? Shit, good luck
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wickedisgood · 10 years
"Smthg in your ask box..." Have you seen the movie Interstellar? Its amazing, especially if you have an interest in that area of Science. Also, I also have exams coming up, IN THIS TOGETHER GIRL, GOOD LUCK YOU CAN DO IT
no i haven’t, though i do want to watch it eventually! and thank you good luck to you too!! 
hey send me some stuff
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thetvaddictguy · 10 years
imtotallycoolwithscott replied to your post “I want to put my name on my blog cos no1 can really get to know me if...”
its a dangerous game out here
lol, I know the odds of someone finding it are slim but someone found my 2nd twitter acc and I don't wanna risk it :P
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poseysprostate · 10 years
I feel like at certain moments, there was so much happening on the screen that I couldn't actually see anything but that was just that end fight scene in upclose shots. Also you can't say that the sound effects weren't really well done, ya know? Ki Hong and Dylan were 100% amazing running and shouting. And the banishment was pretty intense.
No you’re totally right, I was enthralled with the entire “night in the maze” sequence with Ki Hong and Dylan.  Foley and sound editing were ON-POINT.  I just wish the movie didn’t end in such a jarring way and take away from the overall experience.  Also I find mass death scenes really mute the emotional average of a movie, it’s one of the reasons why I’ll never watch Matrix Revolutions again.
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I see what some people mean now. A lot of the time Stiles' commentary is really unnecessary. Argent has a gun to his sister and Stiles offers them coffee to work out their problems. Why are the writers doing this?
Stiles’ character is deemed the comic relief for the show. Some of his lines are written and some of his lines are improvised by Dylan O’Brien. His lines tend to be ones that get rid of tension or add humor to the show.
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xproskeith · 9 years
Scott and Lydia?
BROTP. I don’t really see a romance for them, but they do have a solid friendship for sure.
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xproskeith · 9 years
Hmm. Rainbow cake and The Tower (Tarrot Ask)
Rainbow Cake - What’s your current phone wallpaper?
A picture of me and my best friend in lab coats after I got mine when I finally took my first lab in college. It’s been years now, but it’s one of my favorites.
The Tower - Something that change your life
Going to Loyola for college in New Orleans. I can’t adequately express in words how profoundly this changed me in almost every way. I grew and learned so much.
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jamieleecvrtis · 9 years
Goddamn it, introducing me to all these shows, I love it!! And Rami Malek, omg yaas Daniel thank you. (plus there's sex, which is always educational)
Are you talking about Mr Robot?? I haven’t watched it yet but shit I’m gonna
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jamieleecvrtis · 9 years
Damn, all this Sense8 content got me ready to open Netflix ahh, but soon! After exams! It looks goooooodddaa
Bruh if this episode is going the way I think it’s going you’re gonna wanna open it even more :X
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jamieleecvrtis · 9 years
Im excited to watch Sense 8! It looks really interesting
Me too! Fucking Netlfix always manages to hit all the right notes with all their shows it’s amazing.
Also Naveen Andrews
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xproskeith · 9 years
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imtotallycoolwithscott replied to your post:Is it possible to just enjoy the characters...
It’s really terrible to see the amount of effort some people put into disliking other characters.
It really really is >.< Like think how much you could do if you converted that effort into being positive and focusing on things you like? The content you would generate!
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xproskeith · 9 years
"Send Me A Show" Hmm.... The Flash!
Sorry! Was on mobile. Here we go
my favoritie male character: Ughhhh So close between Barry and Cisco. Think I’ll go with Cisco Ramon though
my favorite female character: Caitlin Snow
my otp: Barry/Iris TBH though Felecity/Barry would be good, but I know it’d never happen or work lol
my notp: IDK if I have one.
my other ships: Hmm. Snowbarry is okay and I know absolutely ship Cisco and Black Canary. I NEED IT TO HAPPEN EVEN IF I KNOW IT WON’T. Cisco deserves this.
my least favorite character: Before recent episodes, I’d have said Eddie, but he’s cool now. Hmm. OH! I know! Blackout. The guy who was a dick to Cisco the whole time.
my favorite season/episode: Hmmmmm. IDK really. I like them all lol
who i would date off the show: Dr. Snow!
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xproskeith · 10 years
"Put a film in my ask"..... Interstellar and Pacific Rim ? 😊
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | i liked it | LOVED IT | one of my faves
Pacific Rim
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | i liked it | LOVED IT | one of my faves
(this movie was the fucking shit dude. so awesome)
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xproskeith · 10 years
King of reblogging top quality, heart hugging Scott+Stiles stuff (^-^)
YES THIS IS PERFECT. I really pretty much is true lol
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xproskeith · 10 years
"top 5 anything".... Whats your TOP 5 FOODS?
Hey, sorry. I went to work like right after you sent this! My bad! This is actually hard...
beef and broccoli
CRAWFISH/seafood in general tbh
tacos/mexican food
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