dmolov · 4 years
(Music House relax)
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eugene201-blog · 4 years
(Music House relax)
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jessyxue · 2 years
reflections on the interview with Ken Field
I enjoy watching this video. Ken Field is a White who loves love music through the inspiration of his first band. In his interview, drums are a common element in black music. Lots of improvisatiom forms in black music funk and hip-hop. It is common thread through a lot of musical forms of black musical pieces. It is not exclusive but it is more prevalent in jazz in funk in hiphop. Not only soloing, inprovision can also be terms of determining the arrangement of a tune, which can be solo, performance, instruments... There can be definitely many different combinations of musical styles.
Ken Field disagrees that only drummers have the critical impact on black music. But actually every single instruments having their own rthyms are all vital components to music which was also said by james brown. In james brown's performance, there are stuctures beneathe the improvisation style which makes a balance just like constraint and freedom. Both mixing makes the perfect. Ken Field explained that the public perception of culture appropriation has change largely.
Appropriating other culture's music and culture is happening throughout the history. Sometimes people are not sensitive in every field of music. In Ken Field's perspective, sensitivity is important but no can be aviolded to incorporate other influences in what you do. Cultures do not need to necessarily merge together, keeping the distincts creating inhomogeneous can keep the cultural identity.
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leee787 · 10 years
Improvisation 2014 II by Darek Gach http://ift.tt/1plEqn1
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lepursuit-blog · 14 years
‘in your head’ [vocal improvisation] |0:28|
inspired by: the process of helping people help themselves
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