#improperly proper nouns are so much fun
dream-wreck · 5 years
A Song to Suit Yourself
It feels so good to write fanfiction again. Heck, it feels good to write again. This little thing started last summer, inspired by this post, and I’m finally sending it afloat upon the internet’s temperamental waters. Good Omens fandom, I hope you receive it well. Enjoy!
Title: A Song to Suit Yourself Rating: G Word Count: 2,186 Description: Crowley fixates on a new type of music, though Aziraphale can’t quite figure why. What would a demon want with lullabies?
Neither knew exactly how they ended up in the same Scottish field at exactly the same time beneath the same lonely apple tree, but it probably had something to do with their impending assessments.
Hastur and Ligur would be around soon to check in and report on Crowley’s Deeds of the Day, which were quickly becoming Brief Surveys of the Deeds of the Decade, as they hardly ever popped around anymore. Crowley didn’t dare complain. But he’d been putting off his Evil Deed -- you know, the Big One, which made up for a long dry period of demonic activity -- and it was time to get on that. So. Scotland.
Aziraphale still received regular unscheduled visits from Gabriel, “just checking in” to see that all was going smoothly. Aziraphale had begun to question his own understanding of omnipotence. Or, at least the Head Office’s ability to communicate sporadic schedule changes to literally the only active angel they had on Earth. In biding his time -- and seeking some overdue meditation -- Scotland.
So much for that.
“They’re calling them ‘lullabies’,” Crowley said. “They sing them at children. To make them fall asleep.”
Aziraphale considered this news while he cut off another slice of red apple. He offered some to Crowley. The demon curled his upper lip at the clean white disk.
“Humans have always sang songs to their children,” Aziraphale said once he realized that the news was not news at all. “Remember Babylon?”
They both smiled self-pleased smiles. You’d almost think they were sharing the same memory, but for Crowley baring considerably sharper teeth. “Oh yes,” he said.
“That poor woman you tormented for a spell,” Aziraphale recalled. “I was the one who recommended that she write her composition down. It was a beautiful tune...in spite of its inspiration.” 
Crowley shrugged. “I did not ‘torment her.’ She adopted me as the house god, what was I supposed to do? I was on assignment. Besides, she had a lovely home. It was nice to settle down for a bit. The point is, now they have a new word for it.”
“For tormenting?”
“No. The music. Keep up.” He let the pieces of the word roll off his tongue. “Lull-ah-bye…”
Aziraphale was occupied with his apple, plucked from the branches above. In his humble and learnéd opinion, few tastes in the world yet rivaled that of a fresh-picked apple. Being an angel, he also had an extensive understanding of the art of Music. Angels invented it, after all, but its purposes were rather limited in Heaven. If Crowley had come to him with news of a new kind of Music, or a new purpose for it, he would have been ecstatic and fully enthralled. But he hadn’t, so he wasn’t, and was therefore only mildly interested, though he tried his best to humor his associate. “Singing to babies helps them grow, you know. It teaches them new sounds, new words. And I personally don’t believe you’re ever too young to discover the joy of Music.”
Crowley chose not to tell him that he was missing the point, but he wasn’t entirely sure of his point to begin with. Something about the word struck a strange chord with him (all puns unintended and unrecognized). It had a sound like a plucked lute string and the curve of a lifting chin.
For a while, in silence, the two continued their survey of the Scottish countryside and a hundred miles beyond. Serious business. The evening began to settle in a comfortable calm, the sun yawning out a stretch of gold before its final disappearance beneath the hills. The angel and the demon each wondered what the other was thinking. Aziraphale wondered why Crowley had become so caught up in a single word. Crowley wondered why Aziraphale hadn’t.
The angel bit into another slice of apple. The satisfying crunch in the silence finally whet Crowley’s own appetite. He flicked his wrist and a bright red replica of the angel’s supper fell into his hand.
Aziraphale looked hurt. “I hadn’t realized this tree’s fruit dissatisfied you.”
“What, did I hurt its feelings?”
“No,” Aziraphale said, taking a moment to examine himself, not wanting to lie. “But I’m quite proud of this tree.” He sat a little taller. “I planted and raised it from seed myself, you know.”
Crowley -- who had been leaning against the apple tree’s trunk since the early morning -- sat up and scrutinized the bark as though he’d just noticed it were there. 
“Well what’d you go and do something like that for? When you could just --”
He snapped his long fingers. A few paces off, a plum tree that had not been there before shivered in a gentle breeze that had not been caused by anything but a general notion.
Aziraphale flushed. “I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. They’ve been cracking down on miracles that are not meant for a heavenly purpose. Besides, I found that I rather enjoyed the process of raising a living thing. You might try it, learn a thing or two. Watering, trimming, revisiting the little sapling now and again to encourage it out of the ground. And it clearly paid off. It took time and it took patience. And it was beautiful. The way God intended.”
Crowley gagged. Time and patience. The plum tree disappeared, but a pile of fresh, dark plums remained at his arm’s length, the skin so deeply purple they were almost black. “Suit yourself,” he said. “Just seems a waste of time.”
“Of course you’d think that,” Aziraphale said. “You know, it’s your constant need for excitement that gets you into trouble. You never sit still.”
“I do!” Crowley defended through a mouthful of bleeding plum. “I am now! And I do when I...you know, when I...you know.”
Aziraphale did not know, but he waited patiently for Crowley to realize that. Crowley did not elaborate.
He tossed his half-eaten fruit into the field, grumbling, “Who came up with the name ‘lullaby’ anyway? They’ve been rubbish at naming things from the Beginning. I’ll never forgive them for the turtle dove...Lullaby. Luhll. Ahhh. Bye. Stupid from the start. Lull....”
“For a dissenter, it sure sticks to your tongue easily.”
“So does mud. Doesn’t make it worth the taste. They think they’re so clever. If they’re so clever, switch things up a bit, do. All those songs, all lullabies ever talk about are dreams and trees and all the pain coming your way if you don’t fall asleep right this instant. All these languages since Babel and not a single one has whipped together hardly anything to move me to tears. Frankly, I’m just not impressed.”
He stopped. Not because he was finished. He felt eyes on him. Angel eyes, confused and concerned, and certainly out of their element.
Aziraphale cleared his throat. “Perhaps if you let them know that you have been their target audience all along, they’d show improvement. Better yet, put all that wealth of yours to use and commission one to your liking. Lord knows why you care in the first place.”
Aziraphale’s apple had finally been reduced to its core. The knife he was using ceased to exist.
“They’re too much like you lot,” Crowley continued. “Or at least you. Moving so slow. Doing slow things and inventing things that make them move even slower. Want to put the goblins to sleep? They’ve got spells for that. Spoon o’ brandy will do the trick. Or a knock upside the head. Practically instantaneous.”
Aziraphale bristled. “I thank God no one has put a child in your care.”
“On that, angel, we assent.”
The angel stood up, brushed out his jacket and tights. “I best get a move on. Several evening miracles to perform in the next town over.”
Crowley didn’t move, but he was suddenly standing. “Likewise. Which way are you headed?”
Aziraphale pointed to the north.
Crowley jabbed a thumb over his shoulder toward the south.
“Will you be in Scotland long?”
Crowley looked out to the empty fields. “Depends on what I can find here. I suppose if you’ll be around, I’ll be around. You know. Cancel --”
“Cancel each other out. Yes,” Aziraphale said, low and bristling, turning to the north. “Well, good evening to you.”
He paused. “I hope you find a song to suit your heart.” And he started north across the field, leaving Crowley, who did not turn to the south, alone beneath the apple tree. 
Crowley slumped down against the trunk with his legs stretched toward the setting sun.
Sunsets start to look the same the more you see and the longer you live. There had been only a handful of truly extraordinary sunsets that stuck in Crowley’s busy memory since the Beginning, and few of them were memorable without their contexts. Context is everything. He’d given up long ago on watching sunsets for the hope of an explosion of color to beat the rest. But he still appreciated the thrill of witnessing night stretch over the world like a lumbering dragon splaying out for a nap.
He missed dragons. Not many of them left, nowadays.
As darkness settled in, Crowley began a meditation of his own.
All around him, he felt history’s fine threads weave through the air. Ghosts and imprints left on the surface of the earth and the face of Time itself that had disappeared from visual perception, but lingered as golden strands only few could ever see. Battles and laughter, deaths and creation, all tangled together and tumbling, just above the ground and through the rich soil. Threads thick as vines wrapping around the trunk of the apple tree. The eternal, distant echoes of screams and songs looping round and round the earth like Saturn’s rings, and if Crowley squinted hard enough, he could see their harmonies gleaming.
“I do sit still,” he said to no one in the dark. Or maybe, not to no one.
“Why do they get songs?” he wondered aloud. “What do they have to be comforted about? Everything is given to them, handed to them. All they do is sleep. Bet no one sings their parents songs. They’ve got the hardest of the lot. They’ve got all the troubles. No one writes lullabies for the ones who need them most.”
And he knew in his heart -- or the swirling matter he’d begun to think of as the place where part of his not-soul lived -- exactly why children got all the songs. Because children need distractions from all the Unknown they float in, until they can lift their heads and start finding answers for themselves. The Unknown is a terrible thing to dwell on, even for the youngest minds, whose curiosity more often than not sustains them.
And for the ones who know? Are there no songs for them? The Unknown scrambles the mind, yes, but the Certain, the Absolute, whittles the mind to a rounded end. Fixation on the Certain can be as maddening as floating in obscurity.
Crowley was falling back into fixation. Such was often the case whenever he sat still, so he tried to avoid it whenever possible. But true to pattern, his mind eventually numbed to the humming of the world, to the whispers of Time wrapping like gossamer around this green earth, invisible to all but the eyes of those who have seen more, who know more, and carry the burden of the Certain. And the boiling lake sloshing deep within the earth grew hot against his calves and the heels of his feet.
He tilted his head up to the sky and squinted into the cobalt. The harmonies of history came into focus, golden ribbons rippling in tired dance.
He hadn’t slept in nearly a century. When he last awoke, he’d missed a lot, and wasn’t anxious to miss any more. But now, unnamed weight rested on his head, a heavy fog that stings the eyes and confuses the senses. The kind with its own eyes lurking just beyond the haze. Not a comfortable Saturday morning fog, by any means.
He wanted to lie down forever. He wished this field were safe enough to do just that, but sensed beyond the hills the warm bodies of beasts waking up to hunt by dim starlight, and he fancied this body too much to risk its demise.
Suddenly, there was a snake, long, dark, and terrifying, and if someone were to notice this creature as it slithered around and up the wide tree trunk, they’d see its scales shimmering impossibly through the pitch black eve, reflecting an invisible light. It curled up on a scooping bough like an endless coil of shadowy rope, and it was thankful for the tree being there tonight. 
Snakes cannot hum. That’s impossible. But many impossible things had already happened that day, and the snake, feeling safe enough to do so within the dense shelter of leaves, tried his hand at melody, content for the words he deeply felt to remain unformed, unspoken, as the song was for him alone, and he was -- as he knew and feared -- quite alone for now.
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Popular Mistakes in Learning The spanish language
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spanish school barcelona
Precisely what brings you for you to this article? You may well be a aspiring Spanish trainer, or maybe just an intelligent man or woman seeking to look for typical mistakes in mastering Spanish prior to ever learning it, correct? I think you aren't typically the latter. So here it really is Spanish is a really challenging terminology to analysis and to master if you are an English native loudspeaker, plus its not that peculiar to generate common mistakes within Romance language. Why? English as well as Spanish language revolves in extremely different models and approaches to read and also chat each language. Which on your own can determine the result associated with how you read along with speak the language. Let's take a get started.
spanish school barcelona
Typically the most important take into account mastering a language possibly your own personal Spanish or understanding how to converse like a Native Usa, pronunciation is the essential to master just about any words. As most modern dialect derived from Latin, the majority of phrases are just as well as almost the same. But! That will doesn't mean they can be noticable exactly the same.
Speaking spanish "R" and the English language "R"
Pronouncing the "R" in The spanish language is technique wrong in case you are studying Uk pronunciation. Romance language "R" is actually one of the frequent faults in learning Spanish language. The Speaking spanish "R" will be pronounced appropriately by setting your language behind your personal front your teeth to help make that vibrating "R" seem. It's quite the contrary while using English "R", anyone want your own tongue apart from your teeth to stop making that vibrating appear you make while pronouncing, just different right? This particular is one of several common flaws in learning The spanish language, you actually need to practice phalic shaped your current tongue behind your own personal teeth the very best help a person a lot in pronunciation of the Spanish "R".
Setting an Adjective just before some sort of noun:
This is usually one of the popular mistakes in Spanish finding out is really a widespread and a silly oversight made usually by simply brand-new Spanish students, neglect the British rules of making a new sentence, We are learning to speak spanish here! Common mistakes on this are listed below.
Throughout The english language we say "hot water" In Spanish really precisely the opposite! You claim "agua caliente" For because if you read "hot water" literally would likely receive you in trouble in addition to audio funny!
Another a single is, "Wash in sizzling Water" gowns in English language, if you want to help admit in Spanish an individual don't declare it "Lavar con impetuoso agua". Often the correct way to state it truly is. "Lavar con zumo caliente"
You see precisely how English as well as Spanish proceed the other way about? Don't mess this upwards and perhaps you can move up the "Beginner" method a little bit.
Appropriate using Words:
The many mindless activity when studying a new vocabulary is definitely to expect the similar this means of that selected word for any English term. You don't make your personal Spanish audience have a good laugh with your speech all moment do you? Try buying the Spanish thesaurus so in order to educate you in all these generally mistaken Spanish thoughts. But for make it a lesser amount of tedious for yourself, here's any list of commonly wrongly diagnosed used words. This will be one of the common errors in Romance language learning. Intended for this words are widely-used improperly by Spanish scholars close to the world.
Mejor -- Most frequently mistaken for often the English phrase Major which often is exactly silly. This specific word means "better" inside Spanish. Alegre : A person might think this is actually the Spanish expression with regard to Alligator! You my good friend will be wrong. This concept indicates "cheerful" Cerrar- Typically wrong word for Transporter, sure this would end your own carrier if you employed it in the speech. The actual word means "close" throughout Spanish. Nubes- Wow! Probably you think now this kind of is usually where the slang "Noobies" originated right? Inappropriate! This term means "clouds" in Spanish language Universidad rapid Pretty much clear regarding other people, you might feel this word implies Whole world right? It signifies "college" this dear audience. Tallar instructions Sounds similar to "teller" or "tailor" proper? Wrong! This phrase suggests, "carve" in Speaking spanish.
Not necessarily a long list regarding frequently mistaken Spanish terms, nevertheless this could support you a bit.
Last and not the actual least, the most significant think with learning a new terminology. This may be effectively obvious during this period for anyone guys learning to talk a new language. Training is paramount in learning some sort of new language both the idea could be Spanish or even Uk or even a thing like Latin. Practice is beneficial since they all say the item. Yes indeed. Just try and remember that the pronunciation to the Spanish "R" is definitely very completely different from the British "R" a lot more different. A single thing too, the right employ of words. You want to process on in which too, as you may use your current Spanish one day and also speak to a The spanish language group, once again you actually don't want to always be ridiculed at do a person? And of course! The ultimate way to practice Spanish is to be able to find a Romance language pal of yours, a lot better in case he or she is actually a native Spanish language presenter for you guys will surely have lots and lots involving fun instances learning Speaking spanish together. Speaking looking at your own personal mirror might help, but it really would be pointless when you were being speaking for you to yourself right? An individual probably would not know if you're conversing correctly or pronouncing this correctly right? This will be the most critical thing connected with all. PRACTICE!
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