#impromptu headcanon post bc i've been thinking about this the last couple days
byanyan · 1 year
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byan & language.
ㅤbyan grew up learning both english and korean, as the family they lived with for their first four or so years of life were fluent in both.
ㅤthere were ups and downs in continuing to develop both languages after they were removed from this family, as most people who were in and out of their lives from then on would, for the most part, only speak english. as they got older though, byan was able to collect some resources and continue learning on their own.
ㅤit might seem odd for a kid who's always hated school to want to learn something on their own outside of school, but a big part of why they wanted to continue with korean is... it was always easier for them than english. dyslexia made everything in school hard, but it never really impacted their ability to read & write in korean the same way it did english. so byan embraced it a little more because it helped balance out the inadequacy they felt in class. (knowing a second language was also a pretty big brag over a lot of kids who didn't have bilingual families)
ㅤdespite all the extra effort they put in to remaining bilingual, byan still speaks english 90% of the time. it's their default because it's the default of most of the world around them.
ㅤhowever, with the exception of things for school, when byan writes, they default to korean.
ㅤthey often find themself forgetting the korean words for things because it is ultimately their lesser used language, so usually they'll substitute the english word if it doesn't come back to them within a few seconds. this goes both in conversation and in their own writing.
ㅤwhen they do speak korean, it's usually just to talk shit about someone so they can't understand. they do engage in actual conversation with the odd person they have some familiarity with though, like the owners of their favourite asian bakery.
ㅤthey also almost exclusively use informal & casual speech with anyone & everyone, regardless of who they are. byan has always loved to add an extra level of disrespect wherever they can. ...they also think it makes them sound cooler.
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