#important to note is that tomi’s gf rn is a redhead & her dad’s baby mama is also a redhead
lmao so it was pouring rain today in greece so i couldn’t do shit but play the sims 4 & in one of the expansion packs they have a dubrovnik-like city included among the options & a presumably croatian family called markovic with a mom, dad & a kid
i decided to throw in some drama so i hooked up the dad w this actress i created who already had a baby from another guy & had him impregnate her AND his fiancee so that on the day of the wedding they would get caught cheating & the wedding would be ruined. it rained & his fiancee gave birth right after from the stress it was very dramatic. she was going to keep him in the house for the kids’ sakes but he started a kitchen fire & that was the last straw for her
meanwhile she’s a working single mom of two kids & absolutely losing it so she starts to hook up with santa claus for stress relief & wouldn’t you know it, she gets pregnant! santa is a bit blasé abt the whole thing but now she has a teenager, a toddler, and another baby in the house that she has to manage herself! so i was like i gotta lock santa DOWN.
unfortunately, he’s into long distance low commitment gfs which i should’ve known since he only comes once a year. i move him in, force him to propose & everything is gucci. he gets the mom pregnant AGAIN (these are all on the first try btw this bitch is fertile) but this time the wedding goes swimmingly & in fact, the ex husband is the officiant since santa became good friends with him even tho the mom stjll hates his guts
meanwhile, during all of this child neglect between fucking santa, going to work, & feeding babies, the first child/daughter becomes a lesbian obsessed with vampires & on a rainy thundery night who knocks upon the door but vladislav klaus? obvi i can’t miss a chance like that so i invite him in & ask him to turn her! so now they got a carmilla in the house feeding on santa bc she hates that he replaced her dad
her brother has it WORSE though. not only is his name severin but his mom completely ditched him after he grew up to look after santa’s babies & now he’s displaying lack of emotional control & he even has an earring at age 8. no one in that family is beating the lgbt allegations. so even though he is a chess prodigy & always picks up after himself, nobody gives a shit bc he doesn’t have those aryan lapland genes that santa brought & his mom resents him for being poor southeast european trash
finally, santa’s kids, frederick & fiona frost, are getting all the cuddles & toys the other kids never did & will reign supreme over severin once i move out his sister into the vampiric lair & leave his sorry ass to be cinderela’d by santa & his mom. i bet he wishes he moved in with his deadbeat dad in his studio now
p.s. apparently in the sims even if u turn a teenager into a vampire they still keep growing so sadly i can’t create a claudia scenario but i’m kinda glad bc now i can realize my original plan of the daughter (tomi, the game named her that don’t @ me) fucking her dad’s baby mama that he left HER mama for, tying up this family tragedy in the most fucked up bow. fin
p.p.s OH and i forgot to add, when the mom had the first santa baby (heh) she was sooo exhausted she passed out & severin just LEFT the house as a toddler & walked all the way to some random beach to shit his pants there & then a lady on a bike hit him on the way home akclwndlwnc
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