usnewsper-politics · 7 months
Congress Gets Fit: Marine Drill Instructor Leads Members in Boot Camp Workout #age #bootcampworkout #Congressionalrepresentatives #fitnessbrand #fitnesslevel #healthylifestyle #importanceofphysicalfitness #inclusivecampaign #livehealthierlifestyles #Marinedrillinstructor #membersofcongress #occupation #physicalfitness #positivereactions #prioritizehealthandfitness #promotingphysicalfitness #pushups #regularexercise #representative #running #senator #situps #socialmedia #startsomewhere #SuperBowlad
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workondream · 4 years
You’re always one decision away from having a completely different life. What matters is what decision you make. One right decision can take you from 0-100 with just click of mind set.
Know what you want do and work for it. If you’re the hardest worker in your room, then you’re in the wrong room. Out of comfort zone is the place where you find success.
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