#implied death cw
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bechnokid · 1 year ago
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My one inked drawing for October! I wish I could make clean lines in traditional art, but my hands are too shaky! So, my focus is to just make the art look decent enough. :3
So, have a Ramon and Rayman! Strange...have I seen this scene somewhere before?
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abbacchiosbelt · 1 year ago
New Year
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Pairing: Yandere Mahito x GN!Reader
Notes: i wrote this while high and didn't edit it so sorry if it's funky
WC: 792
Notes: Yandere, implied kidnapping, implied death (not of reader), nonconsensual kissing, Mahito being a menace.
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“Look what I got you!”
The words that left Mahito’s mouth instantly have you on guard. You warily turn towards your captor, narrowing your eyes at the generic bag that he excitedly shakes in your direction. Anything Mahito gave you was never what it seemed - there were no gifts without strings, nor was anything given to you without purpose. Whether it was to terrify or to sicken or to make you beg for him to stop, there was always a reason.
Mahito ignores your expressions and bounds over to you, dumping the bag out all over the couch cushion next to you. It takes you a moment to register what you’re seeing, your eyes darting between Mahito and the pile on the couch.
Next to you sits a pile of various items, the one thing they had in common being their reason for existence: the celebration of 2024. The new year…? It couldn’t be. It’d… there was no way it had been that long. Mahito kept the time and date from you, but you swore you’d been somewhat accurate in counting the days that had passed. You want to ask him if this is some kind of joke, but no words make it past your scratchy throat.
You look up at him, mouth parted - and the unnaturally large smile that seems to span his entire face answers the words that refuse to pass your lips. Mahito’s hand comes to your face and for one millisecond you think it’s all over before he simply squishes your cheeks together with his fingers.
“Are you so happy you can’t speak?” Mahito presses his fingers into your cheeks upward to push your lips into a crude smile, only stopping when he presses so hard that you whimper. “There you go. If you can’t speak, you can at least give me a smile after I went to the trouble of getting you this stuff.”
Mahito grabs one of the accessories from the pile - a party hat with a generic New Year quote - and places it on your head, adjusting it so that the band under your chin is just so. He grabs a noise maker for himself and startles you by leaning forward to blow it in your face, leaning back to cackle when you jolt away.
“You know, this is one of those human holidays I don’t really get.” Mahito waves the noise maker as he speaks, specks of glitter falling to the floor. “All the humans I took this stuff from seemed to be having fun. Especially the couples.” 
The humans…? Your blood turns ice-cold in an instant. While Mahito rambles, you force yourself to look back at the pile. You hadn’t noticed it before, but there was a faint, metallic smell in the air. It was different than the sickeningly sweet stink of rot that clung to Mahito.
It smelled fresh.
If you looked hard enough in the pile, there’s no doubt that you’d find several things spattered with blood.
Mahito startles you out of your shock when his hands are suddenly on your shoulder, the icy cold chill of his skin biting even through your clothing. “Hey. Are you listening?”
You nod, still unable to speak, but Mahito doesn’t retreat from your space. He presses in forward until his lips nearly rest against yours, and you struggle not to recoil at the scent of iron that clings to his mouth.
“We were supposed to kiss at midnight, but since you don’t know what time it is, now is as good as ever.”
Mahito places his lips against yours, surprisingly chaste, and pulls away. “I forgot to tell you. You’re the only person I’ve kept long enough to see a new year go by with.” He gives you no time to react before he leans in again to capture your lips in a domineering kiss, ignoring your groan of discomfort when he wrenches your mouth open with his inhuman tongue and licks the inside of it. He stops again, pulling back in full this time.
Mahito places his hand on your shoulder like you’d seen him do before to the many humans he’d mutilated and forced you to watch. Paralyzed by fear, feeling ridiculous with the hat on your head that had most definitely belonged to a now-dead person, you finally manage to squeak out a plea for mercy. “Mahito, please don’t hurt me!”
“Calm down, cutie. I just wanted to wish you a proper new year for our first time together.” 
Mahito lifts the noise maker he’d shoved in his pocket to his lips and blows it hard, giggling like a child when he pulls it away from his mouth.
“Happy New Year! And if you’re lucky, you’ll be here next year too~”
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luzxii · 8 months ago
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tags : @clownazon @totally-not-a-tickle-blog @bulldog-geckorahhhhh
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hemeraphilia · 7 months ago
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What if I'm the monster?
What if I'm in the wrong?
What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along?
What if I've been far too kind to foes
But a monster to ourselves?
What if I'm the monster?
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patchwork-crow-writes · 1 year ago
The Definition of Insanity
You snap wires.
Frantic fingers spindle across the inky blackness, taking hold of taut strings the colour of poison. You retch slightly as they pull apart in your hands, bursting like blood vessels and staining everything they touch with the stench of death.
You snap wires.
And all the while, his voice bores into your skull, wheeling and dealing even as he tries to kill you. Even as you try your very hardest to give him what he wants.
You snap wires.
SOUL burning hot like a phoenix in its final moments, shooting down offer after offer, pleading with this jittering, broken creature to stop, stop, please stop before one of us does something we're both going to regret...
You snap wires.
You can't remember how long you've been doing this for. You don't even know what you're doing, why you ever listened to his words in the first place. What had he promised in the space between his outbursts... and to whom?
And still, you snap wires. It's either that or die.
So you snap, and you snap, and you snap, and you
Then there's only one left, shimmering in the darklight, so gossamer-thin that you cannot comprehend how it can still support the clanking, man-shaped junk it's attached to. He spins around it like a demented ballerina, professing heartfelt thanks to the friends he was trying to murder mere seconds before. Pleading with you to cut the final cord, to make him a real boy.
Your fingers move before you can respond. And the sound of his cold, lifeless body slamming into the ground stays with you for the rest of your life. The shock is so great that you almost collapse yourself, adrenaline finally loosing its death-grip on your body.
You are wracked with a great and terrible sigh, before you--/
/--snap wires.
...strings the colour of poison... bursting like blood vessels... stench of death.
...you've been here before, you realise, as you snap wires.
He wheels and deals, firing everything he has at you in a vain attempt to get you to give him what he wants. You would if you could... if it had ever been in your power to do so.
All you can do now is snap wires. And that is all you do.
Your fingers move on their own, as if compelled by an outside force. Pinch and twist, reminding you of shelling peas with your mom before Sunday dinner.
You can't recall the last time you saw her. You think that perhaps you should apologise to her if you ever make it out of here alive. You were always such a wilful child. Always getting into trouble of some kind or another.
And now here you were, making deals with something you couldn't even begin to fathom.
You cannot hear your friends anymore - they do not respond to you calls. And the salesman seems to become all-encompassing before you, drunk on ill-gotten power - power you helped him acquire. You close your eyes as he makes you an offer that you are unable to refuse.
Pain washes over you, and you--/
/--snap wires.
Poison... Blood... Death... this could be the fifth time; it could be the five-hundredth time. It doesn't matter, because all you can do is snap wires.
The salesman screams at you, and your SOUL screams back, roaring with anger and pain and frustration. Does it want the same thing as you do? Is it... trying to help? Or... or is this just a game to it. Fighting the same battle again and again, trying for a high score?
You ponder this as it makes you snap wires.
Perhaps this was punishment for trying too hard. For trying to help somebody who seemed to be suffering. You never understood what your mother meant when she told you the road to hell was paved with good intentions. To your child's mind, not yet versed in the world's wicked ways, this statement was a nonsense, an affront.
But now you get it, as you snap wires. Oh God, do you understand.
You always knew he was the same as you. Something BIG had seized his heart, just as it has seized yours. Prisoners of a destiny that was not theirs. You saw a caged bird crying for release, but you did not see the venomous spider using its corpse as a suit. In trying to make him more like you, you exposed yourself to the risk of becoming more like him.
Damaged. Deranged. Desperate. Dangerous.
And as your fingers become snared in his wires, and you stare transfixed into each other's eyes, you see the fate set out before you, and scream.
You snap wires.
Sometimes, you live.
Sometimes, you die.
It doesn't matter.
You snap wires.
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livingd3adqpid · 2 years ago
CW: BL00d and implied d3ath:
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And I’d give up forever to touch you,
‘Cause I know that you feel me somehow.
W/o bl00d:
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darkhatkid · 29 days ago
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My oc Lantern Cookie!
He was once friends with the previous owner of his Souljam. His friend gave him the souljam before they left for unknown reasons. While exploring his friend was fatally injured in a explosion. He is unaware his friend has passed away and believes that they're still out there.
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purplewhatevers · 1 year ago
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idk. I always thought 'Finn's arm just happened to have a murder function' seemed a bit like a deus ex machina.
Or some kind of cosmic intervention.
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stories-of-the-multiverse · 7 months ago
"garret?" Cassidy gently smiled at her companion " how's your head?" She tilted concerned
(( @golden5th ))
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Instinctively, he turned to face the figure addressing him. Even after decades of blindness, he could not help it. But as usual, he was met with a void.
Decades since...
That was her name, right? Memory was scattered, continued to scatter to this day.
She was a constant, he knew that. The reason he knew what was going on at any given moment. This most common voice he heard since...
... What happened again...?
... His head... Right, his head, it...
"... It's... better today..." he murmured.
The phantom pain had either lessened, or was numb today. Either way a blessing.
He tilted his head down, brows (or what's left of them from the stitches) furrowed in concentration.
"... What about you...?"
Scattered or not... he knew she was in a similar boat. That included phantom pains, right...?
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sunspotssss · 4 months ago
It’s very odd how much the word has changed. As I’ve gotten older it becomes more apparent, more dreadful in a sense.
I was very close friends with the kahuna of Ula’Ula before the current (who I don’t know who even is the kahuna,and by this point I am too afraid to ask). We had been friends for—decades? Much longer than he had the position. We met in Hoenn, when I abandoned my life there he was the one who held out his hand and promised me a place to stay before I could get on my feet again. I didn’t deserve it, no one who did what I did deserves such courtesy, but he gave me it anyways.
And then he just disappeared. To me, this man was a present part of my life for so long. I don’t know if I mourned, I don’t remember crying once, but the change was violent. We didn’t talk daily, nor interact in general, especially after I began my current career, but it felt. Empty.
It always feels empty a lot of the time now.
This is not a cry for help, might I add, I’m simply getting my thoughts down, as a blog should be.
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year ago
may i ask what u had in mind for jayke's backstories :0 if we rlly wanna get into it then i can see jayke being fun and carefree BECAUSE they weren't able to act that way at home,,,
maybe jay has strict rich parents who always wanted him to be mature and poised when he was just a kid who wanted to play w his friends :( he learned how to chef it up thru the private chefs at home and learned how to look after others from the butlers and maids that raised him. he's also an only child so the friendgroup are the siblings hes always wanted and he def found a brother in jake so early on i his life bc he was rlly lonely as a child /:
as for jake... he has an older brother (ima age him up hella to fit the narrative) and his older brother cared a lot for him but he was the picture-perfect child and their parents pressured jake to follow in his older brother's footsteps at such a young age. like cmon he was 7 being forced to study physics bc his brother was aceing his high school physics exams on the way to go to the most prestigious colleges w a physics degree. and with their big age gap his brother didnt have time to play w him much bc he was alsays studying and their parents were so focused on the older sibling. jake finds a brother within jay bc hes also lonely and jay was the only person he could be himself around.
now that ive thought ab this man jayke as a duo is so precious to me 🥺 theyre brothers thru and thru bc they found a home within one another. jake always so excited to try new recipes jay is trying out, jay loving to model and style jake, jake sending jay goofy selfie updates of his day to jay, jay being the first person jake calls in the middle of the night for a late night convenience store run which leads to some crazy shenanigans. jayke also building their first lego set tgth when they were 9 and it's displayed in a glass case in the living room of their shared apt.
im sobbing thanks for reading all of this i didnt expect to get super into 😭
NONIE WHY DID THIS MAKE ME CRY 💀💀💀💀 i'm too emotionally attached to these characters its not healthy.
honestly i love love love your thoughts and theories and i think mine are pretty similar in some ways but not quite and that just makes it so much more exciting 🥺
yk me, i'm just...brutal when it comes to backstories so pls be aware......
poison!jake was raised by a single mother who was never home because she worked so much. she worked late evening and night shifts and would sleep throughout the day so jake basically had to raise himself. she never physically abused him but because he was her main source of exhaustion (since she had to work to provide for him) she's slowly started growing hateful towards him and jake basically tried all of his life to please her just to fail miserably. his mother was never a mother to him, father not in the picture at all and after years of verbal and mental abuse he found a safe haven in jay. they met in middle school and for jake it was quite clear from the very beginning that that guy was his soulmate. he'd never openly say it bc they're too goofy and unserious for that (bc of their childhoods) but there's no person on this planet he's as grateful for as he is for jay.
jay's backstory is kinda similar to heeseung's just the other way around. up until he was seven he had the most picture perfect family with two loving parents who loved their son and each other with everything they have, until his father passed away in a car accident and his mother started resenting her son because he survived and the love of her life didn't. similar to the parks and heeseung he unfortunately was also mentally, physically, emotionally and verbally abused up until he moved out for college and the only person in his life, besides his friend, to show him love was his grandmother. she was the one taking care of him when his mother was at work and she'd even cry with him whenever she spotted new bruises. the only reason he goes back to his hometown every now and then is to visit her grave and keep her updated on his life.
both jake and jay dont have contact to their mothers so they're each other's only family. jay always introduces jake as his brother and whenever people ask him who his favorite person is jake responds with jay. they really are each other's rocks and im literally tearing up writing this URGH
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skitter-smack · 30 days ago
Sayaka Lance Kirino. Better known as Proton. Referred here as The Whip.
She’s cruel. I didn’t know her personally. She kept the lower ranks of the Murata Family in line — I don’t have anything against her. Only her associations. It’s a very simple message: I don’t care who crossed me or not.
Im going to catch her off guard. It has to be bloodless.
Simple as.
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virulentharlot · 4 months ago
"You are so beautiful. The Misses hasn't wanted any since having our baby a few months ago. I've been needing sex for a while and jerking it like some horny teenager isn't enough." The man was quite hasty in undressing Lelouch, his hands occasionally fondling him. At least he was attempting to make the other man feel good. He pressed himself against Lelouch as his large hands groped him roughly as he removed all of the former prince's clothes. Then the man proceeded to push Lelouch down on the bed, his intention to be a little rough because he was so pent up. He undid his pants as he hovered over Lelouch's slender frame. "The owner highly recommended you, and I know you'll be worth the price."
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Another one of these clients. Another one cheating on his wife. Another man that didn't want to participate in fatherhood.
Lelouch wanted nothing more than to slam the heel of his palm up his nose, to break it, but the mention of his boss, how he recommended him, had him freezing up.
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Of course he would, the bastard. That told him a few things about this man: He was high paying, and he was known to be rough Both were the boss' criteria for recommendation.
...But he didn't want to suffer the same pain as the last time his boss pointed someone his way.
"--Keep your hands off me, and keep your money," he said as a hand went underneath his pillow, straight for one of the many pistols he kept hidden around the room.
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trustymikh · 9 months ago
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there are many benefits to being a ground-type pokemon trainer
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candycatfalls · 3 months ago
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u3pxx · 1 year ago
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my comic for @aabadendingzine which is out for free over here.
extra stuff/commentary under the cut | like what i do? support me on ko-fi 💙
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helloooo how's it going? i really hope you enjoyed the comic <3 it's rare for me to draw such wholesome things, i know [bats eyelashes]
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DFGHDJKF ok i know, it's evil, the entire zine is evil you should go read it!!!!!!! but also, i remember coming up with this prompt and the image of mikeko trying to wake a dead apollo up evoked such a visceral reaction in me that i audibly went "NOOOOOO" when i thought it up LOL
the fourth page is the first page i ever thumbnailed bc i knew EXACTLY how i wanted this thing to end!
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i think my favorite page of this comic is the 2nd page (the 4th page being my second favorite bc what can i say, i'm evil wheezes) i just really enjoyed drawing the montage of apollo going about his life and kristoph just. being there. always watching him.
i keep thinking about how spark brushel mentioned feeling like he was being watched those past 7 years. i imagined apollo would get a taste of that once he starts trying to find out the truth behind what happened in his first case.
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and as for my favorite panel, I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE!! it's just fun shoving every important element alluding to the case 7 years ago to the moment when zak died!
and it's not very obvious but an element i really like about this one is zak still on the chair he died on. it's just his torso visible and i would've loved to make it more obvious that he's there but oh well.
i had to take a break from reading the zine when i went out to finish it bc my chest started to physically hurt bc ohhhhh lordy, it just hurt. it just hurt a lot! (please do read the trigger warnings before reading the thing bc this zine deals with a lot of heavy stuff!)
i like to joke about how i'm evil and enjoy evil things such as angst no comfort which. well, it's kind of true LMAO so i'm thrilled that i was able to be a part of this zine and cook up something completely terrible <3
here's the link for it again, go read it!
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