#imperio task
starryslytherin0 · 10 days
rypnami (think I spelled it right) Mc ask game 😊
For Cari ✨
7, 12, 20
Ava 💕
2, 16, 27
7) “what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?”
They went to the Irish wizarding school up until 4th year but then had to move to England as Andrew (Cariads + Liams father) had passed away, leaving them with no income except Elise’s (Cariads mother) job at the bakery and weekend job at the local pub. So they moved to England, where Liam already attended hogwarts, in the hopes of rebuilding their life (they did)
12) “did your mc open the repository? why or why not?”
She didn’t open the repository. She saw what power can do to you. How it can change you. She didn’t want to risk being out of control of herself. Didn’t want to risk accidentally hurting anyone.
20) “does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?” Cariad is very partial to Aresto Momentum. This may seem random but Cariad loves a strategy so she sometimes needs time to pause the enemy to get her frantic thoughts in order.
Avie 💕
2) “if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?” A cat to get more Sylvia cuddles. Jokes, jokes. But it would most likely be a cat, as they aren’t suspicious whatsoever, allowing her to be more efficient and effective when completing certain tasks where she needs to be under the radar.
16) “did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?”
she learnt Imperio, that was it. She didn’t want Crucio, after tasting the spell herself, it was a pain she wouldn’t wish on her worst enemies, it was inhumane. And no Avada either because “what gives her the right to take someone’s life? A person, like her, with friends, families, hopes, dreams.”
27) “if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?”
She’d most likely be in Gryffindor or Slytherin honestly. I made her a hufflepuff because I knew I wanted my character to be kind and loyal to a fault, as well as hard working. But she may be a Gryffindor for her bravery and chivalry or a slytherin because she may seem single minded but it’s important to her to fulfil your ambitions and get what you want from a situation.
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duplicitywrites · 1 year
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fill for a prompt by Flaky in the RoR server 💕
Throughout the week leading up to the winter holidays, Draco stews in his misery. Potter’s eyes are always on him, and it’s starting to drive him insane. This is all Potter’s fault. Of course Potter had to be the only person in this stupid school to realise that he was up to something.
If only Draco could deliver Potter instead of Dumbledore. Surely that would be easier. Potter is an idiot; Draco could stun him in the corridors, and then…
And then what? He would still have the problem of finding an undetectable way to travel in and out of the castle. Dumbledore will still be watching all the secret passageways to see if anyone on the Dark Lord’s side is using them.
For a moment, Draco imagines casting Imperio on Potter and telling him to march out of the school. But Potter is able to throw that spell off, too. It is one of his rare skills, something that the Dark Lord has interrogated Draco on in great detail.
He wishes there was a way to make Potter go to the Dark Lord on his own. If only…
Then Draco remembers. Girls have been smuggling love potions into the school. That is what had given him the idea to poison the mead in the first place. 
So he asks Pansy for advice on how to do it—
“Finally making a move on Potter, are you?” she asks. “Tired of making excuses to hunt him down in the corridors?”
As if he would ever like Potter of all people! Potter, with his stupid glasses and his stupid scar. Ridiculous.
Draco has a task to do, one assigned by the Dark Lord himself. That is more important than anything else.
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citrusses · 2 years
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- “Merlin, I can’t believe what we did last night.” (ft. a few faves from kinkuary 2023)
A Room with a View in the Flowering City by @wolfpants (E, 1,046) Draco/Bill When Draco materialised in Bill’s Cairo office last month, he’d been pink-faced and irritated, the collar of his linen shirt damp with sweat. “He’s your mentee,” Bill’s boss from the bank had barked through the Floo after Bill sent Draco away. “Bring him back right this instant, you’re looking after him for the next twelve months. No arguments.” - During Draco's internship at Gringotts, Bill and Draco get to know each other in surprising ways. For Bill, it's fun, but also comforting.
Genderbend by @sorrybutblog (E) Ginny/Hermione Hermione brews the potion without telling Ginny.
Imperio by @tenthousandyearsx (E, 3,871) Drarry “Imperio,” Malfoy murmured and Harry’s eyes glazed over, a feeling of rightness descending over him, making him sway. Malfoy smirked. “Good boy.”
Intercrural by @sorrybutblog (E) Harry/Cedric Cedric offers to tutor Harry after the first task.
The Classics by @wolfpants (M, 1,135) Sirius/Draco Speaking of Remus, he’ll be up soon. I’m not sure how I’m going to explain this to him. “Oh, don’t worry darling, Draco here just happened to fall into our bedroom, take off his clothes, rummage through all my shit, and have a nice little wank while he was at it. Honest mistake.” - Sirius gets more than he bargained for when he heads to bed after a long day and night in Grimmauld Place.
The Night Before by @wolfpants (E, 1,282) Drarry Last night, Harry had decided, enough was enough. And now he’s here, waking up in Draco’s flat, surrounded by Draco’s smell, his body still covered in Draco’s kisses, his touches, his gasped moans that he’d pressed to Harry’s stomach, his throat, the back of his neck. - Harry and Draco wake up after spending the night together.
Viridian by @wolfpants (E, 1,307) Draco/Blaise, hint of Blaise/Harry & Drarry There’s just something about Draco. Blaise can’t quite put his finger on it, but it’s—an impulse. To poke, to prod, to pick his delicate wings off. To teach him some humility. - When Blaise, Draco, and Harry are housed together in the same dorm for Hogwarts Eighth Year, Blaise is determined to get between them.
wild with all regret by @thehoneybeet (E, 2,500) Hermione/Draco/Ron, background Drarry “To be clear,” Hermione said, and Ron loved her, “you want me—you want us to humiliate you?” The tip of Draco’s tongue breached the crack of his mouth, wetted it. “Yes,” he said, voice hoarse.
Yours & Mine by @wolfpants (E, 2,332) Draco/Ron It’s the first time in a long time I’ve wanted to take Harry down a peg or two. The urge is kind of—startling. I clear my throat. I slowly sit back down, trying to remind myself I’m a grown up, Harry and Draco are grown-ups, and I should be grateful we’re all getting along at all. But Harry also just touched Draco’s hair and is staring at him like he’d make a better dessert than the French delicacy he’s painstakingly crafting, and what the actual fuck, I’m right here. - Just another Sunday lunch at The Burrow. Featuring French dessert, fond Molly Weasley, flirty Drarry, and Ron's incredulousness.
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jose92gt · 4 months
Resúmenes de los capítulos 108 al 110 y 111 y 112 solo título
Summaries of chapters 108 to 110 and 111 and 112 title only
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Episodio 108: 撤退領域 – Tettai Ryōiki
(Zona de peligro)
Yudias y compañía. viven a base de pan de curry como de costumbre. ¡Pero de repente, Fukamura, un "gran" personaje del Imperio de la Materia Oscura, aparece ante ellos! Con la intención de obtener algo de pan de curry, Fukamura comienza un duelo... ¡Manabu, el vicecapitán del barco, se encarga de derrotar a este nuevo enemigo!
Episodio 109: ダークマイスター – Dāku Maisutā
(Dark Meister)
Alguien ha despertado en el oscuro vórtice lleno de materia oscura. El hombre termina de alguna manera en el Imperio de la Materia Oscura... Luego lo llevan al castillo, donde recibe un Disco de Duelo y una baraja del Maestro Oscuro, el gobernante del imperio. Luego, los dos tienen una conversación a través de un Rush Duel.
Episodio 110: ワレのターン – Ware no Tān
(Es mi turno)
Yudias y compañía. Discuta los misterios que rodean a Damamu, cuyos clones siguen apareciendo y desapareciendo. Sin embargo, Sabyuas aparece nuevamente en el Valvelgear. Buscando el pan de curry que desea el Dark Meister, Sabyuas comienza un Duelo. ¡Quien se enfrentará a él es Epoch, el capitán del Valvelgear!
Episodio 111: ダークメン・ズウィージョウ – Dākumen Zuwījou
(Darkman Zuwijo)
Episodio 112: ダマムーの権利 – Damamū no Kenri
(El derecho de Damamu)
Episode 108: 撤退領域 – Tettai Ryōiki
(Danger zone)
Yudias and company. They live on curry bread as usual. But suddenly, Fukamura, a "great" character from the Dark Matter Empire, appears before them! Intending to get some curry bread, Fukamura begins a duel... Manabu, the ship's vice-captain, is tasked with defeating this new enemy!
Episode 109: ダークマイスター – Dāku Maisutā
(Dark Meister)
Someone has woken up in the dark vortex filled with dark matter. The man somehow ends up in the Empire of Dark Matter... He is then taken to the castle, where he receives a Duel Disk and a deck of cards from the Dark Master, the ruler of the empire. The two then have a conversation through a Rush Duel.
Episode 110: ワレのターン – Ware no Tān
(It's my turn)
Yudias and company. Discuss the mysteries surrounding Damamu, whose clones keep appearing and disappearing. However, Sabyuas appears again in the Valvelgear. Searching for the curry bread the Dark Meister desires, Sabyuas begins a Duel. The one who will face him is Epoch, the captain of Valvelgear!
Episode 111: ダークメン・ズウィージョウ – Dākumen Zuwījou
(Darkman Zuwijo)
Episode 112: ダマムーの権利 – Damamū no Kenri
(Damamu's right)
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justonedrawer · 5 months
HPHM is taking over my dreams now-
I went to sleep right after I did a bit of the newest chapter and I saw a weird dream regarding it.
SO, around the part where Snape gives us the Doxycide, my MC, Jane and her boyfriend Talbott are helping him make the calming draughts and at some point he gives her a peck and Snape goes all grumpy and telling em to focus, basically being Snape.
Then late at night at the dark forest, the whole gang were helping the professors to give a proper burial for the creatures Moldy drunk during Harry's first year. Notice how I say creatures and not unicorns, apparently this Moldy was ultra hungry-
Talbott was comforting my MC who was upset cause she's a huge animal lover and well smt is killing creatures for their blood and sb just died-
I also saw some guy tryna ask out another guy who was supposed to be Penny's love interest (maybe someone else's MC) and when he kept doing that despite the other MC declining, Penny literally used wandless magic to cast Imperio on him and sent him away. I got shook she looked kinda evil but the guy had it coming.
I know that dreams are supposedly giving hidden meanings but honestly the only thing I'm getting from all this is that I want more story tasks lmao
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postmodernbeing · 1 year
𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 - Chapter III
𝔓𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: Ominis Gaunt x Female Reader (fluff, the slowest of burns and angst but not really because I’m too soft for that. Also, the plot is plotting, so be patient)
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𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: It only takes a couple of weeks to make a routine for the cares Anne needs in the Hospital Wing. Although her physical state is improving progressively, night terrors haunt her dreams and worsen her mental stability. If only there was something or someone to help her. Someone that knows her. Oh, but there is. Can she reach out to him? Is he waiting on her? If she forgives him, will Sebastian ease her pain? Or he’ll hurt them all again?
𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 5,550 words.
✧❈Chapter 2 | Masterlist | Chapter 4❈✧
Chapter 3. Special Care
The Hospital Wing is run by its Matron, Noreen Blainey. In addition to her administrative tasks, she keeps an eye on every student that gets hospitalized. Reasons always vary, but never occurred to her that this year she’d be taking care of a girl so young with the aftereffects from a curse that powerful. It was truly shameful that anyone dared inflicting this much pain to someone this helpless, this innocent, a child, no less. Ms. Blainey empathetic yet firm personality helps her reading every situation her patients carry within themselves in order to make the best decisions for their recovery. But even being this professional, this experimented Matron, she can’t help but be touched by the circumstances around this child. They all can say Ms. Blainey spoiled Anne Sallow; she couldn’t care less! This girl needed her more than anyone in the whole castle. Quickly they came up with a routine discrete enough but effective so Anne could enjoy her return to Hogwarts at its fullest.
Anne would take the Floo Powder from the Slytherin common room to the Hospital Wing very early in the morning a couple of times each week. Ms. Blainey would be waiting for her with fresh and clean bandages in case cuts appeared in her skin and ointments for any inflammation or bruises. After registering the state of her vital signs, Ms. Sallow will have some obligatory vitamins so she’ll feels stronger in no time. Anne hates the taste but at least they're easy to ingest and help brightening her hair, bringing color to her cheeks and they also strengthen her nails and teeth. Overall, she felt and looked stronger since she was cursed. As a matter of fact, she rarely feels any physical pain at all, which is a great improvement. That, until she pushes herself too much when casting spells or riding her broom faster than usual. Certainly, there are still many things out of her reach. But Anne is smart and tries to be patient and gentle with herself. When frustration is too much, Ms. Blainey steps in offering her small pep talks, candies and affectionate words as reminders. The other day she even cleaned Anne’s hair with rosewater and braided it with small flowers. The only thing that doesn’t seem to improve are the dark circles under her eyes.
It's no secret that Anne has trouble sleeping, although at the end of her days she’s visibly tired from the curse. But alas, good rest won’t come to her for she constantly has nightmares about her uncle’s death by Sebastian’s wand. Only this time the images are gruesome and her twin looks visibly satisfied. After that, she often sees [Your Name] being hurt by the crucio curse -again, by Sebastian- and then, it’s the other way around. Both trapped on a maze that forces them to cast the curse on each other all over again, but they don’t seem to be able to escape no matter how many times they try. Other nights, is just Ominis on a very dark room speaking in parseltongue but his eyes shine with a very unsettling green light in them -someone casted the imperio curse on him- and now the snakes at his feet are coming for her. Sometimes she decides she doesn’t feel strong enough to face the night terrors and skips her resting time altogether.
The truth is that her roommates noticed her insomnia since the beginning, but they’re clueless to what to do and can’t even dare to ask her anything, they don’t know her that well. If only Sebastian was informed about Anne’s state. He would tell those roommates about the lullaby that their mother used to sing to them when nightmares appeared and how it still puts Anne to sleep if you sing it gentle enough. If he was allowed, he would leave a snack -an apple and a chocolate frog- at her nightstand so she can focus on the sweetness of it before trying to sleep again. Can’t hurt to add a glass of water too. If he could, he’d hug her while listening about her nightmare. Sebastian then would remind her that no one can hurt her, his brother will protect her even in dreams. How many times growing up, especially after their parents passing, he promised Anne “I’ll always be right beside you. We’re a team, two halves of a whole.”? But even if Sebastian knew about her recent bad dreams, he’s in no position to offer whatever they shared before for he’s the very fuel of her fears. That could only shatter the remaining pieces of their connection.
In any case, this week’s visit to the Hospital Wing has come to an end and Anne has decided to have breakfast with Poppy at the Greenhouses annex. That'll certainly comfort her for now.
Meanwhile Sebastian and you were watching the sunrise from the Transfiguration courtyard. Your body lay flat against the stone bench of the central fountain with your hands in your stomach while your head rested in Sebastian’s leg. This closeness became usual to both of you. You felt comfortable in each other’s warmth whilst knowing your relationship is entirely platonic. Like the brother you never had, like the sister he just lost. Recently you discovered that Sebastian simply expresses his affection and trust with this proximity that keeps only for his closest friends. Ominis would feel it himself but he’s just the opposite from Sebastian in that matter and asks him not to; it’s frankly comical.
- “What are you thinking?” – Sebastian asked while biting his breakfast and placing his free hand in your hair.
- “I’m just tired, Sebs.” – The words came out as a sigh more than a sound.
- “Really? You were the one that came up with the idea to watch the sunrise. You could go back to sleep but I’m guessing you won’t be in time for Charm’s. Where’s Ominis, by the way? He said he’d come right after me.”
- “Probably fell asleep again. And yeah, I mean, I’m not in need of sleep, it’s just… Ominis has been quite secretive with whatever happened with the Gaunt’s, I also have the feeling that Anne’s been avoiding me, which is ultimately bad for you. And I can’t shake off the thought of Headmaster Black watching every step I take when searching for evidence about the Lake.”
- “Hey, whoa. It’s only been two weeks into the school year. You’re pushing yourself too hard. As much as I appreciate your help with Anne, I’m aware when the time comes everything will come down to me.”- Sebastian gave you a smile that knows is code for ‘Take care of you for me’. You both gifted each other that gesture a lot during last holidays. – “You have no idea how much I’m grateful for Ominis and you for protecting me from myself.” – Now his smile fades and a tear falls in your cheek, you could tell he was hoping to tell you this long ago. As if the setting of the sunrise and dew drops took the sincerest words from your mouths.
The most natural thing to do was to quickly reach for his face and try to ease him. How is it that you see it until now? Darkness is still there in him; he’s fighting against it every waking moment. Does he dream about all the anger and shame still living inside?  – “Oh, Sebastian. How I wish to pull the darkness out of you. The things I wouldn’t do.” – Beams of light suspended your silhouettes in this idyllic scenery; you both could as well be statues in the fountain. Sebastian felt the warmth of the sun all over his skin now shivering and blushing. His freckles are stars shining through his tears.
– “Thank you, Sebastian… for not giving up. For staying with me here. Thank you for choosing this very morning beside me over whatever that darkness could offer.”
- “Anytime.” – This time his smile is loud, colorful, innocent. You want to remember him this way. Whatever tomorrow brings, this is yours. You kneeled over the bench so you can hug Sebastian’s shoulders for you don’t want him to see your face when you confess:
- “Oh, sometimes I feel like Ominis and you are all I have left. I feel so guilty all the time, Sebastian. About Lodgok and Fig. Not a day passes by without me thinking about what I could’ve done to avoid their deaths. And the pressure of people’s expectations only makes it worst. Hell, I haven’t dared to step into the Map Chamber ever since that day. And as days fly by, I can’t even come up with an excuse for the Keepers for my absence. At the same time, I’m angry with them. Did someone cared to think about how I would feel with such responsibilities and demands? Every time I hear someone calls me the Hero of Hogwarts my stomach turns. I feel like a fraud. If anyone could see how frighten and tired I am, they’d know about it.”
Sebastian thinks is best not to speak now. H wants you to let everything out, he’ll prove you wrong later. For you’re the bravest, brightest, and most loyal witch he’ll ever know. Hero or not, that doesn’t change the quality of your character. You continued your confession:
– “Sometimes I sneak into Professor’s Fig office up in his classroom only to sit on his chair, I wonder the things he’d tell me to make me feel better. It eases me. But this weekend they took his stuff out and changed the lock. A new Professor is coming and I’m still not able to say goodbye to the things he used to own. I know it sounds silly, but he was my first friend here.” – Sebastian kept you in the hug rocking his hands from your head to you back as saying ‘There, there. I’m here for you’.
- “Now I understand what you meant earlier with the ‘pull the darkness out of you’. I wish you could see how unfair is that you speak of yourself like this.” – Sebastian held your face, still resisting looking at him. – “You were the one that taught me that I could be much more than my mistakes. Besides, as painful as this might sound, I don’t think there was a way to avoid their deaths. I do believe though, that they died fulfilling a purpose. Every day they chose to do the right thing, as dangerous as that could be. Don’t you think the extends of their convictions are admirable? Their lives have saved thousands. And yet, those sacrifices couldn’t change the world without the decisions you made before they lost their lives. It might sound cliché, but I swear this has given me comfort more times I care to remember: Things may not have a reason for happening the way they do yet they’re unchangeable and inevitable. There’s not other way around it, not even magic could prevent somethings from happening. All we can do is try our best everyday hoping some wounds heal as we avoid making new ones onto other people. Honestly, it pains me to see you drown in guilt when you weren’t the one that caused their deaths. You even brought all criminals to justice when nor the Ministry nor authorities did something about them in the first place. They chose to hurt all that people with every action they made, they should feel the guilt that consumes you.”
Quickly you understood what Sebastian tried to say, you can only imagine the regret he feels after, well… actually taking a life. You certainly don’t know how that feels. There was that Rookwood situation, but he surely brough that up to himself; your wand was only reflecting it, right? How odd, ‘murderer’ would be the last name you’d call your friend and yet you’re the first one to call yourself that for things that were out of your control. Now that you think about it, you were never scared of Sebastian. Instead, you were profoundly worried for him reaching the point of no return. Sometimes you still are, but he has proven himself every day. There’s a notion that quitting the things we know is an easy path once one learns what’s best, but nothing could be further from truth. Dark magic possesses an addictive power over it. Sebastian quitted right on time, right?
- “I’m sorry, Sebastian, I didn’t mean to trigger you this way, I…”
- “Don’t even mention it, I’m glad you decided to finally tell me. I knew there was something bottling up inside of you. Please, do indulge me with your thoughts more often. You tend to keep it all inside thinking that’ll protect me or Ominis, right? ...Well, stop. I ask you as a friend.”- There was a firm tone in Sebastian's petition, but that only could mean he cares so much for your wellbeing. Oh, you have no idea how much he cares.
You share one last embrace as the sun opens its way around arches and branches. Words have such an unfathomable importance when healing. You surely feel as if some of the pressure that asphyxiated you lifted from your shoulders. Meanwhile, the castle seems a bit sleepy yet; the rest of students are probably slowly getting ready not ready to head to the Great Hall for breakfast yet. That’s when you heard a familiar voice.
- “There you are guys. You know you’re the only students awake around this whole wing? It wasn’t difficult hearing you in the distance with such silence in the halls.” – Ominis made it! You’re inexplicably happy to see him and share this moment with him too. So, you laugh and run to him to hold him tighter than ever. Wait, no. This is the first time you hug him at all! – “Whoa, careful there.” – He’s all flustered but you don’t get to see him as you hided your face on his greyish Skytherin coat. His complexion feels different from all the ones you’ve known. Soft, slim, strong but far from imponent; this body of his feels exactly as you would’ve imagined. And his smell is most pleasant: wood tones, sober flowers, a slight breeze. Your body appears to respond to what your senses captured from him.
– “Is everything alright?”- Ominis is not sure how to reciprocate the squeeze.
- “Perfect, Ominis. Now please, I beg you… hold me.” - You hope he doesn't care for the insistance in your voice. Rather he quickly imitates the posture of your arms in your body and locks them both without questioning further. Sebastian had to join after a minute, it’s not usual that he gets to share a moment like this with his best friends. Although, now that he thinks about it, they could hug a lot more often from now on.
The rest of your spare time you three spend it sitting in the grass, telling the silliest jokes that made your stomachs and faces hurt while finishing the coldest toast and tea you've ever had. Sebastian then noticed you’re now late to Charms’ class. Since he was first to get going you took the chance to get closer to Ominis, still seated in the ground, and reaching for his ear you whispered:
- “Today is the day, my dear friend. Meet me right here after third period for breaking into you-know-where to you-know-what. We’ll find out the truth about the note we talked about.” – Ominis tried not to make a big fuzz out of it but his body definitely reacted to the sudden contact the same way as when you gave him the hug moments ago. Good thing he’s been blushing the whole time from the sun, he’s simply not used to this closeness; he expects you won’t notice. Except, sure, the moment you helped him getting on his feet you felt his skin sweat and shiver at your touch. “How odd, I’d never imagine he’d get this nervous about breaking into a professor’s chamber when we did far worst last year”, you thought to yourself inferring his reaction had to do with the deet you’re about to make. But really, unlike Sebastian, Ominis is just an awkward boy when it comes to physical things.
Speaking of which, Sebastian took a look to you both, wide smiling. When you interrogated him, he said:
- “I’m just glad we get to spend this much time together. Don’t we have the same classes this year?”
- “Hm, now that you mention it, our core and elective classes are the same. But I wanted to do something about our extra-curricular classes.”
- “Extra-curricular?!” – Both Sebastian and Ominis yelled in disbelief.
- “What? I thought it’d be nice taking all the opportunities the school offered.” – You showed them a small piece of papyrus with the classes for this year.
- “I swear, if I didn’t know you better, I’d never believe you have fun at all.” – Sebastian laughed.
- “I manage quite well, thank you.”
- “So just to be sure…” – Ominis added after jinxing the paper so it would turn its words into brail. – “We’re taking Charms, Defense Against Dark Arts, Flying, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination AND Alchemy together? Give me a break, you see me in the common room every day. I have Sebastian sleeping next to me every night. Only [Your Name] is not there because of gender classifications…”
- “You know that not even that can stop me.”
- “…Bloody hell, we even spend time in the Undercroft. Don’t you have more friends?”
- “Plenty.” – You said unironically.
- “Not really.” – Answered Sebastian at the same time. – “Oh, but don’t forget we’re taking Magical Theory and Muggle Arts too.”
- “WE?” – Ominis is exasperated. – “I did not sign for that.”
- “Good thing you didn’t have to. Seems as she enlisted us the very first day.”
- “It’ll look chic in our curriculums.”
- “No. As I did last year with my O.W.L.s I expect them to be all Outstanding.”
- “Sebastian, tell her she’ll collapse unless she stops.”
- “Ha ha, as if me warning her about anything was ever effective.”
- “Usually is the other way around, anyway.” – You pointed. - “Hey, if you guys won’t take those classes is fine. But you have this next week to drop them off. Tomorrow we’ll have the first class of Magical Theory. Apparently, the new Professor was attending some urgent matters with the Ministry and couldn’t start classes on time. As for Muggle Art, is more of a workshop if you will, less rigorous than other courses.”
You three kept going about your academic choices as you headed towards Professor Ronan’ classroom. It felt nice discussing as normal students for a change. You wondered if the rest of your classmates constantly made these kinds of jokes. Are their everyday activities far from darkness and danger? If you could, would you trade who you are? Impossible. Someone must do it, and as strange as it sounds, you have renewed energy to face the guilt and impotence. Things are going to change for the best. Together you’ll make sure of that.
A few hours later, the time for you and Ominis to meet at the Transfiguration courtyard arrived but you don’t show up on time. That’s unusual but your friend won’t panic. Except of course, half an hour passes and there’s no sign of you. He started to wonder if you changed you mind about involving him in this research. Do you think of him as uncapable? Unlikely. Do you want to protect him? That sounds more like you. Yet you’ve agreed on the opposite, which leaves him with this final question: Did something terrible happened to you? Now he’s nervous. No, that’s an understatement. He feels sick at this scenery of you being hurt. Suddenly, someone pulls him out of his thoughts.
- “You’re Ominis Gaunt, right?” – He recognized the voice of Garreth Weasley and Ominis made a wry face immediately. Not that they’re enemies but certainly he can’t remember having a real conversation with him and adding his reputation, Ominis decided he was a poor influence after the troubles he made you endure during Professor Sharp’s class last year. In conclusion: not a fan. That’s why he doesn’t stop his tongue from its rudeness when answering:
- “What is it, Weasley? Can I help you or you’re just stating the obvious?”
- “Easy now, I’m just making a special delivery.” – He then put a small paper in Ominis’ hands. It’s jinxed with the brail he’s used to read.
“Meet me at our special room. Plan just changed. I’ll explain later. ‘This is me protecting you all.’ [Your Initials]”
Ominis recognized his own words. He told you that exact line when he tried to discourage you from knowing what happened at the Gaunt’s during holidays; a conversation only both of you know about. You guessed it right that he’d doubt of your messenger. Nonetheless, those were your initials, there’s no question. Assuming you wrote that, now you want to see him at the Room of Requirements? That’s farther away from Madame Kogawa’s chambers, unfortunately he has no other option than to make his way there as it seems you won’t appear around here. When he's finally in the right place, and before he can open his mouth, you pull him inside leading him where it smells as herbs boiling and sounds exactly as the potions stations in Sharp’s classroom.
- “Before you say anything I needed to bring you somewhere safe from prying eyes or ears. Something happened before we arrived at Charm’s class this morning, and since we were late we couldn’t know about it, so Natty told me during the session… Black came in saying they’re now making arbitrary inspections on our wands.”
- “What do you mean? Is that even possible?”
- “Apparently. That got Garreth on serious troubles. When he met you, he was on his way to detention, actually. Natty said it was like reading a criminal’s record: a list was casted from his wand and it read itself in front of everyone. She said they doubt even his aunt’s influence would save him from this one. Nothing of dark magic, but still…”
- “Then, is Black allowed to forbid certain spells apart from the unforgivable curses?”
- “I don’t think so. But he wasn’t allowed to cancel quidditch and that didn’t stop him.”
- “We could report him just like Madame Kogawa did. Stop this foolery he calls supervision. It’s plain espionage. What are we doing now?”
- “Oh, we’re still breaking in. I have plenty more reasons now to know about Kogawa’s experiences and whatever documents she keeps. But we’re doing it properly.” – You then gave him a warm flask that smelled just like the rest of the room. – “I just hope with all this rushing the potion is ready.”
- “What are you giving me exactly?”
- “We, Natty included, are drinking this invisibility potion. She knows how to cast magic without a wand, so there’s no way to track her. She’s alohomor-ing that door while guarding the entrance and we’re getting inside to search for the documents Kogawa presented to the Ministry or, if she’s responsible of the other notes I hope we may find something that gives us enough information to earn her trust. As barging.”
- “What if she’s not the one making the notes?”
- “I suppose at least we’ll be closer to the truth.”
Everything happens so quickly. Since the potion originally takes a lot more time, you’re aware the effects will wear off sooner. The instant you’re inside, Ominis accio-ed the whole room, yet you knew spells won’t work this time. - “We’ll have to make it à la muggle.” -, you said. A few moments later, Kogawa’s desk was utterly messed up until you did find the very same note Professor Omai had. Except this time, it was specifically remitted to Kogawa. Something between the lines: “It’s clear that Black is trying to punish you. As professors we must unite efforts for our students and Hogwarts autonomy. The Minister can’t keep getting away with these games.”
- “I might be even more confused now. Is the Ministry making all these changes?”
- “To be fair, our Headmaster is insufferable but not bright enough to prohibit magic altogether. Not without protection or a plan. Makes sense once you think about it.” – Ominis pointed and swiftly added. – “I think I might have found something else…” He then handed you an open notebook, the pages he showed you were totally blank.
- “Um, I’m sorry Ominis, I don’t think I follow. There’s nothing written on them.”
- “Oh, is that so? I should have guessed. Except… I feel the words. I can only assume that Kogawa must had written over these very pages, maybe for support. The thing is… it seems as she wrote back to whoever send her the first note. It's marked right here.”
- “Ominis, you’re a genius.” – Of course made sense that your friend was able to recognize the textures quick-wittedly, he’s had a lifetime of practice with brail. – “Next time we’re around Hogsmeade I’m inviting you the butterbeers.” – You finally laughed while Ominis extracted both pages delicately so you can analyze them later.
Everything is going according to plan except that Natty rushes inside with half her body appearing. - “Guys, I hate to break it to you this way but someone’s coming and the potion is already losing effect. Are you all done? Are we hiding or are we leaving?”
- “I think is best we leave right now. Whatever Kogawa is keeping here is not worth the risk now that we know the Ministry itself is implementing all this shadowing measures.”
- “Now, why that doesn’t surprise me?” – Natty said and you three turned to the door except it was too late. The handle started to turn and you’re casting the dissillusionment spell as fast as you can. Surely Kowaga will notice but you still must try, don’t you?
Suddenly a shorter figure enters the room rather indifferent to the three transparent students in front of him. It’s Amit Thakkar and he’s carrying a tower of books. Of course! You’ve seen him making errands for professors all the time. Surely Kogawa sent him in, with her class about to start she couldn’t spare a moment to do so. Now, the books in his sight will protect you all for a moment, but you still have to make your way out of here. At least that’s what you were trying to do until Natty changed her mind. She took Ominis’ hand along with yours and accio on Amit only to appear at the Central Hogwarts Valley.
Ominis was not happy. – “What in Merlin’s beard was that? Where are we?”
- “Ominis, it’s okay. We made an apparition.” – You pulled him close so he would feel safer. – “Natty, what was that? We were so close to getting out.”
- “I’m aware. But it occurred to me that our friend here could be of help in our search.”
Amit is not the bravest wizard you’ve meet but he’s good keeping secrets when asked to. Except, convincing him of your cause will be difficult since he won’t stop yelling and pushing you away.
- ��Are you all insane? I thought I was about to die. I’m reporting you all to Deputy Headmistress. I demand you to return me to the castle.” – Natty laughed lightheartedly at Amit’s demands.
- “Not so fast, my friend. Let’s take a walk and a talk.” – Natty offered him a piece of… chocolate? He certainly felt a lot more at ease at the friendly gesture and followed her into the woods. She winked at you as saying, ‘Just wait here and see’. You just know Natsai won’t have any trouble convincing him to work with you for she can be quite persuasive. In fact, his cooperation is exactly what you need right now. An ally amongst professors.
Meanwhile Ominis recovered his composure and realized you were holding hands. How attentive of you, trying to calm him down even when you’re deeply nervous as well. He could tell by feeling the way your hand shivered and sweated in his. He wasn’t planning in letting go soon but as if you were thinking the same as him, you drop his fingers and brushed it off with small talk.
- “I… think I’ll study the pages we just extracted from the notebook back at the Room of Requirements. If that’s okay with you. I could send you another of those brail notes to let you know is ready.”
- “Sure, that’s a great idea. But um… you could just let me know in class.”
- “Although you’re right, I was thinking if you could help me with something else.” – Ominis feels immediately unsettled by your tone.
- “Anne’s been avoiding me, and I think is because she believes I had something to do with Sebastian’s situation. I can’t blame her, is because of me that he was able to search and found all that information about dark... About those things. I was thinking if you could spend some more time with her, turn into her confident and if she feels like it, she could get closer to me. You're already good friends, it should be easy. But first she must know we’re not plotting something sinister. You know what I mean?”
- “I think I follow. We could try it… for a while. But if it doesn’t work we should simply talk with her. We could do it together if you will.” – Ominis is trying not to make obvious that he’s not comfortable with said plan, but he knows how much you care about Anne and what she thinks of you. Because in the end, you consider her a close friend too. This time you didn’t even have to try convincing him. He’s willing to make an effort for his friend.
Of course, nothing about him seems to escape your senses, and you’re making changes in your renewed plan to make him feel better. – “It’s not like we’re going to stop hanging out. You can always come to the Room. Or we could see each other at the Undercroft.”
- “I’d much rather spend our time at the Room of Requirements. The Undercroft’s fine but it feels as it holds too much of the Sallows, don’t you agree?”
You gifted him the brightest laugh. – “I do know what you mean. Quite ironic if we remember that very chamber was known to your family only.”
- “Oh, don’t make me start into the whole Gaunt’s decorative decisions inside the castle. I deeply disagree with them. Even without sight I can tell is not an inviting atmosphere. I own a warmer taste.”
- “Ominis, now that you mention it, I’ve been wanting to ask you. And I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive. But… how would you describe your perception of spaces? Back there you’ve shown me your sense of touch and its capabilities. I wonder if…”
- “… If the rest of my senses are alike? Well, some people do rely on touch or hearing. Or if they'd lost sight gradually, they possess some sort of guide of familiar places and things. But for me, being blind since my birth, it drove me to pay attention to details and rely mostly on my memory and the way I feel around places, things, and people from an early age. If you ask me, I do believe sometimes people underestimate the role of memory. Alongside that, every sense, thought, sensation and emotion works together to navigate me throughout the world, just like any other person. If I’m honest with you, I don’t think I ever had a complex about it. And now that my wand does so much for me, things are only easier. I feel more than capable of being independent.”
- “I greatly thank you for telling me all this, Ominis. And if you allow me, I would like to make a confession. Since we’ve met, I’ve admired you for your great sense of justice and autonomy from your family’s ethos. It’s not easy leaving one’s family, even if one knows they’re not right. I’ve seen you constantly questioning the nature of injustices and you’ve made a stand about it. You’re not indifferent to what surrounds you, and I think it would be unfair to disregard how much endeavor you put into making of these places you live in, well… much better. Thank you, Ominis.”
- “I… well, I’m… I try. Sorry, I mean…” – Ominis is speechless. Not in a million years he would have guessed you had that esteem for him. Undoubtedly, your words have moved him deep. Oh, now that he knows this he’s going to miss you so much these next weeks. How could you do this to him?
He even won’t be able to put his ideas into order for you since Natty just reemerged with a tranquil Amit by her arm saying - “Are you ready for dinner?” And just like that he’s back to the Great Hall listening you talk with Sebastian from afar just like the first night.
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fractured-hq · 1 year
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MAY 26, 1982 – The Order of the Phoenix carries out an operation to recover the stolen cup of Helga Hufflepuff, one of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes.
BACKSTORY: Sometime in April of 1982, REGULUS BLACK heard from his cousin BELLATRIX LESTRANGE that the Dark Lord had tasked her and RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE with safekeeping HELGA HUFFLEPUFF’S CUP in their Gringotts vault. Regulus, remembering his conversation with CAITRIONA BURKE earlier in the year where she confirmed that Hufflepuff’s Cup went missing during TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE’S employment at Borgin and Burke’s, came to the realization that there was a Horcrux in the Lestrange vault. Regulus supplied this information to ALBUS DUMBLEDORE and the heist operation was soon hatched.
The plan is to infiltrate Gringotts and steal Hufflepuff’s Cup from the Lestrange’s vault without raising suspicion to the Goblins or Death Eaters until the Cup is in the Order’s hands. SIRIUS BLACK and ALICE LESTRANGE would pass as their relatives using Polyjuice Potion with the hair ingredients of Bellatrix and Rodolphus provided by REGULUS BLACK.
SIRIUS BLACK and ALICE LESTRANGE will be followed by EMMELINE VANCE using JAMES POTTER’S Invisibility Cloak to get through the gates and accompany them to the vault, and jump to action if necessary to make sure the heist is completed without raising suspicion. PRIYA RAJANI PATIL and REMUS LUPIN will be posted in the lobby of Gringotts as lookouts.
However, unbeknownst to the Order, Lord Voldemort has Gringotts under vigilance by his followers. On the day of the heist, SEVERUS SNAPE and JASON MULCIBER are on watch within the lobby and outside of the bank. Their suspicions are raised when ‘Bellatrix’ and ‘Rodolphus’ come to visit their vault, as they had not been informed they would. After alerting their master of their suspicions, LORD VOLDEMORT immediately calls upon the Death Eaters, including PETER PETTIGREW and REGULUS BLACK, to descend upon Gringotts and prevent the Order from leaving with Hufflepuff’s Cup by any means possible, including taking civilians hostage. A battle breaks out within Gringotts between the Order and the Death Eaters, with the hostages caught in the crossfire. TED TONKS, ANDROMEDA TONKS, RITA SKEETER, PANDORA LOVEGOOD, XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD, and TIBERIUS OGDEN become the civilians inside of Gringotts that are held hostage.
Soon, Aurors arrive upon the scene, including FRANK LONGBOTTOM and AMELIA BONES, with orders to rescue the hostages and arrest any thieves, Order members, and Death Eaters they could. Death Eaters and Order members eventually flee the bank and the hostages are recovered by the Aurors. Though not without difficulty, SIRIUS BLACK, ALICE LESTRANGE, and EMMELINE VANCE successfully steal the Horcrux from the Lestrange vault. The Horcrux is passed to MARY MACDONALD and KIERAN OLLIVANDER, who are instructed to fly away from the scene on broom to deliver it to ALBUS DUMBLEDORE at an undisclosed location.
REGULUS BLACK obtained hairs belonging to Bellatrix and Rodolphus to supply the Polyjuice Potion. He is called to action by Voldemort to Gringotts.
LILY POTTER brews the Polyjuice Potion prior to the operation.
SIRIUS BLACK and ALICE LESTRANGE are tasked with drinking the Polyjuice and disguising themselves, with Sirius posing as Bellatrix and Alice posing as Rodolphus.
BENJY FENWICK previously supplied knowledge about the inner workings and thief traps of Gringotts from his experience as a Curse Breaker.
EMMELINE VANCE accompanies Sirius Black and Alice Lestrange during the mission underneath JAMES POTTER’S invisibility cloak. She is to carry the dupe Cup, Confund (or even Imperio) the Goblins to ensure the robbery is carried out, and carry the Horcrux out of the bank.
REMUS LUPIN and PRIYA RAJANI PATIL are posted in the lobby of Gringotts bank to keep watch and alert the Order if anything went wrong.
MARY MACDONALD and KIERAN OLLIVANDER are posted outside of Gringotts bank. They are tasked with retrieving Hufflepuff’s Cup from Emmeline and delivering it to Albus Dumbledore.
SEVERUS SNAPE and JASON MULCIBER are keeping watch at Gringotts. They are also called to action by Voldemort to fight the Order, retrieve Hufflepuff’s Cup, and take any hostages as necessary.
PETER PETTIGREW is called to action by Voldemort to fight the Order, retrieve Hufflepuff’s Cup, and take any hostages as necessary.
Beginning on Friday, May 26, 2023, players are welcome to write out the Gringotts break-in, the lead up to the operation, the ensuing battle, or the aftermath. The purpose of this event is to advance the war and the ongoing hunt for Horcruxes. Despite the detailed plot structure above, players have the freedom to write the event as they believe their characters would behave through it and we encourage any ideas you may have. Characters that are not actively present at the time of the break-in are also welcome to react to the news of it or a loved one's involvement. Players are welcome to create starters related to the event through June 30th, 2023.
Prompts to consider: What side of the war does your character find themselves on? How does your character prepare for the lead up to the operation? How does your character react to being held hostage, seeing hostages, or being told to hold people hostage?  Is your character injured or arrested? How do they handle a loved one being injured, arrested, or held hostage? What suspicions will be raised about Hufflepuff’s Cup being stolen?
Make sure to tag any starters or drabbles with ‘fracturedrpevent’. Most importantly, have fun and happy writing! 
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
Dragon Delights
Dragon Delights https://ift.tt/f83xZcY by xxxkia Dragon Delights is Diagon Alley's newest bakery, run by no other than Draco Malfoy himself. Despite his probation, he was allowed to follow this rather surprising career path. And well - he is quite good at it. That's why Harry and Ron ask him to expand his business into the Muggle World to spy on Hermione Granger. The Golden Girl disappeared after the war, isolated herself and she even attacked Ron and Harry to get away from them. And now it's Draco's task to find out what is wrong with her. But he was never good with Granger, so instead of talking, he decides to use his baking skills instead. This is a revised version of my original fanfic, which I posted (and never finished) in 2016. Words: 4148, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Dragon Delights Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Original Muggle Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Original Male Character(s), Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter, Ron Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: POV Draco Malfoy, Potions, Potioneer Draco Malfoy, Baker Draco Malfoy, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Curse Breaking, cursed hermione granger, Imperio | Imperius Curse (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, I will protect Ron at any cost, Draco Malfoy & Ron Weasley Friendship, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Friendship, Malfoy Manor, Diagon Alley (Harry Potter), looooooots of baking, Draco loves his house elves btw, part 1 is the dramione build-up, part 2 will be the full-on dramoine, Mental Health Issues, Mental Instability, Dark Magic, magic abuse, Slow Burn via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/spj6HmR October 23, 2022 at 11:56AM
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Voldemort vs Faculty III (From Ch 3)
“You were weak enough to give valuable information to that old fool and stupid enough to think he could provide you with safety. You’ve made your choice, now for some fitting consequences. How about you do the honor of ending one of your students? Imperio!”
Horace couldn’t feel the pain in his leg anymore. Nor could he feel the exhaustion that had been gripping him moments before. 
He heard a voice inside his head. The disembodied voice told him to kill the witch in front of him. A nagging thought in the back of his head feebly fought with the voice, but it was no use. Killing her would be easy, and it would make everything better.
The portly wizard stepped forward and trained his wand on the witch, who was kicking at another wizard robed in black. Quite impolite of her to kick like that, he thought. The wizard seemed to almost be caressing her, but she struck at his outstretched hand. Yes, killing her was the best course of action. 
The nagging thought was becoming more and more frantic. It was trying to wrest his concentration away from his task. It seemed to be trying to convince him that he knew this strange woman. And there was something familiar about her… But no, the voice was certain that he must kill her. There just wasn’t any other option.
“Hor… Horace…” wheezed the professor, even as Voldemort’s grip tightened.
Slughorn’s glassy eyes shot open. “‘MONA!” he cried, as a blast of green light shot from his wand, not at his former student, colleague, and friend, but at the monster holding her. Before the light reached its target, Voldemort brought her in between the curse and himself. Her body went limp in his hand, and he flung her corpse to the floor in front of the horrified caster.
Horace Slughorn fell to his knees. His wand slipped from his fingers as he grabbed Pomona’s still-warm hands in his. Voldemort stepped forward and said something to him, but he didn’t hear what had been spoken. He simply looked at the bright and inquisitive student who had wowed him all those years ago with how quickly she took to potion making. His thoughts fluttered to her fifth year when she had actually taught him about lesser-known properties of gurdyroot and how it could enhance potions. He’d just gone over those findings with his sixth-years a week ago. Last year, he’d headed to her greenhouses to remind her of the story as soon as his class covering gurdyroot had finished. With everything that was going on, he had yet to mention it this year. He’d planned to remind her of it over the weekend.
A flash of green light reflected in the tears that were flowing freely down his large cheeks.
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solrises · 1 year
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Ruinas de la Misión Jesuítica Santísima Trinidad, Trinidad, Departamento de Itapúa, Paraguay
La orden religiosa de La Compañía de Jesús fundada por San Ignacio de Loyola desarrolló entre los siglos XVI y XVIII una impresionante tarea de evangelización global y dentro de este contexto fueron célebres las 30 misiones jesuíticas fundadas entre los guaranies. Pero los jesuitas no fueron los primeros religiosos en llegar al Paraguay y tampoco los iniciadores del sistema de las misiones que fue, en realidad, una creación de sacerdotes franciscanos. La orden fundada por San Francisco de Asís arribó ya en 1538 a estos territorios donde el Imperio Español estaba implementando su sistema colonial basado en el violento sometimiento de los pueblos originarios. Los franciscanos primero y luego, con mas entasis aun, los jesuitas tomaron partido por los nativos.
The religious order of La Compañía de Jesús founded by San Ignacio de Loyola carried out an impressive task of global evangelization between the 16th and 18th centuries, and within this context the 30 Jesuit missions founded among the Guarani were celebrated. But the Jesuits were not the first religious to arrive in Paraguay and neither were they the initiators of the mission system, which was actually a creation of Franciscan priests. The order founded by San Francisco de Asís already arrived in 1538 in these territories where the Spanish Empire was implementing its colonial system based on the violent subjugation of the original peoples. First the Franciscans and then, with even more zeal, the Jesuits sided with the natives.
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xlucindatalkalotx · 5 years
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•    AGE → twenty-five. •    DOB → january 1st. •    SEX → cisfemale. •    SEXUALITY → isn’t sure. doesn’t care. •    BLOOD STATUS → half-blood pureblood. •    AFFILIATION → neutral. •    RELATIONSHIP STATUS → single. single to the core. •    SHIPS → lucinda/chemistry. •    ANTI-SHIPS →  lucinda/no chemistry.
•    HEIGHT → 5” 6’. •    EYE COLOUR → cedar brown. •    HAIR COLOUR → coffee brown. •    HAIR STYLE → tight curls. •   SCARS / DISTINGUISHING FEATURES → knuckle scrapes from quidditch that she wear with pride. freckles on her face. •    CLOTHING STYLE → no dresses. anything but dresses. comfortable on her days off. her tailored quidditch uniform. but the jersey from her last year at hogwarts is her favorite thing to wear by far.
•    HOUSE → slytherin. •    EXTRACURRICULARS → quidditch. quidditch.  dueling. quidditch. quidditch. •    WAND → chestnut; unicorn tail hair; rigid, 10 1/2” •    PATRONUS → blackbird – the blackbird patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. they keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. while they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times. •    BOGGART → a pureblood friend from school holding a wand to her head with tears streaming down her face — an assumption her secret has been found out and is getting what she deserves for lying for so many years. •    AMORTENTIA → she has yet to figure that out. •    MIRROR OF ERISED →  an eleven year old lucinda proudly announcing she is a half-blood.
•    HOMETOWN → the remote parts of cornwall. •    PARENTS → lenora and lyle talkalot. •    SIBLINGS: → younger nonmagical twins, lori and landon talkalot. •    FAMILY DYNAMIC → resentment between siblings. lucinda’s siblings were excited for their big sister when she got her hogwarts letter because they looked forward to theirs but when they didn’t receive one, jealousy became an issue. lucinda felt guilt so immersed herself in her studies and quidditch to get her family out of her mind. They were unsupportive once they realized the family wouldn’t be magical aside from lenora, the muggle part of the household. lucinda spends as little time with them as possible for her own self preservation. this distance between she and her family played a part in her lie about being a pureblood; she no longer wished to be part of her family.
•    LIKES → quidditch. fearless. Maintaining good health. Quiet interactions. Traveling. •    DISLIKES → dishonesty. cowardice. fame. alcohol and recreational drugs. crowds. •    FEARS → her secret will be found out between her family letting it out of the bag or a nosy paper looking too far into her past without her consent. being kicked off the quidditch team. •    STRENGTHS → superior physical strength. dedicated. intelligent. integrity. independent. stiff. leader. •    WEAKNESSES → lack of openness. bossy. know it all. stubborn. aggressive. •    ASTROLOGICAL SIGN → capricorn. capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are often very serious by nature. they possess an inner state of independence they are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way, make solid and realistic plans. they will learn from their mistakes and get to the top based solely on their experience and expertise. not only do they focus on the material world, but they have the ability to use the most out of it. •    MYERS BRIGGS TYPE → ISTJ-T. the defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make logisticians a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold rules and standards. people with this personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, logisticians hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience. they analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. this personality is no-nonsense. they have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience quickly if the chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, logisticians can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer; when they say they are going to get something done, they do it, meeting their obligations no matter the personal cost. logisticians have sharp, fact-based minds, and prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency to reliance on someone or something. dependency on others is often seen as a weakness, and their passion for duty, dependability and impeccable personal integrity forbid falling into such a trap. this sense of personal integrity is core to logisticians, and goes beyond their own minds – the personalities adhere to established rules and guidelines regardless of cost, reporting their own mistakes even when the consequences for doing so could be disastrous. honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and their blunt approach leaves others with the false impression that logisticians are cold, even robotic. people with this type may struggle to express emotion or affection outwardly, but the suggestion that they don’t feel, or worse have no personality at all, is deeply hurtful. logisticians need to remember to take care of themselves – they can compromise their goals in the long term as others lean ever-harder on them, creating an emotional strain that can go unexpressed for years, only finally coming out after it’s too late to fix. if they can find others who genuinely appreciate and complement their qualities, who enjoy the brightness, clarity and dependability that they offer, logisticians will find that their stabilizing role is a tremendously satisfying one, knowing that they are part of a system that works. yet they can be easily tripped up in areas where their practical and methodical approach are more of a liability than an asset. whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner or learning to relax or improvise, logisticians need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.
•    in order to fit in with the other students in slytherin house, the half-blood said she was pureblood and has now been living the lie for 14 years now. •    full name is lucinda blaze talkalot. everyone in her immediate family had a first name beginning with L. her parents loved that both their names began with the same letter and wanted to pass that on to their children. •    beater for the montrose magpies. she hopes to one day become captain but loves her position nonetheless. it gives her the chance to get out her aggression and pain in an enjoyable and safe manner. •    has difficulty in creating and maintaining friendships. she puts up many barriers to keep people at bay. it’s a struggle because she wants to let people in but is terrified at the prospect of being rejected yet again. there are very few people who have attempted to climb that wall. •    she has never been in a romantic relationship because her focus has always been so narrow. she also hasn’t felt like anyone was worth her time and distraction. however, she’s lonely. secretly she wants and craves gentle affection, from any kind of relationship but scared to put herself out there. after all, if her family rejected her, she’s not who she says she is in a time of war and her career is the most important thing to her. she doesn’t know how to juggle any of that but is finding herself finally wanting something important. •    pinterest board.
•    the friend (any house). undetermined if she has a best friend but can be discussed. they may have figured out her secret/was the only person lucinda could tell; the only person she truly trusts. this friendship is most likely one held in secret if from a different house. lots of discussion with the mun interested. •    hogwarts friends. most likely slytherin since that’s who she worked so hard to fit in with. this person/people could be the who she initially lies to and ends up feels incredibly guilty but maintains a friendly exterior in remembering the good old days. •    the enemy. anyone could get lucinda angry but this person goes above and beyond. could have been a bully at school who she showed up and they resent her for it — or the other way around. either way, their disdain for each other is palpable and they don’t try to hide it. •    the rival. another quidditch pro/wannabe pro. thinks they’re better than lucinda which she finds insulting and is ready to prove wrong a moments notice. •    the super fan. this person is in love with lucinda and her quidditch career; follows all her games, knows her moves, reads about her in the papers. lucinda normally hates being in the public eye but this person could actually make her proud to be a star.
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xgretacatchlovex · 5 years
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basics ;;
AGE → eighteen.
DOB → december 12th.
SEX → cisfemale.
SEXUALITY → fluid.
BLOOD STATUS → muggleborn.
AFFILIATION → neutral.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS → single but doesn’t shy away from flings.
SHIPS → greta/chemistry.
ANTI-SHIPS → greta/no chemistry.
appearance ;;
HEIGHT → 5′ 10″.
EYE COLOUR → piercing blue.
HAIR COLOUR → shades of gold.
HAIR STYLE → wavy. braids. wild.
SCARS / DISTINGUISHING FEATURES → freckles. everywhere. and distinct burn scars on her right foot.
CLOTHING STYLE → somewhere between hippy and party attire.
wizarding world information ;;
HOUSE → hufflepuff.
EXTRACURRICULARS → magical creatures club.
WAND → dogwood. dragonheart string. pliant. 11”.
PATRONUS → hummingbird. in a blink of an eye, casters of this patronus are often capable of a high level of tactical acumen that allows them to quickly get in and out. the small shape and beautiful design of these birds also hint to a witch or wizard’s allusiveness to pursuers captivated by the hummingbird’s charm.
BOGGART → her childhood home being burned to the ground.
AMORTENTIA → sweat. lavender. strawberries. pine.
MIRROR OF ERISED → greta at her best selling book signing with fans lined up around the block and her loved ones behind her.
family information ;;
HOMETOWN → kent, the garden of england.
PARENTS → noah and lucy catchlove.
SIBLINGS → none.
PETS → none.
FAMILY DYNAMIC → greta was noah and lucy’s miracle baby. they weren’t supposed to have children but when they had her, their whole lives changed. everything revolved around the blonde. they took the road of being lenient parents leaving greta the chance to do as she pleased with little repercussions. she wasn’t always finding herself in trouble, but when she did, boy did she ever. they were not surprised when she got her hogwarts letter. the only concern they had was how to pay for everything but managed to pull it together. to the present, greta is extremely close to her parents and they continue to support her in every way they can. when she makes it big, she plans on making sure they need for nothing.
personality ;;
LIKES → freedom. dancing. smiling. helping others. sunshine. writing.
DISLIKES → closed-mindedness. persistent negativity. being told what to do. not doing things on her own time.
FEARS → being let down. not being good enough. disgracing her family. having a huge target on her back.
STRENGTHS → open-minded. loving. positive. creative.
WEAKNESSES → distractible. self-destructive tendencies. flighty.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN → sagittarius. curious and energetic, their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander in search of the meaning of life. sagittarius is extroverted, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes change. they are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and will do anything to achieve their goals. they need to be constantly in touch with the world to experience as much as possible. their enthusiasm has no bounds, and therefore possess a great sense of humor and an intense curiosity. freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies.
MYERS BRIGGS TYPE → ENFP-A.  they know how to relax, and are perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often with a suddenness that can surprise even their closest friends. being in the mix also gives them a chance to connect emotionally with others, giving them cherished insight into what motivates their friends. they believe everyone should take the time to recognize and express their feelings, their empathy and sociability make that a natural conversation topic. campaigners will spend a lot of time exploring social relationships, feelings and ideas before they find something that really rings true. known for their idealism and enthusiasm, they are good at dealing with unexpected challenges and brightening the lives of those around them. campaigners’ imagination is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.
headcanons and key points ;;
→ full name is greta aurora catchlove. her maternal grandmother, aurora, passed away before greta was born and her mother wanted to commemorate her and give greta a connection to her extended family.
→ greta has a huge fear of fire. when she was six, she got too close to the fireplace after seeing lucy stir the ashes. the mixture in the air looked green to greta and she was intrigued, believing it would take her to a faraway land if she walked through it. once her foot hit the flames, her world went black until she woke up in the hospital with scars on her right foot that have never gone away. she still hasn’t mastered being able to use the floo network because of it.
→ growing up without a pet wasn’t the end of the world for greta, but once she got to hogwarts and saw the many creatures the world inhabited her eyes grow wide. she wished she could take crups and bowtruckles home with her over the holidays and to share with her parents but wasn’t allowed. because of that, she immersed herself into magical creatures while at hogwarts.
→ ever since she was a little girl, greta kept journal after journal after journal with her no matter where she went. she began writing before she could understand what she was writing. it soon became an aspiration of hers to have something published. anything. but during her fifth year of school, she made a pact with herself to compile at least one book in her lifetime. she has tried coming up with different ideas but nothing important enough has stuck.
→ traveling is something greta has always dreamed of, but because of her family’s meager earnings it’s only remained a dream. she hopes that one day she will be able to visit the lost ruins, the mountains in switzerland, the forests of the states and everywhere in between. her imaginative mind holds no bounds and neither does her desire to stay in one place her entire life.
→ pinterest board.
connections and wanted connections ;;
→ party hard friend(s). greta is a party girl. she enjoys being around people and finds that going out or having raucous nights in are her favorite ways to do that. she needs someone to encourage that and go right along with her.
→ ex that actually meant something (no gender preference). this is most likely someone from school who saw her outside the parties and inebriation. they got through the exterior she lets everyone see.
→ the best friend. this person sees all her sides and she there’s. she’s able to be herself, sit in a quiet room with this person, laughing or crying, it doesn’t matter.  → daisy hookum
→ the enemy. this person(s) hates greta for everything she is; the positivity, trying to be there when something is wrong, the partying. greta tries to be friendly with them but snaps.
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years
Imperio Task || Task 1
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Character Introductions
AGE → 19 
DOB → 19th September 1960
SEX → Make
SEXUALITY → Bisexual (tending towards men)
AFFILIATION → The Order of the Phoenix
SHIPS → Peter/Chemistry
ANTI-SHIPS → Peter/Forced & Peter/No Chemistry
HEIGHT → 5′ 7″ 
EYE COLOUR → Light Green
HAIR COLOUR → Dirty Blond
HAIR STYLE → Slightly too long & messy (rarely styled)
SCARS / DISTINGUISHING FEATURES → Surprisingly few. Peter’s got a small scar running up the top of his leg and a large one along his left forearm (a souvenir from when a cat nabbed him in rat form)
CLOTHING STYLE → Peter dresses in very boring clothes, plain robes or greys, beige and blacks. Outside of Wizard-wear he dresses in jeans, boots and jumpers that are always a size or two too big, the ends of the sleeves are always coming undone since he pulls on the threads out of nerves 
HOUSE → Gryffindor
EXTRACURRICULARS → Peter was pretty good member of the Gobstones club. 
WAND → Chesnut & Dragonheart String, Nine-and-a-quarter inches. Brittle.
PATRONUS → A Rat, like his animagus form. The rat is not necessarily seen in a positive light and reasons for this could be the creatures habit to live in dark and grimy places but they are also seen by some to be creatures of high intelligence, luck and, most of all, adaptability. 
BOGGART → His own dead body. No matter how awful the world is at least he’s alive.. Dying is worse.. It could only be worse. Often when he see’s his own corpse staring sightlessly back at him his shaky breaths come quick and his hands begin to tremble before he falls apart, overtaken by his fear. On the rare occasions Peter can best a boggart he manages to force it to change into a large puppet on strings and began to dance about. Despite finding the image funny, Peter is often still too shaken to laugh.  
AMORTENTIA → A Burning Fire. Peter associates this smell with his childhood. The small cottage his parents owned was almost always cold so in Winter the fire burned throughout the night. He often had nightmares that his parents refused to comfort him through so he’d pull his blanket down to the small parlour and sit in front of the fire; it’s warmth and light putting him more at ease. Fresh Animal Bedding. It’s a habit he keeps to himself, but more and more lately Peter has taken to sleeping in his animagus form; he keeps a rat cage under his bed and he feels safer sleeping in that burrowed under fresh bedding, hidden from the world. He hasn’t even told his fellow marauders this for fear they may laugh at him for it.      
MIRROR OF ERISED → Peter would see, Himself. At first he’d wonder what he was looking at, that it was just a mirror, but then he’d notice the differences... He would be standing tall, a half-smirk on his face, arms crossed, chin up. What Peter see’s is himself but full of confidence, completely comfortable in his own skin and happy deep down. Knowing it’s something he’ll probably never have for himself, he can’t keep looking at it for long, it only upsets him and makes him hunch into himself more, so different from the confidence person looking out at him.  
HOMETOWN → Rhondda Valley (A coal mining town in Wales)
PARENTS → Iolo Pettigrew (Father) Mary Pettigrew (Mother)
SIBLINGS: → No Siblings
PETS → No Pets
FAMILY DYNAMIC → Peter was a very early and unplanned pregnancy for his mother and father. Though his parents love each other, there was always an amount of resentment towards Peter for being born. The family didn’t communicate well, or at all and after his mother had a heart attack at twenty four their family structure fell apart even further. These days Peter never talks to them and knows he isn’t missed... He’d rather not inflict his presence upon them when it’s not wanted. 
LIKES → His friends. Sweets & Chocolate. Feeling Safe. Burying Himself in Blankets or Bedding. 
DISLIKES → Conflict. Violence. Tests, and (to some degree) Himself.
FEARS → Too many things to list individually. Peter always finds the fear in almost anything, his brain shoots to it and he ends up giving up before he can even try unless others can talk him up again. Most of all though, he fears an untimely death in this war.  
STRENGTHS → Peter is a very good listener, he can hear people’s troubles and offer surprisingly good advice, he’s handy with other people’s problems but fails badly when it comes to his own. He’s also very adaptable and when push comes to shove can think on the fly to get himself and others around him out of trouble (he’s always shocked at these events though). 
WEAKNESSES → Peter is a complete coward, he can’t cope on his own and relies so heavily on his friends, constantly convinced he’s one more misstep away from having them turn and cast him away for good. This cowardice also feeds into selfishness, Peter’s desperation to stay alive can lead him to make selfish decisions in the heat of the moment since he feels he has no choice at all... To him, death is never an option. 
I’ve written a long bio for Peter here if anyone is interested. 
Peter has a bad habit of stuttering when he becomes very overwhelmed, it makes it difficult for him to cast spells effectively or conduct himself in a profession manner. To this end he prefers to keep silent and find a quiet place to come back to himself when things get too much... This is happening more and more lately. 
Despite his predisposition to nerves something can rarely happen when Peter reaches a point of completely overcome. He reaches an almost ‘zen’ state of mind and becomes able to plan effectively and concisely then act on those plans. Often he doesn’t remember exactly what he’s done when the moment’s past and is more shocked than anyone else by these actions.  
I’m happy to get ahold of any and all connections! I want to play with Peter and his eventual role in what happens to James & Lily (cries) so Order Member, Death Eater & Neutral connections are welcome! :D 
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smalls-words · 2 years
What Three Words?
Summary: Part 2 to Dancing In Pyjamas. The Second and Third Tasks are done, but will you save her? Or will she save you?
Pairings: Hermione Granger x Jock!Fem!Reader, Harry Potter x Reader (platonic and a lil' something else).
Warnings: Sappy love stuff involving saving Hermione; torture, blood, mind control but with victim knowledgable (Imperio, Imperius Curse), bodily control with added pain (Crucio, Cruciatus Curse), near-death experience. And then some more fluff :)
A/N - This is the most I've written in ages!! She's also a bit rushed, but I couldn't let myself go to sleep without finishing her off! I also changed it a bit, so see if you can spot it! (it's really not that hard tbh, i just didn't know how else to do it)
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*let's pretend Ron isn't there, not my gif*
A few days later, morning came and you weren’t greeted by Hermione upon waking. Normally, you’d brush it off, but today you had Potions together and you kind of needed her. However, you let it go and headed down to breakfast, noticing Harry was sitting alone too. 
“Where’s Granger and Weasley?” You asked as you sat opposite him.
“I don’t know. But I’ve got my Second Task  of the tournament later. Are you coming?” He looked up at you before taking a bite of his toast.
“Yeah. Do you know what the task is?” You replied.
He nodded. “The egg held the clue.”
“Well do you remember it?” 
He nodded again. “Come and seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you’ll have to look, to recover what we took.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What do you think they took?” 
“I don’t know. Probably a treasured item of the contestants - come to think of it, I haven’t seen some of my things lately.”
“Maybe they took them?” You offered and he sighed. 
“Maybe. You should go to Potions. The quicker you get it done, the quicker you can come down to the Black Lake.”
You nodded and stood when your plate was empty, giving him one last glance. “I don’t blame you, by the way. You just… got caught up in the middle of it.” 
He gave you a thankful expression before you left, your mind still worrying about Hermione. She’d never miss a class, she was a star student.
She’d never miss one on purpose.
After Potions, which you were tempted to rename Hell because of Snape, you made your way down to the Black Lake with the other students. The twin Weasleys were offering bets for anyone and you passed them both, shaking your head as you patted them on the back. 
You hopped into one of the boats that coincidentally rowed next to the competitor’s boat, your kind eyes giving Harry some confidence. You scanned the boats around you, looking almost desperately for Hermione, but not even Ron was around. 
*They might already be on the lake. Calm down, Y/N.* You thought to yourself as the boat came to a halt. 
You climbed off, thanking Professor McGonagall as she helped you. “Professor, where’s Granger?” 
She gave you a look that confused you. It seemed worried, almost like she was trying to warn you. “Go find a seat, Y/N. We’ll be starting very shortly.” 
“Welcome to the Second Task!” Dumbledore’s voice echoed out, your House professor rushing you along onto one of the lower platforms. 
“Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough… except for this.” 
Your eyes scanned the dark waters, the clouds above no help. Your mind wandered to wild places and assumptions, but surely they couldn’t be correct…
“They will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they’ll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon-”
The cannon blasted and everyone around Filch got to experience his rotten-toothed smile. The three other champions dove into the water, and you watched Moody shove Harry in, giving you a slight giggle that was odd when your stomach was churning.
Time passed and Cedric returned to the surface with Cho, your worst fear confirmed. 
*If Ron and Hermione are gone, that means Harry is probably going to rescue Ron and Viktor will rescue Hermione.* 
However, Fleur came to the surface, begging for help as the grindylows attacked her. You threw out a Stupefy and stunned the grindylows, helping Fleur out of the water since you were standing on the ‘finish line’ stand. 
“Th-Thank you.” She shivered, cuts all over her body whilst bite marks pressed into her thighs and arms.
“Don’t worry about it. Go get a towel.” You ushered her past.
Another splash behind you alerted you and you almost dove in to help Hermione swim. Viktor’s shark head transfigured away and he helped Hermione swim towards your outstretched hand, a single pull wrenching her out of the freezing water.
“Y/N? Y/N!” She realised it was you and hugged you tightly, your grip slightly tight on her.
“Come on, you need to get these robes off and a towel.” 
You saw Seamus in the corner of your eye supplying towels and grabbed two, helping Hermione strip down as much as decently possible before wrapping her up. You rubbed up and down her arms in an attempt to keep her warm, but her blue lips and shaking form alarmed you.
“Accio Firebolt!” McGonagall cast behind you, worry built into the wrinkles of her forehead as she nodded to you.
“Get her to Madam Pomfrey.” 
You nodded back and caught your broomstick as it came grinding to a halt, hopping on as McGonagall fiddled with your broom. She placed a hand on your knee and you looked down at Hermione behind you, her soaked robes wetting yours.
“Go. Go, now!” McGonagall shouted at you.
You sped off, aiming straight for the nursing wing. Whimpers from Hermione echoed in your ears and gave you every ounce of motivation, one hand holding onto the broomstick whilst the other wrapped around her awkwardly.
“Hold on, Hermione. Just hold on for me.” You ushered.
She nodded, wrapping her arms around your waist even tighter but her shivers weren’t very good at keeping her still. Eventually, you swerved into the nursing wing with a few shouts from students, but when you came to the front door, you jumped off easily and burst through.
“I need some help, please! She’s too cold!” You yelled out, with Madam Pomfrey immediately coming towards you.
She nodded, pointing out the window as she told you that McGonagall sent a message - a bright blue firework had gone off. You sat down away from the nurses as they prepared to undress Hermione, pulling the cover sheet around her bed. 
When the nurses pulled the sheet back around, they invited you to sit by the bed before leaving you alone with her. You instantly pulled off your robe, leaving you in the rest of your uniform, and draped it over her like a blanket. 
You held her hand softly as you cupped it against your lips. “Come on, Hermione. Stay with me here.” 
You were surprised when she seemed to listen, her eyes opening. “Y/N? Have… Have you learnt a new spell recently where you can split yourself into two?”
You shook your head with a soft chuckle, bringing her hands into your lap. “No, Granger. I’m afraid that’s just your double vision.”
“Ah…” She sighed, sitting up weakly.
“Hey, hey, hey. Stay down, Hermione. You need to let your body catch up.” You pushed her back down gently, her nose brushing against yours as she tried to stay up.
“Granger…” You warned her.
She giggled softly and stopped pushing, but neither of you moved your heads. Her hand glided up your arm and she gave you a hazy smile as she cupped your cheek. “Stop worrying about me.”
“You are literally seeing double.” You sternly spoke.
“Well, lucky me - I get to see the most beautiful face in the world twice.” She countered, lifting her chin ever so slightly to capture your top lip.
Hermione was kissing you. Hermione Jean Granger, quite possibly the smartest witch of your generation, was kissing you ever so softly, like she’d practised countless times before. It was slow, it was gentle, and it was perfect. 
Except for the fact that she pulled away, leaving you both breathless. Her eyes started to shut and your hand moved behind her head, gently laying it back down.
“So so beautiful…” She trailed off, falling back asleep. 
You sat down next to her and lightly pressed your fingers to your lips, still feeling the phantom touch of her. You wanted to never forget it, but as the hours passed by, you eventually succumbed to sleep, hoping that what you just experienced wasn’t a dream.
When Hermione woke, the heat around her felt comforting; warm enough to easily pull her back asleep if she so wished, but cold enough to not make her sweat. As she sat up slowly, she realised that she didn’t have many clothes on, but the familiarity of a robe in her grip made her look around.
Your sleeping form was enough to stop her thoughts.
She’d never seen you sleep before. It was odd - seeing your face still when it normally held a grin or smirk of some sort. Sure, you looked peaceful, but there was a furrow in your brows that she recognised as an unpleasant dream. 
Then her eyes trailed down your body. Your uniform sagged slightly from the position you sat in, but she relatively knew what it looked like. Many evenings spent by you as you worked out had your form etched into her mind, a memory she could always retrieve and secretly admire. 
“Hey.” She croaked, squeezing your hand gently.
You jolted awake and your eyes fell onto her, a small smile on her lips. “Are you okay? How are you feeling? Cold anywhere?” You fretted.
She chuckled at you. “No, Y/N, I’m fine now.” 
“Good.” You sighed in relief, sitting back down in your chair, only now realising you were still holding her hand.
You moved to let go but her grip held fast on your hand, using you to pull herself up. “Can you pass me those clothes, please?” 
You handed them over and closed your eyes, yet still able to picture Hermione in front of you. She gave you a tap on your palm to let you know she was done, moving to stand up with shaky legs. 
“Easy, Granger.” You smirked softly, hiding your worry as you helped her take a few steps forward to regain her balance. 
“Thanks, Y/N.” She hugged you tightly and you sighed into it, almost picking her up off the floor.
“You’re always welcome.” 
“Shall we have some dinner?” She asked as she pulled away from you.
“Sure.” You offered your hand and she took it, swinging it childishly as you walked through the halls.
As you sat opposite Hermione, with Ginny and Angelina sitting by her side, you watched her closely. She was telling them the story of how she got taken, not even looking at you which made your heart ache.
*For Merlin’s sake, Y/N, you’re not on her mind 24/7.* You thought to yourself before the events of a pre-dinner came back. 
Dumbledore had announced that in light of the events of the Second Task, the Third Task would take place tomorrow evening to minimise the possible effect and injuries of other innocent students. That made you slightly happier, as then none of your friends would be in serious danger anymore. 
Eventually, your appetite was lost and you made your way back to the common room, your robe resting on your bed thanks to the castle elves. A knock at the door had your frustrations and fatigue bubble up to the surface, a sigh coming out quite quickly. “I’m not in the mood, Weasley Jr-”
“It’s me.” 
“Oh. Come in, why are you knocking? It’s your room too, Granger.” You opened the door.
“I know.” She stated as she entered, walking awkwardly around the room. 
You climbed over to your bed and sighed into the comfortable sheets, clutching your stuffed lion with your Gryffindor emblem on it until you heard whispers in the bathroom. You groaned, hoping they would go away, but they didn’t.
“Granger. Stop. Studying.” You grumbled out in short huffs.
You heard footsteps come to your bed and opened one eye, seeing confusion as Hermione’s expression. You sighed, sitting up. “What’s wrong?”
“Did I do anything before I woke up?” She asked you plainly. 
“Gotta be more specific.” You yawned.
She turned away from you, pacing back and forth in a distance that matched the length of her bed. “Because I had this dream, and I can’t tell if it was real or not.” 
Your eyes opened properly now, looking at her. Did she remember? Did she remember filling your heart with peace at the slightest touch of her lips? Did she remember the way you calmed her with nothing short of a few words?
“What was in your dream?” You needed the answer.
“You were there. Um- Uh- Sitting in the chair next to me and holding my hand.” She replied quickly. 
Too quickly.
“Maybe you just opened your eyes a little bit when I was sleeping.” You shrugged, hiding the complete and utter weight that fell on your heart. 
“Yeah. Yeah, maybe.” She mumbled.
“Goodnight, Granger.” You mumbled, turning back into your bed. 
Hermione couldn’t sleep as fast as you, but she tried to. She climbed into bed, facing away from you until she knew you would be asleep. So, after ten minutes on the dot, she turned around to see you asleep.
Compared to how she found you after waking up, you seemed to be more relaxed. You didn’t have the crease on your forehead, which she thought would mean that you were having a pleasant dream. 
She could only hope it was pleasant as her memory of kissing you. 
A select few from each school, including some Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, were rushing to get down to the Maze, which had ‘mysteriously’ grown via Moody’s creation. Stands had been built to house the four different groups of fans, each with banners and flags alike. 
You sat next to Hermione in the Gryffindor stand, cheering along as Harry came out from the champions change rooms. Then, you were silenced by Dumbledore, who explained how the task would work before the champions set off. 
Instantly, the four groups began to sit in silence, hoping for their champions to return unscathed, but the first of red sparks went up into the air only three minutes in. A bright blue light came from the maze and everyone began to cheer, but nobody saw the winner land back in the rightful spot. 
Dumbledore began to speak with Moody quietly, with the people in the stands groaning as they made their way to leave. You, however, felt a sense of unease rest within your stomach. 
“Granger…” You put your arm in front of her and she hid slightly behind you.
Dumbledore suddenly jumped back as Moody writhed on the floor, his entire body shaking as howls and grunts of pain echoed out. Then, his head jerked up and you eyed the infamous Death Eater. 
“Barty Crouch Junior.” Dumbledore spat, with Snape and McGonagall’s wands at the ready beside him.
Suddenly, a blinding flash of light had you looking away, only to feel Hermione slip past you and run down to Harry, crouched over a familiar yellow jumper as he cried. 
“My boy…” Mr Diggory from a few metres away muttered.
“Let me through. Let me through! That’s my son!”
He pushed past you and you stumbled, catching yourself on Ginny in front of you with an apology she immediately accepted. 
“That’s my boy!” Mr Diggory cried, kneeling down by Cedric’s corpse.
You raced down as Barty made a dash to grab Hermione, shoving her away and getting yourself captured instead. He gripped you tight like a snake with its prey, his tongue darting out of his mouth to lick your neck whilst his wand was pressed to your throat.
“One movement and I’ll kill her.” He swore and you winced at Hermione’s cry, trying to get to you.
“No! Y/N!” 
“Granger…” You shook your head at her, but she kept fighting against Dean and Seamus.
“Y/N, please!” 
“Hermione Jean Granger!” You growled, a promise in your mind that it would be the only time you yelled at her. 
She stopped struggling but her full name from your lips wasn’t enough to keep away her tears. She shook her head as you glanced at Dumbledore, a firm nod coming from him before you turned back to her.
“Whatever happens, Hermione… I love you.” 
Her eyes widened.
And yours shut.
“Imperio!” Barty cast and you felt fear strike into your heart as you swung at Hermione wildly.
McGonagall raised her wand at Barty but Snape stepped in front of her. “If you do anything to him, it rebounds onto Y/N. If we must stop Barty, we…”
She scowled at the male professor as you kept trying to hit Hermione, tears pouring down both of your cheeks. “Please, Y/N, fight it! Please! Please, don’t hurt me...” She begged you.
“I’m trying, Hermione, I’m trying!” You cried back, a plank of wood from the stands as Hermione’s downfall; literally.
You leaned over her and wrenched off a piece of wood, raising it above your head with the intent to kill before pain radiated through your body. It felt like your skin was on fire and that your blood was boiling your organs, your body writhing to the side of Hermione just like Barty’s a few moments ago.
Hermione looked at Professor Snape, his wand out towards you. “Crucio.” He muttered again, another cry coming out of you that paled in comparison to the song of a Dementor.
“Stop! Stop, you’re hurting her!” Hermione begged.
“Barty, drop it. Now.” Dumbledore warned him, putting his wand to his chin.
Barty looked between the other students, some cowering behind others whilst they protected them, before looking back at you. He dropped his wand, ending the spell on you, before Snape did the same thing.
Hermione scrambled towards your shaking form, your eyelids fluttering closed before she saw what Barty had made you do to yourself. The piece of wood destined to have her meet death had now become lodged within your torso. “No, no! Y/N, stay awake, please!” Her melodic voice seemed miles away, even if you knew in your heart that you were in her arms.
The world faded slowly around you as you looked over at the Professors, McGonagall coming towards you in worry whilst Dumbledore and Snape conversed. Finally, you looked up at Hermione and cupped her tear-filled cheek with your hand, only for the darkness to consume your vision.
When you woke up, you were afraid. Afraid that the darkness wouldn’t leave, even if your eyes were open. Afraid that you had lost everything you ever wanted, because you could not even see the hands in front of you. 
Then you realised it was night, a nurse coming to light your bedside candle. “She hasn’t left your side.” She commented.
You looked down at the slight weight on your arm, surprised to find Hermione holding it as she slept on a bed connected to yours. You looked back up at the nurse. “How long have I been asleep?”
“Almost two weeks.” She reached out to touch your shoulder but you flinched, causing Hermione to wake but not show it.
“It’s alright, dear. Nobody can hurt you now.” She assured, simply leaving.
Your eyes were clenched shut until you felt fingertips dance across your stomach, a familiarity to their movements. A waltz. “Easy breaths, Y/N. In and out.” 
You slowly opened your eyes to be greeted by the glow of the candle across Hermione’s face. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to be almost golden whilst a jagged cut stretched across her cheek, held together with butterfly strips. 
“Did I…?” You reached up to touch it and Hermione took your hand.
“What do you remember?” She asked you.
“I remember… I remember…” You strained to find the memories.
“I can’t remember anything after Moody was revealed to be a Poly-Juiced Barty Junior.” 
Hermione sighed and your thumb gently brushed over her cheek. “Hermione, did I do this to you? And don’t lie to me.” 
She leaned into your touch, a tear tracing the curve of your palm, and she nodded. You closed your eyes, begging for the memory to tell you otherwise, but it could not. 
“I hurt you. I… I didn’t mean it, Hermione, I wasn’t in control, please…” Your voice broke and she shakily exhaled.
“I know. I know it wasn’t your fault. Listen to me when I say this, Y/N. It. Wasn’t. Your. Fault.” She stated each word clearly as you hugged her tightly, repeated ‘i’m sorry’s muffled into her shirt.
She pulled away slightly and cupped your cheek, but she surprised you when she leaned in further. “It…” She kissed your left cheek. “Wasn’t…” Right cheek. “Your…” Nose.
Both of you were sound of mind, and yet, it was nothing in comparison to your dreams. Hermione pressed into you and you closed your eyes, letting her have control as her tongue bravely darted across your lips, begging for entry to explore you in a way neither of you had done so before. 
But… her tongue…
You flinched and pulled away, your eyes squeezed shut as a whimper came from your weak chest. Hermione tearfully sighed, situating herself to your side with her head in your neck. “Shh, shh, shh. He can’t get you anymore.” 
You shuddered out a few breaths as Hermione calmly combed her fingers through your hair, kissing your nose as a gesture of kindness as her calm voice vibrated against your skin. “Now… I heard three lovely words out there… Do you think you can remember them for me?” 
You sniffed up your runny nose before you nodded, closing your eyes as that memory, distorted and sad as it was, gave you one of the warmest feelings you’d ever experienced.
“Hermione Jean Granger…” 
“Not those words, silly-”
“I love you.”
She pulled her head away from your neck and smiled at your shyness, eyes looking everywhere but hers. A hand on your cheek directed you to look straight at her, even as she came and tickled your nose with hers.
“I love you too, Y/N Melanie Black.” 
You smiled as she kissed you again, a much softer tone to it this time. One that sealed her love for you, to show you the kindness and care and love you had always had before, with a twist.
You might have fallen first, but she fell much, much harder.
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ronsonlywhore · 3 years
Draco Malfoy and Exist For Love by Aurora
❛ 𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. ❜ draco malfoy x reader
summary: you lay your head on his shoulder, and in that exact moment draco feels like he lives for nothing else except you. like he exists for nothing else except love.
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of murder and poisoning, drinking
a/n: oh to slow dance to this song with a lover at 3 am...any volunteers? / this songfic was written for my mini 200 follower celebration!
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in draco’s eyes, you were heavenly; the true definition of an angel gifted to earth from the gods above and, like all gifts, he cherished and treasured you like his life depended on it.
loving you was like flying: exhilarating and always leaving him breathless. draco had never felt like this before; his heart knew that he couldn’t. to him, love was something he could admire, something he could long for, but never something he could have for himself. it just wasn’t in a malfoy’s nature to openly devote yourself to someone the way he wanted to devote himself to you.
and he loathed his own name for it.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
your touch was electrifying.
your hands had only grazed his for a moment while passing him an empty cauldron, your fingers there then gone, but those few seconds were enough to have draco floating on a cloud for the rest of the day.
he would never be able to explain the way you made him feel.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
draco felt like he was going to be sick.
“are you okay, malfoy? you look a little pale,” you ask worriedly as draco considers making a run for it. next to you, your friend giggles and murmurs, “malfoy’s always pale, (y/n).”
draco hears a yelp of pain from your friend, you having elbowed her harshly in the ribs. he finally gets the courage to look you directly in the eyes, the same eyes he dreams about, the same eyes that put the entire galaxy to shame.
you’re looking expectantly at him, your friend poorly trying to hold in her laughter. the fact that she’s probably silently judging him sparked something in draco. what was he cowering from? he was a malfoy, and besides, the worst thing you could do was say no.
“iwaswonderingifyoueverwantedtostudyinthelibrarywithmesometime?” draco mumbles. his throat feels dry and he can feel his heart beating in the pits of his stomach; he’s having a hard time swallowing. tongue-tied...that’s another thing he can add to the list of things you cause him to be. not that he keeps one, or anything.
you tilt your head to the side, exposing your neck to the red-orange glow of the sun. draco can’t help but let his eyes trail down your throat and over your collarbone, desperately trying to imagine what it would feel like to ghost his lips over your smooth skin, or breath in your sweet scent, the scent he’s smelled so many times before in his amortentia potion…
“malfoy? malfoy?”
draco breaks out of his trance, cheeks blazing as you say, “i’m sorry, er, i didn’t catch what you said about the library.”
“oh,” draco falters out. if he wanted to chicken out and never attempt to speak to you again, now would be the time to do it. no, he thinks. he promised himself he would go through with this.
he takes a deep breath and tries again, slower this time, “i just...i was wondering if you ever wanted to study with me in the library?”
“oh, are you looking for a tutor?”
your friend finally bursts out laughing, holding her charms book close to her chest in doing so. you ask her what she finds so funny, and she answers, “don’t you see, (y/n)? he’s asking you out.”
you look back to draco, eyebrows raised. “asking me on a date? to the library?”
draco quickly backs away, thinking about how horrible this idea was. why did he ever believe he had a chance with you, the living embodiment of pure bliss?
“never mind. it’s stupid, i know,” he mutters dejectedly as he walks off, planning to find a deep hole he can crawl into and never emerge from again.
he feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around, his eyes meeting yours once more; the same eyes that carry the universe all at once, the same eyes that the sun envies with all her might.
draco can hardly believe the words that come out of your mouth next.
“no! no, i think that sounds quite nice, actually,” you say as you pull back your hand. his skin burns at your touch, and aches when it’s gone.
“you do?” draco asks, surprised and not taking notice of your friend rolling her eyes behind you.
you nod and smile, continuing, “how about this thursday after lessons?
all draco does is nod, not finding the right words to say.
“great! it’s a date, then.” you walk back towards your friend, saying cheerfully, “see you around, draco.”
draco. you had said his name.
mesmerized: another thing he can add to the list. but he definitely doesn’t keep one, or anything.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
“remember when you asked me out?”
draco groans and throws a balled-up piece of parchment towards you. “please, don’t remind me.”
you laugh and try to dodge the flying paper as draco goes back to his essay, his quill scratching against the sheet. you sigh, resting your chin on your hand; draco fights the urge to look up and get hopelessly lost in the mere presence of you.
“you came up to me and said...what was it again?” you say as you scoot closer to him. he feels your lips brush over his cheek, your warm breath fanning his face.
draco turns to face you just as you lean in, but before you can give him a proper kiss, he playfully pushes your face away gently.
“i will never forgive you for assuming that i needed a tutor,” he sniffs dramatically.
you pounce on him, right there in the middle of the library, and draco doesn’t care if everyone is staring or whispering; he lets you pepper kisses all over his neck, anyways.
“i thought i would be forgiven by now,” you whisper into his ear as you prop your chin on his shoulder, your nose brushing against his jaw.
“your apology is still being considered,” draco breathes out before catching your mouth in an amorous kiss.
your kisses always took the air out of his lungs. or maybe that was his body telling him he needed to breathe, and stat.
you and draco eventually go back to your studying, but draco’s far from focused now. you have invaded his mind, taken over his thoughts, so that now all he can see and feel is you: a peaceful oblivion he wants to emerge himself in for eternity.
draco thinks back to a year ago, when he was just contented with your eyes lingering a second too long on him, pleased at just being able to sit next to you in potions. now, he has you; not just your persistent stares or your polite smile. you.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
draco swallows back a bit of bile as he loosens his tie harshly, his fingers getting caught in the intricate knot doing so. his footsteps echo in the empty corridor, and he wipes beads of sweat from his forehead, cursing himself for forgetting to meet you at the lake. now you’ll definitely know something’s up.
he walks through the great hall doors, the soft breeze doing nothing to calm his tension. he had only passed by the hospital wing, had only gotten a glimpse of weasley lying on the bed, unconscious and senseless, but that was enough to set his nerves on a frenzy. he did that. he poisoned weasley, even if it wasn’t directly, even if he didn’t mean to.
he had also cursed katie bell with that wretched necklace. a vexed pendant that wasn’t even meant for her, a bottle of venomous bottle of mead that wasn’t meant to be drank by anyone except him: professor dumbledore.
as draco trudges down to the lake, he finally comprehends how real all of this suddenly feels. he can’t kill dumbledore; he can’t kill anyone. he could barely bring himself to imperio bell, could barely handle gifting that bottle to slughorn. how could he ever be capable of murdering someone and watching them fall dead in front of him?
he tries to compose himself as he nears your silhouette sitting at the edge of the lake, your knees brought up to your chest, your arms wrapped tightly around your legs. draco comes to a stop behind you, berating you in his head for being this careless.
“what have i told you about sitting around like this, (y/n)?” draco asks as he plops down next to you, hoping you didn’t hear that small tremble in his voice. you jump as you turn to him, glaring as you say, “you’re late. and it’s not like death eaters are just going to sneak into hogwarts in the middle of the night and take over. hogwarts is the safest place on earth.”
draco’s stomach churns when he realizes that’s exactly what will happen in approximately a week from now, thanks to him fixing that bloody cabinet. remember, you’re doing this for your parents, draco thinks. for her.
“the stars are shining brightly tonight, are they not?” draco hears you whisper as you take his hand and start tracing patterns on his palm.
“i suppose,” he answers, his mind still on his impossible task.
“my mother used to say the stars shone for me,” you say, choosing to outline different constellations on his hand.
draco smiles slightly and turns to look at you. “that’s because they do.”
you lay your head on his shoulder, and in that exact moment draco feels like he exists for nothing else except you. nothing else except love.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
“father used to say love was nothing but an illusion, something that could fill your heart up but leave it miserably empty.”
“love is anything but, draco...it can be so many things and nothing all at once.”
draco’s back itches from the tree bark scratching at his back, but he stays in the same position and sips from the bottle of firewhiskey, anyways. it was his idea, after all.
he stares at you watching the whomping willow sway in the distance, your hand loosely grasping your own bottle. you had only taken a few gulps of the alcohol, but you looked drowsy and dazed already, the liquor quickly taking effect.
draco doesn’t know if it’s the quiet buzz resonating through his body that makes him do it, but he still asks, “please do tell of all the things love can be, (y/n).”
“long answer or short one?”
you sigh contentedly as he watches you bring the bottle to your lips, observing the way your throat moves while swallowing the whiskey. you breathe in deep, then start, “love is like stumbling through life all alone, just passing through the motions, and then that one person walks into your life and suddenly you feel like you’re living, you’re alive…and i’ve heard it’s a very wonderful feeling.”
you pause, take another swig, and continue, “love is like being torn apart the minute you were only born, but that one person is the only one that makes you feel whole and complete...your other half, you could say.”
it finally clicks in draco’s head that you are his ‘one person.’
“love is selflessness, and loyalty, and euphoria. love is fearlessness, and spirit, and earnestness. love is the center of everything but also the center of nothing; we revolve around it but it also revolves around us.” you sigh, this time catching your breath.
draco can’t keep it from you anymore, not after what you told him everything that love could be, what love should be, what love will be.
“is love not keeping secrets?” he murmurs.
“yes, i suppose love is honesty, as well,” you answer back.
he responds to that by pulling back his sleeve and revealing his dark mark in its full, horrid glory. your eyes widen as you scramble back from him, your grasp on the bottle slipping and rolling away in the grass; draco’s heart drops as he realizes you’re scared of not only the mark embellished into his skin, but of him as well by default.
“what did you do?” you whisper, horrified.
“the dark lord was threatening my family...he was threatening to kill you, i had to!” draco’s voice breaks just a little bit; he prays to the gods that you’ll believe him, hopes you’ll see his reasons.
you don’t.
draco’s father was right; love can fill your heart, but only for a little while before leaving it miserably empty..
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
draco’s mother is calling him over, and everyone turns to look at him with judging stares or pitiful expressions. even the dark lord is looking expectantly at him.
harry potter is dead. now everyone will have to choose their sides.
across the destroyed courtyard he can see his father glaring at him. he really doesn’t want to walk over there, doesn’t want to declare his loyalty to them, but what can he do? he has no one to live for on this side, no one to live for him.
he takes a deep breath and starts maneuvering the crowd, walking towards his parents. it feels more like walking into death’s open arms.
he stops, coming to a complete halt. he hasn’t heard his name being spoken in that soft tone in a while. he turns around and you’re there, reaching for him, and he can’t focus on anything except you. you say his name again, and it feels like white horses gliding over the waves or a rushing ocean in his veins.
“love is sacrifice, too,” you whisper.
draco doesn’t walk to his parents. he chooses to stay with you instead.
you, the one person who makes him feel alive and whole. you, the one person he exists for.
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Audrey Weasley
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All we know about Audrey is that she’s married to Percy and they have two children, but as a Perciver shipper, here’s the backstory I have for them:
Audrey Williams was a halfblood witch, a Slytherin in her days at Hogwarts
She had a younger brother, Ethan, who was a squib
She began working at the ministry around the same time as Percy Weasley, so they would see each other fairly frequently
Like most people, Audrey found Percy pompous and somewhat irritating, so kept their contact brief and polite
A few months after the Triwizard Tournament, Percy and Audrey were assigned to a few tasks together
It was clear there was a mutual disliking, especially after Audrey had questioned the “facts” written in the Daily Prophet
They argued frequently, Percy was adamant that Potter was lying
The more proof there was of Voldemort’s return, the more he would insist it was impossible, infuriating her more
When Voldemort revealed himself to the Ministry, she had felt the terror of being right. Audrey was the sort of person who loved to be proven right, but this occasion was different
When she next met with Percy for an assignment, he seemed different
“You were right,” he said after a while of working in silence. “He’s back.”
“I didn’t want to be right,” she said. “I really didn’t.”
“I knew it, you know,” he laughed bitterly. “I mean, not at first. I was so sure at first that it was a lie, that I had to trust the Ministry… The Ministry wouldn’t lie to me. I left my family because I was so sure… But even I had to admit things weren’t adding up after a while.”
“But then,” Audrey frowned. “Why did you argue otherwise for so long? You seemed certain right up until you saw him with your own eyes.”
“I didn’t want to believe,” said Percy. “Because, if he is back, then that means I really abandoned my family. It means I was stupid and naïve and I turned my back on them for nothing.”
“You could go back. They’re your family, they’ll forgive you.”
“I know they will,” he said. “That’s the problem. I don’t deserve it.”
They were friends after that. They even started to hang out after work when they could, even if it was just doing after-hour work in each other’s company
Audrey told Percy about her life, her brother, how she looked after him after their mother died
Percy told her about Oliver whom he hadn’t seen in months, how he missed him, how he missed his family
As things got worse at the Ministry, Audrey wanted to leave, but it wasn’t safe. Like many employees, she was forced to stay to protect her family, Ethan
It was dangerous to talk to anyone in the Ministry now that Voldemort’s presence had overtaken the place and everyone in it
The day the ‘Magic is Might’ statue came up, Audrey and Percy had held each other’s hand
They had never held hands before. Neither of them were affectionate people, but they had gripped onto each other like their lives depended on it
She knew Ethan was more at risk than ever and knew that the only way of ensuring his safety would be to get out of the country together
She didn’t tell Percy where and when she went, it was too risky. They could force it out of him with veritaserum or imperio, they would kill him if he helped in any way
When the war was over, Audrey returned to Britain with Ethan and reunited with Percy
It was bittersweet. He told her how he had reunited with his family, and how his brother had died at his side
He asked her to attend the funeral which she did, never leaving his side
Oliver and Percy had reunited after years after the Battle, but they parted as friends again only
Oliver started to hang out with Audrey and Percy, and Audrey found it unbelievable how clear it was that they were still in love with each other and neither of them could see it
She grew tired of their obliviousness and called them out on it, and they got together again within the day
Audrey didn’t want to go back to the Ministry, she had never liked it there really. She chose a different path: journalism
Her prose became extremely popular with readers and she became known for her attention to detail and her pure determination to get the whole truth
Naturally, as she became more popular, this created a rivalry with Rita Skeeter who was finally getting seen by the Wizarding world for the liar she truly was
Her brother married a muggle girl from their hometown and she was thrilled for them both, even giving a speech for him
Percy and Oliver - now together for several years - told her how they wanted a baby
“The thing is,” Percy said. “We need a surrogate.”
“And, well, you’re our closest friend,” said Oliver. “So we were wondering if you would consider…”
“…carrying our baby?”
Audrey was not the emotional type, but she had teared up. She was so honoured to be asked and, of course, she said yes
She was less happy nine months later when she was pushing not one, but TWO babies out
But, once they were born, she felt it was all worth it to see the happiness on her two best friends’s faces
They named the first girl Molly after Percy’s mother, her middle name Audrey
They asked her to choose the second name and she chose Lucy, after Lucy Pevensie from her favourite book, and Arabella which was her grandmother’s name
The girls knew her as Auntie Audrey and she visited often and babysat when Percy and Oliver went for their rare date nights
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