#imperials invaded pabu
pigeon-ponders · 6 months
i know shit looks bleak right now but the symbolism in ep11. the marauder exploding and in flames. hunter falling in the water. point of no return, indeed. i think major change is coming, especially for hunter.
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eriexplosion · 8 months
WAIT OKAY THEORY - if all that stuff with the tank comes from Juggernaut, right after Identity Crisis/Point of No Return....
Identity Crisis is going to Pabu right after finally having a complete team and having to struggle with who they are and who they're going to be.
Point of No Return is Pabu being invaded.
And this guy we see Wrecker carrying in the trailer:
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Is Shep being rescued from Imperial prison with Phee's help.
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jedi-lothwolf · 6 months
Whump: The Musical Day 7: The Last Five Years (I will not lose because you can not win.")
Fandom: The Batch Batch
Warning: Cannon typical violence
Summary: When Hemlock invades Pabu, the batch has to fight for their lives as well as the lives of the citizens of the peaceful Island.
Ao3 link
  Today was supposed to be an ordinary day. When Hunter had woken up, he was dragged down to the beach by Omega and Deke. They wanted to show him that they had learned how to surf. Even if he wouldn't admit it, Hunter was proud of the clones for learning how to be children.
    Wrecker had forced Crosshair down to the beach as well. The warm sand and pleasant smell should help him to relax the man thought. So the three brothers sat on a red towel and started to talk. It wasn't much, but it was somewhere to start.
    Mox and Stak joined them shortly and started to work on a sand castle. Some clouds covered the sunny sky. But when Hunter looked up, they weren't clouds. Imperial vessels blocked the sun.
    This couldn't be happening. Pabu was supposed to be safe. It wasn't meant for invasions. So many of the people spent too long running just to have to up their whole lives again. Hunter looked back down.
    Looking at Crosshair, he spoke. "Get Omega and the boys to the ship. Be ready to leave. Call Echo and tell him we need help, immediately."
    In truth, Hunter knew why he chose Crosshair. With his hand, even if he hadn't told them yet, he knew that he'd be the one whose help they need the least. Now if he could still hit any mark, that could have been a different story.
    But there was more to that. Wrecker had a history with Pabu. He would protect it fiercely. The island was his home, the people were his family.
    As Deke rode a wave in, Hunter stood. The father ran out to two of his youngest that were in the water. "Go over to Crosshair" he told them. They nodded before Hunter went to Mox and Stak and pulled them up from the sand.
    "What's going on?" Mox asked. Nervousness was written all over his face.
    "The empire-"
    "We could tell" Stak interrupted.
    "Go with your siblings." It was the first time he had outright called their siblings to their faces. If it had been any other time, Hunter would have said more. For now, it would have to wait."
    As Hunter walked the other two over with the rest of the group, Omega started to talk. "We can help!"
    "I know, but it's you they want and the boys haven't finished their training. It's safer this way."
    "And someone needs to watch Cross." Wrecker tried to add some humor to the situation.
    Phee joined them on the beach, knowing that it was Clone Force 99 who had unfortunately brought the Empire to Pabu. Hunter walked over to her before she met the rest of the group. "Make sure Omega gets out of here. They want her and we wouldn't let her get taken again."
    "Okay." She looked past the Sargent, "come on kids, let's get you to safety!"
    Sighing, Crosshair grabbed Omega and picked her up. "Come on."
    "Put me down!" Omega fought Crosshair all the way up the beach.
    "Now what?" Wrecker asked.
    "We fight."
    At the Mauradur, Crosshair was quick to make the decision to leave. Batcher awoke from her nap and laid with Omega to help keep her calm. The boys mostly sat with her or talked to Crosshair as they left the atmosphere and headed to Coruscant to meet with Echo.
    As the days passed, the battle of Pabu seemed to be more and more helpless. Civilians were dying, some who had fought and some who had not.    
    When the bad batch had settled on Pabu, they taught Shep how to shoot. The mayor had agreed to ease their minds, never thinking he would need to use this new skill. Unfortunately it was only a matter of time. Lyana stayed near her father when she could. Mostly she was hidden with other children.
    When the invasion began, Hunter had suddenly become a Sargent again. It had been a long time since he played that role. Civilians who had fought in wars, civil or intergalactical, had taken up their old military rank. It was strange.
    The invasion had lasted days. Hemlock wouldn't give up until he found Omega, unaware she had been taken off world. Pabu was being torn apart, lives crumbled to the ground and while some knew why the empire had attacked, most didn't. For the people who did, they couldn't and wouldn't be mad at Clone Force 99 for trying to live peaceful lives and for trying to protect their daughter and little girl.
    It had been four days into the fighting when Hemlock showed his face. When Hunter met Hemlock for the second time, injured and tired, he knew meeting the scientist twice was three times too many.
    "Hello CT-9901, or should I say Hunter?" Hemlock spoke.
    Startled and out of breath, Hunter didn't answer. It had been so long since he heard his CT number, he had almost forgotten it. Still, he knew the malice behind it.
"This can all end, just give me the girl."
"Never." Hunter moved behind a counter. He sank to the floor for a moment.
"I figured as much. I truly am impressed that you are capable of forming such a bond with her. A parental role appears to come so easily to you."
The words made Hunter's skin crawl. Why would he be unable to form a bond with her? Omega was his daughter, nothing could change that. Was it because he was a clone? Was that why he was deemed unable to love a child, to have children he felt were his own?
"The safest option for your men and the civilians of this island, is to stop the fighting. You cannot win this battle, Sargent."
"I will not lose because you can not win."
Silents filled the room. They stood in a ruined kitchen. The checkered floors were stained with blood and glass. The cabinets had been torn open by both the empire and the citizens of Pabu. They needed food and they needed wood. The empire hadn't taken their time to bring out flame throwers to scorch the island and its people.
"You, won't win this." Hunter reinforced the idea. "You can't. I won't let you. " Pulling his knife from its sheath, he tried to find a clear shot at Hemlock.
The scientist couldn't win. In the end, he would round up every single citizen and kill them off. With Wrecker taking part in the fight, he needed his to be okay. With everything Tech had sacrificed to save them, they couldn't die here. Crosshair and his kids would be alone. It hurt knowing that Omega would blame herself for the slaughter of the people of Pabu. Echo would wish he arrived earlier and would blame himself for not being there to save them.
They needed saving. They couldn't do it alone. The Sargent only had one shot at killing Hemlock. Blood pooled under Hunter from his injuries. With broken ribs, multiple deep lacerations on his legs as well as his arms and one close to his neck, a few broken toes, and a large amount of bruising, the man was unsure how he had stayed alive this long. He could feel blood on the side of his face but he wasn't sure if it came from his left ear (since he couldn't hear from it) or from his head.
The vibro-knife shook in his hand. It almost felt foreign. Standing slowly, yet staying out of view, Hunter grabbed a piece of glass from behind the mahogany counter. Looking at it for a moment, he sighed. They couldn't afford to lose. Not anymore. Losing meant dying and for the first time in so long, Hunter had something to live for. His brothers and children and family he had made on Padu and his pets (Gonky included) all meant the world to him. No one else needed to die.
However, If he had to give all of that up to save them, to win the battle of Pabu, the battle for his family, he would.
Throwing the glass, Hunter hoped that it would distract Hemlock and his guards. When it did, the man stood fully and threw his knife. As soon as he saw it plunge deep into his skull, he felt a weight be lifted off of his chest. The weight was replaced with a bullet.
The tile cracked when he fell. There wasn't much Hunter could think about. The sound of ships overhead relieved Hunter. It had to be Echo. If not, the empire would take the island in a matter of hours.
Hunter's entire body hurt. The warm feeling of blood tangled with his hair. The glass had cut any exposed skin. The guards grabbed Hemlock's body and went to leave. Hunter listened to the footsteps as they faded. His mind was so foggy that evening and nothing made his sense. But Hemlock was dead. If that was Echo, which it had to be, Pabu would rebuild. The coppery smell of blood filled Hunter's nose.
Dying, Hunter tried to reach for his comm. Hitting it, the world started to fade. His hand rested on the communication device long enough for Echo to notice the soft noise of fire and gunshots that played over his headset. Then his hand slipped off the button and the comm channel went silent.
The man had never expected to wake up again. But when he saw a white roof, he knew something was different. Everything hurt too damn much for him to be dead. There was a steady, high pitched beeping that hurt his ears; or at least the one he could still hear out of.
Had they won? Was everyone safe? Where was his family, his kids?
"Hunter!" Omega yelled, answering one of his questions. "He's awake" she shook Echo awake.
"Hunter?" Echo grounded as he sat up. Then he pinched himself.
"You actually woke up." Crosshair stood up. "It's been a week."
"Leave him alone. He needed his beauty rest" Wrecker joked. The boys and Batcher sat in the corner of the room, still half asleep.
"Is everyone, okay?" Hunter finally said, struggling to speak.
"We're okay."
"In shambles. We were about to leave to help with the rebuilding and attend a few funerals. We'll send you regards. They people were rooting for you." Echo told him.
"We're lucky you came in when you did. You saved us." Nudging Echo, Wrecker walked over to wake up the boys.
"Alderaan. Rex has some allies here. We couldn't help you on our own, the damage done to you, it was too extensive." Walking beside Hunter, Echo stood next to him.
"Dad!" Deke yelled, excited. He ran over to him and just about toppled Echo.
"You're actually alive" Stak added.
"Hey." Mox was the last to stand as he was trying to not disturb Batcher.
Hemlock's words about his parental instincts ran through Hunter's head. However, that didn't matter. He was their father. Just because he was a clone didn't mean he didn't form bonds with people he cared dearly for.
"We can stay for a little but Hunter needs to rest, we need to get back to Pabu." Walking to the door, Echo went to tell the nurses that Hunter had woken up.
Omega clung to Hunter's arm, determined to never let go. Crosshair and Wrecker sat at the end of the bed. Wrecker looked rough but that was to be expected.
"Tell me everything later" the Sargent whispered.
"We will." After a few hours, Echo decided it was time to go. Omega and Batcher stayed with Hunter while the rest left for Pabu. Knowing that Hemlock couldn't hurt her, made breathing just a little bit easier. So did knowing that most everyone he cared about was safe; though by now someone would have told him if Phee, Shep, or Lyana had died.
Everything would be okay. It had to be. Now that Hemlock was out of the way, maybe the batch could live a peaceful life. Even if Hunter knew they would end up in the fight, it was a nice thought. But the clone knew his place was fighting for peace. After all, if he wanted Omega and his boys to be safe, he needed to make a safer galaxy. And that was okay with him. If he needed to fight he would. For his children.
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corvusalbus93 · 1 year
WIP Reunion (Tech&Phee)
Okay, writing the reunion between Tech and some of the others in Mt. Tantiss is taking longer than expected, but I am working on it.
In the meantime, a draft/snippet about him seeing Phee again during the invasion of Mt. Tantiss, which might occur in season 3:
Tech’s fingers danced swiftly across the keyboard, his eyes glued to the screens in front of him. The months of work had paid off; access to every system in Mt. Tantiss. He closed another few doors, continuing to divide Imperial forces, before kicking out someone trying to regain control of the base and continued to reprogram various security measures.
He briefly scanned the map and spotted a large number of Imperial troopers trapped. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to release Hemlock’s toxin. It wouldn’t kill them, but knock them out for quite a while.
Admittedly, he couldn’t have achieved this without help, some from unexpected places, but he was grateful that besides Omega, Crosshair was once again by his side. He didn’t know what exactly had happened to his brother, but he had changed. But that was a conversation for another time, if his brother was willing to share.
Ah, another attempt to wrestle back control. Tech cut off the terminal entirely, denying them access. It would probably be wise to shut several of them down or simple invalidate all official login details, to avoid any more disruptions.
The only people he had granted access were the invaders, clone troopers led by none other than Rex. He’d seen him on the camera feed and Omega had all but shouted, when Hunter and Wrecker had appeared on screen. Until a few moments ago, she had been in charge of watching the feed, allowing him to focus on hacking into the system, but both Omega and Crosshair had gone to check on activity in the corridor.
He hadn’t heard any blaster fire from the door, which was a good sign, but a few voices, which made him suspect that some clones had already made it to their position. Efficient for regs, he would give them that.
Tech stopped typing, upon hearing someone run towards him and not Omega by the sound of it. Had something happened after all? Suddenly worried, Tech turned around, a hand going to the blaster Crosshair had taken from a Commando he’d neutralized on their way here...
...just in time to see Phee.
Tech froze as their eyes met, not knowing what to say. What was she doing here, wearing what appeared to be modified clone trooper armour?
Meanwhile, she stopped only a step or two away from him, visibly trembling. Phee was torn between laughing and sobbing, somehow ending up doing both at the same time, a hand covering her mouth. All he could do was stare, wanting to speak, but unable to find the right words.
“So,” she eventually managed to say after taking a deep breath, wiping tears from her eyes. “You were just going to leave without saying goodbye?”
Tech winced. The same words she’d spoken what felt like a lifetime ago on Pabu. During his imprisonment Tech had gone through their last conversation several times, attempting to find the correct response he had clearly failed to give, regretting how they had parted ways. Aware that it could have been their final conversation. His throat felt dry, but he finally found his voice again. “My apologies; that was inconsiderate of me.”
Phee laughed for real this time, despite the tears that were still coming and closed the distance. With a knee on his hover chair’s armrest, she embraced him.
To be continued
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spectrs · 1 year
midnight with the stars and you
sergeant hunter x gn!reader
your mind keeps you awake on even the most peaceful of planets, but it's hard to succumb to the paranoia when you have the most important person in the galaxy next to you.
i re-watched the shining and i was listening to the end credits song (the title of this lil drabble) when i came up with this. this man is invading my mind and i felt like i had to write for him at some point, so here you all go <33 (also i'm writing something for tangerine but i can't find any motivation to continue it so this is like a filler post)
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The sound of the waves lapping against the shore did little to ease your mind of the paranoia a former soldier's life had brought you. You kept your eyes trained on the moon, its slivers of light barely illuminating the bedroom Shep had graciously offered you. It was so surreal, to be laying in a bed this comfortable on a planet without an Imperial presence.
You watched as the calming waves continued gently hitting the shore at a slow rhythm, the sound drowning out all others except the soft breathing of the man next to you. His arms were gently wrapped around your waist, his warm breath hitting the crown of your head. It was nice to finally see Hunter getting some kind of sleep, no matter how limited it was. 
Luckily for him, Tech had been busying himself with entertaining Phee with his infinite amount of knowledge ever since they stepped off the Marauder. Wrecker and Omega, on the other hand, had insisted on dragging him around the winding streets of Pabu until well past sunset. You’d elected to stay behind, mainly talking to Shep about the possibility of you staying there for a while. Being the generous man Phee has accurately described, he left a couple of rooms in his house open for the five of you.
You knew Omega was with Lyana, Shep’s daughter, so you weren’t worried about her. You weren’t worried about Tech or Wrecker either, knowing perfectly well they could take care of themselves. If anything, the paranoia came from always having to be cautious and alert. To most, it would seem ridiculous because of the welcoming nature of Pabu’s inhabitants, but your mind couldn’t shake the habit of tensing up and reaching for your saber every time you heard footsteps coming from behind.
You assured Hunter you would double-check everything before you went to bed, leaving him so you could ask Shep about the security around his house. By the time you walked back into the bedroom and locked the door, Hunter was already asleep.
You let out a quiet sigh, casting your eyes around the room. A moment later, you felt the arms around your waist tighten, and you felt your shoulders tense up. A warm breath hit the shell of your ear as a gruff voice whispered, “Don’t stab me, sweetheart. It’s just me.”
You smiled slightly at the voice, shuffling around to face Hunter. For all you knew about him, it surprised you to see him so peaceful. He had a calming look in his eyes and a smile gracing his features, the image burrowing itself into your mind. You brought your hand up to lightly caress his face, watching as he leaned into your touch.
“I’m surprised you actually fell asleep.”
He shrugged at your words, his eyes glancing to the open window, then back to yours. “It’s not dangerous here, for any of us. I guess knowing you and Omega are safe puts me at ease.”
“Lucky you,” you scoffed. He raised an eyebrow in question, but you paid it no mind. Your fingers traveled to the tattoo on his face, absentmindedly tracing it.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just can’t sleep.”
“Why not?”
You refused to look at him, already feeling his eyes on you. You knew he was worried, based on how quickly his voice changed. The feeling of hesitation flooded your brain at his tone, but you didn’t know why. Maybe it was because by ignoring his question you wouldn’t worry him more, or because you wanted to deal with it on your own. Either way, your gaze still avoided Hunter’s, even as he slipped two fingers under your chin to gently lift it up.
“Can you answer me, sweetheart?”
You stayed silent for a moment before answering.
“I don’t know.”
He hummed in thought, then brought his arm back around your body and pulled you into his chest. A gasp left your mouth as your skin collided with his, the heat radiating from his body engulfing yours almost entirely. A small smirk came onto his face as he watched your reaction, his arm slowly snaking around your waist.
“Does this help?”
You rolled your eyes, and you yelped as he quickly pinched the skin near your hip.
“Okay, okay, don’t pinch me like that. Yes, this helps. But, you know what else would help?”
He quirked an eyebrow in response, and you smiled as you pressed a kiss to his lips. He kissed back ever so gently, bringing his hand up once again to caress the soft skin on your cheek. It wasn’t rushed, both of you taking your time. You laughed slightly as he deepened the kiss, slowly pushing your head back. Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, breathing slightly heavier than before.
"I love you, Hunter."
"I love you more. Now go to sleep."
You playfully scoffed at his words, nestling your head in his chest and breathing in deeply, once again committing him to memory. Everything felt so much more peaceful now, his occasional praises being mumbled into your ear, the heat of his body blanketing yours, feeling his steadily rising chest against yours.
You had heard Hunter’s earlier conversations with Shep and Phee, also noticing his hesitation when they both suggested staying on Pabu, whether it was temporary or permanent. Now, thinking about those possible scenarios if you were to stay here, you didn’t find yourself resenting them. In fact, it felt inviting to think about it. You also knew Hunter wouldn’t resist it either, especially with him knowing the benefits of it, not just for him and his brothers, but for you and Omega as well. If anything, you prayed you got to stay here.
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TAGS - @low-keylover
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im-no-jedi · 8 months
LOL I’m gonna laugh SO hard if that one Imperial dude is Tech in disguise/brainwashed and they’re invading Pabu cause that will NOT end up happening in MLWTBB lololololol
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eriexplosion · 6 months
These will probably get broken pretty much immediately but. Last minute double feature predictions:
Identity Crisis
Tech comes back, but he's not Clone X. He's just back. They had to go get him and he's maybe injured, but he's alive. Seems too simple? Well. Continuation of that.
Hunter knew that he was alive, gathering intel on Eriadu. And didn't tell anyone, least of all Omega.
The reasons for this theory: 1. Hunter is the only one to have never directly brought up Tech, in our one shot of him with the goggles he doesn't actually look at them, he looks past them at Lula. (Extra tinhat moment too but there is a light positioned behind the goggles that make them look like they're on, implying Tech is alive.) 2. Hunter also is established in season two as calling Tech every time he falls and receiving the confirmation 'we are alive' - but Omega is conveniently unconscious for an undetermined period of time. Long enough for Hunter to have commed Tech. (Also as a 2.5 - we could even wrap Plan 00 into this, if Tech told him 'I am alive, plan 00' or something of that nature.) 3. Hunter has a SIGNIFICANT track record of withholding information. The first thing he does in this show is lie to Crosshair about being sure that the jedi kid fell to his death (lol) and he doesn't tell Omega about trying to send her with Cut and he doesn't tell Omega about Echo planning to leave with Rex and it's implied he might not be planning to tell Omega about her being force sensitive. 4. Reflects War Mantle when Tech was the one to make the decision to leave Hunter like he was told to.
Anyway Omega is Pissed. Hunter told her Tech didn't make it (technically true) and let her grieve, alone, in a cell for months. No he couldn't have predicted she would be taken, but that's what the results were.
The identity crisis is Omega wondering if she's even a real batcher if she's not being treated like one of the team that deserves to be told things? Something as important as WHETHER HER BROTHER WAS ALIVE?
Also Omega deserves to be mad okay she's been building up her Upset for seasons let her explode please.
They do at least manage to make it back to Pabu but she's still Pissed
Point of No Return
Of course they make it back in time for the Empire to invade Pabu because HEY REMEMBER THE THING VENTRESS TOLD Y'ALL VERY CLEARLY TO YOUR FACES?
Things Are Very Bad, Pabu's residents are being rounded up/several are killed
Shep and possibly Lyana are captured and arrested (I still think that shot in Juggernaut is of Wrecker carrying Shep)
Omega gives herself up hoping that it will mean saving Pabu and because APPARENTLY self sacrifice is what you DO in this FUCKING FAMILY
They do take Omega but they continue wrecking the place including blowing up the Marauder
They escape via an imperial ship after Hunter yeets several stormtroopers off of it.
Everything Is Very Bad.
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