#imperator pacis
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reno-matagot · 6 months ago
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Antinous as Bacchus
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iriswave · 11 months ago
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Studying art history ✨aesthetic ✨
Yes, the aesthetic makes the studying go by easier lol
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klowns-oc-sthuff · 1 year ago
“With his death, nobody could understand how peace still lived, not even I. But now, everything makes sense…
The Abyss Order will not go unpunished.
That is the solemn vow, the promise, to my oldest friend. Even if it erodes me further…”
- Zhongli
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◆ Kwang-Ho ‧ Purson
â—† Joyogham
â—† Lux
â—† Imperator Pacis
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Genshin Impact OC!
Stay tuned on my blog to know more about him!
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thxnews · 1 year ago
Cordilleras Battling Over 20 Forest Fires in 2024
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Alarming Rise in Forest Fires Hits the Cordillera Administrative Region
Since the onset of 2024, the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) has witnessed a concerning surge in forest fires, with more than 20 incidents recorded. The fires have not only engulfed vast stretches of forest but have also threatened iconic areas like the government-run Camp John Hay, sparking widespread concern among residents and authorities alike.  
Escalating Fire Incidents
The Bureau of Fire Protection-CAR (BFP-CAR) has reported that Benguet bears the brunt, with nine fires, closely followed by Mountain Province with eight and Abra with three. Notably, the villages of Ampucao and Dalupirip in Itogon, Benguet, experienced prolonged fires that lasted into the first week of February. These fires predominantly originate from open flames on farmlands, rubbish burning, cooking, and careless cigarette disposal.   A Growing Concern 2023 saw a significant jump in non-structural fires, including grassfires, forest fires, and rubbish fires, totaling 199 incidents compared to 102 in 2022. This trend underscores a growing environmental and safety concern, necessitating urgent action to prevent further damage.  
Recent Fires and Response
A notable forest fire flared up near the Voice of America site within the Camp John Hay reservation area on February 11. Thanks to concerted efforts, the fire was suppressed by the afternoon. However, subsequent fires on February 13 and 14 have put authorities on high alert, with the causes still under investigation.   Community and Authority Response Fire Sr. Supt. Robert Pacis, BFP-CAR regional director, emphasized the importance of community-level prevention measures. Moreover, he highlighted ongoing efforts to modernize the BFP's operations. Pacis pointed to the construction of new fire stations and the procurement of fire trucks and ambulances as critical steps toward enhancing fire response capabilities in the region.  
In Conclusion
The spate of forest fires in the Cordillera Administrative Region highlights a critical need for heightened awareness. Consequently, proactive measures must be taken to protect these vital ecosystems and communities. As authorities work to bolster fire prevention and response mechanisms, it's imperative that the cooperation of local communities is sought. Their involvement will be indispensable in mitigating the risks and impacts of such disasters in the future.   Sources: THX News & Philippine News Agency. Read the full article
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bil · 6 years ago
La question du pourquoi....
Et licet quocumque oculos flexeris feminas adfatim multas spectare cirratas, quibus, si nupsissent, per aetatem ter iam nixus poterat suppetere liberorum, ad usque taedium pedibus pavimenta tergentes iactari volucriter gyris, dum exprimunt innumera simulacra, quae finxere fabulae theatrales.
Hoc inmaturo interitu ipse quoque sui pertaesus excessit e vita aetatis nono anno atque vicensimo cum quadriennio imperasset. natus apud Tuscos in Massa Veternensi, patre Constantio Constantini fratre imperatoris, matreque Galla sorore Rufini et Cerealis, quos trabeae consulares nobilitarunt et praefecturae.
Ego vero sic intellego, Patres conscripti, nos hoc tempore in provinciis decernendis perpetuae pacis habere oportere rationem. Nam quis hoc non sentit omnia alia esse nobis vacua ab omni periculo atque etiam suspicione belli?
Quod si rectum statuerimus vel concedere amicis, quidquid velint, vel impetrare ab iis, quidquid velimus, perfecta quidem sapientia si simus, nihil habeat res vitii; sed loquimur de iis amicis qui ante oculos sunt, quos vidimus aut de quibus memoriam accepimus, quos novit vita communis. Ex hoc numero nobis exempla sumenda sunt, et eorum quidem maxime qui ad sapientiam proxime accedunt.
Huic Arabia est conserta, ex alio latere Nabataeis contigua; opima varietate conmerciorum castrisque oppleta validis et castellis, quae ad repellendos gentium vicinarum excursus sollicitudo pervigil veterum per oportunos saltus erexit et cautos. haec quoque civitates habet inter oppida quaedam ingentes Bostram et Gerasam atque Philadelphiam murorum firmitate cautissimas. hanc provinciae inposito nomine rectoreque adtributo obtemperare legibus nostris Traianus conpulit imperator incolarum tumore saepe contunso cum glorioso marte Mediam urgeret et Parthos.
Harum trium sententiarum nulli prorsus assentior. Nec enim illa prima vera est, ut, quem ad modum in se quisque sit, sic in amicum sit animatus. Quam multa enim, quae nostra causa numquam faceremus, facimus causa amicorum! precari ab indigno, supplicare, tum acerbius in aliquem invehi insectarique vehementius, quae in nostris rebus non satis honeste, in amicorum fiunt honestissime; multaeque res sunt in quibus de suis commodis viri boni multa detrahunt detrahique patiuntur, ut iis amici potius quam ipsi fruantur.
Haec et huius modi quaedam innumerabilia ultrix facinorum impiorum bonorumque praemiatrix aliquotiens operatur Adrastia atque utinam semper quam vocabulo duplici etiam Nemesim appellamus: ius quoddam sublime numinis efficacis, humanarum mentium opinione lunari circulo superpositum, vel ut definiunt alii, substantialis tutela generali potentia partilibus praesidens fatis, quam theologi veteres fingentes Iustitiae filiam ex abdita quadam aeternitate tradunt omnia despectare terrena.
Martinus agens illas provincias pro praefectis aerumnas innocentium graviter gemens saepeque obsecrans, ut ab omni culpa inmunibus parceretur, cum non inpetraret, minabatur se discessurum: ut saltem id metuens perquisitor malivolus tandem desineret quieti coalitos homines in aperta pericula proiectare.
Et est admodum mirum videre plebem innumeram mentibus ardore quodam infuso cum dimicationum curulium eventu pendentem. haec similiaque memorabile nihil vel serium agi Romae permittunt. ergo redeundum ad textum.
Has autem provincias, quas Orontes ambiens amnis imosque pedes Cassii montis illius celsi praetermeans funditur in Parthenium mare, Gnaeus Pompeius superato Tigrane regnis Armeniorum abstractas dicioni Romanae coniunxit.
Accedebant enim eius asperitati, ubi inminuta vel laesa amplitudo imperii dicebatur, et iracundae suspicionum quantitati proximorum cruentae blanditiae exaggerantium incidentia et dolere inpendio simulantium, si principis periclitetur vita, a cuius salute velut filo pendere statum orbis terrarum fictis vocibus exclamabant.
Altera sententia est, quae definit amicitiam paribus officiis ac voluntatibus. Hoc quidem est nimis exigue et exiliter ad calculos vocare amicitiam, ut par sit ratio acceptorum et datorum. Divitior mihi et affluentior videtur esse vera amicitia nec observare restricte, ne plus reddat quam acceperit; neque enim verendum est, ne quid excidat, aut ne quid in terram defluat, aut ne plus aequo quid in amicitiam congeratur.
Hac ita persuasione reducti intra moenia bellatores obseratis undique portarum aditibus, propugnaculis insistebant et pinnis, congesta undique saxa telaque habentes in promptu, ut si quis se proripuisset interius, multitudine missilium sterneretur et lapidum.
Martinus agens illas provincias pro praefectis aerumnas innocentium graviter gemens saepeque obsecrans, ut ab omni culpa inmunibus parceretur, cum non inpetraret, minabatur se discessurum: ut saltem id metuens perquisitor malivolus tandem desineret quieti coalitos homines in aperta pericula proiectare.
Quanta autem vis amicitiae sit, ex hoc intellegi maxime potest, quod ex infinita societate generis humani, quam conciliavit ipsa natura, ita contracta res est et adducta in angustum ut omnis caritas aut inter duos aut inter paucos iungeretur.
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jessejames1802 · 2 years ago
Why do some college textbooks have questions, but no solutions in them?
The textbook is considered the bedrock of education. On many occasions, the class lectures could be more adequate for the students to understand the concepts there in the textbook. But there are certain instances where college textbooks have questions, but no solutions and these problems greatly affect the students. They cannot solve the problems; as a result, it reflects on their academic performance. The best option at this stage is Textbooks Solution.
Textbook solutions are imperative in learning in schools, colleges, and other educational establishments. It documents that educational clients use it to supplement classroom learning. However, problems arise in that all the content developers and publishers need to be tuned and qualified to provide relevant and informative content, which is a requirement of the students.
Therefore, associating with academic solution providers frequently results in textbook solutions’ poor and sub-substandard quality. Most service providers have Subject Matter Experts and academic writers for their respective fields.
They can deliver a handful of the primary subject. Generally, most textbook solutions are written English, which poses a great difficulty for non-speaking students. Therefore, they must offer multilingual textbook solutions so diverse students across the length and breadth can leverage the textbook solutions. 
Reasons To Use Textbook Solutions
Focus on Core Areas
There is no doubt that textbook development is a time-consuming activity. At this stage, availing of textbook development services is the best choice. At the same time, content development is a complex process, and it’s not only confined to digitized content. Besides, it needs extensive research, fact-checking, and other related things. Therefore, taking the help of mentioned services is the best option.
Steady Progress 
A well-knit textbook and curriculum ensure learner’s educational journey is on the right track. Its components divide in such a way from scratch to advanced level; it designs, keeping in mind the current scenario, progressively enhancing the learner’s understanding of the subject and consolidating the learner’s skills.
Engaging and relevant content
One of the significant content strengths is fascinating and immersive, which contrasts with the printed textbook. The richness of content comes from the combination of audio, 
Streamline learner career path in an organized way
It has directed the learner’s career objective. Learners are mapping their destination and how to go there. But only contemplating will cut little ice as learners have to have strong determination coupled with hard work is the mantra of success.
Common Goals
It is set not only goals for learners but also for other professions. Apart from other objectives, the curriculum provides step-by-step information about what learners study in first grade and after. A clear path would undoubtedly benefit them to envisage going forward. 
Subject matter experts
With the pacy world, so do the business world, where getting time is a commodity. Besides, the agency must be professionally qualified to undertake any particular assignment. A professional agency, in this circumstance, is ideal bait to carry the message to a large section of the learners. They eliminate unwanted things from the textbook development process; otherwise, they may not be relevant to the learners.
It Keeps You Updated
If the students follow the textbook regularly, it improves their subject knowledge greatly. You can go through the textbook several times, and in this process, you come to many jargonized words associated with the textbook. The knowledge you gathered through the textbook solutions can help you score good marks.
You Can Start Any Time 
It is always prudent to begin at the earliest. The more you focus on your subject, the better your understanding. 
The striking feature of the textbook solution is that it provides a comprehensive description of the topics and also render chapter-wise solution in such a fashion that even a weak student can find it interesting and easy to understand, breaking the preconceived idea that the subject is hard to follow. 
Carry Easily 
Earlier, students carry heavy books in their backpacks, often unknowingly hurting their spines. On the hand, e-Textbook solutions are fine. Even the palm-size device can store all the required textbook solutions effectively. Therefore, students can access it from anywhere and anytime.            
Fast Turnaround Time 
Time is true of the essence; similarly, timely delivery is paramount. It is a great concern for the educational client to get the delivery on time. Similarly, it is also applicable to the academic solution provider to provide the content on time. 
Diverse Audience  
Since the audience spans the length and breadth of the world, textbook solutions should be in a different language to ease the learning perspective significantly.
The basic tenant of online academic solutions providers is to provide multilingual textbook solutions to the student so that they access it across geographical borders. For this reason, many educational organizations are looking for multilingual textbook solution providers to solve this problem effectively.  
Expert ALT-Text Writers
They are adept at providing the precise depiction of an image that assists students in accessing the content. Besides, Alt-Text writers are proficient in language knowledge and delivering hard concepts in a precise format. In a nutshell, they help a lot the students.   
Completely Error-Free and Accurate
Accuracy is another area in developing textbook solutions that deserve significant attention, regardless of the physical or digital, accuracy and error-free play a pivotal role. So, it expects the textbook solution provides an excellent solution.
A prejudiced textbook solution is never entertained. The content undergoes rigorous checking so that it becomes 100% accurate.
Detailed Explanation
Timely delivery does not mean you get a detailed explanation of the subject. A textbook and a solutions manual are similar in approach, format, and other important things.
The striking features of the solutions manual are its outlines and summaries that help students understand the concept of the subject. Textbook solutions have a glossary, and the required link that helps you learn more about the subject by clicking the link leads you to an authentic webpage where you can find the required information.
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alexandreaiteiaabronia · 3 years ago
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My Religion is Antinoan. Antinous is the intersection of Greece, Rome, and Egypt, and He is my God. Antinous of Bithynia: Last God of Three Great Empires, and unto the whole World. Antinous is the Imperator Pacis / Emperor of Peace. Laudate Antinoe! Praise Antinous! Blessings Be! (This is the commentary on Hymn XXVII: To Antinous Imperator Pacis. It is a great commentary of the Hymn. I shared the Hymn recently, but this is the commentary about it) www.naosantinoou.org is the website. . . The title “Imperator Pacis” is something of an oxymoron. It translates as “Emperor of Peace”; what makes that a contradiction in terms is that the Latin word imperator, meaning “one who gives orders”, was originally the title of the commander in chief of Rome’s armies. It was only fairly late in Roman history that it was applied to the ruler and protector of the Roman state as a whole.
Hadrian, one might say, is the Emperor of War, the battle-proven commander respected by the troops. Antinous is the Emperor of Peace, the ruler of a society which is at peace not only with its neighbors but with itself. In writing this hymn, I was inspired by the image of Antinoopolis, the city which Hadrian founded and named after his eromenos, and by a line from the biblical Psalms: “Jerusalem is built as a city that is at unity within itself” (Ps. 122). Antinous is the Emperor of his city, a place of unity within great diversity. The historical Antinoopolis was, like Alexandria, a cosmopolitan hub of multiple nationalities, languages, ethnicities, and religious practices, where Antinous was especially honored. So is the spiritual Antinoopolis that we construct in ritual, invoked by the image of the god’s obelisk and its sacred texts in the Egyptian language.
No culture, no religion, no sexuality, no race, no gender is excluded in the imagined empire of the Beautiful Boy. I included the galloi and megabyzoi because they were among the most alien and gender-variant people in the Empire, the former being castrated priests of Cybele and the Magna Mater and the later priests of the Artemis of Ephesus. In Roman society they were objects of fascination and fear; Roman citizens were not permitted to join these cults where castration was required. I envision them as free and equal citizens under Antinous’ rule, as are trans and gender-variant and gender-nonconforming people.
As we draw near to the conclusion of this cycle of hymns, it should be noted that the one attribute with which Antinous is never associated is war. He is a hunter and a liberator, able to wield bow and arrow and spear, but he is not a soldier; he is never depicted with sword or shield. In many of the surviving images we have, he is nude, completely exposed, completely vulnerable. He places no armor between himself and the world and invites his devotees to approach him with the same openness he displays. The spiritual city of Antinoopolis is a safe place for all of us queers, and for all lovers, ruled by the divine youth who guards diversity in peace. 🪷🪷
#repost by Chris Langley
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tourtelegraph · 5 years ago
Bvlgari Hotel Roma to debut in the Eternal City in 2022
Bvlgari Hotel Roma, which is slated to open in 2022, will occupy a magnificent building in the heart of the Campo Marzio neighbourhood, a stone’s throw from the iconic Spanish Steps and the signature Bvlgari flagship on Via Condotti… The new Roman hotel will be strategically located in the central Piazza Augusto Imperatore. The new Bulgari Hotel Roma will occupy a magnificent building, owned by Edizione Properties, who were assisted by CBRE Hotels for the tenant selection activity. The building was built between 1936 and 1938 to a design by architect Vittorio Ballio Morpurgo. The rationalist building, which faces two of the most iconic Roman landmarks, the Ara Pacis and the Mausoleum of Augustus, the first Roman Imperator, which is currently under renovation, reveals a monumental, modern architecture emphasised by the use of traditional Roman materials and colours. As with the other Bulgari Hotels in the world, Italian firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel will be in charge of both the architectural project and the interior design of the new Bulgari Hotel Roma. The property will offer over 100 rooms, most of them suites, as well as the prestigious Il Ristorante curated by Michelin-starred chef Niko Romito and the Bulgari Bar, both located on the top floor to guarantee an unparalleled view of the Eternal City. #BvlgariHotel #Hotel #Rome Read the full article
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outoftuna · 6 years ago
Numquam imperator ita paci credit tu non se praeparet bello quod etiam si non geritur indictum est
Seneca, De vita beata
Nessun generale confida tanto nella pace da non prepararsi alla guerra, quando questa, se non ancora in atto, è tuttavia nell’aria
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kuickresearch · 7 years ago
US Cancer Vaccine Market Outlook 2020
Escalating cancer incidences have made the investigators to come forth with therapeutics that could reduce high morbidity and mortality rates. Cancer segment has several products belonging to different categories having different pharmacological efficacy. So, it becomes imperative for investigators to develop products that have both high pharmacological and commercialization potential. Numerous cancer therapeutic is available in market but they have limited pharmacological efficacy and high unmet medical necessities prevails across the globe. Vaccination has been successfully employed to treat various infectious diseases and this idea has been extended to treat different malignancies. In past few decades, various malignancies have increased several folds in US due to which regulatory authorities are willing to accept cancer vaccines as a viable option. After hard work of several decades, investigators have been able to successfully market cancer vaccines in US market.
Cancer vaccines could be divided into to two broad categories of prophylactic (preventive) and therapeutic (treatment) segments. In US, cancer vaccines belong to both of these groups have been marketed in past few decades. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking effective measures to offer better medical care to cancer patients. They are willing to try newer modalities due to which pharmaceutical companies are actively engaged for developing them for different malignancies. Due to this reason cancer vaccines got marketing approval in US and in clinical trials they have generated significant data. Increasing demand and higher acceptance rates among patients are expected to increase their sales due to which pharmaceutical companies are actively competing to generate more revenues from this segment. In future, number of clinical trials is expected to increase to develop cancer vaccines for different malignancies. Some of the products are different stages of clinical trials which are expected to be commercialized in US in coming years.
Cancer vaccines for malignancies developed as a result of infectious agents has gained acceptance in past few years and success of HPV vaccines in encourages pharmaceutical companies to invest significantly in this segment. Moreover, FDA has already approved hepatitis B vaccine for hepatic carcinoma but cure for hepatitis C remains elusive. This segment may develop a whole new segment of cancer vaccines and time will tell about success of these measures. In future, it may happen that cancer vaccines for various malignancies caused by infectious agents will become easily available in US. Main emphasis is being given on Kaposi’s sarcoma which is Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) associated malignancy. Till date no effective treatment for Kaposi’s sarcoma is available but by activating patients’ immune system with the help of cancer vaccines it could be treated. In recent years, investigators have been able to find putative link between H. pylori and gastric cancer. These indices have less frequency but these cases are increasing and there are no competitive products in US market as a result of which significant opportunity to churn significant revenues exists for pharmaceutical companies.
For Report Sample Contact: [email protected]
Report Weblink: https://www.kuickresearch.com/report-US-Cancer-Vaccine-Market-Outlook-2020.php
US is expected to become one of the largest market for cancer vaccines due to amenable regulatory rules for newly developed medicinal products. FDA is known to provide early marketing approval to products if breakthrough is produced at early stages of clinical trials. This will allow the cancer patients use cancer vaccine for their treatment without waiting for long time. Recently, US has agreed to introduce lung cancer vaccine developed in Cuba to be used in clinical trials for checking its safety and efficacy. If this lung cancer vaccine proves its worth in clinical trials performed in US, then it will get marketing approval. Due to increasing cancer incidences, it has become necessary to take such steps which will help the large population base suffering from different malignancies. Hopefully, pharmaceutical companies will try to take introduce their cancer vaccines as soon as possible in US to occupy major market shares due to which more cancer patients will get highly effective cancer vaccines.  
\"US Cancer Vaccine Market Outlook 2020\" Report Highlight:
US Cancer Vaccine Market Analysis
Cancer Vaccine with Orphan Status
US Cancer Vaccine Clinical Pipeline by Company, Indication & Phase
US Cancer Vaccine Clinical Pipeline:  187 Vaccines
Clinical Insight of Marketed Cancer Vaccines in US
Marketed Cancer Vaccine in US: 5 Vaccines
FDA Regulations for Clinical Trials of Cancer Vaccines
Clinical Insight of Marketed Cancer Vaccines in US
Bladder Cancer Vaccine - ID Biomedical (PACIS®)
Bladder Cancer Vaccine - Organon Teknika (OncoTICE)
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Quadrivalent - Merck (Gardasil®)
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Recombinant Bivalent - GlaxoSmithKlinee (Cervarix®)
Prostate Cancer - Dendreon Corporation (Provenge®) 
For Report Sample Contact: [email protected]
Report Weblink: https://www.kuickresearch.com/report-US-Cancer-Vaccine-Market-Outlook-2020.php
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