#impending todoroki family drama
todorokis-girl · 4 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (V)
Chapter V: Last minute encounter
No actual dabi in this one
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Next Chapter
taglist: @staygoldsquatchling02 , @alien-00715-blog
Note: I was gonna post this next week BUT I have some presentations and assignments to turn in, and I don't know if I could keep track of this. Plus I already started chapter VII (I have chapter VI done and ready to post later today, this was supposed to be chapter 1 but I wanted to add drama before this), so that will probably my focus next week.
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The day had started like any other. The city bustled with life, the streets filled with people going about their routines. She had been on her way to meet Keigo, walking through a busy shopping district. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the city. As she passed by a familiar convenience store, she decided to stop in and grab a snack, hoping to alleviate the stress of the day with a small treat.
Inside the store, the hum of the refrigeration units and the soft chime of the entrance bell created a familiar ambiance. She wandered down the aisles, her mind drifting as she absentmindedly picked up a packet of chips. Her thoughts were a mix of mundane worries and lingering memories of a past. The Todoroki family, Touya’s memory, the constant ache of his loss—they were always there, just beneath the surface.
As she reached the checkout counter, a sudden chill ran down her spine. She felt a presence, something or someone that made her skin prickle with a strange sense of déjà vu. Turning slowly, she saw a figure standing at the end of the aisle, partially hidden in the shadows. His posture was familiar, but it wasn’t until he stepped into the light that recognition slammed into her like a physical blow.
The figure turned, revealing the face she had once known so well. His eyes, deep turquoise and filled with a mixture of surprise and anger, locked onto hers. This wasn't the first time they had seen each other. Just a couple of days ago, she had been pressed between him and a wall in an alley; but his eyes seemed wilder than usual, angrier, and she had been feeling tension, irritation, and anger all morning. She didn't understand what had happened, but she did know one thing right now…
She dropped her bags immediately and sprinted out of the convenience store, anxiously looking around for a place to run to without civilians. It seemed impossible—she was in the middle of a big city. Next idea.
Heroes. She needed to get as many people out of the vicinity as possible. She couldn't do that right now, and she could feel the temperature behind her rise. She had to find help, find heroes who could evacuate the area. The heat was intensifying, and panic clawed at her chest as she darted through the crowded street.
"You're a liar" His voice, raw with betrayal and rage, echoed in her ears. His deep turquoise eyes bore so deeply into hers that the pressure on her chest, in her heart, seemed to increase exponentially.
Her breath came in ragged gasps as she rounded a corner, her mind racing. She needed to find a hero, anyone who could help mitigate the impending disaster. The familiar signs of the shopping district blurred as she focused on putting as much distance as possible between her and the man she had once known.
She knew there was no time to dwell on the past. She had to keep moving, keep running, and find a way to protect the people around her. She spotted one of the local heroes and stopped in from of him, hopping she was far enough for Tou... Dabi as she could. 
"Help, I need help clearing the area as much as posible" The hero looked her over with a corked brow "and I should listen to you why?"
"Damn it I dont have to for this" her breathing picked up and she started shaking "Thermifrost with Endeavors agency, League of villains member Dabi is chasing me, I can take him; but I can't deal with him and getting people out" her eyes settled on angry as she looked at the hero over "get the people out"
She started to feel the temperature rise behind her again, and her own feeling of fear and his feeling of anger increased with every second, making it cold would help her with him, and maybe saving one or two people, but she couldn’t stop him from doing any damage. 
“Yes ma’am!” She nooded and watched him run off screaing at people to move away, and left it up to him to get the help you needed 
She turned around and faced him for the first time since she started to run “I don’t know where this is coming from, or what I did to get you so angry” She was anxious, she wanted to avoid this, but as he walked up to her, slowly, with his arm slowly growin fire, she braced herself for a fight she didn’t want to have. 
"You chose them over me!" Deep turquoise eye bore so deeply into mine, the pressure on my chest, in my heart, seemed to increase.
"I didn't chose anyone over you Touya", anger, misplaced anger, seeped out of my word "I didn't even know you were alive!" A sob escaped me, which made the current situation so much more real. it had been years.. years of pain, thinking he was dead. How dare he? How dare he imply I chose anything in this situation, I chose the option that would have kept me closer to him. When he was dead.
"We have marks with each others names, we feel what the other feels", he took exasperated steps towards me getting closer and more menacing as he got closer, the feeling of safety slowly washing off me, would he hurt me? would he killme? "You're gonna look at me in the eye, and tell me, you didn't know I was alive?"
The question was one that burned inside me, ever since I found out he was alive, and it killed me knowing that he wasn't only alive, but with the villains, it drove me crazy and I could barely sleep. I wondered during the years why occasionally I would feel things that were simply not my own; but how was I to know? He was dead, it was a fact, he died in his fire!, so young, faking your own death that young wasn't realistic to think about. I didn't... other than sudden anger, sadness and occasional pleasure, the feelings didn't range far or even often.
"I didn't! I really didn't know, had I know ANY of this, I would hace been on your side no questions asked," I pulled my legs closer to me, the fight we had engaged in didn't fair well on my body. The burns from his fire were negligible, the burn from my own ice, though, if not treated soon could start causing decay "You think I wanted to sit by and let him do any of those things to Shouto? That it brought me pleasure in any way to say your mother hospitalized? Natsuo and Fujumi so neglected?" The tears finally started pouring out, this was emotionally too much, hopelessness and guilt was bubbling up and started to eat me inside "I don't care anymore, just, kill me if you have to"
The Todoroki's took me in, not because of me but because of him, for him. They swore he would have wanted me to be a part of their family, all the other soulmates of their kids were just as welcomed. Enji took it upon himself to look for all their kids soulmates, as soon as posible. We all knew how.... intense, Enji Tododroki could be, but we stayed for our soulmates. They weren't a perfect family, or even a good one; but I wanted Touya with me so badly, and his family was all that was left; his grave, his shrine, I needed him and I couldn't have him. Now what? It seems I never had anything of his at all.
"I'm not going to kill you" he said while slowly crouching down ro my eye level, the fire in his hand slowly being put out; the look in his eyes wasn't the thing giving his emotions away but the bond we had, I understood the resignation and the conflict happening in his heart "but, we are in a bit of a bad situation right now, doll" I swallowed thickly and rested the back of my head in what was left of the concrete wall behind me.
"I'm not leaving the kids to be killed" I said after a moment of silence, having had to steel my mind and build my resolve; making sure I understood what I was potentially giving up.
"I'm not going to leave the league" he replied after a deep breath, and I could hear the same resolve in his voice.
and, there in lies our problem.
I straightened up my head to look at him again, his hands reaching to the ice around me, I assumed to melt it "don't... it hurts"
He looked up at me and stopped, taking a quick Look over me. "You have to do something about the ice, or you'll be short an arm and maybe a leg"
The cold was starting to set, over my body, and as usual it started to build in my extremities, I could barely feel my nose and my fingers anymore.
I ignored him, the current situation not leaving my mind at all, my injuries could wait "What do we do?"
"What we've been doing," he hesitantly reached to touch my cheek, providing much-needed warmth, his thumb lightly brushing my nose. "I'm dead, sweetheart." He proceeded to hold my hands for a while, and I wished the warmth building up in my body could stay forever.
He immediately stepped away from me the moment we heard running, signaling that heroes were here. "Your help's here," he said something to himself, and slowly he was swallowed by some black goo. "Don't die on me, I gotta see you at the end of this, however that goes." Once he was gone, she felt the ice she had built break, and some heroes rushed in to help her.
"Are you alright?" Hawks was the first to reach her, the concern in his eyes overflowing. She nodded, though her mind was still reeling from the encounter. The warmth from his touch lingered, contrasting sharply with the chill that had settled in her bones.
"We need to get you to safety," another hero, Midnight asked, as she looked over the area, with a soothing voice, said as she helped her to her feet. "You're not injured, are you?"
"No, I'm fine, just need to get warm, or I’m gonna lose my fingers" she replied, her voice trembling. "He's gone now."
The heroes exchanged glances, a mix of relief and apprehension in their eyes. "Good," Midnight said, "but we need to take you to the hospital, any idea why this happened?"
She looked up at them deciding what to reply, she could tell them everything that had been going on, get herself on a watchlist OR she could lie to them, and live in constat panic hoping they won’t find out any time soon. She took a deep breath once she settled on her answer “No, I was at the convinience store, and he just attacked me” 
As they led her through the bustling streets, the golden hue of the setting sun seemed to mock her turmoil. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over. His words echoed in her mind: "Don't die on me, I gotta see you at the end of this, however that goes." 
What did he mean? Was there still hope, or was it a final farewell? Her heart ached with the uncertainty, and the heroes' reassuring presence did little to quell the storm of emotions raging within her.
Hawks didn't leave her side, and insisted on sleeping in her room until her family arrives. She didn't feel good calling them her family anymore, knowing Touya was alive, she didn't feel like there was a place with them anymore. Before she could let the thoughts settle any further her hospital room door opened to reveal all the Todoroki siblings standing there.
"Are you alright?" She smiled at Shouto, and nodded showing him her fingers "I'm all warmed up, I'm only here for a couple hours to make sure nothing else is wrong" He narrowed his eyes at her and sat his hot side closest to her. As she smiled at him she greeted the others.
Hers or not, she loved them as if they were.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 109
Hammer of the Gods/Journey’s End
I have about an hour before I need to leave so I’m hoping I can get through spn in that time
“Hammer of the Gods”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean are held hostage by a group of gods who want to use them as bargaining chips to stop the apocalypse
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: If a god wanted to kill me, I’d just be dead, let’s be real
My first thought was “THIS is where Jerry Parks and Rec has a timeshare and frequents for vacation? Okaaay”
Don’t you think that you’d REALIZE EARLIER that this place is too good to be true? Especially if you’re the WINCHESTERS
Hmmmm, now Sam’s bleeding JUST A LITTLE from the neck like Dean was earlier
I don’t have enough knowledge of ALL the pantheons of the world to say NONE of the gods have ever eaten humans, but I don’t think it’s out of line to say that it feels offensive to make it seem like ALL of them do (at least all of the ones gathered here)
(IMDb break to find out the actress playing Kali. Wouldn’t mind being invested in her career)
Thisssss is why I kept wondering how I was thinking Gabriel was also Loki. But I don’t remember who this gets reconciled
“Next time I say let’s keep driving, let’s keep driving” “oh. Yeah. *NEXT* time” boys, you’re being so funny about the impending doom of planet earth
Did they just make an AVATAR (like James Cameron avatar) reference???
Gabriel you dumbass.
Wait. Excuse me???? Why are we…why are we all of a sudden in a Ghostfacers episode? Was that just supposed to be part of a commercial break? Amazing
Well shit. RIP Gabriel, I guess
“Primitive screwheads”?! Well fuck you very much, Dean
Oh shit. Welcome back Gabriel, I guess
Oh, Luci, buddy, you’re not lookin so good.
Hear me out…I know how it looks. I know the optics. But there is something that gets my heart going watching someone take out their enemies one by one with ease. In a vacuum, this is hot
Why…why is THIS the Todoroki family drama? “Dad liked you best, more than Michael, more than me, but then he brought the new baby home and you couldn’t handle it” honestly, Natsuo as Gabriel makes sense…
RIP Gabriel…for real this time. We got the wings…
Convenient that they already have two of the four keys they need for Lucifer’s cage
Ew ew ew I’d be kicking him out with a QUICKNESS. The physical embodiment of pestilence would not be able to get that close to me
“Been On My Mind…”: Dean tried to hit on Kali, but got shot down QUICK. 5?
“Journey’s End”
Plot Description: The entire universe is in danger as Davros and the Daleks activate their master plan
I’m glad I had good things happen earlier today and will be spending the rest of my evening watching a concert livestream because otherwise I’d lose the will to live watching this episode
Well that’s terrifying, why did those bullets stop? They’re in a time bubble?? Ok sure
I don’t like that this is the kind of interaction Donna and Jack get
The Daleks know German too?
Donna’s fluctuating self esteem is so real. She so often sees herself as “just a temp from Chiswick” but then will stand up to the Doctor about saving Pompeii and demanding salutes from high ranking members of UNIT and yelling at the rich over their treatment of the Ood. I love her
Truly, I don’t think I’d want to travel with the Doctor after this…getting trapped in the TARDIS and nearly incinerated inside it
One, that was a supremely stupid show of anger, Jack. But also like…he’s not DEAD dead, right??
This must have been a fun scene for them to film, the “oi watch it spaceman” “oi watch it earth girl”
I’m really confused about what Martha’s doing…
I did not expect to hear the Doctor tell Davros “we’re not doing the nostalgia tour.” Bud, I hate to break it to ya, but that’s exactly what I’m doing here
Wait……I love the way they either don’t explain shit or explain it so quickly that you’d have to listen to it more than once.
The Empire (Star Wars) WISHES they had what Davros has. The Death Star? Cute. Davros has a Reality Bomb
Martha, you don’t give Rose enough credit. SHE found the Doctor
Ok but so many of those people DIDN’T die…
Cool…glad we made a wholeass weapon and then it gets destroyed seconds before it gets used
ABSOLUTELY NOT LYING, I am laying on my bed crying and just saying “noooooo” over and over as Donna’s speech patterns get more and more like the Doctor’s. I’m so distraught
Hey. Hey. Hey. Isn’t “No More” also the name of the painting from the 50th anniversary special? I’m interested in the parallels between the Doctor and Dalek Khan
There’s no way this little trip back to the Milky Way wouldn’t have serious repercussions that would destroy all life on Earth, but also I know this isn’t that kind of show so I’ll let it slide
The whole Ten Too situation is so weird. New game. No more “would you fuck your own clone?” Now it’s “would you stand by and watch the person you’re in love with kiss your clone?”
No no no no no no nooooooooooooo I hate this part.
Oh. And Wilf’s heartbreak for her and everything she’s lost
You gotta love how both Donna and Wilf took the time to ask the Doctor who he’s got to travel with him now. Donna in her first appearance and Wilf just now
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junionigiri · 5 years
Just Another Secretary Story! Chapter 2: What Else I Can Do With My Life
Chapter Summary: Director Todoroki confronts Secretary Uraraka about her reasons for leaving. (Midoriya tries his best).
Rating: T
“Y-you’re kidding,” Midoriya stammers in awe.
Shouto shakes his head. “Have I ever lied to you before, Midoriya?”
“Never, since I’ve known you in UA,” his former classmate agrees.
It’s the morning of the day after Spiral’s fundraiser. While he expected to have a better morning because of all the successes last night, he woke up with a terrible headache that neither Victoria, his vitamin-infused shower, nor Sato’s award-winning gâteaux minute au yaourt were able to soothe. Because Uraraka requested to come in to work at noontime for her personal matters (whatever they were), Shouto has had to pick his own suit and tie his own tie and review his day’s agenda by himself.
“So the Bodhisattva of Endeavor Inc, the most patient woman in the world, the angel at the demon Director’s side… Uraraka-san’s finally resigning. Wow. It’s really the end of times.”
Midoriya’s smile is too amused for the dire situation at hand.
“How are you feeling about that?”
He’s a capable young hotshot, independent and mature, and he can do everything he needs without anyone’s help. He’s not going to throw a tantrum over anything just because his absent secretary won’t be there to assist him anymore.
“That so? Well I’m glad you’re taking it so well.” Midoriya doesn’t appear too convinced, though. “Did she tell you why she was resigning?”
“Personal reasons.”
“I don’t understand the details but that’s all she said.”
Midoriya ponders about this briefly. “Well, personal reasons are personal reasons. I take it you didn’t ask her what they were?”
“No. I didn’t expect a satisfactory answer.”
Besides, asking for reasons might be mistaken as asking her to stay. A thing he will never do. Todoroki Shouto doesn’t beg.
The green-haired executive shrugs. “Maybe? But I think after nine years of working together, she’d give you an honest answer to it. It wouldn’t be a problem.”
That’s just it. It’s nine whole years from age twenty to present. Nine years of good, hard work, sleepless nights, and successes one after the other. And she ends it all in one night with a smile on her face.
But she’s acting within her rights, so he shouldn’t complain. Whatever those personal reasons are, he doubts he would be very interested in them. Anyhow, “What personal reasons could there be to quit a good, stable job you’ve had for nine years?”
“Oh, plenty,” Midoriya answers with a patient smile. “Health, family, a sense of fulfillment.... Maybe she wants to write a novel. Or get married to a nice guy.”
A muscle twitches under his eye. “Those are unacceptable reasons. She has the best health plan any company can offer, she doesn’t have children, and her work--our work--is fulfilling. World-changing. As for the other reasons--”
He pauses. Does Uraraka like writing? He’s never seen her read or write anything except things related to work. As for marriage, well. His sudden annoyance at the idea of her marrying an unexceptional man aside, married women are allowed to work at his office, so he doesn’t see why that is a problem.
Midoriya only laughs. “But they’re personal, so you have to accept them. You understood it last night pretty well.”
Maybe he did because his guard was so down with his elation from their successes and all that whisky, but now that he’s sober he struggles with the sheer absurdity of it all.
“Anyhow, since she’s leaving, you have to be prepared for a new secretary. It’ll be shaky at first, but I’m sure Uraraka-san will train her well before she leaves you.”
Besides the time it will take to find her replacement, Secretary Uraraka is given two weeks to a month to turnover her duties to the new hire. A blank slate prone to mistakes. Already Shouto is dreading going through the process.
Things would be simpler if Uraraka didn’t quit and nothing changed. Change is awful. Why must he be subjected to this again? Does he deserve this turmoil?
“So, that’s some time to find out what her reasons are,” the freckled executive continues brightly. “And maybe, if you find out what they are--”
The little Archimedes sitting dormant in Shouto’s brain suddenly screams, Eureka!
“Then she doesn’t have to quit being my secretary anymore.”
“Then you can support her in--huh? Come again, Director?”
That’s right. If it’s health, he’ll offer her the best treatments that Japan has to offer, overseas if he has to. If it’s family, he’ll compensate her more than enough to support them. If it’s work, or a novel, or travel, or whatever, there’s always money he can throw to solve those.
If it’s marriage, well... that might be difficult, but Shouto has solved every problem that came his way, and this will be no different. There’s no reason for Uraraka to throw away nine whole years of good work for any silly personal reason she might have come across.
Best of all, it won’t be begging if he has something to offer. How could he have missed it?
“As expected from you, Midoriya. Talking to you in your much smaller office has unexpected productivity benefits. I’ll talk to accounting to give you further compensation.”
Midoriya falters, a flabbergasted expression on his face. “Th-that isn’t really necessary, Director.”
“Nonsense. You’ve earned it.” The most pertinent problem of the day addressed (somewhat), the young director stands up from Midoriya’s couch and moves to leave. “Well then, break time is over. We should both be attending to our duties now.”
“Director.” Midoriya bows, strangely defeated. “Nice talk.”
Feeling less gloomy than he felt this morning, Shouto returns to his office with a new sense of purpose.
 Meanwhile, Ochako wakes up the same morning feeling more refreshed than usual.
The sunlight hits her face as she sits up from her tiny bed. It’s bright out, she’s still in bed, and she has places to go. It’s gonna be a great day.
She moves about in her messy little apartment, being careful not to trip around her discarded clothes and things as she readies herself for the day. She puts on light make-up, silver earrings and a simple necklace, and puts on her favorite peach silk blouse and pencil skirt. She fixes her hair until the end result of it is respectable but not too flashy. Director Todoroki never likes flashy.
She’s amazed that she’s able to ask for a few hours off in the morning from Director Todoroki. She’s glad that she did such a good job last night that he had no room to say no, and that she plucked up the courage to say that she wants to resign. All it really takes for him to say yes to anything is good results. She didn’t think she’d get here, but she finally has room in her life for important things.
So, on to personal reason number one.
With a sense of confidence she’s never had before, she enters the bank to fill out a few forms. Her heart is light as she signs her name and date on it and passes it on to the clerk.
“Thank you. Um,” the clerk says in mild confusion. “Sorry, your name is Uraraka Hisho ?”
She blushes furiously and takes back the form with an awkward laugh. “No… it’s Uraraka Ochako.” Fumbling momentarily with her pen, she erases the characters for secretary and replaces them with the ones for tea and child-- her proper legal name. 
It’s a mistake she makes more commonly than she’d like, but not for long since she’s resigning. She’d brag about it to the stunned clerk if she could.
After a few stamps, signatures, and computer logs, the clerk hands her copies of her forms and a receipt. “Your debts have been paid in full. Congratulations, Uraraka-san.”
Ochako might have smiled a little too brightly, judging by the way that the clerk and the others around her are visibly taken aback, but she couldn’t help it. “Thank you so much,” she gushes, and after shaking more hands than necessary, she greets the rush morning traffic with a brightness to her soul.
Nine years of hard work, sleepless nights, blood and tears amounted to this. It cost her her youth and a lot of heartache, but she can look back at all of that without regrets. She can finally call Ma and Pa back home and tell them that she took care of things and there’s nothing to worry about anymore.
And she is about to do just that, except her phone vibrates impatiently before she gets to it with a familiar name flashing on the screen. “Director Todoroki,” she answers in her business voice.
“Secretary Uraraka. Where are you? You told me I can expect you back at work by eleven.”
As blunt and intense as ever. It’s ten-thirty according to her wristwatch. “I am on my way back to Endeavor Tower, sir. I will be at your office on schedule.”
“You did not answer my question,” he replies, to which she gives an impolite grimace through the phone.
Suppressing a sigh, she gives the name of the bank and the exact address. “It’s ten minutes away by taxi,” she adds, knowing very well that the Director has no sense of the parts of the city he does not frequent.
“Don’t move. Shoji is on his way.”
“No, that isn’t necessary--” Ochako begins, but the line is cut off before she can put in another word. Honestly, would it kill him to say goodbye like a normal person?
Ten minutes later, the Bentley comes by the curb. The back door pops open to reveal the Director in all his glory. “Get in. We’re going to be late for lunch.”
Ochako slides in the back seat with an incredulous look on her face. “You told me you didn’t need me to accompany you there, Director.”
“Now I need you to,” he replies bluntly. “Will that be a problem, Secretary Uraraka?”
Hiding the twitch under her eye, she answers, “Of course not, Director.”
Shoji catches her eyes through the rearview mirror. The sullen expression in the quiet bodyguard’s face tell a detailed story of the demon Director giving everyone a hard time in the office. Simply put, she just had to do what he says to save both of them the trouble. 
Noted, Shoji-kun, she replies silently. He appears grateful for it.
And so begins their awkward ride. As they speed off, she decides to adjust the Director’s tie for him--it’s been a while since he wore one on his own, and it shows. This should be routine, nothing special, but today it was just weird. Todoroki’s glare is a thousand times more intense today and he won’t stop glaring at her right in the face and it just makes her feel like her face is too close to his.
Feeling like she’d catch fire if she took too long with his tie, she fixes it in a hurry and sits at an arm’s length away from him.
The strangeness doesn’t stop there. She expects to spend the hour drive to the Todoroki estate in their usual, comfortable silence, but somehow the stretch of silence seems a little strained now, and in the middle of it the Director clears his throat and asks, “So. How was your morning? Did you spend it well?”
Is this…. small talk?
Nine years of complaining about small talk and he’s suddenly engaging her in small talk??? She sees that even Shoji is taken aback by this. “... Yes. I was finally able to finish some personal business that needed fixing. Thank you for generously giving me the morning off.”
The Director hums thoughtfully. “Your personal reasons, ” he confirms. When she nods, he adds, “I’m glad that went well, then.”
There’s a little smirk on his lips when he says that. What is going on with this guy? She doesn’t wonder about it for too long though as they make it to the Todoroki Mansion outside of the city.
It’s big, sprawling, and overall intimidating. An ordinary person wouldn’t know that an estate as big as this existed close to the crowded city, but Ochako knows this place well thanks to the Director and Chairman Todoroki’s whims.
At the door, Todoroki Fuyumi welcomes them in with a graceful smile. “Oh, you brought Uraraka-san as well,” the older sister says in surprise. “You told me it’s just you.”
“She was with me. It was merely convenient to bring her along.” Ochako tries not to puff her cheeks in offense.
Knowing her baby brother very well, Fuyumi doesn’t seem that convinced. “Well, I always like having you here, Uraraka-san. At least Shouto's going to behave better," she adds with a teasing smile directed at her brother, who obviously does not appreciate it. "Let’s go, father’s waiting.”
In the dining room, Todoroki Enji, Chairman of Endeavor Inc, is fuming in his seat. But that's not surprising. Ochako has never seen the older Todoroki wear any other expression for all the years she's known him. “Shouto, what’s this I hear about you and the Yaoyorozu girl?”
“Hello, Father, it’s nice to see you too,” the Director drawls, taking his seat across him. Ochako sits next to him just as the servers place all sorts of entrees in front of them: traditional Japanese food, plus an inordinate amount of zarusoba and kuzumochi. Typical Todoroki household fare.
“Answer my question,” Chairman Todoroki rumbles.
Director Todoroki slurps his zarusoba in response.
By now it’s easy to imagine fire coming out of all of the holes of the Chairman’s head. “Here I took the trouble of finding an appropriate spouse for you, did all the negotiating and all the bothersome work, and you end up wasting my efforts in the most shameful way possible.”
“I thought you’d be used to it by now,” the Director answers easily. “Yaoyorozu’s wasted on me. I did her a favor.”
“You don’t get to decide,” Todoroki Enji says bluntly. “Her father’s a good friend of mine who the company owes a lot of favors since I started it. I won’t be able to face him after that stupid stunt you just pulled.”
The younger one sighs. “I’ll make it up to her,” he relents.
While the Chairman gives him a barely-satisfied grunt that comes with the expectation of his son getting back together with Yaomomo, Ochako knows that the Director is likely going to send her an apology bottle of wine or something similar. She hopes that he sends Shoji for that errand instead of her for a change.
The Chairman unexpectedly turns to her as she places kuzumochi in her mouth. “And you. Don’t just do every single shameless thing that my son asks you to do. If you want to keep your job, you’d do well to use your own discernment and not just his.”
That shit stings to the highest level, and if it were any other secretary than her, she would have burst into tears. But she’s Secretary Uraraka, and she is better than that. “Thank you for your kind advice, Chairman, but you don’t need to worry about me. This is my last month of work in your company, so--”
All manner of cutlery falls noisily on their plates. Todoroki Enji and Fuyumi are staring at her in plain shock. Well, she expected this. This is the first time she mentioned her resignation to them after nine years of serving Todoroki Shouto and his family after all.
But Todoroki Shouto also seems to have dropped his chopsticks on the floor in favor of staring at her like she just stabbed him the gut. What did she say that was so surprising to make him turn blue in the face? Did she mispronounce anything again?
Fuyumi speaks above the violent coughing fits that come after. “Uraraka-san, do you have a minute? I want to show you something in the sitting room.”
Trying not to appear too stunned, Ochako mutely follows Fuyumi out after a brief and deep bow to the shocked father and son combo. 
The drive back from his father’s house is uncomfortable. That’s to be expected after coughing out cold noodles from his trachea while watching his father do the same thing with a mouthful of chewed kuzumochi. Then there’s the heavy air of betrayal coming from the person sitting on his left.
“I didn’t know you were still quitting,” he manages to say in a calm, albeit very strained voice. “And to announce it in front of the Chairman like that.. that’s as good as making it final.”
Uraraka looks at him as if she said nothing out of order at all. “Yes, sir. I don’t recall saying anything otherwise.”
“You said your personal affairs were all resolved.”
“One of them, sir,” she answers in a careful tone. “But that does not change my decision. I still plan to resign for personal reasons.”
Again with those reasons. Whatever they were, they can’t be as important as her work with Shouto. He’s sure that they’re easy things that can be resolved, like the thing she resolved in just a few hours.
“So tell me about them,” he tells her, trying not to appear as menacing as he felt. “What are these very important personal reasons that will make Secretary Uraraka abandon all that she’s built with Todoroki Shouto for the past nine years?”
Maybe it was unfair to phrase it like that. Shouto doesn’t know where all the negative emotions are coming from, to be honest, and he doesn’t know why he’s reacting this way to her. He considers taking it back and rephrasing his question in a more professional way, especially when Uraraka’s brown eyes darken with something that makes him want to retreat.
But he doesn’t take anything back--if this candor is what keeps Uraraka from running out on him, he’ll give it to her.
Uraraka takes a deep, calming breath. “It’s nine years, as you said. Good, productive years where I gained valuable skills and knowledge by your side. I’m grateful for all the experience.”
As you should, Shouto thinks smugly, before she continues.
“But I’m already twenty-nine years old and I live alone and I don’t want to be anymore. I have to work hard and make up for lost time if I want to get married and have children.”
What a mundane reason. Doesn’t she know that the company gives certain perks to married people and their children? “So find someone, go to city hall, and marry them. I’ll give you a day off for that. You can have one tomorrow if you want.”
Uraraka stares at him incredulously. “It doesn’t work that way, Director.”
“That’s how people are legally bound in marriage according to the laws of Japan. Am I mistaken?”
“No, but--” she pauses, laughs in frustration. “Marriage doesn’t work that way for ordinary people like me. Especially with so little opportunities to meet someone worthwhile to marry.”
“Yes, really.” Uraraka’s tone is stiffer than usual. “May I remind you that for the past nine years, my work starts before the sun rises and ends right before midnight with no days off. There’s no way for me to meet anyone if I keep up that schedule.”
Shouto gives her a look that confirms that indeed, he doesn’t understand why it’s a problem. Isn’t it all on her if she can’t manage her personal life? But instead of looking apologetic about it, she gives him a pitying look. “It’s all right Director, I don’t expect you to understand. You are far from ordinary, after all.”
“I am,” he tells her without boasting. “So don’t underestimate me.”
“I’m not, sir.” Uraraka looks at him, eyes wide and bright. “Director… I’ve given nine of the best years of my life to you and your company. I don’t regret anything about it. But don’t you agree that it’s time to see what else I can do with my life?”
The silent plea in her eyes makes the air around Shouto feel like lead.
No, it can’t be true. Nine years of her being at his side, nine years of good hard work, blood sweat and tears. Do they mean nothing to her? Was it all a waste? Did he really force her to waste her life on him?
Why did it feel so terrible to realize this?
All the snide remarks die in his throat. Suddenly it’s hard to look at her. Suddenly it’s hard to focus on anything except the rushing city past the window beside him. In the glass, Shouto sees her reflection staring at his back quietly.
It’s not long before she looks forward to a place far away. 
 “And that’s the gist of it,” Shouto says, nursing a cup of tea as he looks out at the veranda. It’s full of plants as green as Midoriya’s head. He wonders how the marketing chief doesn’t lose himself in it.
Clad in a T-shirt that says shorts and a pair of sweatpants, Midoriya tries not to laugh at his plight, and fails.
“I don’t appreciate that, Midoriya,” he warns him. Even though he invited himself to the other executive’s home, it doesn’t give him the right to laugh at a superior officer.
“Sorry.” He controls the smile on his face expertly and continues with a cough, “It’s just that it’s all that the company is gossiping about all day long. To think that the Chairman choked on his lunch over it… it’s bigger news than I thought.”
“A bigger problem,” Shouto corrects him sternly. “It’s a bigger problem for the company than we thought.”
Midoriya gives a high pitched eeeh. “Is it, though? She’s going through the proper procedure before she leaves work. And she gave you a sound reason for quitting, so…”
“It’s not reasonable to quit a good career just because she wants to get married.”
“It sounds pretty reasonable to me. Lots of people want to prioritize relationships over their careers and the other way around. Neither one is the only correct thing to do. It’s simply a personal decision.”
And here he thought that he worked so well with Uraraka because she belonged in the second group like him. For him it wasn’t a matter of prioritizing career over anything because there was nothing else. Since when did Uraraka want a relationship? “I thought we were on the same page all this time. Before I knew it, her mind’s already made up and there was no room for me to change her mind.”
It feels unfair. He’s likely being immature about all this, but Uraraka’s worse, because she’s stubborn.
The other man shrugs. “At the end of the day, it’s not your decision to make.”
“Well, it should be.”
“Director… it doesn’t work like that.”
Uraraka is his employee. His. And nobody else’s.
Green eyes look him over carefully. “But you know, there’s only one reasonable thing to do about this, right? And that is to--”
Shouto can’t say that the gentle, hinting smile on his best friend’s face is his favorite. It’s much too patronizing and it reminds him how emotionally inadequate he is. But then again, every time he does it, enlightenment follows and a solution appears.
“--marry her.”
“--wish her well in her--wait, what?!!!”
He stands up more unsteadily than intended as he listens to sound of the universe clicking things in place.
How could he have missed such an obvious solution? The old man wants him to marry someone. Uraraka wants to marry someone. There’s no rule in the company that spouses can’t work in the same office. If they don’t take too long with prenuptial agreements, they can get married in no time. It all works out.
“Midoriya, excellent job. Expect another call from accounting,” he says, finishing the rest of his tea in one swallow. Midoriya has a face that can’t be read, but it doesn’t matter now that he knows the precise, exact, correct answer to this previously unsolvable situation.
“No, that’s not--” Midoriya stammers, following him out of his house. “Todoroki-kun--I mean, Director, are you serious? You’re going to propose to Uraraka-san? Because that’s definitely not what I meant when I said those things…”
“Maybe not,” Shouto says, “So that means I came up with the perfect answer on my own, doesn’t it?”
Midoriya gives him an uneasy look. “Director, this isn’t going to work.”
“Hm,” Shouto says doubtfully. “In the unlikely event that it doesn’t, I’ll come back to you for analysis.”
Midoriya looks like he has an hour’s worth of mutterings to say in this regard. Shouto can try to listen to that, but he’s already wasted enough time.
Leaving the flustered Midoriya on the curb, he speeds off into the night, an address in a middle-class area of the city his target. 
 Because Director Todoroki unexpectedly cut their work short in favor of consulting Chief Midoriya in his home, Ochako finally had extra time to do some shopping.
Grocery shopping is a simple joy that she doesn’t take for granted. Today she made it before the afternoon sale on eggs closed. It’s been a while since she last enjoyed a good home-cooked meal, and she’s looking forward to all the things she can cook for the next couple of days.
“Let’s see… tonight, omurice sounds great,” she says, singing a little song to herself. “Oh, and I have some time to check out that k-drama Tooru-chan told me to watch!”
There isn’t much to see in the neighborhood she lived in. Most of them are apartment complexes with affordable rent. She managed to score the cheapest one. The street is narrow, which isn’t usually a problem since most of the residents there don’t own cars. And it may be too quiet, but quiet is good. Quiet means she can take it easy, and...
An all too-familiar Bentley takes up the entire street in front of her apartment. Gods, nothing in this life is ever easy.
Director Todoroki is leaning against the hood of the car, intently watching the door of her apartment like a cat waiting for a mouse to come out of a hole in the wall. That’s strange enough, but stranger still is the fact that he evidently drove there by himself, didn’t get lost, and didn’t seem to have run over anything or anyone on accident or otherwise.
“Director?” she calls out experimentally, on the off-chance that it’s all an elaborate hallucination.
The curt executive turns to her immediately. The familiar severe look on his face tells her that this absurd situation is happening for real. “You’re finally back. It took you a while.”
His blue and grey eye run over her in a flash. This might be one of the few times he’s seen her outside of her work clothes. It shouldn’t bother her since she’s off duty, but suddenly she’s self conscious of the old teambuilding exercise shirt and gym shorts she opted to wear to buy her food.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, not willing to prolong this awkward moment any longer.
“I was waiting for you,” he answers, as if it’s obvious. “There’s something that I need from you. And from my understanding, there’s something that you need from me, too.”
She tells him plainly, “I don’t follow.”
“It’s all right, Secretary Uraraka. It took me a while before I caught on, too.”
He steps forward, ever impressive in his tailored suit, striking eyes almost glowing in the dark with purpose. It's been a while since she feels the boggled feeling ordinary people feel when seeing his disconcertingly handsome face. Maybe because it's so dark and it's just them and why the heck is he in such an ordinary part of town anyways?
She really, really, really doesn’t understand what is going on, and so she responds to him in the way that works on him--bluntly. “Director, please let me know what you want,” she says, struggling to remain professional in her shorts. “I’ll do my best to comply.”
He nods, satisfied. “Good.”
Without warning, he drops to one knee, awkwardly gathering the hand that’s not carrying two dozen eggs, and pretends it isn’t awkward at all. As if this isn’t awkward enough--
“I want you by my side forever. Marry me.”
All her plans of making omurice are instantly obliterated as the bag drops on the concrete beside them. 
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blahkugo · 4 years
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Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: 18+, smut, slight overstim, all characters are aged up, ofc. 
A/N: Happy birthday to the woman that literally birthed my blog, the writer of the best fics I’ve ever read-- *cough Notice, Seven Minutes, Of Love and Lemons, etc.*-- @lookslikeleese​. It’s 5 am right now and my brain cannot come up with the proper words, but just know I love you so much. Thank you for creating our entire friend group. I LOVE YOU. 
omakase (noun): 
(in a Japanese restaurant) a meal consisting of dishes selected by the chef; chef’s choice. 
Thirty minutes into supper with the Todorokis, you think your heart may actually stop beating. It’s not the awkward silence, nor the snowstorm of icy glares traveling across the table. You’ve long since made your peace with the scents of charred leather couches and melted silverware that linger in your hair whenever one of the men gets riled up. 
No, it’s an issue far more pressing than the typical family drama, a matter that needs to be resolved with stealth— immediately. 
It’s Shouto’s fingers, darting into his pocket and pressing a single button. It’s your heels digging into the cool tile beneath you. It’s every nerve standing on end, every passing second sending a wave of heat to your core. Your knuckles blanche, gripping the oak table with such ferocity that it may just snap, and your thighs shake, overwhelmed.
The issue is that there’s a little pink vibrator pressing against your clit and the bi-colored bastard chews his food as though this night is no different than any other. 
It doesn’t matter that the toy’s been placed at the lowest setting all night, doesn’t matter that your fingernails relieve a bit of the pressure every time you dig them into your exposed thighs. The only thought crossing your mind is your impending orgasm. How are you supposed to stifle euphoric pleasure when you’re barely able to hold it together now? 
“So, how’s that new job going?” Enji asks more out of courtesy than interest. While you typically humor his attempts at placid conversation, you’re too troubled to speak to the stoic man in front of you. What if your juices seep through your soaked panties right onto the chair? 
“It’s— ah- it’s really good.” 
And this has been your entire night thus far. Feeble efforts to remain coherent, whines and gasps hidden behind awkward coughs— anything and everything you can possibly do to maintain your dignity in the presence of your boyfriend’s father. 
“What was that funny story you were telling me earlier today?” Shouto doesn’t miss a beat, sending a quick slant your way before stuffing another bite of rice into his mouth. He knows precisely what he’s doing, can feel the pointed daggers you dig into the side of his head, but his relaxed smile reveals nothing to the three pairs of eyes gazing intently at you, awaiting your response.
“Oh, Mt. Lady, she— oh my god,” As soon as you begin speaking, he cranks the toy up to a new level. Though it’s only for a second, the sound that leaves your body is inhuman, a mortifying cross between a sob and a choke that has your palm slamming onto the table fiercely.
All at once, the table is bustling with concern for your safety. To their naive eyes, it seems you choked on a bite of food, and Fuyumi hurries to grab you a glass of water. Shouto simply remains seated, a slick grin plastered across his face at the sight of your heated cheeks and teary eyes. What the fuck could have possessed you to agree to this in the first place? 
“I-I’m okay,” you mumble out, embarrassment shaking you far worse than any sex toy ever could. And that fact— the way your eyebrows knead together in discomfort as you squirm in your seat— is precisely what Shouto wants. You’re no stranger to humiliation, no stranger to the tugging deep in your gut or the heated flush that darts onto your mattress and makes its home on your cheeks.
But this? This type of shame is foreign; it makes your head spin and refuses to waver no matter how much you silently gripe and plead. “Honestly, I feel a bit—” another pulse, another pained gasp from you, “ill.” The words barely make their way out before you’re gritting your teeth, thighs pressing together so tightly they may leave pretty purple marks. 
“Maybe I should take her upstairs,” Shouto sighs, faux apology slipping through his mouth with ease. When did the fucker get so good at lying? 
And then he’s helping you up from your seat, rubbing tender circles into your back, like any good boyfriend would. But every graze is unbearable, sends a tidal wave of warmth rushing through your core. The most innocent of touches has become obscene, twisted in a way only you and the cool man next to you are able to acknowledge. 
As you climb the stairs with shaky legs, you can only pray that the rest of the family doesn’t notice the slick juices trailing down your thighs. 
“Who knew dinner and a show could be so entertaining?” He teases, just barely dodging the fist you throw half-heartedly at his shoulder. His supple lips are glued into a smirk, one that probably won’t drop until the night is long over. 
“Please– I-” you attempt to stifle your moans, but in the comfort of his childhood bedroom you find yourself slipping into a high-pitched whine. “Turn it off.” He seems to debate the plea internally, slender fingers brushing over the buttons until you grip harshly at his bicep. You’ve endured enough misery to last you months. 
When he finally switches it off, you feel your entire body slacken and relief wash over you; however, it does nothing for the throbbing in your clit or the pool of desire still brimming in your core. What you crave is his touch, the warmth that pokes and prods at your every muscle, loosening each nerve until you’re a babbling mess— wholly at the mercy of his lithe fingers. 
“Shou,” you mewl, voice dripping with desperation. His eyes widen for a quick second, brows raised and shocked by your blatant come-on with his family only a level down. “I need you.” 
Those three simple words have him springing into action, shoving you against the mattress. Pinning you beneath him with ease, he hikes your skirt up to your hips before running a slender digit against your clothed slit. 
“You made a mess,” his words carry no weight, only amazement at the juices flowing freely through the thin panties and down your thighs. “Probably made a mess all over your chair too.” 
With that comment, your shame is back with a vengeance, tinging the tips of your ears and causing you to cry out. Before Shouto, you’d have never thought this sort of depraved commentary could have you shaking. Hell, you’re not sure he even knew what he was doing to you at first; ever oblivious, Shouto simply speaks his mind. 
Only when he noticed the effect of his words, did he begin using those passing observations against you. Now, he lives for your reactions, spurs you on if only to see how far a gruff remark can push you— and typically, your limit is reached in wanton sobs and bright red scratch marks down his back. 
He doesn’t bother with removing the lace panties, only tugs them to the side so he can brush his fingers against your naked slit. When he pushes a thumb against your clit, you can’t help the loud cry that escapes you. “Bite,” he offers up his wrist so that your moans don’t carry through the thin walls. 
Your teeth sink into his flesh, eliciting a sharp breath at the sudden pain. And he enjoys that part too— the lengths you’ll go to achieve pleasure, the stinging reminders of your desire. “Stay quiet for me, yeah?” He tests a finger, then two, knuckles deep in your doughy walls as you writhe on the bed. “Good girl.” 
“Mmph,” you feel your eyes roll back at the soft praise, thighs tensing as he begins to pump his digits in and out. “Faster, ah– please.” Your moans are muffled against his arm, but he complies nonetheless, fingers curling and hitting the spot that drums against your heartbeat, that rattles through your brain.
The second he brings his lips to your clit, you feel the coil in your stomach about to snap. Hair slick with sweat, your hands roam through his own wet strands, gripping and tugging him closer, closer, closer. He suckles hungrily, his last meal long forgotten as he pushes you further over the edge. 
All at once, you see stars. You’re unsure whether you’re keeping quiet like he asked or sobbing loudly, the tidal wave of pleasure consumes you whole, stomach going taut and twisting as he allows you to ride out your orgasm. With the toy slowly edging you all night, this bliss feels fully merited— is exactly what you deserve after being subjected to his teasing for so long. 
Shouto only lets up when your entire body has gone slack and you push his head away. Bringing his fingers up to your supple lips, he watches hungrily as you slurp at your own slick. 
His eyes are the darkest you’ve ever seen them, pooling with eagerness and a longing for more; he brings a thumb to his chin to wipe at your juices— licks a long stripe up the digit to fully savor you. The image is immodest at the least, animalistic at most.
It reignites your own thirst immediately. 
Though you’re exhausted, core spasming from overuse, you find yourself tugging at his waistband, pulling him close so he can sheath himself inside you in one fell thrust. 
“Fuck,” his voice is husky, groan stifled in the nook of your shoulder. “Still so fucking tight for me.” The only sounds that fill the air are your joint moans, the squeaky springs of the mattress, and the headboard clanging against the wall— sweat soaked skin as his hips snap against you. 
“Ah— please, please, please,” it seems to be the only phrase that falls from your loose lips. Every jerk sends shocks across your damp flesh, vision going foggy as he sends your brain spinning. Once again, you teeter at the edge, so close. Your legs wrap across his back, digging into the globes of his ass to pull him impossibly closer. 
“What do you want?” He grunts into your jaw, peppering wet kisses down your neck and across your chest. It may leave a mark or two, but it’s something to worry about later. 
“I–”At this point, you’re just a teary, blubbering mess, “please, Shou– need your cum.” You manage the words, knowing exactly what effect they have. His movements quicken, pace faltering as he chases his own high. 
And then, you’re both seeing stars. With one final shudder, his cock twitches, and then he’s spilling into you. Your groans intertwine, his a loud sigh of your name, you sobbing helplessly. 
Once he finally stills, he collapses on top of you, both of your chests heaving. His fingers smooth at your matted hair, whispers of ‘so good for me’ and ‘fuck, baby’ into the shell of your ear as he allows your body— still trembling uncontrollably— time to regain composure.  
Now you remember why you agreed to this little game of his.
“I hope you feel better,” Fuyumi hugs you goodbye, though your eyes are glazed over in post-coital bliss. Her gaze doesn’t quite meet your own, anyways. But they couldn’t have heard; you were quiet. Weren’t you? 
As you stumble into the passenger side of Shouto’s pristine Model S, you catch the gruff comment Enji murmurs to Shouto, 
“You two could stand to be a bit less obvious next time.” 
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