#immersion breaking updates literally made people stop playing the game and not update it
rielzero · 10 days
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He asked to be kissed. Side by side comparisons from when these kisses were released on Valentines Day vs Patch 7.
Just two Evil guys in love :D Before you say ''writer's intent''
I finished the game for the first time when there was NO EPILOGUE and the only kiss animations available where a quick peck on the lips.
Or when I had this animation instead, the first time they were updated;
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Don't punish gamers for playing a roleplaying game. Let me live out my evil vampire gay fantasy.
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Update on this post, again it’s a personal life thing, I’ll be back to over-analysis of comedy bits from 15 years ago soon.
Well, I did it. It was quite a lot happening. I was almost surprised at how quickly it felt normal. The places and the objects were as I remember, like no time had passed. Some of the people looked so similar that it was a shock to see them for about twenty seconds and then the only weird thing was how not weird it was. That my brain remembered it had a set of expectations to apply to scenarios like this one, took a short amount of time to dig that up, but once it did it all made sense.
The last couple of years have been the first time since I was fourteen years old that I’ve stopped doing this for a substantial amount of time, enough time to break my immersion and see it from an outsider’s perspective. It’s made me stop and ask myself why I dedicated my whole life to it before, why I spent all that time banging my head against a brick wall of awful things when there are spaces in the world that aren’t like that. It didn’t occur to me until I took a step back that I don’t have to do that.
I had a bit of those outsider’s eyes yesterday, remembering that not everywhere is like that. I saw at least three people who, less than a year ago, drove up to my city along with all the truckers to take it over and try to metaphorically, and in a couple of small cases possibly literally, burn it to the ground. One of those is a person who complained, about five years ago, when my city got to host one of the four championship tournaments we do every year. Those cities are always in her area, the population-dense cluster of cities and towns that’s 5-6 hours away from me, we drive down there almost every weekend in most years, and just once, the rest of them had to come up my way for one day. She complained at time that it wasn’t fair to expect people to travel so far, even though we do it all the fucking time. Five years later, she didn’t mind the distance so much when she made the trip to stand almost directly outside my window, according to her Facebook live videos, shouting about her right to murder everyone’s grandparents and generally live her life without any thought about her responsibility to others.
The weeks of having my city taken over by the trucker protests were awful, and I said at the time that knowing from Facebook that a few coaches I know from other teams had joined them would make it fucking weird when I started this sport again. I posted this picture at the time (on here, not on Facebook, I haven’t posted anything on Facebook in years and intend to keep it that way), saying that once you come up to my actual home and try to fuck it up, I no longer want to play fun games with you to see whether my kids can beat up your kids under agreed upon regulations:
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I was right to think it would feel that way. At one point I was coaching against a guy who’d made social media videos of himself honking horns and shouting across the street from my house, and I thought, “I don’t like that I have to pretend it’s all fun and games with aforementioned lizard.” I might start referring to that guy as “Aforementioned Lizard”, actually, that sounds like a good new running joke to take up that’ll slightly sublimate a bit of my anger.
There was someone else, a guy I didn’t know, with a shirt that said “We the Fringe” on the back, and when I saw that I thought, “Oh that’s interesting, you don’t normally see people at these things who are interested in something like a fringe festival. I wonder what city’s fringe they went to to get that.” So I watched until he turned around, and when he did, I learned it was a shirt advertising the far-right federal party. The one that’s taken to calling themselves “fringe” as a way to reclaim that, because they were offended that they’ve been referred to as a fringe right-wing movement. If you think about where the global Overton window is right now, it’s pretty fucked up that some people are supporting a party so far right that anyone can call it “fringe”.
So that gave me a moment of thinking, “Fucking hell, why have I dedicated my life to this thing that’s so full of terrible people? I wouldn’t have this problem if I’d just gone into pottery or some shit.” But then, one of my athletes who was at his first ever competition, only fifteen years old, and has some neurodivergency stuff that means he tends to be a bit out of it and a bit hard to read, I couldn’t tell if he was all that emotionally invested because when he lost his first two matches he didn’t seem that bothered and he didn’t engage all that much in general, but then he won his third match, got up after the final buzzer and turned around and I saw the biggest grin on his face, he ran back to the corner and threw himself at me for a hug, and I thought, “Ah yes, that’s why.” I just don’t think pottery can provide those kinds of highs at a comparable rate.
Also, the bad apples were only a few people. There’s one guy, an assistant coach from a team down South whom I’ve always quite liked, not because I knew anything about his beliefs but just because he seemed nice. Yesterday, he was walking around in a shirt that said I Stand With Ukraine, and he was the only person in the entire building wearing a mask (including me, I’m sorry to say, because I do not have the social confidence to be one of only two people at a big event wearing a mask, and because I knew going to this big indoor thing with lots of physical contact that the tradeoff was accepting a big risk, but that second reason is a bullshit copout since the presence of risk does not negate the benefit of risk mitigation, so it’s really just about the first reason, and if I die due to my lack of social confidence I’ll deserve it). I fucking love it when I take a chance on not hating someone, and I turn out to be right.
I am friendly with a few those people, a few that I chatted with a bit when I saw them. The only one I’d call a good friend, whom I was very much looking forward to seeing, picked this as pretty much the one event in years that he chose to skip. So that reunion will wait until next time. But I was surprised at how many others seemed pleased to see me.
When I put on my coaching jacket for the first time since the high school championships in early March 2020, and zipped it up, I felt like Ralph Macchio at the end of season 1 of Cobra Kai, when he dramatically put on the gi and headband thing that he wore in the Cobra Kai movies, declaring that he was officially taking up the mantle again.
So that’s my update. I can’t think of a less cliche way to say this than yesterday I felt more alive than I have in nearly three years. Truly alive, to quote noted plastic cow destroyer and chocolate milkshake drinker David O’Doherty. We’ll see how long this lasts, I guess, if the world shuts down again or if I get punished for the risk taking with another case of COVID, or if I have another psychological breakdown and can’t keep doing it. But for the moment, I feel like life as I knew and loved it is possible again, even if I have to share it with some aforementioned lizards.
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hcneymilkks · 5 years
CIX Hyunsuk 'Mission Mistletoe'
Request from WATTPAD! 
Request a oneshot here!
Prompt number:
15. Avoiding the Mistletoe at all costs, however, everyone is trying their best to get their otp there.
Pairing - Hyunsuk x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2.6k
You’ve got mail
You’ve got mail
You’ve got mail
Grumbling, you paused your Netflix movie and propped your laptop onto your lap, wanting to be free from work for a least a few hours.
You clicked on the email, from none other than the person you really wanted to punch right now.
Good evening Miss Y/N,
I miss you, come back to the office and stop leaving me with these idiots.
Your boss.
Miss Y/N,
Your boss.
I sent Jinyoung to come and grab you, don’t you dare say no.
See you soooonnnnnnn!
the love of your lifeeeeeeee
Your doorbell rang and deciding not to answer it, you snuggled deeper into the blankets. Not wanting to leave your comfy bed.
Doorbell ringing.
A ding from your phone.
CEO Hyunsuk 🤡
Open the door for Jinyoung or else im telling him to break it down
Hyunsuk wtf do you want Im tryna rest before i ACTUALLY HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK TOMORROW!
CEO Hyunsuk 🤡
Just come here now!!! It’s chaotic here i wanna cry
For fucks sake…..
You owe me!
Hyunsuk was ecstatic when you popped your head inside his office, standing up as fast as he can and dragged you inside. His hands were on your shoulders, shaking you.
“THANK GOD YOU’RE HERE. Wait, why are you wearing PJ’s? WAIT THAT’S NOT THE POINT!”
You crossed your arms and glared at him. “Mr. Yoon, I want to know why you called me here at-” you looked at the clock and you closed your eyes, feeling the anger build up. “2 am in the morning. Why am in my PJ’s? IT’S BECAUSE SOMEONE CALLED ME AT THE WORST TIME!!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!”
“Stop calling me Mr. Yoon we have literally known each other since we were kids.”
It was true. You and Hyunsuk were part of the Elite, a group filled with only the richest families of the world. People outside of the Elite view them as modern-day Kings and Queens, with some of the families in governments. While others view them as stuck up bitches who got lucky in the past. Even in the Elite, there are ranks. Your family was one of the lowest, barely surviving in the cutthroat economy. While Hyunsuk’s was one of the highest, and it didn’t help that his whole family was blessed with looks.
The company, Complete In X was where your parents had met Hyunsuk’s parents, and history was made. It was considered mind-blowing, the products created. It not only allowed for recreation, but for changing parts to create a new overall story. Hyunsuk had become the CEO, and along with his other friends, created a new target, video games.
You had dabbled in computer science and data collection, finding an interest in video games. It wasn’t until you needed an internship did Hyunsuk reach out to you. After chatting over coffee, the internship turned into something more. To be a personal assistant to Hyunsuk as well as the design planner for corporate parties.
You didn’t think that it would have a small downside.
“Y/N as I was saying, thanks for coming. First, how do you control those children? Because I know for sure I can’t at all.” You rolled your eyes. This, this was the downside.
“Hyunsuk, those children you are talking about are your friends. Also just get them some food and they should be fine. They are human and need a break as well.” He nodded and looked out his window through the blinds. His friends, his teammates, were bouncing around the office. He smiled and you felt your heart race.
Somewhere along the months of working with him, you scummed to not only his looks but his kindness, the soft side of Hyunsuk. And man did you fall harder than what you were supposed to.
No other words were spoken to each other after Hyunsuk introduced the planning of a corporate Christmas dinner, you immediately get to work.
Hyunsuk looked up every few moments to admire you sitting on the sofa, typing furiously. Even when you were in PJ’s he found you cute. You looked up for a moment and he quickly retracted his eyes to his computer screen. You giggled quietly and went back to work.
A moment between you two that lasted forever.
But behind the blinds, a group of boys were planning a mission that should have been done six months ago.
“Mission Mistletoe is in effect!”
Christmas music played from the speakers, the air smelling like peppermint. As you were spreading the chocolate onto a baking sheet, the doorbell rang.
“Y/N! Open up!”
You rushed to the door, being engulfed in a comforting but cold hug. “Hyunsuk! What are you doing here? Don’t you have a business to run?”
“The next conference meeting isn’t until the day of the corporate dinner.” He shut the door behind him and took his gloves off. You had retreated back to the kitchen, where the music had started yet again. He followed, practically drooling as he saw freshly baked cookies on the island.
“So, how’s the planning coming along?” He bit into the cookie and groaned. Your baking was to die for.
You faced him. “It’s going well, I just need an updated guest list of who is coming. Also, does gold and red work well for corporate colours?”
He nodded. “I’ll ask BX to get you that list. Run the colours through with Seunghun, I heard he wanted your opinion to add navy blue. The boys also wanted to add mistletoes as well for some reason. Saying that they wanted to get a specific one true pairing to come true.” He shrugged and ate another cookie.
Your face became heated and you turned back to put the chocolate in the fridge, trying to cool your face at the same time. “Mistletoes huh? Well, I say no. I mean although mistletoes are part of Christmas, this dinner is also for organization and agreements. What I’m saying is that we need to look professional. And on the navy blue, I’ll make the curtains it.”
Once Hyunsuk had left, you plopped down on your bed, taking a deep breath.
Just what did the boys want to do?
“Seunghun that goes there. Jinyoung stop putting mistletoes everywhere I said no! BX where’s that list? Yonghee my goodness stop throwing glitter everywhere!”
Five days nearing the corporate party and everything was under control.
Well almost.
You had ordered poinsettias to put on the small pillars, but you didn’t realize that BX was allergic to flowers. So you had to return all of the flowers and to your dismay, not all of the money was returned. After apologizing profusely to Hyunsuk, he smiled and decided to keep some of the flowers, regardless if anyone was allergic or not.
“Suck it up and chug some allergy medicine!” was what he said.
BX ran into the room at the exact same time Yonghee threw glitter into the air, sprinkling it directly onto him.
The tears were becoming too much, as you doubled over in laughter. The rest had stopped what they were doing and started to join in.
Laughs echoed around the room, the sun starting to set creating a hue of colours on the glittered floor and BX’s hair.
“Okay okay, Yonghee clean up the mess. I have an idea for the glitter. BX hun I’m so sorry but I need that list, glammed up or not.”
Grumbles came from Yonghee, but he quietly obliged, signalling to Jinyoung to hide at least three mistletoes somewhere your eagle eyes would not see.
But someone did notice, and with a smirk on their lips, they knew what the boys were planning.
“Mistletoes huh? Someone wants drama.”
The dinner was in full swing. Yonghee fixing his collar while BX was fixing any mistakes on the powerpoint, quickly rehearsing the game once more. Seunghun was covering Jinyoung who ran around the ballroom to stuff extra mistletoes, making sure to avoid any contact with you as you were doing final preparations and trying to calm Hyunsuk down.
“Mr. Yoon-” “Hyunsuk….just call me Hyunsuk woman.”
You rolled your eyes but obliged. “Okay, Hyunsuk. You will be fine, the presentation will go smoothly. I double-checked and printed out extra copies if needed. Just breathe in and out.” You demonstrated how to breathe and Hyunsuk couldn’t help but laugh. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him, his lips ghosting over your ear and his breaths making you shiver.
“Thank you Y/N, for everything.”
He let go and you bowed, shakily moving towards the clatter of people surrounding the middle of the ballroom. Jinyoung snickered as he popped out beside you, making you yell in surprise and smack him.
“Ow ow ow! STOP IT Y/N YOU’RE FINE!”
“Don’t ever scare me! You know how easy I get scared!”
He smirked and moved away from Y/N, bowing dramatically and tipping an invisible hat. “Oh you haven’t seen the grand finale.” and Jinyoung walks towards Hyunsuk, whispering in his ear.
You tilt your head in confusion. “This is not a circus!”
A clink of a glass and the whole crowd goes silent.
“Good evening. My name is Yoon Hyunsuk, CEO of Complete In X. I would like to express my gratitude for your attendance tonight. As you may have known, it is a corporate Christmas dinner, but also a way to introduce a project my colleagues and I are in the process of making.”
Hyunsuk beckons his friends to take their place near the projector, with BX starting up the powerpoint and the game.
“if you look at the screen that is descending, we have immersed ourselves into the video game realm. A game that is popular such as League of Legends or A Chinese Ghost story has given us the idea to create our own version. We introduce Spirit Kingdom, an adventure filled with magic, kidnapping, seduction, and romance.”
BX opens up the game and the screen goes dark.
“As you can see, a character is already put on the castle grounds, and the narrator will explain the backstory as the person may change their character or move them around.”
BX moved the character around while Hyunsuk talked, all eyes on the boys. You looked in fascination, the graphics were clear, no glitches in sight. Detailed and engaging. You smiled and started to clap while others followed. It looked like everyone was enjoying the preview as you were looking around. You gasped as you saw the CEO-in-training for Treasure Alchemy, Choi Hyunsuk, walking towards you.
“Good evening Miss L/N.” A chaste kiss to your right hand and a smile to die for.
“Good evening sir.”
“Nonsense. Call me Choi Hyunsuk. We are the same age are we not?” you nod and glance your eyes at Hyunsuk, his eyes already on yours. He smirks and you panic, diverting your eyes to the man in front of you. Hyunsuk follows your eyes and scowls when he sees him. Out of all days, why today?
Nonetheless, Hyunsuk takes a deep breath and regains his stance, glancing at BX who has customized the character to his liking and is entering the Elves of Forest.
“So Miss Y/N, let’s take this conversation somewhere quieter hm?” You looked at Choi Hyunsuk, who held out his hand. Hesitant, you glance at Yoon Hyunsuk, but he is occupied with finishing the presentation. Clasping your hand’s around Choi Hyunsuk’s, he leads you to the balcony. The cold air nipping at your arms.
“As I was saying, Miss Y/N, why are you still working for that kid?”
You snapped your head at Choi Hyunsuk. “I beg your pardon?”
“That kid has barely started University, and yet he’s already managing a company. Watch, all his hard work will go down the drain.” Choi Hyunsuk stretches his arms, leaning on the balcony. “Let’s talk about this game he created. Or should I say copied? The ideas? Unoriginal. the graphics? Hurts my eyes. Overall, I would never purchase the game, nonetheless play it even if it was free.”
You clenched and unclenched your hands. Just how dare he. “And I suppose Choi you can do better?”
“I know you heard me? Or is it because you’re scared of losing to a guy three years younger than you?”
He looked in your direction and grabbed your wrist. His lips nearing yours “Why would I be afraid, I would have the mastermind behind the company.”
“Whatever do you mean?”
Choi Hyunsuk smirked. “I know little Hyunsuk doesn’t make these ideas, how else was the company in top shape? It’s you Y/N, and I want you.”
You placed your other arm as a shield to protect you. “Never will I work for you Choi Hyunsuk.”
He smirked. “I’ll get you. One way or another.” He presses a kiss to your cheek and walks to the door, facing you once more.
“Be ready love, you won’t know what’s coming.”
Shaking your head, you ran back to the ballroom in time for the closing announcements. Drowning a glass of water taken from a worker, Hyunsuk looked in your direction. It seemed as though time had slowed down, both of you in a trance as if the glitter Yonghee sprinkled a few days prior that still lingered was like magic. Clapping interrupted your daydreaming, someone tapping your shoulder as Hyunsuk held out his hand for you to take.
You smiled and placed your hand in his.
“I would like to say a special thank you to Miss Y/N. We met when we were kids, and have become great business partners. Without her, I would be a mess right now.” He laughs and everyone else does too.
You smile at Hyunsuk and was about to take your seat until Jinyoung quickly grabbed the mic. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE ARE NOT DONE YET. What you saw, of course, was the main point of this dinner but we couldn’t say this is a Christmas dinner without a little magic and holiday cheer.”
“Jinyoung what the hell are you doing? This isn’t part of the program.” you hissed at Jinyoung, ready to smack him. But Hyunsuk stopped you, rubbing soothing circles onto your back.
Jinyoung winked. “Live a little Y/N.”
The audience was confused, what does he mean by Christmas cheer?
“I have a little magic trick for you all. I just need you all to count down from three okay?”
“THREE.” You braced yourself for the worst, gripping onto Hyunsuk’s hand.
“TWO.” Hyunsuk smirked at Jinyoung, shaking his head slightly.
“ONE.” Yonghee cheered and pressed a button
The screen ascended and mistletoe hung from the ceiling, found in people’s pockets. Glitter was thrown everywhere. Mistletoes everywhere.
Your eyes widened in horror.
Hyunsuk laughed, a mistletoe descending above you both. The audience notices and starts to chant. You blush and try to hide your face while he brings you closer to him.
“Y/N, you probably won’t believe this but, I’ve been in love with you since we met.” and he takes your lips in a breathtaking kiss.
You wrap your arms around his neck and push your body flush to his, foreheads touching and smiles all around.
You had to thank Jinyoung, in that if he didn’t secretly place mistletoes almost everywhere, the stars wouldn’t have aligned that night.
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adrihoney-blog1 · 6 years
Disney World’s Magic Kingdom Rides - Ranked from Worst to Best
Hi, guys! This is my personal list of all the Magic Kingdom rides, ranked worst to best. I’m basing my list on wait queues, ride time, actual quality of the ride, and other little factors. For my list, I won’t be including attractions like The Carousel of Progress or Philarmagic. This is solely things you ride, and not a staged show. Let’s get started!
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22. Tomorrowland Speedway
Honestly, I’ve just never liked this one. It’s not fast enough to be really fun, but not slow enough to be relaxing. And while you do have a steering wheel, you’re limited to a small strip of space to steer within, which roughly jolts you if you get too off track. The wait is boring, and the ride itself is boring. I could forgive it if you at least saw some cool things next to the “road” as you drive, but there’s nothing there.
21. Liberty Square Riverboat
If you’re looking to just get off your feet for a while, this is... Well, it’s an option. It’s a large and fancy looking riverboat that you can ride around for a bit. To ride a whole round trip, it’s around 17 minutes. While a relaxing boat ride sounds nice, you’re still technically outdoors, and if you aren’t one of the first people on the boat, you could be stuck standing. It’s not a very fun ride, and really, it doesn’t have a whole lot of Disney magic to it.
20. Dumbo the Flying Elephant
I think this is a cute ride for small kids, but really? It’s just another spinning ride. You know those rides, the ones at cheap carnivals. If the line is short, I’d say go for it, but if there are longer wait times for this ride, it’s really not worth it, since there’s another ride exactly like this one.
19. The Magic Carpets of Aladdin
This ride is almost exactly like Dumbo. But, I do like this one a little better. The magic carpet is a lot more fun to me than the flying elephant. The details are fun, and the ride itself is right next to Aloha Isle, where you can get yourself a Dole Whip. The wait for this is usually a bit longer than Dumbo, but I personally think this one is better.
18. Mad Tea Party
This is a classic ride, and I don’t hate it or anything, but it’s not one I typically go on. The whole design and aspect of it is super fun. Spinning around in a teacup at a crazy tea party is a great idea! But, I kinda wish it could be something you just sit in, rather than get an arm workout in while having to manually spin the teacup yourself. The wait line also leaves something to be desired, since it’s just another place where you stand. Nothing fun or interactive about it.
17. Prince Charming Regal Carousel
The carousel is cute and classic, just not a go to for me. I think this is the perfect ride for kids aged maybe four or five to feel like royalty, especially if you pair it with the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique or dinner in Cinderella’s castle. The details in the ride are gorgeous, and it makes for a great photo opportunity.
16. Walt Disney World Railroad
This ride is partially meant to take you from Main Street to Fantasyland to Frontierland without you having to walk so much, but really it’s better as just a standalone thing to ride and get off your feet for 15 minutes. It’s sometimes pretty inconvenient to walk from the station to your actual destination, and is a lot more fun to just walk through the park to get there.
15. Jungle Cruise
This is another Disney classic, that I honestly think could use some updating. The animatronics are pretty old and out of date, and the only thing I really like about this ride is getting to sit down and the large amount of puns. I mean, SO MANY PUNS. Unfortunately, it isn’t a ride you can just walk up to and ride, you most definitely need a fast pass for it, as wait times are usually pretty high.
14. Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid
This is a typical Disney dark ride, perfect for any princess fan. The Under the Sea segment of the ride is probably the best part. The queue is decorative and ends up taking you under the Little Mermaid castle. And this might just be me, but I always lose cell service in there, and it makes the wait feel so much longer. The only other thing I don’t like is that with rides like this, they try and cram the whole story into this short ride. They do a fine job of it, but it really makes you miss the parts of the story that aren’t included.
13. Astro Orbiter
So, this is another ride like Dumbo, but this one is my favorite of the spinning rides. This starts off with a wait for an elevator, which takes you high up to the actual spinning ride, where you can get a view of the whole park. The little rockets you ride in are super cute, and if you ride this at nighttime, it’s absolutely breathtaking. 
12. “it’s a small world”
Say what you want about the creepy little dolls, I still love this ride. I go on it every time I’m at Disney, without fail. The song is a classic, and it’s really fun to see all the different sets and details of the ride. The wait for this ride isn’t too bad, it kind of feels like you’re walking around backstage for a play. It’s also a fun tradition to toss a penny into the water while you wait and make a wish! The very first wish I ever made at this ride actually came true that same day! (I wished I wouldn’t have to ride Haunted Mansion. It happened to be shut down at the time.)
11. Splash Mountain
So, I have a love-hate relationship with this ride. What I love about it is it’s fun, and it has a great combination of thrill ride and dark ride. It’s just a really fun and great ride, where the whole time you wait, you can feel the anticipation building. My big problem is I HATE getting wet. Especially because I like to go to Disney with makeup and curled hair. And cute clothes. I don’t like getting my clothes wet or my makeup ruined. The other con is this ride breaks down a lot. Way more often than anyone would like.
10. Haunted Mansion
Haunted Mansion is a fun and creepy ride where you are literally in a haunted mansion. The music and the details are great, I love the Ghost Host, and the queue is so fun and interactive! I’ve never been bored waiting for this ride. The only thing I don’t like about it is the wait times can get pretty high and you risk waiting in the sun if it’s a crowded day. And, I do get scared easily. It’s spooky.
9. Pirates of the Caribbean
So, I haven’t been on this ride in a few years, but I do remember liking it a lot. It’s a fun and classic dark ride with some nice animatronic work, and I’m especially pleased that they’ve recently gotten rid of the ‘wench for a bride’ scene. I know it’s a classic part of the ride, but as a ten year old, it made me a little nervous and uncomfortable.
8. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
So, this ride is meant more for young children, but I love this ride! I love Winnie the Pooh. This ride takes me right back to my childhood. You ride in an adorable honey pot and travel through some adorable scenes from the different Winnie the Pooh stories. They don’t make sense as a story, but it’s still a fun experience, especially when your honey pot bounces along with Tigger or rocks or sways. You feel very immersed in the world of Winnie the Pooh. The queue is also interactive and PERFECT for little kids and keeping them busy.
7. The Barnstormer
This was the very first roller coaster I ever went on, and I think it’s a perfect introductory coaster for young kids. It’s mild and fun, but also EXTREMELY short. It’s one minute long, but the actual time where you’re going fast and having fun is much less than a minute. Either way, it’s a great ride for kids, or adults who aren’t so fond of the larger coasters.
6. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
This is one of Disney’s super fast and fun coasters. It has an interactive queue for the standby line, which is honestly pretty fun and helps to pass the time. The ride itself is fast and crazy and a lot of fun. Another great thing about it is that it’s a longer ride, so when you get off, you’re able to feel like it was worth it. 
5. Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin
This is SUCH A FUN RIDE!! It’s a shooting game combined with a dark ride, taking you through one of Buzz Lightyear’s adventures through space. You have a gun, a score, and a little lever in the middle to spin you and your shooting buddy around. And, when the ride momentarily stops to help someone in a wheelchair board, you have time to score more points!
4. Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover
This ride definitely doesn’t get enough love. The wait time is relatively short, you get to ride a pretty cool escalator with no stairs, and the ride itself is really fun. You get to go on a tour of Tomorrowland, getting a backstage look at Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, and you even get to see a scale model of Walt Disney’s original plans for EPCOT. It’s super fun for Disney geeks like me, and it’s a great break from the heat and the walking.
3. Peter Pan’s Flight
This is my absolute favorite dark ride at Disney World. Period. It’s fun and immersive and beautifully detailed. The best part is that the pirate ship you ride in is not on a straight track on the ground. It actually switches to a track in the ceiling, so your pirate ship flies over the city of London and Neverland. Out of every ride on this list, I think this one really provides you with the most Disney magic and gives you that sense of wonder and amazement.
2. Seven Dwarfs Mine Train
This is Magic Kingdom’s newest coaster, and like Splash Mountain, it’s a combination of a thrill ride and a dark ride. Both aspects of it are much different than anything else in the Magic Kingdom. The coaster itself has swinging cars that rock back and forth to add to the fun, and the animatronics have digitalized faces that are able to give more expressions and look more like the movie characters. The first time I ever rode this was with a free fast pass and while the fireworks were going off. It was a genuinely magical experience, and this ride holds a special place in my heart.
1. Space Mountain
My Disney trips never feel complete without a ride on Space Mountain. It’s a classic Disney coaster, and I can’t find a single flaw with it. It’s a fun space themed coaster where you actually get to see projections and lights to make it look like you’re in space. You ride in a pretty comfortable single seat with any of your party members in front of or behind you, so you aren’t squeezed in or knocking around next to somebody. And the queue is amazing. It’s full of cool maps and 3D images and a lot of the line is made up of games. I personally think this is the best ride at Disney, it feels very magical and fun and futuristic, and riding it gives you that same feeling as when you first walk into the parks.
That’s my list! Every ride at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, ranked from worst to best! I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. If you liked this, please let me know, and I’ll see about doing the same posts for Epcot and Hollywood Studios. Bye!
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vrsystem-us · 5 years
TOP 5: Best VR Headset 2019
with dozens of VR headsets coming out each year how can you know which ones will provide the ultimate experience and which ones you should avoid among countless features how can you possibly know which ones are relevant well in this video we break down the top five VR headsets on the market this year based on price versus performance and situations they will be used in we'll be taking a look at products in every budget range so regardless of whether you've got a few bucks to spare and want the best value or are looking for the best of the best we'll have an option for you so if you're interested in finding out which VR headset will be the best for you stay tuned as always all the links to all the products mention in this video will be in the description down below we always keep the description up-to-date with information we may not get a chance to mention in this video we also update the description down below with links to find the best price on each product so for the most up-to-date information along with updated prices be sure to check out the description the products mentioned in this video are in no exact order so be sure to stay tuned till the end so you don't miss anything number five on our list is HTC vive one of the best consumer VR headsets on the market at the moment HTC vive really has a lot to offer first of all with the purchase of this system you get free content a two-month free trial of vive point subscription this headset really makes the gaming experience completely immersive with realistic graphics true to life movement HD haptic feedback and directional audio vive seriously stepped up when it comes to motion tracking as it is incredibly precise the 360 degree controller and headset work in sync to cover your every movement to the millimeter unlike with most other headsets with this one you won't be limited to your seat this VR has two base stations that enable you to play while seated standing or in any space that is up to 15 feet long and 15 feet wide and good news for all the gamers out there this headset is powered by steam VR which means that you can enjoy more than 2,800 games from Steam plus everything else you like about this platform on the one hand this VR headset is really amazing the gaming experience is comparable it comes with 6dof controllers it has room scale tracking it is amazingly comfortable the interface is wonderfully intuitive and the high resolution is really noticeable as an improvement in visual clarity on the other hand it does have some flaws the cable is rather bulky and a potential tripping hazard this headset can be rather hard on the neck and the back and the price is on the high end of the spectrum number four on our list is oculus go made to be independent from a phone or a computer this VR headset did almost everything right the optics offer crystal clarity 3d graphics are state-of-the-art and the 3d sound will help you to immerse yourself completely regardless of whether you're playing a game or watching a TV show this oculus headset enables you to meet up with friends from all over the world in a virtual reality so you can watch concerts or live sports events together when it comes to content oculus offers more than 1,000 different games social applications and experiences that you can download to your go incredibly light this VR headset isn't just portable but also super easy to use no wires means no hassle the controller is also simple and learning how to use it will be effortless since the spatial audio drivers are built-in there's no need for tangled headphones the sound will be dramatic enough without them but for those who prefer using headphones this headset also has a three-and-a-half millimeter audio jack on the one hand this VR headset has some serious advantages it works without a phone or a computer it has a large VR app library the setup is super simple the image quality is great it comes with a motion controller 3d sound modeling is simply outstanding and it's super lightweight on the other hand it does come with some small disadvantages as well its motion tracking is limited it doesn't support six degrees of freedom the battery life is just two hours storage isn't expandable and there's no killer app number three on our list is Samsung gear VR our choice for the best budget VR headset if you're trying out VR for the first time getting the best budget VR headset is a great idea you won't overspend so if you don't like the experience you will not have wasted a lot of money it is high quality so if you do like it you can explore many games and different experiences also if you just want in an expensive gift for a kid this is a great idea this VR headset comes with an intuitive controller that can drop select point and drag this Samsung gear offers hundreds of experiences and games from the oculus as well as a bunch of games from the Google Play Store you can play games watch shows paint and VR and virtually chat and meet up with friends this headset allows you to enjoy 2d 3d and 360 degree content at any place and anytime light and simple to use this offers an interesting immersive experience although this is a budget headset you don't have to worry it's performance is well above other budget models on the one hand you will love using this VR headset the controller is excellent and very well made the visuals are detailed and crisp the voice command is interesting the interface is intuitive head-tracking is amazing and it is comfortable to wear during long gaming sessions on the other hand even the best products have some flaws you have to have one of supported Samsung phones in order to use this the controller isn't rechargeable the headset has no room movement tracking and there aren't that many games so you're very limited in that respect if you're interested in updated pricing or going more in depth on some features of any of the items mentioned in this video be sure to check out the links below and if you're interested in staying up to date with the best products on the market be sure to hit the subscribe button number two on our list is oculus rift this isn't just a headset this is a full virtual reality system that has it all ultra low latency tracking offers an incredible experience while the controllers bring your hands into the virtual reality perfectly with these you can interact with the virtual world completely naturally without glitches or mistakes with this product from oculus you get six free titles Robo recall quill medium toybox Lucky's tale and dead and buried snug and comfortable to wear for longer periods of time the resolution can be mind-blowing if your graphics card and RAM are up to par and the sound really makes you feel like you're in the virtual world instead of our own this oculus has attached headphones so you won't be able to hear anything from the outside world true and complete immersion once you try this VR headset out you'll understand why some people dream of living in virtual reality you will duck turn move and feel as if the adventure you're in is completely real on the one hand this VR headset has some strong positive sides the touch controllers feel natural in your hands they are lightweight provide smooth and accurate motion control which helps make the overall experience truly immersive when it comes to content the oculus rift can do everything play movies 360 videos games and much more on the other hand it does have some flaws that might stop you from buying it it is suggested that you use this in an area that has a surface of 7 feet by 5 feet which isn't something that everyone has also if you want to use the oculus rift you need a high quality gaming PC if you want it to work properly number one on our list is HTC vive pro our choice for the best overall VR headset the vive pro is one of the best overall VR headsets money can buy at this moment HTC really showed that they value their customers input on this one everything that was wrong with previous models is fixed here if you're truly serious about VR this is the headset you should get first of all they enhance the graphics with super rich colors and unbelievably sharp details the resolution this headset offers is 28 80 by 1660 and 615 PPI the movement in this VR is just as natural as in real life and the controller in the headset track your movements from the floor to the ceiling precise to a millimeter with its high resolution sound and high impedance headphones with noise cancellation you will literally feel the sound as you use the headset what's especially interesting is the fact that this headset allows you to define your own play space as long as it isn't bigger than 20 by 20 feet on the one hand this VR headset is really amazing this is one of the most comfortable VR headsets to date the image is perfectly clear crisp and realistic and the built-in headphones provide an amazing surround sound experience on the other hand it does have flaws that might change your mind and make you go for a different model from this list it only has a display port connection the refresh rate is 90 Hertz the foam cushions aren't moisture proof and the price tag is rather high alright guys that is all for this video hope you guys like the video if you guys did please go ahead and give it a like if you're new to the channel and you liked the video consider subscribing we do our best to keep you up to date with the best products on the market right now so if you want to know what the best gear out there is go ahead and hit that subscribe button be sure to check out the description for links to find the most up-to-date pricing on all the products mentioned in this video hope you guys enjoyed the video hope everyone has a great day and until next time I will see you guys later
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bestvrsystem-com · 5 years
TOP 5: Best VR Headset 2019
with dozens of VR headsets coming out each year how can you know which ones will provide the ultimate experience and which ones you should avoid among countless features how can you possibly know which ones are relevant well in this video we break down the top five VR headsets on the market this year based on price versus performance and situations they will be used in we'll be taking a look at products in every budget range so regardless of whether you've got a few bucks to spare and want the best value or are looking for the best of the best we'll have an option for you so if you're interested in finding out which VR headset will be the best for you stay tuned as always all the links to all the products mention in this video will be in the description down below we always keep the description up-to-date with information we may not get a chance to mention in this video we also update the description down below with links to find the best price on each product so for the most up-to-date information along with updated prices be sure to check out the description the products mentioned in this video are in no exact order so be sure to stay tuned till the end so you don't miss anything number five on our list is HTC vive one of the best consumer VR headsets on the market at the moment HTC vive really has a lot to offer first of all with the purchase of this system you get free content a two-month free trial of vive point subscription this headset really makes the gaming experience completely immersive with realistic graphics true to life movement HD haptic feedback and directional audio vive seriously stepped up when it comes to motion tracking as it is incredibly precise the 360 degree controller and headset work in sync to cover your every movement to the millimeter unlike with most other headsets with this one you won't be limited to your seat this VR has two base stations that enable you to play while seated standing or in any space that is up to 15 feet long and 15 feet wide and good news for all the gamers out there this headset is powered by steam VR which means that you can enjoy more than 2,800 games from Steam plus everything else you like about this platform on the one hand this VR headset is really amazing the gaming experience is comparable it comes with 6dof controllers it has room scale tracking it is amazingly comfortable the interface is wonderfully intuitive and the high resolution is really noticeable as an improvement in visual clarity on the other hand it does have some flaws the cable is rather bulky and a potential tripping hazard this headset can be rather hard on the neck and the back and the price is on the high end of the spectrum number four on our list is oculus go made to be independent from a phone or a computer this VR headset did almost everything right the optics offer crystal clarity 3d graphics are state-of-the-art and the 3d sound will help you to immerse yourself completely regardless of whether you're playing a game or watching a TV show this oculus headset enables you to meet up with friends from all over the world in a virtual reality so you can watch concerts or live sports events together when it comes to content oculus offers more than 1,000 different games social applications and experiences that you can download to your go incredibly light this VR headset isn't just portable but also super easy to use no wires means no hassle the controller is also simple and learning how to use it will be effortless since the spatial audio drivers are built-in there's no need for tangled headphones the sound will be dramatic enough without them but for those who prefer using headphones this headset also has a three-and-a-half millimeter audio jack on the one hand this VR headset has some serious advantages it works without a phone or a computer it has a large VR app library the setup is super simple the image quality is great it comes with a motion controller 3d sound modeling is simply outstanding and it's super lightweight on the other hand it does come with some small disadvantages as well its motion tracking is limited it doesn't support six degrees of freedom the battery life is just two hours storage isn't expandable and there's no killer app number three on our list is Samsung gear VR our choice for the best budget VR headset if you're trying out VR for the first time getting the best budget VR headset is a great idea you won't overspend so if you don't like the experience you will not have wasted a lot of money it is high quality so if you do like it you can explore many games and different experiences also if you just want in an expensive gift for a kid this is a great idea this VR headset comes with an intuitive controller that can drop select point and drag this Samsung gear offers hundreds of experiences and games from the oculus as well as a bunch of games from the Google Play Store you can play games watch shows paint and VR and virtually chat and meet up with friends this headset allows you to enjoy 2d 3d and 360 degree content at any place and anytime light and simple to use this offers an interesting immersive experience although this is a budget headset you don't have to worry it's performance is well above other budget models on the one hand you will love using this VR headset the controller is excellent and very well made the visuals are detailed and crisp the voice command is interesting the interface is intuitive head-tracking is amazing and it is comfortable to wear during long gaming sessions on the other hand even the best products have some flaws you have to have one of supported Samsung phones in order to use this the controller isn't rechargeable the headset has no room movement tracking and there aren't that many games so you're very limited in that respect if you're interested in updated pricing or going more in depth on some features of any of the items mentioned in this video be sure to check out the links below and if you're interested in staying up to date with the best products on the market be sure to hit the subscribe button number two on our list is oculus rift this isn't just a headset this is a full virtual reality system that has it all ultra low latency tracking offers an incredible experience while the controllers bring your hands into the virtual reality perfectly with these you can interact with the virtual world completely naturally without glitches or mistakes with this product from oculus you get six free titles Robo recall quill medium toybox Lucky's tale and dead and buried snug and comfortable to wear for longer periods of time the resolution can be mind-blowing if your graphics card and RAM are up to par and the sound really makes you feel like you're in the virtual world instead of our own this oculus has attached headphones so you won't be able to hear anything from the outside world true and complete immersion once you try this VR headset out you'll understand why some people dream of living in virtual reality you will duck turn move and feel as if the adventure you're in is completely real on the one hand this VR headset has some strong positive sides the touch controllers feel natural in your hands they are lightweight provide smooth and accurate motion control which helps make the overall experience truly immersive when it comes to content the oculus rift can do everything play movies 360 videos games and much more on the other hand it does have some flaws that might stop you from buying it it is suggested that you use this in an area that has a surface of 7 feet by 5 feet which isn't something that everyone has also if you want to use the oculus rift you need a high quality gaming PC if you want it to work properly number one on our list is HTC vive pro our choice for the best overall VR headset the vive pro is one of the best overall VR headsets money can buy at this moment HTC really showed that they value their customers input on this one everything that was wrong with previous models is fixed here if you're truly serious about VR this is the headset you should get first of all they enhance the graphics with super rich colors and unbelievably sharp details the resolution this headset offers is 28 80 by 1660 and 615 PPI the movement in this VR is just as natural as in real life and the controller in the headset track your movements from the floor to the ceiling precise to a millimeter with its high resolution sound and high impedance headphones with noise cancellation you will literally feel the sound as you use the headset what's especially interesting is the fact that this headset allows you to define your own play space as long as it isn't bigger than 20 by 20 feet on the one hand this VR headset is really amazing this is one of the most comfortable VR headsets to date the image is perfectly clear crisp and realistic and the built-in headphones provide an amazing surround sound experience on the other hand it does have flaws that might change your mind and make you go for a different model from this list it only has a display port connection the refresh rate is 90 Hertz the foam cushions aren't moisture proof and the price tag is rather high alright guys that is all for this video hope you guys like the video if you guys did please go ahead and give it a like if you're new to the channel and you liked the video consider subscribing we do our best to keep you up to date with the best products on the market right now so if you want to know what the best gear out there is go ahead and hit that subscribe button be sure to check out the description for links to find the most up-to-date pricing on all the products mentioned in this video hope you guys enjoyed the video hope everyone has a great day and until next time I will see you guys later
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cellerityweb · 7 years
World of Tanks – Rebuilding Trust
For developers to know what players want means for them to listen to what players have to say. Regaining the community’s trust was an important step in World of Tanks success story and here’s how that went.
For World of Tanks devs, 2016 began with redefining how they handle game development. If they had a boxed game, they would have taken a break to rethink their approach – but it wasn’t an option with an online project like World of Tanks. A little over four months and several small updates after Rubicon, the team made a literally loud comeback with 9.14, delivering on the promise of more realistic vehicle movement physics and taking the experience up a notch with deep and immersive new sound. No longer fixated on releasing an update every other month, they went on to address a few more issues that tankers were vocal about, while working on fundamental problems like SPGs and matchmaker on the newly-launched Sandbox server. Deeper under the hood, Wargaming was going through a massive transition, triggered by Rubicon and touching on every aspect of their operations, both internal and player-facing. The change began with the creation of a Product Group, a small team of executives who now decide where World of Tanks is heading.
We’re handing it over to the two of them, Thaine Lyman and Milos Jerabek, to talk about the lessons learnt from Rubicon and the transformation the team went through.
Nimble Decision-Making
As a company gets bigger, it’s easy for the soul of it to change a bit. For me, the greatest thing about Wargaming is that, although it scaled from 100 to over 4,000 people in several years, it managed to keep its soul intact. The »young, scrappy, and hungry« start-up spirit, which you’d usually attribute to smaller studios, is still here. No matter the differences people have, positions they hold or languages they speak, they’re all gamers, driven by a love of games and desire to create experiences other gamers could rally around. They bring their talent and their passion to work every day.
However, the fast growth the company went through, had its consequences. The ability for finding quick solutions was lost as the number of parties involved in decision-making grew and the sole connection between parties became scarce. We ended up with too many people who could block a decision by saying »no« to it and the near absence of dialogue between devs, marketing and publishing teams across offices. So when Rubicon happened, it didn’t come out of nowhere: it was the direct result of problems that had been brewing for quite some time. We actually passed that point of no return and realized we needed to rethink the way we operate.
From left to right: Thaine Lyman (WoT Product Director), Paul Barnett (WoT Deputy Creative Director, Exploitation Research), Harkonnen (blogger), AgingJedi (YouTuber), Quickybaby (YouTuber/Streamer). More than 40 so-called Community Contributors and devs were coming together at Tankfest 2017 to exchange thoughts, feedback and ideas.
A lot needed to be done in a short time and quickly, so we started from the top by organizing a Product Group. Basically, we brought together World of Tanks »founding fathers« forming a steering committee with key people from development and publishing and lead by CEO. It’s also when Slava Makarov who then headed the R&D division returned as Creative Director for World of Tanks. The group was to make numerous important decisions, cut through red tape and different points of view, get a plan on paper and implement it. This worked out pretty well and it unblocked us, so we could get moving again.
This larger group that was operating with direct involvement from our CEO had its moment in time. Without it, we wouldn’t have overcome the huge initial roadblocks. However, once we were past the crisis and moving to day-to-day operational activities, involvement from so many parties was no longer needed. We created an efficient decision body but getting it into one room was a tricky task. Imagine how hard it was to get 12 extremely busy people (most of them executives) to meet! To stop the Product Group from becoming one of the bottlenecks it was designed to fight, we went on to a more nimble structure.
We scaled it back and went to the four-person group we have today (Product Director, Publishing Director, Creative Director, Marketing Director and Development Director). It enabled faster, more agile decision-making and made us personally accountable for our actions. If it’s just five people, it’s these five who are either doing it well or messing it up. It’s all on this group. They make decisions, they deal with consequences. Of course, it can be hard to get even five people together. It’s not an issue with five people fully dedicated to a project and whose lives revolve around it. Even if they are in different places and time zones, they can generally get things resolved quickly.
One Game, One Team
Artiom and Thaine answering questions from the community during a live-stream at Wargaming Fest.
I (Milos) joined the team shortly after Rubicon; found myself in the eye of the storm so to speak – but I was happy. I’ve been playing World of Tanks since its Closed Beta in 2010 and experienced Rubicon as a player. Like the rest of the community, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that Wargaming wasn’t listening and being a member of the team now, I was actually able to be a part to change it.
If you look at it from a player perspective, whether you are spending a few hours in random battles, discussing the game on forums, or duking it out on the Global Map, it’s all World of Tanks to you. Should you stumble upon a feature that isn’t working the way it’s supposed to and get no response from the devs when you bring up on the forum, will you bother figuring out which department, office or team let you down? Of course not. If there’s a fault somewhere, it’s the game that is faulty and the entire team takes the blame. It’s best worded in the »One game, one team« motto we live by now, and this approach goes far beyond establishing a closer bond with departments outside development.
Slava Makarov (WoT Product Director) and Anton Pankov (WoT Publishing Director) during the Grand Finals live-stream.
When I joined, the expertise was spread all around the development unit. Another issue rooted in Wargaming’s fast growth led to a problematic situation: team leads weren’t managing specialists with the same expertise, so ideas and experience sometimes were not in line with everyone involved. Unfortunately, we had a structure that was working this way. Speaking to designers one day, I was amazed to discover they barely sync with each other. They were sitting on the other floor and would only meet for weekly dev sync-ups to discuss what’s going on. It’s impossible to preserve and spread expertise with a structure like that in place. If you want it to work, it needs to be programmers with programmers, managers with managers, and designers with designers.
We reshuffled the organizational structure, building it around expertise and areas of talent and putting experts in the field ahead of teams. To pull it off, we had to restart the team. There were multiple ways to do this. Choosing between a step-by-step approach and a one-time change, we went with the second. Actually, we didn’t have much choice. We had to move on with the game and couldn’t allow ourselves to take a break. It’s a bit easier with boxed games where you can stop for a month with no harm to the product. Online MMOs are a different story. You can’t go to players and say »Guys, we’ve got some internal issues to deal with so we’re taking a sabbatical. No patches for the next half a year.« With an online game like World of Tanks, we’re constantly aiming at a moving target. It’s not just chasing the train. You’re chasing it in several cars, each driving in an opposite direction and all has been done to make our game better for our players.
Dialogue with Players
The player community had lots of questions in the months after Rubicon but we couldn’t answer them instantly. Our message wasn’t unified across regions. So before making any big steps in terms of development we had to fix both the tone and the content of our communication with players. We had to share the same messages with players, whichever language they speak and have a sound strategy as to what we’re saying, how we’re wording it and how much context we provide.
Only a year ago, all World of Tanks announcements, news etc. were first written in Russian, then translated into English. One day we sat down and looked at the Russian and English articles covering the same topic only to discover they didn’t convey the same meaning. Feeding players just with positive moments would not be honest towards our players and we wouldn’t cover difficulties and problems we’re facing along the way in just as much detail. The first step to fixing it was admitting the game’s fundamental problems.
The very way we shared news had to change. We went from informing the community in pretty much a declarative manner with little to no explanation to providing the reasoning behind the decisions we make and breaking these reasons and/or changes down in detail, so that players could see our train of thought. If you’re playing World of Tanks, you don’t want to know what developers are doing; you learn it by playing the game. What you really need to know is why they’re doing it, just as you want to know the next steps. Not all problems can be fixed at once, and knowing an action plan lets you see things in perspective.
Considering how big some problems were, we openly admitted it would take time and kept the community in the loop as we worked on solutions.
Success for us really comes from player feedback. If we’re doing well, the players let us know. If there’s room for improvement, they’ll tell us loud and clear. It’s only in collaboration with them that we could further evolve the project. Every new milestone we reach, we reach it through contributions from both the community and the development team.
Evolving the game together with players is not a marketing stance slapped on as an afterthought. It’s becoming a part of our DNA. We’ve gone from informing and imposing our own opinion and decisions to listening, explaining choices and letting everyone know what’s going on. We now actively encourage players to speak up, provide their input and act upon their suggestions when introducing new features and improving the game. We’re just getting started and have the guts to admit there’s a lot of room for improvement in our communication. For example, we’ve been doing regular livestreams with developers and meeting with community contributors to ensure we’re all on the same page on features and future developments. However, we didn’t pay as much attention to their concerns on balance tweaks to vehicles. We’re going to streamline our dialogue on these in the coming months.
Mentality Shift
At one point, basically anyone in the development team could say »No, it’s a bad idea.« And then whatever the team was working on was suddenly thrown into chaos. There was no long-term plan, no clear list of priorities that were aligned between Minsk development, the exec team in Cyprus and the publishing offices across the world.
A lot of the work went into defining the game’s biggest holes and problems; what we should be doing, when and why. No one knows the game better than the people who created it. So we started by getting the devs’ input around what they felt could benefit the game from a technical standpoint, art standpoint, creative direction and so on. The next step was finding a nice balance between the devs’ ideas on addressing critical issues and cool and interesting new features.
Take matchmaker or arty, for example. They’ve been the biggest sources of player frustration for years. Every new patch would come out and even if it had cool new features, the first feedback was »It doesn’t fix matchmaker.« or »What’s with arty? When are you gonna get it right?«
“We needed to fix the holes in the boat and it’s not like the dev team didn’t know about these fundamental problems or wasn’t capable. In reality, there was a lot of disagreement around what fixing them should involve.”
The team (development, marketing, publishing offices, HQ … everyone!) knew there were serious problems but they were terrified of the impact the changes might have. To help them overcome it, we had to make them see that, first of all, changes were needed; second of all, we were never going to get a 100% positive reaction to some of them but what was happening then was even worse – we’re boring our players by not making any changes! Anything’s better than that. Slava Makarov and Andrey Biletskiy became the main driving force, pushing through ideas to create a strong holistic vision that allowed the team start moving in the right direction.
Proving Ground
Our players often joke Wargaming can never do anything on the first try and it’s completely fine. Is it possible to make everyone happy? Of course not! Take twenty people and you get twenty opinions. What we have to do is find a solution, which would click with as many out of these twenty as possible. The second equally crucial aspect here is reacting on feedback with quick fixes, which is virtually impossible if you’re introducing a massive change in a version.
Supertest (the first testing phase of a feature) happens roughly eight weeks before the version release. There’s little you can do in eight weeks. If an issue is small, you apply a few changes to fix it but it’s so small it’s not going to affect the overall experience. If something just isn’t working, you can remove it completely but there’s no way to fix it in eight weeks. Fixing the game’s core with that workflow was an impossible mission and that’s when the Sandbox server came about.
It was a completely new idea for the company: a proving ground where we could test fundamental features months (if not years) ahead of their release, together with people who’re actually playing the game rather than just our QA team. Testing a fresh-baked feature internally is one thing. People who’re directly involved in development view it all from what you would call an insider’s perspective. When we bring in players, we see a much bigger picture.
Getting feedback from people we’ve never played with, allows us to look into their preferences and get to the bottom of things, discovering issues that we’ve never viewed as problematic.
Sandbox also attracts players of different cultural backgrounds and with different levels of skill. We aren’t limited to testing what’s nearly finished: we share with them an idea, find out where they stand on it and bury it or keep working on it, depending on their feedback. Another important thing here is that we’re being completely honest about what we’re doing every step of the way.
We learnt a lot along the way. Take a look at the 1st iteration of Sandbox. It was way too slow and over-packed with stuff. We didn’t have a solid roadmap with the next steps. Finally, we didn’t communicate what we were doing properly. Instead of explaining why and how a new system of vehicle roles was going to improve the experience, we focused solely on what we were doing. For the 2nd iteration, the Sandbox server had its own blog, where the dev team briefs players on every new batch of features they roll out, providing the rationale behind tweaks and explaining the hypothesis they’re looking to test with them.
When conducting a postmortem for the 1st iteration of Sandbox, we analyzed it from two perspectives: gameplay and the way we presented it to players. The idea we tested was interesting but it didn’t click. We tried something that looked perfect on paper thinking »OK, it’s got legs, it makes sense, let’s go for it.« Had we done it in a version, it would have been Rubicon 2.0. We were wiser this time, so we did it in Sandbox. We tried it on a limited number of vehicles and, without actually rebalancing the entire game, saw that players didn’t want it; so went back to the drawing board.
The 1st iteration was an eye-opening experience in many ways. We realized players didn’t see a problem where we thought it was: in vehicle roles, which we considered obsolete. So we didn’t just go and devise a new solution. We went back to the very beginning, rethinking what the game’s key problems were, to formulate what we now call the »unholy trinity«: matchmaking, arty and maps. Once the groundwork was in place, we could start working towards fixing these, putting big teams to work.
About the Author:
Milos Jerabek is World of Tanks Development Director at Wargaming
Before joining Wargaming, Milos spent four years at Remedy Entertainment where he started as a level designer and climbed the ranks to become Production Director. As a Development Director, he coordinates communication between teams within the Development Department and ensures they work together to deliver high-quality gameplay experience to players.
    Thaine Lyman
is World of Tanks Product Director
Thaine joined Wargaming in 2015. Before that, he spent over 10 years at Activision where he worked as Executive Producer for the »Call of Duty« series and as VP of Production. In his current role, he works with the executive team, development and publishing teams, regional GMs, and operational teams to ensure World of Tanks provides a best-in-class experience.
    The post World of Tanks – Rebuilding Trust appeared first on Making Games.
World of Tanks – Rebuilding Trust published first on https://thetruthspypage.tumblr.com/
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