#imma be real honest i completely forgot i drew him
maru666x · 11 months
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I wanna beeeee a cloneeee
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 277 SPOILERS
("Fuck off Dad. I'm my own man now." -Shigaraki Tomura 2020)
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Honestly Gran, you should have seen this coming. You of all people should know that Midoriya i-will-break-all-my-bones-if-it-means-i-get-to-save-one-life Izuku is allergic to obeying authority.
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Midoriya said fuck you and my quirk, Aizawa is more important. Speaking of Aizawa he looks stuck somewhere between being touched and absolutely horrified.
Aizawa thinks back to that time he told Midoriya he couldn't be a hero, which honestly wasn't the best first impression, and Bakugou comes in with A.P Shot: Machine Gun which looks really powerful. Except that it's not because Shigaraki literally shrugs off his attack and calls the explosions "little fireworks". If four of my favourite characters weren't in mortal danger right now I would be feeding off of Shiggy's dgaf energy.
(Edit: I am currently feeding off of Shiggy's dgaf energy.)
Midoriya tries to restrain Shiggy with Black Whip and ends up being dragged along for the ride instead. Shiggy says he's not really interested in them right now when Bakugou tries to intercept Shiggy again and it looks like he's about to give Bakugou a bitch slap to heaven but Enji shows up in time to punch Shiggy out of the way. Nice to know you're still trying buddy.
(Edit: I'm only just now noticing the blood coming from Enji's nose and mouth. Eh, he'll be fine.)
Endeavour's first and immediate reaction upon seeing his two trouble making interns is to ask where the fuck his son is and I think that's adorable but I digress.
Midoriya tells him that it's just him and Bakugou and now I'm half expecting Todoroki to just appear out of nowhere. Enji refocuses his attention on Shigaraki, who is already on his feet after being punch, like, 30ft across the ground by fists engulfed in flames but I guess that's just the norm for him now.
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Enji has given up on trying to keep Izuku and Katsuki out of the fight if he was ever trying to begin with and tells them to support Aizawa and tells Bakugou to make sure Izuku doesn't get snatched. Meanwhile, Shiggy's objective has switched to grab Deku and run.
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YO WHAT THE FUCK! Has he gone full on AFO now. How the fuck is Midoriya going to explain this? He's gonna have to tell them. Shiggy looks like what ever thread was holding his fractured mind together just snapped and I feel really bad for him. This isn't even dgaf vibes anymore, it's just insanity and I find myself thinking, not for the first time, that they really should just unplug AFO's life support.
(Edit: Low-key waiting for OFA to take over Izuku's mind too to complete the circle)
Ok nevermind Shiggy hasn't completely lost it yet and both him and Midoriya are very confused by what just happened. Enji uses Hell Spider cause it worked so well the first time while Shiggy not only realises AFO spirit or whatever TOOK OVER HIS MIND FOR A FEW SECONDS, he also takes this opportunity to call AFO out for his MASSIVE ego and straight up tells him not to fuck around with his body and that he has his own reasons for wanting OFA, and I stan that so hard. If only Shiggy wasn't actively trying to kill everyone.
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(Edit: I was joking here but the Madlad actually did it.)
The last time I stanned Shigaraki this hard was the Liberation Army arc. You go Tomura. Be your own man. You don't need that asthma riddled potato head looking ass. Also I like how Hori drew him and AFO together like that. It's like even as he's saying it, AFO is right on top of him.
(Edit: LMFAO)
I really need to keep reading lol. Shiggy says he wants to be better than AFO and then proceeds to DECAY AFO'S IMAGE, permanently cutting ties with him. I think this might be a worse outcome to AFO taking over his body but we'll see.
Gran kicks Shiggy and tells him not to trample on Nana's heart anymore to which Shiggy responds "Who the fuck is Nana?" with the most dazed and confused look I've ever seen in my life. I guess it makes sense since he never found out what her name was. That or he just doesnt remember her. He did decay her and the rest of his family in his weird dreamscape.
Gran thinks back to how defeated AM looked after they found out who Tomura was and comes to the conclusion that Shigaraki breeds pain and suffering where ever he goes, which is a valid assumption to make considering *gestures wildly at the last 10 chapters*.
Gran and Enji charge at Shiggy and Shiggy gets this look of death on his face and it scares me.
Tomura uses jump and avoids them both in favour of going directly after Midoriya instead. Bakugou, of course, expected this and pulls the pin on his gauntlet that's aimed at Shigaraki. I have a bad feeling about this.
All the pros watch in mild horror as Bakugou proceeds to release a bigass explosion right on top of Shigaraki. Bit the real question is: Did it work?
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I don't even know why I'm surprised, Hori's been pulling this shit for weeks. I should be used to it by now.
Alright, let's see how much shit they're in now.
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Well shit.
Imma be completely honest with you, I completely forgot about Mt. Lady. I was honestly expecting everyone to be trampled.
I also noticed the Giganto is trying to head in the same direction my children are in and I don't really appreciate that. I like that you sorta make out what's left of the league on Giganto's back. They look like little beans (>w<).
Anyway, show of hands all those who think Bakugou's explosion actually did anything besides blocking Aizawa's line of sight. No one? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Until next time.
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drewxmay · 8 years
I try not to spoil too much of the Masterpsotbut I just made the spontanios cumbusine one, and what I said at the end is worth sharing.
19:47 This scene is so important. Imma explain it right now “I’m hoping to see you back here next year to May.” - Rhapsody in Drew  in Advance Battle “Hey, May, just two more ribbons.” - Spontaneous Combusken in Battle  Frontier.   May never forgot what Drew said after the Grad Festival. She never forgot how kindly he had said that to her. Right now she is blushing like "oh my god am I falling in love" blushing. She had been thinking about what Briana had said and hen Drew spoke to her again like this she was reminded of both what Briana had said about them having feelings for each other, and what'd happened after the grand festival. She is legitimately starting to fall in love with Drew. Drew didn't forget what'd happened after the grand Festive either. He actually reminded her that she needed two more ribbons before the next grand festival, the one he was talking about when he had said "I'm hoping to see you here next year" (he meant another grand fesival, not the hoen one) Their first serious romantic moment was on the beach after the grand festival, and now we are here again with a completely new revelation on May's part. Instead of being mystified at Drew's sudden kinda words she is sitting there, legitimately like a schoolgirl in love with her crush standing in front of her. Compare the first scene from Advanced battle to this scene. There has been character development, and there will be more.
Actually, to be completely honest no other ship in pokemon has even come close to being as canon as this. Not Pokeshipping, not irakishipping, and not even armorshipping where they actually kissed. Pokeshipping came close, but it was more of a joke to the show, and I did see them try on irakishipping but it still didn't come close to contestshipping. Also before all of you aurmorshippers say that it was canon, just compare which one was better written. armoreshipping was just Serena having a crush on ash. That is poor writing. Contestshipping through actually has aspects of real life relationships, and it developed so damn well. If they brought these two characters back, either they would have completely ruined Drew's complex personality and just make him a jerk or let’s say that they actually wrote him the way that he is. They would have needed contestshipping.
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survivemiddleearth · 6 years
Episode #8: “THEN I find an idol after I literally kill an old innocent man” -Crow
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ok mood i was in a coma since like f15 but im back, thank you thank you, but u can stop applauding, i have TEA so my dumbass doesnt talk to ANYONE, tells two people that I'm playing the game for them and to just use my vote as they see fit (whether that was actually true, i wanna hope so but idk how greedy I would have been at the end) anyway those two people were DREW and JOHNNY first post-fake-merge boots? DREW and JOHNNY why do my allies suck at this game gawd but THEN im like okay so i better start actually talking to people, its only f10, not TOO late but it takes work so i dont cuz im lazy but THEN i decide to go idol hunting late b/c im lazy and forgot that idol hunting opened again but THEN i find an idol after I literally killed an old innocent man and refused to fire the first shot (a BIG mood) so now these bitches can try for me. let em. imma send at least one of them to jury now crow is GETTING his first win. best believe that!
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Alright ladies. Yes I found a 2nd idol, yes roxy knows about it, because she told me where it is (she doesn't know I have 2 tho, lul). Also we voted out johnny there were 2 reasons for this (one personal, one with roxy together): 1) Johnny seemed to be more controlled by Sammy and Eric, so that was a number for them and Dylan was honest with us, even though he didn't need to be about the drew vote. 2) My personal reason was, even though I could trust Johnny, I felt like he was in this trio with Eric and Sammy (I am pretty sure that he wasn't directly allied with Sammy, but still). Eric was controlling that. And Eric imo, is a close ally to me. So I am a selfish bitch and want eric more for me than sharing him. Also I feel like, dylan has more connections to the other side, which is super shady btw. (hello jaybee and jg), so if he trusts me more, I will be able to receive more info from their side. YES this could come bite me in the ass and I prolly already lost Johnny's jury vote with like a 70% chance, since to him I had no proper reason to vote him out, but yano. ALSO MOST IMPORTANT. I AM SO HAPPY WE WON THIS IMMUNITY CHALLENGE. EVEN THOUGH I EVENTUALLY HAVE TO VOTE THEM OUT. Idk where u found these people, but Ford and Dylan are both awesome, so I prefer not voting them out, especially since I shat the bed at the challenge. OH GOD I NEVER DID SO BAD BEFORE, LIKE WHY!
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Wow I haven't confessed in thirty years. I love my purple edit. But ANYWAY tonight we're going to a five-person tribal, which is always a special kind of hell. On a real level, I would love to get Sammy out, but with our history I'm pressed that betraying him would mean completely losing any chance at his jury vote. I want him to have the warm fuzzies about me when I vote him out. So JG came to me wanting to do everyone on Sammy, which I love bc then I could vote with Sammy and everyone would be happy. Although my DREAM situation is everyone voting for Sammy, Sammy playing an idol, and sending Zach home with one vote (sorry Zach, I'm sure by now I've told you [or someone else has] that I'm the biggest snake out there, love you). Zach says he's going to give me his legacy advantage, but I know things like that are entirely contingent upon, you know, not betraying him. So if he could go home as the collateral damage of an idol, that would be awesome for me! Hopefully tonight it's Sammy.
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