pocminiseries · 5 years
Girl With The Tattoos|1
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Her past was a dark one.
Filled with loneliness, fear, abuse that was both physical and mental and rarely any happiness.
Love wasn't a word that she grew up knowing the true meaning of, much less knowing what it was like to be wanted.
Everything that she has ever had was always earned and never given. She wasn't blessed with a memorable childhood, in fact, it was something that she tried so hard to forget. And her teenage years....was the very reason for her sleepless nights.
It was unfair but as she grew older, she quickly realized that life never played fair or chose favorites.
Still, Na'imah never let her past define her nor change her pure ways. They may have tainted her body and shook up her mind but she never allowed them to break her spirit.
As soon as she turned eighteen, she joined the military considering that college was out of the question. Once she graduated, she packed up what she needed, disappearing, not looking back since. It wasn't ideal but she was desperate to get as far away from them as possible and at the time, it was her only way out.
Six years have passed since she began her journey in living her own life on her own terms. No one knew her story and she never really allowed anyone to get to close because if she did, she felt as though she'd be opening up old wounds that she's been trying so hard to forget. Although she had people she'd consider friends, she never had anything close to a best friend.
Maybe it was better that way.
With her last year in the Navy ending in South Korea, she decided to call the city of Seoul home for a while. She had zero reasons to return back to the states, there was literally nothing waiting for her there anyway.
At first, Na'imah was nervous about living in a place that was so different from what she normally used to. She picked up on the language with ease and was quick to get used to the culture, however, she couldn't front like she didn't miss certain things from back home in North Carolina.
Her eyes were glued to her the last chapter of her book when she heard someone walk in.
Shifting her gaze to the clock beside her, she knew exactly who it was judging by the time.
For the past two weeks she's been working at 7/11, he has shown up most nights she worked, around the same time to buy the exact same items.
It wasn't something she found to be out of the ordinary, considering she used to do the same which is how she managed to even land this job, to begin with.
However, Na'imah could feel it when he watched her as he picked out his items. The way he would look at her when he approached the counter to pay. Even when he would purposely brush his hand against hers.
She noticed it all.
He was flirting without ever speaking a word to her which she thought was kind of odd but everyone was different and she wasn't one to judge.
His face was familiar to her though. It was as if she has seen him somewhere else but couldn't put her finger on where and that bothered her.
However, she did find his features to be beyond attractive to her, with the beauty marks above his eyelid being her favorite.
Closing her book, she pushed it to the side as he approached the counter. Occasionally she'd dabble in small talk with a few customers to be friendly and tonight she decided to attempt to do something she almost never does, be the first to spark up a conversation.
"You always watch me but never speak, why?" She questioned curiously, watching his eyes widen by her suddenly speaking to him. A small smile pulled at her lips while he placed his items in front of her. His dark hair fell slightly over his eyes as he stared down at her, making her heart beat a little faster.
She watched the way his tongue glided over his bottom lip before he tucked it into his mouth for a second. 'It's because of the way you make me feel.' He wanted to say but he knew how weird it would sound if he were to say it out loud. "Sometimes it's hard to say the right things in front of someone so beautiful." He said instead.
Na'imah looked away, feeling her cheeks become warm as she replayed his words over in her mind. She's been called beautiful a quite a few times before but for some reason, it was the way he said it that made her feel something different. And the way he was looking at her....she couldn't really explain it.
"Ask me how my night is." She suggested softly, ringing up his items.
"How has your night been so far?" He asked smoothly.
Na'imah smiled to herself, liking how he didn't hesitate to do what she said. "It's better now." She told him truthfully. Her nights were usually slow and sometimes boring which is why she was always reading. It made her eight-hour shifts pass by quicker.
"And how is it better?" She looked at him, knowing that he already knew the answer to his own question without the need for her to explain.
He had no idea how much she enjoyed their brief encounters. He was the one thing she looked forward to nightly, being slightly disappointed when he didn't show up twice.
JB found himself grinning, wishing he would've talked to her sooner. But it wasn't every day he felt such a pull towards someone before. He was intrigued by her. That much has been proven with her constantly popping up in his mind throughout his day. Often wondering what she was doing, wishing there was a way to ask her himself.
It wasn't as if he's never been smitten with a woman before but he knew that with her, it was so much more different than the rest.
Plus with his status and who he was, he didn't exactly have the luxury of getting to know just anyone he wanted.
His eyes looked at the nametag that was attached to her red and black apron. "Na'imah?" He said slowly, not wanting to butcher her name too much.
"Call me JB." He told her, holding out his hand to formally introduce himself. Her small, warm hand slid into his as his long but soft fingers wrapped her hand, giving her a firm handshake. It was simple contact, yet she wasn't ready to let go and neither was he.
But sadly, he couldn't stay long.
Reluctantly pulling away, he swiped his card, paying for his things. "Tomorrow?"
Her eyebrows furrowed. "Tomorrow?"
He chuckled lowly at her confused expression. "Will you be working again tomorrow?"
Oh. "No. I only work on the weekdays." She told him, realizing that he was about to leave.
JB frowned a bit, quickly thinking of a way he could see her sooner, knowing his options were limited. He wanted to talk to her more but he felt as though asking her for her number was too soon. She was making him do things outside of his usual character. He didn't know her but he was willing to give her personal information just to stay in contact with her.
But to him, she was worth it.
"Use it." Her sweet voice pierced his thoughts as he realized he was standing there silently having a debate with himself. He looked down at the pink piece of sticky note she held out with her number scribbled across it. "Have a goodnight JB." She smiled as he eyed the paper after taking it from her. His eyes found her once more as he took a step backward towards the double doors.
"Goodnight Na'imah." He nodded, forcing his legs to move to make his exit. His heart hadn't stop racing even when he made it back to the dorms. In a matter of minutes, his night was made by an exchange of few sentences that led to him having a way to get in touch with her whenever he could. He wanted so badly to just call her as he saved her number in his phone but quickly thought against considering she was still at work.
Even as he laid in bed, his mind never strayed far from her, wishing he could hear her voice one last time.
Only a few minutes later after closing his eyes, he grabbed his phone and dialed her number, no longer caring that she was busy at work. He needed to hear her again before he fell asleep. Three rings later her low chuckles filled with his ears followed by her gentle tone. She knew exactly who it was without looking at the caller ID.
"JB...." She sighed softly. "Get some rest."
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soul01-blog · 6 years
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Into the dreams - Buckle up (part 3) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/snxtVW07OT
What happens when a fangirl’s favourite idol suddenly shows up in front of her.. 
When a girl dedicates everything for a man, it's not always love. Sometimes it's the unparalleled respect and care. Just a wish for someone to reach the pinnacle... She might look crazy, but she is not. Because he is her center of universe, not because she loves him, but because of the respect her heart feels for him. Her craving to know every single thing about him and be the greatest friend he could ever have are things that make her who she is because she knows that the moment this desire in her heart dies, there won't be anything left to make her live. She would be nothing more than a living body with a dead heart....
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foreverwithmark · 7 years
Nora, Kunta, & Odd
You & GOT7 In Jaebum
Semi Angst? & Fluff
“Hey Hyung?” Yugyeom began as that’s night practice ended.
“Hummmm?” JB responded packing up his things getting ready to leave.
“Is it just me? Or has Noona been acting strange lately?” Yugeyom asked looking as his Hyung paused from packing.
“What do you mean?” JB asked looking at the maknae.
“She hasn’t been as happy lately. We rarely see her come out from your room now. And the other day when Bam and I were helping her wash the dishes” Yugyeom paused, not sure if he should continue.
“What about the dishes?” JB asked feeling a bit concerned.
“We…we…” Yugyeom was hesitating.
“You what?!” JB exploded a bit, now more concerned.
“We saw cuts on her arms hyung” Bambam said quietly from the side of the room where he was sitting with Mark and Jackson who stayed silent because they too have seen the cuts.
“I heard her crying once when I walked by your room” Youngjae spoke softly from beside JB.
“She really hasn’t been herself lately Hyung” Jinyoung spoke.
JB rushed out of the practice room and headed back to their dorm as quickly as he could. So many thoughts were going through his head. How did he not notice it? How ignorant has he been? He sees you everyday yet he hasn’t noticed a single thing. His members were right though, now that he thought about it. You haven’t been out of the room for the last couple of weeks besides school and food. He came home to you will puffy eyes once but he thought you were just crying from the drama you’ve been watching.
He didn’t even bother taking of his shoes as he ran into the dorm searching for you. He found you in the living room playing with Nora, Odd, Kunta, and Coco. You were giggling at their silly antics. You didn’t notice him come in. He hugged you tightly from behind.
“Ahhh” you were startled. “Jaebum?” You asked trying to turn you head.
“I love you. So much. And whatever your going through, I’m here for you. I don’t want you going through it alone. I want you to be able to confide in me. I don’t wanna see you hurting yourself. I don’t want to come home one day to see that you’ve taken your own life. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately. But you know I’m always here. And I love you. So, so much. Please babe.” JB let out as he started to tear.
“What?!” You asked as you turned around to face him. You voice startled the four little fluff balls and they stoped playing to stare at the two of you.
“You’ve been crying and locking yourself up in the room. I’m sorry I didn’t notice. The members just talked to me about it.” JB said looking down.
“Babe…. the only reason I’ve been "locked up in your room”“ you said adding. The quotation marks "is because I’ve been cramming for exams and I cried once! And that was because the drama was so sad!”
“What about the cuts on your arms that the kids saw?” He asked looking at you concerned. You laughed causing JB to become confused.
“You mean these?” You asked pulling up your sleeves to reveal the scratches. “These are from taking care you of your kids” you said pointing at the three cats who’ve found their way into your lap. “You have the same ones dummy.”
“So you’re not cutting yourself or going through anything?” JB asked feeling relieved. You cupped his face with you hands leaning in to peck him on the lips. You pulled away and smiled.
“Why would I be when I have a boyfriend who lives me as much as you do” You replied. He leaned in to kiss you again.
“Good.” He said smiling “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You pulled him into a hug hiding your blushing face in the crook of his neck. You suddenly pulled back and looked at him curiously. “What?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“So which of of those idiots thought I was hurting myself?” You laughed.
“All of them” he chuckled pulling you into a hug. “If it’s possible they probably love you just as much as I do.” He whispered.
~~~~~ hello everyone! Just a short one shot here! I thought I should give a back story on why I wrote this. About a few fan signs ago around the beginning of their comeback, I started to notice cuts on JB's wrist, and I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but it did make me really worried. But gladly it was all explained by him! Since Youngjae moved out, JB not only has Nora, but two other cats named Kunta and Odd. And so you see, those cuts were actually his cats scratching him. But I also wanted to take a moment and say that if anyone is really going through any of this. Please don't continue to harm yourself. If you need someone of talk to, please DM me. Everyone's life is too precious😞
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pocminiseries · 5 years
Girl With The Tattoos
➵❤︎ Pairing: Im Jaebum x OC ➵❤︎ Warnings: Mature, Abuse, Explicit Language, Adult Content, Trauma ➵❤︎Genre: Romance, Fanfiction, Smut, Interracial ➵❤︎Synopsis: In which leader JB finds himself interested in a beautiful foreigner with a troubled past.
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The first time he had laid eyes on her, something within him had sparked.
She sat quietly behind the counter reading a hardcover of "American Street", her head slightly lifting up once hearing the ding of the door indicating a new customer.
He found himself in a bit of a trance of the curly mane that framed her gorgeous face. A soft and warm smile graced her face for a few seconds when their eyes connected before she returned her attention back on the book in front of her.
Absentmindedly walking down an aisle, he had temporarily forgotten why he was even there to began with.
His gaze kept going back to her while picking up random things that he really didn't need. Of the many times he's come to this same exact store he was sure that he has never seen her here before tonight.
Her smooth copper-colored skin made her stand out amongst the usual pale bodies of South Korea alone. The slight glint coming from the crystal nose ring she sported fitted her foreign features so perfectly.
But it was the tattoos she had that really piqued his interest.
The realistic roses that started from her collarbone and covered her upper shoulder were so unique to him. It wasn't until he grabbed what he actually came for and walked towards the counter he spotted the beautiful design mandala tattoo on her forearm. Her choices on ink to decorate her skin made him so curious of exactly she was.
"Will that be all for you tonight?" With a tone sweet like honey and so gentle, she spoke his native language so smoothly. His darkened eyes found hers staring back at him kindly and for a moment, he was speechless.
She was almost too perfect to him.
He blinked a few times not trusting his voice and simply nodded, giving her the ok to ring up his items that consisted of mostly junk food. A strange feeling he wasn't quite use to, started to erupt from inside of him that he had to close his eyes for a few seconds and take a deep breath. It wasn't pain or sickness that he felt, no, this was something else.
Opening his eyes once more, he found her looking at him curiously with a slight tilt of her head and a playful smirk on her face. Glancing at his total, he handed her more than necessary. "Keep the change." He said lowly, watching her place the money into the cash register.
A simple "thanks" passed through those slightly glossed lips that caused him to bite his own subconsciously.
Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his freshly washed hair trying to understand what was happening to him. But deep down, he knew exactly what this feeling was.
He purposely brushed his hand against hers when she handed him his bagged items, an action that seemed as if she didn't either catch or think much of. The different contrast of their skin tones was so evident but he liked it. And her lovely intoxicating scent wasn't making his situation any better.
Giving her one last look over his shoulder as he walked towards the door, she gave him a small wave and casually went right back to her reading.
Smiling to himself, he made his exit with every intent on this not being the last time to see her if he had the chance.
He needed to know everything about her.
The girl with the tattoos.
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soul01-blog · 6 years
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Into the dreams - Them (part 2) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/y5G4EaW7OT
 When a girl dedicates everything for a man, it's not always love. Sometimes it's the unparalleled respect and care. Just a wish for someone to reach the pinnacle... She might look crazy, but she is not. Because he is her center of universe, not because she loves him, but because of the respect her heart feels for him. Her craving to know every single thing about him and be the greatest friend he could ever have are things that make her who she is because she knows that the moment this desire in her heart dies, there won't be anything left to make her live. She would be nothing more than a living body with a dead heart....
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soul01-blog · 6 years
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A beautiful tale of a girl's encounter with her favourite kpop idol...
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