#imitation colonade
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
: Thursday 17 May 1838
A-‘s cousin came this morning soon after nine a week too soon fine morning F56 ½° at 7 ½ am wrote the whole of the last page and breakfast at 9 ¼ in ½ hour and had talkathon with the washerwoman whom I quietly put into as much rage as she dared shew – would not pay her bill – but said I would settle it with the lady of the house or with monsieur she wanted the bill back again but this she would not give up – had just written so far at 10 10 according to the ‘almanach administratif et statistique et de la cour d’appel de Liège et de son Ressort. 43me année. 1838. Liège. Imprimerie de Jacques Desoer Libraix Place St. Lambert, n°774’ vid. p. 157 governor M. le baron Charles H. A. J. Vandensteen de Jehay, Mt. St. Martin, n°614. and vide p. 211 population de la ville de Liège 1 January 1837 = 59.363 ames – or population par quartier Sud, 18,251 ; Nord 14,817, Est 14,606 ; Ouest 11,689. and vide p. 279 to 284 inclusive account of the anniversary – p. 282 Galerie Zoologique ‘pourra devenir précieux par l’achat du célèbre cabinet de [fer] M. Schmerling’ – M. D. – took a commissionaire and George and A- and I went out (walked) at 10 35 – 1st to Collardin’s took back the 2 plans of Liège 4/. and got in exchange a German French and English vocabulary 4/. and a Belgian Livre de poste 2/50 – left these at home and then went for 10 minutes to the cathedral (St. Paul) -  neat, clean, marble skirted, handsome remarkably comfortable church – with handsome painted window east and two partly painted in the transept north and south a German had just been at the top of this church – then to St. Jacques at 11 and sent George and the commissionaire home for Oddy – old gothic church very neat and interesting and handsome founded by bishop Baldric in 1014 – the cathedral ceiling painted in a running pattern, that of St. Jacques much handsome – good deal of [?] imitating the effect of guilding – the church undergoing great repairs – the man who shewed us about said to the 300,000 francs? of which government gave 25,000 fr. but what was that – waited for the servants ½ hour – then 5 minutes longer and off to Les mineurs at 11 35 and the priests’ college adjoining the bishops’ palace – 140 etudiàns, at 400fr. per annum – In the corridors an excellent gravure of Rome, and chronological gravure of the heads and dates of all the popes, all the Kings of Spain, and all the Roma emperors – saw the dining room kitchen and lecture room – good, but very plain rooms, nothing to see – the bishops’ palace not shewn a merely pretty good private house – the church (all the same corps de bâtiment) neat clean very white and pretty and handsome enough – all the churches here less than usual encumbered with Roman catholic frippery – off from here at 1 35 – ½ hour at a booksellers in passing and bought several little things, not dear – then up to the church of St. Martin more striking in exterior and like commanding situation than worth visiting for its interior – pretty little oak-carved pulpit some pictures by Latour, and some tolerable little basso-relievo marble medallions by Delcour who sculptured the foundation (Virgin and child on pedestal water from the mouths of 4 lions into as many stone troughs) in the Place de St. Paul – from St. Martins’ went to the adjoining barrière and looked down upon the barrière St. Marguerite by which we had entered and close to which was our coal-pit – fine view on this side – but magnificent one from the garden of the cafè de belle vue looking down to the other side the hill, upon Liège and its fine river and voisinage – vineyards and gardens and long chimneys but very little smoke to be seen from houses or engines – our commissionaire said the coal of Liege did not make much smoke – true there is not much – a large 100 horse engine does not make more (as far as we have seen) than a common kitchen fire in England! How is this? – Delighted with the view – sent the servants home to dinner before 2 – ourselves back at 2 20 – got down the hill by a near little narrow way along the Derrière l’Eglise de St. Jean and soon at the theatre and at home – A- tired but lay on the sofa – made herself some tea as yesterday and seemed quite refreshed again in about an hour – I read the almanach de Liège lent us by our host and then till 4 wrote all but the 1st 5 lines of today – A- and I went out at 4 5 – bought pretty blue silk pincushion topped boite aux gants 12/. – then sauntered along the streets to the university – sought out our portière – she was with a party of French went with them to the salle (lecture room) – very large good handsome circular squared room – benches en amphithéâtre for the étudiants, and above a colonade gallery – very good effect – to the cabinet d’histoire naturelle mineralogy and geology and in the cabinet de physique et anatomie – mathematical instruments and anatomical preparation everything very nice – the cabinet of M. le docteur Schmerling not yet purchased but les administrateurs sur le pied de l’acheter – among the coal fossil vegetable remains saw one from la mine de l’espérance which it seems is at Seraing and belongs to Mr. Cockerill  and the woman as I understood said it was deeper than the houillère of Sainte Marguerite – an hour at the university then sauntered along the quai to the post the singular looking old brick building that Mt. de Piète – went up one of the several little streets (opening on to the Quai) not 4ft. wide I should guess about 3ft. 8in. wide according to my parasol returned by the marché and called on booksellers Place St. Lambert and bought the Liège almanac (vid. line 5 of today) etc. – home at 7 5 dinner about 7 ¼ in an hour – at 9 ¼ went down to see Mr. Mathiolis’ cellars, kitchen baths, and lastly his stable to see a Hannover horse (aetatis 9) that he played all sorts of coaxing tricks – with to shew how quiet it was – an hours’ business – his fruit cupboard and foyer de cuisine the best worth seeing things – A- tired – it was too much for her – fine day – F59° now at 10 ¾ pm – fine day – rain from about 8 am
the portiere at the university said how cold it was and that there was snow here on Tuesday morning at 6 am
A- lay on the sofa poorly busy getting the boiler to heat water and undressing her with A- heating water or one thing or other till 12 20 – then leaving her in bed, sat looking over the books bought today till one tonight – then hearing her crying went to her and gave her some cherry brandy  she said her head and neck were bad she wants more than I can do for her  a good strong fellow
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thakolkiat · 4 years
Aesthetic of Control
 Maze is essential part of the garden. It means meditation and reflection (like a path to pilgrimage). (Folly architecture) It is a decoration and representation of ancient temples and buildings, while they had no real purpose besides being a destination they were sometimes used as places for entertainment when the wealthy land owner had parties.Site : The Ritz Carlton residence at Mahanakorn BuildingThe goal is to create fake season by changing the colors of the foliage. Summer all year round in tropical zone makes most trees remain only in the shades of green.aE
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The goal is to create fake season by changing the colors of the foliage. Summer all year round in tropical zone makes most trees remain only in the shades of green.
Site : The Ritz Carlton residence at Mahanakorn Building
The technique of “extreme control” is challenged and similar as creating nature on the concrete surface. 
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Terraces and steps are imitated Tuscany hill where Italian gardens were initiated.
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Comparison of Italian garden on original site and at Mahanakorn tower
The garden is divided into 2 part: Customary and Mistreatment garden
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Staircase is the iconic of Italian garden. It merges 2 separate space together in order to expand the garden. The main garden is a heart of the garden since it locates in the center and link upper garden and maze garden together.
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Maze is essential part of the garden. It means meditation and reflection (like a path to pilgrimage). (Folly architecture) It is a decoration and representation of ancient temples and buildings, while they had no real purpose besides being a destination they were sometimes used as places for entertainment when the wealthy land owner had parties.
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Arches shrubs close to the building acts as “colonade” between the living area in the house and garden.
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Esedra break the colonnade and indicates the end point of the garden. This can be suitable place for conversation like what people do in the ancient time.
Mistreatment Garden - All the plants in this zone is growing with disease, fungus and unusual technique to generate new atmosphere by the outcome and reaction of the trees.
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Canker in cypress is a fungus in the gene of Seiridium. It causes die-back at the branch. The branch will gradually changing the color from green to yellow, orange, brown and eventually die. The orange and brown on the foliage generates the feeling and the atmosphere of autumn,
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Blight - similar process as cypress but different fungus involved. This generate the atmosphere of autumn, but mostly in yellow and light brown. Using degraded soil is also capable to change the outcome. Colors of the foliage will be varied by the element it absorbed from the soil. For instance, foliage turns into shade of light green and yellow because soil lack of Sulfur.
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After the plants were killed continuously, it will be replaced with new immediately vis the crane (BMU). The hanging rail of the building facilitates the garden keepers to carry the tree from one side to the opposite side.
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Hydraulic lift move tree vertically and ready to replace. Nursery at the back act as a spare or storage the tree. Once the tree die and need replacement. Management team can transform the nursery to the garden instantly.
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Irrigation system - As the pathway was elevated by “Buzon decking”, the water pipes can go underneath and link to planting zone by smaller pipe and sprinkle. Besides, the drainage from either rain or watering can be reused since the drainage tube is linking back to the tank with water filtration.
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viens-chi-mi-blog · 8 years
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