heliinx · 2 years
“Have you heard-tell of the happenings in the north clans, Lady Heliinx?”
It was Immiiq Syst, High Aggregate of the Clan Raze. And, regrettably, her Host. Otherwise Heliinx would have some choice words and warp lightning for the other horned rat. As it stood, she couldn’t afford to fry the other skaven...
“ No-no.” She answers carefully, “ What do they say-squeak?”
“ Earthshakes! Water Tides! Much-much death and desolation!”
Heliinx twitched a whisker. He seemed much too happy about that. From her understanding, the Aggregate clans had no northern enemies, only southern ones.
“ The signifigance-importance is lost on you, I see-see,” Imiiq responded to her confused silence, with a kindness that betrayed a sort of superiority and as he did, Heliinx had to once again quell the desire to zap him. Perhaps he was right, but that was only because Heliinx, for all her wily cunning, could not divine the mind of a mad-rat.
Immiiq’s grin was joyous and savage.
“ Why, it is the wrath of the Horned One! Not-not a coincidence he sunder-destroys the northern clans after they speak such Blasphemies about one of his chosen!”
Heliinx wanted to mention that her clan had been situated towards the north, near to the coast, too. Clan Capi, suredly, was in shambles. Then again, those Capi-skaven were more water-sure than most.
Good. It would be a shame if such strong-silenty loyal-loyal ratmen were to be wiped out. A waste of research.
Still, she had never considered it that way. Immiq continued,
“No hardship for us-us and we take you in directly. If the Horned Rat was displeased, we all would be done-dead.”
Or, it wasn’t-wasn’t the work of the Horned One. No, their god wasn’t given to such explosive fits of rage. That was the perfect way to get a certain quartet of god’s baleful attention, but for now Heliinx merely nodded along with the Aggregate.
“ Great Rat has plans, yes-yes, plan-schemes that involve you and me and all of skavendom. He has divined this meeting, don’t you see-see? He has brought Clan Raze and Reave closer-close as brood-brothers!”
Nevermind the fact that brood-brothers would murder each other too, if perhaps not as fast. But more pressingly.... ‘plan-schemes that involve you and me’? Heliinx’s eyes squinted further and she couldn’t prevent the hair on her neck from rising. How many times had she heard similar in her younger days? Fellow horned rats demanding her company and claiming it was the will of the Horned One? To defy them would be to spit at the paws of Great Rat himself?
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“ Our father-god’s schemes are truly grand,” Was all she offered by way of response. It was enough for Immiiq, who had enough excitement for the both of them. He left, jovial as the Plague God and he took whatever sense of comfort Heliinx had convinced herself into with him.
This place, this clan, that rat. None of it was safe.
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geckoodles · 2 years
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Would you give Imiiq a hug? Comm for @xaallo / @heliinx !
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kenalleninsurance · 7 years
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What is coinsurance? And other health insurance mysteries explained - Oct. 19, 2017 http://www.qoo.ly/imiiq
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