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viral9ja · 2 months ago
Imemes – Vivian (Viviano)
Listen to a New Song By Imemes – Vivienne oh viviano. Imemes – Vivienne oh viviano MP3 Download Audio. Talented Act and songwriter, Imemes bounces back on the music scene With a Potential Hit single titled “Vivian (Viviano)”. The new single serves as a follow up to his previously heard single titled, “Uzozisola (Mara)”. The song “Vivian (Viviano)” is a wonderful number which is a must for your…
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mossuaries · 2 years ago
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frcnzyflcme · 2 months ago
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Thinking about Berkhal's journey to becoming Lord of frenzy flame...
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promisedcandy · 4 months ago
imagining the most heart-wrenching scenario between blorbo mcgee and mr. sckrunkleton. i’m goingng to throw up
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planetanonsmile · 5 months ago
why ddoes EVERTTEHHING go down when im hhisgh sobs
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cowbrains · 1 year ago
Ada obi imem ofu, part 1 (unkown year) - Okonkwo Adigwe
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lieut-dundy-le-vesconte · 7 days ago
Doignghgods work joeeyboy
Ifneoew allathat tomororw i gotta see who sent me letters igebnegrkcted to repeosnd to intjink ive been ignroe pillss toomich imeep forgetting to reply—godchsrieur... fuck sosoryy guhhhh
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twistedappletree · 10 months ago
idk why but i have such a hard time listening to and understanding british accents in youtube vids, like if it’s accents like Indian, Spanish, Malian, Korean, Chinese, etc. i can understand fine but every british accent just sounds like “shambaaaayyyy oingot poony oyoyaur bloit awight ahahaha pomfoufou yeh yaknew wot imeme?”
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eiichiro · 1 year ago
So...I haven't read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle for a while. In fact, I dropped it long ago, but later I heard there a lot of confusing things in the climax of the story. Something about two Sakuras and two Syaorans, which confused the readers. What exactly happened in the story?
i'm sorry i don't think i can explain to you since it's been more than a decade since it ended omg i wouldn't be able to remember things to be able to explain to u properly.. i'd have to re-read it
edit: ok ur in luck, thank my friend imeme lmaoo explanation below
theres ogkura and ogran, ogkura is from the clow kingdom and ogran from japan, he traveled there and met ogkura
blah blah the killing happens and ogran makes a wish to save ogkura and with that he cloned himself and ogran got jailed by fei wong
however turns out ogkura got cloned entirely and the original disappeared
at some point clonekura realizes shes a clone and then goes into the drean world in an attempt to alter their fates, ends up dying bc cloneran stabbed her, she does tell ogran that she isnt his sakura
then at the end both clonekura and cloneran are allowed to reincarnate, due to a wish watanuki (who is also a version of syaoran, but he paid the price to allow the clones to reincnate by forgetting who he was)
turns out that cloneran and clonekura are ograns parents (paradoxal)
ogkura was saved as well so shes also alive again at the end
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economicsresearch · 2 years ago
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page 562 - I've decided that if I own the means of production it's fine.
Not like I own the means of production exclusively, but I as a worker own the means of production. If workers control their labour and benefit from their own labour then it's fine. I should have started with that.
The problem is if some scaberous capitalized wanker is benefiting from an AI that has value only because it can hoover up the value created by others for free. That sounds like theft. Then they get to use their profits to put down workers, buy politics, change systems and social structures through legislation. It's bad.
But if labour needs doing and I choose to do that labour by using my AI machine as a tool, that is cool. That's what technology has promised us since time imem... immemm... since a long time.
Use tech, work done, sit on a bench in the park and feed squirrels. Dreamy.
Have a look at the woven fabric above and re-think everything you thought you knew about Luddites and Luddism, right now!
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viral9ja · 2 months ago
Imemes – Vivienne oh viviano
Listen to a New Song By Imemes – Vivienne oh viviano. Imemes – Vivienne oh viviano MP3 Download Audio. Talented Act and songwriter, Imemes bounces back on the music scene With a Potential Hit single titled “Vivienne oh viviano. The song “Vivienne oh viviano” is a wonderful number which is a must for your playlist. Imemes – Vivienne oh viviano MP3 Download Audio.
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loomiskiller · 2 years ago
phone info | accepting | @unaskedloomis
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: whatever is sam's favorite movie, he has the theme song or something from it as her rington. also her contact name is set as gremlin. he will not elaborate.
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: he thinks she should text more like a person her age should text but, it's whatever. sam replies at her own pace to him as well and he doesn't mind it.
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: INSTANTLY. other people he will take his time but, sam? NAH. the text is sent right after he sees it.
How often our muses text: sam texts him more often than he texts her first. billy prefers phone calls no matter who he is communicating with. but, unlike most people who's texts he sometimes takes forever to get back to, he responds to sam imem
How often our muses call: billy calls her more than she calls him, but, that's okay. he's the parent and he's supposed to check on her.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: no. he always texts her if he can't call her back after the missed call. or he calls her if he is able to. he never misses a call from hers on purpose.
Last text sent from my muse to yours: always remember that violence can sometimes be the answer. just. try and make it look like self defense. do not tell your mother i told you this.
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speaknahuatl · 2 months ago
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Nimechtlahpaloa / Nimitzchicahua imeme 👋🏼
🗓️Mondays: ⏰10:00-11:00AM Pacific Time
🗓️ Thursdays & Fridays: ⏰3:15-4:15PM Pacific Time
💻Zoom Meeting ID is the same as the classes.
👥Join us for conversation, review, practicing what you know, or clarifying what you don't! Open to former or currently enrolled students. Set up an appointment or simply show up. Former students: please email us [email protected] for Zoom info.
☕Bring your refreshment
🤓Ma timomachtican / Ma timomaxtican
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empreendedorbr · 2 months ago
FORMAÇÃO PARA MASSOTERAPEUTAS - Instituto De Massoterapia Elaine De Maria
IMEM – Instituto de Massoterapia Elaine De Maria O IMEM – Instituto de Massoterapia Elaine De Maria oferece cursos online na área de massoterapia há 10 anos, que são hospedados em plataforma dedicada para ensino online! Formação em Massoterapia, Relaxante Pró, Drenagem Linfática com Modeladora, Terapia dos Florais de Bach. Todos os cursos incluem certificado registrado ABRATH (Associação…
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444namesplus · 3 months ago
Aimbo Amam Amim Amin Amno Amom Amphu Amrum Amste Amtu Amun Amxam Amze Anam Anbei Ancha Ancho Anhun Anim Anoim Anquom Anquu Anun Anxem Anxun Baiom Bamvim Bauem Baumrom Bauski Beam Benscha Benun Bezu Bimfu Bimmeu Biumzin Boan Bomnam Bonxum Bostun Bounam Bovo Bunquon Bunxe Buva Caloen Ceanim Chanim Chanscha Cheen Cheon Chepha Cheumhun Chiin Chimim Choimma Choin Chomla Choru Choti Chunca Chunpien Chusti Ciem Cinxi Ciun Combu Comquu Conan Conlo Cooan Covum Cuam Cucha Cumta Cunlin Cuonam Cutem Daen Dain Danvum Daski Date Dece Dimdon Dina Dinam Doagun Domskoi Dunchan Duon Duun Eman Emcam Emen Emha Emim Emin Emlon Emnu Emon Empha Emphum Empoan Emsche Emson Emstum Emto Emuin Enam Enan Enbaom Enbun Encon Endin Enen Eniin Enim Enmen Ennan Enon Enquom Ensche Enschuam Entam Envue Eomen Fanpi Fece Feim Femen Femum Fencu Fimfen Fohon Foim Fomeen Fulin Gaim Gango Geschum Gomsum Gomun Gonam Gonom Gorao Guimcum Gumoon Gunchen Gunzeim Guumam Haan Haem Haimon Hangi Haum Hengun Himta Hinvan Hohim Hommin Honin Humhon Huun Huzin Iangon Iinmeu Imam Imem Imfa Imfe Imfu Imhum Imin Immue Imnem Imom Imrun Imschoim Imxum Inan Inbin Inchou Inem Ingu Inim Inlum Inom Inpha Insta Instun Invea Lamphi Lanpom Lemim Lemquen Lencho Linquum Linsa Loadiom Lomin Lomne Lonpem Luchun Lufi Luim Luoxe Luxuom Magun Meeim Memiim Mempi Mian Minni Moen Mohen Molo Momfi Moscheam Muin Muphe Muskan Namon Namzon Nanim Neabe Neem Nenem Nesai Neski Nila Nima Ninum Nizin Noim Nongeam Noqua Nuan Nusko Oenon Omaim Omam Ombin Omcan Omche Omchon Omem Omfe Ommu Omnie Omquei Omquo Omskan Omski Omste Omstem Omtim Omun Omvo Onen Onfa Onfi Onge Ongom Onlom Onma Onneu Onom Onrem Onske Onxam Onzoe Onzu Palon Pamvoo Penfom Peumum Phahun Phangei Phata Phemgum Phiesa Phipum Phome Phoskin Phuga Phuhin Phuoum Picho Pugu Pumna Pumsun Punam Punon Puqua Puto Quanschon Quemso Quemxo Quenom Quenphin Questun Quimcam Quimon Quomxa Quugeam Rago Ramin Raschuun Rebo Remam Rencho Renin Renum Rifu Rinin Roam Rochi Roha Ruim Runrem Runun Ruuam Sanin Sanum Schain Schanuam Scheho Schele Schien Schinbeum Schonaum Schunu Schupin Semom Senskim Siin Simaim Simto Sinre Sinschuo Sipu Sito Skengeon Skiphoo Skistom Skomlo Skonpho Skopum Skoschom Skoum Skoxun Skuisue Skunxu Soalun Somlun Somum Sozoi Stamma Stanma Stemom Stemsta Stenham Stian Stimon Stoan Stuisa Stuxum Sube Tain Tamcan Tamskam Tanim Taquo Temen Temin Temon Teri Tigim Tilu Timfii Timman Tinbun Tinmon Tinrom Tinvam Tistim Tiuam Todum Tolo Tomom Tubu Tuin Tunhu Tuxon Uanam Uenen Uimge Umaen Umin Umlum Umne Umon Umpin Umquo Umti Umun Umxon Unan Unbem Unda Unen Unfim Unska Unten Unum Vaanxim Vadin Vama Vamum Vanen Vemrum Venhom Veom Vinfu Vinnoi Vion Voaon Vopi Voschu Vueim Vuum Xaaem Xangun Xebo Xefe Xehi Xenpi Xenri Xete Ximin Ximxean Xonschon Xonto Xumaon Xumho Xunskan Zaaam Zamsin Zeam Zeem Zelia Zeschom Zidam Ziven Zizi Zobu Zomin Zonste Zuige Zunhan Zuphum
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otterbugg · 11 months ago
me every single day ever every day ever day ever sday me me me its imem , ,, ,, ,
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