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imelht · 1 year ago
Metadede Week. Day Two. First Meeting.
“… … …”
Silence. Save for the wind which blew. Save for the king’s thoughts, which weighed heavy on his mind.
“… … …”
It was an abnormally cloudy day in Dreamland. Shadows fell over and about buildings in unconventional fashions. No one seemed to be outside at the moment, despite it still being early in the day… no one at all, but one.
The penguin king stepped outside, on a rather generously sized balcony which stemmed from the side of his castle. He peered over the mountains which so surrounded the mighty establishment, alone with only his thoughts to nag him. The golden circlet which held his crown together lacked its usual shine, much to the doings of the thick, dark-colored clouds above.
He stood silently. Not a word to himself, not an utterance to the scene about him.
This was King Dedede, the courageous, the fierce-some. The mighty penguin king of Dreamland.
He stood tall, tugging at the band that bound his stomach lightly. Feathers a rich azure blue in hue, his eyes were of a corresponding color, while his feet and beak a dandelion yellow in contrast. By looks alone the man was of a royal caliber. (Or perhaps that was only due to his routine.) Though, in contrast to his royal, tip-top nature, one might come to recognize the undeniably prominent southern tint to his voice, and his rather… gluttonous and boisterous aptitude, though, despite this, he was still very much a king at heart. Coincidentally, the king came to be dressed in a sumptuous red robe with a lofty, cloud-like accentry, his very insignia he sported on both the back of his robe, and on his mallet, which he’d always on hand.
Over the years, he would come to be a kind, and empathetic king, and he would grow to love each and every single one of his loyal subjects, those being the Waddle Dees. He’d countless of the orange, horizontally asymmetrical, mouth-less creatures. Each one he’d grown to love, and for any one of them, he’d sacrifice his very well being…
Though at this moment, that was not of principle concern. The clouds were dull in color, sharply contradicting the multitudinous, and spirited colors of Dreamland. The King knew something was up, and it was not just those clouds in the sky…
He knew what he had to do, and he had to do it now, or never.
… … …
Late into the night, the King had snuck out with deft footsteps, and managed out of the grandiose castle. The city of Dreamland was now at utter rest, the lights of homes put out, not a soul in sight. All were asleep, all but one… that one being King Dedede, and he’d taken a visit to the legendary Fountain of Dreams.
The fountain ran with its usual waters, however, the fountain’s activity seemed off to the King. King Dedede had taken many a trip to the fountain, especially when his mind plagued him. He was no new face to possession, namely by the forces of Dark Matter. The King sat on the lip of the fountain, his sights on the Star Rod as it sat upright in the center of the monument.
He averted his sights and peered into the waters as he normally did, allowing his thoughts to rush his mind like a flood, though this time the waters, opposite of stagnant, rippled. They betrayed a scary sight, a wizard with sharp spectacles and a whirling body. He’d sharp fingers, and a sinister demeanor. The wizard smiled with his teeth, each sharp but perfectly locked together, and he pulled his cape about his body to conceal it. Dedede, who would rather have not set his sights on the wizard, attempted to pull away, but instead, was seized in the wizard’s powerful mental hold, and physically brought forcibly to the water’s surface.
When his hands did not feel the usually shallow bottom of the fountain… he freaked out.
He felt his heart as if a lump in his throat, and in his stunned state he couldn’t bring himself to speak. He flailed his arms, seeking out of the water as he was near pulled in entirely. The wizard himself did not verbalize anything, rather, he stared… he stared deep into what was the King’s soul, and the King could almost feel himself again being pulled into the rippling waters of the now dark fountain.
He shouted, or… he thought he did. He felt himself begin to sweat, or was that just the water that had splashed into his face during the ordeal…? His breathing hastened as he corrected his pose, managing his arms out of the water after he’d been pulled physically towards it. He struggled against the mental snare of the Wizard with shallow breaths, as the taunting grin of the wizard seemed to remind him of how weak he was... The wizard beckoned Dedede to him, and the King could feel himself losing again what control he’d over himself.
He loathed losing his mind to some outside entity… to Dark Matter. He hated the torment it brought. To lose the will but not the conscious… it was utterly petrifying for the King. He strived to fight against it, but the external forces always managed to trump his will…
He wanted to cry out again in the midst of it all, but he remained determined. He grit his teeth, though he felt his mind once again facing a slip. He tensed up with the rest of his remaining strength, until he was pulled away from the fountain by a pair of hands at his sides, his pupils were wild, his feathers, bristled, his crown lopsided from his earlier tumble. He turned promptly, wide-eyed to the one who’d managed him away from the wizard’s unrelenting hold on him…
His eyes widened a tad further when he laid his sights on the one who had practically saved him. He was met with a short, masked, orb-shaped puffball. His skin was dark in coloration. He’d amber eyes and a steel mask, which covered the entirety of his face, save for a visor which permitted his eyes to see through it. He had pauldrons and sported a flowing red cape which he held across his body in one hand.
He looked like a little knight. The King tilted his head, now calming down from the previous events that had transpired.
“W-Who… are you?” The King stammered, his voice shaking a slight bit, but his nerves soon faded.
The mysterious man spoke up, in a much deeper tone Dedede would’ve thought.
“My name…? Well, if I may, I insist on keeping it in the down low.“ He responded, hesitantly.
“Do you… have a name?”
The swordsman was silent.
“I’ll take that as a no, for now.” *He paused, eyeing the swordsman before him. “It’s no matter. I’m sure ya know who I am at least.” He assumed, the arrogance laced in his tone and radiating from his newly stricken pose.
After a moment of silence he was met with a quiet, “I am unaware…” from the bystander.
The King’s jaw nearly dropped at this. He turned back to him, a more honest face, this time.
“You seriously don’t know…?”
“Why would I?” The swordsman replied, not without a genuine lack of knowledge.
“Well… I jus’ assumed you would… is all…” The King mumbled, though he perked himself back up. “I’m the King of these lands, Dedede is my name.”
“A pleasure to meet you… King Dedede.” The swordsman accompanied this acknowledgment with a bow, his red cape catching in the breeze.
“It’s nice tah meet you as well, mister swordsman.”
“You may just refer to me as sir, for now.”
The King laughed lightly. “Right right.” Then he’d a thought. “Ah! You uh… you saved me back there…”
“I did, in fact.” The swordsman affirmed.
“Well… what brought you ‘ere?” Dedede questioned, tilting his head.
“I heard your scream.” The swordsman stated, as a matter-of-factly.
“Well, yeah… but…” He tried to think of something else to ask the mysterious swordsman for the sake of learning more about him, even if it wasn’t much, but found nothing, so he offered his thanks instead.
“Well, I thank ya… truly…” He replied, cutting of his prior train of thought.
“Don’t mention it.” Was all the small swordsman said in reply before simply walking away.
That was, until Dedede called him, with a slightly begging tone.
“Wait!” Dedede implored, as he honestly didn’t want to see the mysterious man go. He’d found himself oddly captivated by him. He was much different from the rest of Dreamland’s usually bubbly citizens. Something struck him as… different. Many a thing, actually.
The pleading tone of Dedede’s voice struck something within the swordsman. He halted, turning around to face Dedede.
“What is it?” He replied, his deep vocals monotonous.
“Maybe we could… talk some more?” Dedede took a slightly shaky breath. “Ya know… it wouldn’t hurt to have someone to speak with.” He pointed out, feeling a bit of his honor nag him at the admission, though he saw no harm in the idea. After all, he’d just been shaken by what he’d seen in the fountain, and… this man before him struck him as a rather serious fellow, so he’d wager his chances with him.
A moment of silence passed before the man replied, only saying one word.
“Great!” Dedede’s face lit up a bit with the affirmative answer. He scooted over on the lip of the fountain (as if by habit) and offered the man to sit down with him.
The swordsman clutched his red cape after only a moment of hesitation, and approached the lip of the fountain. Climbing (not without very slight struggle) to sit on it, he sat a fair distance away, but still in reasonable speaking distance. He folded the cape neatly in his lap, and turned towards the much larger man.
“Ready.” He announced. Though Dedede thought there was no need. The man had intriguing habits, but he didn’t implore further regarding them.
“Well…” Dedede started, “Are ya new here, by chance? To Dreamland?”
“No. I have been living around here for a bit of time already. We just have not happened to meet, until now.”
“Oh? So… you just so happened to decide to come here? To the Fountain of Dreams?”
“Well, yes…” The swordsman admitted.
“So… you came ‘ere, not because of me, I know that… so… that means it musta’ been by your own whim, huh?” Dedede rose a brow, though this gesture was not in accusation.
“Well, yes… I actually visit this Fountain on a reoccurring basis.”
“Then… why ‘aven’t I seen ya?”
“It must have simply been chance.” The swordsman stated, his tone still bland of any change whatsoever.
“Hm… I guess so.” Dedede conceded, agreeing with the very slight chance that which the swordsman said was right. It seemed most probable.
“…and you? Why are you here?” The swordsman questioned, his tone alone did not betray his curiosity, rather… the slight tilt of his head did.
Dedede sat back a bit, hands still holding tightly the rim of the fountain.
“I… I came here to act somethin’ out. A plan.”
“Hm?” The swordsman hummed in slight confusion, clearly not getting what very vague “plan” Dedede could have possibly been alluding to.
“Well… you see…” Dedede hesitated.
“I was going to take the Star Rod, and break it.”
“And… why would you do that?” The deep voice rang out again, monotone, yet… subtly questioning.
“Ya see… earlier I noticed somethin’ was up with the clouds in the sky. They were awfully dark. It was highly unconventional of Dreamland’s usual.”
The swordsman stayed quiet, not betraying whether or not he too noticed this phenomenon.
Though in the midst of this silence Dedede pressed on with his plan.
“So I came ‘ere to check up on the Fountain, and… it turns out it’s been corrupted.”
“Corrupted, you say?” This captivates the swordsman, despite his utterly dead tone.
“Yes. Or so I believe… I did see an entity I don’t usually lurkin’ in the waters…” The King drew a deep breath, recalling the figure.
“That was before you saved me.” He added, looking at the swordsman, who was clutching his cape, staring right back at him with his dull yellow eyes from beneath the mask. Dedede could almost… feel his interest in the whole thing. This prompted him to ask what was on his mind.
“So… have ya any sort of knowledge on what’s goin’ on?”
“Maybe I do.” The swordsman paused, before speaking again.
“Tell me about the “figure” you saw in the waters tonight. It seemed to have quite the effect on you, King Dedede.” He spoke as if he was speculating something.
“Well, it was some wizard with… sharp glasses and a starry cloak. He’d a taunting smile and wicked fingers…” He answered, turning to the swordsman.
“Have any idea?”
The swordsman was silent, before speaking.
“That which you saw in the fountain… it was undeniably Nightmare. He is a powerful wizard with dark magic at his disposal, not to mention mind manipulation and corruptive tendencies.”
This was what Dedede was looking for.
“Oh really? So ya know about that guy?”
“Well… yes…” The swordsman fessed, fidgeting with his cape a bit.
Dedede, utterly oblivious to the swordsman’s slight restlessness regarding the topic, dwelt on the matter at hand. “Hm… that’s better than nothin’ I guess! I appreciate the information.” Dedede replied, jumping up slightly, pressing on with his idea.
“So, as I was sayin’, I was going to take the Star Rod and divide it amongst some trusted members so that we might be granted a chance against this… “Nightmare” guy.” He continued, looking back at the swordsman every so often, to keep his interest.
“Mhm.” The swordsman nodded, humming in acknowledgement of his plan.
In analytic thought, he nodded, seeming content with the King’s plan.
“What you have devised proves not unsound.” The swordsman admitted, a hint of respect in the way he worded his admission.
“Why, thank you.” Dedede seemed proud himself, and he stood up, hand on hip, his robe trailing gently behind his massive frame.
“Now… just to getting to the Star Rod…” He took a pensive look at the clouded waters, and bit his beak a bit in slight nervousness.
“Is everything… alright?” The deep voice inquired suddenly. It caught Dedede off guard.
“Oh! Uhm… yes… sorry…”
“No need to apologize.”
“Ah! Right…” Dedede chuckled nervously.
The swordsman watched as Dedede turned to step through the waters, his foot managed to touch the shallow flooring of the fountain… and he found it odd how his hands couldn’t locate it earlier during his struggle. Nonetheless, he managed to the Star Rod, and claimed it off the center of the Fountain, though, as soon as he did the waters gained a more violent tendency, and they rippled, crashing about him, drenching his torso’s feathers and his robe. He yelped at the feeling of his movements increasing in difficultly as the waters tried to keep him, and he trudged through with strain. The King felt as if the water was gripping at his feet, attempting to pull him into the dark abyss that seemed to overtake the fountain. Slipping, his nerves overtook him, but a gloved hand caught his, and yanked him from the waters.
Again, Dedede gathered his nerves on hands and knees, turning his head to see that the swordsman had saved him once again.
“No need to mention it.” The swordsman dismissed. “I am simply doing what is fitting of a knight.”
Dedede’s eyes seemed to betray his loss of concentration on outwardly matters… he entered a bout of thought, pondering the knight before him…
“Knight”. He’d not any of those yet… he wondered what it would be like to have a knight in his kingdom. He’d loyal subjects and soldiers sure, but a knight? A real knight? No… not yet, at least… not yet…
“Hello?” The deep voice yet again caught the King off guard, causing him to snap out of his bout of thought.
“Ah. Er… sorry again.”
“No need.” The swordsman dismissed the apology again, with a light tone.
“You are alright though, yes?” He wanted to make sure.
“Yes.” Dedede confirmed. “…Thanks to you.” He added.
The swordsman’s cape caught the wind slightly, and danced in it.
“No need to mention it.” He replied, again, not letting emotion seep into his vocals.
“Yeah yeah…” Dedede droned lightly, smiling. Then he had an idea.
“Hey… uh… you know what…? Maybe…” Dedede paused, holding the now fragmented Star Rod in one hand, then looking up at the swordsman.
“Do you want to be a keeper of a piece?”
“Me?” The swordsman’s tone betrayed very slight… surprise.
“Yes you. Do you want to hold one of the pieces for me?”
The swordsman dwelt on his decision for a second. Instead of further questioning him, he took up the role.
“It would be an honor.” The swordsman clearly meant every word, this task, to him, was now regarded with utmost seriousness.
“Then the piece is yours, swordsman. Keep it safe from Nightmare, and let it never be reconnected with the shards of its kin.”
Dedede paused, ensuring the weight of the moment.
“Do you promise to keep it safe for me?” Dedede asked, his eyes a bit wide with seriousness.
“I promise.” The swordsman said in reply, clutching the glowing shard in his hand.
“Good. Then… farewell to you, swordsman.”
“… … …”
“May we meet again.” King Dedede dismissed, and the two went their separate ways.
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imelht · 1 year ago
Metadede Week Day Seven. Love Language
It had been a long string of days for the knight. He ran about Dreamland, getting a multitude of tasks done, as it was his duty. He never designated any time for rest, and if it came to him, it came to him out of utter desperation. At this point he had gone several days without rest, this was nothing out of the ordinary for him… however, his retreat to the depths of the castle for a seemingly unknown reason… was.
… … …
Many hours later, King Dedede, restless, sat up in his bed, and started out, seeking Meta Knight’s location.
Perhaps his restlessness was linked to his partner’s.
… … …
“Meta...?” The Great King whispered, opening the door to a room in the castle. The soft sounds of his voice were sharp in comparison with the stillness of the room. He peered into the moonlit room, sights struggling to see in the rather drab atmosphere. King Dedede narrowed his eyes, putting a careful foot forwards, holding the door open with a gloved hand. Soon his eyes adjusted, and he caught sight of the moonlit contours of the knight, brooding in the dark of the castle. Before Meta Knight’s hunched figure, a grandiose, crimson-paned stained glass illustration stood, the subtle moonlight shone through, illuminating the atmosphere of the castle floor. Meta Knight was looking onwards, his dull amber eyes boring forwards into the darkness.
“... ... ...”
It didn’t take anything of the larger man to tell something of heavy manner was on the knight’s mind. The knight’s drooping posture betrayed the weight of what ailed him. At this, King Dedede’s expression dropped, his eyes radiated the empathy he felt towards the knight’s gloom.
“Meta...” He stood, calling out again, and this time the knight responded. A faint click broke the silence, metal against metal it was, coupled with the slight shuffling of the knight’s cloak. He picked up his head and armored shoulders, and turned around. Dedede beheld his muted amber eyes, and his sullen poise, his mask was slightly ajar as if he’d attempted to hastily correct it at Dedede’s call.
There was a moment of silence. The two made eye contact, but through the silence it felt as if the duo were still communicating through their palpable bond.
“...yes... my liege?”
The knight’s usually puissant tone was weighed with subdue. The lids of his eyes seemed heavy, and despite his mask, the King could perceive it.
Another moment of silence. Neither spoke, though Dedede compelled himself to answer. It would have been rude of him to not.
“I...” His voice broke a bit with hesitation, but he cleared his throat, and pressed onwards, taking a slow step towards the knight, which elicited a small tilt of his partner’s head.
“I didn’t mean to come at a bad time... I just, I wanted to tell ya’ that I have something for ya’...”
“Oh Dedede...”
“Don’t “Oh Dedede” me, Meta Knight.” He stated, pausing for a second, key in getting his point across.
“I’m just trying to care for you.”
“I know...”
“Oh, do you now?” Dedede rose a brow in a sarcastic manner.
“Yes, your majesty...”
King Dedede was well aware of the knight’s stubborn nature. They were both quiet for some more time. Neither one of them broke eye contact, though Meta Knight struggled in maintaining it.
“Well, if ya’ knew, you’d let me care for you, Meta Knight.” He ceased speaking for another moment, before adding onto his statement prior.
“Can ya’ do that for me?” He asked, gentle of tone. He tilted his head softly, adding to the inquiry. Meta Knight bowed his head, hesitating.
“...yes, your majesty.” He answered.
“Good then.” Dedede replied, the content tangible in his tone-of-voice. He took a few quiet, light steps towards the knight, and neared him. As he did, the knight tilted his head upwards, the moonlight’s rays revealing the immistakable shine of fresh tears that had found their way down below the knight’s face.
Dedede sighed softly, looking his knight in the eyes, no matter how much Meta Knight attempted to avert his gaze from his own.
He made no comment on the tears, that was a fact betrayed to him by accident, and he wouldn’t be so disrespectful to point such a thing out, especially since he knew Meta Knight prided himself on his strength, both physically and emotionally.
What he did say though, came from his heart. He cupped the armored knight in his arms gently in a hug, and spoke, his voice cutting through the silent dark like a dagger clothed in vibrant light.
“…Whatever it is… it will be alright. I’m here for you, you know.”
It was all he needed to say. He held Meta Knight closely. His partner already had ceased in his silent water works before he had approached him, but his voice still broke with anguish.
“Thank you...” He replied through his melancholy. He was thankful of the reassurance in Dedede’s tone. He also couldn’t help but yearn for the warmth of Dedede’s robe and body. He’d a natural proclivity towards it, even though he wouldn’t ever admit it. His gloved hands instinctively grasped the luxuriously soft cloak.
The two stood there in an embrace for a moment, in silence again.
“You know I’m always here, Meta.”
Meta Knight nodded in reply.
At this, Dedede remembered what he’d forgotten due to the predicament. He produced something from the pocket of his robe, and held a hand out to the knight.
It was a batch of tumbled minerals.
“Hm?” Meta Knight tilted his head.
“For you.”
“I know that...”
“Then take them.” Dedede replied, waiting for him, looking from his partner’s eyes to the minerals in his hand, as if beckoning him to take them.
Meta Knight took the small polished minerals from Dedede. They came in an assortment of colors.
“You found these?”
“No, I bought ‘em as unpolished rocks, and I underwent polishin’ them for you.”
Meta Knight’s eyes softened. He knew how long it could have taken to achieve this level of polish on the minerals. The fact Dedede went through tumbling the rocks made Meta Knight wonder if the gift had a greater deal of meaning than the other pebbles Dedede happened to chance upon in his morning saunters.
Regardless, King Dedede was met with a tight hug. The great King blushed faintly and smiled softly, reciprocating the gesture.
“You’re welcome.” Dedede whispered, the moonlight shining through the glass onto the two. The castle became tranquil, as did the rest of Dreamland that night.
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imelht · 1 year ago
Bro pls tell me more of your Meta Knight Vampire AU i really like it
Sure thing. I appreciate the interest.
So, in my Vampire!Meta Knight AU, there is one major focus which the AU encapsulates: The internal clash between Meta Knight’s vampiric nature, and his knightly one.
(I should mention that there are also heavy themes of metadede present in the AU’s plot. Their relationship (slow burn in nature) is that of a vampiric knight’s and a mortal monarch’s, and it delves deep into the dilemma the pairing of a vampire and mortal and or knight and king may have caused at the time period of the AU (middle ages). (To note, whether it be romantic or platonic, it is no exemption as I am simply an enjoyer of this trope. It has my heart.))
(Additionally, if you are interested in hearing about my headcanons regarding (Vampire!)Meta Knight, King Dedede, or their relationship you are free and welcome to send an inquiry.)
Though I digress. The AU incorporates medieval elements. To clarify, Dreamland acts as one large province which makes up the other kingdoms of Popstar within it. The AU still keeps Popstar’s respective and canon locations, and as far as medieval elements go, the kingdoms of Dreamland are large and obviously medieval in nature, though, it goes further as to add specific traditions, social aspects and elements in medieval culture such as castles, caste systems, middle age hierarchy, dungeons, mills, grindstones, horse riding, cavalry etc etc while also including more specific elements from the cultures of the middle age such as the values treasured in said cultures, the oral passing down of tales, grand halls for celebration, (think the Anglo Saxon’s mead hall), medieval cuisine and mythologies present, branching back to kingdoms of a distant past. Most if not all of this finds its way in the AU.
Speaking of, Meta Knight’s vampirism stems from the mythological aspect of the AU. Though, this is not exclusive to vampires. Werewolves, necromancers, dragons, wyverns (like Landia), demons and a plethora of undead species also come into play in the AU. There are also bandings of hunters that actively work against Meta Knight as an external antagonistic force.
In vague short, Meta Knight found himself attacked, put at the mercy of his assailant, and felled for three days before he rose, turned by an unknown perpetrator. He spends his undead days seeking the malevolent force out, all while striving (and struggling) to acclimate to his newfound nature. Meta Knight struggles as his savage vampiric nature claws at his conscience, that very same conscience that was brought up and born in the disciplined knighthood, an order that puts first the upkeep the innocent first while his vampiric one seeks to do the opposite of just that. Much happens between these points. (It is an AU with much to unpack.)
There it is. A few key concepts in regards to the AU. Thank you for your interest, and a good-hearted thank you to anyone who stopped to read this. Have a good one.
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imelht · 6 months ago
I am pleased to present my first /reader fanfiction featuring Meta Knight. Enjoy.
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imelht · 2 years ago
Oni Chu and I~ Inspired by ladysegagenesis
Notes: Hope you enjoy!
Chapter One. Meeting
… … …
… … …
He recalled the figure’s thick-accented voice. His features relaxed but somber. “I could only hope to chance upon you again, friend…” he recollected stating aloud. His eyes leisurely scanned his surroundings. He lie in repose on his belly, atop a perplexing coffin-like structure, kicking his feet as he reminisced the night before.
Despite all the lights, people, noises and smells that overcame his senses the night before, despite any other thing he could have recalled, out of any other event that took place, he was stuck on him.
“Him…” he muttered, not with any tint, tone or notice of malice, but instead dreamily recalled.
He was stunning in stature and height. He held himself like royalty, his height almost imposed a certain feeling unto Meta, but most importantly, his voice. He didn’t get to know him all too well that night, he wished he had stayed a little longer.
That night was different, but it was good.
… … … … …
… … … … …
Meta was walking along the dark desolate streets of New Donk City, careful eyes scanning the neon billboards and signs that embellished the looming industrial buildings that surrounded him. There weren’t that many people out at this hour, only the occasional person he managed to stumble upon while walking along the sidewalks.
Those people who he managed to stumble upon were met with an unfortunate fate.
Though he never killed. It was against his moral code to which he was never close to renouncing.
As he walked he quickly noticed that across the street from him there were two individuals conversing. He slid into the shadows quickly, keeping an ear open. It wasn’t uncommon for him to overhear things, he had excellent hearing due to his vampiric nature.
A big man who bore resemblance to a bird handed the opposing figure a sheet.
“You are … yes?” He asked.
“Yes, I am…” The distant person replied, and taking what was being offered to him he questioned, “and what might this be?”
“This, sir, is an invitation to the fancy-dress party in which a friend of yours is hosting. The sender goes by the name of… Dedede. That should bring up some thought. I hope you at least take it into consideration…”
The man suddenly looked overcome with joy, he replied to him saying many thanks, and told the strange bird-man he would be there.
Meta Knight listened in carefully, his thoughts trying to interrupt him.
“Hmmmm,” he hummed. Meta Knight thought he could exploit this chance to get some sort of gain out of it. He had heard that this Dedede figure was very rich. He had even walked past his house at one point in time. He moved swiftly, his cape flashing behind him as he leapt from his former spot. The person was walking away now, but Meta wouldn’t let him get away so easily. He kept to the shadows, and when he saw no one else was around, he jumped in front of the man, scaring him (and making the man drop the envelope as a result) and then made away with the fallen envelope without a trace. The man had not seen what had spooked him, as it looked like a mere shadow, but now was left in distress as his prized possession was nowhere to be found…
… … …
When he found somewhere safe to open the envelope he did so, and seeing how ornate the sticker and gentle embroidery was (what a sensation to his fingers!) he carefully tore it open.
He skimmed the majority of it, but he did take in the party date, which happened to be that very next night. He decided he’d prepare for it, though he wasn’t really planning for anyone to see him. Of course Dedede would have known he’d be an interloper. For goodness he knew who he was inviting. Though Meta didn’t necessarily think that part out he figured it was too late to go back anyway…
(The night of the party…)
The house was alive with decorations, lights, people and noise. Meta was sensitive, though he could handle parties. After all, he couldn’t just live a life a quite solitude forever. It was beginning to have its effects on him. He couldn’t sleep at night, suffered from nightmares, and he even found himself brooding, only to look around when he was finished to find no one he could share his meditations with. He was kind of desperate after all, and he was never invited to these sorts of gatherings anymore, never since he had disappeared.
“Well, time to see what’s up,” Meta said to himself (it was quite a bad habit,) and he continued, “I’ll just have a few drinks, and I might even be lucky enough to get a few bites in too…”
He snuck in through an open window he noticed earlier, due to his hyper-alertedness.
When he had successfully infiltrated the house, he snuck around but stuck to the darkness, being relatively unnoticeable.
People were scattered around, eating, drinking and dancing. A DJ danced around in the top-center of the room, creating beats symphonic to the music being played. The cacophonous sounds of loud voices coming from all different parts of the room and house, mixed with the loud clatter coming from the kitchen, and living rooms.
It was deafening, but Meta would be okay. He reassured himself. “I’m getting way too accustomed to the quiet.” He assured himself.
Just then a large figure loomed over him.
He turned around, facing the large man.
He looked similar to the guy he had seen before. Bird-like, but this man wore different clothes. He looked like a king. He sported a red robe, adorned with fancy embroidery, with luxurious soft white fur tracing the sides and around the holes where the figures gloved hands peeked out. His eyes were a royal shade of blue, like his skin. It looked soft, uncalloused, unlike his own.
The figure had his hands on his hips, and was looking down at Meta Knight, one eyebrow lifted.
“I don’t think I invited ya’, hmmm.” The figure’s voice was laced with skepticism.
“I didn’t intend to get caught~” Meta Knight replied back smugly.
“Looks like your little game is over then.” The figure replied in a snark tone.
His visage revealed that he was not having it.
“So soon~” he cooed, trying to extend his stay.
“So soon.” The figure repeated staring blankly at his face.
Then the man picked him up.
“Wait, wait!” Meta Knight interjected.
“What.” The figure said completely unamused. “Wanna tell me how ya’ got in here?”
Meta Knight only stared.
“That wasn’t a request.”
“Fine.” Meta Knight said, “I stole an invitation.”
“Wanna show me that invitation?” The man continued, putting Meta Knight down.
Meta Knight pulled the invite out of his cape, and showing the bigger man the letter, he apologized, “I’m sorry,” the man gave him an unappreciative glance, “I really am,” Meta Knight assured. “I only wanted to come here because I haven’t been invited to something like this in a long time,” he looked up at the man again and then back at the envelope, “I just… in all honesty I wasn’t thinking about it…”
They both stood there just looking at each other.
“It’s okay…” the large man said, “as the envelope stated, mah’ name is Dedede… what about you?”
“Meta Knight.” He stated.
“You from ere’?”
“Yes, well, no. Sort of. I live on the outskirts of the city.”
Dedede hummed in content. “Well, you are welcome to stay ere’ if yah want… just maybe next time ask...”
Meta Knight looked downwards slightly, but returned his gaze to Dedede again.
After the short, awkward moment Dedede began to walk away.
“Wait!” Meta Knight blurted.
Dedede turned around.
“What else do yah want?”
“Maybe we could hang out?” Meta Knight just registered what he just said. He began to shake, he had no reason why he just asked that question.
“Uhhh, sure?” Dedede replied. “I wouldn’t mind I guess…”
Meta Knight didn’t expect that answer, “Really?”
Meta Knight couldn’t believe what he just did, he was shaking, and nervous. He couldn’t have just acted on impulse. What impulse? He didn’t know what he was feeling, but he just decided to roll with it.
Honestly, it felt kinda good.
He spent the rest of that night with Dedede, all the selfish thoughts he had beforehand melted away. He only wanted to get to know the man better know. His intentions before were washed away by the man’s ample kindness.
… … … … …
… … … … …
He snapped back and sighed. It had been weeks since he’d seen Dedede, and he missed him dearly. He wondered if Dedede felt the same way.
He got up. It was nighttime now, and he was hungry. He hadn’t let himself feed in 5 days and he was famished. He took his scabbard and his sword, strapped them to his side, and set off.
… … …
Here, again.
On the streets of New Donk.
He secretly hoped that he would somehow run into those two men again so he could relive that wonderful night.
Though, he ran into something even better.
“Oof-” Meta Knight grunted as he ran into the figure. He was so deep in thought he wasn’t paying any attention to his surroundings.
“Hey!” The figure yelled. “Wait-” the figure paused, “Metah’ Knight! That you!?”
Meta Knight looked up, joy entering his eyes at the sound of the familiar figures heavenly voice.
“It is!” Dedede picked Meta Knight up and squeezed him, earning a grunt from the little knight.
“It’s good to see you again Dedede!” Meta Knight cheered. “I can’t believe after all this time I’ve found you again!”
“I’ve missed yah’!” Dedede squeezed harder.
Noticing the Knight’s discontent, he let him go, apologizing.
“Sorry, I was just really excited.”
“It’s fine.” Meta Knight reassured as he readjusted his mask. He continued, “What are you doing out here so late?” His visage changed to one of confusion.
“Oh, I was actually takin’ a night walk… I really like how cold it is outside!” Dedede looked upwards and a gentle breeze came about. He looked down again, “What bout’ you?”
“Oh.” Meta Knight remembered how hungry he was. He looked down but kept his bloodlust to himself.
“I was… uh… just taking a walk as well.” He said.
“Oh! Well, do yah’ wanna walk with me?”
“Well, I can’t, I have things to do…”
“Like what?”
“I’m going out to get some food…” Meta Knight jerked a bit and made a surprised expression. “I didn’t mean to say that aloud…” Meta Knight muttered out loud.
Dedede looked at Meta Knight perplexedly. Meta Knight’s eyes widened.
“I’m sorry,” Meta Knight began, “I kinda talk to myself sometimes…”
“Uhh, that’s okay…” Dedede replied, “but… you didn’t mean to say that? What, say that you were hungry and going to get some food?”
“I… uhh…” Meta Knight looked around, “not… um, that part…”
“Then which part?”
Meta Knight cursed in his head. He couldn’t think of anything.
Dedede just looked at Meta Knight.
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna tell me…” Dedede paused, “I’m just a little confused…”
Meta Knight looked at Dedede, but then he suddenly grabbed him by the arm and took him to a nearby alleyway.
Dedede didn’t make an effort to scream, but he did question Meta Knight’s motives.
“What was that for?”
“I have something to tell you. Honestly I’d rather tell you sooner than later, I’d rather crush nothing than something… I think I should just say this and if you react bad I’ll just take it from there…”
“What are you takin’ about Meta!?”
“I am a vampire!” He said quickly and quietly.
Dedede just stood there and stared at him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to ever come to this.”
“You don’t have to hide yourself from me.” Dedede paused, one hand in another, “I know we just met, but if it makes yah’ feel better… I am an Oni…”
“An Oni?” Meta Knight questioned.
“Yes.” Dedede answered. “I am an Oni.” He looked to the side, and downwards. Then he moved his hand and removed the magic that hid his horns.
Neither knew what to say. Both just sat there. In silence.
… … …
Soon Meta Knight spoke up, “You’re not scared?”
“No.” Dedede answered, “You?” He looked up.
“No.” Meta Knight looked up too.
They both regained hope in their eyes.
It was nice.
They both maintained eye contact for a good few minutes.
They both just stared, learning more about each other in silence than they would talking.
“So,” Dedede started up, “you drink blood then…”
“Yeah.” Meta Knight struggled to maintain eye contact. “I’m not proud of it…”
“Well, you said you were hungry?”
“I could help you get some blood to drink!” Dedede reassured.
“Yeah!” Dedede said, “I know somewhere we could go…”
“Okay, lead the way then!”
Both of them got up, walked, talked and hung out for the rest of the night.
The friendship between them both growing.
Slowly, but surely.
Thank you for reading.
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imelht · 2 years ago
Chapter Three. Monster Refuge
As Meta Knight entered the hatch, he was taken through a complex of halls, each being dimly lit by old, yellow lights. The walls were made of stone. It seemed to be a sort of, underground hiding refuge sort of place. He liked the atmosphere it was giving off. It was quiet, and the air around him was a nice, cool temperature.
“Well Meta Knight, this is the super-cool-awesome-ultra monster refuge!! It’s a place where mythological beings can come and chill out.”
“Well I’m glad to be here!” Meta Knight replied. “Thank you for having me.”
“Welcome!” Purrserker said.
“Oh, but I must ask, what exactly are you?” Meta Knight inquired.
“I’m a werewolf.” He replied shortly, “That’s why I don’t do the silver job.” He laughs.
“Oh, okay. I get it now.” Meta Knight affirmed. “Well then I guess we are kind of polar opposites…”
“Not here we aren’t! Hahaha! This is a safe space for everyone!” He joked and said lightheartedly.
Dedede smiled, and chimed in, “So, when are we coming up to our room?”
“In just a few more minutes Dedede, first, I need to show Meta Knight around the place. Unless you’d like to stay in the room and wait till he gets back, will you?”
“No, nah, I’m coming with him! Besides, I can help him familiarize himself with the refuge too!”
“Okay!” Purrserker smiled, leading Meta Knight and Dedede down the halls.
After a bit of walking, they finally get to some of the main rooms, which includes somewhere to eat, somewhere to chill, and also a few restrooms.
The kitchen is huge, and a cyclops works the grill, ovens and heaters. In the kitsch there are many knives, big butchering ones, and lots of cutlery. There are also big stoves and furnaces, used to heat up meals.
The place where eating took place had nice lights, and an oddly intricate chandelier. There were couches and tables and nice chairs to accompany those tables. It was especially lively in their, both day-dwellers and nocturnals were in their constantly.
The living room had a big flat-screen T.V. hooked up on the wall. It also had a tank, full of various fish and aquatic life.
“Woah.” Meta Knight awed, “this is incredible…”
“Yup! It truly is!” Purrserker said, then he paused in realization, “Oh! Your guy’s room is over there, just two halls away! Not too far from here!”
“We need to get him something to eat first!” Dedede said.
“Yes, yes. I know. Fresh blood comes in bags, it’s right over there. We have both human, and animal blood if you need it.”
“Thank you greatly.”
Meta Knight goes over and helps himself to the bags, soon he is content and walks back over to where Dedede and Purrserker are standing.
“Yes.” Meta Knight affirms.
“Righty then! Off to the room you both will be staying in!”
Soon after just a bit of walking, they reach the room.
“Here we are! This is Dedede’s room.”
“It’s where you will be staying if you ever need to rest Meta Knight!”
“Oh! Why thank you King Dedede. That is very kind of you.”
“Mhmmm! No problem!”
“Well, thank you Purrserker!” Dedede said.
“You’re welcome! Enjoy your stay!”
Then Purrserker walked away, as they entered the room.
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imelht · 2 years ago
Chapter Two. The Hatch and Man
Meta Knight knew the city well, but clearly not as well as Dedede did. Dedede took him all throughout the city streets, wove between the buildings via the alleyways, and even knew secret routes he’d learned from his monster acquaintances.
Soon they had stopped in front of a wall with a hatch sitting on the ground right in front of it.
Dedede knocked on the hatch, and as soon as he did, they saw a little rectangular cut in the hatch, which a little sliding door was slid, and from which two orange eyes, with slitted pupils, were seen.
“Who’s there!?” The figure from behind the hatch called.
“Dedede! Though, I’ve brought a friend with me this time!”
“Hmm? A friend? Well I assume he’s “like us” too?”
“Yeah, he is… he’s a vampire.” Dedede almost whispered.
“Oh!” The figure’s voice said from behind hinting at his surprise, “Well, before he come in, we’ll need to check him…”
The figure opened the hatch, and climbing out, he stood in front of the two.
He was a hairy man, his beard covering most of his body, he also had a helmet fashioned with horns, and it had with a silver coin centered on top. He was smiling, big. His sharp, pointy teeth dominating his smile. He looked fierce, but happy at the same time. He had metal braces on his arms and legs, and they seemed to be made of the same material his helmet was made out of. It was an odd sight, at least for Meta Knight, he’d really gotten used to seeing people, that being normal human beings, for quite a while.
“Purrserker!” Dedede said with a tone of familiarity, “Haven’t seen you in a hot minute!”
“Indeed!” He paused, “Where have you even been?!”
“Well, I kinda got stuck helping with party preparations. I just held one last night, and that’s where I met Meta Knight!”
“Well isn’t that so!” Purrserker smiled even bigger, “Well that is certainly nice!” He looked at Meta Knight with a hospitable face.
“Don’t worry, Meta Knight,” he leaned in closer towards him, “if you don’t mind me asking, all I need to see is proof of your ailment.”
“Well,” he started, clearing his throat, “I have these…”
He smiled, showing his fangs.
“… and this…”
He showed his claws and wings.
Purrserker just stared at him a little, with an oddly puzzled-esk expression on his face.
“Well, we need more proof than just fangs and claws, half the animals on this Earth have those sorts of things… so… we might just have to bring out the silver…”
Meta Knight’s eyes widened at this. Then he forced himself to calm down.
“Okay, if you must.” He said, extending his arm reluctantly.
A figure came up, and on a tray, a small piece of silver lay. He picked it up, and saying his condolences early, lightly placed it on Meta Knight’s skin.
The skin sizzled in that spot.
“Well, lookie here, he is a vampire!” Purrserker affirmed.
“Yup.” Dedede said as the person with the silver left.
“So you guys are legit,” Meta Knight started, “well, at least I know I’ll be safe here.”
“Yeah! We’re the best monster-refuge around!” Purrserker proudly acclaimed, then he opened the hatch, and in Meta Knight, Dedede and Purrserker went.
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imelht · 2 years ago
Welcome to the knighthood. ⚔️
I go by IMELHT (“i’m elite” is the pronunciation of my name.) l am both an artist and writer in the making.
Since I write, fanfiction is accessible on my ArchiveOfOurOwn account (which goes by the same name as this blog). Notices of new chapters or fics will be posted here though.
Current fandoms: Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter and Kirby.
Warning: if you are a pro-shipper get off my blog. You are not welcome here.
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