#imdb and wikipedia only say cooper
hibiskooks · 1 month
Guys am I going insane what's Cooper's last name in the original (English) version I'm convinced they changed it in the dub and I don't know WHY they would do that??
Edit: don't worry guys we (kinda) solved it 😅 waiting for streaming/physical release now to check the subtitles
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the-tendo-blog · 7 years
the curious case of cooper Barnes
HD week day 6: appreciating the shit out of the cast
I want to say this is based on a true story but I honestly have no idea
Anyways cooper here is underrated as hell so here’s this shitty and surprisingly raunchy fic about his anime backstory 
"What the fuck, Sean?" Jace asked with confusion.
"No, think about it! Cooper never tells us about his past, so it's totally realistic if he's actually an escaped lab experiment!" Sean replied. "Just look at him!"
Jace looked over at their coworker. We wasn't really doing anything of note, just drinking some soda, and once he finished it he crushed the can with his hand and took a bite out of it, chewing on the metal like gum.
"...okay, I know he's done weird stuff like that, but that doesn't mean he's an escaped lab experiment." The blond said, giving His friend a weird look. Cooper flipped them off and walked away.
"No, listen to me dude, he's done way more than that." Sean said, leaning in close and his voice suddenly a whisper. "Meet me at my house after work. I have something to show you."
Extremely skeptical, jace agreed to do so.
Once he arrived, Sean turned around in his computer room seat like some kind of bad guy in a movie, grinning just like one too.
"Ok, what did you want to show me?" Jace asked, crossing his arms.
Sean tilted his head. "Do you think you're ready?"
"What does that even mean?"
"The things I've found definitely are not for the faint of heart."
"Please, it's cooper barnes. How bad can it be?"
"Worse than you think."
Jace sighed and walked over to the computer. Sean followed him, scooting along on his chair.
the screen had an article titled 'Henry danger: a new nickelodeon gay subtext classic?'
Jace had a confused yet inexplicably surprised look on his face. "Sean, what the hell is this?"
"I know, just look." The young man at the computer said as he scrolled down to a specific line and ran the mouse over it. "Read that."
Jace looked at the small paragraph.
Cooper barnes, shown here, is no stranger to gay things. He starred in a homoerotic film about football players.
"Wait... he starred in WHAT?" Jace shouted in surprise.
"Gay porn, Jace! Cooper did gay porn!" Sean shouted back. Thank god the computer room had thick walls.
"You're joking, right? This article is a joke?"
"Not at all."
"ok, but how do you know that's true? You can't just use one article." Jace replied, clear skepticism in his voice.
"Okay, yeah, but it's not like it's a clickhole article or anything." Sean said, "i do have more evidence, though."
"Oh yeah? What?"
Sean quickly searched up 'cooper barnes gay porn' and got a surprising amount of results, all of them having cooper's name in the title.
"...dude! No way that's real." Jace lied, he believed Sean now, but didn't want to admit it so quickly.
"Do I need to show you pictures, jace?" sean replied, irritated.
"No! No! Absolutely not!" Jace responded. "I don't want to see that shit!"
"Good choice." His friend replied. "I really wish I could unsee that shit."
"Oh god."
"Anyways, cooper also has a lot of other weird suit going on for him." Sean said as he closed the tab and got ready to type something else up.
"And what exactly would that be?"
"When I first found out about the gay porn, I decided to do more research to see if I could find anything else." Sean began. "You'd expect him to have a Wikipedia page like us, right?"
"Yeah..." jace replied, sickened yet curious.
"I looked for it, because surely they'd mention gay porn on his page, right?"
"I looked, and he doesn't. Not outside of the Henry danger wiki."
"Bullshit! I know he has one!" Jace suddenly shouted.
"Yeah, in polish!" Sean shouted back.
"Wait, what?"
Sean showed him, And sure enough, there it was.
"This is so weird..."
"And you should go through his IMDB later, it's got a lot of weird shit."
"I believe that."
"Also, i think matthew zhang found out about this first, but cooper also confessed to killing someone in an interview recently." Sean changed the subject a bit.
"Wait, what the hell?" Jace responded, not sure if he should believe him.
"Seriously, let me show you the article he sent me."
Sean pasted a link in the search bar, scrolled for a while, and pointed his mouse at a passage.
"It's the first question of an interview." He replied.
Jace read over the passage which cooper told a suspiciously detailed story of a first date where he took a girl out to make out and do other things in his car before some dude high on meth or something tried to attack them, so cooper tried to fight them and his date ended up killing them, and they dumped the body in a river and left to get food and wash up.
"...oh my god, dude."
"I feel like it actually happened, but he tried to pass it off as a joke." Sean explained. Jace nodded in agreement.
The two boys were about to discuss further, but it was interrupted by Sean's phone ringing.
They looked at the screen. Matthew zhang was calling. Sean picked up the phone and answered, then put it on speaker.
"You're on speaker right now, Matt. Tell us what you found."
"The Pornhub podcast said they're going to have cooper barnes on their show, we need to follow them over and witness him expose himself as an ex-gay porn star." He said through the phone. "I'm headed to your house right now. We're following his car to the place."
Sean hung up and dragged Jace outside, where Matthew pulled up in a surprisingly expensive looking car.
"Hey guys! I had to call an uber!"
"What kind of uber driver has a whip that expensive?" Sean shouted back.
"No time to explain, get in the car both of you!"
Sean and Jace ran in, shut the door and drove off.
"Okay, who's driving us?" Jace responded as they took off.
"Me, asshole." A voice said. Sean looked over at the driver as he followed cooper's car.
Once both hit a red light, the driver turned around to look at them. Jace's jaw dropped.
"Yeah, stop freaking out. I'm just as invested in this as you are, you know." Post replied, returning to following cooper's car.
"What? Since when do you watch henry danger?"
"I don't. My friend told me about it."
Jace and Sean looked at each other and shrugged.
"By the way, can nobody mention the murder? I don't want whatever KGB shit cooper used to cover his tracks hunting us down because we know too much." Matthew zhang asked them before grabbing the aux cord and turning on some lil toenail music, which resulted in everyone telling him to 'turn that shit off'
After a lot of arguing and conspiracy theories, they finally arrived significantly earlier than cooper did to pornhub studios for the podcast.
"Okay, how do we sneak in? Post is the only one who looks old enough to even be there." Jace asked, still trying to process what was happening.
"I have an idea." Post Malone replied and took two black suits and sunglasses out of the trunk.
"Blond kid and your friend there,"
"Our names are jace and Sean!"
"Jay and sam, get changed in the car, you'll be my secret service agents." Post instructed.
Jace shrugged and crawled back into the car to do so.
"What about me?" Matthew zhang asked.
"You're going to cling to my stomach and we're going to put a shirt over you so I look like some fatass." Post said.
Matt cringed a little, but it was worth the risk to find out the truth about cooper barnes.
Once Jace and Sean were in their disguises, they both climbed out and noticed cooper had arrived.
"Follow that cryptid!" Sean whisper-shouted.
"Dammit, sam." Post Malone replied.
Sean sighed and they followed post inside, a considerable distance behind cooper.
Getting into the building undetected was hard, they had a few close calls as cooper kept looking around warily, in his shitty varsity jacket with the pornhub logo with his last name and the number 69 on the back. None of them could take him seriously wearing that.
But overall, they managed to get in and follow the target undetected.
Once cooper found the podcast room, he entered and shut the door Behind him, allowing the four cryptid hunters to come out from hiding behind the corner.
"You can come out now, matt." Post Malone said, lifting up the second shirt that Matthew zhang fell out of.
"Thank god! It was starting to smell fucking terrible!" Matt cried in relief.
"Hey! It's not my fault they made me use cherry scented lube!" Someone said nearby.
"Nobody was talking to you, asshole." Jace replied.
"Oh..." the person replied and walked off sulking.
After that exchange, everyone put their ear up to the door, trying to hear anything they could, searching for the perfect time to strike.
So far, the podcast was quite strange. Cooper had a lengthy talk about politics with who post Malone insisted was the person running the company's twitter account, and asa Akira, which Jace swore he knew about her only by seeing the pornhub twitter account's shitposts.
Everyone gave him the benefit of the doubt.
"So when do we kick the door down and expose cooper like in a cop movie?" Matt asked everyone.
Jace and Sean simply shrugged. Sean had no idea, and Jace was still not entirely sure if this was happening, if his best friend was actually an ex gay porn star and possible serial killer, or if this was all some weird drug trip or a fever dream.
"Just wait for my countdown." Post replied, listening closer.
"One..." the rapper began. The three child actors got behind him
Jace's heart raced. What if there were bodyguards? What if there were assasins hiding in that room to kill them?
The door was kicked open with a surprising amount of force.
Asa Akira, cooper barnes, and aria, the person behind the pornhub twitter account, all froze and looked at them like deer in headlights.
"you can't hide anymore, cooper! We know everything!" Matt shouted.
"Who are you guys?" Asa Akira said, confused.
"My coworkers... and post Malone...?" Cooper said, tilting his head.
"They look a little young to be in gay porn, did you-"
"Oh, god no! Im not a fucking pedophile, I'm on nickelodeon now!"
"You never said that."
"No seriously! It's called henry danger, I play-"
"We actually don't care, we just wanted to make sure you weren't a child molester or something."
"That's fair."
Cooper turned to look at them, not realizing jace was with the three.
"Okay, first up. Matt, we already knew you were a meme loving fuck so this was probably hilarious to you when you found out about my past." The brunet began.
"Yeah, I'm not going to make fun of you for it though." Matthew zhang replied, awkwardly looking around the room.
"Sean, are you cool with this?" Cooper asked.
Sean nodded. "Yeah, I'm not some asshole who shames people because they did sex work in the past. You do what you have to do, ya know?"
"Thanks bro I almost had to suck dan Schneider's toes for my role as captain man" cooper said once more.
"Wait, what?"
"Anyways, post Malone, why are you involved with this? Since when did you watch Henry danger?" Cooper asked and tilted his head.
"I don't, Matthew zhang told me and I honestly thought it was hilarious." Post Malone replied. "Also, there's one more person here."
"Jace normie."
At least he got my first name right... Jace thought as he ran out to see cooper, feeling extremely mixed emotions.
"Jace! Hi..." cooper started, visibly terrified.
"Cooper seriously, why the fuck didn't you tell me?" Jace suddenly screamed. "I'm having an existential crisis over this!"
"Dude, you were like 14 when I met you, you wouldn't have been able to handle that. I was going to tell you once you turned 18, I'm not tryna fuck tho don't freak out."
"Okay good otherwise I'd be really scared."
The two yelled at each other about morals for a while until jace came to his senses.
"Man fuck this lmao, wanna go get food?"
"Hell Yeah I do"
And so the entire cryptid hunting team, aria, asa akira, And the cryptid himself all went out to get some food, and life was good.
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aurianneor · 7 years
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What a surprise to find a comic strip on Artificial Intelligence written by somebody called Montaigne!: Marion Montaigne présente l'Intelligence artificielle: https://youtu.be/DtdoNksCtmE
Indeed, Montaigne discusses in the Essays whether the savages found mainly in Brazil are human beings or not and whether they should be considered humans, the way the barbarians in Ancient Greece have been finally recognised as such. As it is growing more and more difficult to recognise an artificial intelligence from a human being; I think reconsidering this classic is relevant as it challenges again human identity.
The Montaigne Chap XXX: Of Cannibals: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3600/3600-h/3600-h.htm#link2HCH0030
Montaigne et la condition humaine - France Inter : https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/un-ete-avec-montaigne/un-ete-avec-montaigne-06-juillet-2012
This was also discussed in the Dispute in Valladolid movie: http://www.lacontroversedevalladolid.fr/resume-detaille-de-la-controverse-de-valladolid  or by Descartes with his concepts of “cogito, ergo sum”, or “machina animata”.
Les robots méritent-ils d'avoir des droits ? Que se passerait-il s'ils devenaient conscients ?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHyUYg8X31c
The National Geopgraphic’s point of view: http://press.nationalgeographic.com/2017/03/02/national-geographic-magazine-april-2017/
From the conquistadors until now the concept of humanity has evolved. On the other hand, what is common to humanity, at each step, from the cannibals till now; is some human beings’ will to build weapons to kill others.  Each time a new science has risen, some people have tried to find out how to use it to kill (physics, biology, chemistry and now AI).
“AI technology has reached a point where the deployment of [autonomous weapons] is – practically if not legally – feasible within years, not decades, and the stakes are high: autonomous weapons have been described as the third revolution in warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms.” - The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/27/musk-wozniak-hawking-ban-ai-autonomous-weapons
The Palais des Nations is a place where diplomats and United Nations experts meet to talk about war and peace. The room on the bottom part of the picture is one of the rooms where they are debating. They are currently discussing thoroughly about these new lethal weapons nicknamed Terminator and the future we want.
RedCross - Machines can’t follow the rules of war. Only humans can: https://twitter.com/ICRC/status/998187585724932096
UN Experts : Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems https://www.unog.ch/80256EE600585943/(httpPages)/F027DAA4966EB9C7C12580CD0039D7B5?OpenDocument
Wikipedia - Lethal Autonomous Weapon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethal_autonomous_weapon
Some scientists, businessmen, leaders and inventors have decided to write an Open Letter on AI in order to warn people about the limits and risks of the new technologies:
Future of life Institute: https://futureoflife.org/ai-open-letter Wikipedia - Open Letter on AI:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Letter_on_Artificial_Intelligence
Writers have also thought about robots and artificial intelligence. Isaac Asimov is the master of the genre.
The International Labour Organization, a UN organization, is actually debating about the future of work we want. How do we want machines to change the way we work? For example, some imagine a world where machines would work for human beings in cooperatives enabling citizens to have a basic income.
ILO on future of work: http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/future-of-work/lang–en/index.htm
 AI is constantly evolving, AI is booming now.
Ted Talks, How we teach computers to understand pictures | Fei Fei Li: https://youtu.be/40riCqvRoMs
MIT AI index : http://aiindex.org
Robots (2015): https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/169949059810/robots-2015-imdb
How are we going to manage this boom?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Squeezie - Les robots vont-ils dominer le monde? https://youtu.be/HPM5FsypbM0 
You won't believe what Obama says: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/173099466295/this-has-been-made-within-a-few-hours-with-simple
Robots (2015): https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/169949059810/robots-2015-imdb
Sachez bien une chose: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/181703650620/sachez-bien-une-chose-ce-mouvement-des-gilets
SanFrancisco says it will use AI to reduce bias when charging people with crimes: https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/12/18663093/ai-sf-district-attorney-police-bias-race-charge-crime?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
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cogentranting · 7 years
Arrow Statistics
I’ve made posts like this before but I thought I would update it with the conclusion of season 5. Why? Because I like numbers and it fascinates me. This is exploring the ratios of characters on Arrow. How many female vs. how many male. Which demographic dies the most.  What percentage of the show is white. Etc. This is provided without interpretation- just the numbers. 
The list of characters is taken from IMDB. All named characters that are in 3 or more episodes are included with the exception of characters originating on other shows (namely, Barry, Cisco and Caitlin). Names in bold are nonwhite/poc characters (Jewish characters are denoted separately with an asterisk* because to my understanding there is debate over whether or not to include them in the poc category). These are marked to the best of my knowledge but there may be mistakes due to limited actor information. Names that are italicized are LGBTQ characters (characters are only marked this way if the canon of the show designates them this way). Characters who have died are noted with an X beside their name. Characters are separated into male and female but are otherwise listed in order of number of episodes they appear in (with the exception of Black Siren). These numbers are in keeping with the end of season 5- all characters not confirmed dead were presumed alive (from 5x23 the only deaths counted were Malcolm and Digger Harkness)
Thea Queen
Felicity Smoak*
Laurel Lance X
Black Siren
Moira Queen X
Sara Lance
Bethany Snow
Lyla Michaels
Shado X
Nyssa al Ghul
Amanda Waller X
Taiana X
Tatsu Yamashiro
Dinah Drake
Evelyn Sharp
Donna Smoak*
Chien Na Wei
Susan Williams
Isabel Rochev X
Joanna De La Vega
Dinah Lance
Ruve Adams X
Officer Lopez
Carly Diggle
Carrie Cutter
Talia al Ghul
Kate Spencer X
Officer Jones X
Nora Darhk X
McKenna Hall
Helena Bertinelli
Samantha Clayton
Dr. Schwartz
Jean Loring
Phaedra Nixon X
Mayor Castle X
Mina Fayad X
Zoe Ramirez 
Oliver Queen
John Diggle
Quentin Lance
Malcolm Merlyn X
Roy Harper
Slade Wilson
Curtis Holt
Tommy Merlyn X
Anatoly Knyasev
Adrian Chase X
Rene Ramirez
Damien Darhk X
Ray Palmer
Maseo Yamashiro X
Baron Reiter X
Walter Steele
Frank Pike
Akio Yamashiro X
Sebastian Blood X
Lucas Hilton X
Yao Fei X
Rory Regan*
Ra’s al Ghul X
Alex Davis X
Anthony Ivo X
Edward Fyers X
Conklin X
Floyd Lawton X
Andy Diggle X
Adam Donner
Ishmael Gregor X
Dr. Lockhart
Robert Queen X
Billy Malone X
Viktor X
Konstantin Kovar X
Officer Daily X
Paul Holt
William Clayton
Lonnie Machin
Michael Amar (Murmur)
General Shrieve X
Danny Brickwell
Ted Grant (the wiki says he’s alive)
Frank Chen X
Tobias Church X
Noah Kuttler
Milo Armitage X
The Captain X
Gennady (is he dead? is he alive? who knows? not me)
Ben Turner X
Frank Bertinelli X
General Walker
Alan Durand X
Alexi Leonov X
Cooper Seldon X
Chase X
Hendrick Von Arnim X
Mark Francis
Digger Harkness X
Ned Foster
Peter X
The Count X
Cyrus Gold X
Councilman Kullens 
*Vigilante is being excluded from numbers because little to no information exists on him*
108 characters. 41 female (38%). 67 male (62%). 37 People of color/nonwhite (40 with Jewish characters included)- 34% (37% with Jewish characters). 4 canonically lgbt characters (3.7%).
53 character deaths (real ones- Sara’s death is not marked but was counted because it was real, though not permanent) (49% of characters have died). 14 female deaths: 26% of all deaths are female, 34% of females have died. 39 male deaths: 74% of all deaths are male, 58% of males have died. 16 poc deaths (4 female, 12 male) : 30% of all deaths are poc, 40% of poc have died. 29% of female deaths were women of color. 31% of male deaths were men of color. 
Characters who at some point were series regulars (this is determined by how they were billed, information taken from Wikipedia. Next seasons three new series regulars were included): Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, Laurel, Roy, Quentin, Malcolm, Tommy, Moira, Thea, Slade, Curtis, Adrian Chase (what?), Dinah, Rene, Black Siren. 
Of the series regulars: 10 are male, 6 are female. 9 are white, 7 are nonwhite/poc. 5 have died- 4 are white, 3 are male. 
There have been 46 straight white males-  27 have died. 59% of straight white males have died. 51% of all deaths were straight white males. Statistically, this is the demographic most likely to die on Arrow. 
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thezachrogers · 8 years
The worst 10 movies of 2016
2016 was really the year of stinkers than it was for good movies. Fortunately, I knew to stay away from most of them. If the trailer reveals too much and it’s so star-studded and CGI driven it almost looks stupid (because it is); then check yourself before you wreck yourself; do NOT watch those movies. The movies I called to be stinkers that I did not see and friends told me they did stink are:
Assassin’s Creed
Now You See Me 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Mother’s Day
Zoolander 2
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (total reboot, yet Sigourney Weaver, Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray, and Ernie Hudson all appear in the film as different characters; stupid.)
INDEPENDENCE DAY 2: RESURGENCE: If Will Smith said no to it to do Suicide Squad (TOTAL STINKER) instead, then it had to be bad.
The 5th Wave
The Divergent Series: Allegiant: Before the third installment to this less than mediocre franchise released, Lionsgate announced they were selling the rights to Disney and were going to release the final film (4th and 5th installment) as a TV season with a whole new cast…yea, no thanks.
London Has Fallen
Gods of Egypt
Max Steel
Noticing a trend here folks?
Every movie with the exception of Passengers is not original. Either a sequel to a mediocre movie, or a movie based on videogame or teen novel. Do not waste your time on these films. They are crap, all of them, no matter who is in them.
Yea, I love Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, Jeff Goldblum, and Mark Ruffalo; but that’s what Marvel movies are for folks!
The following top 10 list is based on what I saw! Again a few of these movies were not terrible, just not the best. #9 and #10 were movies that I could have waited for TV and/or Netflix.
10. X-Men: Apocalypse 3 Stars (7.1/10 on IMDB, 48% on Rotten Tomatoes)
Not a terrible movie, not the worst in the X-Men franchise; just not the best. With the follow up to the BEST X-Men film (Days of Future Past), and the second film in the X-Men Cinematic Universe in 2016 (Deadpool being the first), there were high expectations on this film. It just didn’t meet them.
Apocalypse is not The Last Stand or X-Men Origins: Wolverine; it is not flat out terrible. It just did not meet anyone’s expectations. Oscar Isaac; as good as he is, played a terrible villain, which is so disappointing because he was so good in 2015’s Ex-Machina. Fassbender’s Magneto is still so kick ass as well as Lawrence’s Mystique. Hugh Jackman has hands down the best five minutes in the entire movie. And the post-credits scene was a very exciting set up to March 2017’s Logan. Again: not a bad movie! Just not the greatest. There was WAY too much CGI and WAY too much 1963 Batmanesque cheese lines. Same bat-time, same bat-channel, lots of crap like that. I would wait for this to come out on FX in 2018 to watch. The only reason I would watch is continuity to set up Hugh Jackman’s finale in this beloved franchise; Logan.
9. The Secret Life of Pets 2.75 Stars (6.6/10 on IMDB, 74% on Rotten Tomatoes)
Great airplane movie or TV movie. Not missing much if you don’t watch on rental or in theaters. I love animated films, and some great ones came out in 2016, but this movie just tried too hard in all the wrong places. Kevin Hart’s bunny was over the top as expected, no problem there, but Jenny Slate again in an animated film with animals who can talk? Really Illumination? You want to be Zootopia that bad? And you want to try AGAIN with Sing? It’s pretty pathetic. You’re going to get Albert Brooks to voice a character too (Marlon in Finding Nemo/Dory) The placement advertisement for NBC/Universal shows and movies like Fallon, Saturday Night Live, Seinfeld, The Voice and a blatant movie poster on a public transportation bus for Sing was so shriekingly stupid, I wanted to hold my middle finger up to screen. The good sides of this movie was that the dog characters were cute and the animation was good. That’s it. Illumination should wait a little longer before branching out of Despicable Me and Minions. I wouldn’t have seen this movie in theaters or on iTunes. Wait for Redbox and if you can on TV in 2018 folks.
8. Me Before You 2 Stars (7.5/10 on IMDB, 58% on Rotten Tomatoes)
I love Emilia Clarke, but she cannot choose a good film script to save her life. This movie makes me have very low expectations for the standalone Han Solo film due out in 2018. What a piece of crap this move is. What a piece of crap this story is. SPOILER ALERT: she fails at motivating the guy to live and love again. He commits suicide and gives her money in his will. What kind of a story is that? Why the hell would anyone want to read or watch this trash?
The acting felt like a chick-flick/rom-com with these two young up and coming actors, but the story just did not help. A matured and handsome Neville Longbottom was about the only upside of this movie. Lord Tywin Lannister himself (Charles Dance) couldn’t even deliver. This movie was trash. Wife hated the ending. I quote her saying “The end makes me want that two hours back.” There you go folks. If you like depressing romantic movies with lifetime movie/porno acting and no happy ending, this is your film! If not, don’t bother.
7. The Huntsman: Winter’s War 2 Stars (6.1/10 Stars on IMDB, 17% on Rotten Tomatoes)
I originally thought Snow White and the Huntsman would not have been garbage if it wasn’t for Kristen Stewart’s fugly frozen face with no emotion. I was wrong. The Huntsman was an even bigger turd. This movie was set up as a prequel/sequel to its predecessor. Yea, I know it doesn’t make sense, it didn’t work on screen either. I had to Wikipedia what exactly happened with the story after I finished the movie. This was another movie with too many A-listers and CGI to be any good. This movie was Warner Brothers throwing more money in the garbage to compete with Disney’s live action remakes. Warner Brothers takes another loss with their comic book universe (OH WE WILL BE GOING THERE TOO). Do not waste your time with this movie. Doesn’t go down as one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen because Jessica Chastain and Emily Blunt are just too good for that; but I prefer you just to watch Zero Dark Thirty and Sicario a second time than to waste your time with this turd.
6. Alice Through the Looking Glass 1.5 Stars (6.3/10 on IMDB, 30% on Rotten Tomatoes)
With Disney doing 16 films in 2016, surely not all of them were destined for greatness. Alice was the rotten one of the bunch. Another sequel/reboot to a mediocre film, Alice Through the Looking Glass was crappy CGI thrown up all over the silver screen with good costumes! I got it; it’s Attack of the Clones II! Horrible, horrible, horrible. 2016 may be the worst year of Johnny Depp’s life. With his mother’s death, his divorce, and his ex-wife’s domestic-abuse accusations, I don’t see how promoting this crap film made 2016 any better. I’m praying for big things for Johnny in 2017 (Seriously); I pray his career is resurrected with the fifth Pirates film, he enjoys touring with Alice Cooper and his super-group, and he has some a new year’s resolution to drop off some beer weight like myself. One of the worst of 2016, this film is not one you want to waste your time or money on.
5. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 1 Star (6.7/10 on IMDB, 27% on Rotten Tomatoes)
What a piece of crap. This movie was worse than Daredevil (2003), worse than Batman & Robin, worse than Punisher: War Zone, worse than Fantastic 4 (2015), worse than Ghost Rider. Yes, I need to say more. Screw Zack Snyder (director). Honestly, what a douchebag for making me hate a movie that comes out in modern day with all the brilliant actors and incredible technology and source content we have. Batman is my all time favorite character. I’ve been watching him as far as I can remember; since I could not walk. And Zack Snyder ruined every piece of what could have been good with this movie. To all of your Burton/Keaton fans, Campy Adam West fans, and Batman TAS fans; I’ve had enough of your garbage; Christian Bale’s performance and Christopher Nolan’s trilogy is the best on screen Batman ever. When we have something like that…why would you try to reboot it only 4 years later? And especially to not give Batman his own movie first…you put him in a Man of Steel sequel; it’s really offensive. All Batman fans should be offended by this turd of a movie. Superman has yet to have a fantastic live action movie. So why group Batman with that mess? It pisses me off. Henry Cavill’s Clark Kent reminds me of Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Episodes II and III; such a whiny little wuss. Bro, YOU ARE FREAKING SUPERMAN; stop whining about why nobody likes you. Bro (Hayden Christensen), YOU ARE FREAKING DARTH VADER; stop whining about sand!
Ben Affleck does make a good Bruce Wayne; but his Batman costume is just the worst. Drawn on abs. Really? Bring back the nipples too please. As you can tell, I’m not going to see Justice League Part 1 due out in November or the Batfleck standalone. I’m done with DC. I’m done with WB for firing Nolan. My allegiance is with Disney-Marvel’s MCU, they haven’t disappointed me yet. If you want beautiful comic driven visuals, this movie has it. But, no one wants JUST THAT for 3 hours. Go smoke a bowl and read your comics instead, it’ll probably have the same effect.
4. Suicide Squad 1 Star (6.4/10 on IMDB, 26% on Rotten Tomatoes)
Gosh I hate the DCEU. I love the source content so much for me to rank this as #1 worst of 2016, but if it wasn’t for that, I would say this may be the worst movie I have ever seen. It’s hands down, the most disappointing movie I have ever seen. I knew Batman v Superman would suck, but I thought this movie would revive the DCEU, I was wrong. Warner Bros. marketed this entire film around Jared Leto’s Joker. And Jared Leto promoted the film centered on his character. WB made Leto’s character a measly cameo. Yes folks, in this 2 hour and 17 minute movie, Joker has 7 minutes of screen time. And it was 7 minutes too long. His character had nothing to do with the actual Suicide Squad other than Harley’s origin. Will Smith’s Deadshot was the real protagonist of the movie. It centered around him. So we get another Will Smith stinker. Yea guys, let’s be honest, Will Smith sucks now. He raised his son to be the biggest abomination to ever come out of Hollywood, and he has not done a good film in a decade (I Am Legend). His character was another (aw hell naw) felt misplaced, and Smith’s attempt to be gangsta, when he just isn’t. Your Hitch bro, just stop.
Margot Robbie is too hot to not watch this movie. Of course we all saw it, and we cannot admit that it sucks because of her. She is one of my favorite up and coming young actresses and she absolutely kills this role. She did such a good job it’s hard for me to rank this movie as the worst of 2016. The problems with this movie; where do I start? The marketing, the amount of plot holes, the villain, a character they literally created to kill off, the reason Joker was even in the movie, the ZERO respect they had for truly representing the source content for Harley and Joker’s relationship. Harley is supposed to a commodity/accessory to Joker’s madness and that’s it. But they made Harley Joker’s girlfriend and it just didn’t work. It also does not help that Jared Leto had to follow up to Heath Ledger. Ledger’s performance is arguably the greatest villain of all time. Leto was tatted gangster that wore make up and chains; that’s it. Not crazy nor sadistic, nor chaotic or psychotic; just a gangster. His character was a complete and utter joke. If you love the source material too much to not watch this film, I understand, if you just want to see Margot Robbie in short shorts and high heels and kick ass, I understand; but if you want to be entertained, do not watch this movie.
3. Sausage Party 1 Star. (6.4/10 on IMDB, 84% on Rotten Tomatoes)
For the record, I did not watch this film by choice, my wife rented it, and I watched it after I finished Hell or High Water. My ignorance got the best of me in that I knew nothing about it. And, I mean come on, Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 84%, how could it be bad?
Oh my gosh. Where do I start? The amount of childish sexual innuendos makes this movie look Donald Trump look like the Pope. This movie is full of “locker room talk.” This movie is point-blank offensive, immature, and stupid. And it was written by Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill; go figure. The animation is nothing great, the humor is cheap, not anything creative or new. Rogen’s attempts at making me laugh is quickly dying. Cussing, pot, and sexual humor gets old quickly. You cannot make the same movie over and over and put it in a different box and wrap with a nice shiny bow filled with a-listers. Seth Rogen must be stopped. This Is the End was the last movie he’s done that has made me laugh. The nostalgia of Pineapple Express, Freaks and Geeks, and Knocked Up is the only reason that movie caught my attention. This movie, I had no desire to see. Wife grabbed it at Redbox without my knowledge and I walked in on her watching it. I’d honestly rather walk in on her watching porn, at least we can have a good conversation from it. This movie was just a big “why?” She didn’t have an answer, and neither would I if I were in her shoes.
It is an R-rated animated movie with A-listers which is ironic, since we 99% see the opposite when it comes to the source content (G and Disney for dummies). Don’t see this movie, you’ll thank me for it.
2.  Quentin Tarantino’s 8th film .5 Star (really his 11th, I know the guy can’t count) The Hateful Eight (7.9/10 on IMDB, 75% on Rotten Tomatoes)
Tarantino said he would make 10 films and be done. He said this is the eighth BECAUSE: Kill Bills Vol 1 and Vol 2 is counted as 1, he’s not counting Death Proof as it fell under the “Grindhouse” 2 film presentation with Robert Rodriguez, and he is not counting his very first film starring himself. So, I’m hoping he doesn’t do any more stupid little projects and speed up to 10 so we can rid him from Hollywood.
Tarantino is over the top, he exaggerates reality making his own one, apparently all of his films are in the same “universe.” I don’t think Tarantino has given me any smiles since Inglorious Basterds. Another movie with Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Madsen, Tim Roth, and Walter Goggins, this movie with over the top bloody scenes did nothing for me. At least Django and Kill Bill were action packed, at least Inglorious Basterds had an incredible cast and was hilarious. I love that he used an Italian composer to try as hard as he could to make it feel like a spaghetti western; but it didn’t.
The whole movie takes place in a room, that’s right…in a room folks. Lots of blood, lots of not-so-mysterious mystery and lots of famous faces. This movie was like Tarantino was parodying his own genre of movies. It was so freaking dumb that it just pissed me off. Came out on New Year’s Day 2016, it kicked off what would be a pretty hateful year for many. Do not waste three hours of your time with this movie. You will want it back.
1.       The Lobster .25 Star (7.1/10 on IMDB, 90% on Rotten Tomatoes)
Sometimes you cannot trust Rotten Tomatoes. Nine out of Ten times they are right, this was the one time they were wrong. Top three worst movies I have ever seen in my life. This movie is a witty Cohen Brothers-esque adult version of The Hunger Games that was just plain weird. No, it was not funny, no it was not creative. It’s stupid. But guess what fam; STUPID GETS GOLDEN GLOBE AND OSCAR NOMINATIONS these days! Be honest with yourselves; if you saw it, HBO’s The Normal Heart was not good or well-acted. But in today’s day and age if you make a movie about gay people, you’re getting an Oscar nod. So, I guess now if you make a movie about something that’s just weird and stupid, you’ll get one too.
Here’s the synopsis: In a near-future’d dystopian world, to prevent over-populating, if you do not find a husband or wife at a certain age, you check into a hotel where you are forced to meet one in two months, if you don’t your body well be shredded an recycled for research and you will be turned into an animal (but not really, they will kill you, they just tell you that so you agree to the “transformation,” ie execution).
Yes, it is as stupid as it sounds. I never even finished the movie, I wikied the rest when there was about 25 minutes left, it wasn’t worth the rest of my valuable time.
I write this blog not to vent on how bad movies are, but I know YOUR time is valuable and it should be treated that way, not with garbage movies. Please take my word. I hope this blog was helpful. Please follow, like, share, comment! Bigger and better films to come in 2017! I will be your source! I have about 10 more films of 2016’s I will review before I crossover into 2017; stay tuned for those blogs!
Thanks guys!
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