kickfoxing · 8 years
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moodboard for @imbeautyimgrace
i am a good thing just the way i am
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cruciatuscrescendo · 3 years
Rules: 20 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @youcanteverchangeme
Name: Harrison
Pronouns: they/them
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 5'9ish
Nationality: American (United States)
Fav band: The Whomping Willows
Fav artist: Van Gogh, Monet, Frida Kahlo
When you created your blog: This one must have been like 2014, but I had another one before this one that was probably from 2012 or older.
Last thing you googled: 90 farenheit to celcius
Lucky number: 30
Other blogs: My other blog is a secret. hehe
Why you chose your url: Idk, I thought it was clever. Cruciatus Curse is the torturing curse, so it’s like pain rising in intensity. I thought it was a good representation of my mental health at the time while also combining my love of Harry Potter. Plus I think it sounds poetic—both euphonic and cacophonic at once.
How many blogs are you following: 399
How many followers do you have: 195
How many average hours of sleep: I think 8
Instruments: None, I tried some in Elementary school but I sucked!
Currently wearing: Oops, just a blanket...
Dream trip: UK to see my girlfriend!!!
Fav food: Cheese fondue
Fav song: Crush by Tessa Violet
No pressure at all to do this, but I’m supposed to tag 20, so feel free to or not! Whatever! @coffee-cup-cai @hunscarian @babybratserein @pastashapes @hufflepuffbeanling @underthenarniansun @shadowintegration @imbeautyimgrace @samethyst @cittaly @unhingedbabe @ftwmentality @romantic-andall @littleroundmirrors @totallyacejasongrace @embrace-the-poof Okay, that's not quite 20 but idk who else to tag. Anyone else can do this too of course!!!
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elennare · 5 years
@nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui tagged me - thank you!
Top three ships: Hmm... Quill/Lucius from High Rollers, John/Nancy from Swallows and Amazons, Hilda/Nell from Chalet School.
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick, I use so much of it.
Last song: “Champion” by Barns Courtney
Last movie: “Little Women”, I think? Definitely the last one I saw at the theatre, and I’ve mostly been watching series on Netflix.
Reading: I was reading “Again, Dangerous Visions”, but the doom and gloom of a lot of those stories was not working for me right now! So I’m re-reading the Swallows and Amazons series instead.
Tagging: um, @dementorsatemysoup, @mr-deblob, @janamensch, @imbeautyimgrace, and anyone who feels like it!
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iwouldvebeendrake01 · 5 years
List five things that make you happy, then tag the last ten people who reblogged something from you. I was tagged by the super awesome hayleylovesjessica <3
All the recent Comic Con news
My university’s Creative Writing program
Losing myself in my writing 
Reading a good book
My adorable pup!
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I like feuillie still! I’m gracie ✌🏼🌻
meaning: grace
engraved crystal goblets, silk bedsheets, finding old letters in an attic, fairy lights
rate: 80/100 ur icon is so cute!!!
name aesthetics
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I loved Andy so much!! I'd like to know more about her her after she left the Aces in 2011! (and if you're thinking about continuing her story or have and drabbles about her and first getting to know each other!) I just relate to Andy a lot and loved reading about her. 💖💖
Thank you!!
Andy bounced around through a lot of jobs after leaving the Aces.  As was mentioned, this includes coaching girls’ hockey, working for the state girls’ hockey association, and working as a sports correspondent for a local TV station.  She also assistant-managed a USHL boys’ team for a year, and absolutely invoked her acquaintance with Kent Fucking Parson to put them in awe of her, and get them to stop picking on teammates who painted their nails. 
She also dated around a bit, so I’m not saying I’M JUST SAYING she has slept with people in at least four different professional or international-class leagues. (NHL, AHL, CWHL, NWHL)
That changes a little bit  around 2014/15 actually, because she branches out and gets into roller derby and puts all her former D-woman prowess to use as a Blocker.  And roller derby has the advantage of being something you can still pursue in the American Southwest.
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omgjustinoluransi · 8 years
89 and/or 105 for nursey/dex?
89 “You have to tell me why we’re committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”“Wait, you mean to tell me that you, Derek Nurse, the chillest person at Samwell, want me to mess up this guy’s car just because he looked at Bitty wrong?”
Dex couldn’t help grinning at Nursey so obviously trying not to lose his chill.
Nursey sighed, “You tell me you wouldn’t do the same. Besides he’s a lax douche anyway, it’s not like he doesn’t deserve it.”
“My toolbox is at the Haus - and grab some shaving cream, I know what we can do to this guy.”
Dex knew it wouldn’t take him long to fuck with the lax douche’s car. So what if he was drawing it out to spend time with Nursey, who was watching him work intently, asking questions about what he was doing. So what if he fumbled every time Nursey bit down on his lip and leaned closer, concentrating on Dex’s hands. 
It’s not like Dex was unaware of his huge fucking crush on Nursey. He knew how he felt, just like he knew that there was no chance Nursey would ever feel the same. He was too good for Dex. His brain worked too quickly, poetry flowing from his tongue at every opportunity, warmth radiating from his skin and drowning everyone with his infinite beauty. Dex was screwed. 
He finished up, absentmindedly responding to Nursey’s questions, before reaching for the shaving cream. His hand closed around thin air and Nursey laughed behind him. Dex turned around but couldn’t find it in himself to be annoyed because of Nursey’s stupid beautiful smile.
Nursey just smirked, “You’re very talented with your hands Dex. It’s impressive.”
“Can you flirt some other time dude? We are kind of running on a time limit here.” 
“You want me to flirt with you another time? Sure thing gorgeous.” 
He winked. He fucking winked. Dex wanted to cry. Instead he did something even more pathetic.
“Annie’s. Friday. 5. It’s a date.”
He walked away, hands shaking, leaving a dumbstruck Nursey behind, a can of shaving cream rolling out of hands onto the ground.
The lax douche was actually looking at Bitty in awe bc that boy is the ultimate 10 and everyone is in love with him and lax douche has been lowkey flirting with Bitty all year but not successfully bc Zimmermann (also he saw Bitty in the puck bunny outfit and actually cried)
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ziimmermanns · 8 years
do you have any thoughts on the smh team with tattoos? I know nursey has at least one, but what would the rest of the team get?
oooooh this is interesting to think about i like this
okay so im gonna go in order. its great tho. 
this post
okay but really i can’t see bitty getting a lot of tattoos idk he’s just a small baker boy 
if he got tattoos i can see him getting a figure skate on his ankle and maybe some lyrics from “halo” on EITHER the inside of his wrist or across his back right above his shoulder blades
maybe a hockey stick right under the figure skate
but not too many bitty doesn’t seem like the type of person who likes needles yanno
jack is totally the person who gets his kids names tattooed on his upper arm dont fight me on this
however i also don’t think jack would get that many tattoos like that boy /hates/ needles i can just tell
ooh imagine he gets a small black circle on his hip every time he wins the stanley cup (he has like 4-5 by the end of his career)
(bitty loves pressing his fingers into the tattoos on his hip)
okay but you KNOW that shits would get tattoos for the sole reason that he wants to defy stereotypes against professionals having tattoos and be a tattooed lawyer who kicks ass
alternatively - he gets tattoos to piss of his dad + fam
40 80% of his tattoos were done when he was drunk (yes he has a tramp stamp and he is PROUD of it
he definitely has lardo’s name somewhere on his bicep, a SMH logo on the back of his calf, quotes from virginia woolfe on his collarbones, constellations on his fingertips
fuck he probably has US supreme court case ID numbers on the back of his hand, important cases like obergfell vs hodges, roe vs wade, brown vs board of edu, stuff like that
what a dork wow
honestly rans is going to med school to be a doctor and he’s not Shitty so i can’t see him getting visible tattoos?
he probably has a heartbeat on the back of his neck though
he also has a sort of small caduceus (x) between his shoulder blades
i can also see him having interlocking hockey sticks above his hip
oooh maybe he has a medically accurate heart on his left pectoral
he definitely has a hockey stick on his left bicep listen the boy is from buffalo new york. hockey is a Way of Life there. too close to canada
i dont??? know???? eyeglasses?? a chicken wing??? who is holster???
someone help
lardo (fuck you she’s part of the team)
she drew 90% of shitty’s tattoos. and most of ransom’s tattoos as well
her tattoos are actually gorgeous like they are visually stunning
she has a bunch of tattoos that are vietnamese phrases of luck/good health/etc mixed in with her arm sleeves
she has wings on her back and constellations all across her legs okay lisTEN
okay yes so he has the band on his right arm and it looks amazing
listen this boy has the most tattoos on his person except for shitty and lardo
okay a couple things: first, you know how there’s a nursey patrol? yeah thats because this boy will get tattoos every time he drinks. or during the day when he thinks of a quote and wants to get it permanently etched into his body
people literally have to police nursey to be sure that he isn’t getting a tattoo daily okay
he has quotes from poems he likes all over his body
he doesn’t have any of his own poems tattooed on his body tho bc thats like. so conceited. dont do that.
if something has a relatively obscure meaning he probably has it tattooed on his body
he definitely has an infinity sign on his wrist
he has the phases of the moon wrapping around his ankle
song lyrics. interspersed with poem quotes.
he has a bunch of different flowers on his right hip that wrap around from right under his ass up to his front hip bone. it’s extremely colorful and gorgeous
listen if you don’t think that nursey walks around with a fine-tipped sharpie and draws all over himself and constantly gets frustrated that he can’t draw on his own back, im sorry but you are Wrong
he asks lardo to draw on his back when they hang out together and she introduces him to new pens that don’t run and don’t smudge and are waterproof its great this is how they Bond
probably nothing. honestly. he really doesn’t have a lot of money and tattooes are fucking EXPENSIVE okay
ooh though what if he has a binary code on his left shoulder though
ooh ooh or it runs along his arm ooh that’d be good
sweet baby chowder would probably have a shark on his right pec but thats it
tango would not have a tattoo but ONLY BECAUSE he would never be able to decide on anything like he would literally always second guess his choices and cannot pick anything out ever
he draws on himself a lot tho
bitty teases him, saying he should just get a question mark somewhere insead
tango considers it but then second-guesses it. again. 
hmmm i love my son whiskey but i don’t know what tattoos he would get
he probably asks lardo for what to get and she draws him something epic and awesome and he doesn’t even hesitate he gets it on his back
i can’t see him having a lot of tattoos though tbh 
for some reason i see him having a snake that curls around his wrist i don’t know why but this is what i see
the panel with jack and bitty’s kiss and also quotes from the matrix
his entire back is that one monologue from the comic extras u know which one im talking about
this was so much fun omg feel free to add stuff on too if anyone wants :D
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SO PROUD OF @bsaquidditch FOR GOING 6-1 AT QUIDCUP 9!!!! Your Thestrals love you! 🐴🔹🔸
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kickfoxing · 8 years
voted (: ��
thank you so much! your moodboard is here!! (also i used ur icon as the center becuase i thought it was just too cute!!)
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cruciatuscrescendo · 4 years
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1. favorite color / aesthetic
2. favorite color / outfit / aesthetic
3. favorite color / shoes
4. favorite color / an accessory that you like
5. type a word that identifies you + “quote” & choose one that goes with you
6. favorite celebrity / favorite color
7. type your favorite hobby
8. favorite color / aesthetic again
9. favorite color / favorite word / aesthetic
I was tagged by @hunscarian
I tag @imbeautyimgrace @coffee-cup-cai @halle-is-procrastinating @underthenarniansun and @unhingedbabe
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cruciatuscrescendo · 4 years
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Rules: Google your name, your favorite color and the word “aesthetic”, then post first four photos that show up in the search results to make a moodboard.
Thanks for tagging me @coffee-cup-cai 🥺💖
I tag @imbeautyimgrace @embrace-the-poof @unhingedbabe @hunscarian and whoever else wants to
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cruciatuscrescendo · 5 years
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Wizard Rock road trip with @imbeautyimgrace to see Tonks and the Aurors in Utah tomorrow!!! #YesAllWitches #WeAreMagic #HUFFLERIOT #DeathEatersAreNotYourFriends #HarryPottersAlive 🦡💛🖤💛 ⚡
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cruciatuscrescendo · 6 years
A for age: 23 and the progression of time makes me uncomfortable! Yay!
B for Birthplace: Boise, Idaho
C for Current Time: 9:58 PM
D for Drink You Last Had: Water
E for Easiest Person To Talk To: Idk, my mental health has made it hard to talk to most people the last few years. I guess there’s lots of easy people to talk to, but I don’t talk to them about anything important. 
F for Favorite Song: Right now I really, really like that song that plays when April and Andy drive to the Grand Canyon in Parks and Rec. I think it’s All Will be Well by Gabe Dixon or something like that.
G for Grossest Memory: Idk. I don’t really have anything that bad. But my ex and her sister used to eat frozen corn for dinner—like, still frozen, out of the bag—and sometimes I would have dinner with them and frozen corn is really gross.
I for In Love With: I haven’t been in love for a while. 
J for Jealous of People: Jealous of a lot of people. My friends’ friends. I’m pretty bad about being jealous, but I try to remind myself that jealousy just means I care and to focus on acting kind and not bitter.
K for Killed Someone: Only fictional characters. 
L for Love at First Sight: I mean, I think love is complicated. I think you can feel very intense romantic feelings very quickly. And I have. I don’t know that I’d call it love at first sight, though. It’s more like the John Green quote, “I fell in love like you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once.”
M for Middle Name: I have two. David Von.
N for Number of Siblings: One brother.
O for one wish: Idk. To fall in love with someone who falls in love with me again.
R for Reasons to Smile: The Doctor’s a woman.
S for Song You Last Sang: Uh, I’m sure it was Wizard Rock. But I can’t remember what. Maybe something by The Whomping Willows? Or Oliver Boyd and the Rembralls. 
T for Time You Woke Up: 9:00ish.
U for Underwear Color: Yellow.
V for Vacation Destination: I’m super excited that I’m going to Pokémon Go Fest in Chicago with my friends! 
W for Worst Habit: So many things!
X for X-ray: I’ve gotten some X-rays, I guess? When I broke my toe.
Y for Your Favorite Food: Cheese fondue.
Z for Zodiac Sign: Aquarius.  Thanks for tagging me, @runyoucleverboyandremember124 I’ll tag @hufflepuffbeanling and @imbeautyimgrace (Hi, Grace!) and anyone else who wants to do this!
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elennare · 6 years
I was tagged by  @nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui - thank you!
rules - bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag a few people to do the same.
I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure• I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • summer is my favourite season • my radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Tagging @imbeautyimgrace, @thisfireflyandaphoenix, @liebebee, @hennethgalad, @ravenpuffheadcanons, @terror-of-the-seas, @tsuntsun-neko
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elennare · 7 years
Tagged by @fortytworedvines
Goal: Tag 9 people and get to know them better.
Relationship Status: single
Favourite Colours: Green, purple
Lipstick or Chapstick: I go through so so much chapstick, my lips get dry a lot.
Last Song: Yellow Flicker Beat (Lorde)
Last Movie: Thor Ragnarok.
Top three shows: As in, the things I’m currently watching/following the most? Critical Role (just got into it recently, have been watching it every chance I get), Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Bake-Off (haven’t seen the last few episodes though).
Top 3 ships at the moment: Newest is probably Vax’ildan/Keyleth (Critical Role)... Jake/Amy (B99), and my eternally beloved John/Nancy (Swallows and Amazons).
Tagging: @prophecyflame @a-promise-that-i-keep @myheartisbro-ken @imbeautyimgrace @sarahmeeps @ravenpuffheadcanons @hennethgalad @terror-of-the-seas @thisfireflyandaphoenix
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