pbcnita · 5 years
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Alot of folks think money will fall from the sky if they burn a candle.😒😒 umm no. We'd all be rich and candles would be sold out everywhere! You also have to work to obtain what you want. #nothinggiveneverythingearned #youneedafewhustles #destinymustbefulfilled #spirittellsyouthewhat #youfigureoutthehow #icanalwaysmakemoney #idoitall #imaquickstudy #iammeticulous #ipayattentiontodetail #idoasmyguidesinstruct #whatareyougoodat #findyourpath #whatareyouherefor #findoutandflourish #letyourguideshelpyou #lazinesswontgetyouanywhere https://www.instagram.com/p/By3Fdjqn6i4/?igshid=i27s48alagzt
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dailyclizzy · 7 years
Hello, everyone. In case you are looking for a clizzy url, @plantdaddario is giving away the url @imaquickstudy. Please feel free to contact them if you’re interested! 
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exalchemist-blog · 11 years
Mendings {Marcus and & Sydney}
Marcus left the bar, glad it was only a few blocks from their hideout.  He wasn't drunk, not by any means, but he was terrified; he was too anxious to keep his hands steady enough to hot wire a car.   The ex-Alchemist had been carefully avoiding Sydney ever since she'd been out of re-education, a fact he wasn't very proud of.  It was a cowardly move, but he had never been great at comforting people or dealing with others in pain.  Sure, he could hug someone if they were crying, and he could help distressed Alchemists open their eyes to the truth, but Sydney wasn't just another Alchemist.  
She was his sister, and he was a pretty lousy excuse for a brother, something his father had never failed to remind him.  "If you'd behave, she wouldn't have to be trained," his father had once said.  If Marcus had behaved, Sydney would've never been an Alchemist, and she would've never been sent to re-education.  Perhaps it was that alone that made him so afraid to see her; he wasn't avoiding her as much he was avoiding the agonizing guilt he knew might cripple him.
He pushed open the door to the small apartment they were hold up in, and let out a weary sigh.  Summoning what strength he could, he searched for the same inner drive that had helped him break free of the Alchemists, and hoped that it would help him once again.  He knocked softly on the bedroom door, and Amelia stepped out.  The bags under her eyes had grown more pronounced and he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.  
"Get some rest," he told her.  "I'll look after Sydney for a while."  Amelia looked relived, and gave him a sympathetic look, which Marcus tried to ignore.  He hated pity.  Swallowing as much of his fear as he could, he opened the door to Sydney's room and stepped inside.
She looked better than she had when they'd rescued her, but that was only because Amelia had helped her clean up.  Her eyes still wore that fearful, haunted, look and as they grazed over Marcus he felt his heart plummeting to the very bottom of his chest.  Did she even know who he was at all?  Did she even remember their time together in Palm Springs?
"Hey, gorgeous," he said, as nonchalantly as he could manage. Perhaps a dose of normality would be good for her.
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sassylittledhampir · 11 years
Omg. "Emilia Ivashkov-Jansen: The Making Of" *wipes tears of laughter* now that's a documentary I'd watch.
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xalexgilbert · 11 years
⊙﹏⊙ - > pretty much why i ninja jump on all your open starters *meep*
OMFG BUT BB I LAV YA. You definitely need to talk to me and plot some time. xD
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lostlittlepumpkin · 11 years
Winners of Graphics
Please contact me in two days or I will chose a new winner instead. Please answer these questions when you contact me:
Of which character or ship.
if there is any special quote or scene you want it to be of, (not need) 
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exalchemist-blog · 11 years
*whispers* I scrolled down my dash
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theswordofsanctuary · 11 years
Rule 1: Always post the Rules. 
Rule 2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag eleven people and link them. 
Rule 4: Let them know once you’€™ve tagged them.
I was tagged by: imaquickstudy
A characteristic of your muse which you wish you had.
She's really able to endure almost anything and she can push her fear down so she can do that.
A characteristic of yours which you wish your muse had.
We're pretty alike as it is(yes i no people don't normal like that)
Maybe have her be more Creative
A drink which you can never say no to.
Tea or hot coco
That dish which you secretly wish is on the menu when you go out to eat.
Cheese fries.
A city you love.
Sadly i haven't been to that many. Maybe five tops. Perris ca was okay
My muse is yours for a day. What do you make her do? 
i'd have her and Adrian go to a circus then relax for the rest of the day.
What Hogwarts House are you in and why?
Gryffindor. I've always kinda thought i'd fit in even if i'm not very brave(unless you be mean to someone i love. then i'll kick your butt even if you're five times my size.) 
Three things in the room you’re sitting in which you’d choose to save if the room was on fire.
My cat, my box of things my mom and grandma left me and a box i keep my dog's and cat's things in after they died
Your favorite item in your wardrobe.
Combat boots. If i had to pick one thing that is
You’re on a stranded island and you have a magic box. Whatever materialistic item you wish for, can be pulled out of the box. But you have only one try to pull one item out before it vanishes. What item do you wish for?
A satellite phone.
And the game changer question: Coke or Pepsi?
Both. I like coke more even though i'm not suppose to have it. Maybe that's why i like it more? 
Are you a animal lover?
Five closest things next to you at this very moment?
favorite candy?
If you had to be blind or deaf which would you be?
If you could see one thing about your future would you and what would you see?
If you could have one more day with someone who passed away what would you do?
If you could live anywhere in the world without worrying about the cost where would you?
What's a tv show that ended that you wish would come back?
can you swim?
If you could live in any time period what would it be?
If you could know how to speak another  language, just right away without having to learn it what would it be? 
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a-stillherebitches · 11 years
the-adrian-ivashkov needs to stop being a whipped fucking pussy. imaquickstudy is not worth losing his family and friends over.
Calm your tits, nonnie. It´s up to Adrian if he thinks she worth for it or not. But the answer is kinda obvious. -A
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rowenaaclark · 11 years
imaquickstudy liked your post: imaquickstudy replied to your post: OKAY so guys I...
also i loved the fact that you noticed sydney wearing a ring u observant woman u this is why i love you my cheesie ♥
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ironsandsteele-blog · 11 years
#what timing And I'm just about to go shower.
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exalchemist-blog · 11 years
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 artandsass said: WHAT A LAD!
What ajkvkajdfv 
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"What do you even want...?" Rebekah started to ask, turning around to see who she was talking to and then stopping. "We look exactly alike." she stated, frowning. "What kind of jock is this?"
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a-stillherebitches · 11 years
Guess who's on the run? Adrian and Sydney (theadrianivashkov and imaquickstudy) that is who. They got themselves into a bit of a pickle and decided to do a runner, leaving everyone they love and care about behind without a second thought. Guess Adrian still is selfish at heart when it comes to getting what he wants.
Sometimes people need to be selfish if they want to be happy, don´t they? -A
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rowenaaclark · 11 years
imaquickstudy replied to your post: OKAY so guys I need ideas. My best fri...
flower crown haha :D wear those flippers they wear on their feet while deep sea diving. or a snorkel. or those HUGE neon glasses with devil’s horns or something
sassy flower crown of course ;) hahahha ill probably be drinking so flippers may cause trauma! hahah devil horns are a good one, however im gonna avoid glasses so i can paint my face something really cool. like the night sky or a moon or something
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