#imam sunday swap
vivelareine · 4 years
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Review: Poesie Perfume “In the Steps of Marie Antoinette” Collection
[Originally posted on my Blogspot but since Tumblr hates links, here we go]
I love perfume, and over the past year I've dived headfirst into the world of indie fragrances. Poesie has become one of my favorite indie perfume houses due to their diverse range of scents which range from
In 2019, Poesie released a special limited collection titled "In the Steps of Marie Antoinette," featuring 6 scents inspired by the queen of France. At the time the collection was released, I didn't have enough spending money to try them all--but thanks to Poesie's annual "Reissue Event," a limited-time event where you can order retired items from their catalog, I was finally able to collect all of them.
À la Reine
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Scent Notes: fresh ripe tomato, cucumber, a bouquet of garden herbs, sweet soil, all damp from the summer rain
My Thoughts:
This scent is so, so green. I love that the emphasis is on the vegetable garden, rather than florals--not that there's anything wrong with florals, but I feel like most 'hameau de la reine' inspired scents I've tried before are heavy on the florals. This scent  makes me feel like I'm walking through a vegetable garden after the rain--moist garden dirt, spicy herbs, but then a vegetable sweetness from the juicy tomatoes and cucumbers. It's really amazing how this scent captures the very particular way that gardens smell after the rain... a sort of slightly sweet, slightly spicy earth tinged with vegetables and grass.  
Petit Trianon
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Scent Notes: a freshly picked bouquet of wood violets, accented with jasmine sambac, tuberose and Madonna lily, sheer sandalwood
My Thoughts:
This is another scent that I picked up when the collection was originally released. I can't resist a Trianon inspired scent!  This is a very white floral scent, with hints of green underneath, but it is mostly the violets, jasmine and tuberose that stand out. The sandalwood provides a solid thread for the florals and overall the scent gives the impression of walking through a carefully cultivated garden. A very warm, floral scent.  
Rococo Paradise
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Scent Notes: ripe strawberries, plush apricot, fresh grass, milk + honey, lavender sprigs
My Thoughts:
This is one of the scents I picked up last year, and it's one of my favorite scents in my collection. This scent smells it belongs in the scene from Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette where the queen and her entourage are picking strawberries and drinking fresh milk at the hameau de la reine. The milk provides a soft creaminess to the scent, which is complemented by the fresh grass and lavender. The strawberries add sweetness--it's more of a wild strawberry undertone, berries tinged with green. A naturally sweet and mellow scent overall.
Folly of Love
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Scent Notes: Paradise apples, purple lilac blooms, white Bourbon roses, seductive vanilla
My Thoughts:
I didn't receive this scent until the 2020 reissue event, and truthfully I wish I had picked up a larger size! It is a very soft, summery fragrance. The lilacs and roses form nice floral base, while the apples bright the fragrance with a touch of sweet fruitiness. The vanilla takes awhile to come out, but when it does it adds a rounded softness to the delicate fragrance. I was originally a bit worried that the florals would be overbearing, but the apple note keeps things bright and youthful.
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Scent Notes: luscious white cake layered with sticky marshmallow creme and topped with mounds of vanilla frosting
My Thoughts:
Unfortunately, this is the only scent from the collection that I did not enjoy. The reason for this is that there is barely any scent at all on my skin. It has an extremely light throw, and I genuinely have to stick my nose right up to my skin to smell anything. Even then, all I can get is a very, very faint vanilla. This is pretty unusual for this company, as while I haven't always enjoyed every scent I've gotten from Poesie, none of them have been so non-existent in terms of scent. Maybe it was an off batch!
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Scent Notes: golden cake, intoxicating orange blossom, fluffy vanilla citrus icing, blood orange
My Thoughts:
I feel like “Versailles” is what I anticipated from Infamous.  It's not an extremely strong scent, but it has a light to medium throw comparable to other “cake” scents I’ve gotten from Poesie.  This one smells like a vanilla cake smothered in delicious, luscious vanilla-orange frosting. Rich and creamy and downright yummy.
Where to Get Them
"In the Steps of Marie Antoinette" was a limited collection, so the full collection is no longer available from Poesie. However, "Versailles" was added to the Poesie General Catalog based on its popularity so it is available on the official shop page. The scent does seem to sell out fairly regularly, but it is restocked regularly as well.
If you use Reddit, I would recommend checking out the Sunday IMAM Indie Marketplace thread, where you can sometimes find people selling or swapping discontinued scents. The Indie Marketplace thread is posted every Sunday.
Or you can put a pin in this and wait until 2021 when Poesie will likely do another Reissue event.
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buzzdixonwriter · 4 years
Duty Now For The Future (part four)
What’s the point of enduring a good dystopia if you can’t share it with everybody, hmm?
Trapped at home (as millions of others are), I find ample time for pondering the pandemic and wondering what we’ll find on the other side.
It’s not going to be hugely different, but it’s going to be profoundly different.
And so, following up on previous predictions and prognostications…
The future is masked
Until there is a vaccine, my wife and I plan to wear masks when shopping, running errands, doing indoor appointments, etc.
Expect to see more and more people using masks when they feel slight colds, etc., coming on, especially in communities with large Asian or Middle Eastern populations.
It will become a norm, even if everybody doesn’t do it.
Our family and eventually a few close friends will eventually be allowed back into our home (and we visiting theirs) for socializing, but not as frequently or as many as before.
Not everybody will follow this, especially those who are younger and healthier, but for those of us 60 and older, taking proactive precautions for the foreseeable future only makes common sense.
For me in particular it means no more large scale conventions, possibly even no more small ones if there isn’t a vaccine, quite probably no more club or group meetings.
I’ll be happy to participate in remote programming (see below)  
. . .
Brady Bunching
Zoom and similar apps will replace a lot of meetings, not just business and academic but social gatherings such as clubs and religious groups.  
We will learn to organize in “Brady Bunch”-able numbers, with 9 becoming the optimum maximum number.
For certain types of meetings, recording the proceedings and turning it into a vlog or video for others to share will be an attractive ancillary purpose.  Like panels at conventions, you pack the original bunch with erudite and entertaining people (entertaining in a pundit sense) and others will want to watch / listen in.
We see this (hear this?) already with podcasts; add video / image / media capabilities to enable participants to share film clips and mp3s, and convention panels become a lot more intimate.
I can see something similar happening with religious groups, with a minister / priest / rabbi / imam / guru / shaman interacting with small groups throughout the day / evening / night.
A medium size Protestant church may seat 250 people on a Sunday.  That pastor has an hour or two to preach and interact with congregants, all of whom are pressed for time.  On the other hand, scheduling 6 - 8 mini-sermons / homilies a day for a maximum of 8 participants (beside the pastor) gets the same message across but in a much more personalized manner, and if the pastor spends on 20 minutes on that, there remains 40 minutes to privately chat with any member who needs personal attention.
Indeed, in many churches it’s not usual for the pastor to pass along the personalized attention to deacons or associate pastors who specialize in specific ministries (i.e., children / teens / young adults / newly married / recently divorced / elderly / widowed / etc.)
Separate the church (i.e., body of believers) from the church (i.e., real estate) and suddenly the community can spread around the globe.
(There’s already a movement in this direction, and outside of religious setting there are therapists and consultants who also adapt their practices to online work.)
. . .
Public schools serve as day care for working parents
There, I said it. 
Their most important function is to give single parent families and families where both parents work a place to park their offspring during the bulk of business hours so mom and dad (or just mom, or just dad, or mom & mom, or dad & dad) can earn a living.
That part of the schools’ function will come back -- along with guaranteeing at least one hot meal per child during weekdays -- with students spending much of their time in sports / field trips / music / arts classes to keep them from being bored.  There will be academic and STEM classes, but they will be smaller and only once or twice a week instead of daily. 
That way out of every 100 students, 20 at a time are peeled off from the day care activities and given a short but intensive class on a topic, then swapped out with another 20, etc.  Kids will get more recreational time but academic and STEM classes will stay more sharply focused, offering more one-on-one interaction and facing less disruption from bored students).
The time clock demands of the industrial aged shaped out modern school system, but there’s no need to stick with that outdated model.  Let kids spend 80% of their time in safely supervised but relatively unstructured play (and “play” is only a dirty word to those irredeemable Calvinists out there; the truth is play is one of the most productive things a human beings -- especially a young human being -- can do).  Those that lean hard into academic and STEM topics can be steered into magnet programs to encourage and nurture that, the rest can receive an adequate basic education in math / science / civics / home ec / basic skills and then go to a trade school of their choosing. 
(And for those who fear mass truancy, obviously we’ll need to step up supervision and security, which opens job opportunities…)
 © Buzz Dixon 
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fellowhuman-being · 7 years
In addition to the Indonesian Reverse Flag Incident, Apparently There are 4 Other Shameful Things at Sea Games Malaysia 2017
The mistake of Indonesian flag printing in Sea Games 2017 guidebook has made Indonesian people's heart hurt.
Based on Kompas.com, the Malaysian Government finally apologized directly to the people of Indonesia in front of Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi, over the incident of the reversed Indonesian flag printed in the book of souvenirs at the opening of the 2017 SEA Games. 
The apology was delivered by the Malaysian Minister of Youth and Sports, Khairy Jamaluddin, after a meeting with Mr. Imam at Shangrilla Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Sunday (8/20/2017).
As a form of apology, the Government of Malaysia has ordered not to distribute all the books and re-print new books that will be sent back to the state guests.
And besides Indonesia, there are other incidents that make the participating countries also disappointed. 
1. Reversed Flag
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The flag error only occurs to Indonesia. Meanwhile, the flag of 10 other SEA Games participating countries are printed correctly.
Well, I’m telling you for you who don’t know. Indonesia and Poland have similar flags. Indonesia’s flag has red on the top and white at the bottom, while Poland is the other way around. You can check it on the internet. So the flag displayed in the booklet is POLAND’s flag, NOT INDONESIA’s flag.
Not only that, errors also occured in special magazine of Sea Games 2017. In the magazine, it featured the 2011 General Champion of Sea Games which was won by Indonesia, but the Indonesian flag was swapped with Thai flag.
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2. Indonesian Athletes are Treated Uncomfortably
Adapted from BolaSport.com, before the uprising incidents of Indonesia's pride flag, Nadia Anggraeni, the Indonesian representative in high jump sports, has discovered the ineptness done by the SEA Games 2017 committee.
Nadia found it weird as she and her entourage had to be moved to another hotel when they got to the destination hotel.
The athlete also admitted that she did not get any vehicle service for going to exercise.
"I think Malaysia is deliberately provoking our emotions from the beginning, the hotel where we stay was suddenly moved, and we are not provided with vehicles to go to the training ground," said the high jumping athlete.
Nadia said, as the host, of course Malaysia would do many ways to ruin the concentration of their opponents.
Nadia also advised to all Indonesian athletes that every athlete should control their emotions before the match.
3. Out of Food
As quoted from TribunTimur.com, the Indonesian soccer team players did not get any food. The case occured when they would have breakfast at the hotel where they stayed. As can be seen in the photo that circulates around the internet, the assistant coach of Bima Sakti could only look at the empty food.
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The coach could only see some bread that eventually was devoured by the players and the official national team of Indonesia because he doesn’t want his team to be starving. Until now there has been no confirmation from the hotel or the organizers of SEA Games 2017.
4. Yellow Card for Evan Dimas
The decision was really detrimental to Indonesia because previously, Evan has been given a yellow card so that automatically he should be absent in the next game.While in fact, the next game will bring Indonesia to fight Vietnam whose national team known as the “tiger” in the Asian region. Imam Nahrawi immediately asked U-22 national team to appeal against the decision. "It is clear that I am witnessing a disadvantageous decision, for Evan Dimas, who is actually a victim but given a yellow card, I ask the coach and manager of the U-22 National Team to appeal against this decision," he said in his Instagram account @nahrawi_imam.
5. The Female Sepak Takraw Team Walked Out
The National Team of Indonesia for Sepak Takraw entered in the final round in Sea Games 2017. In the final game, they have to face the home team, Malaysia, on Sunday (08/20/2017). Unfortunately, the women's takraw team chose to retreat and walk out when they took a 16-10 lead over Malaysia in the second set. The players and official decided to leave the game because they felt cheated by the main referee, Muhammad Radi, who came from Singapore. "Since the first set there has been an indication of cheating, when my team want to do a service, but they always get canceled," said assistant coach of women's football team Abdul Gani in the recording received by JUARA. “Sould we play like that? It's a shame for our players, it looks like it's set up," he added. "The reason for our players 'services are often canceled is because our players' legs are considered faulted. Maybe the referee does that so that Malaysians  can win, as there are arrangements. As a coach, I see it as not normal," he said. After the match, the Minister of Youth and Sports (Affairs), Imam Nahrawi directly motivated the players who were crying in the locker room. He himself also looks disappointed by the referee team who act unsportsmanlike.
Since I was a child, I always admired the Olympics, Sea Games, AFF, Euro, World Cup, and many other sport competitions. I always get excited with the result especially when my country, Indonesia, participates in the competition. Cause this is the time when Indonesian can be seen as a country that is full of talented people, NOT only in badminton, but also in other fields.
But, this morning I woke up with a lot of disappointment. Reading this article literally broke my heart. I LITERALLY HAVE NO EXCITEMENT TO EVEN UPDATE ABOUT SEA GAMES ANYMORE. It’s USELESS with these many bad treatments to the people of my country, even if I’m actually sure our athletes will not give up with those unsportmanlike behavior cause we have what so called “Sharp Bamboo Spirit” or “Semangat Bambu Runcing”. (Note: I’m sure Indonesians understand this term).
I grow up always looking at similar news on my TV: “Indonesia’s disputes with Malaysia over folk songs”, “Malaysia claims Indonesia’s as their territory”, and many other disputes. Most of my life, I always see my country being denounced by Malaysia as a LOSER just because we can’t protect our own culture, history, and territory and because our leaders love PEACE so much. So whenever Malaysia is setting up a fire or looking for a trouble with us, we always try to back off so that there will be no war between both countries. But it doesn’t mean we didn’t fight, especially when it comes to our heritage and territory.
But in fact, this doesn’t happen to Indonesia only.
1. Myanmar Team Was Not Given Any Transportation After Beating the Malaysian national team 
After winning over the host, Malaysia, with a score 5-0 on Thursday (17/08/2017), abandoned women's national team from Myanmar could not return to the hotel because the bus driver was not there.
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There are rumours that the driver was suddenly arrested by the Malaysian police. 
2. Broadcasting Restrictions for Burmese
Burmese people could not watch all their soccer matches due to broadcast restrictions from local Malaysian committees. 
They reasoned that they could not broadcast the game, because the stadium does not have adequate facilities to conduct live broadcasts.
Source: http://bogor.tribunnews.com/2017/08/20/tak-cuma-bendera-indonesia-yang-terbalik-ini-5-insiden-memalukan-di-sea-games-malaysia-2017?page=4
Lol, well I guess the #ShameOnYouMalaysia trending was there for a reason, not only because we are all disappointed, but because of their unprofessionalism as the host.
Well, I just hope that Indonesia will not be like its neighboring country and will be a better host of Asian Games 2018 as anyway, this olympic is in a higher level than SEA Games 2017.
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Christchurch massacre hero makes emotional return to shooting scene
The two heroes of the Christchurch mosque massacre have made an emotional return to the scene of the bloodshed.
Linwood mosque Imam Abdul Lateef Zirullah, better known as Brother Lateef, and ‘Eftpos machine hero’ Abdul Aziz, from Australia, were re-united for a traditional Maori ‘cleansing’ ceremony at the Linwood mosque, where the pair’s heroics saved many lives on Friday. 
 An emotional Mr Lateef broke down in tears during the service and was comforted by mourners, including a police officer who was seen laying a friendly hand on the Imam’s back.
The service was  held just metres away from a growing mountain of flowers, and on a street where strangers have spent the weekend spontaneously hugging Muslims. 
A picture of Mr Lateef soaked in blood has become one of the enduring images of the tragedy, which has been described as New Zealand’s ‘darkest day’ with the loss of 50 lives.
Mr Lateef was the first to spot gunman Brenton Harrison Tarrant and raise the alarm outside the second mosque on Friday afternoon, warning worshippers to get down.
Scroll down for video 
Brother Abdul Lateef Zirullah (left) and Abdul Aziz (right), the two surviving heroes of the mass shooting at Linwood mosque attack, have made an emotional return to the scene three days on
Brother Lateef broke down in tears during a traditional Maori ceremony at the mosque. He was the first person to spot accused gunman Brenton Harrison Tarrant out the window and warned worshippers inside, saving countless lives
During Monday’s ceremony a policeman placed a comforting hand on the back of Mr Lateef as he broke down in tears
‘From the window, I sighted him (and) I thought maybe he was a policeman,’ Mr Lateef told Daily Mail Australia. 
‘But then when I saw on the floor next to him was another (dead) lady, I said “no”.’ 
Mr Lateef could hear the killer’s muffled, but clearly offensive, yelling, through the window.
‘I can’t hear him very well clearly inside but I know he was saying something, like using this vulgar word,’ he said.
‘I realised he is amiss and something must be done. Initially people didn’t understand but eventually people got to know what happened.’
After being alerted to the gunman by Mr Lateef, Mr Aziz picked up the first thing he could find – an Eftpos machine – and ran to confront the attacker.
When he got outside Tarrant had returned to his car to swap guns. 
Mr Lateef told Daily Mail Australia that he saw Brenton Harrison Tarrant (pictured) out the window of the mosque and initially thought he was a policeman, before noticing a dead body on the ground nearby
Moments after the gunman fled the scene Mr Lateef was photographed on the street wearing a bloodstained garment
An emotional Mr Lateef was comforted by dozens of mourners during the traditional cleansing ceremony
Mr Lateef told how after he warned worshippers, Abdul Aziz (right) grabbed an Eftpos machine and ran outside to chase the accused gunman
When Tarrant returned to his car to get another gun Mr Aziz chased after him and hurled the gun at the car, shattering the windscreen and scaring him away
Mr Aziz (right) said he could hear his two young sons inside the mosque urging him to come back inside and away from danger
‘From the window, I sighted him… I thought he was a policeman,’ Brother Lateef said. He then noticed dead bodies outside the mosque and yelled out to the worshippers at Friday prayers 
Mr Aziz then saw a discarded weapon on the ground and picked it up, before aiming at Tarrant and squeezed hard on the trigger – but it was empty.
‘He got into his car and I just got the gun and threw it on his window like an arrow and blasted his window… that’s why he got scared,’ Mr Aziz said. 
Inside the mosque Mr Aziz said he could hear his two young sons, aged 11 and five, calling for him to come back inside.
Mr Lateef said he had seen the iconic photograph of his robe covered in blood just moments after the massacre.
‘I was trying to rescue some brothers,’ he said.
‘I was thinking I could do something to save their lives, but, unfortunately, some of them, most of them had passed.’
Maori leader performs the traditional cleansing ceremony at the Linwood Mosque on Monday
The ceremony, known as a karakia, is regularly held after tragic deaths and is similar to rituals performed by indigenous Australians
Nearly three days since the horrific terror attack in Christchurch which left 50 worshippers dead, new details about the innocent victims are emerging
As of 2am AEDT Monday 
 Mucad Ibrahim, 3
Abdullahi Dirie, 4 
Sayyad Milne, 14
Khaled Mustafa, 45, and son Hamza, 16
Naeem Rashid and his son Talha, 21
Tariq Omar, 24 
Ozair Kadir, 24
Syed Areeb Ahmed, 26 
Ansi Alibava, 25
Ramiz Vora, 28 
Farhaj Ahsan, 30 
Mojammel Hoq, 30 
Atta Elayyan, 33
Hussein Al-Umari, 36 
Mohammed Omar Faruk, 36 
Junaid Ismail, 36 
 Osama Adnan Abu Kwik, 37 
Zeehan Raza, 38
Kamel Darwish, 39 
Dr Haroon Mahmood, 40
Husne Ara Parvin, 42
Syed Jahandad Ali, 43 
Mohammad Imran Kahn, 47 
Mathullah Safi, 55 
 Amjad Hamid, 57
Lilik Abdul Hamid, 58
 Arifbhai Mohamedali Vora, 58 
Ghulam Hussain, in his 60s
Karam Bibi, in her 60s 
Musa Vali Suleman Patel, 60 
Abdelfattah Qasem, 60 
Ashraf Ali, 61 
Mohsin Al-Harbi, 63 
Linda Armstrong, 65 
Maheboob Khokhar, 65 
Muhammed Abdusi Samad, 66 
Ali Elmadani, 66 
Mounir Soliman, 68 
Ahmad Gamaluddin Abdel Ghani, 68  
Hussein Moustafa, 70 
Abdukadir Elmi, 70 
Haji-Daoud Nabi, 71 
Still Missing:
Zakaria Bhuiyan 
    Mr Lateef said he was ‘very pleased’ with a Maori cleansing of the land and blessing, which was held at the mosque on Monday morning.
The ceremony, known as a karakia, is regularly held after tragic deaths and was organised by the staff of New Zealand deputy police commissioner Wallace Haumaha.
Mr Haumaha said the process was much like an indigenous Australian cultural ritual. 
‘It’s important to have that cleansing,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.
‘We use it … to ensure we have cleansed all the evilness – not so much evilness, but everything left behind by those deaths, to allow the living to move on.’  
It came after a Maori gang earlier performed a touching haka during a memorial at the Al Noor mosque on the other side of Christchurch.
Around ten members of Black Power, which was first formed in 1970, gathered near the police cordon at the mosque to perform the ceremonial dance on Sunday.
The death toll from the terror attack has risen to 50, with new details about the innocent victims continuing to emerge. 
They include, Junaid Ismail, 36, who left behind a wife, three young children and a mother who relied on him to care for her.
Another, Ansi Alibava, 25, was eagerly awaiting her graduation ceremony from her masters degree in May, while Hussein Al-Umari, 36, was a regular at the Masjid Al Noor mosque. 
Ozair Kadir (pictured), 24, was a student pilot at the International Aviation Academy of New Zealand and had been in Christchurch for just a year when he was killed on Friday
Syed Jahandad Ali, 43, from Pakistan was one of the 50 victims killed in the terror attack in Christchurch on Friday
Maheboob Allarakha Khokhar (left), 65, who was due to return to India on Sunday after visiting his son in Christchurch and Husna Ara Parvin (right), who was reportedly gunned down as she tried to save her quadriplegic husband from the shooter
Ashraf Ali (pictured) a respected imam at the Masjid Al Noor mosque who was originally from Fiji, is also thought to be among the dead
Also among the dead is Tariq Omar, 24, who is remembered for his kind and humble nature and was a former student of Cashmere High School in Christchurch. 
Kamel Darwish, 38, who moved to Christchurch from Jordan six months ago and was awaiting the arrival of his wife and three children – was convinced to go to New Zealand by his brother, who had lived there since 2007 and said it was a ‘safe place to raise a family’. 
Sixty-year-old Abdelfattah Qasem, from Palestine, was also killed on Friday at the Masjid Al Noor mosque – he was the Muslim Association of Canterbury’s former secretary.
Another among the dead is Musa Vali Suleman Patel, 60, who was visiting Christchurch to see his son and was a highly respected leader of the Fiji Muslim League – he left behind his wife Saira Bibi Patel, three daughters and two sons.
Ramiz Arifbhai Vora, 28, and his father Arifbhai Mohamedali Vora, 58, were both shot dead on Friday. 
The 28-year-old lived and worked in Christchurch and had a baby daughter a week before he was killed in the vicious attack – his father was visiting him from India at the time.
Syed Areeb Ahmed (pictured), 26, from Karachi, Pakistan lost his life in the horrific shooting attacks in Christchurch on Friday
Linda Armstrong (left), 65, and Tariq Omar, 24, were also brutally killed by the shooter on Friday in Christchurch
Sixty-year-old Abdelfattah Qasem from Palestine was also killed on Friday at the Masjid Al Noor mosque – he was the Muslim Association of Canterbury’s former secretary
Ali Elmadani (right), 65, was a retired engineer who immigrated to New Zealand in 1998. Sohail Shahid (left), from Pakistan was also killed
Ozair Kadir, 24, was a student pilot at the International Aviation Academy of New Zealand and had been in Christchurch for just a year when he was killed on Friday.
Another among the victims is Maheboob Allarakha Khokhar, 65, who was due to return to India on Sunday after visiting his son in Christchurch.
Four-year-old Abdullahi Dirie was also named among the dead after both he and his father Adan were shot at one of the mosques, while four of his siblings escaped unhamed.
Abdullah’s family fled Somalia in the 1990s and made New Zealand their home, he was the youngest in his family.
Before he was brutally killed, Amjad Hamid, 57, was a senior Medical Officer and Rural Hospital Consultant at Hawera Hospital who has been remembered for his kindness, compassion and sense of humour. 
National-level futsal player Atta Elayyan (right) was reportedly killed on Friday. He is being remembered as an ‘inspiration’
A recently identified victim is 38-year-old Kamel Darwish who moved to New Zealand from Jordan six months ago (pictured)
Ramiz Arifbhai Vora (left), 28, and his father Arifbhai Mohamedali Vora (right), 58, were both shot dead by the gunman on Friday.
Mohammed Omar Faruk (pictured), 36, from Bangladesh was shot dead on Friday at the mosque attacks in Christchurch
Another among the victims is Mounir Soliman, 68, from Egypt who was a design engineer working at Scotts Engineering in Christchurch since 1997. 
Zeehan Raza, 38, is also among those killed and was a mechanical engineer who moved to New Zealand from Pakistan in 2018 – both he and his parents Ghulam Hussain and Karam Bibi, were killed at the Linwood Masjid mosque.
Another believed to be among the dead is Bangladeshi Husna Parvin, who was reportedly gunned down as she tried to save her wheelchair-bound quadriplegic husband from the shooter. 
Three-year-old Mucad Ibrahim died in the arms of his father and brother, who only survived because he played dead.   
Mucad Ibrahim was attending Friday prayers with his father and older brother Abdi Ibrahim when a gunman stormed the al Noor mosque in Christchurch and opened fire on the worshippers. 
It’s believed that at the time of the horrific attack, Mucad ran from the gunman while his father and brother played dead.
Tarrant dismissed his lawyer on Monday morning and now plans to represent himself in future court proceedings.
Richard Peters said the gunman had informed him he wanted to represent himself as his case heads to a trial. 
Ansi Alibava (pictured) came to New Zealand to pursue a Master of Agribusiness Management at Lincoln University
Lilik Abdul Hamid, 58, from Medan, Indonesia (pictured), who died in the mosque left behind two children 
Three-year-old Mucad Ibrahim (left) was also named among the dead after he passed away in the arms of his father and brother, who only survived because he played dead. Cardiologist Amjad Hamid (right) was mowed down after moving to New Zealand 23 years ago because he wanted a better future for himself and his wife 
Haji Daoud Nabi (pictured), 71, a father-of-five and retired engineer, moved to New Zealand from Afghanistan in 1977 and set up a new life as one of the ‘first Muslims in New Zealand’. He is thought to be among the dead in the Christchurch shooting
Khaled Mustafa (pictured) arrived in New Zealand only a few months ago from Syria with his family, his son Hamza, 16 also died
Osama Adnan Abu Kwik, 37, from Palestine (pictured) was in the process of applying for New Zealand citizenship when he was killed
Mojammel Hoq, 30, from Bangladesh (left) and Musa Vali Suleman Patel, 60, from Fiji (right) also died in the shooting on Friday
Talha Naeem, 21, (pictured) was shot at the Masjid Al Noor in Deans Ave, his father was also killed on Friday
Hussein Al-Umari, 35, (pictured) was a regular at the Masjid Al Noor in Deans Ave, Christchurch, where he was killed
Muhammed Abdusi Samad, 66, from Bangladesh (pictured) was a lecturer at Lincoln University and frequently led prayers at the Masjid Al Noor in Deans Ave
Mr Peters said while the decision may seem irrational, Tarrant appeared to be ‘clear and lucid’, and did not appear to be mentally unstable.  
Tarrant never told him why he wanted to represent himself, but Mr Peters said he ‘presumes the basis for that is that he thinks the job would be done better himself’.
The shock decision has raised concerns Tarrant will use what will be a high-profile murder trial as a platform to spread hate and vile anti-Muslim rhetoric. 
‘I suspect that he won’t shy away from publicity, and that will probably be the way he runs the trial. The job of the trial judge will be to deal with that,’ Mr Peters said.
‘But it’s not a place for any views to be put forward. It’s simply there to determine innocence or guilt. 
‘The court is not going to be very sympathetic to him if he wants to use the trial to express his own views.’ 
Tarrant is currently facing one charge of murder, but more charges are expected to be laid in the coming days.
The 28-year-old who grew up in Grafton, in regional New South Wales, live-streamed his alleged attack on Facebook. 
He did not apply for bail or for his name to be suppressed during a brief appearance in court on Saturday, and is expected to front the High Court on April 5.  
Naeem Rashid (pictured), from Abbottabad in Pakistan, was hailed a hero after he tried to wrestle the gun from the Christchurch shooter on Friday. But he was badly wounded after sadly died later in hospital 
Cashmere High School student Sayyad Milne (pictured), 14, who was at Friday prayers when the shooting started, is believed to be dead. Although it’s not been officially confirmed, his father has spoken of his loss
Dr Haroon Mahmood (pictured) leaves a wife and two children aged 13 and 11
A spokesman for Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that five Pakistani citizens are missing (pictured missing person Syed Jahandad Ali)
At least one Jordanian was killed in the attacks and two are critical among the eight injured, Jordan’s Foreign Ministry announced
A woman (pictured) was seen distressed outside a community center near Masjid Al Noor in Christchurch, and said her husband has been missing since Friday’s mosque attack
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