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geodelart · 4 years ago
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“Deplorables!”, another from series, “Big Wokey— Bad-Ass Leftist Mob Art,” from 2019, each in series 12” square oil-on-canvas offered as limited edition glass prints. First exhibited in Boston, late summer 2019– most recently in winter exhibit, Imago Gallery, Warren, RI 2020. Others in series include, “Haters!” “Fascists!” Sexists!” “Xenophobes!” “Homophobes!” “White Supremacists!” and “Occupiers!” Stay tuned. #oilpainting #originaloilpainting #staytuned #artseries #imagogallery #winterexhibit #summerexhibit #limitededition #mobart #oiloncanvas #homedecor #decor #businessdecor #homefurnishings #interiors #galleryart #limitededition #glassprints (at Rehoboth, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-7qDmFUmx/?igshid=1y04x46866597
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femmedusoir · 7 years ago
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The first sculpture made of me by @brianboothcraigsculptor , symbolizes the meaning of true defiance, the triumph of the law of attraction, the rise of the divine feminine, Strength in all that it encompasses, and victory of light over darkness. Thank you _ the rest will be written in my book _ ______________________________ Will be exhibited @imagogalleries in Cali, next week on my birthday 😍🙏🏿✨
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moscanna · 7 years ago
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#poeticnight #ptd #endoftheyear #art #mends #healing #beauty #chihuly #glasssculpture #imagogalleries
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tratist · 8 years ago
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#objectinneedofanidentity with Eric Wong and Rachel Lee Hovnanian in " Like Honey, It's Not Everyday That We Are Needed, Cuddling Constant Companions Are A Rare Commodity (Hugs) So Lucky I Am To Have Something, That Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard. " . [&] . " In Eachother's Dreams We Can Be Together All The Time. " @rachelleehornanian @imagogalleries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #sculptural #gettyimages #artinstallation #friezeartfair #arthistory #artcollectors #streetartlondon #artweek #artlovers #streetartparis #nycgallery #newyorkart #nycart #lagallery #artbasel #kunst #artfair #artfairs #artwriting #artbaselhk #artbaselhongkong #artschool #curator #gagosiangallery #deitchprojects #abstraction #abstractexpressionism #abstractart #abstract (at Imago Galleries)
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geodelart · 4 years ago
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“White Supremacists!”— 12” square, oil-on-canvas, one of a series from 2019 that began with “Haters!” then “Fascists!” followed by “Sexists!” then “Xenophobes!” and “Homophobes!”...several more to follow. All part of “Big Wokey— Bad-Ass Leftist Mob Art Collection,” first exhibited in Boston gallery, late summer of that year; most recently at Imago Gallery, Warren, RI, holiday exhibit 2020. Limited edition glass prints available. #mobart #bostongallery #imagogallery #holidayexhibition #original #originaloilpainting #limitededition #galleryart #homedecor #businessdecor #oiloncanvas #signoftimes #artcollection #glassprint (at Rehoboth, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBevapF-8_/?igshid=13e6281s3nju6
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katzglass · 8 years ago
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Always love going out to @imagogalleries in Palm Desert. They have the best collection of contemporary art glass anywhere in Southern California. This sign is my favorite part! #donttouchthechihuly #glass #glassofig #glasstagram #glassart #artglass #glassblowing #glasssculpture #dalechihuly #dalechihulyglass #imagogalleries #palmdesert #socalglass (at Imago Galleries)
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lafootballleague · 8 years ago
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A Palm Desert Easter basket. Kisses by @jean_wellsart @imagogalleries #sweet #candy #chocolate #kiss #hershey #art #bling #palmdesert #desert #silver #gold (at Imago Galleries)
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lafootballleague · 8 years ago
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Pablo Picasso in Palm Desert [email protected] at @imagogalleries #palmdesert #art #sculpture #picasso #pablopicasso #salmon #jamiesalmon (at Imago Galleries)
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tratist · 8 years ago
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#objectinneedofanidentity with Eric Wong and Rachel Lee Hovnanian in " Like Honey, It's Not Everyday That We Are Needed, Cuddling Constant Companions Are A Rare Commodity (Hugs) So Lucky I Am To Have Something, That Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard. " . [&] . " In Eachother's Dreams We Can Be Together All The Time. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @rachelleehornanian @imagogalleries #sculptural #gettyimages #artinstallation #friezeartfair #arthistory #artcollectors #streetartlondon #artweek #artlovers #streetartparis #nycgallery #newyorkart #nycart #lagallery #artbasel #kunst #artfair #artfairs #artwriting #artbaselhk #artbaselhongkong #artschool #curator #gagosiangallery #deitchprojects #abstraction #abstractexpressionism #abstractart #abstractpainting #abstract (at Imago Galleries)
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geodelart · 9 years ago
#imagogallery, paintings by George Delany
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