"Spontaneous" Spencer Reid Imagine
The music played softly in your left ear.
“Butterflies with gilded wings this morning Touched the red sun and the rain”
The earphone slightly slid out of your ear as Spencer shifted and pulled the cord.
“Spencer?” you asked for him. Knowing he was right next to you.
“Hmm?” he responded.
Both of your eyes closed as you lay in the dark of your bedroom listening to “Reflections after Jane” your favorite song by the Clientele.
“One day I want to just leave. I don’t want to have a plan. I want to just buy a train ticket to anywhere and go. I don’t want to have a destination in mind. I want to see everything. Hear everything. Smell new things and taste new foods.” you admitted yourself to Spencer. You’ve always longed to be adventurous but you were afraid something would go wrong.
“Everyone wants adventure. There’s nothing wrong with that.” both of your eyes were still closed as you listened to the words flow out of Spencer’s mouth.
“I know I need a degree in order to work in film. But school is not my thing. I hate it, I want to be done and out in the work force. I want to make movies. I want to make people laugh and make people cry with my films. Why can’t I just do that without a degree? I already know how to do everything it takes to make a movie, why do I need a certificate of approval to do what I love?”
“I’m afraid that’s just how life is, love.” Spencer sounded sincere.
You didn’t expect him to understand, he loved school and learning new things. He has been on adventures. Moving to college was the first time you left your hometown, and your college was only an hour away.
“I want to be spontaneous and go to concerts and get drunk. I want to be crazy and take my shirt off. I want to have fun and see the world.” you were a little embarrassed about opening up to Spencer, but you love him and you trust he will not judge you no matter what.
“Well then, pack a bag. Spring break is in two days. You can miss your classes and the team and handle things without me. Let’s go on an adventure.” Spencer took out his earphone and sat up. You sat up and looked at him like he was crazy.
“Are you kidding?” you questioned
“Come on! There’s nothing to be afraid of. You said you wanted to go on an adventure, so let’s go! Right now!” he got up and started to pack random things into a small bag.
You thought this over in your mind and thought, why not?
“Lets go on an adventure, Spender Reid.” you smiled.
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speedreiding · 7 years
Random Questions
Thanks for tagging me boo :* @crimindsaspe
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag eleven.
I think I’m answering these
1. What is your favourite film genre?
Oh man that’s a tough question umm.. I’m going to have to say action and suspense. Stuff like Marvel for sure. I like action movies that have emotional components because it gives the movie an effect that I love.
2. If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
I wish I could be a fairy. Why? I don't know I would love to fly and yeah XD
3. What would you rather; be deaf? Or blind? And why?
Deaf. I would hate not to see... but also not to hear. I actually am really interested in learning sign and I probably will just so I can communicate with the deaf.
4. Who was your first fictional crush?
Edward Cullen but if we are taking WAY back then Phineas from Phineas and Ferb
5. If the planet could only have one gender of human on it, which one would you prefer? And why?
Wow umm I’m going to go with non-binary because everyone is beautiful and that would be a fabulous planet sign me up. (I know non-binary technically isn't a gender but idc that’s my answer)
6. What fictional character do you relate most to, and why?
This is a really good question! I will give you a mix I guess XD. I have qualities such as obliviousness and maturity like Scott McCall from Teen Wolf, loyalty and not-ever-wanting-to-get-in-trouble-ness like Steve Rogers or Captain America, my sister says I’m like Spencer because of my social awkwardness and avoiding of social activities but boy could I wish to be like Spencer Reid XD
7. If you could travel to any fictional world, which one would you visit?
Well... I guess the Criminal Minds world so I could love Spencer and tell him how cute and awesome he is
8. Do you prefer live music or recorded music?
I’ve never been to a concert... unless you mean like live but recorded... but I prefer recorded. I hate the crowd cheering at the beginning I don't know why but I just do, although I could see why some people would like it 
9. If you could create an ideal life for yourself, what would it look like?
Wow a lot more social that’s for sure. More active, more determined. I want to be that mom that brings Rice Crispie Treats to soccer games.... wait I'm only 16 XD anyways I want to be a lot more social, no more acne, lose body fat and not look like a pear. 
10. Have you ever heard a song that summed up your life/how you felt at that moment completely? What was it?
No... not off of the top of my head sorry to be boring XD
11. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
World peace. That will always be my answer. That and to get rid of abusive drugs like heroin, cocaine , etc. I just want everyone to love one another.
These are for you kind being, to answer:
1. What is your favorite holiday memory? (From any holiday?)
2. If you could speak another language, what would it be?
3. How often do you get sick? 
4. If there was one meal you could eat for the rest of your life what would it be?
5. Name a food you hate.
6. What is your biggest fear?
7. Do you want to save 15% or more on car insurance?
8. Explain your dream home.
9. What are you wearing... right now?
10. If you couldn’t be convicted of any one type of crime, what criminal charge would you be charged of?
11. Share 3 pet peeves.
@whymesswperfection @sapphicpage @phd-daddy @writingofreid @rotisserierogers @bookofreid @imagineyourfandomthings @petermaximoff @adamisstillinhellthankstoyou @gubler-cm @xoxocriminally-yours
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Someone has just told me that imagineyourfandomthings stole my Damon "Hide and Seek" smut. I remember blocking them some time ago so they can't see anymore of what I post to steal it. So if you see this person posting imagines chances are they most likely stole it from someone else!
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bonniebird · 8 years
Do you have any originals imagines blogs that you follow? I can't seem to find any
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Do you watch tvd too? Can you recommend like writers for the Lriginals and TVD? I'm just getting into them and you're the only blog I trust that watches it lol.
I stopped watching TVD after season 7, it got too boring and it just became all about Damon, which got annoying. Plus it went downhill after season 3, after they killed off Katherine/Kai and after Nina left. And I hate how they’ve been treating Stefan, he deserves better and Julie has been treating him like a secondary character in favor of Damon. Sorry about the mini rant, but TVD was good once and then sadly it got ruined by soapy, love drama, rather then focusing on intriguing villains (the only ones were The Originals, Katherine and Kai, although Silas wasn’t bad) and interesting storylines/characters.
I’m not sure who writes for The Originals or TVD, because I don’t follow any blogs that do. But a quick tumblr search I found a few blogs, you can check out them out and see if you like them:
- @imagineyourfandomthings
- @tvdsimagines
- @imaginethevampirediaries
- @dangimagines
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Hi babe! It's Lydia ❤️ I haven't been getting requests lately and I was wondering if you would be a doll and tell your followers to request? ily so much angel ❤️
If you want to check out Lydia’s blog and send in some requests to help her out then please do :) xxx
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alecslightwood · 9 years
I voted to stay stxdias ❤️
thanks :)
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | scott mccall going caroling
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | lydia martin decorating the tree
theme: 1(it’s the basic tumblr theme) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | kira yukimura hanging (and turning on) the lights
updates tab: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | malia tate eating deer instead of turkey
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | stiles stilinski telling liam dunbar santa claus isn’t real what
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | mccall pack exchanging gifts
come get your present
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Hi! I'm Phoebe, I co-own imagineyourfandomthings and I had no idea that Chelsea (she's the owner) was stealing your imagines!! I seriously feel so bad. I always wondered why the imagines she posed where never requests, it's because she was just taking them from other people. I am genuinely so sorry. I don't know what to do because I love writing and being a part of that account, I have become friends with so many followers. I will delete the imagines she stole, what ones did she take from you?
Thank you for coming to me! And thank you for the honesty! A while ago I asked for credit, and she said she would give it to me! But she never did and I blocked her but knew it was childish so I unblocked her. I turn around and she blocked me so I can no longer see anything on your guys' blog. So as far as I know she stole "hiding" which is my Damon Salvatore "Hide and Seek" smut. And that's all I'm aware of. As for anything else I have no idea. But the rest could be from other writers. I would suggest making your own blog and being on your own! And just have the followers you made friends with follow you there! Thank you for telling me this!
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daniellelarusso · 9 years
For L @imagineyourfandomthings
"Just say it..." Scott said, dropping his hands to his sides. His eyes were wide with worry, concern, compassion, everything that made him Scott McCall.
"I don't want to. If I say it it's real."
Scott shook his head. "Please. You're scaring me." His eyes were clouded, filled with concern and worry.
I sucked in a breath. "Something's trying to possess me." It was as if all of the air was sucked right out of the room.
(One week earlier)
"STILES!" I walked out of the bathroom, practically seeing red. "STILES STILINSKI GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!"
 "Whoop! Sorry I'm late! Pack meeting! Bye!" He ran out of the car quickly.
 I glared down the stairs and then turned back to the bathroom, which was entirely not just messy but disgusting. "I'm gonna kill him," I told myself. "Yes I am. I am. I am going to be an only child because I will murder my brother for being such a damn pig. And I won't even feel bad. Nope. Not a bit."
That was when  I went spiraling into a wall and the world went black.
"Hey! Lydia! Lydia wake up!"
 I woke with a gasp to see Scott and Stiles both bent over me, looks of panic on both of their faces.
 I forced myself into a sitting position and rubbed my head. "Yeah, I... What happened?"
 Stiles shook his head. "When you didn't turn up, I went back for you and found you passed out so I called Scott."
 Scott gently brushed the hair out of my face. "Did you see anyone?"
 "No," I whispered. "I didn't see anything. I just... I was thrown at a wall and..." I shook my head. "Then nothing."
 "It's okay," Scott whispered. "It's gonna be okay."
It wasn't that Scott lied. It was just that he was plain out wrong.
Things weren't okay. I started experiencing black outs, periods where I couldn't remember anything. This time, when I woke up in the middle of the gymnasium on the bleachers with Scott bent over me, I had lost an entire day. School had been over for four hours and I'd never gone home and I didn't even remember getting up that morning.
 "What the hell is happening to me?" I gasped, bending over. I rocked back and forth and shook my head. "i don't understand Scott. What is happening to me?"
  Scott hesitated, his eyes fixed on me. "I don't know," he whispered. But I knew him better than that. He was holding back,  hiding.
I let out a gasp and then I bent over. Everything was flooding over me. Things were too loud, dark clouds were fogging all of my thoughts. I could feel my hands beginning to shake and that was when I realized they were picking at my cuticles. I pulled them away, letting them rest on my knees as I took a handful of my skirt.
  I bent over and tried to remember how to breathe, tried to focus myself. Fuck. Fuck. No. I hated this. I hated it. Why couldn't it just stop?
 I let out a choked sob as my breathing got rougher and rougher.
I couldn't breathe. There wasn't enough oxygen.
 "Hey, hey," Scott said, gripping my hand. "L. Stay with me."
 I forced my gaze to him, my eyes watering so much that his image was blurred in front of me.
 "Scott?" I croaked. "I... I can't... I can't breathe..."
 "We're going to get through this." Scott pulled me into his lap. "I love you," he whispered. "This is where I first knew I loved you, you know. This is it. Right here. We were sitting and doing homework and Stiles texted you something annoying and you just laughed and called him a dork and I laughed and then you handed me an old Valentine's card- one of the little punny ones you get from the store when you're in like the fourth grade?- and then you told me that you had wanted to give that to me in the third grade but you got scared, remember? Scared I'd reject you. And I told you I'd always liked you. And I will never forget that look on your face. And then it all hit me in a wave, how much I loved you. What I'd do to protect you."
 He kissed my forehead. "I love you so much, L. I love you and I will always be here for you. And I will hold you every time. I love you. I love you so much it hurts."
 I curled into him and buried my face into his shirt. When it calmed down, I let out a small hiccup and whispered, "I love you so much Scott McCall..."
 "I love you too," he whispered, stroking my hair. "I always will. Always."
 I looked up at him and whispered, "Scott? I'm scared."
 "We'll find it."
 "I think I know."
 He stared. "What?"
 "I... I don't..."
 "L?" Scott's eyes creased with concern. "What is it?"
I bit my lip and shook my head.
"Just say it..." Scott whispered desperately. His eyes were wide with worry, concern, compassion, everything that made him Scott McCall.
"I don't want to. If I say it it's real."
Scott shook his head. "Please. You're scaring me." His eyes were clouded, filled with concern and worry.
I sucked in a breath. "Something's trying to possess me." It was as if all of the air was sucked right out of the room.
Scott took a deep breath and closed his eyes, making me think that one some level he already knew. "We're going to get through this together," he whispered finally.
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daniellelarusso · 9 years
Starting college is terrifying. Absolutely scary. But there's also something amazing about the whole thing.
Amazing and scary met face to face when it came to meeting your college roommate. I'd thought about it for a long time. Who would she be? Would we get along? It was terrifying. With potential to be amazing.
And she was amazing. Most times. Some times she was so persistent I could kill her. Like right now.
A teddy bear hit me in the head and I slowly looked over. "What do you want?" I mumbled.
"First, Mr. Bear back," she said. "And I'm hungry."
"Congrats." I threw her my pillow instead of the bear. It immediately came back and landed on my face.
"Let's go to IHop!" She jumped on the bed, landing over me so that she was straddling me. "Please?"
I sighed and looked at her. "And then I can sleep?"
I grinned softly. "I appreciate the honesty. And fine."
"Yay." Allison plucked Mr. Bear from my arms and got up. "IHOP!"
I grinned and shook my head, slowly getting up. "You are such a dork."
Allison stuck out her tongue. "Whatever. You love me and you know it."
 I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
 She grinned and kissed me quickly. "Admit it."
 "I love you," I said with a grin.
 She grinned back.  “I know.”
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daniellelarusso · 9 years
Guide For Having a Dick For a Dad
For @imagineyourfandomthings So I sort of amm tempted to make a longer fic out of this ifyou like it! <3
  Growing up with the dad that I had, I had to have my own personal rule book.
Rule #1 Take everything with a grain of salt.
Rule #2 If no one wants to be your friend, it's not you. It's him.
Rule #3 Pick your battles.
Rule #4 If a battle is worth it, fucking fight.
And that was why I was busting into my dad's detention. Because, well, he was a dick. And this was ridiculous. He couldn't handle the fact that he did something wrong and nearly had to pay for it and this wasn't fair.
 So I slowly opened the door and slipped inside his classroom.
 "Did you just sneak into detention?" quipped a familiar voice. I rolled my eyes as I turned to face Stiles Stilinski.
 "Tell you what," I said. "I won't give you a hard time for your life choices if you'll leave mine alone."
 His lips quirked into a grin. "I'm Stiles."
 "Trust me," I said. "I know."
 He raised his eyebrows. "You know?"
 I gave a small laugh. "Please. You hardly go unnoticed in class with all the quips."
 He looked proud of himself before remembering the situation. He slowly got to his feet and cocked an eyebrow. "Who are you anyway?"
"Just call me L." I went to the desk and sat in the chair.
 "Uh, whoa, hey, L. I really don't think that's a good-"
 "Shut up."
 "Whoa-kay." Stiles hopped onto a desk, sitting on it. He leaned over the gap between his desk and mine, trying to see what I was doing.
So sorry to interrupt your  detention but Sheriff Stilinski called and needed his son home right away.
- Jane
"Jane?" Stiles asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.
 "Receptionist," I replied.
"Won't he just give me longer detention tomorrow? I don't know if you know this but Mr. Harris is crazy vengeful."
 I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I know. But trust me. He'll throw a small tantrum and then forget. But don't worry." I looked up at me, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "He'll still hate you."
 "Oh good," Stiles replied dryly. I got up propped the note up. "So listen. Maybe I could get your-"
 I walked out of the classroom before he could finish, well aware of where this was headed.
 "Number," I heard him finish. "Yep. Awesome."
 Okay, I know. Rude. But it was just what had to happen. He wouldn't want to date me once he knew me anyway. And I know that that sounds ridiculously pessimistic but it was just the way it was.
Rule # 5 Boys don't date you when your dad's a dick.
"Lydia!" I stopped and looked up as my dad walked towards me.
 "Hey," I replied. "Listen. I already saw. Stiles is gone. Jane went and sent him home. Something about his dad." My dad swore and ducked into his classroom.
Please be gone, I thought. If Stiles stuck around...
 But my dad's loud curse word soon revealed to me that he was gone.
 "You know," I said, leaning in the doorway. "He really didn't deserve that detention."
 "That kid is a pain in the ass," he grumbled, grabbing his book bag. "Ready to go home?"
 I nodded, gripping my messenger bag. "Yeah. But you know, being a pain in the ass doesn't make him a bad kid."
 He threw me an unamused look. "Don't tell me you like him or something."
 "What? No," I replied quickly. "I'm just pointing out that you can't hate him becuase his dad-"
 "That's enough," he cut me off. That wasn't too surprising. He did it a lot.
 My nighttime ritual wasn't actually much of a ritual. I just liked to call it that. The only thing I did every night was shower. Well, then I messed around in my room until I fell asleep. But I will never forget the night it got a bit different.
 My computer beeped that I had an IM, making me frown as I slid onto the bed in front of my laptop.
Batinski- Hey, L ;) How's it kicking?
Me- Who is this?
Batinski- That would be Stiles. thanks for saving me.
Me- How the hell did you get my IM?
Batinski- Let's just say I have my sources.
Me- Sure. And I'll try to pretend that isn't stalkerish.
Batinski- But a little cute?
Me- Yeah, not really.
Batinski- Damn, you're harsh.
Me- And yet... You're still here.
Batinski- I'm kinda like a tick. I'm hard to get rid of.
Me- Wow. I've never met someone who compared themselves to a tick before.
Batinski- I like to break the rules.
Me- Okay. So.. Is there a reason for this?
Batinski- I'm intrigued. You saved me from detention wielding awesome forging skills and then POOF. Vanished.
Me- Yes. Yes I did. You're welcome. Good night.
Batinski- you're so cold. I love it.
Me- Oh my gosh.
*You have logged off*
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daniellelarusso · 9 years
Happy New Year- Klaus Imagine
For @imagineyourfandomthings You only have six minutes of 2015 left ;) 
 The clock was ticking. We were coming up on a new year, a new time, a new chapter of our lives.
 Yeah. Well, one could only hope.
 I took a swig of the beer in my hand, thinking that I really needed a good year next year. I needed a change of pace, and I knew that that sounded weird. I mean, come on. You want a different kind of year? I died this last year. How’s that for different?
In the last year I had learned that werewolves existed, as did vampires, witches, basically everything. I hadn’t met a ghost yet but, honestly, it would not surprise me. I stood on my own in the room, staring at the TV screen, Dick Clarke’s New Year Rocking Eve, and thinking about how empty I felt. It was like I was falling into a routine in this life, like every day was doomed to the same pattern.
 Marcel came to stand beside me and I tried not to say something rude. He was far from my favorite person. Apparently I was supposed to owe him, since he sired me and all. But I never asked for this. He picked me, he would say it again and again. He chose me. I was special. I had some kind of potential or… something. I don’t know, I tended to block him out when he spoke.
  “Not in the mood,” I said stonily.
“Excited for the New Year?” he asked, giving me one of those looks that said that he already knew the answer.
  I was bristling, trying to hold it back. Because I was looking forward to it. Because I loved the feeling of the slate being wiped clean, of a new paper to paint on. Anything could happen. Maybe I could find whatever I needed.
  “Marcel,” I started.
  “I don’t think she wants to talk to you,” said a new voice, smooth, suave.
 Marcel seemed to bristle at the sound. He slowly turned around, my eyes going to the man that he was looking at.
The first thing that I noticed was his eyes. They were a captivating dark blue that seemed to sparkle with light and mischief, but more. You could tell looking at him that there was more to this man than there appeared.
  Other than being one of us, that was.
 “Klaus,” Marcel said coldly.
 Klaus gave him a flickering smile before turning his attention to me. “And who is this?” Thee moment his eyes slid to me his expression changed completely. Charm took over his features, making him look warmer, inviting.
 “Leave her alone, Klaus,” Marcel said, his voice icy.
 “I don’t like being told what to do,” Klaus said. “Would you like a drink, love?”
  “Don’t,” Marcel told me, his eyes moving to me. There was a warning there but I could tell it was more than that. There was bad blood between them.
 Klaus was bad news. It didn’t take five minutes for me to figure that out. Especially in the way that the charm rolled off of him in waves, the way that the word love just fell from his mouth so smoothly. He was dangerous, probably more than I could handle.
 But I didn’t like being told what I could and couldn’t do.
  “I would love a drink.” I looked at Marcel and pointedly said, “Marcel,” before walking further down the bar, Klaus behind me. I had no doubt that he had taken the time to throw a smirk in the direction of my sire.
 “Happy New Years Eve,” he said, sliding onto a bar stool beside me.
 I looked him dead in the eye. “What’s your angle? Pissing off Marcel?”
 “That,” he said, leaning forward, “is always a goal.”
 “He can be dangerous,” I said.
  Klaus tipped his head back and laughed. I don’t mean a chuckle, I mean a full on laugh. “Trust me love,” he said, sliding a precarious smile my way. “I’m much more dangerous than Marcel.”
 “Well, aren’t you confident?” I rolled my eyes and took a drink.
 Another laugh. “Aren’t you quite the fighter?”
 “I don’t like being told what the rules are.”
 “Well trust me when I tell you I know the rules.”
 I glanced at him. “What happened with you two? Did Marcel sire you too?”
He gave a low, dangerous chuckle. “Ah, no. You see, I sired Marcel.”
 I sat up straighter and cocked an eyebrow at him. “How old are you?”
Klaus grinned at me. “You don’t waste time do you?”
 “Does it really help either of us?”
  His eyes sparked and he leaned in, close. Close enough that his shoulder brushed mine and I could feel his breath on my ear. And then he leaned closer still. By the time he was still, his lips were so close that when they moved they brushed my ear. “I’m an original, love.”
 My eyes widened as he slowly began to pull away and I moved to face him. Our faces were inches apart as our eyes met. I forced down a swallow, suddenly uncomfortable under his stare. It was an odd feeling. I didn’t feel threatened; it was more like I was close to something that I wasn’t sure I was ready for. I turned away, slowly letting out a breath.
  My attention was jerked back to the TV as the countdown started. I watched as New York began the New Year, as people began to kiss in celebration. My mouth quirked into a small smile.
 “I like you.”
 I nearly jumped as my attention turned back to Klaus. “Excuse me?”
 “You don’t bother to hide what you think.” He jerked his chin toward the screen. “I like that.”
 He gave a laugh. “You seem determined to keep me at arm’s length, however.”
 “What was your first hint?”
 Klaus leaned forward again. “I wouldn’t- if I were you.”
“And why is that?” Against my better judgement, I turned to face him.
 His eyes sparked again. I was beginning to relate that to danger. The only problem was that it also made my heart leap. He leaned forward. I didn’t lean away. “I promise the one thing you want. Adventure. Life. Trust me. Keep me around and you’ll never be bored or empty again.”
  How the hell did he know what I wanted? My mouth opened to ask a question but no words came out. He gave a small chuckle. “Trust me. After a thousand years, you learn to read people.”
 I wasn’t sure what to say to that so I took a drink. His grin grew, making me sort of want to slap him, just to maybe make him less attractive. “Why are you bothering?” I finally asked. “Just to piss off Marcel?”
 Klaus was quiet this time. He copied my move, taking a drink of his beer to postpone answering. Finally, he said, “Not just to piss off Marcel, although that certainly is an added bonus.”
 I cocked an eyebrow. “Then why?”
 “I told you,” he said after what seemed like a millennium. “I can read people.”
  I didn’t really have anything to say to that, so I looked at the clock. Our New Year was getting closer. I couldn’t help but think of what Klaus had said, of being able to promise adventure. Finally, I let out a slow breath, went to open my mouth.
 Before I could say a word, a piece of paper was pressed into my hand. “Not tonight,” he said quietly. “IF you want to join me, find me.”
 I held it tightly and put it in my pocket.
 “Ten!” shouted the people around us.
I looked at the clock.
 I looked at Klaus.
 “Have you ever been kissed on New Years?” he asked quietly.
 My heart leapt into my throat. Numbly, I shook my head.
 Klaus got up from his chair. He placed his hands on either side of mine.
 His hands moved to my sides, resting right around my rib cage, right above my hips. My breath caught. His eyes were fixed on mine.
 He lifted me- actually lifted me- out of the seat and onto the bar counter.
Our eye contact almost seemed to burn, but in the way that I wanted more. I needed more. Almost on instinct, I grabbed handfuls on his shirt.
 Klaus’s body pressed against mine, as if he could get closer.
 His lips were on mine, hot and urgent. I curved into him, my hands grabbing handfuls of his hair. His hands moved up my sides, around to my back, one hand grabbing a handful of my hair and the other digging his fingers into my back. It was the most captivating kiss I had ever had
  Slowly, he pulled away even though every bit of me ached for more. “Happy New Year,” he whispered huskily.
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daniellelarusso · 9 years
Stefan Salvatore one shot
  @imagineyourfandomthings L DEAR THIS IS FOR YOU! "You okay, brother?" Stefan jerked his eyes to Damon, who was sitting on the bar stool beside him. "Yeah. I'm fine." Damon cocked an eyebrow and smirked, fixing him with that look that drove nearly everyone nuts. It was as if he knew everything, even things about yourself you didn't know. "What?" Stefan asked, holding in his annoyance. "Speak." Damon rolled his eyes. "Feeling annoyed?" "Damon," Stefan groaned. "You were staring again." Stefan flushed. "I was not," he said in a low voice taking a drink. But even as he said it his eyes shot back over his shoulder- to her. He held his breath and tightened his grip on his glass. She was as beautiful as she had always been. "Stefan," Damon said, his voice annoyingly sing song. "This is not hard to get." Stefan shot him a dirty look. "Shut up." Damon gave a small laugh. "You're so pathetic. Go talk to her." "She hates me." "No, Stefan, she doesn't." Damon rolled his eyes, his tone so dry that you could hear his eye roll. "She's upset that you didn't tell her what was going on. Just talk to her." Stefan chewed on his lower lip before finally gathering his courage. He got to his feet and went to the love of his life, moving slowly. He sat down across from her, feeling a small flare of relief that she didn't leave. "So," he said slowly. "Are you afraid of me?" Lydia lifted her eyebrows. "No," she said as if it were obvious. Stefan let out a small breath of relief. "I'm still pissed," she said carefully. "But I'm not afraid and I don't hate you. I just..." She leaned forward. "I told you everything about myself. Everything. And you didn't tell me the biggest part of yourself." "It's not the biggest," he said quickly. "I don't... I don't want to be this." "But you are," Lydia pushed. "It's not a bad thing Stefan. It's just who you are." "And who I am..." He hesitated. "Is that someone you can stand?" Lydia gave a small wary smile. "That wasn't ever a question." She leaned closer. "But I can't do anything with that if you can't stand yourself. You can't hate yourself for what you are." "I've done bad things." Lydia watched him for a moment before gathering her things and standing. Stefan watched in terror. Was that all it took? "Are you coming?" He started, looking at her in surprise. "What?" "Well." Lydia's mouth quirked in a soft smile. "You need to be there if I'm going to learn my boyfriend's story." He gave a relieved smile and got up, following her out of the house.
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daniellelarusso · 9 years
Te Amo- Rebydia One-Shot
Lydia leaned against the wall by her window seat and stared outside. She was hungry and didn’t really want the crackers and cheese stored in her room. She wanted a meal and though she had money to go out, it was hard to talk herself into doing it.
For a fashion student, Paris is the dream spot to study. So there she was, in Paris, living in a small B&B room and spending her days wandering the city. It was a dream, it truly was. Any fashion student would die for it.
That being said, she couldn’t stop the homesickness, and it was annoyingly, sickeningly constant. Every day, she saw people surrounded by friends, family, lovers. She wouldn’t be human if she didn’t wish for that. Paris was great, but you could only stand being alone for so long.
Lydia let out a slow sigh and closed her magazine, slowly getting to her feet. She grabbed her bag and went out the door, grabbing a book on the way out. She always went with a book, especially when she was alone, knew no one, and barely knew the language.
When she sat in the little cafe, she was planning to go straight to reading but something caught her eye. That something being the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. She was sitting beside a blonde boy who had the look of a football player.
  He caught her eye and Lydia jerked her head away, mentally scolding herself for staring and worse- getting caught. He nudged the blonde and whispered something to her.
The blonde turned her head and Lydia could feel her eyes boring into her skin. She stared down at her book and took a deep breath before looking up and forcing herself to meet the other girl’s eyes.
The girl arched an eyebrow, almost looking impressed. She jerked her head to the table. Lydia’s jaw nearly dropped open. Was she inviting her to sit with them? The girl then beckoned with her hand. 
  Slowly, Lydia got up and made her way to their table. She sat down and tried to look more confidant in that moment than she felt.
“What’s your name?” The girl asked. She was British, Lydia realized with a jolt.
  “Lydia,” she answered, holding eye contact.
  The girl watched her for a moment before saying, “I’m Rebekah. This is Matt.”
  The boy nodded his head at her, flashing a small but warm smile. Lydia’s eyes slid back to Rebekah. The name fit her well.
   “Where are you from?”
  “South Dakota,” Lydia replied. “And New Orleans.”
Rebekah looked intrigued. “My brothers are in New Orleans.”
“I like it. I like big cities,” Lydia replied.
Rebekah glanced over her shoulder and  leaned to Matt. “That girl keeps looking at you.”
Matt raised his eyebrows at her. “Wanna split for the night?”
Rebekah shrugged. “I’m fine here talking to Lydia.”
Matt grinned and winked, his eyes very nearly sparkling. “Okay then. You ladies have a good night. Nice to meet you Lydia.” He got up and went to another table, sitting beside a girl.
Rebekah looked at Lydia. “How old are you?”
Rebekah nodded. “Would you like to join me for a glass of champagne?”
Lydia could have fallen right into Rebekah’s blue eyes. They were like two perfect, enchanting pools just waiting for her. “I’d like that.”
Rebekah flashed a smile and waved down the waitress. “Two glasses of champagne, please.” She turned her attention back to Lydia. “So. What brings you to Paris? Long way from New Orleans.”
“I wanted to travel, see things, meet people.” Her throat constricted on the last word. She forced herself to go on. “And I’m uh, I’m sort of studying.”
  Rebekah leaned forward, looking actually interested. “Studying what?”
  Rebekah’s eyes sparked, showing a true and bright light behind that carefully guarded exterior. “Fashion? I love fashion.” The waitress reappeared, setting the champagne down.
   Lydia smiled. “Isn’t it great?”
Rebekah nodded. “Absolutely inspiring. So are you going to be the next great designer?”
  “I guess we’ll see.”
Rebekah smiled. “I guess we will.” She took a sip of her champagne.“
"Where are you from?” Lydia asked, taking a sip as well.
  “All over,” Rebekah replied. “I’ve been everywhere, really.” Lydia must have looked impressed because Rebekah shook her head. “It’s no where near as grand as it sounds, I promise. Especially when you have no one you can trust.”
  “Matt?” Lydia asked.
Rebekah glanced over her shoulder at him. “Matt’s a new friend. This is my first time traveling with him. It’s been my brothers before him.”
  “Are you not close?” She asked.
  “We are close, in our own weird, twisted way. But a part of me wants to be done with them all together. You can only get screwed so many times before you get tired of it.” She glanced down, trying to hide but somehow revealing her vulnerability.
  “I’m sorry,” Lydia said gently. “That sucks.”
“That’s family. Or at least ours.” Rebekah shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I’m used to it.”
Lydia didn’t believe her but didn’t want to push it. “How long have you been here?”
“Only a few days.”
“so… You’re set for a place to stay?” Lydia was almost taken aback at her own question.
Rebekah’s mouth quirked in a small smile. “Would you offer me a place to stay?”
Lydia hesitated. “Yeah…. You could stay with me…”
“Well…” Rebekah glanced over her shoulder at Matt and the girl he was talking to. “I actually think my room’s occupied for the night. So I think I’ll take you up on that.”
Lydia couldn’t help but smile.
Lydia led Rebekah into her room, hoping beyond hope that she didn’t look as nervous as she felt. “Here it is. It’s not much but…”
  Rebekah looked around. “It’s cute.”
  Lydia gave her a small smile. “Thanks. Do you want a drink or something?”
  Rebekah shook her head as she sat on the bed. “No.”
  Lydia sat down slowly. “How many brothers do you have?”
  “Four,” Rebekah replied.
Lydia felt her eyes widen. “Holy shit. That’s… That’s a lot, yeah. I’ve got younger brothers back home.”
   “So you know how they can drive you absolutely mad?”
  “Brothers know how better than anyone.”
Rebekah cracked a smile. “True. So.” She stretched out across the bed. “What’s your favorite thing about home? Family excluded.”
  Rebekah gave a small, beautiful laugh. “It is nice, isn’t it?” Her eyes rested on Lydia. “I feel as if I could tell you anything.”
  Lydia slowly lay beside Rebekah. “You can.”
Rebekah bit her lip, watching her. “What if I told you my secret? My biggest secret?”
  “I’d keep it,” Lydia whispered. “Would you be afraid?”
   “No.” Lydia knew it was true. She wondered how she knew but truly had no idea. It probably shouldn’t have been true; she had just met this girl and she could have been a killer. But even if she was, somehow Lydia knew that she’d be safe with her.
Rebekah leaned closer and whispered, “I’m a vampire.”
  Lydia stared at her, trapped in a numb disbelief. “A… A what?”
   Rebekah’s face began to change. Veins showed under her skin, fangs came out of her mouth. And then it slowly turned back to normal.
  Lydia stared at her for a long moment before finally saying softly, “that’s amazing…” The reaction seemed to surprise Rebekah, which made sense seeing as it even surprised Lydia.
Rebekah suddenly leaned forward and pressed her lips to Lydia’s, her hand coming to rest behind Lydia’s neck. Lydia kissed her back, slowly wiggling her body closer to her.
After a few moments, the kiss was broken. They stared at each other for a few moments before Lydia kissed Rebekah again hungrily, passionately.
~ ~
The weeks with Rebekah were the best of Lydia’s life. They shopped, they went out, they danced, and they stayed in together.
Lydia’s eyes fluttered ahut as Rebekah’s fingers slid through her hair soothingly.
“I need to talk to you,” Rebekah whispered.
Lydia slowly opened her eyes and readjusted under the sheets so she could look at her. “Yeah?”
“Matt and I… It’s nearly time for us to move on…”
Lydia felt her heart plummet. “Oh. Yeah. That makes sense…”
Rebekah looked at her, her eyes soft, showing her vulnerability. “Come with us. Come with me.”
Rebekah smiled, a true smile that was so completely and beautifully Rebekah. “Really?”
Lydia smiled and pushed herself up more, leaning over Rebekah. “Of course.”
Rebekah grinned at her softly. “Thank you.”
Lydia smiled softly as she watched Rebekah. She loved how Rebekah seemed so confident and self assure but really she was soft and afraid. She was afraid of being left behind, afraid of getting hurt. And Lydia wanted to keep her safe, protect her from any and every pain.
“I love you,” Lydia whispered.
Rebekah’s lips parted in surprise. She beamed at her and pressed her lips against hers. Lydia kissed her back, pulling closer. When Rebekah broke the kiss, she whispered, “I love you….”
Lydia beamed as their lips met once again.
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hey babe could you please ask your followers to send in request to me? I have no request and I want to write 😈❤️
Everyone, go send some requests in to Lydia because she’s amazing! She does; Teen Wolf, TVD, PLL, The 100, The Originals, Scream and more so, if you like those fandoms, go check her out and send in some requests! :) xxx
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hello my name is Lydia and I love you and your blog
I love your name, it’s gorgeous. Thank you, darling, I love you too! :) xxxx
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