#imagined friendship or a crackship to add to my list? i decide
noxexistant · 3 years
jake muller from resident evil 6 and nero from devil may cry bonding over their deadbeat villain dads who abandoned them before ever knowing about them
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
do you have a favourite crack ship that you secretly think could be just a good ship
Oh anon, I adore you. Thank you for asking me this, I love to talk (well, type) and especially when it's about my favourite ships. Now, I checked, and by definition, a crackship is one involving characters that have never interacted/they have next to no chemistry/very unlikely to ever become canon. I feel like for certain fandoms, we may have to ignore the never likely become canon due to the abundance of homophobic authors/networks. So, I'm going to be delightfully predictable and give you my favourite crack ships from each of my main fandoms that I can name at the moment.
Harry Potter (Marauders Era): I can give you two, because why not? And those two would be Regulus Black x Pandora Lovegood and Petunia Evans x Alice Longbottom. Regulus/Pandora probably never met each other, we know practically nothing about either of them, and they certainly were never likely to become canon. But I just loving giving them a tragic tale, you know? And, it could have helped give a little more insight into Pandora's death, not to mention the horcrux plotline. Petunia x Alice honestly came out of absolutely nowhere, but I just kept thinking about a way to show Petunia that not all witches and wizards and bad, and she meets Alice because of Lily, and the idea of Neville and Dudley growing up together? Neville and Harry as cousins? It just intrigues me.
I also feel the need to add a slightly less Crackship one on: James/Peter. Because I am still convinced that Peter was in love with James, and it could absolutely have been one-sided, but I think there's something much more interesting there if James liked him back, but his feelings for him just weren't as strong as the ones he had for Lily. It would add to Peter's betrayal by quite a bit.
Harry Potter (Golden Trio Era): So many to choose from, but one of my favourites is Fred/Cedric. No clue if it's a popular ship or not, but it certainly feels like a crackship since they 1) had about two scenes together in the books and none in the movies which results in 2) barely any chemistry together, aside from Fred "hating" Cedric. But I just love a good childhood-friends to enemies to lovers plot, and they could achieve because they grew up in the same place! In the same year! And I would like to add on Pansy/Parvati for the same reasons as above.
MCU: I don't have too many ships for the mcu in general, and the ones that I do like tend to be quite popular. But a good crack ship that won me over is Darcy/Monica. They have interacted in the show, and they do have chemistry, but the chances of them being canon are so incredibly slim, so even though they're not a Total crackship (like my other personal favourite, Thor/Darcy), I think they get to be here.
NMCU: I still class the Netflix Marvel show as part of the MCU (because they are, canonically) BUT a lot of people tend to separate them so I feel like I get to do the same for this. In which I am incredibly curious about a Foggy/Billy pairing. Billy is a terrible person, but that man has so much charm, and even Foggy could be wrapped up in it. I'm feeling a similar situation to Billy/Dinah, to be honest, and I'm Curious.
Life With Derek: Trevor got one episode and I for some reason decided he and Derek should've been allowed a love story. Again, not a total crackship because they do interact, and there's some chemistry, but it's definitely not popular and definitely would never have happened in the show. But I think they should have because it could have been really interesting even if they didn't last!
Girl Meets World: Riley/Zay, which I know! They obviously interact and have chemistry, but there's barely any characters in that show who don't have at least one scene together. And with these two, they probably interact the least and don't really have the same on-screen closeness that a lot of the others do. But with that said, I really think there's something there between them. Their personalities are similar in their kindness and unconditional loyalty, but Zay's just a little more of a realist than Riley is, which is something both of them need from the other (a sort of grounding neutral). See, this is where I question if I just like their friendship or if I actually do ship them, but I think I do.
DCTV: A real crackship this time with Brainy/Constantine. They would loathe each other. At first. They'd bicker. A lot. But I can also imagine a really good dynamic building from that. A close second is Joe West/Martin Stein.
Roswell, New Mexico: Not at all impossible but imagine for me if you will, Max and Kyle. I'm sure many of you have imagined that already, which delights me. They're honestly about the closest to a crackship that I ship in this show, so it's what we're going with.
Lucifer: I will always stand by Lucifer/Ella, I have to.
The Vampire Diaries: Rebekah/Tatia because can you imagine the angst?
Legacies: I still say that Sebastian/Josie could've had a more compelling storyline than what we got, because Sebastian was entering right as Josie was about to go off the rails on dark magic, and with an unhinged, bloodthirsty, old-fashioned vampire around? I wanted it so bad!
Teen Wolf: *chanting* Allison/Malia, Allison/Malia, Allison/Malia.
I think that may be all of them, I'm probably wrong. But they are the crackships I usually think of first, so here they are! If there's a specific fandom that I left off the list, feel free to send another ask! This was really fun.
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