#imagine  batfam friendshiptolove
batsclass101-blog · 1 year
Dead People Book Club - Part 1
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(Inspired by a post on @someoneimsure , I’m new to writing for the batman/batfam fandom, this is actually my first post for them, hope you all enjoy! Also this has an OC who forced me to write it as a friendship with a bit of a crush. ... Most likely will be more than one part! ) 
“Local Scarecrow sightings... Police recommend the west side of Gotham remain indoors and secure toxin masks. Have a wonderful day--- Now onto--” 
A groan escaped Hero Kingsley as she fumbled for the remote to her crummy TV. She’d fell asleep watching a documentary of some sort after a long evening studying. It was not a wonderful day, the brunette squinted hazel eyes at the too bright screen. It couldn’t be more than four in the morning. She ground the palms of her hands against her gritty eyes. No morning in Gotham was truly wonderful. 
‘Aren’t you just a Suzie Sunshine.’ Hero flinched at the imaginary voice of her mother before batting it away and rolling off her half demolished, rescue couch. 
Despite the warnings of a Gotham Rogue on the loose, Hero had places to be, namely her job. College was one thing to risk her life for, she could ace her classes easily, but she needed the money. In the cog of things, every Gothamite knew the importance of money to survive in the city. 
“If I were still on speaking terms with my parents it wouldn’t be an issue. Huh Doyle?” Hero shot a small smile at the tattered looking black cat perched on the back of the couch. “I’d still have the Vette, but I’d be stuck at some society party. I’d rather work myself through college any day.” 
A lazy meow mingled with the insistent drip coming from the roof. The joys of living in Crime Alley never ceased to amaze Hero. It was such a change from her upbringing among the blue bloods of Gotham, but she was determined to make it without her parents' interference. 
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Hero tossed on a pair of jeans, neon green super-glued tennis shoes, and an old Gotham Academy Book Club shirt. The nerdy “I’m booked for the weekend, Gotham Academy Literary Club,” emblem always made her smile. She didn’t miss the snooty upper crust classmates she was tossed about with. 
She shuffled around making toast and coffee, listening to the morning radio announcements and fixing her hair. A glance at the clock alerted her to the need to leave to catch a bus or at least get past any criminals. 
“Gun check, pepper spray check. Purse with no money. Phone, keys... Think that’s all. Keep the place upright Doyle. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Hero was a strange character in general, for various reasons. Reason number one, she willingly ostracized herself from her blue-blood family to live in Crime Alley. Number two, she happened to love walking through the dangerous neighborhood... it must be the Gotham in her blood. Reason number three was her insistence of gaining a college degree rather than going into her family’s business (one that was questionable) in her opinion. 
The scent of stale cigarette smoke, booze, and other questionable odors pierced past the gasmask as she high stepped through the streets. She smiled a little as she passed a working girl, Ginny, who warned her to hurry as Scarecrow had been sighted headed towards the area. 
“I’ll hurry and I’ll be sure to shoot you a text to see if its all clear. Thanks a million Gin.” 
“Sure, thing Hero. Just stay safe.” 
It was an unspoken code among the women in Crime Alley to keep one another safe. Hero had learned a lot since her arrival to the Alley, it had included the unspoken women’s code and the second was that most of the Alley didn’t ask questions about her strange name. If she’d been brave enough, she’d have used her pretentious first name, Octavia. She smiled as she pocketed a stray switchblade, in a lot of ways she loved Crime Alley. 
‘You’re as insane as your name is pretentious.’ Hero rolled her eyes at the voice of an old bully in her head. Everyone has their quirks,
It took around an hour but eventually Hero made it to the combination cafe and used bookstore she’d snagged a job at. Books and Bites was a bit of a corny name, but the little hole in the wall had become quite popular. The pay was a smidge above minimum wage and Hero got free food, so she wasn’t about to complain. 
“Morning Short Stacks! Did you walk through the valley of the shadow of death safely?” 
“Perfectly fine. It was a lovely walk, the fumes of Scarecrow hadn’t even made it to my apartment.” Hero shot her coworker, Derry a grin. “You should come over sometime, you can help crush cockroaches. Also, keep calling me Short Stacks, I’m five foot two but I can take you in a fight.” 
“Right...Private lessons with Red Hood?” Derry smirked as he moved to flip the open sign on. 
“I’m beginning to think he’s a myth. I’ve lived in Crime Alley for years and I’ve yet to spot him. Toxin induced hallucinations if you ask me.” Hero slipped an apron on and began prepping the morning pastries. 
“He’s real! Don’t you ever watch the news?” The Indian boy rolled his eyes and turned on some soft jazz. 
“Not if I can help it. Unfortunately, it’s a must in Gotham. That is if you want to survive.” 
“Have you found yourself a new book club yet?” 
“No, unfortunately I’m too busy working and going to college. Alas. The joys of posh living have long abandoned me!” Hero flailed dramatically. “But if I do find one. You’ll be welcome to join.”
“Not me, I’m only working here to pay part of the bills.” 
Hero shook her head and turned to sort through the newest batch of book donations. Already she could feel that the day would be an extra-long day. The gloomy sky brightened just enough to tell that dawn had reached the dark city.
The day pressed onwards, and the former socialite thought carefully about Derry’s reminder about joining a book club. It wasn’t that she hadn’t considered extra-curricular activities, but there was little time to enjoy such things...though it wouldn’t be the same as her high school book club. All day long her mind flitted to her old book club. 
She hadn’t necessarily loved that club, in fact there wasn’t much she liked about Gotham Academy. Her desire had been to attend public school, but that was shot down quickly. She wanted to be normal; however, being from a family as old as the Waynes of Gotham had made that impossible. She’d taken to selective mutism, and it almost worked except for the school snobs that wanted in good with her. Her parents kept demanding she join more clubs so she’d chosen Gotham Academy’s Literary Club. She hated it until Jason Todd-Wayne had joined. 
 Four years prior - Gotham Academy
“I was just diagnosed with IBS—Impulsive Book-Reading Syndrome. Really?” Hero narrowed her eyes at the Club President. “That sounds... really classy. I’m sure that Principal Henson will love that.” 
“And what do you suggest Octavia?” Sharon Dillard snarled imperiously. 
“If I was suggesting something...it would be better than that,” She blew a huge bubble. “Sophisticatedly corny. Not something that would remind me of bowel movements.” 
“Listen here---” 
“What about a Jane Austen quote,” Hero crossed her legs with a smirk. 
“I second that.” A deep voice cut into the discussion causing Hero to turn. 
“You have something to add Todd?” 
“Like I said, I second Shakespeare’s motion,” Jason sent Hero an easy smile. “I’d rather not wear something about body functions and books.” He propped his feet up on a nearby table and stared Sharon down. 
“FINE. Let’s hear it Octavia.”
“I’m booked for the weekend, Gotham Academy Literary Club. It’s simple, tasteful and our parents will actually let us wear it. Most of us couldn’t even wear that around the house. You might get away with it...if you’re new money.” 
“All in favor?” Jason smirked and raised his own hand. 
All her memories of her old book club reassured Hero that she’d never find another one that measured up. She shook her head as she waved goodbye to her coworkers and headed off for her weekly grocery run. No book club could stand up to the fond moments Jason had brought to the club. He was the freshness that the club and the school needed. 
Hero had considered him a friend early on, even though they mostly chatted in club meetings and on the group chat...but it was sincere interaction. Sincerity was something that she longed for in a world of liars. As school crept on she slowly worked up the courage to share silent lunches in the library with Jason. 
He was her friend whether he knew it or not. She’d swapped copies of rare books with him, packed extra junk-food to share in the library and proceeded to share all the high society gossip so he’d have ammunition for the school snobs. 
When he’d died, she’d been shaken. It wasn’t fair and most of her “equals” were unmoved by his death. That was the straw that broke her. She didn’t have many real friends, friends she could trust... but Jason, he was a sort-of-friend, someone she could drop the act. She wasn’t Octavia with him, just Shakespeare. A passing fellow reader that didn’t give him a hard time and just accepted him. 
“Seventy dollars and eighty-three cent.” 
‘My grocery bill will be my villain origin story.’ Hero shelled out her money and hoisted up her bags and headed out. She needed to hurry home if she wanted to catch the Pride and Prejudice reruns from the BBC. The streets of the nicer side of Gotham brought back lots of memories...sometimes it played on her mind. 
Crowds swarmed around Hero as she marched towards the bus stop. It wouldn’t take her directly into Crime Alley, but it would get her closer and save her tired legs. Cautious eyes darted around watching for any potential threat. Living on edge was key when you chose to live in Gotham. Right before she made it to the bus stop, a familiar set of shoulders caused Hero to pause... She felt herself pale. 
“Jason... It can’t be...”
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