#imagine thinking you’re the victim after showing up to someone’s house and doxxing them on ur insta lolol
vexenya · 11 months
If you think it’s okay to put people in real life danger because they hurt your online reputation then maybe you shouldn’t be online, just some food for thought
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onisiondrama · 5 years
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He’s still uploading. He’s at 21 videos right now. I’m gunna stop with the full pics and just upload a pic of the videos I’m summarizing. 
BTW, you can find mirrors of the videos here.
PART 6 - Videos #11 & #12
one more
- He’s going to talk fast because he has to be somewhere. He needs to tell us things about Sarah so we could understand her more. This was protected by the NDA, but she broke it. She admitted to selling her own prescriptions. He told her if she continued he couldn’t have a relationship with her anymore. She said she tried cocaine. He thought that was crazy but looked past it. - They were in a weird zone where they were all together when she was an adult, then they weren’t because Kai didn’t want to. Sarah would get around it by having Greg lay next to her when they were in a room together and she would ask him to choke her. He says she would seem to get off on that. He keeps mentioning she was 18 1/2. - One time he and Sarah moved furniture together because she’s a strong woman. She got out of the passenger seat and sat in the middle where there was no seat. She put her head in his lap and faced his crotch. He says he didn’t know what to do and it was really weird. He has no idea why she did that. - He says she was acting like Greg was a bad person for not making out with her in the theater. He just wanted to watch Aladdin. That made him feel crappy and didn’t want to do things with her. - After they broke up, Greg slept in the garage because he was afraid she’d kill him because of her hostility. If you like her she’s you best buddy, but if you reject her she wants you dead. He says she told him she had BPD. She called her pills speed. She would be on and off the pills. He was scared for her condition. He was dead to her. Kai was happy they were on the same page. - He felt bad for rejecting Sarah so he offered to take her out to eat food. On the way home, Sarah accused Kai of smoking marijuana. He called Kai and Kai said he hotboxed, he was in the same room. Sarah unsuccessfully tried to ruin their relationship.  - When he took Sarah to the airport she cried and they hugged. She got his shirt all moist. He said sorry it didn’t work out but I do love you. I’m sorry this can’t be a thing. She said she just wanted to know what it was like to have a boyfriend. That triggered him because she wasn’t supposed to be there for him.  - He didn’t believe the person that told him Sarah said she would kill herself because she was in love with him, but things mashed up later on and it became a reality that she was only for Greg and only used Kai to get to him. - He says if Kai does go forward with leaving, he’s just going to be with a love doll. He plans on never dating or marrying again. Everyone who is mad at him right now, he broke up with them for lying, committing crimes and cheating. If they really had a problem with him they should have talked to him or dumped him. Nobody’s perfect. - People keep talking about kids, but there are no kids. There’s no crazy ring. All the events are encompassing and there are many witnesses. His family, their nanny, people he worked with. This because a crazy circus because he didn’t talk because Kai threatened to leave. The truth will set you free. - It’s not a crime to reject someone until they turn 18 1/2 and then not reject them anymore when they’re perusing you. He’s not legally related to this person in any way. - He’s been unfair to Kai and Kai is paying for his bad decision and he’s sorry.
just questions
- He has questions for Mr. Hansen. He tells Chris Hansen to answer these questions live. - “Where do you get your numbers?” He dated Billie when she was 19. He dated Sarah when she was 18 1/2. He dated Shiloh when she was 17 1/2 to 18 1/2. These were all legal. These are the only real relationships Chris covered on his show. Chris used to be someone who go after people who hurt children, like 12 year olds. With Greg, you’re talking about him dating a 17 1/2 year old when he was 24 (he was 25) and he broke up with her for cheating and having someone else’s baby. She was well within the legal range since she was Canadian and Greg was from Washington. She never crossed borders. When she was 18 they went to Washington.  - “What crack are you smoking?” This is the most bizarre and dumb thing he’s ever seen in his life. A 60 year old man obsessing over someone online who did nothing wrong. - Chris Hansen thought it was appropriate to show up at Greg’s house. One of the most psychotic things Greg’s ever seen in his life. Chris and six grown men, one of which went to court last year for sexual assault. You can see this if you look up that man. Why is Chris working with that man? - “What are you doing with all this money?” Chris can’t be paying the victims because that’s a conflict of interest. Greg says according to the news Chris Hansen is over $60,000 in dept to American Express and he was evicted from his home last year from a million dollar house. Chris is dating a woman 30 or 20 years younger than him. Chris likes to pretend he’s against an older men taking advantage of younger women, yet according to the news that’s what he is.  - “What is with your cameo?” Chris will tell anyone they’re a predator for $50. Where’s your integrity? You’re making a joke of your whole career. - Didn’t Chris lose his career because he showed up to someone’s house and they ended their life? Then he shows up at Greg’s house with his family inside “you disgusting freak.” According to the news, Chris’ show was sued and lost $100 million. What kind of nut job goes from one man ending his life and thinking he should still goes to people houses? Some people think Chris is a murderer. Who knows what that guy was going to do with what he was doing online. He didn’t show up at the house and he didn’t try to sleep with a minor of a young age, then he ended his life because of Chris. Instead of changing his career field to doing something where he doesn’t end people’s lives, he show up at Greg’s house and ignore three no trespassing signs. When you’re within 50 feet of those you’re trespassing. It’s a crime that could put you in jail for 90 days. “Didn’t think about that, did you?” Chris was in Greg’s driveway and the no trespassing signs were in the background. “What kind of moron ignored no trespassing signs?” - Says Chris is 60 years old and who knows why his wife left him. Chris isn’t an open book when he like to point fingers at everyone else. Chris got put in jail and there is a mugshot of him online. Chris told someone he’d pay them back and never did so they called the police. - Greg’s wondering all the money Chris Hansen is making off of victims is going. The victims are total frauds and clout chasers, he’s only ever dated three of them. Most of these people he’s never met. Chris is so stupid he never ran a background check to see if these people are clout chasers. What’s insane about Hansen is someone who is on his show who never met Greg is added to the list of accusers. - “What are people accusing me of? Sexual assault you said? When?” It makes no sense. Chris and his career are a joke. Chris is in dept up to his eyeballs and he’s using these people to make money to save whatever his career was. “Getting people to kill themselves job?” - Remember when Chris went to a state where entrapment wasn’t legal and he entrapped a bunch of people and they got to go free? Chris helped those people go free. Now they’re going to be super paranoid about being caught. Chris screwed up. Chris is the best friend of these guys perusing 12 year olds. You helped 20 people who are interested in children to get away with their crimes and he made someone end their own life. Greg can’t imagine what it’s like to be such a failure. - Greg is 34 so he has a good chance to get his life together. Chris is twice his age and this is his life? Chris is one of the biggest jokes Greg has ever seen in his life. - Greg didn’t answer the door for Chris because he has a family and when a creepy old man shows up to the house with a bunch of other creepy dudes dressed in dark colors, he doesn’t answer the door. He calls the police like a normal human being. - Chris would rather hang out with people who were taken to court for sex crimes. Chris fired Vince and Vince used Chris’ facebook and website to out him for allegedly paying someone to dox Greg. Chris seems like one of the most corrupt hypocritical people Greg has ever encountered. It’s amazing Chris is so old, you’d think he would have learned by now. - Greg offered Chris an opportunity to pay him $350,000 to go on his show. That fee is now $600,000 because Chris is the most pathetic disgrace of a journalist Greg has ever seen in his life. - The problem with Chris is he doesn’t know what journalistic integrity is. There is a thing called bias and leading questions. Greg was told that since Sarah was watching Greg since she was 12, that means she was somehow groomed since she was 12 when she was never groomed at all. - Chris doesn’t care about facts. Chris doesn’t care that Sarah tried to marry someone so they could get that green card, which isn’t legal, or that she admitted to doing cocaine or selling drugs. Chris doesn’t care Sarah repeatedly made statements about a laptop that make no sense because the laptop never belonged to Greg. The last person who it was used by doesn’t even live in this house. Additionally, the chain of command was the worst thing ever. It was allegedly sent to the police, then back to Sarah, then sent to Chris, then sent back to Sarah, and now it’s with the police again. That’s not even evidence. Wasn’t his laptop, last person who used it wasn’t Kai or himself, then it was sold to Sarah, then they passed it around. It’s bizarre Chris thinks something like that would hold up anywhere. Kai doesn’t even like porn. Greg never once caught Kai looking at anything. They base your whole case on a laptop that is dirtier and less credible than your career. - He doesn’t see where Chris is going with this. Chris can keep talking to people with no evidence, it’s a free country. He’s sitting here watching an old joke pretending to be a journalist and he’s watching people take him seriously and he’s wondering when the normal face will ware away and people will see the clown paint underneath. - If Chris could answer all those questions Greg would appreciate it. Greg thinks Chris should talk about how Chris’ whole life is in shambles and the only thing he has going for him is a bullshit case against a Youtuber and the worst thing Greg did was fuck an 18 year old. “Yikes bro.” - More videos coming. Wanted to give a shout out to the creepiest mother fucker to show up on his doorstep. How creepy is that for someone to fly across the country for someone to call the cops on you and the cops wait for you to leave?  - We’ll see what happens with the no trespassing thing because Chris and his whole crew did and that’s illegal. All y'all might be going to jail. That a real crime. You get arrested for REAL crimes. Greg doesn’t get arrested because he’s a former US Air Force cop.  - Greg doesn’t know what Chris is, but now you know who Greg is. He isn’t willing to lie down and take Chris’ horseshit so he could get more ad revenue and donations from people who have no clue what’s actually going on.  - “Just a little heads up.” Billie: dumped her because she lied and did illegal drugs. Shiloh: dumped her because she cheated on him and got pregnant with someone else’s baby. Sarah: Kicked her out of his life because she went crazy on him and he was uncomfortable with the illegal activities she was taking part in. Asks if there’s anyone else. Says Chris said there was 12. Greg says that’s a shitty case. Three people he broke up with over 8 years. “The fuck?”
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onisiondrama · 5 years
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PART 17 - videos #32 & 33
(Click here for video mirrors) - These are not my words or thoughts, I’m just summarizing what Greg / James is saying in his videos. Apologies for any offensive language or comments that may appear. - I am not repeating stories anymore and will replace these stories with brackets describing what he’s talking about. If you don’t know these stories you’re going to have to go back and read previous parts or watch his previous videos.
it’s time
- Someone on Discord said they wish Sarah would just tell the truth. Greg tells Sarah if she has a strong case, present it instead of taking things out of context. No fake screen shots, no bad acting, no faking anything. Just present what happened. [She went crazy after he dumped her, wants to ruin his life, no wand, he was creeped out by her, Aladdin was very good, didn’t want to make out] He wishes Sarah would come out and talk about [Sarah trashed Billie and Ayalla for years, Ayalla wanted to sleep with her, Sarah was kicked out for misunderstanding a joke, suicide threat, all because she was rejected, she’s imbalanced.] - Greg says it would make sense if she told it like it is instead of changing her story. [She says she had love for Kai, then says Kai is a monster] He wishes Sarah would admit she knew she wasn’t supposed to have photos and didn’t send them. Greg and Kai don’t know what Sarah is talking about with the photos. - Says he knows Regina is incapable of being honest. How could someone try to make it all about them when they’re not even involved? He doesn’t remember even talking to Regina and now Regina’s part of the Hansen team. A conflict of interest. - Sarah should come out and tell the truth instead of spending tens of thousands on a lawyer to find out in court he and Kai have hordes of documentation. He would love to share that with you guys but now his Patreon, Younow, and another social platform are gone because he posted a positive text and forgot to crop out the top. You bound his hands. If he shows any proof, you guys will report it as doxing and he will lose even more of his stuff. They have 5 years of texts on their computer and in the cloud. - He tells Sarah this is over. He finally told his side and has all the documents to back it up. If she wanted to take it to court, he’d gladly show the judge the evidence. The judge is used to seeing frauds like her. People who are malicious and vindictive all because someone broke up with them. [Sarah is mentally unstable, sells prescription drugs, illegal drug use, attempted marry someone for money for their green card.] He tells her these are serious crimes and he wishes she would acknowledge who she really is and admit she’s totally screwed now that the truth came out. - There’s no way Sarah is feeling good about herself right now. When Greg was a child he took a little toy car from a library and the guilt ate him up. It still bothers him to this day. When he was very young, he tried to walk out with a smoothie he didn’t pay for because he friend did the same and he was following him. The person behind the register asked if he was going to pay for that. Greg is humiliated to this day about it. He can’t imagine how Sarah would feel knowing Kai literally hates her. Kai has never felt more betrayed by another human being in his entire life. As Greg understands it, there is no one Kai is more disappointed with and feeling a victim of than Sarah. He talks to Sarah and says he doesn’t know how she could live with herself knowing that after saying she had so much love for Kai. She doesn’t understand how much damage she did to Kai. - [Greg compares Sarah saying she sexually extorted them as a joke to Greg going into a store and pointing a fake gun. They give him money and he walks out with it, then he says it’s just a joke.] Says calling it a joke doesn’t apply because he walked out with the money. She admitted she did it when she said it was a joke. [NDA / extortion story] By Washington state standard that’s a crime.  - Greg says he would love to prove his point to a judge. He’s obviously very articulate. She knows he has all their texts and the video where she says Kai is innocent. She can blow money on a lawyer if she wants. If she has any cognitive competence, she’d know what he’s saying is true and it’s over. He tells her she should have moved on instead of trying to ruin people’s lives because she couldn’t take rejection. She wasted Chris Hansen’s time and embarrassed him. Eventually Hansen might admit what a joke this is. She’s wasted the time of the millions of people that watched the streams and believed her bullshit. It’s time to fess up.
- On twitter someone asked why Greg called the cops on Chris Hansen when Greg invited him to an interview. Greg says that’s a stupid misinformed question. - Greg points out he’s not wearing his black rubber ring because it broke. Kai got him a new one so you’ll see him wear it soon. - Says imagine you met someone on discord and invited them to Skype sometime to interview them. All the profits will go to charity. They respond through Mike Morse. Mike Morse says no, but you can go on their show and you don’t know where the money’s gong. Their show is called “to fuck you over.” It’s not called “to prove someone innocent” or “to see what the truth is.” The sole purpose of the show is to catch predators. Why would someone be dumb enough to go on a show like that and expect it to be fair and balanced? - Where is all the donation money going that these “victims” [hand quotes] are generating for Hasen? [Chris Hansen financial issues.] - The show has an obvious bias. The title of the show and the leading questions show how biased they are. - He also didn’t want to go on the show to generate money to pay of Hansen’s debts. Greg says Hansen bought another boat. - Greg says he asked for the legal information from them so he could talk to lawyers about slander and that didn’t work out so he asked Hansen to be on his livestream for charity. Vince called him a predator in an email, so why would he work with them? - Mike Morse said Hansen won’t go on Greg’s show for charity. Greg guesses Hansen doesn’t care about charity and would rather make money for himself. [Mike Morse allegations] Greg says no one’s ever taken him to court for groping because he doesn’t grope people. - Imagine if someone who you met on discord who you had legal problems with because they slandered you showed up to your house. Flew across the country, showed up to your house, and knocked on your door with 6 other dudes. 7 dudes total and your family’s inside. This dude didn’t tell you he was going to show up to your house, he admits in a video you didn’t know he was coming, you didn’t invite him to your house, then he acts like he was invited because he doesn’t want to go to jail for ignoring no trespassing signs. If Hansen said he was invited, it was a lie. He says the 6 dudes stayed up the road because they thought they weren’t breaking the law, but they were withing 50 feet of the no trespassing signs. They knew they weren’t supposed to be there.  - Hansen is known for letting pedos escape because he doesn’t know entrapment laws, for hopefully catching predators at some point, and for getting that guy to kill himself and getting sued for $100,000,000 and losing the lawsuit and his career. You just need to stop being a sheeple and do some research to find out Hansen is corrupt. You think the world is black and white, heroes and villains. Heroes are just people who hurt people and feel good about themselves. Villains know they’re evil and don’t care. Heroes are people that go to Iraq to kill a bunch of people and feel good about it. - Obviously the world is not black and white. Obviously with all the articles and court documents, Hansen is corrupt as fuck. If Hansen wanted to claim slander, he would have to take it up with the news because Greg is just passing news articles. - Greg says Vince was there too when Hansen showed up. After, Vince wrote Greg and email, “the least you could do is offer us coffee.” Greg says they showed up to his house, his family was there, he had to call the cops. The cops told Greg they waited until they all left. They also told him to file an anti harassment protection order, which is what Greg said in court under oath. [Greg sarcastically acts surprised all his stories are lining up.] Outrage culture. You guys are the worst.
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