#imagine the reaction from the audience holy shit 😭
cherriiramen · 11 months
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lettingtimepass · 2 years
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Here is my spoiler-free recounting!
After over a decade of being a Starkid fan, I traveled 3,000 miles to see Nerdy Prudes!! (The date just happened to align with a trip I was planning.) It was so surreal being in the theater! I saw Producer!Dylan and Corey L. running around with their headsets. Then right before the show started I saw Joe Moses and Tessa walk in. Also two rows ahead of me was someone in a Spiderman hat... I was like... Is that Nick Lang? No... why would he be in the middle of the audience? Later I found out I was right 😂
For context, it was raining really hard in LA and the streets were flooding. LA is not used to rain so they're not well equipped to deal with it.
Act 1 went great and then shortly after Act 2 started, BAM, the lights went off. Everyone froze. The person in the light booth said "We've just lost power." Then, Nick Lang stood up and said, "It's going to be okay everyone, we'll figure this out." And he left to help the staff. But for a good minute or so the entire audience thought it was a bit and couldn't tell if this was part of the show or not! But after a few minutes we were like holy shit this is actually happening. It took maybe half an hour or so but we were back up and running and everyone was so hype cheering on the actors when they came back on stage.
Then, during the final song, on what sounded like the final NOTE, the lights went off again. You could hear a reaction from the actors-- I can't imagine how upset they must have been in that moment! But the entire audience erupted in cheers and instantly gave a standing ovation. After the crowd calmed down a bit Nick came back out and was like "Yeah...... That actually wasn't the ending. There are two minutes left." And we freaked out 😂 They had us wait for a few minutes, but then they decided to call it. In the words of Nick, "You're the lucky audience who gets to see this show with a happy ending!" 😳😳 So yeah - I still don't know the ending. I'm going to have to buy the digital ticket so I can see the ending and also get the full experience uninterrupted. I can't wait for the YouTube version!
I think everyone's favorite part was the LORDS IN FREAKING BLACK!!! AHHHHH!!! JON AS HUMAN!WIGGLY was perfect! Also was he giving Onceler/TumblrSexyMan energy? 🤔 Can't wait to see how it looks on the YouTube version!
I loved Jon's anime nerd character. It was so damn good. The collective "Nooooooo" when the audience realized his death was imminent 😭😂
The parallels between Abstinace Camp and NPMD are very fun to me. "IT WAS GIRL JERI THAT DIRTY GIRL!"
Max's pronunciation of "skel-a-in" 😭 I need the story of how he decided on that or if it was written into the script?!
The Barbeque Monologues?! And that song? Jeff Blim pls. Lauren is a master through.
Someone pointed out that all the Hatchetfield shows have in-world productions: Working Boys, Santa Clause is Going to High School, and The Barbeque Monologues. Idk what this means, but it is a nice touch for worldbuilding.
The little musical reference to Nightmare time!!
I keep thinking about how Rob M fumbled the Starkid bag 😬 But Joey did such a great job as Pete! For some reason it feels like a full-circle moment between MAMD and "Joey Richter" with him playing the nerdy character 😊
Anglea was freaking fantastic as Grace. I just love her voice and how she makes it go so high it cracks! And Curt and Kim playing her parents was so good.
There's something so funny about Angela's characters being so different - Lex vs Grace - and the fact that they would hate each other 😂 Can Angela please play both of them interacting?!
Kim freaking Whalen!!!! I love her so much.
I LOVE seeing Corey and Mariah playing father and daughter again (but it's a very different dynamic than TGWDLM).
LOVE LOVE LOVE evil/slimly dirtbag Corey. HE'S SO FINE!!
I missed seeing Jeff and James on stage - I wonder if Jeff's chaotic energy would have been too much with the horny teenagers hahaha. But James would have fit right in! Oh well, we can't have them all in every show, unfortunately.
Gotta say I didn't expect them to say "Nerdy Prudes Must Die" so many times in the show 😂
The last song having pop-punk vibes?!
Anddd...... the last scene...... (yes I finally got to see it!) GRACE KEPT THE BOOK!!! Did she say "every perv must die"? Yeah, that's gonna be a lot of people on her list... Also very similar to the end of Abstinence Camp! This isn't going to go well.......
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magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
From worst to best (or in your case, least awful), how would you rank all the sides of the Love Square?
Oooh jeez this will be interesting because I think my opinions on it have changed a lot.
I used to be cool with all sides of the square but since the show has devolved into what it is, I definitely like some less than others. Keep in mind, I haven’t watched the show since season 3 so I might be missing some info or be wrong. These are my subjective opinion too, it’s just how I feel about each so I’m looking the writing in all of them.
Because of what’s happened so far in the story, I can’t fucking stand this side. To me this ship represents the entire square so really I’m almost saying that hate the whole square, but it’s not exactly true. Adrinette is so frustrating because they canonised it without giving the audience the full satisfaction of the whole square being realised. What’s the point in the LS anymore if there’s no draw to it? Why are people still watching this show? Once again I haven’t kept up with the show since S3 so forgive me if I’m wrong but; didn’t the whole square flip at some point? So, Marichat were into each other but Ladrien was not? It rubs me the wrong way because it makes me dislike how they write Adrien even more: because it’s what Adrien wants, Marinette can finally date him, even though she literally got over him??
Anyway, I used to like this side of the square second most but now it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It has so many more problems but I don’t have much time to go into them.
Edit: from what I know now with season 5, they are lowkey abusive?!?! With Adrien/Cat never being mad at Marinette/Ladybug for messing up and always giving in and forgiving her and telling her she’s right?!?! Holy shit they just made him even more of a doormat because he’s in love with her. It genuinely sounds like a reaction an abused person would have with idolising their partner, and creating an imbalance. Not to mention she doesn’t actually love the Cat Noir side of him, according to Catwalker, That’s so upsetting and genuinely fucked up, the LS is literally fucked.
I always felt very meh about this side, but I understood where it had its fans. It’s kind of a shame that this side was just totally shut down by recent developments but it also makes things awkward because, Maribug had feelings for Chat at some point and Adrichat had feelings for Ladybug. They’ve definitely had romantic tension together at some point but that’s all supposed to be gone because of Adrinette. Thing is, I can totally see the writers sowing more seeds of emotional cheating because of course (I didn’t watch the NY special either but I heard that happened so).
I’ve always liked Ladynoir third most, second least? Because Ladybug clearly didn’t feel the same way about Chat. Sure further down the line she did but it started with Chat always pushing and pushing and her rejecting and rejecting. He’s tried to kiss her multiple times and even after he’s told no he still doesn’t get it (Prime Queen). Not to mention the disaster that was Glaciator.
I used to be whatever about it but now it’s just kind of sad, they could’ve had romantic tension without it being weird but now all hopes are dashed with now worries of cheating taking place. Yeah, it’s not looking good 😭
I used to like this one the least (I never disliked it) because they weren’t mutually into each other. Since recent developments and a more of an appreciation for their dynamic, I’m surprised that it’s not my second least favourite but since they had that whole romantic confession thing I guess I shouldn’t be. Now I have no idea what the fuck is happening with this side but, good for them I guess? I have no idea how the development was handled for them developing feelings either but imagine it was somewhat okay so, big win?
Marichat always had a fun dynamic but I was indifferent to it it because I’m used to seeing “girl rolls eyes at boy being flirty” it’s just so over done in my eyes? And it almost felt like Ladynoir 2.0, because let’s be honest he WAS being flirty in Evillustrator. So yeah I was “just making sure I’m different” about it, but now we got Adrinette being that and Ladynoir being stale, I can’t help but actually appreciate this one, which, unfortunately, makes the standards quite low. Also, I never liked how much the fandom sexualised this side the most so I still have a negative bias toward it but it’s never what it used to be.
Onto my forever favourite side of the square, and it’s purely because of how they for the longest time had mutual feelings for each other. I always thought how cute it was that Ladybug was able to save Adrien and take his breath was taken away. Marinette got to be heroic for the boy she likes, and I can’t help but still get gushy over how Adrien swoons over her in Dark Cupid. Gorizilla is my favourite S2 episode and it’s because of the amazing Ladrien and how hilarious it is. It’s just a very bubbly feelings sort of ship, and it makes sense because 99% of the time I love my ships having mutual feelings from the get go or getting a long very well.
I have no idea currently what the side is like in the show. All I know is that they fell out of love w each other (kind of?), so they don’t have this bubbly feeling toward each other except for Maribug getting feelings for Adrien AGAIN. To say that it’s my favourite is still quite sad because there’s no hope for it.
This isn’t exactly a straight forward ranking because of my lack of knowledge and my own subjective opinion but, here ya go
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