#imagine the best surviving photo of your late father having the emo phase teenager in it... horrible but so real. rest in peace grandpa
plumbogs · 1 month
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Mall finally got the makeover I neglected last round, featuring a goffik makeover, new glasses, and letting her hair down. i still don't know if i'll give her a special halloween costume too but i can always go back. she would do something fun for the holiday i think.
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she woke up early to congratulate consort on all his enemies.
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Darren did head to the studio today to get some current pictures of the greek houses to hang in the lots. This will be the second generation of greek kids to be photographed, as all the original members have moved out long ago. aww.
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dude shut up he wasn't even selling art today. you intruded on a photo session.
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However, today is once again important because it's Darren's birthday. cassandra invited all her friends (basically just everyone in the science career honestly) and anybody who is darren's friends/family as well.
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consort immediately began with the fighting so he had to be locked in the basement for the duration of the party.
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Darren came home and was able to blow out the candles in peace :)
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he's old now. I think I will also have to give him an outfit change again.
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He and Cassandra had some cake while the rest of the party guests kinda just stood around socializing.
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cassandra finally pulled off her wish to prank Mall, who also wanted to prank someone. the war begins.
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she just wants to be comfy. i've never even seen this want before.
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she took over cassandra's old room long ago and seems to have followed in her footsteps of having a fondness for occasional yellow. she also likes looking over mortimer's insect collection all the time. she never really got to be close to him so i think that is sweet honestly.
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everything is finally going quite well at the Goth household :)
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