#imagine steve with a big bouquet of roses lmao
weird-an · 9 months
Billy: I don't have feelings for you.
Steve: Okay.
Billy: I don't do dating.
Steve: Sure. Can I keep the flowers?
Billy: Do you like them?
Steve: Very much.
Billy: They don't mean anything.
Steve: Of course.
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I really love that Peggy and Sousa encounter each other in the future post 😍
I had to go back so many posts to find this post, lmao. This is a long one! 4k! This is so not what you wanted but I couldn’t stop writing??? 
Chaos was a normal way of life for Peggy. She had already accepted that when she signed up for the war, following Michael’s death. Being a codebreaker beforehand was hard enough and she was good at it, Peggy was good with her hands but it wasn’t enough. There was always that itch in the back of her head that just reminded her there was more that could be done and unfortunately, it took the death of her brother to realize what exactly she should be doing.
Then she met Steve, a scrawny Brooklyn Native who didn’t look like he should be breathing much less standing beside Dr. Erksine who insisted this is who he wanted for his experiment. It took very little convincing before this absolute mad man was nodding eagerly about this experiment, promising to keep the details under lock and key. As quickly as she met and no matter how hard she tried not to admit it, she lost Steve. A part of her heart went down with him in that plane and no promise to recover. To just move on because she had to.
Or so, Peggy thought.
Time travel was an idea of fiction on paper. She didn’t think it was real or something possible. Why would she? It was an amusing idea, one even Howard had tinkered with, yet as all ideas are, there is some truth to them. There had to be or otherwise, Peggy was insistent she was going mad here because Steven Grant Rogers was standing on her doorstep wearing clothes a size too big and with a bouquet of roses in hand.
The shattering teacup was the last thing she remembered.
That night, there was a long, long talk. One that went far on until they were both hoarse and bags under their eyes from lack of sleep. In reality, she was afraid to sleep. If she closed her eyes, Steve might disappear. This might be some hallucination from her imagination but every touch to his skin felt real whereas she couldn’t touch him before. He felt real when it came to the body heat and his heart. So, in conclusion, he had to be real, she just couldn’t accept it because he could easily be taken away.
There was this tale he spun for her. One about the future, about being frozen for so long, about how he fought in new wars, worse than their own, how the organization she was building in secret was destroyed from the inside out, how he had a key hand to it [and how very apologetic and downright hurt he looked by telling her this], how he has lost and gained, just to lose again, and how he got here. Time travel of all foolish things. And she wasn’t sure what was worst, the fact that he was here or the fact that she believing him.
Or the fact that she was going with him.
There was no other word for this beyond selfish but Steve had assured her that she wasn’t. Selfish wasn’t helping the greater good, he assured. They could rebuild Shield with the help of some new friends, start their life together. He would be there. And yet her life here? In this single, dreary apartment where the front door didn’t close all the way and her neighbor’s cat had snuck in and sprayed her bedsheets? Well, she didn’t think she was leaving much behind, so she agreed.
Steve did try to warn her. He did try to tell her about the future and the insane technology, not even Howard had agreed on. How Howard had a son [‘he’s hurt but he’s alive and he’s gonna be okay, Pegs, I promise.’ Funny, it sounded like Steve was convincing himself more than her], how Sargeant Barnes was alive, and the complicated history of Hydra behind it. He’d told her not to feel so guilty for it because no one knew but there was that itch, that self-guilt that told her they’d been so close to rescuing him. She just knew it, but they snuck out right under their noses.
There was a whole crowd of people waiting for her as they stepped through the portal, Steve holding the bag of essentials she’s packed. An outfit or two despite his insistence that they had clothes, a few files, photos, and even books. And of course...Steve’s photo that she kept close to her heart. She dressed comfortably, in her leather jacket from the war, slacks, and a blouse. The last she expected was a sharp whistle to cut through the crowd and to see a man with an eyepatch standing in the back. 
Steve’s sigh told him all.
“Director,” he said harshly, almost standing between him and Peggy, as if to put himself in harm’s way. “This doesn’t concern you.”
“Oh no, taking people from the past and bringing them to our future doesn’t concern me,” Fury huffed, sounding annoyed and almost amused. “Tell me why in the hell did you bring Carter here.”
“Tell me why in the hell are you speaking about me as if I’m not here?” Peggy snapped, stepping around Steve and folding her arms across her chest with an unamused look. She swore the man’s lip twitched. “I can speak for myself and don’t need Steve to speak for me. I think it’s very clear why I’m here and beyond the obvious to help recreate an organization that you have very well allowed being destroyed by your greed and a blind eye.”
There was a smirk on Steve’s lips as Fury rolled his eyes and muttered something about having ‘other plans’ and ‘not officially director anymore’ that reminded her of the scrawny boy from Brooklyn. That he was proud of her. Oh, that did the heart wonders.
“Spunky as always, huh, Auntie?” 
The voice made Peggy turn to find the owner. She felt like she was staring right at Howard Stark, except with more salt in his beard and more burn scars and a missing arm. This had to be Tony Stark. Steve’s friend, Howard’s son.
“Auntie?” She questioned, raising a brow to his amused look. “I think you’re older than me.”
Tony shrugged, still amused. “Maybe.” She scoffed as if not to say maybe. “Okay, I am but you practically raised me at points in my life. Not you, another you...the here...you. Steve, why did you have to make this difficult?”
“I did not,” Steve countered, wrapping his arm around Peggy to squeeze her close. “You’re making it awkward.”
Rolling her eyes and muttering boys, Peggy enveloped Tony in a familiar hug, mindful of the burns. 
“Auntie or not,” she sighed, patting his cheek. “I think I can still wring your ear when you need to be reminded of your manners.”
An almost familiar redhead was watching her from behind Tony. There was a sense Peggy got from her that she’s seen her before. Or perhaps another version of her. Younger, with hair and outfits that changed colors, and words that taunted her and wrung in her head. With mysteries that they still never solved. 
“Black Widow,” she breathed, much to Natasha’s amusement. “I’ve fought one of you before.”
“Dottie, if I remember correctly,” Natasha sighed, giving a small nod. “My trainers never quite let that go. You were always a pest on their side, even to the day you rescued me. Or well, you and Barton.”
Barton, she pointed out made her look over her shoulder to see a tall blonde with purple hearing aids and a boyish smile on his face. His hands wrapped around a leash, a golden lab at the end of it. Beside him stood a familiar sight. A very familiar site that took her breath away.
James Buchanan Barnes. Broader than she remembered the slender soldier, with long hair that was now tied back into a bun, and a shimmering arm of silver and gold. His stormy gray eyes betrayed the fear that echoed through him, one step more forceful than the next before he dropped to his knees at her feet. 
Peggy was quicker and saw the fall coming from a mile away, dropping with him to catch him in time and envelope him in her arms. He held onto her tightly, she was his comfort, his solace, and he was begging her for forgiveness for sins she did not know but haunted him. She felt the stubble on his face brush over her neck as he buried his face into her, his shoulders shaking with every other sob.
“I have you,” she whispered, brushing his hair back, her face tucked into his neck to give him that peace. “I have you, little one. You’re okay.”
“You-you’re...younger…” He hiccuped, trying to force those old Barnes ways back through.
“Younger and yet wiser,” she teased. Looking up, she saw the crowd disperse with the promise of introduction at dinner. Far as she understood there was still a God she had yet to meet and these other...agents. The only people who stayed were Steve, Barton, Romanoff, and another man who stood beside them with bright eyes and a smirk that reminded her of Gabe Jones.
Pulling Bucky back after giving him a few minutes, she pressed their foreheads together, brushing the tears from his cheeks. Steve had crouched beside them, a comforting smile on his face. This close, Peggy could count Bucky’s full lashes if she so wished.
“Are you okay?” She whispered in French. Steve had gotten the basics of it when he was alive beforehand, but Bucky had been fluent.
The language made him blink, the Soldier was never taught French. It was a forgotten language. But Bucky, no he knew it. It made him smile. 
“No,” he replied honestly. “Not really. You don’t understand because it hasn’t happened and I don’t think it will happen’ but I tried to kill you.” He took in a shuddering breath, avoiding looking at Steve. He wasn’t sure if Steve even knew this. “Hydra s-sent me to kill you, it was my first solo mission. No handler, no contact. In and out. I failed. You knocked some sense into me, literally, with a-a lamp post. It was...in some hotel I remember. We sat and talked. You tried to help me but I-I couldn’t let you get close. I told you of some names in..in Hydra that might be in Shield and...can remember my handlers torturing me when...when they died by your hand.”
“Damn right,” she grumbled. “Not about you...being tortured. Look at me.” She cupped both his cheeks and pressed a tender kiss between his eyes. “You are safe now, okay? You’re here and I’m not upset at you. Or going to hurt you. If...if you seeing me…”
“Stop being the selfless one for once,” Bucky snorted. “Jesus, no wonder you and Steve are perfect. You’d both take a bullet for one another.”
“Technically a grenade,” Peggy mused, making Bucky look up in alarm at the blonde.
“It was...years ago, Buck, c’mon.” Steve shot Peggy a look, standing them both up and looking away as Bucky cleaned his face up.
“Did you jump on a grenade?!”
“It was a dummy!”
Peggy laughed at their bickering, hugging Bucky tightly to her and kissing his cheek. She’d missed him, no matter how much she wanted to deny it. She did miss him.
“I’m not going to avoid you, Pegs. Some days are gonna be harder than others, but I’m gonna be fine. I can’t avoid you.” He tilted her head up with the metal hand, giving her that trademark smile that reminded her of her older brother so much. “You’ll find ways to wiggle into my life later, but I...think you met my partners.”
Yes, partners, Peggy hadn’t misheard. She was reintroduced to Natasha, Clint, and now Sam. Sam, who was the great-nephew of Gabe Jones.
“I take it you kept these two in line?” Peggy teased, hugging Sam tightly who just melted into her.
“Hell no!” He laughed. “These two are hell-bent on getting themselves killed. I think they learned that from you.”
“Guilty as charged,” Peggy mused.
It was a full month later before Peggy was introduced to those fellow agents she was promised to meet. 
There was Mack, now the official Director of Shield, and who was very humble to meet her and as only she could describe was a giant teddy bear. He even made Steve look small.
May and Coulson, two lovebirds who were dangerous in their own way and yet we’re still in love. May just looked amused as Coulson gushed about ‘being a fan’ and Steve just looked embarrassed for her. Then it was chaos after the ‘Avengers’ saw Coulson in their living room. The chaos of yelling about how he was alive and not told for so long. That was an argument that May and Peggy quickly escorted themselves out to have a friendly chat.
Three new people arrived a day later in a small, private jet. The first soul out of it was a small blonde, little girl who came to Peggy’s hip and had all the energy as a toddler should. She laughed when Peggy caught her so she didn’t run off towards the lake, spinning her around. The laugh made her smile. And even Steve who snuck up beside her.
“Alya!” Jemma sighed, running up to Peggy before skitting to a stop over the turf when she realized who spun her daughter around in a circle. “You’re...you’re…”
“I’m told you’re a fan,” Peggy laughed, holding her hand out and shaking hers and then her husband who looked amused. “Jemma and Fitz, correct? And this is?” She held her arm up where she now hung upside down on her arm.
“That’s our littl’ monkey,” Fitz laughed, scooping his daughter up and putting her on his shoulders. “Coulson called us about...this and we didn’t want to believe.”
“You didn’t want to believe,” Jemma countered, shaking her curls. “I believed him. Why would he lie, Fitz?”
“It wasn’t lying I was worried about! Normally people pulled from the past isn’t good! Look at Sousa!’
Time stood still and Peggy felt like her heart had stopped. She was fully aware people were staring at her. Steve had stood behind her, touching her cheek.
“Pegs?” He whispered, clearly worried. “Peggy, are you okay? Hey, hey. Whoa.” 
He lowered her to the ground when her knees gave out, supporting her body. Jemma knelt beside her, sending Fitz inside with their daughter so Peggy wasn’t crowded. Even May had come out of the lake house to check in on them.
Peggy blinked a series of times, clearing her throat. She could feel Steve’s hand on her neck, checking her pulse. She felt like she couldn’t speak, her mind was stalled out. She forgot every word she knew. Everything had been replaced by his voice, his face.
While she didn’t harbor feelings for Sousa, while their kiss had been rash, and she decided not what she wanted, they parted on good terms. Really good terms. His death, his violent, needless death of a body floating in a hotel pool had made her choke on her coffee when the news was told to her in passing as if it was a normal thing.
“Sousa is alive?” She finally whispered, feeling her hands starting to shake even as Steve’s own closed around them. “He’s alive?” 
Jemma and Steve shared a look above her, one Peggy missed. “Yes,” May replied over both of them, shifting so she was in Peggy’s vision. “Yes, he’s alive. And he’s doing wonderful. They’ll be here in a few hours.” She paused as if to consider her words. “He’ll be happy to see you.”
“Can you handle your jealousy?”
Steve looked up from the bed, where he was trying to rethread his boots with difficulty. He paused as the boot fell to the floor, the lace slipping out of it with a heavy sigh.
“Why am I jealous? No, how am I jealous? If I remember correctly, you shot at me for kissing…”
“No, I was shooting the shield.” Peggy reasoned, fixing her last curl into place before turning to face Steve from the mirror. “And you were kissing her!”
“No, she was kissing me. She kissed me and I couldn’t back away! I’ve told you, I didn’t want her, I wanted you.”
Damn Rogers and damn him for saying the right words. Peggy’s shoulders slowly relaxed and her eyes softened as she took the boot from his hand and wrapped him in a tight hug. “I know,” she sighed. “I see you kept the marks on your shield, after all this time.”
“Well, I had to have some keepsake to remind me not to fuck up again.”
They laughed, Steve slowly kissing Peggy as he savored every moment. He only jerked when there was a knock on the door, looking embarrassed as the door opened to a new face. 
“Oh!” Daisy, breathed, her won cheeks tinging pink. “I can go if you two are busy. May just sent me to find you...two…” Her eyes fell onto Steve, then Peggy and a small smile grew on her lips as if confirming something to herself.
Peggy stood up, taking Steve’s boot in hand and lacing it in three easy strokes before handing it back to him. “I take it you must be Daisy, right?” Her hand held out to him and she smiled as they shook hands. 
“And you’re Agent Carter. Jemma has told me everything about you.” She paused, her tongue between her lips. “And Daniel.” 
“It’s okay, I’m not...jealous or anything like that.” She wanted to make that clear, even if Steve snorted from the bed. “You have anything to say, Captain?”
“Just to keep your gun away from a man who doesn’t have a shield,” Steve teased, pecking her temple. He nodded politely at Daisy. “Coulson has told me much about you and the rest of the team. He thinks highly of all of you.”
“Yeah, well for a robot...he has a lot of feelings,” Daisy laughed with a shrug of her shoulders. “Is your team still done yelling at him?”
“Friends, not team. And sorta? Thor already knew because of Sif. Tony was quick to forgive him. Bruce said he knew already from working with Fury on some side project. As for Agent Barton and Romanoff… well, they hold onto grudges for a long, long time.”
Daisy chuckled as they left, hands in her pockets as they walked down the hall. She didn’t miss how Peggy had taken Steve’s hand. “We know. Agent Romanoff has gotten May back for a few things during our time together. Try explaining to Director Fury at the time why five chickens were in her office once. It took us ages to get them out. I think Fitz still has nightmares about those chickens.”
“They’re dreadful beasts!” Fitz shouted from the kitchen. “Let’s not talk about the Chicken Incident, please.”
“They are not,” Jemma insisted, smiling at Peggy. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Wonderful, thank you. I’m glad someone knows how to make a proper cuppa. The bath and nap did help.” 
Steve pouted when Peggy’s eyes shot over to him. “Hey, I tried to learn during the war. Unlike Pinky who just put straight up a leaf in hot water one time.”
“Steven, if that’s what you call tea, then I don’t want to know what you call coffee. You just don’t have that touch.” Peggy’s hand patted at his cheek, making Steve flush. 
“Don’t worry,” a voice behind them said. “I tried through all my years with her and still didn’t learn right. Even Mr. Jarvis tried to teach me. I have too heavy of an American hand, whatever that means.”
Leaning onto his cane behind them stood Daniel Sousa with his still boyish, but more handsome face and a proud look in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. Peggy’s breath was in her throat as she saw him, her hand gripping Steve’s tightly. Everyone around them, save for Daisy and Steve suddenly found they needed to be elsewhere to give these people privacy. 
“Hey, Pegs,” Daniel breathed, giving a warm smile. “Whoa, whoa hold on.”
He nearly fell if it wasn’t for Steve when Peggy darted to him and hugged him tightly. He had to admit, some part of him felt almost a little jealous until he saw Peggy’s shoulders shake. She had taken his death hard, she’d told him. The fact there was not even a body to bury had made it much worst and he wondered how much of that funeral reminded her of his own.
“She took it hard,” Steve whispered to Daisy, giving a sympathetic look to the pair whispering to one another. “Even if they were friends after...everything, she didn’t learn about his death until weeks after. Hydra was trying to cover it up. She blamed herself.”
“She’s really hard on herself, huh?” Daisy sighed, shaking her head. “Daniel has told me everything about them. Is this...weird for you?” At Steve’s confused look, Daisy shrugged. “Your...girlfriend with her ex? Is that weird?”
“Never really had anything to compare it to, so I supposed not. Daniel is an important part of her life,” he mused. “I just have to accept that, as she has to accept my friends are important to me. She knows about Bucky and I…”
That was the last thing Daisy had expected to hear, her eyes widening. “You and the Winter Soldier were…?”
“Bucky but yes, teenagers, during the war, Peggy was involved in it. And even after.”
“I think Coulson owes me fifty bucks,” she muttered. 
“Mention it to Clint and you’ll get a hundred.” 
Steve looked up from where he sat on the bench by the lake, watching Alya, Peggy, and Fitz look for ‘specimens’ in the shallow end of the lake. On the other side, Bucky and Lucky were going for a jog or more as Lucky was dragging Bucky through the marsh. In front of him stood Daniel, still with that boyish smile and leaning on his cane.
“Steve,” he corrected, scooting over and patting the seat. “Sit down. I know that thing has to hurt like hell. Don’t lie, I had to have a brace as a kid for my back. Felt like torture.”
“The whole straightening rod and all? Poor you. I see it’s done nothing for your posture,” he teased, groaning when he finally sat down. “It’s gotten better. I’m looking into better prosthetics, giving this up...feels sorta odd. Is that how the serum felt to you?”
“In a way,” Steve responded after a moment to think about it. “But in another, I didn’t know what the hell to expect. None of us did. I went in an asthmatic boy and came out...able to breathe and see color for the first time.”
“Was it Peggy?” 
Steve looked over at him, raising a brow and Daniel shrugged. “When you saw color for the first time, was Peggy your first sight?”
The Captain sighed and laid his head back, rubbing a hand over his face. “Yeah. Red. First time I saw it, you know? I knew the color existed, been told it does, but seeing it...seeing her eyes...her hair… But that red, it stuck to me. Took my breath away. She was...beautiful. Still is.”
Even if she was covered in mud now by Alya giving up the hunt and having a mud-fight. 
“I hope you don’t find it odd that I’m here, that Peggy and I talked,” Daniel replied after a few minutes of comfortable silence. “Peggy… Marge…”
“Look,” Steve put a hand on his knee and gave a gentle squeeze. “You and Peggy have a history, that’s okay. I don’t care. She’s important to you and you’re important to her. I’m not jealous. She took your death hard given everything at the time. You were there for her in times I couldn’t be and I’m thankful that you were a crutch for her to lean on. So, stop this...awkwardness...Pegs is important to both of us in separate manners. She’s gonna be here for a long, long time and I hope you stick around too. I like to think we’ll be friends even.”
He could even hear Bucky, in the back of his head, telling him what a kid he sounds like.
“I’d like that,” Daniel sighed, squeezing Steve’s hand gently. “She never stopped, you know? She never stopped hoping to find you. A part of her always kept looking. Always hoping, even if it was a body to bury. She’s always loved you.”
“I’m thankful for that because Gods know I fucked up a lot.” He gave a strained laugh, shaking his head. “She loves you too. In her own manner. It’s why your death hit her so hard.”
“Yeah, well, now we have all the time to make up for it.” Daniel stood up, holding his hand out to help Steve up with a small smirk. “Sure wish Thompson was alive right now. He’d so owe me ten bucks for even being friends with Captain America.”
“Don’t remind me,” Steve groaned, rubbing at his brow, hearing a heavy splash. He laughed at the sight of Lucky dragging Bucky through the mud before the man had the sense to let go and let the dog run off back towards the house. “That’s a face I wouldn’t mind punching, much shit as he gave Pegs.”
“Then I hope you don’t mind I’ve done it a time or two and blamed it on the alcohol,” Daniel laughed. “You want a few beers? I think they’re gonna be busy for a while.” 
“Sure. What’re a few beers between friends?”
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blossommarvelmuses · 4 years
send me 💍 + a ship and i’ll tell you— whoever you wanna do :)
Stony Edition 
where they get married
I imagine its on some pretty rooftop in Manhattan thanks 
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
EVENING WEDDING THANKS, maybe during the fall? 
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
maybe something borrowed? i can’t imagine they follow many traditions 
what their wedding cake looks like
here :)
….who smashes cake into whose face
who proposed to who first
also steve 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
i think that steve’s at the alter and tony is walked by rhodey thanks
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
both are wearing black tie suits gotta go all out
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
color scheme i bet its white and gold, both of their simpler colors combined.. the decor i feel is pretty modern but like…. fANCY MODERN, the center pieces costed like 900 dollars each 
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
there isn’t a bouquet oops
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
if anyone’s late to the wedding
T O N Y S T A R K 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
bucky, thor, clint are in steve’s
nat, bruce, rhodey are in tony’s
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
the boys are wearing a simple tux and i feel like nat is wearing a gold dress
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
thor’s is sweet and so is bruce’s but nat and clint are fucking TELLING TERRIBLE ONES
rhodey has the best B E S T speech
who catches the bouquet( s )
no bouquet
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
oh god they’re all fucking siLLY – those two can’t be serious but there are some sweet ones in there but they’re just idiots 
what sort of food they have at the reception
oh im sure so fucking 50 dollar steak and potatoes 
who cries first during the ceremony
steven r o g e r s
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
thor brought asgardian meed rip to everyone 
what their rings are like
both are very simple, steve can’t wear his all the time because missions so he also gets tattooed
but they both have engraved on the inside 
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
…………………………..stark tech
where they go for their honeymoon
anywhere warm, stevie doesn’t like the cold but HONESTLY its not like they’ll leaving the hotel room that often. so anywhere really
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
clint and thor have a drinking contest and clint ends up passed out in the middle of the dance floor for 2 hours before anyone really notices hes there
who officiates the ceremony
happy thANKS 
what song their first dance is to
steve’s SAPPY FAVORITE 40S SONG -- Dream a little Dream of Me by Doris Day
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
Bawna Edition 
where they get married
some cute little forest wedding 
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
SPRING, a sweet evening spring wedding
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
they’d have ALL the TRADITIONS – they’d do the crush the glass for bucky, garter toss ;), something borrowed and something blue 
what their wedding cake looks like
here :)
….who smashes cake into whose face
bucky B U C K Y 
who proposed to who first
honestly why do i feel like its fawna 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
bucky waits at the alter and fawna gets walked down by either steve for a friend of hers
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
i feel like its a very lowkey wedding, so bucky could get away with just a button down shirt and MAYBE a tie
fawna’s dress is here
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
i feel like their color scheme would be silver and green and white with maybe a hint of pink because fawna loves pink
i feel like the decor would be very simple, mostly flowers honestly
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
OOOOH this one here 
roses stand for passion and love, the tulips mean perfect love, Camellias are for affection and baby’s breath is everlasting love
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
god fawna’s are probably poetry and bucky’s are improvised 
if anyone’s late to the wedding
tony stark because its tony stark 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
fawna has nat in her bridal party for SURE, and maybe a few of fawna’s friends
bucky has STEVE du h, maybe sam, thor, 
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
again the men are wearing simple things, just maybe silver button down shirts
the girls are wearing soft pink dresses 
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
ST E V E ‘ S GIVING A SPEECH NO ONE CAN STOP HIM and it’s nothing by sappy and sarcastic 
who catches the bouquet( s )
nat does i’m sure much to her dismay and SHE WASN’T TRYING trying to 
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
i think they’re very sweet, but there are done just on phones and such? i dont think they’d go all out with a hUGE real photographer it doesn’t seem like them
what sort of food they have at the reception
something SIMPLE, maybe just a small buffet? 
who cries first during the ceremony
lmao steve 
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
i can’t imagine its TOO WILD, but there are is a nice flow of champagne and roaming hands
what their rings are like
fawna gets a pink diamond im sURE OF IT, and bucky get’s his engraved into the metal 
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
HEART SHAPED SPARKLERS ARE SO CUTE but also some little “love” potion
where they go for their honeymoon
somewhere warm, maYBE SOMEWHERE LIKE YELLOWSTONE DURING THE SUMMER. it would be woodsy and warm and cute fireflies and nature and not busy so it would be perfect for them both
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
they convince bucky to do the garter pull off blind folded but totally put sam in a dress and put on fawna’s garter 
who officiates the ceremony
maybe just a priest? gotta do it the jewish way
what song their first dance is to
They Say It's Wonderful - Frank Sinatra BECAUSE ITS SOFT AND ROMANTIC THANKS
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
i think a close friend of fawna’s gives her away
Stucky Edition
where they get married
a veterns hall in brooklyn thank you
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
a breezy summer afternoon OKAY 
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
CRUSH A GLASS but that’s about it
what their wedding cake looks like
….who smashes cake into whose face
are you kidding they both try to do it its a mess
who proposed to who first
not bUCKY
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
i dont think there’s a big walking down the aisle thing that’s not their style
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
i feel like its on the relaxed side so not full suit and bowtie but still dressed up in a nice blazer and hair done
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
BLUE AND SILVER that’s it that’s the colors. and the decor is pretty minimal i think its a very lowkey wedding when it comes to all the decorations neither of them cared
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
nooooo bouquet 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
if anyone’s late to the wedding
how many times can i say tony stark?
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
thor, clint and tony are steve’s (shhhhhh im making them friends again shut UP)
nat, wanda and sam bucky’s
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
blue ties on steve’s side and silver dresses and sliver tie for bucky’s
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
wanda is the absolutely worst and tells  tHE most embarrassing stories 
nat also tells embarrassing stories but hers is also the fucking softest and sweetest 
who catches the bouquet( s )
nooooo bouquet
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
what sort of food they have at the reception
gotta have A LOT OF FOOD FOR STEVE AND BUCKY. I imagine since its early evening something light? maybe chicken and veggies they’re simple boys
who cries first during the ceremony
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
asgardian meed means its gets wild, sam is on a table, clint can’t see anymore but its fun
what their rings are like
SIMPLE, just golden bands, they’re much more into wearing each other’s dog tags.. but steve gets a tattooed ring and bucky gets his engraved on his metal finger
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
ART WORK BY STEVE -- something simple for each mini canvas but its sweet and personal and makes everyone sob 
where they go for their honeymoon
they either just hole up in their apartment for a week and don’t go anywhere OR they go somewhere warm like ITALY IN THE SUMMER and stay in some little seaside house and eat endless pasta and dance until dawn in hole in the wall Italian dance halls 
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
SAM DRUNK DANCES ON THE TABLE AND NO ONE CAN GET HIM DOWN and clint loses his shirt somewhere during the evening but no one knows how or where the shirt ends up
who officiates the ceremony
what song their first dance is to
You go to my head Billie Holiday because its 40s and ITS S A P P Y
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
rebecca demands to give bucky away thank you for coming to my ted talk
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