#imagine if she hadn't gone back to the hospital jesus.
kuruk · 8 months
it was scary though because the first scan showed her ovary was seriously huge and they told her she had this like massive tumor but it ended up being mostly fluid filled. by the second scan though it had doubled in size which is crazy because it was not that many days apart!! and the first time already was huge enough for her to feel a mass. but the first doctor and nurse she saw (both men 😑) dismissed her when she went in concerned about her like sudden severe back pain she's had for weeks that gets worse at night and the doctor was like "well I don't feel anything :/? wrong place for a hernia so idk I guess that means it's nothing then. maybe it's a uti." and the nurse literally fcking told her on the way out "maybe it's because your purse is heavy" maybe men shouldn't be nurses or doctors or anything at all
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julemmaes · 3 years
Rowaelin Month, Day Five
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A/N: Yall I'm dying. I didn't even wanna write today and I kinda forced myself to and I'm not proud of myself for this but I just wanted you to have something so yep. Tomorrow's will be a lot angstier and sadder than this one, so soak up the very light fluff I'm giving you till you can
Signing off, goodnight yall
Word count: 3,614
Aelin hated the underground car park reserved for the residents of her building. It was dark, so narrow that you had to do at least a hundred swerves to avoid taking any corner and scratching off half your car, and it was impossible to find a spot when everyone came home in the evening after hours and hours in the office and parked as they saw fit while still thinking about the thousands of pieces of paperwork that would be waiting for them at their desks only nine hours later, sometimes taking up more than two spots at once.
The only reason she still tried to park down there was that there was a flock of pigeons in the trees just outside their block of flats, on the main road, which had made a nasty habit of shitting on anything - or anyone, on some unpleasant occasion - that stopped for more than five minutes under the thick branches. A perfect hiding place for birds, that no one had thought to warn her about when she had moved in only a few months earlier.
She had deemed herself lucky the night before, when she had returned before anyone else and found the lot completely empty. She'd been so happy that she'd driven around a bit down there just for the hell of it. She'd pulled up next to the exit, thinking it would be easier to get out the next morning.
She hadn't anticipated the three assholes who had parked so as to block her path in every conceivable way.
She grunted, banging her fist against the steering wheel when she realised she still wasn't clear, and put the car into reverse for the twelfth time, before changing gear and driving three inches forward. And so on, and on, and on, until she managed to steer the face of the car towards the exit and let out a satisfied howl.
She started up the slope towards the road, taking her eyes off the driveway and distracting herself for a moment to choose which radio to listen to, when the car hit something and the dull sound of the bang echoed throughout her body, propelling her forward.
Aelin squealed, hitting the brakes hard enough to cause a high-pitched squeal, and soon the smell of burnt plastic filled her nostrils.
The car shut off and she pulled the handbrake vehemently, getting out of the car and trying to figure out which wall she had hit, already cursing every deity that had ever existed. She didn't have enough money to afford a repair, and she knew perfectly well that the dent would be there for months before she let any of her friends help her.
She wrinkled her brow, noticing how no side of the car was touching walls or columns.
"What the..."
And then she heard it, a grunt of pain.
She opened her eyes wide, running around the car and finding a man on the ground.
To the view of a head full of stark white hair, the fear she’d just ran over one of the oldies that lived on her floor stuck her. But then the person got up on their elbows and she let go of a sigh of relief.
But still, she had just runapartment someone over. She hurried his way.
"Oh, fuck." said Aelin, approaching the stranger. The man pulled himself up to sit, bringing a hand to his face, on his cheek, where a cut was bleeding profusely on his shirt.
"Holy shit." muttered the guy, looking up at her, "That hurt."
Aelin was frozen in time, her hands to her gaping mouth, looking for the right words.
When he tried to stand, swaying a little, she pushed through the fog in her mind and truly looked at him, searching other injuries, but not failing to notice his sheer handsomeness.
The man looked like he’d been made in heaven.
She shook her head, mentally reprimanding herself – now was not the time – and started talking.
“I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t see you there and- oh god, you’re bleeding. You need me to rush you to the hospital? Fuck, you think you broke something?” the words just kept flowing and flowing. “Where were you even going? Why didn’t you just got out of the main entrance? This fucking parking lot. I swear we have to call the landlord and have him put some lights down here. Your shirt,” she grimaced, eyeing the blood standing out on the white fabric. Aelin looked him in the eye, “I have a very similar one upstairs? You want me to go fetch it for you, I could-”
“Jesus Christ!” he yelled, putting his hands in between them, forcing her to step back, “Shut the fuck up!”
Aelin’s mouth closed shut and her eyebrows raised so high she felt her skin pull on her temples. She crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes popping out.
This man. Sure, she’d just ran him over, but no one had ever talked to her like that.
“I’m fine.” he grumbled, “And I live in this building, I’ll go take my own shirt, thank you.” He took a deep breath, brushing off his trousers and bending to gather his stuff that had scattered around during his fall. When he lifted his head again, he gave her a tight smile and his piercing green eyes stared at her with an intensity that had Aelin’s toes curling in her shoes.
“Have a nice day.”
He then proceeded to walk away, leaving Aelin alone in the darkish driveway.
She looked around, hoping to see someone who could confirm that it had just been a figment of her imagination, but there was no one.
Getting back in her car, Aelin started the engine and drove up to the street, chewing on her lips, “What the fuck just happened?”
Aelin had thought all day about the mysterious man. She hadn’t been able to focus during her meetings and hadn’t even finished one of her projects. Something that she sure as fuck knew her boss would make her notice and work her ass off to make up for once word got to him.
Her day had started off so bad she knew it couldn’t get any worse, but she’d been wrong.
Her assistant had spilled coffee over her only finished drawing and herself. One of her coworkers had decided today was the perfect day to quit her job and pile her projects on Aelin’s desk. Then she’d gone out for lunch with some of her friends and it had started raining so heavily she’d been forced to stay in the office, only eye-eating the mouth-watering dishes her friends had posted on their instagram stories. They’d made it to the diner just before the sky cracked open.
And, the cherry on top, someone had keyed her car.
She’d been on the verge of tears when she’d spotted the red stains of her neighbor’s blood on the parking lot floor when she got back home, but she didn’t let any fall.
She had a date.
And she wouldn’t let all these little things get to her and ruin what could possibly be the best night of her life.
One of her life-long best friends had set her up on a blind date with one of her boyfriend’s best friends. She’d promised the man was the perfect match, someone Elide thought would keep her on her toes and match her overflowing personality.
Aelin had been hesitant at first when Elide hadn’t wanted to give her a name, or show her a picture, claiming she’d go all FBI style on him and ruin their first meeting, but she’d also promised Aelin she’d met the guy a few times and he’d been nothing but a gentleman.
And she had heard so much of him she felt like she’d known him her whole life.
Some of the things Elide had told her, she’d liked better if she’d found directly from him, but Aelin was a picky woman and she wasn’t risking another date with a creeper.
She pulled up in the restaurant’s parking lot where Elide had reserved the four of them a table and turned off her car, clutching the wheel. She took a deep breath. And another.
She was still a little worked up and all the pent-up emotions of the day were threatening to spill over the surface any minute, but she could make it past dinner and then have her little monthly breakdown in the peace and quiet of her apartment.
She fixed her lipstick, tightened up her ponytail and let two strands of hair cascade on the side of her face. She blew herself a kiss in the mirror, “You can do it.” she whispered as a short pet talk.
She got off the car, pulled out her phone to check if Elide was already inside and she was so focused on the screen she failed to notice someone backing up right in front of her until it was too late.
The car only bumped into her hip, but it was enough to make her lose her balance.
Aelin merely had time to register what was happening that she found herself lying in a puddle of rain and mud. She closed her eyes at the dull pain on the back of her head, but she knew for a fact the hit hadn’t been that bad.
She lifted her arms up, looking down at the wet spots on her dress, darkening by the second. Her seventy euros purse soaking up the water all around her.
The tension behind her eyes just increased when she heard the driver’s door open and someone step out of the car. She couldn’t have stopped the sobs even if she wanted to.
“Miss? Oh god, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
Strong arms circled her waist and pulled her up in a standing position. She brought her hands to her face, her body now racked by her crying as she tried to get a handle of herself.
“Miss?” the voice called again, now nearer. “Are you hurt? I didn’t-” the man talking stopped suddenly and Aelin looked up, not seeing anything through the tears. “You.”
And then it hit her.
That voice.
She knew that voice.
She ran her hand over her face, rubbing her eyes and staring right back at the man she had ran over that same morning.
Her mouth fell open.
He was looking at her with an amused expression and Aelin couldn’t find the words once again.
What was it with this man and his ability to take her ability to talk by just showing up?
He had a transparent band-aid on his cheek, his cut far less severe than she had thought, and his eyes were glistening with mirth. He was wearing a simple black pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt, but he was even more handsome than in his work clothes.
Aelin was taking rushed, trembling breaths, and she was about to kill this man with her bare hands. Shred his skin off his bones and have him beg-
“I guess we’re even now, uh?”
His attempt of a joke flew over her head and she charged at him, a scream lodged in her throat.
His eyes widened and he took a step back when she flung her arm at him, trying to hit him. His hands closed around her wrists, blocking her from causing him more harm that she’d already done.
“You asshole!” she was screaming at the top of her lungs. “You ruined my dress!”
Aelin lifted a leg, more than convinced to kneel his balls, but he managed to block her blow again, infuriating her even more.
“I was about to meet the love of my life and ruined my fucking dress!”
He tried to push her away from him, still squeezing her wrists, and his brow furrowed.
“He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. He’s a pediatrician! He loves children! And he has a cute fucking dog my friend said I would love and cuddle the shit out of! Her name is Fleetfoot and she’s a golden retriever and Elide knows I fucking love goldens. And he’s from Orynth, just. Like. Me!” she got louder and louder with every word she spit out. “And he’s tall, and handsome and he’s the perfect match! And I deserved this one night!”
The man was now looking at her with a dumbfounded expression, his hold slightly loosening.
“I’m so done with this dating thing and I’d finally found him and you!” she shoved a finger in his chest, making him retreat a few steps. “You wanted your payback so bad you ran me over with your car!
“And now he’s gonna take one look at me and think I’m a fucking psycho! I bet my hair are the most disgusting thing he’s ever seen and my make up. Oh fuck, I must look like a panda.” Aelin started crying harder, laying her hands flat on the man’s torso, pushing her head to his chest. “I look like a fucking panda.”
She tried to speak again but her mind just couldn’t form any coherent thought, until she felt the man’s arms closing around her shoulders. He stepped closer, running his hand up and down her back, whispering something she couldn’t really hear over her crying.
Aelin didn’t know how much time she spent in the stranger’s embrace, but when the gravity of the scene she’d just made in front of him downed on her, she felt her body flare up in embarrassment.
That was her life now?
Having mental breakdowns in a dark parking lot after someone she’d ran over with her car had returned the gesture and then making them console her?
She detached herself from the man and for a second she thought she’d felt him hesitate before he took a step back. And another, leaving her standing her in her soaking wet dress and her puffy, surely-red eyes. He bent down, picking up her purse and handing it to her.
She lowered her gaze, not even daring looking at his shoes and closed her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
The man made a sound of surprise, “Why would you be sorry?”
Aelin wished she could die on the spot. Evaporate out of existence.
“For hitting you. Or at least trying. And crying all over you.” she said and then grimaced. She ran a hand over her face. “I just had a very hard day and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to come, but this guy seriously seems like he could be the missing piece to whatever the fuck my puzzle-life is. I didn’t want to take a raincheck and have him thinking I’m not serious about this.”
A beat of silence, “I’m sure he would have understood.”
She shook her head, keeping on talking as if he hadn’t even been there, “And now I can’t go in like this.” she passed her hands on her dress, the tears building up again in her eyes. “Plus, Elide didn’t tell me what he looks like, cause she thinks he’s a real snack and wanted to see my face when I saw him for the first time.” she was bordering on pouting, “That means he’s gotta be smoking hot or I’ll be so pissed at her.”
The man snorted loudly, “A snack.” he hummed, “Maybe I should meet your friend and thank her.”
Aelin’s head snapped up, “Oh no, she’s taken.” she shook her head vehemently, “Like so freaking taken. I swear she and her boyfriend have been together for a whole of three months and they already act like a married couple.”
He nodded, a lopsided smile on his face, “I know the kind.”
She’d been so absorbed by her talking that she hadn’t noticed she’d stopped crying.
She breathed through her nose and clasped her hands together, before reaching one out towards him, “I think introductions are needed. I’m Aelin.” she offered a tentative smile.
His hand engulfed hers, shaking it with impressive gentleness. His smile grew even larger if possible and Aelin was starting to think she was about to het murdered.
But then he said his name and the world ceased existing around them.
Their hands still moving up and down between them.
She tilted her head forward, “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
He licked his lower lip, “I’m Rowan.”
Aelin closed her eyes, holding her breath.
She squeezed his hand before releasing it. She took a step back, wishing for the ground beneath her feet to crack open and just eat her whole.
“I’m gonna go kill myself now, if you’ll excuse me.”
His laugh reached her ears with painful speed.
She couldn’t believe it.
Well, she could. The man laughing his heart out at her expense was probably the most handsome person she’d ever seen in her entire life.
At least Elide hadn’t lied about that.
“A tad dramatic, if you ask me,” he said as his laugh died down. He pointed at the restaurant behind him, “You want me to go fetch the married couple so we can go back at the appartment and you can change? I’m not against you walking in there with this outfit at all,” he gave a pointed look, matched by a shit-eating grin that seemed to be etched in his lips, “I’m not gonna think you’re a psycho, not for this at least, and I’m ready to fight everyone who looks at you the wrong way. But you look like you could use the comfort of a warm house.”
Aelin looked up at him with a questioning look, trying to understand if this man she’d just tried to maul was seriously offering her options, letting her choose after everything that had gone down so far between the two of them. As if still giving her a chance.
Rowan arched a brow, looking around and glancing back at her, “Aelin?”
Oh, fuck.
She had been oh so not ready o hear her name from his lips.
She nodded and he smiled, leaning down a bit.
She could smell his cologne from here.
“Yes to what? Me calling Lorcan and Elide or getting inside even if you dripping wet?”
Holy fucking shit, this man shouldn’t have been allowed to say the words dripping wet.
She stilled herself.
What the hell was she thinking? She brought her hands to her face, “Please call them and let’s head home. I’m so fucking tired.” a yawn broke her sentence, as to prove her words, “And I’m freezing in this skimpy dress.”
Rowan rushed to her side, “Oh, god, sorry for not offering sooner, here,” he opened the trunk of his car and pulled out a huge blue sweater. Without even waiting for an answer he snatched her purse from her hands and shoved her head in his sweater.
Aelin felt better right away and gave him a big smile.
Rowan answered with one of his own and of course he had to be this perfect and more.
“I’m sorry for ruining your dress, I’ll make sure they wash it carefully when I take it to the laundry. If you’d let me.”
She nodded faintly, exhaling the panty-dropping smell of his sweater.
“And I’m hoping to see you wear it again once we finally get to go on a proper date.” he smirked, “I bet you looked amazing before I went and ran you over.”
Aelin chuckled, shaking her head, “You truly are a gentleman. Elide wasn’t exaggerating.”
Rowan’s demeanor changed completely and Aelin feared she’d said something wrong, but he averted his gaze as if he was embarassed.
“I’m sorry for this morning,” he said. Aelin almost tripped on her feet. He was sorry? “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that but I was just coming back from the hospital and Elide was right saying I work with kids, but I’m not a pediatrician, I’m a pediatric surgeon.”
His gaze grew dark as he looked over her shoulder, avoiding meeting her eyes at all costs.
“Yesterday night we lost a eight years old and I wasn’t really there when you hit me with your car. I didn’t mean to yell at you like I did, it was just-”
Rowan couldn’t finish his sentence that Aelin lunged for him, hugging him as tight as he’d held her a few minutes before, hoping she could relieve some of the pain that was surely clutching his heart. She felt him sag in her arms and hold her in turn.
She was glad she could offer some kind of support.
“It must be hard.” she whispered against his chest.
Rowan nodded, hitting her head with his chin, “It is, but it’s part of the job. The only way you can live with something like that in your baggage is knowing you did everything you could to save them.”
Aelin could feel the emotion lacing his every word and tightened her arms for a moment before freeing him of her embrace. He silently thanked her and told her he’d be right back with their friends.
The second he was gone she realized she couldn’t wait for when he’d be back and they could keep talking.
She’d never felt this way before. Not this fast at least.
Sure, she had loved all her exes, but this. This was different.
There was something there, a connection.
And while he walked back to her, Lorcan and Elide in tow, a bright smile on his handsome face, she couldn’t help but think she was ready to find out all about it.
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@maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @hellasblessed @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @letstakethedawn @terrible-and-proud @post-it-notes33 @booksstorm @nalgenewhore @queen-of-demons-and-hell @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan @cupcakey00 @bri-loves-sunflowers @queen-of-glass @thewayshedreamed @the-regal-warrior @fangirlprincess09 @januarystears @rowaelinismyotp @starbornsinger @bookstantrash @thegreyj @feysand-loml @autumnbabylon @a-court-of-milkandhoney @highqueenofelfhame @story-scribbler @mariamuses
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