#imagine if sam couldnt make holy water anymore
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s0fter-sin · 1 year ago
sometimes i think about how much of a waste it was to just have cas ignoring sam’s prayers in s6 instead of him actually not being able to hear him bc he was soulless and his prayers didn’t work
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winchesterimagine · 5 years ago
Family Curse
Hiii I was wondering if you can imagine where the reader is their sister and she has demon blood in her too like sammy. And they go on a hunt and she can't control herself and drinks and doesn't know what to do apart from putting her in the panic room and Sam stays with her ,because Dean can't really look at the sight. Thank you :) x
Authors note: Sorry I'm really rusty everyone but I hope y'all enjoy.
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Family Curse
Why is it that us winchesters find ourselves in the worst possible situations? I mean by now you would think we would know how to avoid these types of situations.Another hunt in a house in the middle of nowhere how typical of us. Your train of thought was cut off by a yell.
“Y/N, A little back up wouldn't hurt ” you heard your brothers outcry from the next room over. You came to your senses running into the room you heard their yells. Fully loaded you kicked the door in scanning the room only to see Sam pinned to a wall and Dean fighting against a blade to his neck with a demon. This scene was all too familiar to you. Before you could do anything the demon looked straight at you and laughed.
“This is what you call back up, I would think you two knew better.”
You watched as he threw your 6 ft brother like a rag doll against a wall knocking him out. You got your smart mouth from your oldest brother Dean.
“ I would think Demons knew not to even breathe near a winchester”
“She's spunky you see I like that about you winchesters. You can see death right in front of you but you won't hesitate with your sarcasm.”
“What can i say it runs in the family.”
“ What a sad family it is. I mean look at all of you, weak yet stubborn.”
He turned to face Dean wrapping his arm closer around his neck.
“ I’m not done with you”  he proclaimed as he  knocked him out in one blow.
“I should go in order though, right from the youngest to oldest. They should watch as their younger sister dies to my hand. How satisfying would that be. Them waking up to their sister's limp body knowing there was nothing they could have done. Tell me something Y/N how would you like to die.”
You were quick to respond. “Old Age or going out with a fight.”
The demon was unaware this was all planned as he stepped closer to you finally getting trapped in the devils trap your brothers and you had put days before. Took her a few steps more before she realized.
“Game over.” You said with a smile before a migraine bigger than anything you had ever had brought you to your knees. You heard the blood pulsing through the demon's body he had possessed. That is all your mind went to the power how thirsty you were for power not like anything you had experienced it wouldn't stop pulsing. It wasn't a want, it was a need no matter how hard you fought it you couldn't. You grabbed the demon  knife you had on your side and charged. You could see the fear the demon had in front of you but you couldn't stop something else was taking control and before you knew it. It was too late. You were sucking every last drop you could of demon blood getting it all over you. It felt like the greatest thing you had ever experienced a sense of power you never had. It was filling you with something you had never felt in your life. It took moments before you heard your brother call your name out.
“Y/N” in a hush tone Dean said. You could hear him struggling to get up. You had never had such a feeling of disgust until that very moment of yourself. You were hunched over the limp body barely remembering what happened still sucking on the lifeless body.This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
“Y/N,you ok?” you heard him call again terrified of turning around and you stayed frozen. Tears forming in your eyes slowly running down your cheeks till he came in front of you. Your heart had never in your life felt as heavy as it did in that instant. You instantly got up to hug him but he had never been more ready to push you away after seeing you. It was an expression you never wanted from your brother. No hesitation he raised the barrel of the gun towards you. The only time your brother had ever pointed a gun at you was when you were possessed. This was different.
“What did he do to you?”
“I don't know Dean. I couldn't control it. I just shut off.”
“No not you.”
You heard Sam grunting as he was getting up.
“What's going on? Is Y/N possesed.” sam questioned
“I don't know Sam, she was feeding on that demon's body like a monster. I don't know ” you could hear as his voice was breaking “but she wasnt trapped; she walked right out.”
“Dean put the gun down thats Y/n for gods sake” Sam yelled
“How do you know? my sister is not a monster she is not one of those freaks she can't be. She was feeding on……..” he proclaimed as he lowered his gun”......Demon blood”
Realization hit all of you like a brick wall and you felt weak to  your knees again. Sam was the first to your side as you watched your older brother turn and walk away in disappointment and disgust.
You Yelled for Dean to come back but he just stopped mid way and responded.
“My little sister died today.”
Sam didn't hesitate to come to your side.
“Y/n it's going to be ok you're ok “
You couldn't control your tears. You started wiping all the blood off of you disgusted as to what just happened.Sam trying to hold you together before you started hurting yourself.
“Let’s go Y/N ”
“No,No i can't.”
“Yes you can Y/N look at me.”
You started to calm down a bit and got yourself together while you walked out. Dean leaning against the baby barely even being able to look at you.
“Let's just get out of this hell house.”
The drive was silent and your head was throbbing. I think it was the silence that was driving you even more insane. When you reached Bobby's you ran inside slamming your room's door. It was like a switch your sadness had turned into anger. You weren't even aware of what you had done till you heard a slam after the door shut. The wardrobe in the room had fallen right in front of the door locking everyone out but you inside. You heard your brothers yelling your name on the other side. What was going on. You just sat there.
Returning your brothers yells.
“I'm ok. The dresser fell in front of the door.”
With your brother's push and your pull you moved the dresser out of the way.
You were a mess you needed to shower.
“It just fell over. I don't know how it did but it did.
Both of your brothers knew that it wasn't just the dresser that decided to fall over that it was you and what was inside of you.
“Let me just shower and we’ll talk about it.”
They both nodded in agreement. You took the longest shower you had ever taken with hot water that was almost to the point of burning. You changed and met your brothers down stairs. Strange part is you couldnt find them, you looked almost everywhere. Something was off though your surroundings started changing and when you opened the door it turned into a child's room with a crib and a stranger standing near it. You felt the need to protect the child but your head started throbbing again in pain and all you heard was the stranger getting closer to you. He whispered close enough and barely loud enough to understand.
“Don't worry child, you're one of my favorites.”
You woke up on the bathroom floor freshly showered and dressed.
“What the hell is going on.”
You heard a knock on the bathroom door
“y/n can we talk i need to show you something”
“Yeah just give me a moment. You brought yourself together to be met by your brother Dean outside your door.
“Follow me”
“Dean, can we talk about what happened earlier?”
“Yeah just let me show you this first. “
“Why are we going to the panic room”
“Bobby told me he left you something that might help us with whatever's going on.”
“Ok you slowly walked in only to hear the door close behind you.”
“Dean don't lock me in here like an animal or a monster. I'm your little sister.”
“You're not yourself Y/N and i just can't.”
You could hear him  making his way up the Stairs.
The single metal bed, the provocative model poster and the desk. Rust everywhere from the holy water and salt. All too familiar.
First day passed then the 3rd it had been 2 weeks and you were to the point of no return. You started to feel so close to death. No sleep since this had started constant nightmares and headaches that would never stop.
“y/n its sam again”
You turned to the door
“Leave me alone let me just die here like how Dean would want it.”
“He doesn't want you to die but he feels like you have already.
“Oh that makes me feel so much better bigfoot”
“Shut up pip squeak listen because i have experience unlike you.”
He walked in sitting right next to you.
“You know I never wanted this. I feel like there's something inside me pulsing through me wanting more power but not in a good way. It's something I know it's wrong but I can't control it. It's not a want anymore, it's a need. I feel like I'm dying.”
“I know it does but ill make sure you dont ok you don't have to worry”
“Sam i'm not scared of dying”
“Dean and I are,You're our little sister Y/n but we both don't know what to do.  I remember being in this exact room and feeling like it was the worst part of my life. That my brother would rather watch me die then help but that's not the truth. He was just as scared as I was. Our own father told him to kill me if he had to.”
“I know Sam and maybe yall should at this rate I feel like I'm already dead.
You could see your words hurt Sam.
“No one deserves to die with what they can't control. Especially not my little sister. You know I've been through hell and back so has Dean. I've had the Devil himself use me like a doll and yet just because my sister thinks she's not worth living because some god forsaken demon a.**whos ruined our lives wants us to be his puppet.”
You let out a sigh of frustration “You don't get it Sam.”
“What don't I get? Get it together Y/N. This is what he wants. You're throwing the white towel. I know you're ashamed you're disgusted. You feel like the biggest disappointment to this family but you're not. You know i can't make you feel better but i'd rather die than let you go through this alone.”
“You know I wish you wouldn't but I know no matter what I say you'll never leave.”
Sam let a small smile appear on his face before he said anything.
“You got that right. No matter what Dean feels or says doesn't matter because we're family nothing changes that.”
“You know that's hard to believe when you start feeling like the one thing that could change that has  happened.”
“I know but when has our life ever made sense y/n.  I'll help you get through this and not make the same mistakes I did. come here.”
Sam pulled you into a hug and for once you thought maybe things will be ok.
When you looked at your brother this time though his eyes were glowing yellow.
“Get away from me.”
“Y/n it's me Sam.”
You filled with panic and let whatever darkness you had inside of you out.
“No your not my brother”
Before you knew it Sam was being thrown against the wall. You ran to the door and it went swinging open. There stood Dean in the doorway with black eyes and before you could think you tackled and took him down. You kept fighting him while he kept yelling at you. Your fist not going anywhere with how weak you really felt.
“ you'll never be a part of us. You're a disgrace to even be called my sister. Dad was right, you're weak, you'll never be enough. I wouldn't even hesitate your a monster and you know it ”
“Stop It Dean please”
You felt Sam pull you off of Dean and push you against the wall. His eyes still glowing yellow while he yelled at you. His eyes glowing seeing right through you looking at you like you were nothing to him.
“You know maybe you should just give in and let it kill you. You're not worth the effort to save. You're weak.”
You kept fighting and shot up sweating. Sam was holding you close, restraining you. You felt the worst you've ever felt and you've been stabbed and shot numerous times but this took the cake.
“ It's ok Y/n it's not real you're going to be ok.”
You felt a tear hit your face from sam. You couldn't control your emotions, you were crying and your body uncontrollably  shaking. Your body felt so cold but your head felt like it was on fire.
“Sam, I can't take it. It hurts too much. Please make it stop.”
His grip got tighter and you could feel yourself slipping into sleep again.
“Y/n I swear I'll make him pay. You're going to be ok. Me and Dean are going to take care of it. We always do ok. You're our little sister we can't let anything happen to you it's our job. I'm so sorry Y/n. Please be ok.”
You heard his voice breaking like you never had before.
“It's ok Sammy, I'm tired.”
Your eyes started getting heavy and before you knew it you were out.
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fiftyshadesgrl · 6 years ago
Spn imagine!
Imagine sam fighting a hoard of demons torturing you and no matter what he does they wont stop.
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I scream out again as another knife slices down my arm, peeling the skin from it. Sam is trying his best but hes out numbered by ten.
He glances my way as i stare at him trying but failing as another demon grabs him from behind. He throws him backwards and sam lands on the floor on his stomach with a loud thud.
"Sam!" I screamed his name hoping it would give him enough strength to get back up. If i died its okay but i cant let sam die for me. "Just go!" I yell as his eyes lift to mine.
"Im not leaving you!" He says piercing a demon with the demon blade. The tears fall down my cheeks mixing with the dried blood that was there. As another demon falls alistair cuts more of my skin.
Im screaming out in pain but trying to focus on sam. Dean busts through the door at the right time and starts spraying holy water all over the demons. I smile slightly knowing they now have the upper hand. With dean by his side sam desposes of the demons quickly.
After the last one sam stands up out of breath as i sceam and alistair starts on my stomach. "Please, stop!" I scream. Alistair only smiles and goes deeper.
"Enough!" Sam yells, alistair looks up at sam just long enough for dean to sneek up on him and slam the demon blade inside his head.
Sam runs over to me and starts unstrapping me from the table. "Hold on okay. Cas is waiting to heal you."
My body is shakingg uncontrollably, "im so cold, sam. Im so cold." I whisper as he lifts me into his arms.
"I know baby, just hang in there okay. Dont leave me." Sam kisses my hair as dean lays his jacket over my naked body.
I nodded and just focused on his face. "Come on sammy, we just gotta get her outside the building then cas can heal her."
I dont know how long sam had been running with me in his arms but it seemed like forever. My eyes started to get heavy, it was becoming harder to stay awake.
"No, no baby. Open those beautiful eyes. Let me see those gorgeous (Y/E/C) eyes." They fluttered open, "thats better. You just hold on, were almost there." Sam whispered to me. Dean slammed open another heavy door then i shivered as the cold night air hit me.
"Cas!" Dean yelled as sam kneeled down with me in his arms. Cas appeared right beside us. He laid his hand on my head and a warmth engulfed me. It felt so good that i couldnt help but close my eyes, this time sleep overtook me.
I woke up in mine and sams bed. No pain, no aching, nothing. "How are you feeling?" Sam was standing in the doorway with a glass of water and a plate of food.
"Great, actually." I said sitting up as he walked over and sat the plate on my lap. "Are you okay?" I asked him.
He nodded, "yeah, but i almost lost you. Cas said another minute and he wouldnt have been able to save you."
Sam looked down at the floor, his hair hiding the side of his face. I rubbed his hair away from his face and saw the tears streaming down his face.
"Sam, im okay. Im alive because of you." I whispered.
"No, you were there because of me. I dont want you hunting anymore. I came close to losing you, i refuse to do it again." He said looking into my eyes. I could see the pain etched on his face.
"I took the vows, for better and for worse. I meant them, thats what this life consits off. Good times and bad times. Youre my husband, wherever you go thats where i wanna be."
He smiled, "if something happened to you i would never -, i couldnt go on."
"If it means that much to you i wont hunt any more. Ill stick strictly to research."
His smile widened, "really?"
I nodded, he leaned over and his lips crushed to mine. My food long forgotten, i moved to straddle sam. "Make love to me mr. Winchester."
"With pleasure, mrs. Winchester."
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