#imagine if he gets mob boss' sweetheart title..
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merry-andrews · 1 year ago
But what if in another universe, Kenshi stays in Yakuza with Johnny being his not-so-secret-celebrity-lover?!❤
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phyrestartr · 9 months ago
Icarus Drabbles (Pt.3) | Sukuna x M!Reader
W/C: 3k #NSFW, Modern AU, ABO dynamics, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, blowies are received and given, mentions of character death
tags: @kamote-kuneho @prettorett @better-imagination-9 @flowersatwork @tr4nniez
Done Deal
“You let me fuck you, and I'll give you anything you want.” That was his proposition. No more flirting, no more attempts to seduce you, just his obsessive pining resulting in a deal. 
But you didn't seem too bothered sitting across the desk from none other than Ryoumen Sukuna, who lounged comfortably, puffing on a cigar like he didn't just offer to pay you for sex. Granted, it wasn't just the sex he wanted. It was more than that. 
You took a moment before speaking. “I thought you were the kind of guy who'd take without asking.” 
“Who, me? Come on, sweetheart, I'm a gentleman.” Sukuna grinned and watched you wave the coils of smoke out of your face. 
You looked him over, not betraying your thoughts. “And if I refuse?” 
Sukuna's smile simmered down, unamused with the mere concept of rejection. “I'll still get what I want. And you'll leave here penniless.” His men locked the doors loudly at the other end of the vast office, making their point. “So? What’ll it be?” 
You took a slow breath. “I want a condo. In Tokyo.” 
“That's it?” 
“Paid in full.” 
“Now you’re talkin'.” 
You stood from your chair and walked around the desk as you unzipped your jacket. “And my name's going on title.” 
Sukuna undressed you with his eyes like the millions of times he'd done so prior. “Ho? You wanna be the one to pay all the taxes, huh?” He turned his chair to you as you approached. Sukuna spread his legs wider to make room for you to stand between, but you instead boldly straddled his lap. He knew he liked you for a reason. 
“I can forward them to you.”
“You think I'll pay them?” One of his broad palms groped at your ass. His stomach coiled with excitement; he was going to enjoy ripping you apart. 
“I know you will,” you hummed. Sweetly, you tilted Sukuna's chin up to get a good look at his handsome face. 
“‘N why's that?” Sukuna whispered. 
“Because you want to.” Your hands slipped down his neck, down to his shoulders. “Because you think I'll come back for more.”
“I know you'll come back for more.” 
“If you live long enough,” you sighed before plucking the cigar from his fingers and snuffing it out. “These things'll kill you, you know.” 
Sukuna fucked you on his desk moments after. His men stayed in the room all the while, watching and shifting with unease or simmering urges of his own. He vaguely recalled taking a phone call, too. 
So how the hell did we end up here? He had to wonder; back then, he bribed you for your affection, paid you handsomely but purposefully left you wanting more and more and more. He wanted to provide for you, in a weird, twisted way, and that was his method since, well, he wasn't ever sure he'd really get you to stay. 
Yet there he was, waking up in a house with his husband next to him and his daughter in the crib beside you. It felt so…bizarrely natural. Normal. Almost like he met a need he didn't even know he had. 
He hardly spent his nights at his casino, Malevolent Shrine, any longer. He didn't wander the floors looking for liars and easy targets for his dealers. He didn't head up to his penthouse at the crack of dawn with a new dame on his arm every night; he wanted to come here, to the home he had built to house his new family. Sukuna wanted to collapse into this bed, hear you bitch and moan about Gojo or Geto or whatever idiot employed you that day, spend time with his little pup and listen to her yip and babble about nothing and everything. He wanted these moments. He wanted to cherish the little sparks of light in his life before the universe snuffed them out like– 
Gramps is dead, Yuuji had said, voice quivering on the other end of the line. What do we do? 
Sukuna closed his eyes and rubbed his face, willing away the memory. He hadn't had to act like a big brother in so long, but the instinct came rushing back to him the second he heard his little brother in tears. It was all handled swiftly, everything from the cremation, to probate, to settling the estate–but the weight of death and finality clung to the air like petrichor after a storm. 
Sukuna looked to your sleeping face for respite. It helped to see you, to be reminded that you'd chosen to stay with him through thick and thin. Still, he couldn't help but remember what his grandfather asked him the day he met Touka. 
Where does this end, kid? 
This. The gang life. The life that's too unrefined and brutal to be considered yakuza. Because Sukuna didn't deal in honour. He dealt in violence, drugs and money–that voice spoke louder than honour and family. 
But didn't he reclaim his family? Didn't he honour you with change? 
Where does this end, kid?
Maybe with honour and family. 
“I can feel you having a crisis,” your scratchy voice mumbled through the static in Sukuna's mind. Your eyes opened a crack to find his own crimson set before you wriggled up to him and half-laid on his chest. “What's wrong?”
“Your bony-ass chin’s digging into my tit.” 
“You like money more, or me?” He asked. 
You snorted. “I like you and your money equally.” You let your head loll to the side to press your cheek against his chest. “But I like you more, I guess.” 
“You guess?” 
“I'm kidding, idiot. If I cared about money, I would've married into the Zenin family.” You sat up and looked down at your partner with bleary eyes. “Where's this coming from anyway?”
Sukuna huffed and scowled at the ceiling. “Nowhere. It's nothing. Forget it.” 
“Don't be a little bitch. Just tell me.” And when he didn't budge, you added, “Suku. Come on.” And when he still refused to cooperate, you resorted to, “Alpha, please?” 
His eyes snapped to you so fucking fast it made his face burst into flames. You grinned, so stupidly enthralled and in love with how the gross, domestic pet name fucked him up and--fucking hell, it was so cute but so annoying. 
“Fuck you.”��
“N'awe, you're such a cutie sometimes.” You purred in delight and nuzzled all over his face. “My cute, sweet, broody alpha that I love so, so, so much.” 
“Shut up,” he snarled before viciously nuzzling back and attacking you with puppy nips and rude licks to your face. “Fucking omega. You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?” 
“So are you. That's why we work well together, right?” You held his face still and planted a proper kiss on his lips. “We'll be fine. No matter what happens.” 
Your alpha took a deep breath while he looked up at you, and sighed. You looked so calm and collected about the whole thing, so relaxed in the jaws of a shark that could eat you whole and leave nothing behind. Guess that was why he was so enamored with you. Only petty things, like the shitty little fish that nipped at toes, wore you down. Not the big, bad, unknown depths of the ocean. 
“You believe me?” You asked as you pinched his nose. 
Sukuna grimaced and tugged your hand away from his nose. “Fuckin’–yeah, I believe you.” He bit your fingers in revenge. 
It was your turn to make a face. “Disgusting.” 
“You wuv id,” Sukuna managed around your digits, grinning like an idiot. 
“I have bad taste in men.” You yanked your fingers free when you heard your little one coo and shuffle in her crib. Sukuna always found himself impressed with how fast your omega responded to the littlest of noises, always automatically cooing and trilling back to your baby like you'd done it your whole life. 
“But you sure you're alright?” You asked as you scooped up the little one. 
Sukuna sat up and leaned back against the headboard as you settled down beside him again. “‘M fine. Just…thinking.” 
“About your grandfather?” 
“Guess so.” 
You nodded and leaned into him, chest purring with comfortable vibrato as his heavy arm looped around you and pulled you close. 
“He was a good man. Lived a good life. Long one, too.” 
“Guess you’re not wrong. Don’t seem too torn up about it,” Sukuna grumbled, vaguely aware he was on the precipice of starting an early-morning argument. 
“People die,” you said, looking down at your babe. “He was old as fuck. I’d talked to him about life and death a thousand times anyway. His point of view on things helped me see things differently.”
“Oh?” Sukuna’s attention snapped down to your little one as her cherry-red eyes sleepily blinked open. “‘N what the hell did the old fart tell you, huh?” 
You smiled as Touka screeched happily, reaching up for her father and wiggling around in your lap until she could slug her way over to him (with much help from your guiding hands, of course). Sukuna, the fraidy cat that he was, awkwardly tried to aid his baby girl with crawling onto his lap, too. You kind of understood why–his hand was about as big as her body. He was probably afraid of smooshing her. 
“He told me energy can never be destroyed. It can only change shape and form. It’s the same with our souls.” 
“The fuck does that mean?” Sukuna grumbled as his daughter determinedly tried to stand to reach his face. You moved to help her stand, but he huffed and took over, uttering a grumpy ‘I got it’ as he carefully, carefully held her up onto her feet like one would a kitten. 
You smiled, so horribly smitten. “It means our bodies die, but our spirits can’t. They just change form before coming back and living life all over again.” 
“Hmph. Sounds stupid as–” Sukuna paused as a tiny hand landed on his mouth. 
“Bah!” Touka chirped. 
You pursed your lips and melted into your partner, a happy, summer scent pooling around the three of you. 
“Mhm, daddy’s a cranky little bitch, huh, baby?” 
“Big bitch,” Sukuna corrected, words muffled by the tiny overlord. He opened his mouth wide, lightly chomping on her pudgy little hand with the gentlest pibble nibbles he could manage. Judging by her squealing laughter, he was doing an okay job.
“Cranky big bitch–my bad.” You rolled your eyes and exhaled deeply. “But yeah, that’s basically it. Mentioned some stuff about soulmates–platonic or romantic or otherwise–tending to find each other in their next lives too. So, technically, you could be holding your grandfather reincarnated right now–”
“Babe, don’t make this fucking weird,” Your husband groaned. 
You laughed, loud and brash, before nuzzling him. “Sorry, sorry. Can’t help myself.” 
Sukuna scoffed, furrowed brow only easing as Touka assaulted him with little pats all over his face. 
“You’re a nightmare.” He leaned in and nuzzled his baby’s round cheeks with playful growls. “You’re a smaller fucking nightmare. Spitting image of your mum. How the fuck is that fair, huh?” 
“Well, you better get used to it,” you taunted. “She’s the only one you’re getting.”
Wait. What?
It’d been a while since Sukuna had handled an interrogation. He’d stepped away from doing it himself when you’d both gotten back together officially, thinking you’d be upset if you found out he was still beating the fuck out of rats and cheats wandering through his casino–but the opposite turned out to be true. 
You didn’t really care. You didn’t mind it at all, actually. You only requested he kept that sort of business away from the curious gaze of the little girl you both doted on incessantly. 
So, he took it to the basement of Malevolent Shrine. 
“Y'know, I really needed this,” Sukuna sighed, loosening his tie a bit more before he leaned against the table of lethal instruments and wiped the blood from his split knuckles. “Kid keeps me up all night. Wife's always bitching ‘bout being tired. ‘N then I got dipshits like you sneaking in, trying to access restricted floors.” 
The man he regarded scoffed, probably unable to catch his breath to clap back or, well, breathe. The sight had Sukuna grinning, pure delight and satisfaction coiling in his chest. 
“Got somethin’ to say?” 
The man coughed and tried to pull himself up from where he lay splayed on the floor. Sukuna never tied up his guests, no no, he always gave them a fair, fighting chance, stating they could go free if they could get past him. None ever did. 
“Y-you do this to that omega you stole?” The stranger managed as soon as he got on his knees. “Lock ‘im in a room, make them fight their way out?” 
Sukuna quirked a brow and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Only omega I've had in here is the wife.” 
“Bullshit,” he spat. “You stole one that was sold to my benefactor.” 
The mob boss sighed and scratched the back of his head. “That's what you're here for? An omega that I never had?” Sukuna pushed off the table. “Well, that makes shit boring. You're here on a delusion.” 
“It's not–”
“Then who do you work for?” 
As expected, the idiot clammed up. Sukuna tutted. Why did all these bastards have to play hard to get? 
Ah, but then he had an epiphany--hadn't you mentioned marrying into the Zenin family? You brought it up not too long ago, back when Sukuna first started spiraling about life and death, about where his world of chaos would take him in the end. 
If I cared about money, I would've married into the Zenin family. 
Right. That's what you said. 
“Zenin Naoya,” Sukuna guessed. The heir was a rampant misogynistic piece of shit, wanting nothing to do with women on any level--but you? A man who could bear children, albeit through difficult means? That'd be invaluable to someone like Naoya. He could have his cake and eat it too. 
And by the way the crook's body tensed, Sukuna figured he hit the nail on the head. 
“No shit. That little freak’s really outdoing himself this time.” Sukuna laughed wildly, enthralled that he managed to piss off the Zenin heir by taking his bitch and knocking him up. God, the damage this would do to Naoya's ego.
“I'll let ya in on a little secret,” Sukuna sang, turning to the table and grabbing a set of pliers. “I wifed up that omega. Knocked him up already. Hopin’ he'll let up on the ‘one pup only’ policy. He's been real fuckin’ strict on the birth control, lemme tell ya.” 
“He won't forgive this,” the crook bit out. “He won't just–” 
Thwack. Sukuna cracked him upside the head and knelt on his chest, jamming the tool into his mouth and breaking a few teeth on the way in. 
“Fucker can try,” Sukuna murmured, voice growing thick with malice. His ruby eyes gleamed with predatory promise. “Killing him's at the top of my bucket list.” 
You were definitely possessed. 
How could you not be? You'd just seen your baby daddy (your very cut, handsome, snarky baby daddy) beat the shit out of one of your tormentor's grunts 
“Babe,” Sukuna moaned as you swallowed him down your throat again. You'd taken him hostage in the elevator the second he was done his deeds downstairs. It proved to be…somewhat problematic as people continued to open the doors, but eventually Sukuna hit the emergency stop button, nearly shattering the console. 
You hummed around him, pressing your tongue against thick, pulsing veins and squeezing at his base and sacks intermittently while your head bobbed to the beat of whatever tinny jazz played in the elevator. You kind of liked the tune. It sparked the idea of playing music next time Sukuna bedded you–
Bedded you. Ah. That seemed like a good next step. 
You pulled back with a disgusting pop and fought to catch your breath between leaving wet kisses and hickeys along his stiff length. Your hand worked him firm and fast, eager to get him to fall apart under your feverish, hypnotic touch. 
And he was close. You could tell by the way his hand held the back of your head, fingernails digging into your scalp every time you did something so, so right and so, so unbelievably good for the big bad mob boss you'd tricked into staying faithful to you. You figured you'd reward him for being such a good boy. It's what he deserved for sacrificing his freedom for you, and, quite frankly, you thought you'd been slacking on the praise. 
“Gonna cum?” You hummed, looking up at your partner through wet lashes. “Hm?”
Sukuna groaned. His fangs bit into his lip as he stared down at you, pupils blown wide, eclipsing the red of his iris. 
You smiled politely. “Mmh. I'll take that as a yes.” You kissed along his skin until reaching his weeping tip and giving it a gentle peck. “Where do you want it? On my face? In my mouth? Down my throat?” 
He bucked forward, jamming his tip between your lips and hissing when he felt the scratch of teeth against him. You sighed like he was such a nuisance, and opened up wide again, whining as he gripped your hair up into a messy, shitty ponytail before fucking into your mouth with reckless abandon. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck–” His body shuddered and he slammed inside one more time, squeezing his thick knot into your strained mouth and locking it behind your teeth as he rutted against your face, spilling down your throat. 
Your soft gags and chokes only made it better. He pulled your head closer, pressing your cute nose against the hazy line of his happy trail in a dizzy attempt to ground himself through the aftershocks of such a sudden turn of events. Going from beating the shit out of a sniveling sod to this was–
Your frantic smacking against his arm signaled your tap out. Sukuna cursed under his breath and worked in tandem with you to wiggle free the stiff problem stuffing your mouth and throat full. 
You gasped for breath. Drool and tears poured down your face as you coughed and swallowed whatever didn't have the chance to slip out of your aching mouth, and you wiped your mouth half-heartedly with the back of your hand. Sukuna hadn't seen a sight like that in a long, long while. Something so reminiscent of the early days of being bribed and paid for your services. 
“Christ,” Sukuna breathed as he brushed your hair out of your pretty face. “How much do I owe ya for that, huh?” 
You laughed between coughs before kissing his clothed thigh. “Just don't think I've appreciated you enough lately, you know?” You cleaned him up best you could before tucking your man away and standing to loop your arms around his shoulders. 
Sukuna caught your scent then; you smelled sweeter than usual. Warmer, too. Fuller. Something that reminded him of dough in the oven, billowing all around him and filling his senses with sinful sweetness. 
Your heat was on the horizon.
Sukuna smirked and switched the key holding the elevator closed and inoperable on the ground floor, and it started on its journey up, up, up. Time to get you back in bed. 
“Not appreciatin’ me enough, huh. Well, I was gonna mention it–” 
“Shut up. Don't be stupid right now.” 
Sukuna's grin grew. He leaned down, leaving soft kisses and nips along your neck, being sure to pay special attention to the scars he'd left behind. 
“You love when I talk shit.”
“You're free to believe that.”
“Oh? Then tell me what you've been appreciating about me, sweetheart. I'm all ears.” 
The doors opened to the penthouse floor, and you fought to drag the other out first.
“Your ass,” you replied, nearly exploding inside as Sukuna kicked the (unlocked) door in. Damn, how come he could do that so easily? 
“What else?” Sukuna's lips found yours time after time as you both fumbled your way toward the bedroom. 
You yelped as he threw you onto the bed. “J-Jesus–how strong you are.” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna kicked his dress shoes off and yanked your kicks off, too, before you had a chance to complain about shoes being on in the house. “Tell me more.”
“That's about it.” A sweet laugh bubbled out of you as he slipped in between your legs and kissed you like this was some highschool romcom.
“Oh? Lying now, aren't we?” 
“I think I need to examine you a little to remember, you know?” 
With all the strength you could muster, you turned the tables and flipped Sukuna onto his back, straddling his waist and running your hands up and down his chest. He still couldn't tell how you did it, but you flicked open every button of his dress shirt with unfathomable finesse before tracing the dips and curves of his defined muscles with teasing fingertips. 
“Hmmm…this is nice,” you murmured, taking your time to drink in the scar-riddled expanse of glowing, bronze skin. You scooted back, down his legs, to be able to plant soft kisses around his navel. 
Sukuna watched you with blown-out eyes; you were always good at teasing, at making sex electric and better than just cramming his cock into a hole. Secretly, he liked being pushed to the brink of insanity. Soft touches, whispered kisses, silent praise–it was all so your brand.
“What else?” Sukuna rasped as you left cheeky marks around his happy trail. 
“Hm. I wonder.” You took your time sidling up on his lap again, your hands taking charge and leading you up, up, up to his cut jawline and striking cheekbones. “This is nice, too.”
Sukuna licked his lips. “Yeah?” He Asked as he held your waist. 
“Mhm.” Your thumb stroked against his bottom lip thoughtfully before hooking inside and yanking his mouth open like a fish on a line. “This is a problem, though.” 
Your mate's heart thrummed like thunder. Rarely would he ever admit to liking being used, but when it came to you, his precious little trophy, Sukuna found himself far too eager to please. Too eager to consume. Too eager to be consumed. He could only hope you'd wreck him with whatever you wanted to do with that mouth of his. 
“Oh?” Sukuna breathed. Christ, his slacks were too fucking tight again. “The fuck you gonna do about it?” 
You sighed and shook your head. “God's work, I guess.” And you almost seemed burdened by what you ‘had to do’ as you loosened your waistband and wriggled up until you were straddling his broad chest with your weeping tip pressing against his lips. 
Sukuna grinned. “You think I'm gonna–” but he was more prepared for your rude push into his mouth than he let on–or he thought he was, anyway. He'd never really given head before, not really, but he'd given you a couple of handjobs in the past. Still, you were bigger than he remembered. Not as comically, ridiculously, stupidly big as Sukuna’s third leg, but you could probably stuff someone to the point of tears if you really felt the need. 
And, well, you were leaving tears in Sukuna's eyes, so theory confirmed.
“You're really bad at this,” you laughed. You held onto the headboard as you pushed into his mouth, letting him get used to it and adjust as a good mate should (maybe Sukuna should've taken notes). Thankfully, the man was a quick learner and a keener. He got used to the feeling of your length nudging against his throat, and posed himself a challenge to push it further. 
His hand grabbed at your ass and he pulled you closer, drowning in the sound of your warbled gasp mixing with a surprised yelp. Sukuna's other hand brute-forced his slacks open and fisted around his pulsing hard-on to the rhythm of your greedy thrusts into his mouth, down his tight, inexperienced throat. 
Your hips jolted and stuttered. Your hips stayed plastered to his face with weaker and weaker thrusts. Your forehead clunked against the rim of the headboard as your breathing got faster and faster, laced with tiny ah-ah-ah-s until–until–
“Shit–” you tried to pull away from him, tried to save him the grief of having to swallow down a load of cum (first time was always a terrible, terrible experience), but he wouldn't let you yank your hips away; his broad palm pressed against the small of your back and forced you flush against him, his nose pressing against skin as he swallowed and moaned around you like he'd been deepthroating cock his whole career. 
Somewhere in the haze of lightning and sparks, you felt him shudder and jolt under you, too. Then, like you'd done not so long ago, a swift tapping on your leg signaling, tap out, tap out! 
“Oh–fuck, sorry,” you babbled, hurriedly pulling yourself back and out of his mouth to let him breathe. “You're kind of a natural. I'm shocked.”
Sukuna was too busy coughing and fighting to catch his breath to snap back at you, though, and you couldn't help but laugh. 
“Shut it,” he scolded with a swift spank. “Spunk tastes like shit.” 
“But you’re not a spitter nor a quitter. You should be proud.” You smiled like the cheeky little shit you were before shimmying off your joggers and tossing them aside. “You did pretty well. Colour me impressed.”
“‘Course I did, who the fuck do you think I am?” He brought his other hand out of his pants and held them up to you, sticky with his own spend. “Deal with this.”
You whistled, and the heat in your face increased tenfold. “I guess you liked it. Good to know,” you said before holding his hand by the wrist and licking up.
“I'd be a freak if I didn't wanna make my bitch cum. ‘Specially when he's in heat ‘n primed to reopen the baby-making factory.” 
You looked at him, eyes round and owlish, before abandoning the mess on his hand in favour of kissing him. 
“The factory's open,” you assured, no doubt temporarily hypnotized by your body's desire to make your stupid alpha happy.
Sukuna rumbled a purr deep in his chest as he smirked. He'd gladly seize the moment.
“Let’s clock in and get to work, then.” 
Five is Better Than Three
Sukuna paced back and forth outside the bathroom door, impatient and anxious, waiting for you to just fucking tell me what the hell the deal was.
But Sukuna was anything but a patient man.
“Babe,” he growled, knocking on the door incessantly. “How long does It take to piss on a stick?” 
You scoffed. “I'm just--I'm trying to double check, you dumb bitch, shut up.” Your voice quivered the slightest bit, a soft sniffle or two barely making it above the radar. 
Sukuna sucked his teeth. He ran his hands through his hair and growled to himself, trying trying trying to stay patient, stay calm, stay–
“Sukuna,” you snapped when the door flung open. You were standing at the counter, an array of different pregnancy tests laid out before you neatly with you lording over them, face hot and eyes shimmering with…grief? Relief? Happiness? Sukuna didn't know, he didn't know. 
“Kept me waiting long enough, you fucking brat,” he came up behind you and stared down, clearing your noggin with ease and ignoring your grouchy quips and pinches. 
“I was–I just needed a minute, you stupid fuck, I'm--it's a lot!” You tried to push him away but, well, the man was an immovable object, and you were far from an unstoppable force. In the realm of physicality, at least. 
“This shit is like hieroglyphics,” he complained, picking up a test and squinting at it. His other hand held your waist to stop you from running away to hide. 
“It, uh. It means–well, I still need to get checked out officially but, uh, y'know. It's a yes. For now. Tentatively. All the tests are positive.” 
Sukuna exploded with happy puppy scent. He threw down the test and wrapped his arms around you, picking your smaller form up and swinging you around like a shotty romcom man should. 
And you laughed through your tears. You hugged him back once he put you down, and exploded into choked laugh-sobs as you pressed your face into his chest. His nice, strong, muscular chest that looked so good in that black tank top. 
“Oi, oi, what're the damn waterworks for, huh?” Sukuna asked through a wolfish grin. 
“I don't know, okay, just shut up.” You snuffled a few more times before sighing. “Maybe I'm just relieved that an old man like you still has a sperm count.”
“Hah. Big talk from a whore usin’ birth control and making me use a fucking condom ‘just in case.’” He nuzzled at your neck and purred deep in his chest. “Even then, my goods slipped through the cracks, huh? Doubt even getting your tubes tied could stop me from knockin’ your pretty little ass up, sweetheart.” 
You bit his tit while he cackled like a madman. “You're fucking gross and I hate you.” 
“N'awe. Would creaming on my cock make you feel better?” 
“No. Well, maybe later. But coffee and breakfast might subdue me right now.”
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years ago
What video games do you think the dorm leaders would play if our games existed in their world? Gimme specific titles! >:3
This has been sitting in my Inbox for a bit. I had to really think on it. XD I want to thank @belliesandburps for his help making some suggestions on possible games. I didn't take all of them, but it was good to bounce stuff off of him, and he did help me work out some options. :)
I don't really see Riddle as being much of a gamer. Indeed, he's such a perfectionist and workaholic that such things practically seem beyond his comprehension. That's a big part of Riddle as a character: he's extremely uptight, due to his upbringing and his own personal ideals and standards, often to a ludicrous and comical degree. Riddle playing video games just doesn't seem like something that would happen. HOWEVER, if I were to pick a specific game or franchise...I'd probably go with, of all things, the "Carmen Sandiego" games. Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, they're edutainment games; if someone can't convince Riddle to play them for their entertainment value, then suggesting them as a teaching tool or something might be a way to sort of weasel him into playing them. Second of all, they are games all about detectives trying to capture a master criminal; Riddle has expressed an interest in a career in law, in the past. And third of all...I think it's funny to imagine Riddle going into "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" mode because Carmen got away again. XD LEONA KINGSCHOLAR
Leona is a chessmaster, both literally and figuratively. Strategy is the name of the game for him; he likes finding ways to manipulate situations or seek out his enemies' weaknesses. He always has a Plan B, and he keeps his cards close to his chest. He's evasive, elusive, and much more intellectual and intelligent than his slothful, gluttonous demeanor would at first indicate. At the same time, Leona is a wild animal; he's ravenous, beastly, aggressive, and somewhat unpredictable. As a result, I think that stealth-action games would probably be his forte: they appeal to him as both a hunter and a strategist, offering him the thrill of the chase and combat, but also opportunities to flex his mind and work out the best way to approach a dangerous situation. I decided to pick "Assassin's Creed" as his game of choice. If I had to choose a specific game from the bunch, I'd go with either the very first game, or perhaps "Origins," simply because I feel like the environments in those games would appeal to him most. Other potential options are "Rogue" (because villain protagonist), and "Black Flag" (because Pirates, and see the Halloween Event). AZUL ASHENGROTTO
This choice might be a bit of a weird one. But I felt Azul needed to have a game a bit different from all the rest. Azul is greed incarnate, basically; he measures everything he does first by how much he can profit from it, and then how much pleasure he can get out of it, usually in that order. This idea is reflected in his hobbies, as well as in the games he plays; like Leona, he is a master strategist and a great chess player. However, while Leona sees things more like a hunter and perhaps as a soldier, Azul sees things more like a businessman or a mob boss: it's less about battle plans and more about economics. Therefore, when it comes to video games, I felt a resource management type game would be a good one for him to use. I chose a little ditty called "Turmoil": if you haven't heard of this game, it's an RM game where you actually play as a prospective oil tycoon int he days of the Wild West. The game has you try to build up your funds, drill for oil, claim stock prices, make bargains with the bank, and so on and so forth. It's all about economics and becoming the richest, biggest businessman you can possibly be. Tell me THAT doesn't sound like an absolutely perfect fit for Azul! ;)
Kalim likes to have fun and is generally a sweetheart. He likes to do things people can do in groups; he likes having a good time with his friends. My first initial instinct was to go with something DDR or Karaoke related, but I decided against it simply because I decided that would work better for another Dorm Leader, and I wanted to keep each of them separate from each other. So, instead, I decided to go with a little game I'm sure you've never heard of called "Mario Kart." A flashy, fast-paced, generally rather innocent kart racing game that you can play with friends sounds like just the ticket for the Baby Otter. He'll be laughing and cheering, even if you throw a shell at him. After all, tis all in good fun. ^^
Just like Riddle, I don't really see Vil as much of a gamer. However, I DO see him as a performer, because...well...that is very literally what he is. He's an actor, a singer, a dancer, a model, a photographer, a director, a choreographer, a musical maestro, a fashionista...basically, just about everything that can pertain to such things, Vil has the talent and passion for it. So if he's going to play a game, it's going to be something that gives him a chance to strut his stuff and perform. I decided to go with the somewhat obscure title "Dance on Broadway." It's a pretty standard rhythm game for the Nintendo Wii that is most notable because, as the title suggests, it features songs from various stage musicals. The game itself is, by all accounts, sort of "meh" (I've never played it, myself), but it definitely seems like something up Vil's alley. We'll just ignore the fact there's actually a Disney song in the mix. :P
In the universe of TW, Idia is actually a canon gamer, and his tastes are pretty darn cosmopolitan. He likes a lot of titles, from space shooters to gacha games, and this makes it hard to determine what his actual favorites would be. If I had to choose games from our world, that I'm super familiar with, I feel like online games feel most close to home to what I imagine Idia would enjoy, since he's also a streamer. I decided on two classic titles: "World of Warcraft" and "League of Legends." In the case of the latter...for lack of a better way of putting it, it just feels like something Idia would enjoy. In the case of the former, it is specifically because of the Halloweentime Event for the game which features the Headless Horseman. We all know how Idia feels about "Creepy Hollow" and the "Pumpkin Knight," after all. ;)
Once again, Malleus I don't see as a gamer, for probably very obvious reasons. But I think that if he were to play games, he'd want to have something he can play alone OR play with friends, given his issues in the story of TW. He'd want to have the option. He'd also want something he can understand pretty easily and can get a hand of quickly, so to speak. And he'd also want something that appeals to his rather Gothic sense of style. Putting it all together, I chose a specific title from one of my favorite franchises, "Castlevania." Namely, the game "Portrait of Ruin." Putting side my own bias towards the game (it's one of my favorites from the series), the fact you can either play it on its own or connect with other plays for co-op, and is available on a portable platform, makes it quite ideal for our favorite dark prince, in my opinion. The imagine of himself and the Prefect working together to take down Dracula and the Grim Reaper in the final boss battle (one of the BEST BOSS BATTLES EVAH!!!) is just a mental image that makes me grin.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years ago
Firestone - Steve Rogers smut
The one where Steve is your mobster boss and he’s been patiently waiting to make you his.
Warnings: smut, mob au, gunplay, dirty talk, public sex, possessiveness, oral sex (f)
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: thank you to my lovely @marziwritesfic​ for looking this over for me! I figured this would be perfect to help @cloudystevie​ celebrate 4k followers! Congrats, Jasmeen! You deserve many, many more!
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“Can you bring me another one, princess?” She looked up to confirm what it was that I needed and nodded, quickly preparing my usual scotch on the rocks. I watched her with captivated eyes. She was such a hard worker, easily the best bartender I had ever employed.
But I had other reasons to like having her around.
“Care to join me for this one?” I asked after she deposited my drink in front of me. She chuckled and shook her head, used to my antics by now. We always did this, me and her, ever since she got hired to take care of the bar in one of my nightclubs. The one I started visiting much more frequently after she became my employee.
“You know I can’t.” But she laughed. I was making progress. Long were the days where she would look for any polite reason to get as far away from me as possible. Now she lingered, and I knew I was close to wearing her out.
I could wait.
“Are you sure? I know the owner!” Hearing her giggle was nothing short of extraordinary. I was always hypnotized whenever she was around, and with the way the clients seemed to drool for her, I knew I wasn’t the only one.
“You know, the second that you give me permission, I’m gonna ruin you, sweetheart.” I found myself admitting, staring hungrily at her wide eyes, following the wet trail her tongue left behind when she licked her bottom lip before questioning.
“For any other man?” The only reaction I could give to her innocence was a low chuckle, carefully watching my most desired prize for any signs of her own feelings.
“No. Just ruin you.” And as the words floated in the air around us, I got up from my booth, approaching her with calculated steps, eyes taking in every little reaction her body granted me.
“You won’t be able to walk or breathe without thinking about me, sugar,” I whispered in her ear once I was close enough to pull her by the back of her neck, her chest pressed tightly against mine, warning me of just how hard she was breathing.
“I’ll ravish you,” I continued, loving how her hands came up to grip my shirt, as if she needed to hold onto something. I’d be her anchor, I just needed her to let me in. “I’ll make you mine forever. I’ll leave you a perfect mess.”
“There won’t be other men.” Gripping her jaw, I turned her face aside so my next words were directly over her ear, lips brushing it and breath eliciting goosebumps when I said, “Ever.”
I pulled away from her to check on her expression, taking in her dilated pupils, the way she was breathing through her mouth. Part of me wanted to chuckle, thinking back on all the times she kept herself at a “professional” distance only to end up here, right where I wanted her to be.
“I know you don’t want to give in to me because I’m dangerous…” I acknowledged, softly cradling her face so I could run my thumbs over her cheekbones. “… but I think you want me precisely because of that.”
The shiver down her spine upon seeing my smirk told me everything I needed to know. So now all I had to do was wait for her to break.
“I know you like what you see,” I teased, a cocky smile on my lips now. “But you’re scared of wanting me.” Her gaze was fixed on me, eyes and body unmoving as nothing on her fought my affirmations. “Let me show you why you shouldn’t.” Slowly, I turned her around to face the table I was in, my hands softly pushing her down against it.
“Lean over the table,” I croaked, voice denouncing my desire. “Yeah, just like that.” My fingers ran down her back until I reached the edge of her jeans, easily wrapping my arms around her to open it and pull the offending fabric down her legs.
She jolted then, suddenly reminded of where we were, but I pushed her down gently, shushing her concerns. “Now, no need to worry about them,” I grinned, loving how she easily gave in to me now. “They know better than to look at what’s mine, huh?”
She looked over her shoulder as my words reached her, but I could only wink. “Besides,” I added, kneeling behind her while spreading her legs to welcome me. “I’ve been dreaming about this for way too long.”
Her underwear was easily discarded with a flick of my wrist, and then her pussy was exposed for my eyes to take, after so long dreaming about its taste. I moaned when I actually dragged my tongue between her lower lips, savoring this moment and her juices, knowing this would forever be imprinted in my mind.
“You have no idea how many times I got off to the thought of you,” I commented, humming against her cunt as she trembled beneath me. Her body awakened a hunger inside of me I’d never felt before, and I don’t think it would ever be satiated.
“You’ve seen me leave the bar with many women…” I chatted almost casually once I was able to let go of her pussy to run my knuckles over her wetness. “I want you to know I’ve always imagined it was you I was fucking, whenever I made them cum.”
Her moan resonated through the nearly empty bar, making me smile as I went back to licking her up. But as much as I wanted to keep on lapping the wetness that was starting to seep from her, I knew I had promised her something.
I had to show her why she shouldn’t be scared of me.
So I got up from behind her, paying no attention to her whines and the jut of her hips, licking my lips to gather every single drop of her taste as I got my gun from my holster. I had plans for her.
“Stay still, sugar…” I rubbed the barrel of the gun between her dripping wet lips, getting it soaked on her essence. “Let them see how well you take it. She hissed as the gun made its way inside of her, but to her point, she didn’t complain. Instead, her body slumped against the table, as if she was truly succumbing all of her to me.
The thought had me even harder, desperate to get her to cum so I could take her back to my place and have my way with her. ”Oh, you look so pretty, princess…” I almost moaned, fascinated by the sight of her tight pussy hungrily engulfing my favorite gun. “Can’t imagine how you’ll look when it’s my cock inside of you…”
“Mr. Rogers…” She whimpered, making me chuckle lightly.
“Call me Steve, sweetheart,” I was quick to address. “I got my best pistol inside of you, I think we’re past the use of titles, huh?” A loud whine escaped her then, like the acknowledgment made her even hornier, and I licked my lips at how her juices slowly dripped from her pussy down her thighs.
“C’mon, sugar. Let go for me, won’t you?” And like the perfect girl that she was, my order had her body convulsing before my eyes, her high arriving just as I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from fucking her right then and there for any longer.
“You’re coming to my place tonight,” I announced, pulling my gun from her only to admire the way it now glistened, covered in her juices. My tongue stuck out almost automatically, and I licked some of her off of it, relishing in the sweet nectar I was slowly starting to ingrain in my own being.
“Still think I’d ever hurt you?” The smirk on my face was almost cocky, I knew, but I was too excited about finally having her to care. Pulling her body up, I held it against me once more, so she’d feel exactly how much I desired her, right against her back.
It was all her fault anyway.
“Go get your stuff,” I instructed. “No need to work here anymore, I’ll take care of you from now on.” And then I turned her around to look her in the eyes, cradling her face with glee at finally holding what I’d wanted for so long.
“Can’t wait to fuck you.”
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thran-duils · 4 years ago
Lost In Zero Gravity (P.5)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Five) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,944 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author's Note: I'm using the new post editor so I'm not sure if the tags are working??? Can someone let me know, thanks!
Part Four || Part Six || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
After Steve had let you go, you had gone inside, ending your night abruptly. You locked yourself in the bedroom all night, planning to refuse to let them in if they asked. They surprisingly left you alone. You wondered where they had slept but surmised it was just another room because there were multiple in the house.
You laid awake in the morning for a long time, staring out the window at the waves, lost in your racing thoughts. If they were serious about either being here or in an apartment back in the city, you wondered if just staying here would be so bad. But then you thought of whenever they would need to come with their wives – this was a beach house after all for them. Where would you go during those times? Maybe Steve had just spoken out of anger and did not mean here.
Why did you constantly attract men like this?
But how surprised were you with men as wealthy and entitled as them?
You scowled for the umpteenth time thinking of how casually they had brought it into conversation and acted like you were being unreasonable at the idea of it. Men screwed you for awhile and then got bored. That is how it always went. In other circumstances though, you were able to pivot to someone else. You were not going to have that opportunity here. And it scared you.
You wished you could just call an Uber and go back home but there was no way to sneak out of the house without talking to them. And it was not like they did not know where you lived. But if they had some time to think, maybe they would realize how outlandish their proposal was from your point of view.
Grumbling, you rolled over away from the window. You were getting hungry though and you had to face them sooner or later.
As if they could read your thoughts, someone walked in without knocking and you listened to their footfalls coming towards the bed. They stopped on the side of the bed that you were facing away from. Peace was going to be broken.
The comforter was torn back, and you groaned, grabbing blindly for it. But it was too far down the bed. Rolling onto your back, you sighed tiredly.
Tony was staring down at you, wearing shorts and a button down with sunglasses hanging off his chest, looking as posh as ever.
“It’s almost 10am, Y/N.”
“Five more minutes,” you tried.
“No,” Tony returned firmly immediately. “Get up. We are going on the boat. Get you some fresh air. You can get some sun, relax on a towel while we work.”
Reluctantly, you sat up in bed, rubbing at your eyes. You got up and went over to your suitcase to dig through to find another swimsuit since you had made a mess of the other one with Steve last night on the dock. Tony had not left and you looked over your shoulder, seeing he had sat down in the wicker chair by the window and was peering out. He was making sure you got ready and in a timely fashion.
You made to go to the bathroom and Tony piped up from behind you, amusement lacing his tone, “Never thought I’d see you be shy about being naked.”
Stopping, you looked at him, “I need to use the restroom.”
“Ah,” Tony said before turning his head to look out the window again.
You turned back again and went into the restroom to get ready.
When you came back out, he was still waiting, scrolling through his phone. You snatched the cover up off the top of your suitcase and threw it over your head.
“Get some shoes on, we gotta drive to the marina.” You apparently did not mask your confusion because Tony explained, “The boat is in the marina down the road.”
“So… not the speedboat?”
Tony snorted loudly, “No. That’s for crabbing. We are going sailing.”
You could not imagine owning even one boat, no matter what it was.
Getting into the car, you saw Steve was already in there in the backseat where you were supposed to sit in the middle. Two of their men were in the front seats; probably who was going to be driving the boat today.
You gave him a weak smile, “Morning.”
“You slept in,” he commented dryly, scrolling through his phone, barely sparing you a glance.
He did not seem happy.
Tony slid into the seat beside you, and you were shifted closer to Steve which is the last thing you thought he wanted right now. But he made no move to shift away so maybe that was a good sign.
“I was tired,” you mumbled.
He merely made a noise of acknowledgment. You must have really bruised his ego. Sucking your teeth, you turned your attention back to Tony who seemed to want to engage with you.
A complete opposite from Steve. He was all smiles, his fingers intertwining with yours and pulling you close. You leaned towards him as he pointed out places along the waterfront that you all could go for lunch after boating. And all the gossip about people he recognized walking.
The boat was long, longer than you expected. And you accepted Tony’s help crossing the gap to get up onto it. He held you close as it took off, Steve still extremely engrossed in his phone across the way.
“You been on a boat before?” Tony asked curiously against your ear. You smiled from the sensation of his breath and shook your head, turning slightly to look at him. He smiled mischievously, his grip tightening. “Okay, well, if you get sick, let us know.”
A few minutes passed and he sighed.
“We are coming up on the inlet. It’s going to be a little rough but don’t worry. That’s normal. The ocean is meeting the calmer water in here.”
His arm came even tighter around you as the bow hit the waves, trying to hold you in place as well as he could. You leaned back into him and you felt him adjust to let you lean even further. His hand gripped your hip tighter, his thumb caressing. It was comforting and you let it be, relishing in the semblance of normalcy.
When you had hit calmer waters, Tony had encouraged you to get up and take a towel to the bow of the boat. There was a place to sunbathe. Him and Steve needed time to talk business. You did not argue, grabbing one of the towels. But you hesitated seeing what you needed to walk around.
“You need help?” Tony breathed against your ear and you laughed despite yourself. You hated how comfortable he made you feel.
“No, I’ll just hold onto the railing,” you said.
“Don’t go overboard now,” he teased before backing off.
You stepped up and went along the side of the boat, holding onto the railing. You felt his eyes on you and that is what you focused on; his attention, not the thought of you actually taking a header over the side of the boat into the waves.
At first, you had started on your back, but you had flipped onto your stomach by now. The sun was comforting, and after time, you had gotten used to the swell of the waves. It was actually relaxing.
The wood creaked next to you and you could tell by the cologne that it was Tony. You cracked your eyes open, and he smiled, seeing you saw him as he laid down next to you. He had lost his shirt. You smiled in return before closing your eyes again.
Tony’s fingers ghosted down your back coming to rest on your ass.
“I thought you just wanted me to lay here and get sun,” you murmured, not opening your eyes.
Tony chuckled, “I do. I’m just appreciating you, sweetheart.”
His fingers dug in slightly and he let out an exhale, his fingers continuing to caress. You had been in this business long enough to read prodding body language.
You opened your eyes, peering up at him. “Do you want me to turn over?”
“Well…” Tony chuckled. “Since you’re offering.”
You did, and he was on you immediately. His kisses were soft and you welcomed it when his lips finally met yours after gracing your collarbone. He moaned softly against your mouth, his tongue slipping in. Your hands came up to grip the back of his head, wanting to make him happy.
He forced his hand underneath your back, and you arched your back to give him access. He undid your bikini top clumsily. It took him no time to tear the straps down your arms and toss them behind him back onto the deck.
Tony was gentle in caressing your breasts, taking it slow as he worked you up. You fell into his rhythm, forgetting everything else. His hand slipped down underneath your bottoms, his fingers pressing past your lips with gentle purpose. You smiled into his kiss.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“Nothing. I just like how gentle you’re being. It’s different,” you said.
“Mhm, that’s a compliment if I ever heard one,” he murmured, hooking his fingers beneath the strap of your bottoms. You let him pull them down your legs.
He crawled on top of you, and you kissed him back fervently. Tony pinned your hips down, slipping up into you. Your arms hooked around his neck, falling into the rhythm. Kissing him deeply as he thrusted up into you, you gasped against his lips.
His hand cradled your head, his kiss passionate as he emptied inside you.
When he rolled off of you, he exhaled deeply. He sat up slightly after a few moments, searching and located your sunscreen.
He sat up fully now and said, “Since you are going the no tan lines route now, let me do you back up.”
You accepted the reapplication gratefully, his hands touching every crevice, making sure you were completely covered. He gestured for you to sit up and you did, making sure he got your back.
When you laid back down, he finished with your face, his fingers moving delicately. You smirked and he said, “Sunburns are a serious thing, love. Just making sure you’re protected. I’ll let you get back to it, I got work to do. Peace and tranquility again for you up here, whatever that means.”
Coming back to the cooler at the other end of the boat, Tony pulled out the bottle of bourbon. Steve was relaxing on a chair, dark sunglasses resting on his nose.
“Any update?” Tony asked, pouring himself a drink.
Steve nodded, “They found a couple options. I’ll send them to you. I personally like the third, but they are all close to the office, so it won’t take us long to get over to her.”
“Are they all—”
“Near the top of the buildings, yes. No easy access out a window.”
“Good,” Tony nodded approvingly, taking a sip of his drink.
“I’ve already contacted Tatiana. Told her what we are offering to pay out for the contract,” Steve went on, lying his hand down on his thigh to look away from his phone.
“She happy with it?”
“Of course she is. Money talks.”
Tony took another drink and said, “That’s good. I was going to get irritated by any hiccups.”
“Any morehiccups,” Steve corrected sounding sour.
Tony waved him off and said, “Y/N shows her teeth but she’s not going to bite. She’s a good girl. We can handle it. She’s just flustered. She’ll settle down.”
“How are you so calm about this, I’ll never know.”
“I’ve had mistresses’ before. Granted, I got tired of them pretty quick, but they were also super needy, wanting to be number one, which is never the goal of this situation. Y/N is the exact opposite of that,” Tony shrugged. “It’s giving me hope this could work out very well.”
“Well, the fact she’s not needy is the reason we need to keep her corralled.”
“Corralled for a while,” Tony corrected him now. “Not permanent. It won’t take her long. She’ll ease into being on her own and get over losing that cheap ass room she had at the brothel. People like comfort and she’ll have a lot of that when she realizes she likes being able to stretch out and have the whole place to herself. And she likes gifts, that’s not going to stop. She’ll be able to make her own meals, a luxury she has not had, especially in her own kitchen. She’ll have control over her environment. It’s simple, Steve. Comfort.”
Steve stared at Tony, taking that in. And Tony smiled, raising his glass. “You might be older than me year wise, but I’ve got more wisdom, Cap.”
“I don’t want to do this,” you hissed at Tatiana.
You had cornered her the moment you had gotten back to the brothel. The last day, Steve had warmed up again. The subject of the apartment had not come up again and you were unsure if you should have brought it up again or maybe it was a settled manner that it was not going to happen.
But that theory had been destroyed when they dropped you off, telling you that they had found a place and it would be ready for you in a few days. You had kept it together, giving them the kisses on the cheek before getting out of the car. Upon seeing Tatiana though, who looked jubilant for you, you immediately stormed into her office. You noticed one of their guys had stayed behind to keep an eye on you and you huffed before closing the door in his face.
Tatiana was caught off guard and was at a loss for words for a few moments before she cleared her throat. “Y/N,” she said in a worried tone.
You came close and whispered desperately, “Please. Just distract the guy so I can slip out the back.”
“Where are you going to go?” she asked you in hushed tones, perplexed.
“Back home!” you said throwing your hands out. “It won’t be that bad. I’ll just get a normal job and bunk with people and just live some boring ass life.”
She exhaled slowly and you felt it coming; she was on their side and your heart sank. “Y/N. Listen to me. Do you understand the opportunity you have here?”
“There’s no—”
“No, shut it. There is. You are being given an apartment. You are being given income.”
“But they’re going to control everything!” you said pathetically.
“I thought you liked them.”
“I… did. I do. I hate I like them. But, then they just turned out like every other man that I’ve been with.”
“Did they?”
“Yes, it’s about controlling me,” you said, emotions overwhelming you. You wiped at your eyes and sniffled.
“I don’t think that’s all of it,” Tatiana said and you waited for her to go on. She shrugged, “I think they’re being forceful, yes. That’s how men like them are though. They are… intense. You have a debt to pay though and they get to choose how you’re going to pay it back. That’s how this works, that’s how it’s going to work. But, I think they killed the guy for a reason other than just to get you underneath their thumbs. Do you really think they don’t enjoy you?”
“They enjoy me plenty,” you muttered, wiping at your eyes again. “I… I just want to get to a place where I can just do what I want. Make enough money and make it on my own.”
Tatiana took your hands and made you look her in the eyes. “Stellina, I’m not going to help you escape. I am not going to willingly piss off two of the most powerful men in the city. I love you, dearly, but it is not something I can do. I can’t risk blowback and have it affect the other women. You understand that, right?”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad to have your own place,” Tatiana continued softly. “All the space just for you… peace and quiet. You can decorate it how you want. And what you’re saying about making it your own? I’ve just told you that you can make it your own.”
Swallowing thickly, you bit your cheeks to stop from crying again. You knew what she was saying was true. It would not serve anyone well here if she did what you were asking. And hell, who even knew if you could escape.
You forced yourself to nod. “Yeah… maybe.”
“You’ll be okay, Y/N.”
You had never had an entire apartment to yourself, so walking in overwhelmed you a bit. Everything was so new, the windows large. You did not know if it had come furnished or if they had bought the furniture.
The walls in the hall were bare and you thought of what things you could buy to make it a little homier. The bedroom was bare as well except for the bed, nightstands, and your dresser. It was a nice bed which served to lift your spirits a little. You left your suitcase and bag at the end of the bed before crossing the hall to go to the bathroom. You almost breathed a sigh of relief seeing that laundry was in unit. Another huge perk.
They were waiting out in the living room, hands in their slack’s pockets, waiting for you to come back out apparently.
“Apparently there are barbeques up on the roof,” Tony commented. “Shared of course. But that might be good for a night.”
You had never lived in a building with a rooftop terrace either.
“Nice,” you said sounding happier than you felt.
Walking over to the fridge, you opened the door finding basic things.
“I set up a grocery delivery service for you. I wrote down all the logins you’re going to need for the WiFi, Netflix, Prime, etc on the counter over here,” Steve spoke, drawing your attention to a laminated sheet sitting on the island.
Your face scrunched in confusion. “I can get my own groceries. I saw a place not far from here.”
“Soon,” Steve said cryptically. “When you get the keys and are able to lock the door from the outside, that can become an option.”
“You have the keys,” you said slowly, having seen him with your own two eyes unlock the door to come in.
Steve ran his tongue across his lip, staring at you. He said simply after a few moments, “You don’t get the keys yet.”
“What?” you asked flabbergasted, shooting a look at Tony who was standing there stoically.
“Maybe after a while in here you’ll realize how good it is what you’re being offered,” Steve stated. “And we can trust you with the keys.”
Just when you thought maybe things would pan out.
“I realize it,” you said quickly to the two of them. “I… It was stupid of me to be upset about it. It’s fine. I’m over it.”
“We don’t believe you,” Tony said plainly, and your mouth fell open at his blunt reply. You did not like the look on his face or his tone. “So, for a while, you’re going to just stay in here. Earn our trust.”
“Stay… in here?” you asked slowly. “So, you’re going to lock me in here?”
Tony came up to you, and you nervously met his gaze. “It’s just temporary. It’s not forever.”
“You’ve got everything you need in here,” Steve chimed in. “There’s no need for you to get upset about it, Y/N, and have another outburst.”
Anger bubbled up and bubbled up quick.
“Fuck you,” you spat at him, seeing their faces fall into shock at your boldness. You turned on your heel and stormed off towards the bedroom.
You only made it halfway down the hall before you heard Tony sigh, “Steve, leave her alone” and a rough hand grabbed your arm, jolting you back. You collided with Steve’s chest and he pointed a finger directly in your face.
“I don’t let my wife talk to me like that and I sure as hell won’t stand for you to talk to me like that,” he snapped.
“Let me go,” you said worriedly trying to yank away from him.
His jaw set and he released you angrily, taking a step back. “Watch your damn attitude!” he snapped again, before turning and storming off towards the door. “I’ll be in the car.”
The door slammed behind him and Tony blew a raspberry.
“Y/N, take some time. You apparently need the space,” he said, his tone tight. You said nothing. “We’ve got a couple guys here. One will be on your hall and one is down in the lobby. Order your groceries. Watch some TV. I’ll check back in later. I gotta get back to work. Remember to lock the door behind me.”
With that, he left too, calmly unlike Steve. But you could tell he was irked that you had cursed at them.
This was the first time they had left you without expecting a kiss.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming, @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick, @holl2712 @here4thefanfics
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lurafita · 5 years ago
Mob boss Tony x Baker Peter
Prompted by anon ask: click me
Because we all love mob boss Tony AU's and everyone needs to write one at least once.
-Insert title here-
The first time Tony had stepped foot into 'Ben & May's little Bakery', it had been 5:30 in the morning, and he had just executed a traitor.
Tony liked to take little strolls after especially gruesome bouts of violence (which Adrian's death had undoubtedly been. The maggot had dared to steal from him, and Tony had felt the need to make Toomes an example, for anyone who might entertain the thought of taking something that belonged to Tony Stark.)
The warehouse, in which Toomes had died a slow and painful death, had been in Queens, and so had Tony, when only a few blocks away from the grizzly scene he had left his people to clean up, it had started to rain.
Cursing up a storm, the notorious leader of the Stark family, the biggest and most dangerous crime organization in the United States (and possibly beyond), had ducked into the nearest open store.
He was assaulted by the warm, sweet and wholesome smell of freshly baked goods and recently ground coffee beans, as soon as the door closed behind him. A bell chimed, signaling his entrance, and a distinctly male, but softly pitched voice called out from the back
“I'll be right with you! Just one moment, please!”
Tony took the time to look around a bit.
The place was on the smallish side, but very quaint and comfortable looking. Some sitting booths and little tables and chairs all around, leading up to the traditional counter, that showcased a mouthwatering assortment of pastries.
The interior was kept in soft, pastel colors, with cleverly placed lights on the walls and ceiling that brightened the place up, without making it too grating on the eyes.
As he ventured closer to the counter (that in typical bar fashion, had some high chairs in front), his gaze fell on the marvel that was the coffee machine. Stainless steel, clearly multi-purpose for the preparation of different hot beverages, built-in grinder for fresh beans, and a high pressure nozzle for specific drinks.
God, judging from the machine alone, this bakery just had to have good coffee beans. And while Tony didn't usually have much of a sweet tooth, he couldn't deny that the brownies in the display had him nearly wetting his lips.
“I'm so sorry for the wait! I needed to get the rolls out of the oven before they burnt. So, what can I do for-”
Now Tony actually did wet his lips. A slight, but lean body, a bit on the short side. Slim hips, narrow shoulders, and yet despite what appeared to be a rather fragile stature at first glance, there were some clear signs of athleticism. Chestnut brown, fluffy looking hair, wide and innocent seeming eyes. Pale skin that only served to accentuate the blush currently spread over it.
He looked young, maybe college aged? Tony didn't think he was looking at a teenager (though that would hardly be an obstacle for him), but the man had a slightly boyish appearance.
The young man that had come out from the back in a flurry of motion and heavily flushed face (probably due to having been around the high temperatures of the bakery's ovens in the back), stopped short, mouth hanging open, when he saw the head of the Stark family waiting at the counter.
The reaction wasn't uncommon. Tony Stark being the boss of possibly the greatest mafia family was pretty much an open secret, mostly due to the fact that he was the prime suspect in every major police investigation.
But since no one had ever been able to produce any proof to convict him of the various and many crimes he had been accused of (some of which he actually had committed), well...
It was a bit like Schrödinger's Cat. Just as the cat could be thought of as both alive and dead, Tony Stark was both guilty and innocent. At least until the day that definitive proof of his crimes was presented. (Not that it ever would be. Tony was far too good at his profession to make such mistakes. And besides that, he had some very high ranking officials in his pocket, should things ever turn dire.)
Didn't change the fact that due to the many investigations that had been made upon his person, most of the public were more than a little wary of him. Sometimes being feared was fun. Other times, like when someone was possibly so shell shocked by his very presence, that they might mess up his order, it was annoying.
“A coffee, dark roast, as strong as you can make it. And one of those brownies. No cream on anything.”
For a moment, the younger man didn't move a muscle, but just as Tony thought he would have to repeat himself, the brunette shook himself out of his stupor and quickly started on the order. Tony was a bit taken aback as he watched the younger man operate the machine and plate a big, moist looking piece of the brownies with practiced ease.
The surprise and slight fear from only seconds ago seemed to have vanished from the brunette, which was unusual to say the least. People didn't just stop fearing Tony Stark for no apparent reason.
When the man, Peter – if the name on his apron was to be believed, set down both the fantastic smelling coffee and brownie in front of him, Tony couldn't help but say
“Now, don't get me wrong, sweetheart, because I certainly don't want you to panic, but most people I meet react much less... let's say casual, to my presence. May I take it that you aren't afraid of me?”
He honestly didn't know what he wanted the answer to be. Dealing with panicky and stuttering people was annoying and a waste of his time and patience. But thinking that he might be losing his edge was unacceptable.
Peter shrugged lightly, a half smile, half grimace on his lips. (And what pretty little lips they were.)
“Haven't made up my mind about you, I guess. On the one hand, the probability that you are every bit the dangerous man people say you are is very high, and I'm not exactly a fan of violence. Or guns. Or crime in general, really. But on the other hand, I believe in ‘innocent until proven guilty’ – and so far, you haven't been proven guilty. “Then there is the fact that ever since you and your... 'business partners' have come to New York, gang violence has actually gone down.” Peter leaned sideways against the bar opposite from where Tony had taken a seat on one of the bar stools, crossing his arms over his chest, a contemplative look on his (pretty) face. “I've seen this in wild life documentaries. When bigger and badder predators take over a new territory, various of the smaller and weaker predators either flee, or get killed by the new arrivals. ”There has been a distinctive lack of drug dealing close to my campus, lately, and walking my aunt home most nights doesn't even require us to go the long route, since there are hardly any street gangs out and about anymore we need to stay clear off.” Then Peter frowned a little. “Which, if it really is due to your presence in this city, that I don't have to fear so much about my aunt's safety anymore, I might actually have to thank you for that. Of course, that would only be the case if you really were the leader of, what everyone says is pretty much, the mafia.” Then he shrugged again. “So, yeah. Undecided.”
What a delightfully simple and yet complex way of thinking.
It was true that Tony had had his men taking care of all the little street gangs, when he first decided to branch out his organization from Italy to New York. He didn’t care about the individual criminals or dealers or murderers in this city, but there was simply no sense in allowing smaller groups the chance to grow into what might one day become a serious threat.
And as an additional benefit, the very act of removing these other ‘predators’ - as Peter had said, actually scored him some points with the general public. Well, the ones smart enough to connect the dots, at least. And Peter, delightfully pretty Peter, seemed to belong into that category.
Tony took a sip from his coffee cup (and oh, those were definitely good beans), and then grinned at the younger man.
“So, hypothetically speaking, if I were the reason for the absence of all those pesky little gangs around here, and consequently your and your aunt’s relative safety, how would you go about thanking me?”
He took a bite of his brownie, (which was just as supple, soft and delicious as he imagined Peter would be, when he took him to his bed to devour him), as he kept his eyes trained on the younger an across from him. Who seemed to be seriously contemplating the answer to Tony’s question.
And again, this threw the mob boss a bit. Peter looked like every bit of the shy, virginal college student, that would blush and stammer horribly, when being asked something as suggestive as this. Tony had put a very deliberatly seductive tone into his voice, after all. Which meant that either, Peter was more experienced and nonchalant about sexual acts than Tony had pegged him for (which could be fun in it’s own way), or, (and that thought was exciting enough that some of his blood was already starting downward) Peter was so inexpirienced and oblivious about these things, that the meaning behind Tony’s words had flown right over his head.
“Well, the obvious answer to that would be to let you eat and drink for free, here. But you are very clearly not hurting for money, so I don’t think saving a few dollars whenever you visit, is something you would find particularly rewarding. So, while we are still speaking hypothetically, how would you want me to thank you?”
Oh, what a precious, precious little thing. How was it even possible for the cute brunette to be this smart and observant, and yet so naive and oblivious?
How curious, how intriguing, how fucking attractive Peter was to him.
All those sinfully delicious thoughts running through his head right then. All the things he would do to the college student (and part time baker). All the things he would make him feel. He would take him to his mansion, and have him in his bed for their first time. In his shower, the morning after. Draped over his couch, later that very same day. Tony would spread the nubile looking thing over every surface in the many rooms of his home. He would have Peter in his car, in his office, over the fucking counter his was sitting at right now. 
His little baker could make all the delicious looking cakes and pastries his heart desired, and Tony eat them off of his naked body, maybe even dribbling some chocolate sauce over him.
Tony had never had much of a sweet tooth, but the images flashing through his mind had him almost salviating and craving it all.
“I don’t know. The coffee here is pretty good, I might come back for a cup quite frequently.”
Haste makes waste.
“And I might want to try some more of your baked goods.”
He would have to pace himself.
A last fork full of brownie was washed down with the rest of his coffee, as Tony stood from his chair and reached into his inner jacket pocket.
“Are you always here this early, sweetheart?”
Again the younger man seemed oblivious about the endearment, but this time it might have something to do with the two 100 dollar notes that Tony slid across the counter.
“I... I uhm,.. yeah, I. Yes, I open the place up at 5 o’clock every day, and then my aunt comes in when I have to get to my classes... Sir, you really don’t have to pay for ... this is too much.”
Tony just smirked at him, as he turned casually towards the exit.
“It’s a tip. I’ll be seeing you, Peter.”
And when he would finally claim his prize, it would be the most delicious morsel of them all.
I’m thinking of turning this into a mini-series. Maybe. Possibly. I don’t know yet. But who knows, maybe I will finally get a decent bit of smut written in.
Oh well.
Hope you liked it, thanks to anon for the original prompt!
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hotcocosharing · 7 years ago
Lose To Win Chapter 19: To Victory
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 19 Fandom: Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Her Love In The Force Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mystery? MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Shuichi, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota
Summary: What bidders do when they win? PARTY! WHAT HAPPEN when Mika is drunk- SMUT and what do I love most? Smut AND Angst. Mind you, this IS LONG but meh ;) Background: Mika went to the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order) and led to seeing her ex- Hyogo Kaga. With Namba’s persuasion, Eisuke agrees to work with Public Safety, going on an eight days cruise trip with Kaga, Goto and Mika. What kind of mystery and danger await? You have no idea!
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★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Chapter 1: The Reunion Chapter 2: RSVP Chapter 3: Recharge Chapter 4: Welcome Back Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime Chapter 6: Our Story Chapter 7: Stress Release Chapter 8: Play Thing Chapter 9: What The Three Words Mean Chapter 10: A Real Man Chapter 11: The CEO Chapter 12: Boarding Chapter 13: What Did You Wish For? Chapter 14: Don’t Tease Me Chapter 15: One Hell Of A Night Chapter 16: Feeling Lucky? Chapter 17: Left In The Past Chapter 18: Poker Face
Chapter 19: To Victory 
“To victory!!”
Baba and Ota shout, with this everyone else downing their glasses in celebration. Laughter echoes throughout the VIP suite from glasses being filled to waving bottles in the air, drunken bidders are soon lying all over the suite, barely conscious. There’s no mention of next plan, not even after Eisuke has carried your black out sister upstairs and you’re pretty sure she’ll walk funny tomorrow. Goto has gone back to your room and reports live to Jin while you continue the party with the team, such funny word- working with the criminals you despise and got away, now force to work together.
Chuckling heartily at the sight, you wobble your way out to the balcony while Kaga yells from behind. “I am NOT jumping into the water to save you AGAIN, woman!”
“Hehehe, that was soooo much fun!” You say with a hiccup.
A gust of wind buffets you as you slide open the french door, “But it was the first time you said I love you.”
Ignoring your ex fiancé murmuring from behind while you stumble to the railing. “Seriously, you’re gonna be the end of me.”
Following you out to the balcony, Kaga cups your cheeks and hungrily seals your lips, only pausing in between to finish what he’s saying, “You are drunk.” “And?”
“And I like how horny you get.” He smirks and scoops you up in bridal style and leaves the penthouse.
The grand thief suddenly says and grins at Soryu, “Just go after her.”
“Why would I?
Massaging his temples with his fingers, Baba says, “At least be honest to yourself, Sor. You couldn’t take your eyes of Mika the entire night.”
“Oh please his eyes were glue to her, so creepy, right? Old man?” Even the angelic artist joins the confrontation, Mamoru coughs without answering, he’s been finishing one cigarette after another, his eyes also glue to Mika Hijikata the entire time through the layers of smoke.
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“Hey!” A half stern and half cracked voice stop the two of you from swiping the key card, turning around to see the mobster standing with his arms crossed, displeased. “This is my room too.”
Kaga rolls his eyes as your giggles draw a shade of pink on Soryu’s stern face, none of you state the obvious that he wants to be part of something that he’s ashamed to admit. Kicking the door open, Kaga pulls you in. Keeping eye contact with the ex who has recently confessed his love to you once again during sex couple days ago, you’re still in no state to decide how big of a mistake it would be for sleeping with him again during a mission but you should have stopped yourself from drinking in the first place.
Now is simply all too late.
You slowly sink to your knees, hands already on his fly. “That impatient huh?” He smirks before stealing a glance at Soryu who’s still standing hesitantly by the door. “Loosen up, will ya?”
The mobster’s breathing changes as you pull down Kaga’s zipper and get rid of his unnecessary undergarments, showing his glorious cock for a quick second before you lick from the base to its tip. Grabbing hold of his member, you start pumping teasingly while gently massaging his balls.
“Ahhhh… You are so fucking good at this.” Kaga gravelly groans and grips your hair, pushing you forward and takes his eight inches. You quicken your pace as he applies a light force on your head, “Fuck!!!” He hisses, you can taste his pre cum hitting the back of your throat, imagining the anger and jealousy boiling up inside the quiet mobster make you suck harder and faster.
“Slow down, we have got a long night ahead.” You let go and wipe away the glistening saliva surround your mouth, you turn around and look at Soryu as you lick your lips seductively. He gulps with fire burning in his eyes then pulls you right up.
“Now are you ready to have some fun?” Kaga throws the taunting question while you get up and face the blushing Soryu, biting your lips, you lean in for a kiss but he consciously withdraws, he isn’t keen on tasting Kaga’s dick, fair enough. You start nipping his neck instead which is exactly what he needs, a breaking point- your kisses move down to his chest with hands pinching his nipples. Hyogo Kaga watches with amusement, jealous? Not so much, although he never quite likes the idea of SHARING you but this is what you want then he will satisfy you- he always does. Plus he isn’t going to pass a chance of mocking how reserve the boss of Ice Dragons is in bed.
Your mouth steadily going lower until you reach them hem of Soryu’s pants, tracing the outline of his bulge lightly with your index finger and your mouth making its way to the growing arrousal, kissing him through the grey fabric. Soryu gently lifts your head up, gazing you with dazed eyes.
“Take them off if you want.” It isn’t a command, you are simply stating the fact- if Soryu wants you then he will do it here with another man’s presence; he will share you if he wants you. Plain and simple, all he needs to do is decide what he wants or if he truly wants you at all.
Once Soryu is free from his clothes, you get down again and your tongue trace a slow path along his inner thigh licking your way to his painfully harden member. You couldn’t help but tease his a little more, wrapping your hands around it and stroke from the bottom to top. You glance upwards to meet his closed eyes, craving more with anticipation. Alternating the rhythm between strokes and sending bliss all over the mobster’s body.
Getting bolder you open your lips and let his tip glide into your mouth, sucking ever so lightly on it, causing a quick moan from deep down Soryu’s throat. His eyes remain close tightly, now that he’s moaned and imagining Kaga’s devilish grin isn’t helping. Soryu’s hips bucking up and he has to use all his willpower not to slip another moan while you take him deeper and faster, bobbing your head in his desired pace.
Removing your mouth from his shaft, gliding your tongue along his underside before swirling around his tip, enjoying his cock like your favorite Iollipop. His hips bucks higher suddenly along with a long and VERY LOUD groan his seeds explodes into your mouth. Your eyes widen by the warm surprise at the new sensation of having his release dripping from the corner of your lips down to your chin after you’ve swallowed most of it. Soryu’s fingers losses from your head and looks at you apologetically. “Honestly, you are too good.”
Kaga chuckles, both of you turn around to see him laying a bunch of condoms from the nightstand. The captain kneels on the bed and motions you with this chin, he swiftly removes your panties as soon as you’re within reach. Your eyes are still captivated by his fully enlarged and protected member that’s eagerly entering your moist cavern while Soryu’s shaking hands move onto your alluring body, groping your breasts and breathing heavily as the tip of his cock joins and stretches your occupied pussy.
Moans escape your lips as both enormous shafts bury inside of you, they give you all the time to adjust until you nod to Soryu while you grab Kaga and kiss him hungrily. The mobster’s eyes burn with jealousy, you know that but mainly because you are craving for his touches and kisses, Hyogo Kaga is a drug and there’s no stopping once you’ve started.
“Do you like it rough?” Kaga asks.
“Hmm hmm.” You don’t want to waste energy in answering but his head turns to the side and stares at Soryu, obviously not going to continue the kissing. “Tell us what you want us to do to you.” Kaga’s voice is firm but neither challenging nor demanding, slightly amused maybe. This isn’t for himself, it’s for Soryu.
You try catching your breath and meet the mobster’s longing gazes, “I want you both to fuck me as hard as possible, make me cum again and again.”
Soryu’s eyes darken, especially when Kaga reminds him to hurry up. “You heard the lady, mob boss.”
Soryu’s pants grow harsh and you’d feel his dick getting bigger, “Does it hurt?” Such a sweetheart at a time like this, so much different than the times he bursted through your old apartment where he just pinned you down and had his release out in a rushed.
This time is completely different.
Your reassurance is what he needs, “I want you to make me moan Soryu.”
He is helpless when it comes to you, you are his weak spot but he gladly obliges. One look from you is enough to send shivers down his spine, picking up his pace, Soryu slams into you harder, rougher and spot on. His hands on the bed to support his weight, Kaga brings his lips back to your ears and neck, biting and licking just the way you like it. As you’re lost between Kaga’s intoxicating kisses and Soryu’s rhythmic thrusts, your hip begin to buck up and down on its own, causing Kaga to drive his tongue down your throat.
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“Do you like it?” He asks with a cocky smirk with saliva oozing down his chin, his sexy voice rings throughout the room. “Is this what you’ve always wanted? Two cocks inside you, fucking you non stop?”
“Only with men who can make me wet.” Your words register in Soryu’s head as he leans in and crashes his lips to yours, both of you moaning into the kiss as agreement. This is beyond sexy and lustrous, your ex fiancé and your crush, both moaning, panting; their heated bodies sliding in and out of you, the sight and erotic sound make you hornier than ever.
Soryu’s lips temporarily leave yours, “You’re so wet for me baby, sing for me.” His arousing groans nearly melt you as Kaga’s hand moves to your core with his fingers rubbing fiercely over your nub. “Oh my god!” He’s always known what to say and do to you, your sensitive and favourite spots, even the fantasy of being watched and pounded by your crush while your ex is right behind contrast between the two men is insane; one is slamming at a mad pace while the other increases the pleasure with his gentler thrusts but still satisfyingly on spot.
“Kaga,” You swallow, throat dry from all the moaning and screaming, “I’m gonna….cum..if you…” With a kiss to your earlobe, your ex fiancé smirks. “I know, it’s your punishment,” His breath becomes more uneven, “for STILL calling me by my last name.” He speeds up right after his final word and you come undone in seconds with both their fully erected cocks still fucking your over sensitive pussy.
“Harder.” You say with a whisper, “Fuck me harder, Soryu.”
And the mobster does what he’s told, thrusting deep and hard into you, “Moan my name.” He pushes further.
“YES!! Ahh!! FUCK ME…HARDER! Soryu! Yes!!” You moan loudly through each word, igniting both men further more.
“What a horny needy woman.” Kara mocks but you know he likes it, he just isn’t comfortable enough to say the actual words in front of Soryu.
“And you love it.” You remind him and he picks up his pace from below, matching the mobster. The slapping sounds of your bodies meeting each other, filling the room with sweet and blissful musical. Each moan gets louder and louder with each thrust, you’re close again, feeling it build up in the pit of your stomach and your walls are beginning to quiver around both cocks.
“Fuck!!!!” You YELL in pure ecstasy and everything turn white. Your pussy still clenching around their dicks, Soryu reaches his climax almost right after you. Kaga pushes you down, pulls you out and lifts your ass up in the air as soon as Soryu leaves the bed. By the time Kaga renters, you gasp at the feeling of his raw and familiar dick inside you- just fucking perfect. He fucks you frantically for another good ten minutes before he finally comes hard, savouring every second as he rides out his orgasm. You could feel his cock twitching and with each release, he lets out a heavenly growl that echoes through the room.
You collapse on your back and Kaga lays next to you, Soryu finishes cleaning himself up and stands at the edge of bed. “Come on,” You smile, the mobster climbs and joins. All three of you lying on bed, you turn to both sides and peak their cheeks without saying a word.
Before Mika Hijikata comes into my life, I never even like women, apart from her twin sister Mia who’s completely held Eisuke’s heart captive.
I haven’t been the same person ever since, distractrd, soft hearted, having my judgement clouded and rage has taken over me.
After the long and heated sex with them, I soon close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. Sharing a woman is weird enough for me, I can’t stand a conversation with those two afterwards.
“So what’s your story with him?” I could hear Kaga asking. It’s obvious the two had history, they did bang in Eisuke’s office as soon as they’re left alone but none of us expected them to be engaged. My heart couldn’t sink any lower at how close they remain regardless of all their bickering, the kind of understanding they share is something I know Mika and I could never have. Mika’s warm hand strokes my bangs a few times to make sure I’m sound asleep before sharing her previous mission and unfortunate encounter with us.
“Did you two sleep together?”
“Does it matter?”
“No, but the poor guy is head over heels for you.”
“He isn’t, I’m a cop, he’s a mobster. It can’t be anymore obvious.”
Yes, it couldn’t be anymore obvious but to actually hear it from her lips, my heart is ripped in two. “Oh please, if you’re into the guy, you would quit the force.” “That I would but he’s an actual criminal plus …. I realize he has sides that I don’t wish to see again, I will never be with a man who can’t take no for an answer or let anger gets the better of him as some kind of reason.” Hearing those two starting another private round in the bathroom while I twist and turn at her last comment, aching every single cell of mine and cursing myself for the stupid actions I had made, to forever put an end to a woman who’s been stuck in my heart since the beginning. Mika Hijikata is my weakness. If anything happens to her, I’ll do anything to save her, anything.
“We fall in love with one version of someone and we expect them to stay that way but they never do.“- Olivia Wilde
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