#imagine how jealous leo would be LOLLL
overtsexting · 10 months
If not for the fact, omg poor Camilla, I really see Camilla as someone who...wouldn't stop having babies until she couldn't no more.
My initial vibe for camilla was that she's someone who really wants kids, which I think is how a lot of people see her—which is why I married her to Laslow instead of having her be gay lol. But after she actually did have a kid in my save and got her ending, I completely changed my mind. If she's married to someone random I don't really think she'd want kids that much. Her thing is that she loves her family, which already exists, not that she wants kids. (The idea of her going back to Ylisse with Laslow felt so Bad to me lol)
However, she loves her existing family. A lot. Abnormally so, one might say. So if she were with Leo (or Xander or Corrin), I think yep she would have so many kids. And she would love it. She'd love being pregnant, she'd love growing her family, and she'd absolutely love the fact that she can create a big family without having to be married off and separated from her siblings.
Like... I feel like if she had kids with [insert random potential husband or political marriage partner], she'd feel a it distant to them. A bit lonely, and always long to be back in Nohr and with her siblings. But if she had kids with one of her brothers?? She would love them to DEATH.
Camilla and Leo with so many kids that the eldest is technically old enough to be the youngest's parent 😩
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