#imagine he was just out camping w the family and was like lol lmao hang on a sec guys and went on a child kill break
the-acid-pear · 10 months
Actually I only now realized just... How mental the whole kidnapping of Garret was. It makes me almost think that this was personal, maybe the kid saw something he shouldn't, so he was a bit of a loose end? He really exposed himself going out of the pizzeria hopefully without the suit bc i don't think it'd be reasonable to fucking drive w such a jittery thing on and just... Tracking this random ass kid down to kidnap him like... What did Willy mean by that? 🧐
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Any thoughts on Annabeth and Percy as parents? Poseidon just changing his cap from Neptune's lucky cap to world's saltiest grandpa sjsjsns
World’s Saltiest Grandpa is the FUNNIEST fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life and it’s definitely happening jskddlsjfdkls
anyway I feel like the first one would definitely be a. uh. happy surprise™
like, they haven’t been married for a full year and are still settling into their new lives and one day Grover comes over to hang with Annabeth and he senses™ something and is like ‘hey….sweetie….why don’t we go to the drugstore’ and she starts flipping out lmao
anyway once she gets 3 positive tests she starts going into Planning mode, she’s got Grover there and she’s acting all rational and she’s talking about it to Piper and Hazel in their gc and she seems very calm and happy, and they’re coming up with cute ways to tell Percy right
like they started planning out a whole sweet little reveal thing
but then Percy gets home from work and this poor fucker isn’t even all the way in the door when she just screeches from across the room “I’M PREGNANT” and he’s like “W H A T”
so they’re screaming in excitement for most of the night after that lmao
if you think this isn’ t the biggest fucking gossip on Olympus then you’ve got another thing coming
Aphrodite has swooned 12 different times since the news drooped. Hera is screaming. Hestia is about to fucking set up camp in the Jackson’s backyard. Poseidon won’t shut the fuck up about how excited he is. Zeus is quaking. Apollo is weeping and has written multiple dramatic poems about this event. Athena is torn between fuming and excitement. Artemis has shown up to every single fucking doctor’s appointment disguised as a nurse. We’re talking 24/7 coverage on Hephaestus TV, baby
Annabeth is one of those bitches that lowkey thrives being pregnant. constantly glowing. everyone in her birthing classes hates her lmao
Percy 100% gets sympathy cravings and you KNOW it
Sally broke the world record for ‘worlds longest scream’ when she found out she’s SO excited
Piper literally will not stop buying baby stuff like every single week they get more packages of toys and clothes from her
Meanwhile Hazel and Frank won’t stop knitting baby blankets and hats and Leo built a fucking magical crib that would turn into a fucking indestructible barrier if a monster ever attacked AND includes a built in holographic light that will make the room look like it’s underwater
Percy and Annabeth are constantly just talking to the bump and not even in the cutesy way like she’ll fucking be at work and be giving out instructions and then go ‘that sounds good, doesn’t it _(baby name)_?’ or ‘Linda, ____ thinks that’s a terrible idea’ while looking down at her stomach and her coworkers think it’s hilarious
or they’ll be arguing about something and Percy’ll be like ‘Yeah, well, at least ____ agrees with me!’ lmao
She wakes up one day to find Percy put headphones on her stomach and is blasting Adele on them and she’s like ‘it’s classical music to make them smarter, Percy’ and he’s like ‘yeah but SOMEONE in this house needs to not be emotionally stunted so I’m giving them a chance’ jfsksdf
100% Nico has received a desperate phone call in the middle of the night because Annabeth’s craving shit that they can’t get anywhere near them at 3 am so he had to go on a shadow travel run to get it for her lmao
Her mood swings get so insane but like remember on Parks and Rec when Ann was pissed at Chris for just being. TOO supportive? 100% percabeth antics
Annabeth is So Determined to work through her pregnancy and not go on leave and it’s driving Percy absolutely insane
Every single morning he’s just like babe please….be a sane human… lmao
when she went into labor it was. hectic
they had been trying to plan a trip to either CHB or CJ so she could deliver with like Actual Healers who won’t get freaked out if people zapped into the room and also they’d be near family right 
and then the kid was like what if,,,,,,,,I came more than a month early. wouldn’t that be fun
lmao so cut to a scene of Percy speeding down the streets of their little town, both of them screaming their heads of, a fucking flock of owls tailing after their car,
there’s a heavy thunderstorm happening and Percy’s screaming ‘hey ZEUS! NOT THE FUCKING TIME ASSHOLE!!!!’ lmao
so they get to the hospital right. Poseidon and Athena beat them there and brought their mortal families with them lmao
Everyone’s a mess. Fredrick is about to faint and Helen and Paul are trying to get him to pull it together. Estelle is terrorizing Bobby and Matthew so those three are barely paying attention to the baby situation. Sally and Athena have already threatened five different medical professionals to get Annabeth some drugs. Poseidon is practically fucking vibrating 
While Annabeth is getting all settled in Percy starts calling all their friends to tell them and they are SO OFFENDED that they DARE to be in another state whilst Annabeth is delivering so everyone starts fucking scrambling to get there
Nico and Hazel shadow travel themselves, Frank, Reyna and Piper over. Leo, Calypso, Grover, Chiron, Rachel and Thalia physically wrangle Apollo into driving them there in his chariot. Magnus and Alex had to blackmail Sam to fucking fly them there. everyone else had to fend for themselves. everyone is screaming
just….imagine that fucking waiting room
Artemis did in fact disguise her way onto the delivery team and Percy’s just like….please don’t shoot my wife with an arrow. it’d be awesome if you refrained from doing that,
a nurse tried to tell Thalia that the delivery room was family only and she screamed and knocked her out before running into the room lmao
Grover’s hyperventilating practically the entire time and because of the empathy link Percy’s like dude YOU are freaking ME out so that’s a whole situation 
between all the chaos in the waiting room and all the yelling in the delivery room this maternity wing has literally never been so stressed out before lmao
Annabeth looses all concept of cool and is yelling at the doctor even as she’s pushing
Percy’s hand ends up fractured 
Fredrick is streaming all this on his facebook live and Annabeth is cursing him out whenever the contractions pass
but overall it was a good, safe delivery! no arrows through the chest!
Poseidon, storming into the waiting room, screaming at the top of his godly lungs: IT’S A BOY
everyone in the waiting room:
Tumblr media
I don’t feel like coming up with names right now but the middle name IS Charles and NO I am not accepting any dissenting opinions on that
everyone’s crying while they rotate in and out to see them lol
Apollo’s trying to prophecy about how Amazing the kid will be and Percy’s got riptide out and is like ‘he is LITERALLY 3 hours old’ 
Pry This Baby Out Of Sally Jackson’s Arms, I Dare You
after a while the people that had to get there themselves start appearing and making even more of a scene. Like Clarrise just bursts through the doors holding the biggest teddy bear she could find and says absolutely nothing but scowls at everyone who looks at her while she’s holding the baby. the Stolls are fucking climbing in through the window holding a bunch of a balloons. Hedge is making mildly obnoxious jokes. all that
but anyway once they get settled back home and everything. they are the MOST paranoid first time parents lmao
every single little noise this child makes has them on edge. they tiptoe constantly. whom needs sleep
baby doctor on speed dial. “why’d he stop eating???!!?” “…maybe he’s…full?” “…oh.”
but when they’re not busying worrying they have the Cutest Fucking Baby In The World, good for them
Annabeth suddenly realizes taking leave makes sense. her and Percy are like glued to this kid. so many pictures. so many videos. 
once he gets a little older and they have to, like, have Lives again, Percy constantly brings him to the aquarium with him and it’s. CUTE.
the baby LOVES looking at all the fish and petting dolphins omg
okay I’m tired so this is getting away from me but overall I’d see them having like maybe 3 or 4 kids. 
all super cute. all smart. all get up to whacky antics.
add onto this if anyone wants to lol but….iconicly cute parents percy and annabeth thank you goodnight
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bisexualryder · 5 years
Okay dude i’ll bite, can i know more about your trio wardens au ? Like how did they meet ? Who did they romance ? What happens to them after dao ? In da2 ? Dai ? (Sorry im just a huge fan of ocs and i love the wardens)
Ahhh, first off - thank you for asking! I’m happy to gush about my trio of idiots wardens :D Secondly - don’t apologize for asking! I love talking about my OCs, I’m just bad about keeping up with posting and such lately (but hope to fix that soon, especially if I make this extra sideblog). ANYWHO, gonna jump in and apologize now if this gets long, lol.
SO I’ll hit romance first since that’s quicker and easier. Rylee and Ise (eventually) become a thing - they’re married by the time DAI rolls around. Typical grumpy asshole falls in love with ray of sunshine and doesn’t want to admit it at first. She tries to play it cool and ends up playing it too cool until she gets some help from the couple companions she befriends (mostly Zev, since Sten doesn’t care that much, but he offers his insight on what qunari do). But they don’t actually, like, really become a romance-y thing until after ghoul!Tamlen shows up and oof that one is painful.
Eleri I… don’t know yet, to be honest. She was a re-imagining of my old Cousland, who romanced Alistair, but with Eleri I’m actually leaning a bit more toward Zevran. But uh, still not sure yet, I’m mad indecisive on this one. tbh even Nate is in the running for her *shrug emoji*
On to the rest!
They don’t all join the standard way, I guess, but they do all meet at Ostagar. Ducan officially recruits Rylee and Isethari, Eleri recruits herself, lol.
Rylee is recruited first. Standard Tabris origin there and it’s on the way to Ostagar that they plan to stop and see the Dalish elves and that’s when they find Isethari half-dead in the middle of the woods (it was sheer luck, really). Duncan sends Rylee, carrying the nearly-dead Ise, to the camp and goes to investigate the area. Other than Rylee wandering around the Dalish camp like an awestruck idiot, most of the Mahariel origin is the same. Rylee stays behind in the camp, though, when Ise and co. are sent back to the ruin where they run into Duncan. Once they leave, Rylee earns herself the duty of ensuring that Isethari doesn’t run on their trip to Ostagar, bc let me tell you Ise is not happy about leaving without finding Tamlen.
Now for Eleri, she escapes the castle with only her mabari after her parents sacrifice themselves to buy her time to get out. She manages to make it to the stables for her horse and rides as hard as she can to Ostagar, desperate to find her brother. When she basically gets told that he’s out scouting and she likely won’t see him before the battle, she asks about the wardens and is pointed toward Duncan. At that point, she goes up to him like: “I just slaughtered my way through an army of men trying to assassinate my family. I have nothing left but this dream, please.” He asks clarification, she provides, he eventually agrees and sends her off to gather the other recruits and report back with Alistair. It’s at that point she meets Rylee and Isethari, who are hanging around close together by the quartermaster (after Rylee nearly kills Daveth for hitting on that one woman, you know the one). 
From there up until the start of the fight, it progresses as it normally would in canon. They all get their quest, go out into the wilds, etc. etc. And once they survive the Joining, they have a pre-meeting meeting thing. Alistair and Eleri join the meeting as per canon, and Duncan assigns Rylee and Ise to the remaining warden forces. So from there, canon-typical for Eleri. Go to the tower, light the beacon, get almost killed and then saved by Flemeth, etc.
Rylee and Ise, however, have a much more trying experience. Rylee takes a genlock to the face (claws? blade? idk lmao) for Ise to protect her - this being around the time they can see the battle is going south. Duncan’s already been killed at this point and Ise starts to panic (she hates fighting as it is) and manages to half convince, half drag Rylee from the fighting and they flee the battle to the nearest town (naturally, Lothering). They end up meeting up with Eleri and Alistair (and Morrigan) again and explain what happened from their perspective and then work with Eleri and Alistair to come up with a plan of action.
Eleri takes up the role of warden-commander (since Alistair and Ise don’t want to lead and everyone knows Rylee leading is a Very Bad Idea™).
Uhhh, key highlights of what they do I guess would be:
Sided with the Mages
Irving saved, Uldred dead etc etc
Put Bhelen in power
Branka’s killed
sent Dagna off to study ofc
Sided with the Dalish against the werewolves
two elves with one being Dalish and the other violently racist made it a simple choice for Eleri to lessen a headache later (she had way too much else to worry about than argue with them)
Helped Redcliffe and saved Conner
demon killed w/Jowan’s help (he does the ritual and Morrigan is sent in to yeet the demon out)
Isolde’s alive
side note: didn’t poison the Urn
Anora rules w/ Alistair
Loghain alive & recruited as a warden (recruited post-final fight)
Alistair still performs the ritual with Morrigan
Not too much of note here. Rylee is the one that finds Nathaniel, though, and it does not go well for him. It’s only Ise that stays Rylee’s hand from killing him. When they bring him to Eleri, she immediately recruits him when she realizes it’s her old friend. He’s still pretty ticked, but softens about the whole thing a bit when he realizes Eleri is around.
With more wardens, they’re able to more easily protect the Keep and Amaranthine. And the Architect does live (much to Rylee’s great annoyance).
Sometime in here is when Rylee and Ise get married. They have two ceremonies - one in the Denerim alienage to honor Rylee’s culture and then again when they find Ise’s clan outside Kirkwall.
Hawke and co. do run into Ise and Rylee in the Deep Roads during the expedition (as they are canon with Ashley Hawke, there’s not a twin to save). BUT the two of them help Ash and crew gtfo and back safely to Kirkwall. Turns out they saw Bodahn on their way into the Deep Roads to investigate and got a tip to keep an eye out for some lost members of the expedition (the whole leaving suddenly without them thing didn’t sit right with him).
Later on, in that mission where you run into Nate? Eleri’s with him, though doesn’t actually advertise herself as the warden-commander while chatting with Ash. Ash isn’t dumb, though, (not always, at least) and gets a feeling Eleri might be kinda more in charge than she was told. So when wardens start disappearing, she takes a chance and makes contact. It ultimately pays off when Eleri sends Rylee and Ise to help the Inquisition.
During the events of Here Lies the Abyss in Inquisition, it’s Rylee that stays behind to buy everyone time to escape. And, much like when Ise was taken from her clan, she has to be dragged out - this time by the Inquisitor herself (Olivia, for the record) - kicking, screaming, and utterly sobbing that they’re leaving her wife behind.
BUT because fuck canon, Rylee survives and kinda wanders around the raw Fade until she finds another open rift. This ends up dumping her into the ass end of Orlais somewhere and it takes her a while to make her way back to Skyhold, but dammit! She and Ise do get a happy ending. It does take a while though, it really does. And for that duration, Ise doesn’t leave Skyhold for anything after they get her back there. Resigned, more than anything, she usually perches on an empty wall away from the hustle and bustle of the main areas near the stables. She also doesn’t eat much, only what small bits that Cole brings her.
As for Eleri, she - along with Nate, Velanna, and Sigrun - are searching for the cure. And I really haven’t thought much beyond that.
MAN this got long, I hope you don’t mind! I had a lot of fun thinking about this and gushing a bit about my girls and what they do :D So thank you, again, for asking! One day, I think I plan to write something detailing their journey from start to finish in DAO and maybe beyond, but it’d probably be a series of drabbles? I struggle with long fics and flowing from one chapter to the next, but maybe.
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pegaeae · 6 years
im on mobile so sry if this is the case but i love Lyna so much?? does she have an OC page? what is her personality like normally (and before becoming a grey warden)?? what's she like post blight? what do she and zev love about each other?? how did they even fall in love?? i have so many questions omg honestly i love her even tho i dont even know much about her yet lmao
ahhh thank you so much!!! /o\ it makes me so happy knowing ppl like her ;; she doesn’t have an OC page but she does have a tag, it’s just #mahariel because i’m boring. i try to shove all my art and posts abt her in there but i forget to tag my text posts a lot.
 i’m gonna tuck this under a cut bc it got pretty long ^^;
before becoming a grey warden she was pretty pragmatic and down to earth (if incredibly stubborn) and got paired off w/ tamlen a lot bc her “hold up there buddy” personality really reined in his impulsive, very burst-of-energy personality. after the eluvian shit and becoming a grey warden she’s really different bc she’s dealing with the guilt of thinking she killed tamlen and had to leave her clan bc of it so she’s very… quiet and angry and upset all the time, snappish, drags her heels because she REALLY doesn’t want to be with a bunch of humans saving the world, especially when it gets into like the politics of redcliffe, she just wants to go back to her family. after the tamlen ambush (really reopening some wounds there for her bc she found out she not only didn’t originally get him killed but he turned into a ghoul and then she really DID have to kill him) and seeing his ghostie again during the urn of sacred ashes, she kind of starts finally burying him in her heart and working towards getting over her grief–and starts becoming a regular person again (albeit more irascible and withdrawn than she used to be) w/ zevran’s help
post blight!! she’s a lot better. between the end of da:o and the beginning of da:a she and zev are hanging out together bc he still considers himself her man, w/o reservation, and also they both have massive crushes on each other. their romance starts during this weird limbo period… 
as for falling in love, zevran is the first person lyna starts opening up to after the urn of sacred ashes quest–during the time before that (from ostagar up until) she hadn’t taken care of herself at all bc she was just so miserable and angry all the time, so she goes to him for help bc he’s 1) the only other elf in camp (and she’s pretty.. biased against humans) and 2) he spends more time on his appearance than basically everyone else in the camp combined. anyways. she’s mortified at asking him at all bc she hates asking other people for help but they go off to a nearby river and he cuts out all the mats and snarls in her hair and then washes it multiple times for her with his nice soap and combs it all out until its nice and braids it for her… and after that he braids her hair almost every day. if her hair looks nice in anything i draw or write its because zev did it for her lol
it was a really gradual thing and i think lyna had feelings for zev before he had feelings for her. for her it started with how he respected her boundaries, especially when she was grieving–and it was really significant for her since he had like, been hired to kill her and everything. also him being really hot didn’t hurt. & then when she went to him for help he just like, immediately went to help her and didn’t tease her TOO much about it. it was a very slow thing built up through a lot of long conversations and many, many mornings of him combing her hair for her. 
on zev’s side i can’t.. imagine he was actually interested at her in all at first. she literally looked like a walking tornado half the time, and she gave off huge warning vibes all the time. he still flirted with her a lot anyways because like, that’s what zev does, and he spends basically the entirety of the blight expecting her to knife him over some minor argument but his feelings started to change during the taliesin fight–lyna deliberately moves between him and taliesin and leaves her back open to him and zev’s like, oh, shit, this is intense, she really trusts me, bc she’s giving him a VERY obvious opportunity to shank her and just the sheer amount of trust she’s putting in him is nuts in his opinion. after that everything goes downhill and he develops Feelings for this Girl, who is no longer a walking tornado because he makes her look nice
in their actual relationship: 
lyna loves that when zev walks into a room, it feels like everything is brighter, like everything is better. she loves that when she’s in a shitty mood he can immediately sweep her out of it by pulling her into his arms and covering her in kisses and making stupid jokes that still make her laugh even though they’re DUMB. she loves that he stays with her, even when she asks him to do awful, awful things like go back to Ferelden in the middle of winter–and she loves the sad puppy dog eyes he gives her when she asks him lol. she loves the way he buries his face into the crook of her neck and shoves his cold toes under her when they’re trying to sleep, and the way he’ll stroke her hair and tell her how strong she is when she’s having an awful nightmare.
zev loves her strength and the way she gets shit done and digs her heels in until she gets the result that she WANTS. he loves that she does what her heart tells her to do even when its something fucking stupid (”lyna why did you stab that guy” “idk i just felt like it needed to be done”). he loves the way that she smiles when he makes a particularly bad joke–just a little quirk of her lips bc she’s trying to hide that she actually found it funny. and he loves the thought that she puts into things–the little designs she embroiders on the hems of all of his shirts, the making sure that they have enough warm blankets and coats because she knows he gets cold so easily, the nice antivan wines she buys for dinner even though he knows she hates the taste. he really loves the elvish songs she sings to him when she thinks he’s asleep
THIS GOT.. REALLY LONG i’m sorry… i love my kids /o\
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