#imagine having a legendary pokemon for a friend that essentially treats you like a fussy kitten and like it's your mother
hydrachea · 3 years
Forgive my messy and vaguely coherent thoughts BUT
I’ve been thinking thoughts bout the lake trio n possessed Volo.
So Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie are the Pokémon of Willpower, Emotion, and Knowledge. They also possess the ability to calm Dialga or Palkia. So they are essentially in tune with whatever emotions all powerful legendary Pokémon feel.
So what if in the first round when Akari has to do those trials for the red chain that the lake trio can feel something is wrong. They can feel Giratina’s presence and how unnaturally close it is since Volo tags along. Volo can hear the faint arguement of Giratina in his mind towards the trio who try to console or calm them, even if the trio isn’t entirely sure of Giratina’s intentions at the time they know it isn't good. Volo leaves with a massive headache cause he is used to one voice besides his own in his head not 4.
By the time Akari makes a second round to capture the trio for that one plate, the lake trio has realized what is happening. They realize what Giratina is doing with Volo. By then it’s just a bit too late.
Bonus becuz I need fluff I can't make shit angsty sry: when we finally exorcise the Giratina from the boy, the lake trio take it upon themselves to help Akari care for Volo because they understand that this should have never happened, or at least been stopped beforehand. They are a trio to help keep balance With time and space and they almost allowed the world to be destroyed. And yeah he’s just a lil guy compared to them (in the sense they are legendaries and Volo is just a human) but they feel bad they let it brew for so long even if they wouldn’t have known and probably couldn’t do much once they found out. Mesprit helps him balance his emotions since they are still scrambled from Giratina’s influence. Helps him reconnect with his pokemon with the help of Akari (because there is definitely some strain there after that whole ordeal), Uxie enjoys sharing random knowledge with him that isn’t super related to Arceus or Giratina to keep his mind off of it for a lil bit while recovering (lol Uxie is just infodumping),and Azelf supplies the unconscious motive to keep going through the misfortunes. The willpower to beat Giratina 100% out of his body. Take back what belongs to you. Akari helps with all of it of course but the inclusion of the legenaries helps. It's definitely gonna cause a breakdown for Volo later because he doesn't get why they are all so. Nice. Maybe he's having a breakdown rn who knows he's got enough mental issues to have a lot of those.
lumioxys asked: More becuz the brain won't stop. At this point I'm running on crack with this idea because I just wanna bully Volo
maybe Uxie stays with Volo idk I think they would get along. Uxie likes listening to Volo talk about the legends, and Volo likes learning from Uxie about the world in general (nature, Pokemon, whatever). He tells himself it's because Uxie is a legendary that he must study it because if he gathers the other two he could be making connections here to overthrow God or smthn but like he's just denying that he genuinely enjoys Uxie’s company as a Pokemon companion and friend. Also because Uxie didn't really do anything to help him heal in relation to Giratina like mesprit and azelf did. They just hung out with Volo since the rest of the trio was there, sharing random bits that might interest them to direct there thoughts in the opposite direction of the subject of his pain. if Uxie gets annoyed or upset they just either teleport away or teleport Volo into the middle of nowhere. He’ll be fine. Probably. Makes fun of him in poke-language around his Pokemon and they laugh at him too. The whole “dont do it or I will get Akari” kind of deal. The kind of friend who is also a ball n chain because we can't leave him to his own devices. Akari is fine with it becuz it means she doesn't have to keep an eye on him 24/7. Some days Volo goes to her n is like “please get this thing away from me” it doesn’t work. Sometimes the entire trio visits specifically to annoy him and play pranks. They do it with a weird fondness of yeah that’s the human that Giratina fucked up a lil bit. He's a little insane but that's ok he's kinda working on it.
Put in a setting similar to the one of the long fall from the gates of heaven to the depths of hell where Giratina's already occupies Volo's mind and talks to him, this could work nicely! It would also explain why Volo never came with Akari and whichever clan leader was with them when they went to gather the materials for the Red Chain - he could feel something off with the presence inside, it made Giratina's voice grow restless. And that's also why when it's time to get their plates, he didn't come to the lakes at all.
The three of them helping him recover is really cute... In the context of Giratina influencing his thoughts and actions from nearly the start, he's a lot more of a victim (it really depends on the context pff) and it's sweet of them to help him get himself together again, especially considering it's very needed. Him bonding with Uxie over knowledge is adorable, he really can use a friend! Yes, even if that friend is a pokemon. He'll take what he can get at this point.
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