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Two day streak!
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feelin’ good today :]
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So you wanna know if you’re doing yoga right? I’ll let you in on a little secret! When your back is on the floor, if your chin is tucked in such a way where you can feel you’re in double chin territory, you’re doing it right. 😂 Ah yes Yoga, the results may seem glamorous, but it’s definitely not always selfie worthy. :]
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I got back on the horse today. Wheel Pose, and Natarajasana kicked my butt... but it’s been like 2 months. I just have to stay on the horse this time! Another little issue, I eat when I am bored or anxious, and it hasn’t been healthy food. Any suggestions into cheap healthy snacking foods? I adore pumpkin seeds, nuts, pears, and dries fruits... but these can sometimes be pricey. How is everyone else’s journey?
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Hey y’all! Long time no talk! About 2-3 weeks I got hit with some kind of Goopy, head, throat, sickness that just took me out. There was a solid few days where I couldn’t move with out surging head pain and body pains. Needless to say, I was not running, walking, or doing much Yoga. I still have weird throat stuff, but am optimistic by this week Ill be back to fully operational! My appetite came back a few days ago, and I’ve been eating a lot of stuff, some of it not very healthy. So hoping to get back on track!!
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I did it!! Not only did I reach my goal of 90,000 steps in a week, but I also won the step challenge for my bracket. I am now in the 85k step challenge! Whoot! and of course because you should never miss a Monday, I did some Yoga and had a good walk with Leo. :]
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Alas, the rain. Time for Yoga.
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Wowza!! Keeping my goals close!
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Beautiful day to get outside and tackle some goals... and play and look at pretty things :]
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We had a good walk and picnic to the park and back :]
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Whoot! I reached my goal of placing in the top three last week! My next goal is to get to 90k steps this week! Also did a good 3.5 Mile walk with morning with Leo and some Yoga while he napped!
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Probably one of the most terrifying things is putting yourself out there. It’s been a process... having a healthy mind also means protecting it from people that don’t have your health in mind. Be kind to yourselves friends.
INFJ Confession #3156
I spend so much time trying to be genuine and simultaneously mold myself into the role others need of me; it deeply hurts me when they take offense to my authenticity.
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Running is getting harder instead if easier for some reason. I might actually look into getting an inhaler again. Trying Bolly X with my sis tomorrow!
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Yoga with walking and running today… I’m somehow first in the 60k step challenge this week. Making it a goal to place in the top 3 by the end!
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Not too bad if I don’t mention all the mini powered donuts I ate today. Oh and the bottle of Green River Soda... and the fettuccine alfredo and big homemade breadsticks... 😬 Healthier tomorrow! Let’s do it!
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