#imagine bayverse.... but worse somehow
angelmichelangelo · 2 years
actually me getting back into tmnt is such funny timing because of daredevil. because tmnt pays a lot of homage to the daredevil comics/origins. the mutagen from tmnt being what spilled and blinded matt. matt fighting ‘the hand’, the turtles fighting ‘the foot’... i don’t trust marvel enough to ever let the two crossover in the movies/tv shows but it would blow my mind if the turtles ever made a small appearance or something
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lalogawrites · 4 months
All I Want Is More (Leo/OC)
May I please present my humble entry for @desceros 's awesome #tmntspringshellebration challenge! This features my OC and a cross of Bayverse/2003 Leonardo. 💙 All characters are mid-20s. This is SPICY, so 18+ only.
Happy reading! Thank you desceros for the lovely challenge 🥰 *******
Sweat beaded Miranda’s brow as she clambered up the final flight to her place. Summers in New York City weren’t quite as hot as humid as those in Savannah, but they were pretty damn close. After a long shift at the diner, she wanted nothing more than to jump in the shower, then collapse on her couch with a fat bowl. 
As she unlocked her apartment door, her phone vibrated in her pocket. When Miranda pulled the device free, she grinned at the caller’s name and answered immediately.
“Hey, handsome.”
“Hey, gorgeous.” The low timbre of Leo’s voice sent a thrill straight to her core, and her grin widened as she pushed her door open with her hips. 
“You’re awake already?” she asked, glancing at the time — just after four pm. It was still light out and everything. “I thought y’all had a long patrol last night.”
“I’ve rested enough.” There was a beat of silence, then he said, “You’re off work?”
“Yeah. Thank god.” She locked the door, then tossed her keys and bag on her counter, stepping out of her shoes before she flopped down onto the couch. “Oh, fuck that feels good.”
Leo’s chuckle was deep and sexy. “Should I be jealous?”
“Oh, yeah,” she replied, wriggling her toes. “I’m on top of my new lover. They’re big and squashy, and in the prettiest shade of plum… We met at the Salvation Army.”
He chuckled again, but his next words were more serious. “How was your shift?”
“Customers could have been worse. Tips could have been better.” She sighed, flexing her calves. “What are you doing?”
“Actually…” A pregnant pause, then he said, somewhat sheepishly. “At the risk of sounding like a bad horror movie villain, I’m right outside.”
“What?” She jumped up and hurried to the window to let him in. “Why didn’t you say so?”
But he didn’t enter her apartment, only stood on her fire escape, amidst her plants and his bonsai, and regarded her. Miranda leaned against the window frame and watched him in return. It was surreal to see Leo bathed in the afternoon sunlight; it cast a golden sheen on his green skin, made his eyes all the bluer. 
At last he tilted his head, his nostrils flaring. “You look amazing,” he said in that low, sexy voice.
No way that was true, after eight hours slinging burgers and french fries. But, suddenly she understood his intentions. “Leo,” she said, rolling her eyes. “We’re adults and we’re dating. You don’t have to play coy if you want a booty call. You can just tell me you want to rail me against the wall.”
Was it her imagination, or did his eyes go darker? She definitely wasn’t imagining the flush of deep green that spread across his mottled cheeks. But his voice—god, his voice—sent a jolt of desire straight through her.
“Is that so?”
Before she knew it, Leo had slipped inside her apartment, but she barely had time to register the fact because of the way he’d pushed her against the nearest wall. As he somehow got both of her wrists in one hand, pulling her arms over her head, his knee splayed her legs apart. Within the space of seconds, she was utterly at his mercy. When he stroked her wrists with his thumb, the light touch sent delicious tingles through her entire body. His knee shifted, pressing against her core, where her underwear was already damp.
Leo leaned down, inhaling her scent, then he gave a low groan — a sound of pure lust. 
Miranda couldn’t help herself and ground herself against his leg. The friction made her words come out as a breathy moan. “You should smell me after I take a shower.”
A half-smile tugged his lips, but he released her, his expression stern once more. “It’s not…” He sighed. “I shouldn’t have come.”
What the hell? Miranda rubbed her wrists—already missing his strong grip—then touched his arm. “Hey. What’s going on with you? Talk to me, please.”
Leo worked his jaw, then stepped away from her, depositing his sword harness beside the couch as he headed for her kitchen — like he was trying to put distance between them. But if that’d been his real aim, why’d he come to her apartment in the first place?
Sometimes Leo got…taciturn. It was the other side to the coin of his restrained nature, one that was beyond fun to shake him out of. But the only way out was through, so Miranda went to her plum-colored couch and reclined again. “Okay, well, you’re free to hang out as long as you want. I’m going to take a nap—”
“It’s humiliating,” he broke in.
She sat upright, leaning over the back of the couch to regard him. “What is?”
He made a vague gesture at himself. “What’s going on with me. It’s humiliating, and I shouldn’t even have come, but I thought…” He sighed, his shoulders sinking. “Do you know what a ‘rut’ is?”
Miranda pursed her lips. “Like a ditch or like what deer go through when they want to mate?”
“The latter.” Leo winced. “And it’s not just deer.” His blue eyes met hers and she noted again how dark they looked, like his pupils were huge. 
“You’re…in your mating season?” she managed. 
He nodded. “It’s something the guys and I each go through, once a year. At different times,” he added as her mouth opened. “It’s…well, it’s usually hell for me. I can’t train or sleep. I can’t even meditate. I can’t concentrate on anything other than…finding a release.” 
Miranda absorbed this. “Sounds intense. Are you… Is it painful?”
He looked around her kitchen, his gaze darting from the leftover coffee mugs on the countertops to the sink full of dirty dishes —that she’d totally been about to get to. Then he started cleaning, which he often did when he was agitated. 
“Sometimes, yeah,” he replied as he moved the coffee cups to the sink. “But mostly it’s just… I can’t explain. I lose control of myself. Completely. All I can think about is getting off. And every year, I usually just lock myself in my room and…take care of things on my own.”
“But this time…?” she prompted.
Leo swiped a rag over the counter, then leaned against it, breathing hard. “I’m early. Like, months early. And it’s…” He exhaled again, sharply. “It’s so much more intense this time. The desire, I mean. And I think it’s because…” He looked at her again, his expression shaded with lust. “Because of you. Because we’re sleeping together. Because my body knows you’re my,” he flushed again, “my mate.”
His eyes drifted closed and he inhaled again. “And you’re ovulating, which I think has kicked everything into overdrive.”
Okay, so this was another aspect of dating a non-human that she’d never considered, but damn, was it shaping up to be a ton of fun. 
But Leo was clearly upset about his ultra-horny state, so she tried to be sympathetic. “I guess this would be a lot to say over text… Is that why you came over?”
He froze over the sink, his shell to her; his shoulders rose and fell with his breaths. “I thought… I wondered if… You…”
Shit, he couldn’t even form a sentence. Miranda rose and went to him, resting a hand on his waist, drawing his gaze. “Hey,” she said, pressing her other hand to his cheek. “It’s okay. I love you, Leo. I’m glad you came over. I want to help you.”
His eyes widened, but he pulled away, pacing towards the other wall. “You don’t understand what you’d be getting into. During mating season, I can’t control myself like normal.”
“I don’t know, that sounds fun to me,” she replied with a wink.
He gave a weak chuckle, though his hands fisted at his sides. “And I have a lot more…stamina than normal. It takes more—a lot more—to satisfy me.”
Better and better. “Still not seeing the downside.”
Leo looked at her intently. “Once we start, I won’t be able to stop. Even if I…hurt you.”
Miranda was just on the smaller side of normal for most women; Leo towered over her, outweighing her by well over a hundred pounds, at least. She’d marveled over—and lusted after—his strength many times. But the implication to what he was saying gave her pause. 
But only for a second. “You won’t hurt me.”
He frowned. “What if you’re wrong?”
“I’m not.” She took a single step toward him, drawn like a moth to a flame. “Leo, I trust you. I know you would never hurt me — not without my permission, anyway.”
He’d gone utterly still as she approached, his fists clenched, his entire body strung taut. Miranda skimmed her fingertips up his wrist and forearm, and he shuddered. 
“If you can smell that I’m ovulating,” she added. “Then you can also tell how fucking turned on I am right now. Right?”
His nostrils flared, his eyes widened. “Miranda…”
Her gaze darted to his crotch, where she could tell he’d already dropped his cock, though his pants somehow managed to restrain his impressive erection. But he didn’t move, like he was still uncertain. 
There was only one way to handle Leo: by teasing him mercilessly. Leaning up on her toes, she pressed a gentle kiss to his chest, then turned away. “Well, if you’re not interested, I’ll just go wash up.”
She bent to tug off her jeans, deliberately not looking at him a she shimmied the fabric to the floor. But she’d only just stepped free of the denim when Leo made a deep sound of pure need, and pulled her back to him, lifting her off the ground. His strong arms held her securely, one hand wrapped around her ass, the other clutching the back of her head to move her as he pleased. 
His mouth covered hers, his tongue thrust between her lips, tasting her in a way that held none of his usual control. Leo’s kiss was that of a starving man at a banquet, desperate, wild. Miranda wrapped her arms around his neck and opened to him completely.
When he broke the seal of their lips to breathe, he held her gaze intently as he set her back to her feet.
“You’re not going anywhere, Miranda,” he murmured as he nipped at her neck, her jaw. “Not until I’m done with you.”
Leo’s voice shaping her name was its own aphrodisiac, and Miranda moaned in response. “Finally.”
He nipped again, harder, and she gasped. Leo paused. “Too much?”
She smiled to herself and tilted her chin back to give him better access. “Not even close.”
The deep groan he gave sent another thrill straight to her center. With one hand, Leo held both of her wrists behind her back while he sucked at her neck, nipping and biting the sensitive skin. His other hand slid down to part her legs before pushing past her underwear, where his index finger dipped beneath the cotton, delving between her soaking folds. 
“Fuck,” he breathed into her ear. “You weren’t kidding.”
Words, like thoughts, were harder to come by now, so Miranda only managed a whimper as he slid his finger deeper while he kissed and nipped at her neck. Leo held her fast, surrounded her, filled every sense.
When he pulled away, they were both breathing hard, and his voice was harsher than she’d ever heard. “You said something,” he rasped, “about a wall.”
Miranda swallowed, her entire body buzzing with arousal. “I did, didn’t I?”
He gave a low growl, then shoved her toward the nearest wall. As a musician, she’d soundproofed her studio apartment with gray foam covering every inch of free wall space. Now, the foam cushioned the impact as Leo pushed her against it; she knew from their past lovemaking the foam would swallow every groan of pleasure — from them both.
Leo’s lips pressed against her ear as he whispered, “Sorry.”
Before she could ask what he meant, her button-up shirt ripped away, buttons pinging off the floor as Leo discarded the fabric. Thankfully, her bra didn’t suffer the same fate—good bras weren’t easy or cheap to come by—though she forgot about it once Leo tossed it aside.
Leo knelt behind her, nipping and sucking his way around her ass cheeks, before he rose and tugged her underwear down, then shoved her legs apart again. Once more, he pulled her wrists up over her head with one hand while the other squeezed her hip, then tugged at the stiff peaks of her nipples. Each touch sent frissons of pleasure through her entire body. Heat and desire swam in her veins, and she was sure she was dripping wet at this point, but in this moment nothing mattered but Leo.
Vaguely, she recognized the rustle of fabric as he shed his pants, then his cock head pressed against her slit. “Miranda,” he whispered in that ragged voice, his body trembling, his hands gripping her flesh tight enough to bruise. “Last chance. One word, and I’ll stop.”
Somehow, through her haze of arousal she managed to smile. “Leo, all I want is more.”
Usually he took his time entering her, as her body needed time to adjust to his significant size and girth. But this time, he only drove his hips forward. His cock slid into her slick center, filling her utterly, stretching her inner walls, and she couldn’t help but cry out wordlessly at the heady mixture of pleasure and pain. Leo’s grip at her wrists and hip tightened as he pounded her against the wall, each thrust sending its own shockwave of delicious sensation through her entire body. 
Any control he’d had before vanished as he drove into her, each movement more forceful than the last. The intensity of his thrusts forced the air from her lungs, making her head light and her vision swim, but she was helpless to do more than bend to his intractable will as he fucked her literally senseless. But it didn’t matter, as her own pleasure soared, each thrust pushing her closer to the edge. 
Leo grunted, his hips jerking as he spilled his seed inside of her; the sticky wetness trickled down her inner thighs. But rather than pull out, he relaxed his grip and lowered his nose into her hair, inhaling deeply.
“Mine,” he murmured, adding a nip at where her shoulder met her neck. “My mate.”
Miranda sucked in a breath, her body pulsing with her own considerable need now. “My turn?” she whined, sliding herself back and forth on his still-hard cock, just to feel the sensation. 
He growled again, but pulled his cock free, then flipped her around like it was nothing. He knelt before her, his eyes grazing over her naked form before they landed on her core, now dripping with his seed. Using the wall as leverage, he lifted her up without a word and buried his tongue between her folds. Miranda’s head fell back against the wall as he lapped at her core, each stroke sending her closer and closer to her peak. When his tongue pressed against her clit, he pushed her over the edge. Her release detonated within her and she keened his name, gripping his shoulders as he fucked her with his mouth.
When the last shudder of her orgasm faded, Leo lowered her down, but only enough to carry her across the room to her bed, where he laid her upon the blankets. He knelt over her, bracing the bulk of his body above her as he kissed her deeply once more. She moaned into his mouth, tasting herself and him, before he broke the kiss and sat up. His cock was still hard, the mottled green skin tinted gold by the afternoon light slipping through her curtains. 
“I love you,” he murmured, then he gripped her hips and slid himself between her legs once more. “Fuck, Miranda, you feel so good.”
He drove against her, hard, his cock hitting every nerve within her, again and again and again. And with each thrust, his voice grew harsher and more desperate. “You want my cock, gorgeous? You want me to fill you up?”
“Yes,” she cried, her body moving in time with his. “Yes, Leo. Please… Make me yours. Fill me to the brim. Please, Leo…”
“Come on my cock,” he growled. “Come for me, beautiful. Let me know you’re mine.”
Another orgasm washed over her and she keened again as waves of pleasure crested through her body. A few more thrusts, then Leo cried out again, too, releasing another stream of his seed within her. 
They lay twined together for a few moments, panting and sticky, before Leo blinked at her, his blue eyes brilliant with devotion. 
“Hey,” he said gently, pressing a kiss against her mouth. “You okay?”
She sucked in a breath, disoriented by…well, everything. “Oh, my god. Are you kidding? That was fucking amazing.”
He gave her an oddly shy smile, given that he was still inside her. “I feel the same way.” 
He slid out of her and laid beside her on her bed, stroking his hand through her hair, his fingers lingering on her neck. “It’s never been like this,” he murmured. “I feel…better.”
Miranda curled on her side to regard him. She couldn’t keep the disappointment out of her voice. “Over, already?”
Leo gave a low, sexy chuckle. “For the moment. But these ruts usually last days, so don’t think you’re getting off so easily.”
She grinned and skimmed her palm over his cheek, savoring how his eyes closed to better savor her touch. “Works for me.”
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