finecole · 5 years
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader - ’’Stark can’t fix doorbell’’
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader Word count: 2076 Note: In honour of our favourite bean returning to the MCU, I decided to finally finish this. Hope you like! 
‘’I swear to god if you stupid machine blow up again I am going to throw you off of the empire state building,’’ you mumbled under your breath as you took a step back from the desk, observing the little bionic arm. You held your breath as you took the tablet from the table behind you and pressed the start program button for the fourth time on that lovely Friday evening – the previous three times had ended up in spasms and sparks.
The arm started the simple procedure, raising its hand at first and then counting down from five fingers. The pinky went down, the index finger followed and even the middle finger cooperated. The ring finger, however, decided against its programming.
Frustrated, you ran a hand through your hair, throwing the tablet down on the desk. Pathetic, you thought, (y/n) Stark can’t even get a bionic arm to function. ‘’Well, at least it didn’t fucking blow up this ti-’
Too soon, sparks came from the first phalanx, followed by a small bang and the fourth small fire of the night. Unshaken by the mishap, you asked Jarvis to put out the fire, after which a small functioning arm appeared from the table top and put out the fire.
‘’Miss Stark, might I remind you of Flash’s party at 9?’’ Crap. A quick glance at the clock told you that you had approximately 20 minutes left to get ready. So, closing up the lab behind you, you took a quick shower and made work of your face and hair and put together a semi-decent outfit, not really in the mood to play dress-up tonight.
One kitchen-pitstop later, you entered the lift taking you down from the top of Stark Tower, a leftover sandwich in hand. Pepper and dad were out of town for some business at MIT, so you had had the paradise to yourself. Now, any sane teenager would have thrown a party, but those sane teenagers didn’t have a Jarvis lurking around.
In typical New York fashion, the streets were clogged by cars, so you decided you’d walk to Flash’s house, not to keen on taking the subway. It was an unusually cold autumn night; people, unprepared for the cold, hid their faces in their thin scarves and stuffed their hands into the pockets of their way-too-thin-coats. You followed suit, and to avoid as much of the cold weather as possible, you decided to cut through some alleyways, only to find a surprise waiting for you.
You turned a corner, accidentally bumping into someone as you entered the – quite shady looking -alleyway. Thrash and containers lined the walls, but aside from some rats and stray cats the alley was void of life. Despite that, it felt as if someone was watching you, so you turned around, only to be met by the sight of the opposing street.
You turned back around, a sudden voice startling you. ‘’Hey (y/n)!’’
You let out a scream and composed yourself, ready to fight – just like Nat had taught you - as a figure dropped down in front of you.
He put his hand up and took a step back. ‘’Hey hey sorry it’s me!’’
‘’Damnit Parker you scared the living hell out of me!’’
He pulled the mask of off his face, revealing his sweaty face and messed up hair. ‘’Well that was kind of the point,’’ a laugh escaped his lips.
‘’You do that again I’ll make sure to program a nightmare into that suit of yours next time my dad updates it,’’ you sighed, relaxing your body and forcing a faint smile onto your face. That fake smile didn’t go unnoticed by Peter; the two of you had been best friends for years now and he didn’t need his Spidey senses to tell him something was off.
He extended his arm and put his hand on your shoulder, eyes meeting. ‘’What’s wrong? I’m sorry for scaring you if-‘’
‘’No,no that’s fine – I’m fine, just,’’ apparently you couldn’t even form a proper sentence today. You looked down at the ground sighing, ‘’it’s just not my day.’’
Peter nodded slowly, deciding to drop the subject when he saw you look away. He’d ask later, he thought as he turned around and pushed one of the dumpsters aside, revealing a backpack webbed stuck to the wall.
‘’My party outfit,’’ he smirked, looking back at you before pulling the backpack off.
‘’So, did you plan for me to take a shortcut and ambush me or was it just destiny huh?’’ you inquired, rolling your eyes playfully as you walked up to him, looking at the clothes in his backpack.
He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, drawing a circle with his finger telling you to turn around.
‘’Oh well sorry of course - it would be a sin to see an exposed chest before marriage,’’ you laughed, not forcing it this time. Peter had always managed to make you feel better, simply by just being there. His presence alone felt like a warm, fluffy comforting blanket.
He got dressed and soon the both of you were en route to the so called ‘party of the year’. You walked in silence – well, that was until Peter’s stomach started making whale-mating-calls.
‘’Did you eat anything today?’’
‘’Oh no, I was out being a ‘’friendly neighbourhood spider-man’ all day after school, told May I would pick something up from Delmar’s but I just got side-tracked.’’
An opportunity. ‘’Well we can still get some food if you want?’’
‘’No, it’s fine I’m sure Flash will have something.’’
‘’No really Peter we should go get some food,’’ you rambled. ‘’No alcohol on an empty stomach, right? And what if Flash doesn’t have-‘’
Peter stopped in his track, taking your hand into his own and using the other to lift your chin so that you would look him in the eyes. ‘’(Y/n) stop. Please tell me what’s wrong.’’
You just looked at him, mouth opened, waiting for something to come out – but there was nothing. Tears suddenly building up in your eyes told him enough.
‘’Okay you know what? Screw the party. Let’s go to Delmar’s, stock up on a whole load of unhealthy snacks and go watch a movie at my place. Pretty sure May even had some cake left over – I can’t guarantee you that it tastes good though.’’
You nodded, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill as relief washed over you. That, sounded much better than Flash’s party at the moment.
Two bags filled with snacks and sandwiches in hand, you reached Peter and May’s apartment. Peter fumbled with his keys, trying to find the right one when May suddenly opened up.
‘’Hey there!’’
‘’Oh hi May.’’ The both of you said at the same time.
May stepped aside, letting you in. ‘’I thought you were going to a party?’’
‘’Meh, not in the mood.’’ Peter said as he put the two bags down on the kitchen table and took of his jacket.
‘’We thought we would watch a movie instead.’’ You said.
‘’Oh, that’s fine! I’m heading off to a friend of mine, okay Peter?’’ Peter nodded, already stuffing the chocolate chip cookies into his mouth. ‘’I’ll be back in a few hours.’’
She took her purse that was sitting on the kitchen counter and said her goodbyes, leaving the two of you alone.
You quite liked the Parker residence. It was small, sure, but that was part of its charm. You were used to living in a large penthouse, and since it was just Tony, Pepper and you, sometimes it would feel like you were home alone for days. The small apartment was cosy, and May’s obsession with blankets and pillows probably helped as well.
Peter closed the blinds and threw a few bags of chips on the couch before he plopped down on it himself, inviting you over next to him and offering up the other side of the far too large blanket.
You got cosy, and without even saying a word the two of you decided to watch one of the Star Wars movies, but half an hour into the movie and you still couldn’t get into it. There was too much clouding your mind: why were you not able to get that stupid arm to work? You had made far more complicated things together with dad.
Dad. That was it. You just couldn’t get anything done without his help. Where you that stupid? How where you going to get into MIT like that, or any college of your choice for that matter. You couldn’t go through life holding your dad’s hand now could y-
‘’(Y/n)?’’ A hand on your shoulder shook you from your thoughts.
You looked over and were met by a concerned pair of eyes. Peter reached out and wiped away a tear that you didn’t know had fallen. ‘’Please talk?’’
You bit your lip, what were you supposed to tell him? You didn’t want to sound pathetic – but then again, this was Peter, your best friend. He wouldn’t care.
‘’You know that robotics project we are supposed to hand in on Wednesday?’’
He nodded, now completely turning on the couch to face you.
‘’Well, I tried – like four times, but I just can’t do it. And now, I realise, I’ve never done anything by myself. I’m always putting things together with dad, and what if I can’t do it - ever, by myself. What kind of Stark would I be? That would actually be the most pathetic thing, can you imagine the tabloids? ‘’(Y/n) Stark can’t fix doorbell, is Stark industries safe in her hands?’’ I really want this, Pete; really want to be able to do the things my dad can – imagine what I could do? I could actually help people, like dad. But now it all feels like some very, very far away dream. What if I just can’t do it?’’
You laid your head on your knees, looking away from Peter. The minute of silence felt like eternity.
‘(Y/n)… you are one of the smartest people I know, and I’m not just saying that to calm you down. Remember when I burst into your room in the middle of the night, suit torn and face beaten up? You fixed up everything, all by yourself because Tony would have killed me if he knew that I went after those criminals – who were definitely way too dangerous to take on by myself in hindsight but hey, you were the one that fixed up my suit. A million-dollar suit, made by your dad, and you – once again, you, (y/n) Stark fixed it. So what that stupid bionic arm thing isn’t working out today. You’ll try again and it’ll work. I promise.’’
You looked back at him and he gave a comforting smile.
‘’And the (y/n) Stark I know wouldn’t shed a tear about this, ya know?’’ he added, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.
You threw the nearest pillow at his face, laughing, ‘’Hey!’’
Peter dodged it, of course, but you had a started an all-pillow fight, almost smashing aunt May’s favourite vase. Laughter and screams filled the room, and the movie was already halfway done when Peter’s spideysenses abandoned him for a second and he tripped, falling on to you as you both came crashing down on the couch.
You both said nothing for a moment as you realised what position you were in and the laughter slowly died.
Peter licked his lips, ‘’we’ll call it a draw then.’’
‘’Hey no - I obviously won that!’’
Peter imitated a shocked look, making the both of you dissolve into laughter again.
He was so close, his brown curls falling over his forehead framing his face like a crown. His chocolate-browns stared into yours, and as you drowned in each other’s eyes everything around you seemed to fade.
‘’Thankyou… for today.’’ You managed to produce as you seemed to sink further and further.
Peter nodded, lips parted as he hummed something, lowering his face slowly – sinking as well, until your lips met.
A thud split the two of you up, and Peter was on his feet in no time - only to notice that it was just aunt May’s purse which she had set down on the table.
A borderline evil smile crept up on her face as she looked at your rapidly reddening faces. ‘’So, tell me, how was the movie you guys?’’
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