oine-felix · 7 years
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I wish my my mom would treat me this way.... I wish she'd accept me for just being me! I'm a boy maman and there's nothing you can do about it! You say that I'm bullying my point of view but all I'm doing it trying to get you to understand that this who I am. I'm not confused. I'm not your daughter, I'm your son, why can't you see that or except me for me? I know you love me and care for me but I wish you would at least call me by my preferred name and pronouns..... it hurts... I'm just as much a boy as my brothers! I may be feminine and have "girl" parts but that doesn't make me less of a boy than a guy who isn't and has a penis! And I'm sorry if I can't answer the "why?" question, it just is!
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