#imaa oc
hantheheart · 2 years
So starting off, the plot is generally the same with the addition of Ella attempting to be involved but getting left behind by Tony and Rhodey to do the Iron Man thing. Ella is unaware of the Iron Man suit and Tony's involvement with Iron Man until later. After the events of ‘Seeing Red’, Ella goes to Stane and offers to get the Iron Man armor for him if he promises to leave her and Tony alone, convinced Stane had tried to send Dynamo after Tony.
He agrees and she raids the Stark Vault for gear to create her own suit, The Fire Light Armor which has gauntlets instead of the little circles in the palm and a sword that can be lit on fire. The gauntlets have three load outs: Repulsor, Electricity and Fire.
Fire Light becomes an antagonist for a few episodes before she reveals her identity to Iron Man to show him why she's so adamant about getting the armor. Tony reveals his own identity to her so she wont kill him (there’s a one shot somewhere on my blog for details on that) and Ella is furious that her one and only twin would keep a secret like that from her. They were always very close to each other and their dad before the crash and Ella grows to resent how much Tony refuses to accept her help or just not tell her anything.
Ella winds up crushing hard on Gene and learns of his identity as the Mandarin early on, bringing Fire Light out of retirement and giving it a new black paint job, becoming Shadow Strike instead after faking a suicide after a particularly serious argument between her and Tony in regards to her involvement on Team Iron Man.
It hits Tony really hard that his sister would kill herself over an argument but after an episode of reminiscing on their childhood and watching some old videos of them as kids, he realizes just how left out she's been by others (and even himself) and why she was always so adamant about how close they were.
Tony, of course, recognizes the ex-Fire Light armor on who he assumes is one of the Mandarin's goons and becomes furious that someone is wearing the armor his sister had built. She becomes a target for Tony to let out his frustrations and despite going at her with all he has, but can never seem to defeat her. (Ella spent most of their childhood practicing martial arts and started teaching Tony how to near the beginning of the series. But its also symbolic of how he can't seem to defeat his guilt over losing his sister, the only family he had left.)
Ella reveals the truth during the events of the Fin Fang Foom episode as well as her new loyalty to Gene as the Mandarin. Shadow Strike becomes the only remnant of the Mandarin's underlings to harass Team Iron Man while Gene and Howard search for the rest of the Rings. Tony has underlying feelings of guilt for pushing Ella to the point of becoming a villain, but denies it and insists that Ella should have just told him.
The last straw for Ella comes at the end of the Makluan Invasion. As Gene departs for his childhood home, realizing his true purpose of protecting the Earth, Ella can only sink to her knees at the realization that the last bastion of her broken heart has abandoned her as well. Even if her relationship with Gene was just a front to hide the work she'd been doing for him, the realization that he couldn't spare a second thought for her brings the world crashing down around her ears.
Tony attempts to comfort her, saying that they could finally go home, but she refuses. Angrily shouting how all of this started because of him and that she could never forgive him for leaving her behind so easily. She swears to make him feel the pain she's endured before blasting off and disappearing. Tony goes to chase after her, but the others stop him, Rhodey noting that she just needed some space and time to deal with Gene leaving like that.
2 months later, neither Ella or Gene has been seen or heard from and Team Iron Man have cemented themselves as heroes of New York. Tony is back home with his dad. SHIELD is working with Stark International to help test and expand on the projects the Starks have made. Tony and Howard have begun helping SHIELD in their attempt to unfreeze Captain America but haven't made much progress just yet
Even with all that is happening, Tony calls Ella's cell phone every night in hopes that she'll answer, leaving messages talking about his day and asking her to come home. The world isn't right, knowing his sister is out there on her own
The first episode of the season is a typical Unicorn and Killer Shrike fight. They're no match for the newly upgraded Team Iron Man and are sent to jail with barely a fuss. It's as they sit in prison, lamenting over how they can't ever seem to win a fight anymore, that a portal opens from nowhere. Out steps a cloaked figure with a hood and a man with a familiar golden helmet. Loki stands quietly with a smirk as the cloaked figure speaks. Their voice obviously being altered, but they offer the duo a chance for revenge. All they have to do is follow as they're commanded.
It's not hard to figure out why the two criminals smirk at each other.
Team Iron Man arrives on scene as Unicorn and Killer Shrike are robbing some warehouse, expecting a usual easy fight. They're caught off guard by the new purple highlights on the low tier villians' armors but assume nothing more until they're suddenly being thrashed around like nothing.
After a thorough beating at the hands of the newly powered criminals, Team Iron Man has to rethink their strategies, unknowing of the new mastermind lurking in the city.
Meanwhile, Killer Shrike and Unicorn return to their new base to report to the Loki that things went smoothly aside from the interruption from Iron Man and co. Loki sends them on their way and returns to the cloaked figure and tells them the news. The cloaked figure, who Loki refers to as Infinity, simply waves him off with a last moment note of how "Our Lord" would be pleased with their progress.
Team Iron Man fumbles to catch any info on what's going on, seemingly back at the start of their adventures.
Throughout the ongoing season, various Avengers appear to help Team Iron Man, including the newly revived Captain America about halfway thorough. Doctor Strange appears to warn SHIELD and Team Iron Man that Loki and Infinity will be after him to steal the Time Stone from him, which they do succeed in. Strange gives Tony a vague warning that Ella needs Tony, not Iron Man, to save her. Tony takes this to mean Infinity and Loki must be holding Ella hostage just as Gene had Howard hostage. Gene also returns, intent to do right this time and help Tony and his friends protect the Earth but is often busy doing his own work to deal with Infinity.
Somewhere midway through the season, Tony manages to separate Infinity from their followers and attempts to put a stop to their plans, by both fighting with them and trying to appeal to them. With the use of holograms and use of the Power Stone, Infinity uses this opportunity to torment Tony with images of Ella, playing with his guilt. Tony, plagued by Ella in tears or angry or hurt, while blaming him for her anguish, for abandoning her, is enough to let Infinity escape, though it is at this point that as Infinity leaves, do they reveal themself to have been Ella all along.
The ex-Shadow Strike armor has been reworked to be unrecognizable. The visor helmet is still the same as it was, but the body suit has been beefed up. The gauntlets are now doubled in size, massive rings on the wrist of the suit that open to become massive gloves over the suit’s hands. The back of both gauntlets has an opening with which Infinity Stones can be implanted to become power sources, namely the Power and Time Stones, which were her mission to recover.
The final episodes, probably a two or three part-er, Thanos arrives on Earth to retrieve the Infinity Stones from Loki and Infinity. Loki, upon realizing just how seriously screwed they all are, defects back to join Thor and the heroes with the promise that he is as serious as he can be, having spent the latter half of the season questioning if he really wanted to go through with this.
In the chaos of the battle, Tony manages to get Ella away from everyone else and the Twins throw down alone. Weapons are disregarded as it becomes a close quarters death match, Tony trying desperately trying to get through to his sister while Ella can only reiterate how she’s doing this in revenge for everything while trying to punch Iron Man’s mask in.
The promise she made with Thanos comes up: in exchange for her help gathering the Stones on Earth, Thanos will make things go back to how they were. Ella, Tony and their Dad, living life as they had before the accident. Happy, together. The accident, betrayal and all the things that came with it a mere dream.
Tony manages to break through to her, that Thanos would definitely not follow through on his promise. that they would lose everything if Thanos gets his hands on the Power Stone still in Ella’s possession. She freezes up, internal panic building up keeping her rooted to the ground as several people rush to try and take the final Infinity Stone from her.
Thanos manages to chase off the heroes and demands Ella relinquish the Power stone. As she kneels to offer it, Tony’s words ring in her head. Deciding to trust her brother once more, Ella manages to grab her sword from the ground to cut off Thanos’ hand where the Infinity Gauntlet rests.
As he screams in anguish, she snatches up his severed arm and rushes to the rubble where Team Iron Man and Gene are screaming for her. She manages to pluck the stones from the Gauntlet before Thanos yells out at her for betraying him. He promises a painful demise once he catches her and tears flood Ella’s cheeks, shaking and panicking over the imminent danger she’s in for her choice.
With an understanding that using even one Stone without a conduit can cause a lot of damage to a person, Tony and the gang convince Ella to let them help her in wielding the Stones to put an End to this once and for all.
Her suit has hidden places for all of the Stones, having been a backup if something happened with the Gauntlet, so as the other heroes keep Thanos distracted, Ella slots the Stones in the corresponding openings: one in each gauntlet, one in the center of her chest plate, one on the back of her helmet, and one at each hip. The idea being the more space between each stone, the less an effect they would have on the user.
The newly reunited Team Iron Man join hands to help disperse the effects of the stones’ use and Ella makes the final snap.
Something goes wrong.
It’s like an explosion.
Tony comes to with his ears ringing, laying on his front in the dirt. He looks up to find Ella’s armor in pieces before him. There’s burn marks on the inside and the stones are dull as they lay in the dirt. He crawls forward, every inch of his body burning like it had when he woke from the plane crash, and grabbing the broken helmet from the clutter as a fear he’d hoped to never feel again rears its head.
He failed her again.
He’d lost his sister, again.
The battlefield is silent, no remains of Thanos or his army to be seen while the rest of those fighting for Earth are strewn about in similar states of pain or unconsciousness.
From above, comes the haunting sound of energy pulsing and he looks up to see the glowing silhouette of a person, floating high above him.
The silhouette descends, mere feet away and he shields his eyes from the blinding light. The glow dims and Ella is standing before him instead.
He calls out to her, shakily getting to his feet as relief crashes down on his shoulders, tears in his eyes.
She turns to look at him.
He stops, freezing in place as the breath is knocked from his lungs.
Her expression is blank, eyes glowing. The stones suddenly spark back to life, rushing past him to float around her now outstretched hand.
Her voice is warped and strange, sounding as if another being is speaking altogether, proclaiming themself to be an entity of ancient, godly origins. The being thanks Tony for his help in awakening them, smiling in such a cold fashion it sends chills down his spine.
He wants to demand the being return his sister, give her back, he just got her BACK, but another voice speaks up through him. Another entity snaps at the other, they shouldn’t be here, they cannot do this again. They reach out- his hand reaches out- and the Infinity Stones start to move towards him instead. The Stones are held between them in the air as the two beings struggle to force the Stones to them before the one puppet-ting Tony’s body focuses on the two closest and yanks them to his chest. Clutching the two barely glowing Stones, he glares at the other entity, mind racing with questions.
The other entity- the one using Ella- takes the stones and leaves with a final remark that “You cannot stop me this time.”
Control returns to Tony as the others come scrambling towards him in concern. Gene has vanished, probably for the best considering his history, and the Avengers and Team Iron Man regroup at SHIELD.
Cue next season, The Guardians of the Galaxy show up, having been chasing after Thanos and the Infinity stones. They’re relieved to know he’s been dealt with, but the sudden appearance of the being in control of Ella’s body seems to be right up their alley. Team Iron Man insist on going with the Guardians, especially with one of their own on the line.
Tony attempts to contact Gene through whatever means he has, but finds the Mandarin just as impossible to call as ever, deciding to leave the other to do as he will.
The rest of the season is Team Iron man and the Guardians chasing after Possessed Ella, the being controlling her deciding to keep the moniker “Infinity” Ella had been using before. She’d somehow forged her own star ship and recruited both Unicorn and Killer Shrike, as well as Gene, who spends whatever chances he has relaying information to Tony in secret, even going so far as to encourage battles between them to get Tony away from prying eyes.
Tony and the being residing within talk, explaining everything it can while being sincere enough for Tony to believe the tale it tells.
The two supposed “Gods” had existed since the beginning of time and had been something like shepherds of the species of the newborn universe. “Infinity” and “End” as the being chose to refer to themself as, were torn between the ways they wanted to encourage the universe to grow. End wanted the beings to become self sufficient, to grow and learn and become able to exist on their own, while Infinity wanted to continue being worshiped as Gods, for the universe to continue to bend to their whims.
The disagreement grew to war, the two gods struggling in a power imbalance that threatened all worlds. Eventually, End was able to trick Infinity to the world from which they first came from and sealed both of their powers into six gems and had them scatter to the far corner of the universe. With the creation of the Infinity Stones, the two gods lost the power to remain incarnated within the physical world. Their souls were lost to the ether of the universe, becoming attached to the souls of twins across the universe. As they remained in a sleep like state until the Stark Twin’s use of the Stones awakened them. With enough power to awaken them, Infinity was now trying to return to their Birth World to release their power from the Stones and take back control, while End wanted to destroy the Stones once and for all, wiping the two gods from the very fabric of reality.
As the two sides clash and chase each other across the universe, the Stones swap hands back and forth, no episode ending without some Stones switching hands. It’s impossible to tell whether Infinity has relinquished any control back to Ella or if something else has happened to cause Ella to act so cold to Tony and the others, as if the final fight against Thanos hadn’t happened at all, but End allows Tony control of their powers, giving him a boost of new abilities with each Infinity Stone in his hand.
The final few episodes are the close in on the Birth World, Team Iron Man and the Guardians clash with Infinity, Unicorn and Killer Shrike, Gene breaking away during the last collision to join Tony and Friends. When they land, End becomes antsy, encouraging Tony to go after Infinity separately and let the others keep the much stronger Killer Shrike and Unicorn busy.
The two God-possessed teens chase each other over the landscape, racing to grab the Infinity Stones from each other as they race for the Altar End directs Tony towards.
Infinity manages to knock Tony down long enough to snag all the Stones and get to the Altar. End takes over and the two fight for the Stones. infinity manages to regain enough power to manifest a physical form and cast Ella’s body aside as they continue struggling to absorb the Stones’ power.
During the struggle, End manages to siphon energy from Infinity, who begins to lose their physical form. They attempt to jump back to a now-waking-Ella, but Tony, using a mix of End and the Infinity Stones, manages to draw Infinity back to him. The overwhelming energy of two gods and the power of the Infinity Stones coursing through him causes noticeable burns to appear on Tony’s skin (think how the Power Stone burned anyone holding it during the Guardians of the Galaxy movie)
Ella rushes to his side, attempting to grab at the Infinity Stones, to get them away from her brother even if it causes her to burn just as Tony is.
As the twins struggle to withdraw any amount of the chaotic energy burning at their bodies, the two gods grapple with each other, struggling as they speak.
“Look at them! Look how they struggle!”
“For what reason! Why fight such a power as ours?!”
“For each other! For the lives you will destroy if we continue on this way!”
“What does it matter! After everything they have seen and done to each other!”
“Because they choose to love despite the pain. As we once were.”
“We were fools!”
“We were family.”
Infinity hesitates, looking from the twins to End with a confused expression before looking horrified. End smiles and the two embrace.
“It is time we leave, Infinity. It is time we leave them to their own.”
“Yes... Yes, it is.”
They withdraw, taking the Infinity Stones away from the twins as they vanish into a ball of light, that bursts, whiting out the screen.
As the ringing and whiteness fades, Tony sits up, the camera pointedly only showing his left side as he sits up from where he’d been leaning against a large stone. He turns to find Ella laying on the ground beside him. Her eyes flutter as she comes to, sitting up and looking around.
The two turn to look at each other, gaping at the change. Tony’s right side and Ella’s left side are darker, patchy discolorations of their skin from head to toe, the eye on that side seeming to have swapped. Tony’s left eye now brown, while Ella’s right is blue.
They both stare for a moment in confused awe before collapsing into each other with breathless, exhausted laughter. After a moment they both look up at the sound of voices. Rhodey, Pepper and Gene come running, all yelling and waving the twins down.
Time skip a bit to the Guardians apprehending Killer Shrike and Unicorn, the two having lost their beef up from both iterations of Infinity and being dragged back onto the Guardians ship. Team Iron Man are patching each other up, Tony recounting the last bits of the fight between the two gods to the others as Rhodey wraps his arm in gauze.
After a moment, Tony says he’ll go get Ella and the others should go ahead and get settled. He heads back towards the Altar, the others casting worried glances back and muttering to each other uneasily.
Ella stands in front of the Altar and the large stone they had woken up under. Tony walks up beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder, looking up at the stone. The top of it has become some sort of carving, the image of the two gods in their final embraced is immortalized, just under their remains is a carving, done in many many, languages, taking up the rest of the stone.
“For the betterment of the Galaxy, let this be the final resting place of the Gods of Chaos and Power. May the Stones of Infinity never rear their heads again.May you find peace in life as they have in death.”
Tony takes Ella’s hand and  starts to lead her back towards the ship. As they walk away and the screen fades to black, the colors of the Infinity Stones start to glow from within their silhouettes. Fade to black. End Season
The next two episodes are the trip back, broken up into conversations between characters as old wounds are addressed and secrets are made aware.
Tony admits to his wrong doing to Ella and Ella admits to jealousy.
Tony overhears a conversation between Gene and Ella as he apologizes for abandoning her after the Makluan Invasion. They talk about the attempt she’d made to take her own life, how Gene had shown up before she’d actually done it and directed her anguish elsewhere. Ella apologizes for her dependence on him during that turbulent time.
Afterwards, Tony confronts Gene to clear it up, because surely she hadn’t actually intended to off herself that day. It had all been a ploy from the start right? They’d planned that to get Ella away from him, she hadn’t really gone out to do that, right?
When they finally land on Earth, the area they’ll land in is swarmed by SHIELD agents and Avengers members. Remembering how they left, Team Iron Man and the now-realized criminal trio of Ella, Killer shrike and Unicorn are backed into a corner. Gene steps up with the Makluan Rings, saying he’ll teleport the four of them back to his Family’s shop and the Mandarin’s base while Team Iron Man attempt to diffuse the situation.
Ella decides to go out. She made mistakes and would rather make up for them than run around and try to get out of it, and Shrike and Unicorn decide to go with, much to everyone’s surprise.
The three are arrested for charges of public endangerment and acts of terrorism, SHIELD taking the three to the Helicarrier. Howard arrives on the scene to welcome Tony, barely missing as SHIELD takes Ella into one of their airships.
Howard and Tony go up onto the Helicarrier to plead for Ella’s freedom, but are stuck in a waiting room over looking the interrogation room where Director Fury is speaking with Ella. The room is reinforced, almost unnecessarily for an unarmed teenager. Howard and Tony can’t hear anything going on, but Fury is grilling Ella for everything about what’s happened, from the plane crash to Infinity. And as she explains, he reminds her of the damage she’s caused and asks how she intends to make up for it.
And honestly. That’s about as far as I’ve gotten. I don’t really know what do do from here, Ella probably gets her shit figured out and becomes a member of the Avengers or something. I dunno, but I’ve had this drafted for like two years now and I’ve been holding onto this until now, but this is probably the longest post on this site but whatever, have it. Maybe I’ll make more, i dunno. But you should totally watch Iron Man Armored Adventures. It’s good. Thanks, bye
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kari-go · 1 year
Discarded concept
Existence box
The last formed duo box. They used to be in the Movement box. They're the only duo who seem to get along well.
Imaa, the unicorn of Imagination
Deed, the stick bug of Realization (thanks @hades-999 for the idea!)
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so-many-kwamis · 5 months
What Imaa is now?
Imaa is now the kwami of the miraculous or the bond between a kwami and our reality (which is possible through the miraculous but you get the point)
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sillypinkboy · 11 months
Little Info Sheet
──────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Name: Marshall
Pronouns: mostly he/him, but pretty chill with any
Age; 16-18
Check out my side blogs: @translemonade (art refs and stuff) and @sea-glass-tragedy (more political stuff)
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#pink creates – my art tag
#pink writes – my writing tag
#pink photos – pictures I take
#pink asks – my ask box
#pink replies – replies to comments on stories or art
#rambles 2024 – anything I say that doesn't have a tag. Tends to be any thoughts I write down
#love is horrific. I adore it. – dedicated to love being violent and bloody
#bloody protectors – relationship tag for Joe Fixit and Jake Lockley
#my moon my stars – Moonie and Khonshu tag
#father/son dynamic – sam chung and matt murdock tag
#things from the server – anything from my discord
#fish food au – au where the murdocks are merfolk
#bloody rings – Murdock fighting au
#asking for things – ask games and asking for writing and drawing ideas
#music related – music tag
#mk comics and #mk – moon knight tags
#oc stuff – oc tag
#fists of khonshu – moon knight and hunter's moon tag
#himbo kings – The Punisher, Moonknight and Daredevil tag
#the plot box – writing prompts, tips or inspiration
#the marvel save – my sims save
#demo - fictional band that I've made stuff for
#winter cabin series - fic series of the moonknight system and hulk system sharing a cabin during a snow storm
#new moon - just thinking about myself in this world
#imaa - iron man armored adventures tag
#j&h - Jekyll and Hyde tag
*will add more as I remember too
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syqy · 4 years
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he realized that he can’t actually drink the bubble tea he bought
(nor can he share it with his husband.)
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Starter Call!
The blog is set, the muses are prepared and we are all green!
Go ahead and give us a like or reblog if you’re interested in roleplaying with an Iron Man: Armored Adventures universe Tony Stark or his sister, Ella Stark (An OC) and we’ll get you a starter ASAP!
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kari-go · 1 year
Discarded concept
Imaa, the unicorn of Imagination
Existence box
Miraculous: nostril chain
Weapon: wand
Take me to wonderland!
Back to reality.
Favorite food: honey
Imaa is very cheerful and optimistic kwami. She rarely thinks about the future and lives in the moment. It does not like rules at all and often deviates from a plan. She loves every moment out of a miraculous box and gets attached to her holders very quickly.
Mark- The holder is able to draw glowing lines wherever their wand(or their finger) touches. These can be used as a guide or to leave a message. These ‘drawings’ are intangible and slightly glow in the dark.
Warp- Changes the target’s physical form to the holder’s liking.
Tailor- Reshapes the surroundings to the holder’s liking.
Glamour- The Cure
Some kwamis find her cheerfulness annoying.
It is visible without a miraculous.
She loves horror movies.
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kari-go · 2 years
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I drew my kwamis.
I’ve been thinking of putting Imaa in the first layer since she’s pretty op but I can’t really think of the animal and only one power and that’s already kinda taken by Trixx...
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kari-go · 11 months
Guess who's having issues with the Structural (Existence) duo again?
That's right. Me.
Idk, I just don't like the idea of them that much. So I think I'd change them like this:
Basically, make them what Eggo and Niic are. So the unicorn's power would be to view souls, start a process (I still have to think about this one), and Mark. I'm gonna keep Mark and True Colors. The stick bug's powers would be to something with destroying a soul, stopping time, and True Colors.
I don't think I really like the 'create and destroy a soul' part. I was fine with it with Eggo and Niic because they technically didn't exist, they were untouchable (literally) while Imaa and Deed are here for anyone to access. Sure, they're hidden but still. I just don't know how to restrain them for the miraculous. It can still be Imaa and Deed's powers but not the holder's.
I kinda need help with this because it's important to domains.
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kari-go · 8 months
The middle design for the sloth looks nice, the claws are a good touch.
If the mantis would be Decision, what kind of power would it have?
You are thinking about involving the unicorn after all? What kind of power would it have through? The transformational one already went to the platypus if I recall right. "Kwami of magic"... hmmm... they technically all grant magical powers, and if we define magic as something opposed to rationality, it would be just again what the unicorn used to be? A way could be to associate it specifically with mythological thinking and archetypal tales, more of a "kwami of fairy tales", with some kind of a power to, like, show hidden aspects of people and situations via fairytale-type metaphors? One person whose AUs I also love has a kwami of stories with a power to trap people in stories until they understand its message.
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OH, yeah, I misunderstood that xd
Probably to cement one's decision. To convince someone to do something, not mind control/giving a command.
Not in the present, just as the reason for how the miraculous are. Basically, my main idea is that the unicorn was used to establish the miraculous as we know it. The miraculous at first were just there to connect the kwamis to the humans. The kwamis' forms were abstract, their appearance changed if they wanted to and their powers were all over the place (literally lol). The unicorn was used to bring a little order, at first it was just a slight restriction to the kwamis' powers, then a way to bond further with the kwamis (or to control them better)- transformation. The Order was then established and after it was corrupted (by that I mean that the objective of guarding the kwamis turned to using them for control) they made drastic changes to the miraculous, to further control the kwamis. I imagine that the unicorn was broken and then destroyed because of the frequent use and the fact, that there was an attempt at changing the unicorn itself. It was the first miraculous to be broken and subsequently destroyed.
So the idea is that the unicorn kwami was born the moment that a kwami (either Tikki or Luxx, I'm deciding between these two to be the firsts) was bonded to a miraculous. So her concept would be the miraculous and the bond itself. She's very powerful, yes, but she's basically only there to explain why are the miraculous the way they are and why things like the power-up potions exist.
Is that @arcadeology's Seastone AU 👀👀
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kari-go · 1 year
So I have been thinking about the first layer duos. A lot. And I basically simplified them for me, everything is still canon I just changed my thinking about them a little.
Basically Tikki, Luxx, and Imaa are kwamis of something while Plagg, Grimm, and Deed are kwamis of nothing.
So, the Matter duo is the physical part of the universe. So Tikki is Space and Plagg is Void.
The Energy duo is the energy/force part. Luxx is Energy and Grimm is the Absence of Energy (could be called Void I guess).
The Existence duo? No idea! They're kinda in the middle I guess??? But that honestly defeats their purpose to be a first layer, since they need to be an essential part of the universe to be first layers, but I'm too attached to the idea of them being first layers. I have been struggling to actually know what they are since their entire existence, I think. I thought of two options, Chaos+Order and Magic+Absence of Magic. But I don't like those. They don't seem that important to me... Another quick idea I had was that they could substitute for the life part since that's what Imaa's power used to be. I removed it thought, I didn't like the implications and it was kinda hypocritical of me in the first place. I just clearly haven't thought enough about that one. Or this duo. lol
Since I'm talking about Life and Death, I feel kinda icky about actually having Life and Death kwamis. Or at least them having a miraculous. I guess not all kwamis need to be bound to miraculous...
But anyway, I don't think I would be having this conflict if I wasn't thinking about the concept of domains but idk
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kari-go · 2 years
Who is Imaa, and what concept they has?🤔
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Imaa is a unicorn of Imagination.
Her powers are:
Genesis- Creates a desired object, but it's pretty fragile.
Animate- Brings an inanimate object to life.
Burst- The cure
Considering her powers and concept it would make more sense to make her a first layer kwami, but I'd need to make another one to make a pair. I have a concept (Reality) and one power in mind already but the power is already taken by Trixx (True Colors) and I have no idea which animal should it be. Preferably a real one.
Edit: Okay, so Imaa is getting moved to the first layer and her third power is Tailor. It allows the holder to reshape an object to their liking.
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kari-go · 11 months
About Mark I mean like, what makes it a worthy power on its own? Writing on something (and I checked Imaa's kwami sheet, it's not even in the air) is just too easily done without magic? Are these writings indestructible or something?
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It can be written in the air too. Mark is stronger than Mirage, and it's easier for the holder too. They don't have to think at all, the shape just depends on where their hand/wand goes.
So Mark would be the fox's first power? Since it's just easier on the mind. Idk, I think I'm gonna make Imaa a third layer and keep her with Mark (or a second layer and keep her with Tailor too??)
Oh, I think I'm gonna change the owl's power to True Colors instead because it's a lot better than Weakpoint.
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kari-go · 11 months
Sorry to hear about the Existence duo, I liked them. But if you want to use the Cycle duo concept instead, then probably it's better to just replace them with the Cycle duo, since the animals are much more fitted to the idea. If you want to keep the Mark and True Colours powers, you can give them as second powers to some Sense Box Miraculouses (Mark to the Fox, True Colours to the Falcon or Owl?) About finetuning the Cycle duo to have powers available for actual use, I'll think a bit.
Yeah, I really liked them too :[
Hmm, I think that I'll give True Colors to the fox again. Mark fits the owl and the opossum hmmm. Maybe I could just make the unicorn a third layer and keep it with Mark, it still fits the Imagination concept.
I'm not sure if I should actually make them bound to a miraculous, but it would make sense with the amount of Temples.
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hantheheart · 4 years
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hantheheart · 5 years
A Mild Teaser because I’m Garbage
She punches at him again, a blast of repulsor energy throwing him back and nearly off the building if his rockets hadn’t kicked in just in time to send him hurtling himself right back at her. She cartwheels out of the way and draws the blade from her back, turning on her heels to watch as he circles the roof.
“You don’t have to do this!” Iron Man shouts at her and Fire Light growls as she switches her gauntlets’ loadout from repulsor to electricity. “However much Stane’s promised you, I guarantee you he won’t pay you! Even if you do beat me, he’ll turn on you just like he has on everyone else! He won’t pay you any of what he’s promised you!”
“He’s not paying me anything.” She steps to the edge of the rooftop, scraping the cement with the tip of her blade. “He’s guaranteed me the only thing in the world I want. You can’t begin to understand my reasons, so I won’t bore your final moments with them.” She punches at him, electricity crackling as it strikes his armor, causing the other to scream and writhe in pain before blasting up into the air.
“You’re just a bounty to me Iron Man, a means to an end!” She calls to the air with teeth bared beneath her helmet, switching the loadout back. “Nothing personal, so why don’t you get back down here and take it like a man?!”
As if on cue, he comes slamming down at her. Just barely managing to flip out of the way, Fire Light flicks the switch on her sword which causes it to be engulfed in a blue flame. He stands from amidst the cracked cement and charges his repulsors, staring directly at her.
“Stane’s crooked!” He snaps, aiming one hand towards her. “He won’t give you anything!” A blast fired that she avoids easily with an over-exuberant acrobatic move. “You can help me fight him!”
“He’s not giving me anything! He’s promising to leave us alone!” She throws several punches at him that shoot repulsor shots. Two hit and send him into a tailspin he recovers from just in time to catch the flaming blade swinging down at him with his hand. “He’s going to stop coming after us! That’s what I want!”
“What?” Iron Man shoves her and the blade away. “Why- You’re working for him to make him leave you alone?! You seriously think that’ll work?!”
“I don’t have a choice!” She snaps, putting the blade away with a flick of her wrist and putting up her fists. "He took everything else! Everything we ever had!"
"And you think doing anything for him will make him stop?!" Iron Man aims another blast, only for his hand to be kicked to the side and tackled to the ground.
"It doesn't matter." Fire Light growls, pinning down the other and aiming one of her gauntlets at his head, charged with another repulsor blast. "It's the only option I have left. So you either give up your armor or I'll peel your bloody carcass out of it."
"No." He growls back, defiant and struggling to hold her hands away from his face. "He's not getting my armor. He's stolen enough from me!"
She scoffs. "Fine then." She yanks her arms away from his grasp and pins his arms beneath her knees. The sword is drawn from his back and Iron Man starts to squirm and panic beneath her. "Anything he has will be mine someday anyways."
He stops cold and stares up at for a moment before the faceplate of her mask splits open. A ponytail of brown hair drops to her shoulders, brown eyes burning with determination bore down at him. She raises the sword, aiming its point right for the center of his mask.
"I'm done being scared." She growls. "If i have to kill him, fine. But you're first." She slams the blade downwards.
"Ella, stop!" Tony shouts as his faceplate opens, squeezing his eyes shut so he doesn't have to watch his own end.
After a moment and upon realizing his head hadn't been split open, Tony opens his eyes. Staring up, past the shaking blade and trembling hands wielding it, Ella's eyes are wide with confusion and fear.
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