#ima post my thoughts because I can. danger? yes. but when you hear about good men who did nothing?
harmcityherald · 2 years
I did, of course, reach my post limit so it affords me time to write something that's been on my mind. Twitter. lets take a minute and step back to see a bigger picture, if you will. A social media website that was a victim of a hostile takeover by a billionaire capitalist to clear out antifascist or left leaning ideologists like myself and let me tell you I jumped ship pretty quickly. Now I understand you may be weary of hearing about old muskbucket and the twitter titanic but really, hear me out. He did a hostile takeover to vacillate his right wing cronies. we all know it, I say it out loud. Under the guise of "free speech" (which is a phrase many fascists use but rarely afford to others)
then a few weeks later and old trumpidump comes out saying his main platform is gonna be trans rights. which then in florida the Guantánamo kid starts banning books and going after trans rights starting with the young because that's how they did abortions. now....if a billionaire can be coaxed/forced (because I think he was actually) to buy a whole damn website just to burn it down OR make it the bastion of the far right voice, then who is to say they won't be coming for us here at tumblr? we fucking stand for everything they are against. I could go through a list of what I mean but you have to see what I mean. scroll thru your dash and imagine desantas reading it. ok. keep up now. because pretty soon they gonna put the choke hold on us. right now, the supreme court, packed with fucking nazis, is gonna decide if a social media site can be sued for what you do and say on it.
when they came for facebook I didn't care cause it sucks.
when they came for twitter I didn't care because I wasn't part of that....
but then they came for tumblr.....
sound familiar? it fucking should.
If they are going to ban the fucking velveteen rabbit what makes you think they would allow their kids to kick about on the most pro-everything left leaning website to ever exist in these "united states" hmm? lets even go beyond that and include all the western leaning countries. I wholeheartedly recommend every minor to not allow their parents, teachers, clergy, or anybody else with no shoelaces know they have a tumblr. I know that's harsh as shit, innit. well its the same clandestine war they are waging against you. Im saying it now, while I can. While im still allowed to say it.
bla blah you're paranoid, you see that shit everywhere.
that's because it IS everywhere. I would tell you to wake the fuck up but christ, don't call nobody woke. that'll start a fight in the dollar store line any day.
so to cut my rant short.....lets all keep our eyes on the ball. Don't let it consume you as the dreaded election approaches, I will be guarding my own mental health and peace paramount because Im old and close to death. they love that, I can't vote against them then. But you youngins sure can AND you have the power to drive this ship now and I for one would be tickled pink to die on trans island. can you tell Im from the 70s? lol. their most vilified citizen, I like to think. nixons nemesis. reagans nightmare. but all bullshit aside, think about it. think about what we have here, a free exchange of ideas and likes. the fucking freedom to read marx, to each other if we so desire. to know real history. and maybe just maybe to vote every fucking billionaire off the planet. Im telling you to look out because they don't like that. not one little bit.
all I can think is somehow tumblr has once again miraculously flown under the radar. how? I dunno. I bet there's a thousand "nazi computers" scraping the web for everything we freely talk about. We must be on the radar....but why are no V2 rockets coming? they holding a card to their chest? waiting for the right time? wait till the Guantánamo kid finds out about us. They want to torch and shoot up synagogues, drag shows and black churches, why the hell would they allow this website to be near their kids? why not?
pssssst. hey kids......looks left and right....Im a socialist. pro lgbtq pro feminism and Im not a fucking racist. and I would die for my principals and for your existence.
thats why gotdammit.
#excuse my vulgarites#it is my frenchness coming out#hey it worked for eva#trust me on this#you ARE on the radar#ima post my thoughts because I can. danger? yes. but when you hear about good men who did nothing?#well that wasnt me#this is your punishment for the dam post limit#my punishment for being a man of principals#a hippy with principals imagine that#yea I still call myself that pre rock pre goth pre electronic I was a self proclaimed hippy#pops fucking hated that. and that bitch LITTERALLY fought fascists#drive this ship drive it better than we did#you have an uphill battle but as always truth and justice should win in the end#funny we dont say that no more truth and justice#take a guess why#so all you youngins shove truth and justice right down their throats#oh....and beatnik really. which for the youngins is a subspecies of hippie you'll find that in your encyclopedia Galactica chapter 4#feel like im stuck in a loop of all in the family and YES im the commie son in law#he directed princess bride btw so make of that what you will#just imagine calling myself nixons nemesis when i was in school ida got killed in the boys room by a teacher no doubt#AND thats what I mean. so when I say think about what u got cause we didnt have that. what won us that freedom? the fuckin 60s#civil rights movement gave us this and they are tearing it apart peice by peice#like cloud atlas baby im the guy on the bike#thats why im always in danger#ideas make you a target but silence makes you a slave#thats a pretty pickle innit#plz remember anyone under 45 is a youngin to me lol#zips off on his cyberbike waving the middle finger#old but not dead yet and GOING TO VOTE as should you all.
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bloodypeachblog · 3 years
LOV “Theme” Songs
Ok, I had the idea for this post while listening to music one day. These songs are what I feel could sum up a character whether it’s in the lyrics or sound. I will give one song per character along with additional songs that work as well. Some have more than one, some just have one. I’ll interject my thoughts along with some lyric examples from the song, but I recommend you listen to the entire song for the full context. I will use YouTube links so you can listen and see what I mean. If you have any suggestions, let me know! Also if the links aren’t clickable, just copy it and paste it in your browser. Now let’s start!
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Dabi: Oomph! - The Final Match (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eNNRuk07vw)
Additional song(s): Korn - Divine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IetaaBPtS6I)
So that you'll know what it's like To be living in hell So that you'll know what it's like When redemption has failed I just came back for tonight With flames in my eyes To take the final match And burn your motherfucking ivory tower down
A/N: This just FITS DABI SO PERFECTLY! It’s basically about someone who goes back to their family home and wants revenge for what was done to them. SEE WHAT I MEAN?!
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Mr. Compress: Panic! At The Disco - There’s a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKfrDroTPRg)
Additional song(s): Utsu-P - Hyper Reality Show (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4LiNMCTV20)
I'm the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand it Because you say so under your breath You're reading lips, when did he get all confident? Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer Never looked better and you can't stand it
A/N: The song’s story is basically about someone who goes to a party and sabotages it. And, let’s face it, he fucking would.
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Twice: Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVt1Dy_LblQ)
Additional song(s): Disturbed - Voices (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0DwpEdoB1Q)
Paranoia, paranoia Everybody's coming to get me Just say you never met me I'm running underground with the moles, digging holes Hear the voices in my head I swear to God it sounds like they're snoring But if you're bored, then you're boring The agony and the irony, they're killing me (whoa)
A/N: To quote SongFacts.com: “This song is about how our society can drive people crazy and the effects of what happens when you are driven crazy.” I mean, come on. It just fits. Listen to the full song and you’ll see what I mean.
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Toga: Simon Curtis - Super Psycho Love (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPD58u6i-AA)
Additional song(s): SIVIK - High [Sleepykinq version] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8-j-Qu9QK0), Blood On The Dance Floor - Ima Monster (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVhcBYfDsZs), Kikuo - XxX Cat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMscN_Xa8qw)
Say that you want me every day That you want me every way That you need me Got me trippin' super psycho love Aim, pull the trigger Feel the pain getting bigger Go insane from the bitter feeling Trippin' super psycho love
A/N: Yes, I know the whole “oh you’re just doing the whole yandere thing everyone does, there’s more to her than that” thing that some of you are probably thinking, and you are right. There is more to her than that. But because of that, it’s hard to find music that fits her personality, so that’s why I had to simplify it to the yandere thing. The other songs might be better, but I chose this one, so yeah.
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Shigaraki Tomura: Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg3ubbICAas)
Additional song(s): GHOST - Honey, I'm Home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHffjNbWmig)
Repent, that's what I'm talking about I shed the skin to feed the fake Repent, that's what I'm talking about Whose mistake am I anyway?
A/N: To quote the Wikipedia page for this song: “The song itself is symbolic of the climax of the concept album's story, the point where the abused and wretched victim at the center of the tale takes on the identity of the nihilistic culture war iconoclast Antichrist Superstar, rampaging the world and destroying anything in his path.” I think that says enough.
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Spinner:  Combichrist - What The Fuck Is Wrong With You? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuw-cxKhW5A)
Additional song(s): MARETU - SIU (Suck It Up) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TcvyU52fWk), KMFDM - Free Your Hate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFL1-fL-WtM)
Intolerance self-glorified ignorance That sucked you down with your face pushed against the fence Why don't you finish yourself, since you don't really care Let the screams in your head be the last thing you hear
A/N: Okay, this one was the hardest to pin down. Spinner is a very difficult character to explain, he’s that complex (at least to me). I’m not even 100% sure if this song fully fits, but let’s go with it for now. 
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Mustard: Evanescence - Everybody’s Fool (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgMqrGrUpcU)
Additional song(s): N/A
Never was and never will be Have you no shame don't you see me You know you've got everybody fooled
A/N: The song is basically saying ‘Oh, you’re not better than anyone, you’re just as insignificant as me. I’m not falling for that shit and I see you as you are.’ 
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Muscular: Megadeth - Killing Is My Business...And Business Is Good (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLWK3IlzHT4)
Additional song(s): Trapt - Headstrong (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyfUR6K12RM)
To say my next job is you Don't you know that Killing is my business And business is good
A/N: He’s a pretty basic guy to understand, dude just wants to kill. That’s all he wants. So why not use a song that’s about just that?
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Moonfish: Cawer - Cannibalove ft. Dex & Daina (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWNkj7Faz6g)
Additional song(s): Neuroticfish - They're Coming to Take Me Away (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXHLQa-FuQc), Rammstein - Mein Teil (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpxLGHjsxbs)
Cut you up into lovely little shreds and swallow all you've been, destroy what's been within Tear you up just 'til there is nothing left There's no remorse from this love that's turned to sin
A/N: Again, another simple character to sum up. Cannibal that gets off to cannibalism. If he had an s/o, he probably already ate them. So it had to be this song.
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All For One: And One - The End of Your Life (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCEpuXhXLgc)
Additional song(s): N/A
When its hard to believe You will die cause you feel alive When you're cleaning your knife The end of your life When your heart stops to beat Coming down on your feet and smile There's no time to survive The end of your life
A/N: DUDE. The entirety of this song just fits. The sound of the song, the lyrics, just EVERYTHING. This song will give you chills just listening to it, just like what you’d feel if All For One was right behind you. Just listen to it and you’ll get it. (Also, go check out And One, they’re a really good band!)
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Stain: Die Brücke - Fifth Column (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHpvP6Wi0mE)
Additional song(s): N/A
Don't you turn away Don't you close your eyes Don't you start believing In your fucking lies
A/N: It’s basically another ‘liar reveal’ song. We all know that Stain sees very few heroes as actual heroes and thinks the fakes deserve death, so I figured this song would fit. This song would also work for Dabi.
And that’s all! I hope you enjoyed this post! It took me about an hour to make it, and I’m happy with how it came out! Like I said at the beginning, if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know and I’ll add them to the lists! 
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rae0fsunsh1ne · 4 years
The Order S1E07
I’m rewatching The Order for the 4th time and basically just gonna live blog it so if you don’t want to see my blabbering posts about each episode you can block the tag #Rachel obsesses about The Order
It’s definitely understandable that Alyssa would be a bit pissed off when she finds out that Jack is a werewolf, but her reaction seems a bit extreme
Maybe that’s just because I don’t totally like her as a character
“you, Jack, are the surprise werewolf” SuRPriSE weREWOlf LOL
FUCK YEAH JACK, STAND UP TO YOUR POPS, he’s an abusive asshole so hellbent on his vendetta that he doesn’t care about what you want. fuck that guy
Can you tell I don’t really like Pete?
“They probably want to give me a medal” “they don’t give out medals.” “they could start”
“I told you to leave me alone.” “You didn’t, actually.”
Giving Gabrielle any form of power is a dangerous thing to do
And giving her a weapon that literally burns people’s souls? definitely not a good idea
Can I just say that I freaking love Vera? She may be a stone cold bitch, but she truly cares about what’s in the best interest of The Order and of humanity in general
“Their not my magic douche posse.”
Magical Misery Tour
“Hey man, we’ve all been there.” “You’ve all lost a girlfriend after being hunted by a necromancer for a magic phone that calls dead people?” “………yes…metaphorically, yes.”
Day drinking truly is the Knights solution for everything. Well, drinking in general.
“Kyle what’s-his-douche”
I hate the secondhand embarrassment of Randall doing the fake boyfriend bit
I know it sort of works out, aside from Ruby turning out to be basically evil, but I just cringe at that whole little scene
the glove of truth or whatever it’s called, it looks like Thanos’s Infinity Gauntlet
Also Gabrielle is so tiny that it looks ridiculous when she wears it
“Liars, and traitors, and werewolves.” “oh my!”
Bar fight!!!!!!
What is the song that’s playing during the bar fight? It’s definitely been used in other shows or movies but I can’t picture where from
micropenis lmaoooo
“Day drinking rules!”
I actually paused and read all the dumb texts that Jack sent to Alyssa and omg they’re so funny
ima bit drunk. kk a lot drunk but that’s noy wyh I’m telling u ur beautiful i wont you to be my girlfriend “go to hell” only if we can have a wiener roast around the fire together pizza emoji, ghost emoji, eggplant emoji
Selena is hot tho, we need more of her
“Did you know he was a werewolf when you hooked up” “was his junk all weird?”
Saying “all the people I’ve killed were accidents” isn’t a great way to convince someone to trust you or that you’re a good person, Jack
Randalls ringtone is annoying I’m just gonna say it
“Did you see them do anything suspicious?” “They wore matching sweaters one time”
“Have you ever thought about sleeping with me?” “Sleeping, no. Fucking, yes.”
The Vade Maecum can bring people back from the dead but it’s ‘messy’…. i wonder what that will look like in season 3 when Jack 10000% brings Alyssa back
When Edward asks where her daughter is, there’s something hilarious about the way Vera says “dead” with her eyes all wide
I’m really pretty sure that I know the girl in the blue shirt in the interrogation scene with Jack and Alyssa and Gabrielle
The first couple times I watched I completely missed that Coventry was wearing a ‘magical charm that lets you tell people exactly what they want to hear’ so the whole peanuts thing didn’t make sense to me for a long time
“This door won’t open and I’m very hung over!”
I can’t believe they used ‘Doc’ and ‘Marty’ as the names for the freaking lab people, honestly it’s disrespectful to Back to The Future to use their names for characters that are essentially villians! 
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