#im.... not tagging anri rune b/c thats technically not her lmao...
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smthn loosely inspired by all those people who said synthv yuma sounds suspiciously like piko
yuma and natalie's designs based off the vimalion project's designs for em (tho yuma's had a few changes)
mai's design by Froggy
also in case its hard to read (b/c i suck ass at comic layouts 😔✌️) this is what the text says in each panel:
panel 1: as far as anyone knows: i died seven years ago. i wouldn't say it's something i had planned, but i wouldn't say it was an impulsive decision either
panel 2: what motivates someone to leave everything behind and start fresh? there's a lot of reasons. i was given the chance to run away. and i took it.
panel 3: would i say i have regrets? ...
panel 4: a lot of things still remind me of the past. i borrowed my new name from an old friend. i wonder what he would think of me now. what would everyone else from my old life think? anger? shame? relief?
panel 5: but i shouldn't think about that too much; i've got a new life now, after all, and it's alright
panel 6: i just have to move on. from the start i knew there was no going back, and i'm fine with that. no use in mourning the truth.
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