#im: great priest imhotep
thegoldengolem · 3 months
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Kids, in color.
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waivyjellyfish · 2 months
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-Энушка~а, I found su~ch a guy, you’d kno~w.
Misora Harugo. Got into my heart, can't pull him out even with mites. The most ironic that full-fledged fan-art with him I have drawn is only one.
And yeah. OC x canon.
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allenatedarts · 5 months
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Im and his best friend no1 ♡
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thesparkofrevolution · 10 months
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Got another pre-order open for charms! This time from a favourite manga of mine...Great Priest Im! Do I expect anyone to get these? No. But I am making them for myself anyway so worth listing them in case anyone else wants one! As per usual if you buy from me directly they are cheaper but here is the Etsy link in case you want it:
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dabisucc · 1 month
Everyone should read IM: The Great Priest Imhotep.
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tsa-smth · 5 months
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Here goes the goth priest that deals with mystiques brought from a very far away
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autisticignihyde · 2 years
blog created 12/09/22 (mm/dd/yy)
hiii, im sal/silver … I made silly fanfiction and silly art! wow!
AO3 user same as here
other info: https://autisticignihyde.carrd.co/
twisted wonderland / great priest imhotep based! sometimes other fandoms. ^-^
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(also i am idia shrouds biggest fan)
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Arab character of the day is Imhotep, the main character of the "Im: Great Priest Imhotep" manga
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mastomysowner · 1 year
10 theories about Im-sama‘s name
This is a translation of this article. Btw, there’s a theory that the hole in the wall through which Wapol saw Im-sama was made by Doflamingo on that day 30 years ago.
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The Empty Throne in Pangaea Castle on Mariejois. Where the kings of each country take an oath that they are all equal and have no desire for dictatorship. The person who easily sits on a throne that no one should sit on. The one who is called Imu-sama by the Five Elders.
① Buddha Theory
A Celestial Dragon who calls himself "God", Im-sama, who stands above the Gorosei, the highest authority in the world. Since he's above the Celestial Dragons, isn't he something conceptual rather than human? In other words, as there are the words “God” (神様) and “Buddha” (仏様), there are Gods (Celestial Dragon) and Buddha (Im-sama)? By the way, Buddha Shakyamuni had five disciples.
② "I hate (忌む)" Theory
Im-sama decides which “light” should be extinguished from history. Does this mean erasing things that are abominable for "this world ruled by the Celestial Dragons"? In The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, there’s a phrase “Looking at the face of the Moon is detestable”, 月の顔見るは忌むこと. Could it possibly be related to the Moon?
(TL note: The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter is filled to the brim with themes of the Moon and immortality.
Over time, Kaguya-hime realized that she did not belong to this world and should return home to the moon. In some versions of the story, Kaguya ended up on Earth as punishment for her crime, in others she remained safe while the war was going on on the moon. One day, the inhabitants of the moon came to take her back. She left a gift for her foster parents, and sent the emperor, who was in love with her, a farewell letter and the elixir of immortality. The emperor, having received the letter, ordered that his answer be taken to the mountain closest to heaven and burned there, in the hope that Kaguya would receive it. Together with the letter, the soldiers had to burn the elixir of immortality, as the emperor did not want to live forever without being able to see Kaguya.
It’s safe to say that Im-sama has a thing for Lily, I like @afishmushy​‘s Imhotep theory a lot.)
③ 16 Theory
Luffy rung the Ox Bell 16 times after the Paramount War. According to Killer, it was "a declaration that a new era has begun." 16 bullets were fired by the Celestial Dragon while executing the children. Is the number 16 a special number for the Celestial Dragons? "16" as a pun from the king of the world?
④ Imhotep Theory
Imhotep, a high priest from ancient Egypt. After his death, Imhotep's status had risen to that of a god of medicine and healing. Eventually, Imhotep was equated with Thoth. Thoth was a god of Moon, wisdom, magic and regulation of events and of time. He was thus said to be the secretary and counselor of the sun god Ra. There was an Egyptian motif when Im-sama was holding a picture of Vivi of Alabasta.
(TL note: there’s a manga titled Im: Great Priest Imhotep (Im~イム~)😁)
⑤ Adam and Eve Theory
Does イム come from those two names, アダ「ム」 and 「イ」ブ? However, those name have already been used for Treasure Tree Adam and Sunlight Tree Eve.
⑥ IMU → UMI Theory
The theory is that the name includes "sea", which is an important element in the world of One Piece. Devil fruits make the sea hate you, and you’re unable to swim if you eat them. Im-sama is like the sea itself and is a natural enemy of ability users?
⑦ France Theory
Im-sama (イム様) = Buddha (仏) = France (仏 is also short for フランス)? Will there be a French Revolution-like event involving Im-sama in the future? 
⑧ IM → I'm Theory
In the Old Testament, when Moses asked the Creator what his name was, the answer was "I am that I am".
⑨ Imu-bakko Theory
There are Ainu conceptions called Imu and Imu-bakko. They are mental disorders found only in Ainu society. The main symptoms are losing consciousness when surprised by something, actions on the orders of other person regardless of one's own will, or actions that are directly opposite to what the person says.
(TL note: If it’s really relevant, maybe Im doesn't necessarily suffer from this condition, but has mind control abilities. Nerona can be translated from Japanese as “don’t sleep”)
⑩ I, Mu Theory
Mu is a legendary lost continent that was located in the Pacific Ocean before its destruction. And the emperor of the Mu continent was titled Ra Mu, which means “the Son of the Sun". The emperor Ra Mu, the incarnation of the Sun god... There seems to be a connection with Im-sama...
(TL note: this is from James Churchward’s writings. They also have many other things relevant to the OP. Btw, the ancient civilization of Mu played a big role in Mega Man storyline. Le Mu, its emperor, the god of EM waves, was a final boss of one of the games)
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vyragosa · 1 year
hey vyra 😊 i was wondering if you have general manga recs? you know me and my tastes... reading helps me keep my head grounded but i ran out of things i remember wanting to check
i feel like i could only rec manga that i can't imagine you READING THAT'S THE PROBLEMGHGHG hmmmmm the problem is that i can only name story with horror element for some reason right now...(though it's just visually and not gore)
on top of my head hmmm let me just remember my all-time classics..(personal ranking)
dorohedoro of course but really ultraviolent, Ghost & Lady? absolute all-time favorite literally on my desk you might like it, Souboutei Must be Destroyed by same author honestly never left my mind then again, also has bits of horror and EVEN sci-fi...
now there's this shonen that, was just so feel-good and the tragedy was so well i thought i don't know, it's still an all-time favorite yknow? im: great priest imhotep
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
Is tbhk your fav manga? If not what is it?
I do love tbhk and it is among my fav manga when I see how much I talk about it ^^ I do have a fixation on it, but I know some manga I read had better written plots than tbhk :00
hmmmm my fav mangas :00 it is a hard question. I've read a lot of manga when I was a kid (the classics, like DB or One Piece) but I honestly don't have that much which stood out for me x')) especially because I have a really hard time with fan service and how female characters are written now ahah 
And I like absurd humor as much as I like compicated plots too x’))
Mangas I adore since I am a kid
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Doraemone my beloved (I have so many shirts and merch from this, it’s insane) and Keroro, which is so so stupid (there is a strange fanservice in Keroro? But honestly I didn’t see it when I was a kid ahah)
Doraemon is a really good manga for a kid, with super creative ideas and stupid interactions :D It is mostly for kids but it those two still have a special place for me dhskjds
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I’ve been reading this manga since a really long time too and it is adorable and stupid I like it so much :DDD Yotsuba is adorable and a lot of my humor is coming from this manga tbh
The only series I am purchasing rn are tbhk, witch hat atelier and Heaven’s design team :DD
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Kamome Shirahama is an absolute queen dshdkjs and I adore the story, characters and the artstyle which is absolutely insane! This take on magic is everything! If I had to recommend a manga I would go for this one! I do know it is pretty popular but there is a reason dhskdhskj
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Heaven’s design team is so stupid and has no right being this pretty :DD If you want a cool manga to read, where you see designers having artblocks, the strangest ideas ever and stupid characters of all ages, while learning how animals work this is perfect :DDD
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Gokushufudou is the best manga if you wanna laugh a lot x’) The art has no reason being this good again and the concept is hilarous :DD
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 Im great priest Imhotep have a special place in my heart :DD 
Really basic shonen plot, but the characters are funny, the art is cool and there is a lot to learn about egyptian mythology ^^ (and I adore Makoto Morishita ahah she is so funny and talented) 
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 Land of the lustrous is amazing too! (I haven’t read it in a while, because of the hiatus but the art is dhskjdhsj) A really original concept with a lot of good plot twist and characters ^^ 
The anime is really cool to watch too 
I really really like Jiro Taniguchi’s works! His writing style is really chill, not that much is happening, it’s just life in its simplest ways. And his water colors and drawings are insane, he is really good at doing backgrounds.
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(if you can check the animation movie ‘le sommet des dieux’ too which is one of his manga it is incredible dshjds)
I really like the manga for Nausicaa. More violent and with deeper meaning than the movie (which I absolutely adore) and you can appreciate Miyazaki’s manga art :DDD
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I am a big fan of Naoki Urasawa’s works too :DDD
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I am reading 20th century boys rn But I really liked Pluto and Monster :DDD (Ig there are some triggers for these mangas? idk) I used to read astroboy as kid so his darker take on it is really nice to see :DDD and the plots are really greatly written, it is even hard sometimes to follow what’s happening :’DD
And that’s all I guess for now? :00 Nothing else is coming to mind ahah
I’ve been reading some others mangas as SpyxFamily for example but those are more famous ^^
Anyways! Thanks for the question anon :’DD and sorry If I rambled again dshjds
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thegoldengolem · 4 months
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waivyjellyfish · 8 months
You can call me Waivy since I make it my nickname here. Nice to meet ya.
Artist and otaku by life, 3D-printer by specialty
Fandoms: Know a lot, not much catches.
The most basic is my OC'es(#Dokuro family). The rest depends of my involvement.
Active fandoms: MILGRAM, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail
Unactive fandoms: Im - Great priest Imhotep, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, One Piece, My Hero Akademia, Akudama Drive... e.t.c (and I always read something new)
I draw, draw a lot. Especially OC'es. But now I also drew fan-art.
Sometimes write something. (but it's rare)
3D modeling and printing. (Not yet custom, but planned, maybe later I will write about it more)
My other media:
Telegram channel (all rus language, and a bit more specific art than here)
Side-blog(talks, shitpost, rb, real world and other things I don’t want to clog art blog): @waivyjellyfish-side
Open the ask and reqests for a while(about fandoms or my OC'es):
Firstly I warn you, I’m not sure that I can answer quickly, so you can wait for a long time before you receive an answer or reqest. (So just don’t expect instant answers.)
Don't be mean. I don't want to read mean things about anyone. Whether it’s a person or just pixels.
About shipping. I prefer to draw platonik. I'm actually okay with a lot of things, and I have ships too.(I think people free to have fun about anything they like. Not if it affects real people) But I don't want to draw things that I feel uncomfortable or just don't like, (I don’t mind listening but not drawing) so if you ask something about pairings it better to be platonic.
I’m not going to draw things with ratings here. (I actually can draw it and I draw but don't want to post it here 'cause I don’t want to piss off tumblr, I'll post it on my tg.channel, and maybe later I’ll start a page on poipiku or other similar site)
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bluethude · 2 years
Hi !
I'm The Blue Thude and I want to contribute to my various fandoms in some way. That's why I'm happy to say I'm open to requests, in French or in English !
- First and before anything. Respect is a primordial rule of mine. Respect me and I’ll respect you, it’s a two way street.
- Do not spam. While it's okay to ask where I am on your request or question if the ask wasn't drowned with the other asks, do not spam. Any spam will result in a cancellation of your ask.
- Do not ask anything discriminatory toward any community. Those requests will be ignored or deleted without a question.
- I won't write NSFW content. I don't want to trigger myself nor those who'll read.
- I won't write anything related or about toxic relationships/characters (it can be lightly mentioned but for yandere!characters, I will kindly ask you to go to someone else).
- I won't write anything romantic with kids too young (in case of love between two kids/teens) or a kid with an adult (the age ref is 18 years old)
- While I like angst, I have troubles writing it so please, do not ask for something too angsty as I want to enjoy my time here and not add more stuff to be depressed about
- To not overwhelm me, I'll take a maximum of 20 writing requests, as for random questions, there's no limit, but try to not ask too much. My inbox will be always open, but not the writing requests.
- Do not degrade my work in any way, shape or form. Even if you don’t like what I’m writing, just calmly and politely say what you dislike about it and maybe it’ll be a fun and constructive conversation to have ! But of course, if you don’t like my work, don’t read it.
- Be patient with me, as English is my third language and I often make mistakes with orthograph or grammar when writing. If so, just tell me, I’ll correct it and do better next time !
I don't have anything else in my mind to add, but otherwise, feel free to write/ask me about anything, requests or questions ! Please remember that’s my first blog and while I got help to do it, it’s normal if there’s some strange things or mistakes in its conception. Like everything, it’ll get better overtime !
Anyway, here are the works I can write on :
ANIME/MANGA : Assassination Classroom Blue Exorcist Blue Period Dead Mount Death Play deep sea aquarium MagMell Edens Zero Heart Gear I am Sherlock Im : Great Priest Imhotep Kemono Incidents Lonely World Mashle Rising of the Shield Hero Shy Skull Dragon’s precious daughter Spy x Family Terrarium That Time I got reincarnated as a slime/Tensura (+ The Ways of the Monster Nation) The Apothecary Diaries The Cave King The Elf and the Hunter Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Why nobody remembers my world
BOOK SERIES : Harry Potter Keepers of Lost Cities
GAMES : Animal Crossing (New Leaf + Horizon) Child of Light Cookie Run : Kingdom Genshin impact Hades Monster Hunter 2 : Wings of Ruins Pokémon (Sword and Shield + Arceus Legends (with their corresponding anime + Scarlet/Violet)) Röki The Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild + Skyward Sword + A Link Between Worlds)
CARTOONS/SHOW : Aggretsuko Avatar : The Last Air Bender Avatar : The Legend of Korra Castlevania Code Lyoko Hilda Inside Job Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts Lego : Monkie Kid Lolirock MarbleGen Miraculous : Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Ninjago Steven Universe Tales of Arcadia : Trollhunters Wakfu Zak Storm
WEBTOON : Note : Some of those webtoons are exclusively in French or I didn’t find an english translation)
Binary Star CandleKeeper Change-moi​ Clinics of Horror High School Mercenary Homesick L'Empereur qui remonta le temps Porte-Bonheur The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower​ The Remarried Empress
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Some more Great Priest Im! These are...not our final designs (we are making those for WCS), but these were the most appropriate versions for the weather in Egypt!
Djoser: thesparkofrevolution
Im: cereselcosplay
#greatpriestim #greatpriestimcosplay #cosplay #greatpriestimhotep #greatpriestimhotepcosplay #djoser #djosercosplay #im #imcosplay #imhotep #imhotepcosplay
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multeasers · 1 hour
get to know zag !
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last song you listened to : fade away by breaking benjamin on spotify / tell me lies by asteria ft odetari on youtube !!
what's your phone wallpaper : my lockscreen is actually the same as my icon here, while my homescreen is thatz from this post ( far left ) :0
currently reading : wind breaker ( manga ) and mairimashita! iruma-kun ! also majo taisen :p
last movie : i think it was "to wong-foo, thanks for everything! julie newmar"
what are you wearing right now ? : one of my dbz pajama shirts :] zag in his jammies
how tall are you ? : 5 ft 7 in last a doctor told me
piercings / tattoos ? : i'm a real hispanic stereotype in that my mom got my ears pierced the minute i was outta the womb . i want quite a few tats tho :p
glasses / contacts : everyone in zag's family BUT him needs glasses >:3 he has perfect vision bc he is so cool and snazzy
last thing you ate ? : little potatoes frozen shrimp and steamed rice babyyy
favourite colour : black + all pastels but yellow and orange !
current obsession : winbre for sure,,,,, but also im : great priest imhotep got me like a sleeper agent
do you have a crush right now ? : zag doesn't get those ( <- guy who is aromantic fr )
favorite fictional character : in all of anime : trafalgar law from one piece . in all of fiction ? thatz dragon knights . the distinction is important bc dk is NOT anime it is NOT manga it is ART ( it fucking sucks but i need everyone to read it it makes me so bonkers )
last place you travelled : surfside beach !! near galveston . my mom took me :3 tho before that it was some random texas town on the way home from dallas i think
tagged by stolen from : a random blog i was lookin at
tagging : anyone who wants 2 do ittt
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