#im writing these thoughts at 5.30am so if it doesnt make sense you just gotta bear with me
okay alright okay. fuckin. okay. let me get my thoughts out about the ending of Legacy chapter two -
this is hard because I both like and dislike elements of how this ended with Kassandra having a baby and starting a new family with Natakas and Darius.
so I do like it because I genuinely like Natakas as a character, and even though he doesn't have the same je ne sais quoi as someone like Brasidas had, he is still a really good person, and more balancing to Kassandra's forever fiery disposition
I think I would have preferred to see her be with someone of equal measure to stoke that flame, encourage her wild spirit, rather than seemingly cushion it, pad it out and make it more palatable, if that makes sense. BUT, he makes her happy. of all the lovers that she's had, she never looked at them the same way she's looked at Natakas and I really do think they had a true connection
I dislike it because, while I can understand why it had to happen (it always felt inevitable that Kassandra had to start a family to continue the bloodline blah blah blah), why did it happen in this manner?
I am still fuming over Kassandra's lack of agency in the game as a whole, and the developers are really saying that this spitfire of a woman wants to settle down and raise children now?
after she's been repeatedly told "you are going to love people and then watch them die again and again, you are here to suffer until someone else comes along who is the real hero and you can't do shit about it" by Aletheia
all the "I want a simple life" and "I want to start a family" talk really came out of nowhere... whoever it was here who said that it felt like the DLC's were written by an entirely different team was spot on, like the vibes are just so different to the main game. Kassandra's priorities shifting SO wildly during this second chapter alone
and having her speak absolutely NOTHING about her flesh and blood family? after all the heartache she went through to get them back?
it's hard to consolidate the "it looks like this is what is actually making her happy now" with the "Woman Need Baby and Husband To Be Happy" narrative, because it seems like the developers were trying almost too hard to push away from that trope?
anyway. my first thought on this revelation was rage. then some sort of acceptance, and even being happy for Kassandra, and now I'm back to being somewhere between outraged and dissatisfied and tolerating that this is just how it's gonna be
hm. okay.
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