#im working on an actual drawn reply soooonnn
ask-north · 2 years
You're saying you've been to multiple planets before? How do you go from one to another? They're so far away!
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Atlas: {Oh! That's quite simple actually!}
Atlas: {You know that gate thingy I showed, we basically have a bunch of little ones on all 5 planets, of course, they only stay in the universe because they're pokemon-made!}
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Atlas: {I have to admit... They're not fun to use, I always get really motion sick when I go through one. It's also why I only traveled off my home planet when I was stationed somewhere else.}
Atlas: {For being so strict Axius was surprisingly accommodating about that.}
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Atlas: {I'm just going to be glad the universe gates are made by gods not pokemon so they're less...}
Atlas: {... Aggressive. They don't make you feel like you've just gotten vigorously shaken around, thrown into a liquid tumbler of your own body matter, and spit back out. Heh.}
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