#im trying to find the beauty in it while I level my druid
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𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔸𝕣𝕒𝕜
#wow#world of warcraft#spires of arak#warlords of draenor#wod#the worst expansion#im trying to find the beauty in it while I level my druid#i also love it when my gifs dont upload correctly
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Of Shadows and Tyr (1/??)
Summary: So, after 20 years of searching, I have stumbled upon a DnD group that is willing to deal with my absurd work schedule, and let me play with them! I have no idea what I’m doing, and I cannot fanart my way out of a wet paper bag, so I appear to have subconsciously decided to write a novel.
Craven and the other Tiefling have written more succinct and appropriately lengthed (that’s a word) summaries.
I have created a neutral 21-year-old Tiefling druid, named Strive. She has cinnamon skin, short garnet hair, black eyes, a whip-like tail, and horns that curve out and then slightly down and back (Bharal sheep horns). We have started our journey at level 2.
This is my version of a “the story, so far.” It is already too long. 8) I have no idea how many installments there will be; I already had to separate into a second part of our first session because I wrote too much. I also have an origins chapter for Strive because IM’ SORRY OKAY.
In the beginning: There was a city (part 1/2)
Master said it was time to see the world.
I didn't want to, of course. I was comfortable enough to live with the Lizardfolk tribe, secreted away in a little hut by the edge of the forest, serving as their healer when Master finally passed on. Why would I need to go out into the world? Our swamp had everything I needed, and that was enough.
But as usual, Master wanted more for me.
As per Master's orders, lightly veiled as 'advice,' of course, the safest way for me to see the world would be with a group. And apparently, the easiest way to find a group of adventurers was in the city.
He failed to mention how busy and loud and DUSTY the city of Kendrith was. I don’t like sand. It’s rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere.
There were too many people. Too many humans. It was a warm, sunny day, but I had to keep my cloak closed and my hood up to hide my tail and horns. Even in the depths of my big cloak, I felt exposed.
And the dust! There was so little natural life in Kendrith; barely any grass or trees. It had been less than a fortnight, and already I missed the lush reeds and soft, insect-ridden mud near Master's hut. The city was dry and lacking, like stale bread.
I was trying to find quieter streets when I somehow managed to almost step on a small figure, tripping them into the road. Naturally, I stopped to help them up, but my apology died in my throat when I saw her horns and tail.
She was a Tiefling, too. A young Tiefling with beautiful blue eyes and a spade-tipped tail.
But...her skin...it was purple.
Unbidden, I recalled warmth, and softness, and a smile resting on a purple-skinned face-
And then the Tiefling bared her teeth at me and the memory evaporated.
"Are...are you okay?" I asked, reaching out to her with an empty hand. She hissed at me and scrabbled back. I froze, then raised my hands, palms out, in a sign of peace.
“My name’s Strive,” I said softly, and asked her if she wanted help, but she just hissed and cocked her head at me. I wasn’t sure if she didn’t speak Common or if she just wanted me to leave. She made me think of my tribe’s hatchlings: feral to anybody aside from their family.
We were interrupted, then, by a human in armor. He had some kind of insignia on the breastplate, but what worried me was that the Tiefling hissed at him, recognition crossing her face.
He was following her and she did not feel safe.
I stood between the human and the girl, tried to brush the him off, but he continued to press forward, offering us shelter, of all things. Why on earth would a human want to help two Tieflings? People in general didn't trust our kind, but humans! I felt anger rising to flush my face. Humans were the whole reason...
If all Tieflings are not alike, the same must be said of all races, Master's voice echoed in my head, stopping my temper.
I wasn’t home, anymore. I had to be smart, and I had to keep a cool head.
I eyed the human knight carefully. He introduced himself as Valzan Corindal, and again, he said he wanted to help. I've always been good at reading people, and for some reason, I couldn't detect any lie in him. It was odd, but...somehow I believed him.
Almost like a natural 20 had been rolled on my insight.
It helped abate my suspicions when an elf woman wearing similar armor joined him, and he backed away. I relaxed a little, although the Tiefling behind me still seemed wary. I spoke a little with the woman. She seemed kind. Bitterly, I wondered if it was easy to be kind when your race was generally admired.
Nobody chooses their blood, Charity. Only their path, Master chided.
I did my best to shut down my concerns, and listened to the elf woman's spiel about their church. Her name was Elyssia, and according to her, she and Valzan were hoping to develop a church worshipping Tyr in Kendrith. I wasn’t particularly interested in converting. Semuanya, Master’s deity, was enough for me, valuing my survival instead of my dark heritage.
Thankfully, Elyssia wasn’t trying to change me, only offering me a place of rest, and then she retreated into a run-down old building nearby. That made me wonder: I'd been taught that churches were grand affairs with coloured windows, not dusty ruins. This 'church' didn't look anything like that; it looked significantly more forlorn than what I had imagined a church to be.
It was then that the Tiefling shook her head and looked even more upset. I didn’t see any flies buzzing near her ears. I couldn’t hear or sense anything, myself. But I knew I was missing something, and that bothered me.
My answer came sooner than I expected: a very tall gentleman decided it was time to join our group and with a booming voiced asked if he could be of some assistance.
I wanted to go home, personally.
The Tiefling girl spat an insult at the tall man, making him dizzy, somehow. I suspected he had done something to upset her.
I, on the other hand, looked at the newcomer appraisingly. He seemed otherworldy to me, somehow. In a loud, boisterous voice, he announced that Craven was his name. He was tall for human standards, but his hair stood up in a crest and his eyes glowed blue.
I had never seen anything like those eyes.
I also started to wonder if maybe the Lizardfolk and I were the strange ones and everyone else on earth had blue eyes. I glanced at the human. Nope, his were green. Stranger and stranger...
I decided then that I was going to try to convince the Tiefling girl to come back with me to the swamp where we would never have to deal with anybody on Semuanya's green earth ever again. That was the only logical thing to do. There were too many things happening out in the world and I, personally, was done with it. Master was clearly wrong; I did not need to see the rest of the world.
Instead, two men in black sauntered over, chains on their belts, and clearly looking for the Tiefling girl behind me.
The way she hissed and backed away from them, by comparison, she had been downright cozy with Valzan only a moment before. Forget not trusting the Paladin of Tyr; these two men, who were soon joined by a third, were definitely an active danger.
To my pleasant surprise, I saw that Valzan and Craven were also of the same mind; together, we fought to take girl’s enemies down.
The four of us made short work of the three men. I entangled the one who was closest to us, using vines, while the girl behind me spat curses with some kind of magic. The tall Craven cut down one slaver with his great sword, while the paladin finished off the other with a few swings of his axe. The third enemy tried to run, but was quickly caught by Valzan, and the coward passed out as soon as he saw his fate was sealed.
Craven carried their hostage into the church, but Valzan stayed behind, hoping to talk us into following them, once again talking about safety.
I looked at how thin the Tiefling girl was, then instead of properly answering him, asked if the paladin had any food. He pulled out some bread, offering it to her. She shifted back, ever distrustful. I didn’t blame her.
Silently, I took the loaf, took a bite of it to show that it was fine, then offered it to the girl. She hesitated, then snatched it from me, munching eagerly away at what I now knew was incredibly dry bread. I mentioned so to the paladin, but with a small smile and shrug he explained that it was rations. I nodded, chewing thoughtfully, noting that he didn’t snap defensively at me. A comment like that would have earned a slap, with Master’s tribe.
I was also impressed to see that the girl was almost done the loaf; quite a feat considering how dry it was. Without thinking, I said out loud that she reminded me of a chipmunk.
She did not appreciate it. She pulled a face, and I regretted saying it.
Again, we were invited to the church. I told the girl that it seemed like a good offer, and if she was anything like me, she didn’t have anywhere else to go. I slowly followed the paladin to the church, and was pleased to see that the girl stayed right behind me.
Crossing the threshold, I paused, and it was with some degree of relief to find that I would not burst into flames. The highest point of my day, so far.
In the main foyer of the church, we found that the elf woman, Elyssia, had prepared a wonderful spread for us. The Tiefling girl made a beeline towards the fruits and sweets, but my eyes gravitated to the cheese! There were great, big, yellow and red wheels of cheese, beside loaves of bread that were so fresh I could still see steam rising off of them. And wine! I loved wine. I’d only had it once or twice, but I knew it was so much better than the brackish moonshine the Lizardfolk made. But first, to business. Craven and Valzan hauled their unconscious slaver into the church’s basement, myself following silently behind. Elyssia stayed with the girl upstairs, so I figured she would be safe.
In the basement, a lone chair, small table, and candle awaited them, along with two large barrels of water. My mouth twisted, hidden by the shadow of my cloak. I could imagine what was coming. I reminded myself that their victim was a slaver, and a cruel one, if the Tiefling girl’s scars were any indication. Valzan splashed water into their victim’s face, effectively reviving him. Craven thought it would be a good idea to dump a whole barrel onto him; I rolled my eyes, hiding a smile at the unnecessary action.
It didn’t take much to make the man talk; almost immediately, he willingly shared everything he knew about his employers, even if it wasn’t much. I frowned when he mentioned that he was just a hired hand, trying to make his way in the world. He was a slaver. A slaver. How could he stomach such work?
But his insistence that he just wanted coin rang true. He needed to work to eat, and jobs were scarce. It just happened that what he had to do was vile.
I didn’t want to hear any more. Without the others noticing, I turned away and slipped back upstairs. I would much rather keep company with the cheese and wine.
--(part two)--
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I know women who use to get gang banged in my dorm. Im talking about 5+ guys at once. College was the ultimate red pill experience if you was in a fraternity. Anyway, obviously this is all back of the envelope. Point is, Morphe is essentially a low overhead company with high revenue and high revenue growth. Managed well, this thing has legs no matter how much we find their products to be cheap white labeled crap. I see celebs not disclosing a sponsored gown the same as if a BG posted a beauty video and happened to be wearing a necklace from a sponsorship. Seeing a beautiful girl we want to emulate wearing the necklace makes us 고성출장마사지 want to buy it, yes, but we're not being actively sold on the necklace by someone we watch because they review necklaces. So yes, it would be good if everyone disclosed, but it's more of an impact if BGs don't.. They entered the castle and walked through twelve splendid halls, all made of gold and diamonds. In the twelfth room they found the Mother Dragon seated on a diamond throne. She was the ugliest woman under the sun, and, added to it all, she had three heads. Who is Anonymous Redditor 28937 to determine what is "stably rooted in cultural practice" and what isn't? It's rather condescending, in a way, to assume that you can boil any nation of people down into one defined prescriptive way of cooking. A country is full of individuals. People cooking for their kids who don't like whatever ingredient "ought" to go in a dish. First, I going crazy trying to figure out drying my hair. I tried plopping and it doesn seem to help the hair dry at all. My hair just sits in a wet pile on top of my head until I unwrap it, and continues to be wet for hours. It sustainable, I not hungry, but I also not in ketosis usually (which is fine). Staying under 100C I can lose effectively and manage my appetite and my insulin levels. It works really well for me and has for a while.. Finding out directly from your bank why the info you entered was wrong (if it is not) is the first thing to check. On top of anything else you need to do. Also check if your bank has certain permissions or restrictions on the card being used on certain things, it might sound dumb, but it is also an option.. Like for the past two I got each came with a full sized Perricone MD product. This month it Sunday Riley. I swear they just keep on getting better and better. Cosrx Low pH Good Morning Cleanser! :( I used it for like 3 months straight hoping it could be my first low pH HG cleanser. I was so wrong. It made my face itch and tight after every single use. At 10th level, when Moon Druids are turning into elementals, Hexblades are turning hits into misses, Fiendlocks are getting resistance to whichever damage they want, the Undying Warlock is getting an ability that is not only gained by a few other classes, but is now partially gained by other Warlocks through an invocation. Undying Warlocks get the ribbon ability "Undying Nature." they don need sleep, food, water and can hold their breaths indefinitely. Oh and they age slower.. But for someone who is serious about anti aging, you want L ascorbic acid in an 고성출장마사지 aqueous solution. Vehicles really affect transepidermal delivery of target ingredients. Don blame vitamin C if you not seeing anti aging results and you using MAP/SAP/L ascorbic acid in silicone. I feel like they coming out with products too fast. It good that they listening to what customers want, but I feel like the quality will lack because they rushed it for the fans, unless they been working on it for a while. Most of the reviews I watched for the foundation have been negative, and they seem like they good for low budgets, but the sizes are so small.
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8, 14, 17 for the dnd asks!
thank you!!!!
8: what does your dream dice set look like?
hmmm i’m not sure…. definitely blue. probably that etheral yeti one miho sent yesterday that i fell in love with haha they’re so pretty!!!!!
14: what inspired you to make your character?
i guess i’ll go through each of them.
norixius kava, dragonborn paladin (out of the abyss). this was my first one and i had no idea how dnd worked haha at all. in the car on the way to my cousins place, i was driving, and my dad and brother were reading through the books and talking about the races and classes and stuff and explaining to me bc obvi i couldnt read them bc i was driving haha. anyway we got to my cousins place and each of them paired up w the three of us to help make our first characters and we rolled for stats and they asked if i had anything i wanted to play and i was like “idk dragonborn sounds really cool” and they were like thats as good a reason as any, and then they suggested paladin would work well w my stats so i was like sure why not and did it haha. she survived the campaign, to level 11
matilda, human monk (curse of strahd). this was point buy system. i had mentioned seeing a homebrew avatar thing, so one of my cousins mentioned how way of the four elements monk is like the avatar, so i read through it and thought it sounded cool. i took the mobile feat, and went way of open hand instead. in this campaign we had a fight where four characters died outright (three deaths due to natural 1s in the death saves) and only two survived, including matilda. the dm mentioned taking the dead people to another room to discuss what to do and i was like “nah brian and i will just move since we’re the only alive one and theres more of you”. they ended up becoming revernants (idk spelling) but i suggested adding a caveat in place where every time you died as a revernant, you lost 1hp from your max, which we did. we then abandoned this campaign after 4 levels bc my uncle who was dm-ing was having trouble finding the time to read the campaign
jamnugget, gnome fighter (arcane archer) (storm kings thunder). this was rolling stats. one cousin rolled between 13 and 18 for every stat, and after race ability improvements got all 14-18…. so he multiclassed all of them and got to level 12 as one of each class it was a beautiful amalgamation (omg i spelt that correctly first try haha). then someone else rolled three single digit stats but was told he wasnt allowed to reroll so he became a druid for wildshape. he had -2 con, so only adding 3hp per level, starting at 6hp. 3rd level before he got double digits. if you averaged the rolls of these two you got normal stats haha. anyway onto my character. my cousin suggested the arcane archer thing on unearthed arcana so i was like “sure ok”. turns out you only got two magic arrows per rest thing and they werent very good so i hardly used them. the sharpshooter feat was way better. the best part tho was bc we were fighting so many giants, at one point someone cast fly on me, someone else cast greater invisibility on me, someone else gave me bless, so then i went in a chased a giant just shooting him on my own while everyone else was doing something else it was great. i also accidentally succeeded on an intimidation check bc an npc was saying “im sure we could handle a giant” when we asked about that and i was like “ive killed 15 myself” (bc we were keeping tallies on our sheets) and the guy panicked bc was technically in an alliance w them whoops. jamnugget survived the campaign. six of the seven original characters survived to the end, my brother went through four characters
maegrakka, half elf barbarian. we were told to make characters for a quick one shot dungeon thing for when storm kings thunder dm wasnt able to make it. so i made a barbarian bc i decided that was something i hadnt done yet and would be easy to just make (no spells. i have a strong aversion to spell casters). i think shes level 3 now???? every time we play this everyones like “wait whats my character again” bc its so long in between haha
nissa, human rogue 1 monk 2. one shot a friend wanted to dm before he moved to canberra. it was very fun. i made a monk bc i was desperate to play again bc matilda had been abandoned. i added a rogue level for sneak attack damage, w mobile feat, it was great
clover, human fighter 11 or 12, monk 3 or 4. level 15 fight to the death situation. i knew how powerful the arcane archer stuff was so i did it here. monk levels were to give me back up in case i got engaged in melee. i shouldve had some sort of healing that was my downfall. my first character to die bc three of them were ganging up on me!!
meredith, elf wizard (tomb of annihilation). we started off playing as commoners, as servants to this lord guy. so i was a librarian and realised id have to be a wizard dammit. i hated the spell casting part haha. she died. its funny bc my dads character died at first level, then we levelled up. brians character died at second level, then we levelled up. they were also sitting next to each other. i was sitting in the next seat along so was worried i was also gonna die… then my brother took that seat and died instead. so i was like there is definitely a curse. i was in the next seat along, and then one of my cousins. then came a fight where my cousin next to me turned to stone and then i died. turns out he could come back to life so the death seat thing continued. we levelled up to level 4 after my brother and i died in separate sessions in the same location. also my dad and brian died in the same location in separate session. so now theres multiple patterns - theres the “someone needs to die to level up” thing, and the death seat thing, and the two characters dying in the same location in separate sessions thing. w my cousin who got turned to stone, i keep on insisting he stays in the death seat bc either he dies (death seat) or he doesnt (he tricked death w the stone thing so is now immune), and if he doesnt die either it skips him and my uncle dies, or no one else dies ever. its very exciting haha. also w this campaign theres a map thing only the og characters can see and we’re joking how now only three characters left can see it and you can see how my cousin the dm is getting worried that we’ll all die haha. also the campaign is about how the og characters lord got sick and we need to find a cure, but once the og characters die then who cares about the random lord? itll be very funny haha
elenoa, tabaxi monk (tomb of annihilation). since i started at level 4 here, and matildas campaign got abandoned at level 4, it felt fitting to play a monk again. no mobile feat yet, but im playing the sun soul monk from xanathars which gives a radiant punch w a range of 30 ft so i dont need to get close to punch and then use mobile to run away.
i havent even talked about where the names for each one came from….. maybe another time if asked……..
17: what is your favourite race?
idk actually. the only races ive ever played multiple times are humans, but altogether ive played longer as a dragonborn or gnome than human so like. theres not super much difference in the races in phb, like its just flavour. the new races and stuff have heaps extra stuff, but tabaxi is the only one of them ive ever played and only two sessions so far. i think humans are cool bc you get a feat at level 1 haha but other than that theres not really much difference in them yknow? races w darkvision make things easier too haha but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thank you for these asks!!! it took so long to respond haha im gonna be late to uni now (bc still in pjs havent made lunch or brushed teeth or anything and if i wanna be on time i gotta leave in the next 15 minutes so maybe ill just…… skip this lecture lol idk haha
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