#im too tired to reread all of this also who IS reading all this huh. if you did i'll cook you chicken katsu <3
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Type an essay. I dare you. Also I need to know what that Hamazaki and Mine story is????????
1.) the hamazaki and mine story i’m referring to is this one ! give it a read sometime if you’d like, i always like mine when he’s scheming and i like  watching his plans and thoughts play out so i def enjoyed it. reading Everything mine does for the bulk of the story really has its ending pay off
2.) chicken katsu is kicking my ass right now but for YOU anon... since you’re enabling me i will type an essay for you. but MAN what else do i say that i didnt already touch on in my last post. where do i even start. essay under the cut cause she’s long
Looking back on this story, it definitely feels as though parts of the story are a specific call back to the Y0 substory- or they at least want to hint at some reference to it. First Daigo mentioning Kiryu at the bar and talking about him to Daigo getting into trouble due to Kiryu-related business. It’s like the perfect segway of ‘this man I look up to told me something valuable as a kid’ and now that moment’s coming back when he’s all grown up this time. Even how Mine has to save Daigo after he gets kidnapped during a night they were just supposed to drink together ironically mirrors Kiryu having to save Daigo after he gets kidnapped when they were supposed to be hanging out.
But on to the actual situation, despite everything- despite the army of people that should be concerned over his whereabouts, Daigo’s all alone and helpless. For the most part it seems like no one cares enough to make sure he’s safe, either. The most he can get is that his bodyguards believed him when he lied and told them he was running off to have an affair with a woman: they didn’t bother to double check, they didn’t bother to send someone to follow them just in case- they just took his word and left him be (though to be fair, I don’t exactly know how I’d react to my boss telling me he’s going out for a shag either. An effective lie on Daigo’s part, really- but an undercover car wouldn’t have hurt).
It was one thing for Mine to spend a fortune just so he was able to get information from the right taxi company and find Daigo. When he found him, he could’ve just helped deal with the kidnappers and the two could’ve went their separate ways for the night without talking about what happened. But Mine decides to call out Daigo’s tendency to focus on Kiryu’s wellbeing more than the Tojo’s despite Kiryu not even being within the Tojo anymore- even after Daigo told him how much Kiryu meant to him. He doesn’t mince words and he doesn’t try to soften the truth: he’s unapologetically real and genuine with Daigo in that moment.
And that’s all Daigo ever wanted from people: back in Y0, he laments how it’d been a ‘really long time’ since anyone’d ‘seen him for who he was’ and ‘cared enough’ to correct him. Of course, Kiryu’s there to remind him of his (and Sohei’s) status and how no one would just do that for him out of fear of repercussion. It feels as though that fact really stuck with Daigo for a while: pardon earlier in this story where we briefly see Daigo on the phone with, presumably, a friend, we hardly- if at all- ever see Daigo with someone he can consider a companion.
And how could he have any close friends ? Being the son of a major yakuza boss was one thing, but to actually be the major yakuza boss is absolutely another. Coupled with having to manage the yakuza and having the likes of Goro Majima ready to pounce on anyone who has any opposition towards Daigo (ironically under Kiryu’s request to take care of him), if he’s not busy worrying about what each clan is up to then he also has his persona to worry about. One wrong word and the typical soldier would be right to assume the worst, either from Daigo or from Majima: it’d be safer to keep your distance and to just nod your head when he says something than to actually say anything excessive that could get you in trouble.
But then there’s Mine. He’s hardly been in the underworld very long at this point, yet he doesn’t hesitate to say what needs to be said- to care enough to guide Daigo in the right direction to properly take charge of the Tojo. He’s undoubtedly aware of how severe punishments can go in the yakuza, yet he’s willing to risk those consequences to say what needs to be said for Daigo’s sake.
This is also a pivotal moment for Mine himself, honestly. All his life, he assumed that the best way to obtain friends was through material goods and status, yet it’s neither of those things that really capture Daigo’s eye. Just Mine’s willingness to tell him what he needed to hear and not what he wanted to hear was the ticket, nothing more and nothing less. In a moment where Mine wasn’t scheming or throwing his money around (aside from being able to find Daigo, anyway), he incidentally proved his friendship in Daigo’s eyes; Mine makes a point to tell Daigo that he’s taught him the true value of bonds, and this was the best way he could have shown that gratitude and sincerity, whether he knew it or not.
It’s no wonder after this moment that Daigo decides that mine should be his junior head assistant. Mine’d proven well enough that not only was he devoted to the Tojo and what’s best for it, but he was devoted to Daigo as a friend as well.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
first of all, this chapter right here is my comfort chapter from now on. i said what i said. I will be rereading it again and again just because i can. it was PERFECTION
here's me going crazy at 2 am yesterday.
alec shaved his beard because it made him look older
magnus and alec are the oblivious parents istg
“Are you decent?” Max yelled. “I don’t want to be traumatized again.”
“Hey! We agreed not to talk about that!” Alec yelled back.
Im not even surprised at this point
“Happy anniversary, bapa!” Rafael kissed him on the cheek and handed him the flowers.
“Where are my flowers?” Alec asked.
Rafael plucked a rose from the bouquet and threw it at Alec. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, son,” Alec mumbled.
“David made it,” Max said shyly. "
Oh,” Alec replied and then shrugged. “Well, the icing could be a little sweeter I think.”
Ever since Max started dating, Alec had become incredibly protective. Alec liked David of course – it was impossible to find someone who didn’t. But that didn’t mean Alec approved.
And it didn’t help that the blond boy was absolutely terrified of Alec.
“I don’t know,” Alec analysed the card. “David used too much glitter.”
“Since when do you have a problem with excessive glitter?” Max demanded.
“I didn’t use him!” Max huffed. “He was thoroughly compensated for his efforts!”
“Compensated how?” Alec asked.
“Uh,” Max said. “With donuts.”
when i saw donuts i immediately thought of rose and luisa from jtv
but should i continue the show? i got tired of jane continuously embarrasing herself
“You expect us to follow rules?” Alec asked in surprise. “In our own home? On our anniversary?”
The warlock boy grinned wickedly before leaning close to Alec.
“You better do it, or I will tell everyone about your secret,” Max whispered.
Alec blinked at that.
the secret...
is highschool musical that bad? i havent watched it. should i?
what if i cried
i just wanna hug alec??? but i cant say it'll be ok because it wont
“Is that why you are not attending?” Magnus grinned at his friend. “Or is it because you are terrified of Georgia?”
“That child is the reincarnation of Christopher Lightwood!” Ragnor complained. “I heard she made explosives out of demon ichor! Who makes explosions out of demon ichor?”
how tf do you think we have survived huh??
medicine that's how
vaccines, anti biotics and what not
stop being close-minded and fucking do it
ok i know the risk is great
it was different for warlocks. The Shadow World was their universe. The nephilim kept it safe. At one point in their lives, they had learned to coexist with them, out of necessity and out of obligation.
And now here they were – working together in the name of friendship and love.
how things change...
say what
the causes are what
ok let's not jump to conclusions
im fucking crying wtf
alec doesnt deserve this shit
all he's done is make the world a better place
hes worked so hard on this
what am i supposed to say to my parents if one of them comes to check on me and im sitting here crying at 2 am
He didn’t want to believe in a reality that would punish Alec. Alec who only wanted to do what is good and right.
Alec was who was losing his hope and strength every passing day. Alec who was struggling. Alec who was turning to desperate measures to cope with all the stress.
please alec
no please
Because if Magnus found out Raziel was the one causing all this pain for Alec, he would march up to heaven and set the bastard on fire himself.
blue and gold
The shadowhunter was a good influence on him. Magnus hoped Alec would see it sooner rather than later.
“Max isn’t allowed to do a lot of things,” Magnus chuckled. “But he does them anyway.”
thats my boi
rafael is growing into the consul voice
they grow up so fast
nope nope he's still the little 5 year old
voice cracking what do you mean he's 20
im glad hes happy with mila. or is he...?
Magnus had deduced as much. Alec lived in his beautifully oblivious world. But Magnus noticed.
He noticed the hickeys. He noticed the late-night visits. He noticed the tense phone calls.
well thank god there's at least one non-oblivious person (alec i love you so much but you are very very oblivious)
“What’s stopping you then?” Magnus asked.
"2554 miles,” Rafael chuckled sadly.
me with all my online friends
probably more miles
Magnus tried to do the math but promptly gave up.
But Alec did lie though. Magnus pushed the thought away.
“Except melt it?” Rafael chuckled.
“Yes,” Magnus chuckled back. “As you can see, the bar is extremely low in the Lightwood family.”
i have no clue what the words describing the outfit are
time to google
Fifteen years. Fifteen years of loving and Alec still made his heart stutter.
dont do this to me right now I WILL CRY
“What the hell?” Max exclaimed. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s my anniversary,” Alec chuckled.
Fifteen years. Fifteen years and Magnus still took Alec’s breath away.
it's not funny MY EYES ARE WATERING
“Bapak is a good looking one in the family,” Rafael pointed out. “You are the chaotic one and I am the smart one.”
“What am I then?” Alec asked dryly. “A sack of potatoes?”
“You’re the sexy one,” Magnus grinned. “A sexy sack of potatoes.”
Alec grinned back and leaned forward. Magnus put his hands around Alec’s neck and kissed him. He kissed Alec with all the love he had inside his heart.
Just like the first time. Just like the hundredth time. Just like the thousandth time.
Because with Alec, every kiss mattered. Every single one.
muffled sob
“Stop making out, oh my god!” Max groaned.
Magnus sensed a pillow coming their way but Rafael caught it before it hit them.
“Max, stop!” Rafael scolded. “You will wrinkle dad’s suit and ruin bapak’s hair! I spent hours ironing both!”
why is max me when i see people display affection in front of me
“They are here,” Rafael said. “You two better look exactly the way you did when I left with Max or I will raise hell.”
Selena was wearing a blue crop top with the words “MIND YOUR OWN UTEREUS” written in gold.
i need that top
The argument of “who gave the best gift” had started when Jace and Izzy had gotten drunk on vodka. It didn’t help that Alec had gotten drunk as well. All three Lightwood siblings had then proceeded to have an argument about who had the best spouse. The whole night had been drunken chaos. Magnus, Clary and Simon had let them have it since the Lightwood siblings had a tendency to carry the world on their shoulders even when nobody asked them. They rarely ever let loose ever since their worlds had plunged into sickness and demon attacks. Especially Alec. So, Magnus had let his husband be that 18-year-old boy again. The boy who got drunk and fought with his siblings and sang songs about Magnus’ pretty eyes.
Georgia considered that. “I’m not allowed to melt it, right?”
“No,” they all replied in chorus.
“Dad,” Max said. “Can you keep a picture of me wearing this necklace in your office?”
“Why?” Rafael asked.
“I think it will piss off the boomers,” Max giggled.
“Nice!” Lexi grinned. “A downworlder wearing a shadowhunter heirloom? They will lose their heads. Uncle Alec, you must do it.”
“I will do you one better. I will hang a tapestry,” Alec chuckled.
he actually gave to camille first-
Why couldn’t this boy just cause chaos during his travel year like the rest of them? Why did he actually study and do his research as recommended?
why would you NOT study and research during your travel year????
oh shit
well well well
david bby stfu
i love you but pls stop speaking for all our sakes
“Holy shit,” Max said. “It is expensive then!”
“Don’t pawn the ruby!” Rafael warned.
oh no
pls dont fight
oh so i was wrong about magus confronting him from that snippet
all you need to know is im sobbing right now and grammarly is the only thing making this coherent
dont mind me just
don't do this to me at 3 am
thank you for adding light into my life again
(me while editing this: today really isn't my day huh? i just slipped in rainwater outside my balcony because I heard rain and ran there. now my knee and back hurt and I think I sprained (?) my toe-
wait im gonna go check out the rain and then continue editing this
ok i got bored of the rain)
that made me laugh through my tears
“Objectively good looking?” Jace snorted. “Excuse you, but my parabatai is smoking hot! He is a freaking prize, okay? If we had a magazine for hot shadowhunters, you would be on the cover page. Every single issue.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alec interrupted. “Magnus, are you happy? Now all my friends have told me I am pretty.”
“I said smoking hot,” Jace corrected.
“We are not being biased,” Clary pointed out. “It is the general consensus, Alec.”
“It’s true,” Lexi said. “So many people have asked me for your number, Uncle Alec. And I would have given it to them if I wasn’t worried about being turned into a marshmallow.”
“Dad, I don’t know why you are so worried,” Max said in a bored tone. “You’re a told DILF.”
David choked on his champagne and Jace patted him on the back.
“What the hell is a DILF?” Alec demanded.
“Oh, I know this one!” Jace said excitedly. “It means Dashing and Irresistible Looking Father. Max is right, you are a total DILF.”
“Mr. Herondale-” David raised a hand.
“I heard one of the shadowhunters in their travel year calling me a DILF too,” Jace said proudly.
“It’s not a rumour,” Selena spoke up and passed her phone. “There is a group chat at Scholomance just to thirst after you.”
add me to it
“Alec Lightwood can run me over with a Maserati and I would thank him.”
“Give me that,” Izzy grabbed the phone and started giggling. “Petition for Consul Alec Lightwood-Bane to stab me with his mortal sword.”
“Isabelle!” Alec hissed, cheeks flaming. “Stop it!”
“I want one!” Jace grabbed the phone now. “By the Angel!”
“Read it!” the kids yelled in chorus.
“I would gladly let Consul Lightwood-Bane inspect my mortal instruments,” Jace chuckled and threw the phone at David.
David shook his head vehemently and threw it at Max.
“My body is just a hole for Alec Lightwood,” Max read out loud and started laughing so hard that he fell off his chair.
Lexi grabbed the phone and giggled. “I want the Consul to strip off my runes among other things.”
She passed the phone to Gigi, who looked at the phone and look at Alec.
“Uncle Alec,” the girl said. “This person wants you to crush them with your massive archer arms.”
“Give me that,” Rafael grabbed it now. “Aw, this one is a classic, dad. Alec Lightwood turned me gay.”
He threw the phone at Simon, who stared the screen and looked up. “Uh, I don’t think I can read this one out loud in front of the kids.
“Is this the one about the basement?” Selena chuckled and Simon nodded.
google translator time
oooo Rafael's gonna talk with Mila
Magnus you're such a good father
“Sometimes things are just sad. So, you need to let yourself be sad.”
Alec and Magnus hiding under the bed and spying on them is just-
Jace had tried to give Max the shovel talk and had gotten a little too emotional.
of course, he did smh I love him so much
“David doesn’t need a shovel talk,” Alec smiled. “He knows what would happen to him if he hurts my son.”
David gulped. “You will throw me into the silent city?”
“I will ask me husband to portal you to hell,” Alec said – Consul Voice. “We have relatives there.”
the beloved relatives yes
“Goodnight,” Jace gave them a salute. “Have fun inspecting Magnus’ mortal instruments.”
damn it
oh my god guys he said he'll stop smoking
just lemme have this moment
my boy's lungs will be intact
“I can’t wait to see all the messages on the chat after that,” Magnus giggled.
Alec looked up. “I’m more than a tall glass of water, Magnus!”
In his dream, he saw them again. But they weren’t smiling this time.
nope nope nope
Nah I don't know what you're talking about
damn, I think I really hurt my back...
OK BUT THE IMMORTALITY ANGST???? WAS SO SO GOOD???? I know it makes me cry but is it bad that I'm always so excited for angst written by you because of HOW GOOD it is????
"When I die I will love you from my grave" I NEED THIS ON MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH
alright I need to get something for my back and my knee (I'm home alone so this will be fun)
OK, I THINK THE NEXT CHP WILL BE ANJALI'S POV I JUST FEEL IT!!! I miss my girl so much I hope she's doing ok. Jaime too...
I'm rereading all of these chapters after chapter 10 because why not. Bye!!
I hope your knee and back feels better soon!
also fuck that teacher yelling something doesn't make people understand it any better ugh dumb piece of shit anyway screw that person.
I hope you get some good rest and recovery from this rollercoaster of a day.
Take care!
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svtshuastruck · 3 years
Octorber wrap up!
october was a wonderful reading month for me. with 23 books (i did read for 24h straight on halloween) and over 6,000 pages read, it would be an understatement to say that i'm pleased. i'll try to keep this as short and to the point as i can. thank you for stopping by to read this!
1. the silent voice (koe no katachi) vol 4-7 by Yoshitoki Ōima
ratings:⭐⭐⭐ (4th volume) ⭐⭐⭐ (5th volume) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (6th volume) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (7th volume)
i've written a separate post about the entire volumes of this manga and you can find it here. really enjoyed them!
2. spy x family vol 1 and 2 by Tatsuya Endo
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (both 1 and 2)
absolutely loved these two! it was a buddy read in a discord server and boy was this good. it is a dramatic comedy of a family which follows a tsundere spy father, a hitman mother and an esper kid and the kid is basically the only one knowing about the other two's occupation. hilarious manga and i can't wait to continue reading this!!
3. komi can't communicate vol 1 and 2 by Tomohito Oda
rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (vol 1) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (vol 2)
rhbdnepifk 8 books here are mangas rbjdskwe but this was also a buddy read and i really enjoyed this. the chapters were a little too long for my liking but overall, a sweet and cute read!
4. ace of spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
this was the book club pick for sept for the crusty book club! you can find the review here. i will never be able to put all my thoughts into coherent sentences rjfsdnlc. 5 stars it was!
5. with the fire on high by elizabeth acevedo
rating: ⭐⭐⭐.75
so this book follows a teen mom in high school who has a passion for cooking and aspires to be a chef. the audiobook is fantastic ! it is narrated by the author herself and it's just *chef's kiss* this was my first book from this author and i will be checking out the others soon! (also i heard that the author narrates almost all her books so 👀)
6. the black veins by ashia monet
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
this was the book club pick for the vintage books and wine book club. i, for one, DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THIS BOOK ISN'T TALKED ABOUT MORE. this book, is so good. like so gooooooodd !!
i need everyone to pick this up asap and fall in love with the found family aspect like 🛐 please.
this is book is about blythe, a sixteen year old guardian out of the 7 guardians. it is magical realism, found family trope, absolutely fucking loveable characters. i am adopting caspian and antonio (yes wylan, you're getting sibs). i cannot wait to discuss this book and omg pls just read it okay?
7. how we fall apart by katie zhao
rating: ⭐⭐
sigh this book was one of my most anticipated releases of 2021. the premise sounded so good. but it, unfortunately, did not work out for me. listen, it started off great-- the setting is slightly disturbing like you know something is off but you can't put your finger on it sorta vibes but as it continued it was-- no.
the "plot twist" at the end? i like to predict while reading mystery/thrillers and this was the kinda plot twist with like the culprit being the twin we never know existed and stuff (not a spoiler, just an example) like there was no freaking way the reader could have even thought that that person was the culprit. the characters were just flat.
i wish this book had been longer and the motives of the 4 were explored more but to conclude: this book wasn't it for me but if it intrigues you, maybe give it a try!
8. the atlas six by olivie blake
rating: ⭐⭐⭐.5
im just going to paste my goodreads review here cause it's past 12am and im tired ---
this was a buddy read (•ᴗ•) woohooo !! i have mixed feelings about this book. i definitely think i would like it more if i were to reread it. the very last portion of the book, i did not understand very well. there was so many things told to the reader that i was just like "huh" all the characters were fascinating to read about. i, obviously, had a fav and a least fav within the povs and characters. Libby and reina were my favs and Callum (oh Callum) was my least favorite the pacing was odd-- it did get better towards the end but still... odd. the philosophical theories and thoughts got pretty repetitive and it kinda made everything weird...? when i was reading it, it was kinda annoying how many times i would think about how much i would have enjoyed this book more if it had an editor. there were some things that didn't make sense. minor spoilers ahead for ex: there's a chapter in libby's pov and it ends with "tristan didn't move until after she was gone". how? how do we know that? that tristan didn't move after she was gone if we're reading from libby's pov? i really liked how the romance wasn't obvious. i was shipping two characters in the beginning and towards the end, i was shipping the same two characters with different people? if that makes any sense. the magic system.... is vague. i was--still am confused about how it works? i wish stuff had been described better. that brings me to: i heard this author's books are going to be published through v.e schwab's publishing company(?) and i'm looking forward to the edited version of her books. the book tries to be intelligent. and i can't say it actually ends up being intelligent. again, i wish stuff was described better. haha now i'm being repetitive--ironic.
im just gonna leave this here and might come back in the morning to edit this haha.
meme break: (more like pun break but oh well xD)
Tumblr media
8. everything i never told you by celeste ng
this was a dnf so pretty bummed about that :/ i just wish tws and cws were properly mentioned. dnf at 50% please read all the tws before starting this here i started this on a whim just because i had heard a lot of things about it and while i did check the tws, the website i used did not mention one that i'm often bothered by and... that did not end well.
9. everyone's an aliebn when ur an aliebn too by jomny sun
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
this is such a cute read!! i don't have a lot of things to say but i enjoyed it a lot [><]b
10. if we were villains by m.l rio
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
this was the book club pick for the late night book club! this is eerie atmosphere + shakespeare + complicated relationships + murder. a perfect read for 2 am (i totally did not read it all through the night). this book follows our main character right after he is out of the prison and is met with the police officer who is super curious to know who exactly committed the murder and claims to know that our mc covered it up. and so, our theatre actor of an mc narrates the story in the form of a play. there are acts and scenes and a shit ton of shakespeare references.
an absolute classic, i'd argue, which fits perfectly into the dark academia category. i devoured this book in 7 or so hours and yes, it was read during the readathon xD. the pacing was a bit odd at times and i wish all the characters were shed light on equally but other than that, this book is amazing. i did figure out who would be killed and who killed them but the ride was so enjoyable, i had to give it a 4 star.
11. fangs by sarah andersen
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
my god this is such a cute graphic novel?! i read on tapas and you can find that here. it is about a vampire who falls in love with a werewolf and just follows bits and pieces of their lives and it was the cutest things i've ever read.
12. a house in the cerulean sea by t.j clune
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
this was supposed to be the book club read for the late night book club for the month of may but then the controversy happened and the liveshow was cancelled and the very bored, stuck on page 160 self put it down. i picked it up again in oct because i needed a physical book to read in school and because i read most of my books in their digital form, this was literally my only hope erdbg. i started enjoying it a lot more and sorta realised that i wasn't really in the mood for fantasy read back then haha. it was cute and fun while it lasted and maybe i'll pick up his other book. idk
13. a dowry of blood by s.t. gibson
rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LOVED THIS!! this is a retelling of dracula's wives and polyamorous and queer and just a-may-zing. our main character is unnamed and is referred to by the name her love interest aka dracula gave her and it is like addressed? in a way? to dracula himself. i read the audiobook. highly recommend. ALSO IT IS A NOVELLA SO HOW THE FUCK WAS SO MUCH FIT IN THERE IDK.
14. sheets by Brenna Thummler
rating: ⭐⭐⭐
it was cute. might pick up the next one but idk. art style is stunning tho.
15. the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood
there we go. it's 1:30 am idk if i'm making sense but do i care: maybe. but do i ? :) oct was a pretty good reading month and i'll catch y'all in my next post okay? okay, bye i'm going to sleep now. and no there are no book pics cause i'm tired okay? bye now oh wait tags. right okay bye.
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sukirichi · 3 years
[ BROKEN RECORDS ; asks ] 
💌 — love letter from @kyriaan​
from track 007. 
Okay okay im still kinda meh'ish' but i really wanted to answer you so 😭 ill try to compile both my answer to your answer on my love letter and my hyped review on track 7 <3 so yeah another long ass rant from me 😩💕Suki... Suki pls I totally forgot Tsumu had a crush on us Suki... And then poor Tsumu ir there sulking cause he still likes u- JFBFBDVDVSJCHDHSIA omfg i wanted so much to hug him my baby I like him so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he was trying so hard to behave while just sitting there sad fhfhfvbbshsjfhbdjaofhffhsoshd TSUMU YOU'RE STILL IN MY TOP 3 BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 
Oh shit im crying again that scene lets me emotional 😭😭😭😭 someone get me a sunrin irl pls
Also how powerful are we?? HOW FUCKING POWERFUL ARE WE TO SCORE SUNA KITA AND TSUMU?? ARE YOU GONNA TELL. ME IF OIKAWA MOFO TOORU APPEARED HE WOULD ALSO BE ON HIS KNEES FOR US?? (okay no wait... No nooo i would legit drop anyones ass for tooru hes that powerful for me like sorry suna was fun but TOORU)
👀👀👀👀 Still not a kita simp ✌️✌️🤏✌️
Okay Kita deserves the best tho I mean okay he went there as a y/n mom's plan but he did ended up helping alot... Especially cause he knows no matter what y/n heart will always be suna's and pls give Kita the best ending possible cause he deserves someone who will trully love him and show him the world cause mah boy deserves it
*breaths in breaths out* i hated this scene- not in a bad way but shit i hate rejections... To the point im kinda afraid of confessing now cause i despise the feeling of being rejected... The best i can descrive it it like this coldness in your chest that descends your whole body and then you feel frozen in place.. Thats how it feels for me I hate it I absolutely despise it- its also the feeling i have when in a really bad situation and ugh...
The suna part made. Me feel this no matter how many times i reread it the feeling doesnt lessen it keeps being there cause (okay you probably are tired already of me saying this but) Suki I feel like I cant put it in words how much of a fucking good of a writer you are. Ill go ahead and say you are by far my favorite writer the fact i always feel so engaged and the fact i always feel like im there its just- it blows my mind.
I felt like suna was personally rejecting me and i hated it- i swear the moment he said prove it I almost screamed HOW? My brain had to take a moment to just slap me and say: 'kya you reading this is not happening chill-' cause i was already sobbing uncontrollably... I even whimpered the dont leave me 😬 my sadass went to bed feeling so sad thanks to suna... Man i wanted so much to hug him and i swear i would give him as much love as he gave y/n cause well i kin suna alot in this series cause im like that im a giver i treat others the way i would like to be treated (reason why ive been down lately ✌️) and i cant blame suna for finally setting boundaries- his call tho 'do i not stand a chance with you anymore y/n? Are you really not capable of falling in love with me?".... Oh suna... We are in love with you.. We always were we're just fucking stupid 😩
Also mari pls go jump off a cliff <3 youre in need dear cause sleeping with other man just to separate suna and y/n <3 i want so much to punch her 🙂🙃
Now for the love letter part (im so sorry for this being so long ✌️)
You said that if we asked suna he woukd say that he genuinely loved mari okay... Ill go ahead and say yes he liked mari he even learned how to love her and he genuinely cared for her BUT and heres where my personal view comes in so maybe ill be biased here still for me that was just a he loves her as in he cares you also love your friends and care for them but he didnt love her- and by this I mean- he could never be fully committed for her. Yes he loved her and he felt happy with her but like track 7 proved everything he would do in the back of his mind was y/n he deeply wished Mari was her and for that he just loved Mari cause he learned how to care about her- but he never forgot who he trully was in love it. Also the happiness he experienced with Mari was pretty much the one I experienced the bliss of having someone there and that bliss also made suna turn a blind eye to all the red flags from Mari cause to him all the jealousy meant she cared and thats toxic but suna was so desperate for some sort of 'she cares' that even all the possessiveness was bliss for him... And that makes my heart clench for suna...
'suna had to put an effort for the relationship' and saddly i feel like mari didnt... Mari didnt care mari was there because she was a fangirl of suna and got lucky, the way she just discarded him so effortlessly that proved-screamed how much she loved him- she didnt. She was just possessive over him she liked the whole 'hes mine' dynamic and suna was the perfect boyfriend cause he was giving her the world... What he wanted someone to do for him.
Also yeah suna and y/n might have been spurred from them being fuck buddies but well love doesnt really have an agenda- they just clicked, understood each other and had chemistry yeah they had tons and tons of sex but feelings started not because of sex but thanks to their deep connection... Also that dsncing scene in track 7 that alone spoke for their whole relationship- that alone is enough to defend their feelings for each other- yes it might jave started just as fuck buddies but ended up in them loving each other deeply and that is enough love after all doesnt need a perfect start. It can start out of the most stupid ways.
You said life with excitement and fun wouldn't be permanent or real.. Honestly i think it could be.. Cause i mean when you love someone that deeply your life always feels exciting even with the littlest things and that the purest kind of love. Even just going for a walk at the beach would be fun for them or even staying up watching movies i believe suna and y/n would always find a way to make their lofe exciting without much effort.
Also it kinda makes me. Sad when i see some anon saying that y/n and suna relationship are toxic? It makes me. Confused maybe because I was in such extremely toxic one (girl i sweat if you search for toxic relationship my ex's face will be there as an example 🙄) that Mari to me screams toxic! Possessive, manipulative, jealous and a few more if I think closely about it while with y/n and suna they are just two idiots that are hurting each other cause they're just that: idiots one that is afraid to get hurt and the other that keeps hoping- dont get me wrong what they're doing is not healthy but i dont find it toxic honestly
Sorry for the extreme long rant 8D I tried to keep it short but you always make me so hyped to talk about your works 😩
[ from saeren ]
NAHHH CUZ I LOVE TSUMU SO MUCH HERE HE WAS SO PRECIOUS. I didn’t write too much about them in college but Atsumu was so cute when he crushed on YN. he was always sending her memes and cute texts like “have you eaten” “good morning” and she’d feel so awkward because she doesn’t know how to let him down easy without hurting him. either way tsumu would feel hurt. AND YES PLS HE WAS SO SAD I MEAN, HIS CRUSH AND HIS BEST FRIEND NEARLY HAD SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM SO THAT’S GOING TO HURT
SUNA AND ATSUMU TIED?? tbh I loved that dancing scene bcos suna is one of my faves and I really wanna do that with him hehehhehe. NAHHH PLEASE SAME IF SUNA DANCED WITH ME AND MADE A WEDDING PLAYLIST I’D BE LIKE boy what’re u waiting for let’s get married now !! n yes he said whoever YN will choose in the future will be one lucky guy IM SOBBING RN
naur cuz. there’s something about dating your best friend. I’m not saying a boyfriend wouldn’t know you as well but there’s something different when you’re best friends first. they could literally share eye contact and have a long ass conversation just from that. their connection is different.
HAJKALA AS FOR THE POWER, BR! YN IS A VERY CHARISMATIC AND FRIENDLY PERSON !! she’s like one of those people you meet that not only are they attractive as hell, but they’re also super approachable and down to earth. that’s why she’s so popular + she’s flirty and can make a stranger feel welcome or comfortable in the first meeting. SGSHJAK I WAS ACTUALLY PLANNING TO ADD OIKAWA HERE BUT I WANNA MAKE IT MORE INARIZAKI CENTRED
the seggs scene with kita SOBSSSS he’s such a soft dom IDC he knows where the clit is, he knows how to hit it. he’s a “your pleasure first before mine” type of guy. kita is perfect, PERIODT. HE GIVES DADDY VIBES HUH AHSKAA HE’S SO SWEET YET SEXY IM IN LOVE WITH HIM ISTG IF SUNA WASN’T OUR BEST FRIEND THEN I’D RUN FOR KITA ALL THE TIME. and I agree, kita deserves the best !! and don’t worry, I actually plan on giving kita the best ending, I promise you he’ll be fine (slight spoiler there)
 YESSSSS OMG I’VE BEEN REJECTED BEFORE AND THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I FELT, MY BODY WAS SO COLD AND I WAS SO CONFUSED LIKE IT MAKES YOU THINK. am I not good enough, did I do something wrong, do you not wanna give me a chance or try it out but ofc I’d never say that out loud. AND KYAAA AAAH IM YOUR FAVORITE WRITER??? NO CUZ YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY. I remember ur asks way back reckless era and you used to tell me that my writing made you picture the scenes easily and you felt you were there in that moment and I’m just so grateful thank you so much <33
NO BCOS WHEN SUNA SAID “prove it” I was like. this is it. that’s his hot boy shit moment. man’s has had enough of being thrown from one toxic relationship to another and he also deserves his good moments yknow. and you kin suna here?? BESTIE IM SORRY TO HEAR THAT, SUNA’S BEEN THROUGH A LOT HERE AHSJAKA. that’s true about suna tho !! he’s definitely affectionate + a giver. he’s happy being the one who gives most of the time but he’s a human as well, ofc he’d want to receive the same amount of love back. ALSO HIS PHONE CALLLLLL ugh tbh that part was the one that made me the saddest bcos he’s just. he wants to know if there’s really no more chance. all this time he never gave up. but he’s also tired so if yn says ‘no more’ then he’ll give up. its his way of respecting himself too ahsjaka
YOOOOO I AGREE WITH THAT. he cares for mari as a person but not 100% as a lover. but ofc he’s still thankful for how happy she made him because she was there at his worst. and that’s true, deep down suna still wishes that it was YN who’s right beside him. he will always ALWAYS want her back. he learned how to love mari in a way that was more out of mutual care but not in the way he loves YN. no that’s reserved only for YN – she will remain no 1 in his heart. AND YESSSSS the reason why suna overlooked the red flags was bcos to him, its something that was supposed to be “normal” like no perfect partner existed. he thought mari’s attitude of pushing YN away was normal, and its normal to want your partner’s best friend keep some distance but not to the point of mari’s place where she literally wants the two of them to cut each other out of their lives.
and aww I’m so happy that you realized how I wanted to portray suna and yn’s relationship. they’re….like the definition of youth in its freest form. they were fucking around and doing stupid things, but they had a connection. they had something deeper than just sexual intimacy. even if they never dated or even if YN never proposed the idea of it, they would’ve actually been still great friends. and oooh I actually don’t remember saying life with excitement and fun wouldn’t be real HAHAHAHA so I can’t comment further on that. but I think when I ‘said’ those I probably meant that it’s not always going to be all rainbows and unicorns in a relationship. there’s no such thing as a relationship that’s always happy and sweet 24/7, but ofc it can be sweet and it can be pure even with the little things <33 they just need to work on it.
hmmm tbhhhh… suna and yn are toxic in a way that they refuse to let each other go when they clearly can’t meet halfway. toxic doesn’t have to be limited in just being mari-like in which they are possessive or manipulative, because then if we’d drive deeper into yn’s personality, then she’d be stringing suna all along and that’s unfair of her. she knows suna wants more and yet she remained being friends with him, which totally isn’t a bad thing, but it’s because she keeps flirting with him and is so romantically comfortable with him that she doesn’t realize it’s hurting suna because he’ll give double meanings to that. their relationship is ‘toxic’ because they’re not entirely good for each other, they’re not that ready to be with one another yet and neither is the world letting them be in peace, so forcing their relationship to a point they’re hurting another is the toxic part.
[ from @kyriaan ]
Ah also not me feeling all proud and mushy cause my analysis made you mind blown fjfbdnsjdkpa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I guess its also because i see this story as a really big mirror of my own toxic relationship sonits extremely easy for me to get it... And oh boy the way i kin suna here
But dhdhfjdospdhfbsoa 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel happy now *huggles*
[ from saeren ] 
and aah yes ofc, I’m really happy whenever someone can see the underlying details I scatter throughout the story !! yeah omg same hahahaha broken records is also half inspired by the toxic people I’ve met. I kin kita here tho and I’m so glad you’re happier now !!
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anakinthetrashking · 4 years
Ok under the cut are the notes/thoughts/reactions I kept while reading ROTT, before I got like halfway in and then couldn't make myself stop reading in order to make notes agdkfjwkajs + my general reaction overall afterwards! its missing so much bc there was SO MUCH IN THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!
I opened the book and immediately got goosebumps from excitement and general feels.
look I've KNOWN. and I'm a very new fan. but it's in MY BOOK. MY BOOK!!!!
"my chronicle of the HIGH KING"!!!!!!! EUGENIDIES THE HIGH KING!!!! why am I so excited I know it's about him 🤣
ohhhhh we get to learn about the daughter of erondites!!
oooooh pharis is a tricky bastard like Gen. I love him already 😍
wow I really hate his family.
they really think this is gonna work, huh.
THERES MY BOIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah, that explains the three dots on the front of the book!
man people are mean...
I feel like Gen already knows there's someone more going on bc he's actually *looking* at Pheris, instead of ignoring him like others do. so his play isn't going to work as well on Gen lol.
I miss costis.
"too much banging in that box on wheels, too many days without real rest, too much shouting, too much of everything." that is the BIGGEST of moods, Pheris.
"Not everything that is easy for you is easy for the rest of us." MEGAN YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY 😭
I wonder if the unnamed person who visits him in the middle of the night is Gen? I hope it is... it seems like something he'd do 🥺
unnamed man with strange accent who only visits at nighttime? yeah that's definitely Gen
two eggs in the embroidery? 👀
oh to have matching embroidered outfits with your love 🥺
"...the king and his potentially even more terrifying wife." 🤣 yes that's them!!!
oh? an earring? 👀👀
also man have the attendants improved. convincing him a funeral would be worse 😂
well. some of them have improved. a few of them are terrible at this. uh, were you not there for Sejanus' take down?? you're still trying to mess with your king?? verrrryyy smart move there.
YEAH I BET NO ONE WANTS TO CROSS GENS SISTERS plz I want to know more about them
Irene gave hiM A HORSE GIRL. I love her.
the interactions between the four of them!!!! IM LIVING!!!!!
gen confirmed as visitor!!
"I have conceived a great desire to see him live to adulthood" AWWWWW
sneaky Gen, he never wanted the food for himself in the first place...
HELEN!!!! I would smile back too... 🥺
"Go smack him" 🤣🤣🤣
also LOVE that Gen and Helen SIT THE SAME!!!
again I am reminded that I am. Sophos.
"you're secretly *delighted* Akretenesh got what was coming to him" *oooooooooohhhhhhhh* also, arent we all.
"The king is tired of the whole mede empire. That is what the king is tired of." YES.
"I don't want anyone pitching you out a window while I'm not looking." hmmm would that count as a fall? has Gen already claimed him, then?
"whether the red mare had born twin foals" two, again.... 👀
quedue... the gall of that dude.... like I was irritated for a hot second but Attolia is LEADING HIM IN CIRCLES BY THE NOSE
still irritated he called her Irene??? eXCUSE ME???
"the most important thing in a marriage is...respect" YASSSS, QUEEN!!
he just... HE JUST???? HOW DARE?!??!!!?? HOW DARE HE???
"Run", indeed.
"No one paints moments like these on walls." that's a GREAT line.
gen looks down like he's been stabbed in the heart and I can't decide if it's hilariously overdramatic or if i feel extremely hurt *for* him.
queueueue dude better be able to run in heels 😌
Attolia really said if I'm not allowed to kill him neither are you... ultimate power couple I swear...
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. the next morning they're both in their own beds like any other night. incredible.
*it was at this point when I stopped taking notes bc that would require me to stop reading*
So here are my extremely disjointed thoughts after finishing it!
First of all it's the same as the other books I think, in which I enjoy it on the first read through, but absolutely fall in love with it on later reads!
I enjoyed the interactions between Gen, Irene, Helen, and Sophos the most I think! They are absolutely iconic and lovely and I could NOT get enough. I missed Costis a lot and definitely squealed when he showed up!! And Kamet 🥺💞
Just. Every interaction. Gosh I love them.
All of the war bits made me extremely sad, which is both valid and important, bc too many books and things make war out to be this glorious thing and it's really not. Its sad.
GEN FOOLED ME AGAIN AND AGAIN. Every time I'm like, ah I know what you're doing... But I DON'T. I really don't.
TWINSSSAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I was unfortunately spoiled for that, so I saw a lot of the hints of two. I really tried to avoid spoilers but with Tumblr it's hit and miss
But BUT THE LIGHTNING!!! That was very 😳
So sad when the Minister of War died....
you guys, I don't even know. My brain is still spinning with all the input! Will I ever make sense of it all? Who knows and who cares, bc it was a delightful read and I am looking forward to rereading it and falling in love with it even more 🥺💞🥺💞🥺💞
Funny side note! Wednesday is when i finished reading ROTT, and Thursday was one exact year since I picked up The Thief for the first time! And, within this past year, I read the first three books three times each, the middle last two books two times each, and the last book once!!! !! ! Just an odd pattern I noticed...
Edit: wow, not only did I have to get out my computer in order to put everything under a Read More, but I had to copypaste the entire post into word to m a k e  a  n e w p o s t bc Tumblr is begin glitchy! This is like 3days after I wrote it sdadfkjlasdjh
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waejinyoung · 4 years
Can’t Swim - EP . 2
word count: 4.6k+
a/n: thank you all for the great response of the first episode! im having so much fun writing up this series. as of right now there’s no certain direction im going in for the plot so it’s unpredictable even for me where this series will go but i can assure you guys that im putting in all my effort to make it enjoyable to read! see you in the next episode! 💚
warning: minimal swearing, mentioning of violence, typical dirty minded jaehyun lol
EP . 1 , EP . 2 , EP . 3 , EP . 4 , EP . 5 , EP . 6 , EP .7 , EP . 8 , EP . 9
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It has been 6 days since your last encounter with Jinyoung. Tomorrow is Monday. To be honest, you thought he’d be on your mind more often than usual. He’d appear in your frequent daydreams and that’s about all. You praised yourself by giving yourself a pat on the back for not becoming attached to this mysterious being you had only met a week ago on one encounter.
Sunday afternoon was your favourite. A glass of wine looking out to Jinhae’s bay. You could hear the waves slightly crashing towards the parked boats. A deep breath in. and out.
Your mind drifted to Jinyoung again. You’ll be seeing him tomorrow. You did feel a little giddy about it but also reminded yourself, professionalism in the workplace. Max wasn’t happy about your ‘behaviour’ last week so you’ll need to be on your best behaviour or that pay rise will take longer to obtain. You didn’t need the extra money too much but being rewarded for good performance would be nice.
Alongside your wine you jotted down the things you wanted to teach for tomorrow’s lesson. You hadn’t introduced your dodgeball game to this group. Last time you played it was during your last lesson in Seoul. You loved water dodgeball. Main reason being that dodgeball is such a versatile game. All age groups enjoy it no matter how good or bad you are at the game. You noted to suggest playing it for the last 30 minutes of the lesson. Leaving the pen on the desk, you headed towards the shower to prepare for the busy week ahead.
Monday morning
“Good morning Jooheon!” you greeted boss/best friend.
“Wow Y/N you’re early for once. Good morning!”
Jooheon was scribbling down on his paperwork. Most likely got to do with the financial department.
“There’s always time for change Jooheon. For you, this is a good change. For me, well… it’s going to take some getting used to.” You waved around your hands showing a maybe sign.
“You’re spot on. I like the new energy, keep it up!”
“Will do, Sir!” You headed towards your locker to grab your suit and changed in the staff changing rooms. You checked yourself out in the mirror. Going good Y/N, you thought to yourself and headed back to the staffroom to catch up with Jooheon.
15 minutes later, Max and Soonbin walked in. Soonbin was absent last week. He took his week leave last week to take advantage of the summery weather.
“Long time no see Soonbin, how was your leave?”
“It was good Y/N, thanks for asking.”
Max and Soonbin are good friends. Opposites attract but, they are such complete polar opposites. You were surprised that they actually got along well. More than expected.
“Good morning Max.”
That wasn’t a typical Max response. Was he still acting like this because of last week? You questioned yourself. Jooheon gave you a look. He picked up on the strange response by Max too and you felt relieved to know that you weren’t the only one who thought something was up.
“What’s wrong with you three? Did something happen whilst I was gone?”
“No” “Yes” You and Jooheon declined but Max suggested that something had happened.
All 3 of you turned to Max waiting for him to continue.
“Y/N threw being professionalism out the window last week-”
“Max are you still thinking about what happened last week? Grow up, what is wrong with you? Just because Jinyoung asked me if I was single doesn’t give you any right to throw dirt on my name. What exactly did I do wrong?”
“Looks like I took my leave during a bad time. Max calm down.” Soonbin patted Max’s shoulder encouraging him to stop whatever he was getting at.
“Guys! It’s Monday morning. Can we please drop whatever it is between you two in the past and continue with your work? Y/N you have your swimmers in 15, go warmup.”
“Yes, boss” You eyed Max straight in his eyes and grabbed your register. You left the tension filled room with a loud bang.
Ugh, what is wrong with him? You thought to yourself repeatedly. You tried to shake off the bad start to the day. You didn’t want to reflect the bad energy to your students. You walked down the corridor as you reread over the plan you jotted down last night. Backstroke + dodgeball. Your favourite swimming style. You were always placed into the Backstroke slot during swimming leagues when you were younger. You would also bring back the gold medal every time too. Good old days.
You jumped into the pool and practiced backstroke for the next 10 minutes.
“Good morning to you too Y/N.” You had completed blanked your usual routine of greeting Jaehyun in the mornings.
“Ah, Jaehyun. I’m sorry. Had a rough morning. Good morning.”
“I’m always here if you want to talk about it.”
“Thanks, Jae”
“Here comes your lot!” Jaehyun pointed at all the kids waddling toward the edge of the pool with a tall figure behind them following along.
“Good morning everyone!”
“Good morning Y/N”
You smiled at Jinyoung with a welcoming nod. He reciprocated the same action back.
“How has everyone been since the last time I saw you?”
“Good, Miss” Jinyoung didn’t reply.
“What about you Jinyoung?”
“I’ve been well. And you?”
“Me too, thanks for asking.”
The warmup song and exercise didn’t change from last week. This time Jinyoung wasn’t doing the warmup alone though so you could tell he didn’t feel as uncomfortable as last week. You all finished up with a round of applause. Everyone entered the pool waiting for your instructions.
“So last week we introduced staying float and front stroke. I believe you all practiced the new things you learnt, right?”
“Yes, miss!”
“Great to hear. Now this week we will all be learning backstroke and then I have a surprise for the second half of the lesson.”
The kids started clapping like seals. It was always heart-warming to see the kids so excited over something so small.
“We all know the drill. I’ll first demonstrate what backstroke looks like and then you guys will attempt the new style purely on what it looks like and then I’ll come around helping you guys to correct where you guys are struggling on. Alright?”
“Yes, Miss.” And with that, you kicked of the wall and demonstrated backstroke to your group.
You came back to your group looking at you in awe. You knew you were good at backstroke but didn’t expect it to create this sort of reaction. Jinyoung started clapping and the minions joined him in seconds.
You waved your hands around trying to get them to stop with the exaggerated response.
“Guys, lets calm down. I’ve done my part. Now let’s see how good you guys will do backstroke. I’m sure you will nail it!
Ready, set… GO!”
The kids kicked and kicked with all their might and to your surprise Jinyoung was putting in the same amount of effort as the little munchkins. His muscular legs left the kids behind and in no time was back to your side leaving a large gap between him and the other swimmers.
“Good job. As expected you’re much quicker than the kids but your technique is a little off.”
“Lucky for me, I have a great teacher that can fix that.” Jinyoung smiled innocently despite the flirtatious comment.
“That’s what I’m here for.” You smiled back.
The kids came back all out of breath.
“You guys seem tired already. If that’s the case I have to reschedule my surprise for another day- “
The kids all shook their heads no and insisted that they were all fine. You laughed at the load of cuteness written across their faces.
Now began the individual tutorials. You seemed to have left Jinyoung last again. You still hadn’t gotten used to there being 9 students now. You just follow the order of the register and the newbie was obviously last on the list.
“Everything going well?”
“That’s up to you Miss.” Smartass.
“True, can you demonstrate your attempt at backstroke for me again? If you don’t mind.”
“My pleasure.” Jinyoung proceeded to start kicking his legs and must you say you thought you were facing Niagara Falls for a second. You were caught off guard with a load of chlorine water coming towards your face leaving you with no choice but to shut your eyes.
“Oh… Y/N!” You heard Jinyoung call out your name. Damn, did your name always sound this attractive when it fell out of people’s mouths or was this something only Jinyoung was capable of? You snapped back to reality to face a worried Jinyoung right in front of you.
“I’m fine,” you chuckled,” Maybe next time scoot a little away from the people surrounding you to avoid this from happening.”
“I’ll bear that in mind next time. Sorry.” He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. Cute.
“Shall we try this again? With a little more distance this time.”
“Yes, sure”
You watched Jinyoung eagerly trying to solve what he had to improve. Was it his legs? Nope, he was kicking fine. Ah, you spotted it. He wasn’t moving his arms correctly. He was rotating but his arms had to brush past his ears as he rotated them backwards.
“Jinyoung!” He stopped swimming and saw you coming towards him.
“There’s just one thing that needs solving,” He nodded,” When you rotate your arms back they need to brush past your ear to reach the optimum rotation. The wider the circles you create with your arms, the quicker you will swim.”
Jinyoung listened with full concentration and seemed to have understood what you were getting at. He tried again and was showing improvement immediately. You thought to yourself, wow he’ll be in the next level group in no time. As you thought to yourself aimlessly, Jinyoung had reached back and realised you were in your own world.
“huh? Oh, right. You’ve understood my feedback. With a little more practice, you will have perfected your backstroke.”
“Thanks to you.”
You just smiled. You were losing your control. Why did he have to compliment you every chance he got? Was he like this with everyone? Was he simply trying to be nice? There were so many questions flying through your mind that you couldn’t keep up with your own brain.
You both re-joined the rest of the group. You noticed something was up with Woojin, but you didn’t mention it in front of everyone. Maybe it was something personal that was bothering him.
“Now that everyone has achieved a basic knowledge of backstroke, we can move onto the surprise I had mentioned earlier. For the second half of the lesson we will be playing water dodgeball!”
The kids were more excited than you expected. Many of them were clapping and smiling at each other. This is why you loved your part time job.
“Before we start we need to declare two teams. There is 10 of us so there will be two teams of 5. I’ll be one captain. We need another captain for the other team.”
Woojin splashed to get your attention. “Yes Woojin.”
“I think Jinyoung should be the other captain.” Woojin had a small smirk on his face. What was this kid up to?
You turned to Jinyoung to see if he was up for it.
“If I’m on the opposite team to Y/N then there’s no chance she’ll win. Do you want Y/N to lose?” Just a week ago this parrot was shy and now he’s acting cocky. Someone needed to be put in to place.
“I don’t think you know who you’re messing with,” you eyed Jinyoung. He was declaring a competition,” Right, me and Jinyoung are the captains. I’ll pick my first team member. I pick Woojin.”
You guys continued picking your members whilst Jaehyun brought the balls to the midpoint of the pool. Jaehyun found someone to cover for him whilst he conducted the game.
“If both teams are ready, when I say go members from both teams can head to the middle to grab balls for their teams.” Jaehyun bursted out laughing after reciting in his head what he had just said.
“Ya, Jaehyun! Stop being so dirty minded!”
“Sorry, noona! Ready… set… GO!”
Your team had planned to have you go fetch the balls and throw them back to your side. You were a very competitive person. Definitely wasn’t a fan of losing. So, you were willing to do anything to make sure your team won.
As soon as you heard the word “go” escape Jaehyun’s mouth you swam underwater to where the balls were.
You came face to face with Jinyoung as you surfaced from the water. It felt like the world around you both had slowed down and it was just the two of you alone in the pool. You both stared in each other’s eyes until you realised one thing. You weren’t going to lose your cool now. You grabbed a close by ball and lightly tapped Jinyoung on his temple and sent him a wave.
“Jinyoung, you’re out!” Jaehyun shouted in our direction.
You sent Jinyoung a sneaky smile and headed back to your team with 3 out of 5 of the balls. Jinyoung had discovered another side of you and he liked it. He liked how versatile your personality was. When you needed to be mature and serious you were and when you needed to be little more childish and patient you were. He made this conclusion today and realised how your flexibility makes you a really likeable person. Very likeable indeed.
The round ended quickly with your team winning the first round.
“If Y/N’s team wins the next round they are the winners so Jinyoung,” Jaehyun gave Jinyoung a stern look,” Show the world what a man’s team is capable of”
Jinyoung gave Jaehyun a solid thumbs up.
“Let your actions speak instead of your words lads, come on count us in Jaehyun.”
You and your team couldn’t apply the same tactic this round. It would be too predictable. Your tactic this round was to let all the kids go and get balls whilst you stayed back. They’ll throw the balls back to you for you to then get all the kids + Jinyoung out. Sounds simple but it’s going to be difficult considering the built up tension between your team and Jinyoung’s team.
Woojin managed to send back two balls but was hit with a ball from the opposition. The sad expression on his face was adorable but he was out.
“I’ll get the rest of them out for you Woojin, don’t worry!” you cheered at Woojin to keep him happy. He responded back with a bright smile which made you less worried.
With that, using the two balls Woojin had sent back, you hit two of the kids on the opposite team and Hyeji had gotten another opposition member too. Jinyoung took this opportunity to get Hyeji out and unfortunately it was a successful throw. Now it was Jinyoung VS you and Hyungwon. Hyungwon tried to swim towards a ball but failed miserably with Jinyoung getting to it faster and catching Hyungwon out immediately. It now meant 1 v 1.
“Looks like it’s just me and you, Jinyoung”
“That’s right miss. I would be worried if I was you.” Oh, he’s really confident.
Jaehyun and the kids that were out were watching with beady eyes eager to watch the final battle between the two adults.
“I wouldn’t speak so sure if I was you Jinyoung.” See, you had a ball behind you since the start of the game that no one was aware off. You were sure Jinyoung wasn’t aware of it too. To him it seemed like you had no balls.
“Y/N, you can give up now to make it easy for yourself.”
This could be the perfect timing. A bit of dirty play wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?
“Jinyoung, fine let’s shake hands and call it truths”
“That was easier than expected.” He thought.
You both approached each other at midpoint to shake hands. Jinyoung was all for it. He was willing to compromise and call it a draw for this round. You on the other hand was a fan of dirty play. You approached Jinyoung and slowly reached out your hand. Just before you shook his hand, you raised the ball that you had hid behind you but Jinyoung was quicker than you thought.
Jinyoung had known you had the ball with you since it had dropped to a 1v1 battle. It was simple to figure out considering there were 5 balls at the start of the game and now only 4 to be seen and since he knew he didn’t have the missing ball then you must have it. He gripped your wrist before the ball could make contact with him.
For the second time in the 30 minute period, the world slowed down again. You were left starstruck looking into Jinyoung’s golden brown eyes. The eye contact was intense. Far too intense for your poor little heart to handle. You could feel it trying to leap out of your chest in the hopes to elope with Jinyoung’s. The grip on your wrist was gentle but strong enough to limit your actions. You were inches away from each other. A slight push and your nose would graze his. If you were honest, you would be more than happy if a kid would push you forward at this very moment but that was out of question.
“You surprise me every time Miss. Who knew you could be this sneaky? I need to keep an eye on you during future games.” You just looked him straight in the eyes and gulped. This effect that he had on you was dangerous but the little common sense that you had in you gave you an idea.
His hand was still on your wrist with the ball still in your hand. The ball being straight above his head. Bingo
You let go of the ball only for it to hit Jinyoung’s head lightly. You smiled liked a kid and Jinyoung let go of your hand realising the defeat. Your team cheered and their cheers echoed around you. You swam to your team only to be crowded with kids chanting your name.
You looked back at Jinyoung. “Better luck next time, Mr Park” He was left gobsmacked as you waved the kids goodbye and guided them to the changing rooms. The end of another Monday morning.
You came back to the pool to see Jinyoung and Jaehyun chatting.
“Lessons over, you can leave.”
“Jaehyun do you hear a sly fox around? I’m sure I just heard it say something like “Lessons over”.” Jaehyun bursts out laughing and Jinyoung joins him seconds later.
“An alliance being set up against me already, wow. Since when were you too such close friends?”
“Jinyoung hyung and I were just introducing ourselves to each other. It’s nice having a hyung around.” Jinyoung smiled at the appreciation of his presence.
“Am I not enough, Jaehyun? Do I not fulfil your needs at this side of the centre?”
“Hmm, Y/N noona. What needs are we talking about specifically?” Jaehyun had a smirk planted on his face.
“YA JAEHYUN!” You smacked his shoulder knowing what the year younger was referring to, “When did you become such a dirty minded child?” Jinyoung was trying to sustain a straight face whilst you two bickered.
“Well Y/N noona. As a male grows his needs add up. And some of those needs relate to the male’s bod- “
“Jaehyun, nobody asked for a biology lesson. Get back to work.” Jinyoung let out the giggles he was trying to keep in this whole time. You look at him with seriousness remembering the comment he made minutes ago.
“A sly fox? Is that how you should be referring to your teacher?” Jinyoung caught up with the stern look on your face and stopped giggling immediately.
“You are older than me Jinyoung but, that doesn’t mean you can talk in a friendly tone.” You were proving the analysis he made earlier on correct. You were a very flexible person hence being unpredictable.
“I apologise Miss. I took it a little too far. You’re right, I shouldn’t be referring to my teacher in such a disrespectful way and manner.”
You bursted out laughing. Did he really think you were actually pissed? This gave you more material to use against him in the future. Perfect.
It hit him that you were joking around.
“Wow, Y/N. I’m in awe. How can you be so sly consecutively in such a short period of time? You’ve blown my mind away again.” Did he just say ‘again’?
“Again? When else have I ever blown your mind?” Jinyoung’s eyes went wide. He may have just disclosed his growing interest towards his swimming teacher just like that. His mind was rushing, trying to find a lie to cover up his fuck up.
“The game?” The time Jinyoung was actually referring to was the moment he saw you for a couple of seconds before his first ever lesson. The corridor to be exact.
“Ah, right. You’ve been to only two of my lessons. There’s still a lot to learn about me.”
“I’m sure there is Miss.” He didn’t know why he switched between calling you Miss and calling you by your name. You hadn’t really informed how to refer to you, but you didn’t mind. Both worked.
Then it was just silence whilst you both stared into your eyes. Was this the type of eye contact films tried to portray? If so they were spot on. Although it didn’t last as long as you had hoped.
“Y/N…” Jaehyun’s sudden mention of your name drifted your eyes from Jinyoung to his face. He had an uncertain facial expression. You hadn’t seen it before and neither did it seem good. You looked back at Jinyoung and he had a really stern look on his face but not towards you. He was looking at something behind you just like Jaehyun.
You slowly turned around. It was Max. You couldn’t read what emotion he was expressing but it looked fierce. His hands had clamped into a fist. Both of them. He looked like a cheetah ready to pounce onto his pray but his target wasn’t clear. Was he going to start throwing hands at you, Jinyoung or Jaehyun?
You eliminated Jaehyun off the bat. No one would hurt Jaehyun. If he was going to fight you, you were pretty sure fists were not necessary. That left you with one option, Jinyoung.
Nope, this was not happening. Violence was not the answer, especially when nothing had happened directly between both sides. You were pretty sure that these two hadn’t even had a proper direct conversation before to even know if their personalities clashed.
Max’s sudden charge towards you and Jinyoung took you out of your thoughts. He was actually going to resort to violence. He was willingly to throw his well-paying job out the window over what? Jealousy? Jealousy my ass.
“Max” You yelped in the hopes for him to get back to his senses, but it didn’t work. But you won’t go done without a fight. Not a literal flight, but you get it.
Jaehyun dropped down from his lifeguard dock to help you stop Max from committing acts he would regret later. You hadn’t seen Max like this before and you weren’t a fan either. With Jaehyun’s help you were able to stabilise Max in his place before he could lay a finger on Jinyoung. He was still pushing but it wasn’t enough to get through the barrier you and Jaehyun had created. You weren’t the emotional type but if things triggered a bad memory from your past you became a bomb ready to blow.
Your family weren’t exactly the most harmonious. They didn’t really listen to law when it came to teach their children discipline. When we showed any form of disobedience, a beating in their minds did the job. My older brother was extremely disobedient. Especially after reaching his maturing stage (puberty) he wasn’t listening to our parents. More or less every night was the same scenario. You would be pushing your dad in the hopes of him calming down before he would beat the crap out of your brother for being a ‘brat’. It never worked but you always tried to stop him instead of just witnessing the wreck in front of you.
This scene you were in now hit deep. It hit your core. It’s cool showing the confident and cheery Y/N most days but everyone has their breaking point and yours was nearing as the heated collision continued.
Jaehyun was verbally trying to knock some sense back into Max but it wasn’t working. Similar to how your mum would try to get your dad to stop with your brother. What worked then worked now. Your commands for Max to stop and calm down was no more demanding, but fragile. Everyone noticed the vulnerable voice within the vicinity, and they were very unfamiliar with it.
You never liked showing this side of yourself. You always thought people would take advantage of it or put a weak label on you. So, you would always try your upmost best to present a confident steel woman in front of everyone. It was about time you hit your breaking point and let your feelings out. It wasn’t going to be healthy keeping it in any longer.
The 3 males’ faces dropped. The sorrow, the pity and the emptiness they felt. All at different intensities. Max felt pure guilt. Jaehyun felt a deep feeling of sorry and Jinyoung… Jinyoung felt useless. Yes, useless. The woman he’s being trying to discover more about had become a broken mirror in a matter of seconds because of a situation regarding him.
“Max, I be-beg. Can you please, please stop acting so malicious towards him? He hasn’t done anything wrong. He’s just my student. That’s it.” Ouch, that hurt Jinyoung a little bit. He wasn’t expecting you to be so straight forward with defining your relationship. Let alone describing him as ‘just your student’. He knew it had only been a week of knowing you, but his hopes were for changing the student-teacher relationship into something more meaningful.
You were still clinging onto Max from the barrier you and Jaehyun had formed earlier on although it was just you now. Max gripped onto your shoulders moving you slightly off him but still keeping you supported.
“Do you want to sit down?” Max signalled Jaehyun to bring a glass of water immediately as he sat you down on the bench. You were more or less out of it. Kind of oblivious to what was going on now.
“Go.” That wasn’t towards you for sure so you knew he could only be talking to Jinyoung. Jinyoung didn’t question it. He was definitely worried but going against Max right now wasn’t going to make the situation any better. He left without any noise through the common corridor. Max turned his attention back onto you once he saw Jinyoung leave for good. At least for this week.
It didn’t sit well with Jinyoung knowing you were in such a state a couple metres away. The least he could do was talk to you later. Whether it be face to face or on the phone an update from you and how you’re doing will keep him at ease up until next lesson.
Jinyoung slid into the staffroom having realised it sounded very quiet. His observation was correct. The staffroom was empty. He knew which desk yours was considering the form situation from last week. He grabbed a post-it note and jotted down his number, name and a quick message.
I hope you’re feeling better, coffee?’
I feel like you guys might not like this ending but I have a great idea for the next episode so I apologise if you weren’t a fan of it. We’ve got to understand a little more about Y/N’s past. Max’s patience is being tested but for what reason?
see you next time!
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faunusrights · 4 years
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Glynda was saying: “I know we aren’t friends. I know we aren’t partners. I know you’re a criminal. But—I think I can trust you. I think I have to trust you, even if you’ve done awful things before.”
IT’S BEEN A WHILE HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but dw offal hunt, like the rising of the sun, the arrival of winter, and the eventual downfall of capitalism, always returns. so lets go.
(i just quickly reread chapter 18 liveblog to remember what happened and Ah Yes I Remember Now. The Suppressed Memories)
The place was emptier without Glynda. Quieter.
/gunshot oh we’re in danger right out of the gate huh? we got some yearning right out here? right now? how quickly the turn do tables.
Cinder appraised her work, holding the beige coat up to the light and squinting.
man i forgot. i FORGET. how much i just love cinder in this fic. sometimes she kinda zones to the back of my mind where she sits waiting for me to start thinking about her again, but now i remember that this cinder is Peaque. look at her GO, minding her own BUSINESS. im proud of her. does she know i love her.
It didn’t take long to don her new, fire-proofed clothes.
in another world, in a more comical plot, she used asbestos. it didnt go well.
The subtle warmth of the Dust teased tension from Cinder’s stiff muscles, even as she marvelled at the strangeness of her own bedroom’s space. It seemed bigger now than it had the last two nights.
She chose not to dwell on it.
i choose to dwell on it! ME!!!! I CHOOSE TO DWELL ON IT. HEY CINDER WHAT THIS GAY SHIT. hello. ma’am. can we look deeper into this. i, for one, would like to, and i, for one, think its of value to think abt this. that said, small segue
Quietly, Cinder murmured, “I didn’t freak out.”
THE FACT SHE SAYS IT ALOUD LIKE EM AND MERC CAN HEEEEEEAR HEEEEEEEER i am. INFATUATED with this family. cant wait for the 100k spinoff thats basically an elongated beach episode where they go to like. alton towers. or butlins. six flags??? thats a thing in america right??? anyway. beach episode. call me. (wink wink nudge nudge push push shove shove)
 We had to stop back in because Merc left his favorite binder, and it was 2 in the morning, so it was easier to crash here for the night than mess with the ship’s autopilot.
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them,,, THEM!!!! mercury is just a son and childe. thast it. he canot change this. i love these kids so much i am SHAKING THE MONITOR RN!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA
Stuck here in one of the homes they’d shared, Cinder missed them terribly. Missed the sound of their voices and the easy comfort of their presence. Finding the time to contact them had been difficult, between managing Glynda and Hati both, but Glynda was gone, and she’d sent Hati onwards to Atlas. She remembered her call with Emerald, before arriving in Umbraroot; she knew it had not soothed her or her fears.
im sorry was this chapter targeted at me, specifically, as a human being on planet earth? GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!!! THIS WONKY OLD BANDAGED UP FAMILY UNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thrive every time they are mentioned on the page. it is a blessing. my succulents grow stronger each time they show up.
“No,” Cinder argued softly, “I had to. Mercury, you deserve to hear it from me as well. I am sorry. And I am promising you: I’ll come back.”
For a long, heart-wrenching moment, he was completely quiet. It was good that Cinder was alone in the apartment; laying herself bare like this would be unbearable with an audience.
i am OBSESSED WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GOING TO BE THINKING ABOUT THIS UNTIL I D I E. of all thing the remaster does better than og, this is just. SPEEDING AHEAD. this whole CONFLICT this whole MESS just makes everything so much RICHER its like when u splash some wine in yr fancy food or stick some cinnamon on yr favourite desserts u dont NEED TO but it adds that lil SOMETHING,,, that little KICK that just ties the flavour profile together and in this case ofgughugguhu it just GIVES SO MUCH. im making SNOW ANGELS in the WORDS on the PAGE.
“Mercury. If I could prove it to you, I would. But you have to—trust me. For just a while longer.”
“It’s getting harder,” he said. He didn’t sound like he was lying just to hurt her. That wasn’t spite. That was honest anger. And it made her feel like dirt.
im less picking these for specific instances of like, things i want to say, but more just because bits of this r rly just so /chef kiss. cinder has these.... endearingly (take that whichever way u like) human qualities in OG to rly make u realise she had ties to add to her #Doubt but the remaster is just AMPING it up and u FEEL IT and ive never been more SYMPATHETIC to a round-faced sinnamon bun of assholery and fire id DIE for cinder fall and this is a fact PUT IT ON MY GRAVESTONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Is there anything you need?” What was this? Cinder could barely focus on her words. It felt like... “Anything? At all?”
“We’re fine.”
“Mercury, wait please—” She was losing him. “I think—”
“Just hurry up.”
The line went dead.
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this place is not a place of honor.................. no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here........................ nothing valued is here................ IM DYING
Cinder began to type out her response, and that was when the nausea really kicked in. 
She recognized this now.
stress stress stress stress STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
There shouldn’t be anybody. Cinder had done everything in her power to cut Glynda from people who would interfere. To isolate her. Make it easier to bring her to Atlas, to the frozen north, to her mother and the machine…
Cinder’s esophagus quivered; furiously, she shut her eyes and thought of nothing.
god cinder don’t remind me that you’re an asshole and dipshit and also a moron im trying to be NICE and CARE ABT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP REMINDING ME YOU’RE A PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
FOR FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The front door clicked open.
Cinder couldn’t have said how much time had passed, only that it had passed slowly. What she did know was that it was Glynda returning, the sensation of boils bursting wafting off her soul. It crawled over Cinder’s flesh. She curled in on herself.
There were mites under every nailbed. Salt in her weeping mouth.
offal hunt’s brilliant use of this horror aspect is something i have tried previously to emulate and here’s a fact, take it from me: that shit is HARD. offal hunt consistently able to whack those real nasty, really Disgusting vibes on the head EVERY TIME is a work of art. i mean, kc and diesel do not fuck around, and therefore i am NOT surprised, but it’s only when u try this shit yourself that you realise: this is hard! this is difficult! it’s a huge testament to how GOOD this fic is in every way. also this whole fucking body horror aspect is something i didnt know this fic needed, but it did, and here we are. 
Thickly: “Things were going okay. If you hadn’t gotten nasty, I might have smoothed things over. I could have fixed things with my son.”
with my son
with my son
with my son
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im like sweating rn
Glynda said, “I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to tell you.”
Glynda asked, “Are you lying to me?”
And Cinder said, “What?”
“About me. About Witches. About Ozpin—” Cinder’s guts went sour. “—About anything. I need to know if I can trust you.”
“I know you’ve lied to people. Hurt people.”
Adrenaline and the image of her kids’ faces behind her eyes made a potent, sick cocktail. “—Not. Now.”
so lets like double back to when i said hey was this chapter written to target me specifically and as it turns out, yes. yes it was. yes it was and as MUCH AS I AM LIVING FOR THIS MOMENT THIS SWEET BUILDUP THE EXPLOSION AND THE CRATER IT ALL LEAVES BEHIND
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so this next bit is like. i cant really quote one section but as i was saying in Vague DMs, this whole bit feels like wading through mud. usually if you say something consumes energy to Read it’s in a Bad Way when yr bored but this is more like. you Feel cinder all over everything feels so sluggish and it’s like dragging your own corpse around as you try and leave and you’re TIRED and your LEGS HURT and you’re kinda thinking god what if i just fell face down for just a moment of my LIFE.
The putrid weight of Glynda’s soul filled the room until there was no space left for her.
it’s like being trapped in a sauna, like getting stuck in a humid waiting room. where do you GO. what do you DO. god this whole section is fantastic and offal hunt NEVER fails to fucking nail the Vibes but reading it is HARD. i literally keep having to stop and breathe like ive been holding my breath. jesus h christ.
a small intermission for a mood:
“Get fucked.”
back to regularly scheduled hell
Out of the bedroom. Down the hall. The walls were sweating with heat. She tasted smoke. 
i love that i just said how i feel like im trapped in a sauna and it turns out: thats because me and cinder both, baybee!!!! hahahaha help
Glynda’s soul chewed her to the marrow. “Move, Glynda.” 
cinder being hunted at the start of this fic: teehee! im running away! now im gonna getcha! heehee! arent i clever :) cinder being hunted now: this uh. this blows, actually,
Cinder’s pulse roared in her ears. Her hands twitched. She smelled Ochre Brown’s round face melting off. His wide smile shattered with each of his teeth, going black and popping like corn.
this chapter is probably my favourite so far for this blending of so many elements. i cant even begin to like. THINK STRAIGHT about how all of this is tying together. the lore. the THEMATICS. like i said this character rly is just Rich with what og lacked and oh is it RICH. im gonna read this chapter in future and see so much that i know ive already missed. holy shit.
“Ms. Fall,” she said. “The White Fang requires your presence immediately.”
Cinder stood there looking at it for a moment. Her thoughts were slow. Copper-tinged. Something small and indulgent whispered to her through the blood-fog.
It was obvious enough what would happen if she got into this car. The driver would take her to a secluded place, where she would be ambushed by a squadron of battle-hungry White Fang grunts.
They’d try to take her down. And she was a killer, wasn’t she? Ochre Brown wailed in her ears with every thump of her runaway heart. Her hands itched for action; her teeth, for blood.
She’d burn them black.
never mind! you are already dead,
She thought about Glynda. About her saying that if there was trouble with the Fang, she wanted to come. That she would fight for Cinder.
She thought of Glynda’s question: What aren’t you telling me about Ochre Brown?
Yeah, fuck that.
this is EASILY my favourite chapter so far. EASILY. everything about this was peak offal. the relationships. the dynamics. the dialogue. the vibes. the Grossness. the fighting. the EVERYTHING. this is some other level and its BITCHIN. PEAK. that said im now very tired. im going to have a cup of tea and Consider Things for a few hours. brb.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 13
humansona time, hell yes
OH MAN I forgot about the stuff w/swerve and blurr oof
that panel of perceptor just saying random equations always kills me vhsdjhfkbjhksdfnka
also I love so much that they call perceptor ‘percy’ that's so cute
I love the implications here that people just Grab minibots and carry them around like luggage bc they are Tiny lmao
ohhhh my god I fuckgin love ‘I'm just wondering if there's time to expand my aura and cleanse the area of aggression’ ‘I...don't think so, drift’ hgbadjfjbaskdfs drift’s hippy nonsense delivered completely seriously pairs hilariously with his whole ‘violent guy with a bunch of swords’ thing lmao
also, IM NEVER OVER CYCLONUS SINGING TO TAILGATE, and also the security team mistaking it for cyclonus murdering tg hbhkjadfbjkhsdf cyclonus u icon
and tg looking at cyclonus all heart-eyes, omg 
drift showing rodimus how to swordfight...fellas.....
rodimus, being entirely ignorant to the irony in calling cyclonus and tailgate’s relationship strange when he and drift are Right There, being weird gay frat bros
did yall know, I love magnus so much. law dad
magnus saying ‘that's not even a word. id have heard of it’ about the word ‘relax’ is so funny god 
rodimus bribing swerve with a bar license to get magnus turnt is hbvhjakdbfhskf
never over rodimus portioning out drifts blood money to the crew for shore leave hubhjsdkhfdbjksd god 
despite tg lying about a good amount of his past, I feel like he rlly DOES see cyclonus as a link to a more familiar time, and that's a large reason why he’s so forgiving toward cyc
mannnn the stuff w/blurr and swerve is so depressing in retrospect. swerve is like, such a depressing character the more you think abt him vbhskjdhfbsk jesus
magnus trying to get in on the convo when swerve starts talking statistics oh magnus
idk what ‘the lube pits’ are but I Really do not want to know
‘the temple of the raging prism’ sounds fuckin bangin tho
I love seeing everyones humansona!! this art style is pretty simple, but I think it looks cute
rungs ‘human name’ being ‘mary sue’ lmaoooooo jro w/the self callout
also skids’ name being blank is a nice touch
still not over tg being a baby....poor guy
whirls humansona is so fuckgin good, also swerve looks like a hobbit
magnus basing his avatar on verity is so sweet ;_; I really should read all the wreckers stuff after I finish this reread
WHY would magnus accept a drink from whirl anyways lmao
tailgate is so cute
they rlly just left magnus facedown on the table and kept drinking huh. the irresponsibility....we love it
rung don't lie, froid is your nemesis
WHY do we never get to hear more about skids’ apparent beef with misfire
rewind calling the swerve/misfire This early, wow
literally Everyone abandoning swerve to deal with magnus hgbvhfjdskdfbhs I fucking love this issue man
GOD I LOVE MAGNUS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! he’s such an interesting and unique character and hhhh I love him and his development
like, he was probably the biggest surprise out of everyone who agreed to go on the quest - ostensibly it was to keep order on the lost light, but it would make sense that magnus would get tired of being the Only one who cares about that sorta stuff on board 
drunk magnus is such a delight oh my god
magnus rlly just wants everyone to be safe :( my daddddd
magnus: I love all my children equally...swerve, rodimus, [looks at smudged writing on hand] dirt
swerve: see, magnus, that’s where you’re wrong - I ALSO have crippling depression!
cant believe they bought rodimus a hat vhbhksdfhahsjkdf
HHHHH GOD I FORGOT ABT THATTTT when cyclonus goes bonkers in order to stop rewind from playing the ark 1 footage and inadvertently outing tailgate as a liar....AUGHHHHH THE FUCKING...THE FUCKING ROMANCE OF IT ALL
oh rewind :( you should really wonder a little harder where chromedome is right now...oof
everyone jumping on magnus while he’s passed tf out is SO fucking funny 
hhhhhhhhhhh I love how cyclonus sat tailgate down and confronted him about lying, but did it privately and not in front of everyone - and he even saved tg from being exposed as a liar, too. AUGH 
I feel like cyclonus is kinda impressed at how effortlessly tg has managed to lie this whole time, and tbh it IS impressive, especially considering tailgate was basically teleported 6 million years into the future and has no idea how the world works anymore, but was still able to lie convincingly. even cyclonus only realized bc of his own past, and not until now
tailgate ;_; ;_; ;_; 
cyclonus: oh no...im soft
tailgate and cyclonus singing ye olde cybertronian tunes together...OUGHHHH my fucking heart bro mY FUCKING HEART.
on that note: the song ‘to noise making (sing)’ by hozier is literally about cygate. thank u for coming to my ted talk
magnus had to like, get the robot equivalent of a stomach pumping after that hvbskdjfbhskdf jesus they really did almost kill him huh
I consider this issue forshadowing bc it makes 100% sense that minimus would be a Mega Lightweight considering he’s like 3 feet tall
the real quest that swerve is participating in is ‘the quest to get friends’ and so far its going pretty badly. poor dude 
godddd the thing that says ‘next: Overlord!’ with a fucking exclamation point I DONT APPRECIATE THAT. 
OHO i forgot abt the canon fanfic at the end of this issue
rung kicking things off with some good ole bodily workings-based dread 
ok but being so awed by the construction of your species’ anatomy that you wanna fall on the floor in amazement? that's a whole ass mood and I do frequently stare at walls for long periods of time, thinking about the marvel that is the human body. so rung is valid 
FROID NAME DROP LMAO. also yet again, are you SURE he’s dead?? are you????
the name ‘froid’ cracked me up almost as much as ‘rigor morphis’ did when I first read this...robot-based science puns! woohoo!
rung rlly b out here thinking abt overlords lips.....
‘forced browsing is not the autobot way’ lmao skids
also fr tailgate defs thinks that whirls actually name is nutjob
the entire segment of cyclonus browsing and everyone watching him and commenting is just. golden
oh no. don't make me think of rewind and his tiny memory sticks that he carries around. I'm NOT READY
magnus’ brutal read on rodimus and the fact that he’s more suited, personality-wise, to wartime than peacetime? oof. love it
I ALSO love that a big part of this issue was magnus admitting, in less direct terms, that HE isn't made for the post-war life either - his strict adherence to the rules and constant vigilance isn't exactly the best mindset for peacetime, for him or the people under his command
magnus’s hatred of metaphors and similes and the like....hvbsdjkfbasjhdf I love him
MAGNUS ILY...he’s trying SO HARD cut him some slack. i think his jokes are. yeah!
oh goody this text used "rodimus’s" so I guess that's canonically correct and I haven't been using grammar incorrectly as I had feared 
rodimus sitting ON his desk and doodling on it...adhd icon
rodimus calling rung a psychotherapist, which was rung’s grounds for a nemesis hvbhjabfdskfnkks
rung: as I'm sure you know I take patient confidentiality VERY seriously
narrator: That Was A Lie 
AUGH this hurts...rung trying to get justice for red alert but rodimus is in on the overlord stuff :( ouch
so issue 13! I fucking love this issue. just some good ole funney space hijinks, with some nice relationship development for tg and cyc - plus a revelation about tailgate - and some characterization for swerve and magnus. plus we get to see humansonas, which is always fun. augh I love this comic, and I am SO not ready for the next few issues, good lord
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unicyclehippo · 5 years
Gosh, you’re so inspiring. I’ve been reading your work and following your blog for a while now. You’ve been helping keep me on track for NaNoWriMo with your posts too haha. I was wondering, do you have any tips for writing dialogue? I’ve done research on how to write it and reread my fav books for inspiration but I always feel my characters are so bland at the end? And then the thought of that is so overwhelming lol. Thank you for listening either way. :)
oh hell Yeah nano buddy !!!
uhh dialogue is wildly difficult for me, i find not-dialogue to be so much easier ! that being said, it’s smth im keen to develop so the two things i usually keep in mind is:
a) people very rarely talk to what they actually want to say.
we have secrets & tact & habits & rituals & messy incomplete knowledge & in jokes with people close to us & history & all of that & people say a lot of stuff by bringing up things they “just thought of” or by inching sideways toward a topic or by making pointed digs about someone being untrustworthy/an asshole/etc but never actually saying too much about what they did (rmbr the time they slashed your brothers bicycle tire? - gd, who does that to a nine year old? - he’s genuinely a horrible horrible man).
& b) this isn’t advice on writing dialogue per se, it’s just smth i keep in mind: listen to people around you. eavesdrop. go to a cafe & listen to two friends talk, or people on a date, or someone skype calling their mum. listen to urself when u talk - what are u leaving out? what are u talking around? why do u do it?
humans arent perfect or even necessarily good at talking. a lot of people don’t talk perfectly. a lot of people don’t talk in the same way & especially it is dependant on who we are talking to & in what context. we um & ah & forget words & drop words we don’t need & make jokes & over describe things we really like or that we think the other person would like. maybe they have a stutter or are very shy or it’s not their first language, etc
so take this conversation:
“hey, you awake?”
“hm. didn’t realise you were a sleep talker.”
(yawn) “runs in the family.”
“... you know rachael, from the store?”
“... i do know rachael from the store. she’s very pretty.”
“oh yes, i definitely would talk about how pretty another woman is in my marriage bed, that’s what i always think really makes my wife happy. all i was gonna say is that she’s a sleepwalker.”
“know that from personal experience, do you?”
“jesus fuckin—she told me it stopped when her husband of nine years whom she loves very much sleeps in the same bed with her every night but it still happens every time he goes away on trips. and yknow they got a kid,”
“just got one outta the store.”
“picked up a brand spankin’ new laddy.”
“for the low low price of seventeen ninety five you too can have a bouncing baby boy. they eat, shit, and sleep and with new features appearing randomly on the daily like crawling frighteningly fast and babbling like they’re talking to someone but there’s no one there and it makes you think your place is haunted, you’ll never know what happens next!”
“no two babies are the same! this one comes pre-installed with a sensitivity to bees, nature’s hardest worker, and enjoys mischief mayhem and smearing his mushy food all over the walls.”
(laugh) “ok what about their bundle of poopy joy? rachael’s, I mean”
“Hmm? oh yeah, hes just learned to walk, yknow, and he’s started to sleep walk too. they’ve found him all over the place. bathroom. staircase. now that actually runs in the family.”
“Huh. cool, I guess?”
“...are you going back to sleep?”
“i was going to try but i guess it depends on if you’re gonna let me. ... anna?”
“yeah. yeah, go to sleep. sorry.”
“are you going to sleep?”
“of course, yeah.” (a Look.) “im fine, love. it’s not like last time. i just...there are a lot of thoughts in my head right now.”
“you? an over thinker? never would’ve guessed.”
“well i try to dumb myself down for you, y’see”
“you do an incredible job of it.”
“like, a real bang up job”
“you can stop at any time”
“sometimes i think oh boy this lady has nothing in her head at all”
“you are such an asshole” (laugh) “go to sleep”
“you gonna join me?”
“i think I’m gonna go to the study, actually. read through a boring case and try to fall asleep on the couch, okay?”
“...okay. i love you”
so forgive me bc it’s early & i don’t actually have a story for this but the subtext of the conversation is that she has insomnia maybe or she’s too anxious to sleep & her wife is trying to sleep & trying to help her to sleep. but there’s no point in talking about things like “have u tried counting sheep” etc bc this is clearly (hopefully) smth that has happened before & they already know those things don’t work. gentle teasing in place of advice to let her wife know that she knows what is going on, to let her know that it’s okay. because she doesn’t know how to rly help her or what to do
so yeah hopefully this was fun to read & maybe helped? it’s by no means perfect advice, just some stuff i have heard & that i use for my own stories. i also find it helps sometimes if im stuck in a scene to write a stripped down version where they aren’t talking around their problem or secret & see what they might want to say. it helps for getting character motivation clear in ur head so it comes through in the proper dialogue. for the previous convo it might be smth like:
“I can’t sleep”
“What do you need?”
“I don’t know”
“I can’t help you and I’m sorry. I love you”
“I know. I’m going to go somewhere else to not sleep so I don’t disturb you”
anyway! have fun nano buddy!! may your dialogue flow easily ! may your characters not fight Too Much as you set them on the page !
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interrogatormentors · 6 years
Event Two: Straight Flush
CA: if thats howw shits gotta be i get it CA: i really do CA: just lettin you knoww youre gonna regret this. CA: and by the time you realize wwhat a fuckin mistake youvve made in pushin me awway CA: ill be far beyond your reach
-- caligulasAquarium [CA] has left the memo! --
By this point in Eridan Ampora’s life, he knew space as lonely and fickle. He knew that the gaps between stars yawned millennia, and trolls at the top clawed and stabbed each other in the back at every opportunity. As a graduate of the Fleet Academy, Eridan knew this very well. What he hadn’t been prepared for was all the fucking paperwork.
Eridan stared at the blinking cursor on the scheduling spreadsheet in front of him, but no matter how hard he crossed his eyes the numbers never started making sense. As a well-established Dreadnought Condescension team, the DC Reichenbach’s crew all possessed equally established habits and schedules. Needless to say they didn’t take too kindly to an uppity new Head Admin coming in and shuffling shit around.
Eridan leaned back in his chair, lifting his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. The ship had one of its usual hiccups then, the lights flaring as an energy shift took place. Wonderful. With his free hand Eridan fumbled for the intercom button. “Get back in the helm, Riesse.”
After a pause a light blinked on the callbox at Eridan’s side, indicating an incoming call. “Yo, it’s been a perigee. Use my name or I riot,” said Riesse.
“Oh, funny, I can’t see Shakes anywhere on your file Riesse.”
Eridan rested his head on his desk, staring at the floor as he tried to gather himself.
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“Shakes. You’ve got a break from the helm tomorrow, we can’t keep usin’ antimatter engines like this. You know that the maintenance for it costs a fuckin’ fortune-”
“Mmmmyeah we can,” Riesse or Shakes or whatever the fuck that fucking brown’s name was. Eridan was tired of battling about it, but he still felt an obligation to protest. “I got shit to do with Bricks.”
“And the captain, and the Chief Intelligence Officer,” Eridan said. Further slouching caused his glasses to slip right off his nose onto the floor. “You can’t all take a break at the same time every week.”
“Yeah, we can,” said Shakes. “God, haven’t you ever heard of like, free time and social bonding? You should join us sometime. Bricks’ got a rad as hell campaign set up and Illhal said she might be transferring. We’ve got an open spot. Table’s big enough for one mooore. Loosen up, holy shit.”
Eridan hung up the call. “Uppity fuckin’ mudfucker,” he said, picking up his glasses from the floor. “Oh wow, let’s just stick a bulge in the captain, get free breaks just whenever.” 
Ever since the helming techs had come out with mobile helmsman upgrades, highbloods who had quadrants with psionic lowbloods were crawling all over it. Some lowblood sympathetic fleet captains and helming techs and docterrors had written essays about the benefits of this new technology, which boasted alleged benefits such as increased helmsman longevity and better synchronization to the ship’s systems. The technology actually meant that those lowbloods with highblood quadrants were guaranteed the ability to move if their quads got their own ship and the rank of fleet captain, and it also meant that said lowbloods came with a hefty pair of globes to match.
Eridan tried to assure himself that he shouldn’t have been surprised. The Reichenbach’s captain was a piece of work to say the least, and her matesprit was such a cocky bastard with no respect for his blood superiors. As blood equals, with Captain Nekara as his superior in age and rank, Eridan kept his mouth shut to humor her smug piece of shit matesprit who jittered with ridiculous amounts of excess psionic energy.
Eridan’s palmhusk started beeping then, letting him know about breaktime, and he cast a defeated look to the stark and empty crew schedule. Normally he’d just work through his break, considering he never had other obligations. This time, he tried something new.
[Welcome to Poker Palace Server 2022A, caligulasAquarium, apocalypticTreeswing, circuitryCloser, torpidAnnihilator! Please read the rules and have fun! Currently there are 40 viewers of this game.]
AT: aw (fuck) aw beans aw no AT: playing with (fucking) TA?????? CC: hhehhe get wrekt dood CA: wwhat CA: do you knoww each other AT: nah dude’s a (damn) bot or whatever and wins every (fucking) time AT: shoot i wanted to bet money on this match too CC: just bet on TA man CC: thhey’re like always online ur going to make a hHELLA profit AT: my pride tho CA: wwhat pride AT: DUDE :*C
Poker didn’t seem too labor intensive, especially when Eridan could theoretically still work on the schedule on the other monitor. As time progressed he instead found that the match he’d gotten roped into took all his focus after the user torpidAnnihilator wiped the floor with all of them as apocalypticTreeswing had warned. Users could theoretically stay for infinite matches, and so a rematch began.
TA won again.
And again.
Over and over TA called bluff after bluff, and unveiled hand after winning hand after intimidating everyone else, even as AT and CC left and were replaced by other users. Each user expressed dismay at seeing TA there, but something in Eridan had been awoken.
He needed to win. So he kept playing even as his break ended, eyes flicking from schedule to poker match as he continued to lose over and over. He could have fun and loosen up, totally. He just had to win first.
[Welcome to Poker Palace Server 3014C, caligulasAquarium, torpidAnnihilator, gentrificationAwaiting, corporealTone! Please read the rules and have fun! Currently there are 67 viewers of this game.]
CA: ready to lose fucker CA: you cant wwin forevver CT: ...what CA: do i look like im talkin to you GA: i mEan it’s an opEn chatroom, so GA: if you’rE talking to TA good luck haha, CA: ivve been goin at it for four perigees hes gotta lose sometime CT: ...lol GA: LOL, GA: i’vE bEEn playing for tEn swEEps!! GA: thEy don’t losE!  CA: wwell wwere gonna see about THAT noww wwont wwe CA: if youvve got a penchant for believvin anyone that isnt the empress can be infallible youre sadly fuckin mistaken CA: one wway or another im gonna fuckin provve it and then youll eat your fuckin wwords. chumps
TA said nothing as per usual, but this silence stopped bothering Eridan long ago. He had become used to the empty silence that filled the digital lobby during games. Every muscle in Eridan’s body tensed as time went on and he focused, watching everything unfold as he kept his cards close to his virtual chest. The match concluded as it usually did, with GA and CT folding and TA refusing to show their hand. After playing this long, however, Eridan had learned to take his chances. If they needed to, TA usually folded or called a bluff second. This time they’d held onto their cards.
CA: bluff you dont havve shit CT: ...we both got shit hands you know hes got a good one CA: still callin it
With the bluff called, TA’s hand flipped over to reveal a four, two fives of separate suits, and an eight. Not necessarily a bad hand, but not a good one. The entire world stopped and Eridan felt a funny lurch in his digestive sack. He lurched to his feet, staring at the screen for a good minute.
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For so many perigees, Eridan had worked towards this very moment. Each second that he stood there taking slow, shaking breaths to comprehend what had just happened felt like an eternity of downright euphoria. He’d done it.
However the world, and more importantly the game, wouldn’t wait forever. He moved his shaky hands to type out the damning words.
CA: straight flush CA: i wwin
A silence followed, and Eridan felt so fucking giddy, like there were clouds below his feet. He hadn’t felt this good in perigees. The commenters who had been gossiping about the inevitable outcome of the match had lapsed into shock with the other players also at a loss. TA, as always, remained silent. Finally, GA and CT began to type, almost in unison.
GA: what CT: ...holy shit GA: arE you fucking serious no WAY you’rE cheating! CA: if this wwere anythin but an online servver i wwould be less insulted CA: i cant code my wway out of a wwet paper bag CT: ...still theres no way you couldve beaten him of all people CA: look a lot of this game is luck okay wwhat the fuck are you talkin about CA: havve you evven played poker before in your life TA: Huh. TA: Well, thII2 II2 a 2urprII2e. TA: ThII2 game wa2 quIIte refre2hIIng, thank you. CT: ...hhhhhhhooooh my god
The match closed itself then, leaving Eridan staring at his victory screen. Something about that quirk seemed familiar, but he shook the thought away. The one he’d known with that quirk had disappeared a sweep before Eridan himself had left the rebellion. He had to be dead by now. Friend requests started pinging on his poker profile as he sat there, viewers of the match itself enamored by the new champion. More than a few angry messages popped up, considering TA’s popularity in betting circles. Only one private message caught Eridan’s attention.
TA: Let me know IIf you would lIIke to play me agaIIn 2ometIIme. TA: II am very aware you have been 2talkIIng 2erver2 lookIIng for me and that would 2ave 2ome ha22le on your end II thIInk. TA: That was the mo2t fun II have had for a whIIle. TA: II may have two quIIt 2oon con2IIderIIng your mo2t deft humIIlIIatIIon, but fIIndIIng a new hobby II2 laborIIou2.
Eridan reread the messages at least five times to absorb just what the mysterious reigning champion of the poker ring was actually offering. There was an odd little flutter in his chest, something he’d thought he’d never feel again. Pride, and a well-earned, well deserved sense of pride at that. Acknowledgement by an ever-supreme master at a craft, even for something as little as poker, meant worlds to him. He couldn’t help the grin that crossed his face, still on a euphoric high  at the sudden turn of events.
CA: uh wwoww okay CA: look evveryone loses evventually unless youre hackin or wwhatevver CA: surprised no one else called you out TA: The thIIng about garnerIIng a reputatIIon IIn onlIIne communIItIIe2 II2 IIntimIIdatIIon and people fallIIng on your bulge in terror ju2t come2 wIIth the whole package. TA: And a2 you know, that II2 the name of the game. CA: i thought it wwas poker TA: What? TA: Oh, very funny. CA: oh my god you talk like a fuckin loser howw old are you TA: That II2 a very rude que2tIIon. TA: II wIIll 2ee you agaIIn, ErIIdan. All haIIl the Empre22. CA: all hail i guess
TA logged off then. Eridan continued to bask in his own victory before freezing, eyes scanning over the last few messages TA had sent.
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That couldn’t be possible.
He took a moment, eyes fixed on that one sentence in the chatlog again before he flipped over to his personal profile. No, nothing there. He had made sure not to put any identifying information on his profile apart from his blood color code, which more than a few members did. His name wasn’t anywhere on the site.
Swallowing hard, Eridan closed the poker site down for now and opened this week’s schedule and maintenance logs. Only victory mattered, and he’d accomplished that. What could some random nobody on the internet do to him?
Maybe Shakes’ D&D session would be a little less nerve-wracking.
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irwen-s · 3 years
hhhhh idk if i read it somewhere but yeah..omegas getting needy and just wanting to cuddle and have that skin-on-skin contact with their alpha in the days leading up to their heat...soft
i love discussing the non-sexual and worldbuilding aspects of abo..like obviously i love smutty smut but abo can also be super soft. yes u get it gyuri trying to make herself impossibly smaller so she can feel the safety and security of saerom's arms!!! [screams] theyre so soft
also ya ive thought about making a hc blog before but i feel like i always run out of steam before i can write my ideas out in full. for now im just happy to chat w you and bounce hcs off each other but do let me know if you get tired of me invading your askbox every other day lol!! (you'll be the first to know if i do make a blog one of these days tho :P)
if you're still up for indulging my rambles here's a new thought i had last night while watching ep 2 of fromis' from 2 meals, when jiwon messed up cooking the noodles and was being down on herself but jisun and saerom were quick to reassure her: omega jiwon with her alphas saerom and jisun. jiwon is so bright that she draws everyone around her in with her childlike excitement and seemingly endless supply of energy. her alphas, especially saerom, are guilty of occasionally egging her on and participating in her antics, but more often, saerom and jisun are content to watch from the sidelines, keeping a close eye on their little omega who shines as bright as the sun. but jiwon is human, and she's fallible, so there are moments where her light seems to dim and she doubts herself. she tries to cover up her disappointment by laughing it off but all her jokes fall flat, coming out as self-deprecating admonishments rather than her usual excitable humour. late at night, jiwon is lying with her head on jisun's lap and saerom is sitting next to them, stroking jiwon's hair. everyone is ready to pass out, bellies full with all the food they made for dinner, clothes still smelling of the barbecue smoke. "i really messed up in the kitchen today, huh? jiwonnie is a bit of a klutz, can you forgive her?" jiwon says it with her aegyo voice, looking every bit like a little duck with an exaggerated pout on her lips. saerom and jisun humour her with little chuckles. they don't even need to glance at each other to know what the other is thinking - typical jiwon, trying to play it off again. saerom raps a knuckle gently against their omega's forehead in reproach, but she makes up for it immediately after with the kiss she presses to jiwon's hair. "jiwon-ah, you did great. the noodles were still delicious, as if you couldn't tell with everyone wolfing them down at lunch," she scoffs, though there's no bite to the statement. jisun, who's been silent this whole time, hums in agreement, cupping jiwon's chin in her hand so she has to look up and make eye contact with her alpha, and for a moment, jiwon looks heartbreakingly vulnerable. "just...tell me i'm good?" saerom and jisun's hearts squeeze in their chests. jiwon, with her face free of makeup, wearing a t-shirt so big for her that she's almost drowning in it, is their baby. their omega to love and protect and cherish. "of course, baby. you're so good, and you did such a good job today," jisun says, kissing the palm of jiwon's hand. saerom has so many things she wants to say to jiwon - i love you, you're amazing, you light up every day for me, you make me want to be a better friend, lover and alpha - but she settles on "good girl," and the way that jiwon's eyes crinkle and her cheeks flush let saerom know she made the right choice. later, after jiwon is all tired out from saerom and jisun attacking her face with a relentless flurry of kisses, jisun softly offers to teach their omega a new recipe on their next free day, and even though there's still that self-doubt that lingers in the recesses of her mind, jiwon knows there is no judgment from her lovers.
oop i wrote another essay 💀 you suggested abo fromis and now youve created a monster. hope u enjoy my ramblings lmaooo pls feel free to contribute ur thoughts on this poly pairing, i love them already
- flover anon
wah thats such a cute abo headcanon . . . i think theres a kinda similar prompt in my inbox an anon gave me that relates to this so im gonna end up writing it eventually hahaha
omg you like the non-nsfw kind of worldbuilding stuff of the abo-verse too, thats super cool! im kinda crap at worldbuilding but the behaviorial aspects of abo seriously intrigue me a lot. i like exploring that for sure, especially for more atypical abo relationships
oh man yeah . . . thats just the shitty thing about writing. you have to make the thoughts pay rent in your head . . . gish gish. please let me know the day you try out a headcanon blog! or just even writing out a full out fic, i would lose my mind over that.
ive been rereading your mini fic essay for like the past few hours cause i cant stop Thinking about it now flover anon oh my goddddddd. i admittedly like saerom when shes paired with jiwon and jisun the msot but i didnt consider them as a TRIO until you put this in my inbox??? and jiwon as their omega while theyre both alphas is driving me crazy ive literally never thought of this before holy shit.
(jiwon trying to play it off as a joke even though she actually does feel guilty and insecure about it is making my heart explode especially because saerom and jisun already know exactly what shes doing and theyre immediately there to reassure her sobs)
i LOVE this idea and you just basically wrote a whole prompt out here oh my god . . . i want to write it but you already wrote it . . . im basically huhuing right now. i literally cant. this is so good? this is so *good* omfg
okay i know i took a super long time to respond to this but thats because i literally dropped everything to 1) watch the from 2 meal episode because i havent watched it yet i was gonna save it for later and to 2) write a small continuation BECAUSE I COULDNT RESIST. you wrote something so soft and sweet and i just [screams into a pillow] i wanted to add to it oh my god
flover anon . . . can you please for the love of jesus send in an actual fromis abo prompt with this trio cause i want to write something for them jfc, like sfw or nsfw either way
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starrysamu · 4 years
🥺 will u still be popping by every so often? i also like chatting w u !! im,, glad my words were able to do something. i totally understand about how its easier with the screen,,, o god i ranted and spilled everything out to a friend on here things and felt much better about than when i talked to irls?? it's funny you bring that up because i see myself more as an optimist and i have def not been doing anything to keep me lasting longer aljdfjsf. we're opposites in many ways huh. ⭐ (1/?)
+ but that's okay! I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. I've been taking a lil bit better care of myself too so don't worry about me! I'm more worried about you because you've finally gotten through next time and i'm sure it was tiring. i just read through your love letter and it was,, so sweet. i hope you take some time off because you deserve it! and i dunno if you mentioned it, like if ur in school or something but i hope you're focusing on work/studies + taking care of yourself. (2/?) ⭐
+ i think im planning on rereading next time tonight when i finish all the homework i want to finish. also i forgot to mention, your ending to your love letter was so cheesy LOL. but for one thing, (in which i say a lot i think, or rather will say [this may make sense to you later or it'll confuse you more ik im being cryptic LOOOL]) i love how you depicted MC and samu. they are flawed. and they're human. they're perfectly imperfect and i love it. (i forgot what number this was i am smolbrain/?) ⭐
+ this should be the last one. but u know sometimes u have to sand down ur brain to let her grow again. sand away the not so good stuff and grow some better stuff. i dont know what im saying LOL. anyway. take care of yourself! don't burn out! drink water! eat fud! i truly really hope im not annoyign you with these asks. and hopefully i dont annoy you when i reread nexttime alsdjfajf (LAST ONE IDK WHAT NUMBER IT IS) ⭐
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the way i’m here more often than i should be ........ i have four minutes before i have to go back to my scheduled Working so let’s see if i can hit every point before then HAHAH
i THINK .... everyone obviously has a lil optimism and pessimism in them and i think whatever mindset keeps u floating rn is what u gotta do. u just gotta survive these days man. like i was reading this article and it was like “your main goal should just be to survive” and it was in ref to corona but i think right now everyone’s kinda feeling that way w everything so idk, being optimistic rn is what’s (sort of) keeping me afloat. of course, that’s changed within the past week i’m ngl HAHAHA
but when i say i was completely, utterly, absolutely shocked. like i really really mean it, rereading it for ANOTHER TIME? i’m pretty sure that’s 40k+ words easy, AND you took the time to comment what you liked about it too?? I REALLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS HOW HAPPY THAT MAKES ME FEEL. I THINK ABOUT IT QUITE A BIT ACTUALLY. like i’m just so ... so so so honored that someone really took the time out of their day to do that? i dunno. mainly because as time goes on, i think there are a lot more things about next time i would’ve changed, and i ... think it’s just not as good as i thought it was kinda thing? like i thought it was decent but as time keeps going i am less confident in it? i’m not sure how to phrase it any differently i suppose, but frankly i don’t ever want to look at it again. so it’s really really nice for someone to do that because it just makes me really really happy. so thank you, thank you, thank you so so very much for doing that. it really means a ton in ways i cannot express 
ALSO U MIGHT JUST BE ONTO SMTH ABT THAT BRAIN THING. I’M SITTING HERE THINKING ABOUT IT. UR RIGHT. also u r NEVER annoying me u are an absolute joy to speak to in fact i hope I’M not annoying you. if i was right as to who you were, i hope you’re having a good break and taking care of yourself when you can! please please get some rest and be sure to hydrate <3 
0 notes
khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
“There is a prince of hell on the loose,” Georgia pointed out.
“And that’s why we need to make every minute count,” dada replied with a cheeky grin.
i love them so much
ah yes everything that happened with the tlh gang 😄
All the princes of hell were still very much alive. All nine of them.
right? what's their problem
like die already
it's literally 1 28am im tired
Her parents had been to Edom. They had been to hell more than once actually.
God, they were so cool.
haha sure..
is going to hell and getting traumatised the new cool these days?
nice. let's go my self perseverance is basically not there at all
i have not forgotten the "alec has a heart attack"
im scared
She hoped no one else would die. She was running out of white clothes to wear.
i like her.
Also if lexi is dead how did gigi not feel it???
“Rafael was no doubt a skilled fighter,” the woman said gently. “But fighting is not always about weapons. Sometimes, you need to fight people. You need to fight systems. Rafael was very good at that too. Just like his father.”
why you so adamant on making me cry
oh my god
Oh my god the way i gasped
the cohort
but how are they infecting the people...?
when zara came here all that time ago?
well not that long ago but like
“Lexi is not dead!” Georgia insisted. “I would know.”
i know she's alive
mainly because i spoiled myself so
knew it
because they both are alive...
the poison doesn't kill
wtf do you mean she lost her soul??
make it make sense buddy
im gonna fucking cry someone hold me
alright get david and rafael's souls back now
michael is sus
she doesn't remember going to the institute...?
Michael’s eyes sharpened at that. “No one is allowed you take you from me.”
well that doesnt seem all that healthy
Michael didn’t grow up the way Selena did. Michael didn’t have the best of role models. It’s okay.
yeah you see it is not
oh my god selena is possessed isnt she?
“They are going to execute me,” Michael said in a whisper.
“Dearest,” Michael said gently. “You have given me the world. You gave me everything.”
selena no
wait omg
if selena is possessed then what if this is just a long scheme to get her to idris so they can use her
it's not asmodeus you fucking dumb dumbs
oh wait they dont know it's not him it was max who had that convo
no they are all going to know about michael no no fuck
they are gonna know...
oh my god
she would never hurt anyone. especially not rafael and not david
but it makes so much sense for her to be possessed
rafael texted her about raziel, she knew where david and max's date was going to be
and michael...she's a ploy to bring her to idris
idr the convo that took place between zara and her wait i need to reread that
michael and selena's relationship is borderline toxic
michael seems psychotic
i can not read on nope nope
zara didnt want selena to come to idris
To be very honest, he had no idea what was going on around him.
me every minute of my life
whose pov is this?
selena wtf
the dark like the poison dark?
fuck fuck fuck
Selena looked down at herself. “She doesn’t much look like a child, does she?”
“Oh,” Selena’s face went soft. “Rafael. There is no need to worry about him. He is just sleeping.”
“Well, wake him the fuck up then,” Alec snapped.
Yes I have loud music and cold water here let's do it
she was blessed by the angel what does that mean
oh oh oh
the only time the blades didn't work was in the presence of selena
fuck fuck fuck
so many questions
Max was standing at the entrance to the infirmary, his hands stretched out. “What did I miss?”
same energy as to of my friends arguing about something armys did on the gc and my other friend going "YO DID YOU SEE WHAT ARMYS DID??"
yes jae we did.
“I don’t know,” Lexi said. “To fucking breathe?”
same girl same
“Magnus. I think...I think Rafael isn’t dead.”
what gave it away?
but then what about his decision...?
of course he does...
he would have needed lake lyn to raise raziel
im actually so scared im gonna cry
no you didnt destroy the body
max tell them
i cant see them in pain
oh thank god they know
so close to breaking down and sobbing i am
max just answering their questions like that lmao
idk why that's so cool but it is
“Two?” Uncle Julian spoke up. “We are dealing with two princes of hell?”
yeah just split up and deal with them you'll be fine the tlh gang did it
add some miscommunication, fake relationships, and gay
oh my god they already have that
not at their inside code being a pancake ingredient i love them
“But now you must leave this to the adults.”
ew no
when have they ever gotten shit doen?
“Of course, she will be okay. Losing a twin is such an overrated trope,” Lexi pointed out. “You know how I feel about overrated tropes.”
“Uh, you are literally fake dating someone right now.”
can we please get to that line where olivia said she likes lexi for real
It seemed her fake dating slow-burn was coming to a very tragic end.
did you forget to add the happy ending tag?
why is she burning up...
oh i forgot about lexi hurting liv
“Oh,” Lexi replied – because she was good at communication.
no no no julian knows they are not fake dating lexi she really means it
raziel holy fuck
im so confused
he called himself her good friend im gonna cry
what was up with that note which said alec gets a heart attack though??
honest to god, you are such a fucking mood *screams*
also - that heart attack was a metaphorical one. I was fucking with yall :)
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0-q-0 · 7 years
1-50 please
also you didn’t think this thru
For fic specific questions imma go for Anomalies lmao bYE
things that inspire you
things that motivate you
Nothing. lmAO
name three favorite writers
…….ER…….idk i haven’t read anything in a very long time other than textbooks kill me pls.
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
The Nemesis™. Because I never want to be like them lmao i live on spite.
since how long do you write?
…….huh….is it just me or is the grammar of this question off?
i’m guessing this means ‘writing fiction’? idk which counts. shitty unfinished oneshots of other fandoms a few years ago probably doesn’t. I hope it doesn’t. LMAO
how did writing change you?
ruined my life
early influences on your writing
…………..too much commas?
what time are you most productive?
past midnight
do you set yourself deadlines?
does it work? no
how do you do your researches?
do you listen to music when writing?
favorite place to write
……..in fic? or where i write? Favourite place so far is London. Library seems to work best for me.
hardest character to write
shit. Quinlan?
easiest character to write
Also one of the hardest btw rip
hardest verse to write
…..FAaC+Anomalies probably because they’re all connected. i have to make sure they match up. it’s also canon craig!bond verse so ugh i don’t want to watch james bond again, especially ones without my son Q
easiest verse to write
……oneshots verse lmao
favorite AU to write
Dark(er) au
favorite pairing to write
Gay spies thanks
favorite fandom to write
favorite character to write
least favorite character to write
favorite story you’ve ever written
lmao i hate all my works
least favorite story you’ve ever written
FAaC. Anomalies. Pathways.
favorite scene you’ve ever written
haven’t written it yet
favorite line you’ve ever written
…………haven’t written it yet
story you’re most proud of
i haven’t written it yet. lMAO
best review you ever got
……….im blessed to have a lot i cant choose. I love the one that lasts 7 pages with meta analysis and feels im weak
worst review you ever got
………….tHAT ONE PERSON WHO JUST….was so impatient and tired of Harry’s dilemma that they wanted Eggsy/Cavendish
and i……..wanted to die
favorite story/poem of another author
…….lmao i haven’t read anything in a while. like…a while.
hardest part of writing
being poor and not having the luxury of focusing on writing
not knowing what the hell im doin
easiest part of writing
alternate title for (insert story title)
Anomalies series had the alternate title of The Distance Between Two Points
lmao kms
alternate ending for (insert story title)
……darker au
alternate pairing for (insert story title)
single story or multi-part story?
one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
canon or AU?
canon compliant au lMAO u can’t tie me down
do you reread your own stories?
unfortunately. for errors. makes me nauseous. 
do you want to be published some day?
yes please sustain my existence im just a potatoe.
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
the unpublished royal au in my head. both of them. lMAO
one song that captures (insert story title)
tsk………that would be spoilers
bUT FOR THE ANOMALIES SERIES IT’S THAT DUMB ‘I HATE U I LOVE U’ SONG BY GNASH. i heard it on the radio once i died and cried for quinlan.
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
i usually plan. but then things come up and i add it to the outline. which is my downfall
would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
ugh unfortunately. i want none of it.
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
I used to do linear, but scenes and dialogues come up and if i don’t write them down i forget and live a life of regret so i have to put a reminder or a drabble.
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
………………..dark au of FAaC, darker dark au of FAaC: where……..dark stuff happens.
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
………..lmao yeah Anomalies, not that anyone cares, but erm
There will be a scene of Quinlan’s POV during Wetherby years when he finds Hartwin in the park for the 1st time
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
………..in my head? 938742938742983
three spoilers for (insert story title)
idk if this counts as spoilers…some could be more described as trivia really…………..
Anomalies/FAaC is the (supposed) canon Craig!Bond verse because im stupid and take more work than i can handle
Quinlan and Bond will meet in the 2nd part of the series
writing advice
DONT let it take over your life. you will die
open question to the writer
……..lmao yeah you didn’t think this thru
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