#im tired of wanting to die literally all the time but it refuses to go away. i so dont wanna go to work tomorrow hhhh
the-acid-pear · 11 months
Fought with my dad again 👍 Hopeless ass situation. This is like being in the city except I don't even have a bed or a radiator. He's being such a monumental cunt tho I'm so tired of his refusal to get his shit together. Imma do some jigsaw shit to this man see if that makes a change somehow.
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bearieio · 1 year
ellie w. hcs :3
bc im seeing them everywhere and i need to put in my 2¢. thank you. (also not proofread :P)
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⋆ biggest hayley kiyoko fan for like 3 years (the intro to ‘girls like girls’ was her ringtone when she was 14). would beg joel to take her to random record stores that they passed by just to see if they had any hayley kiyoko cds.
⋆ because of joel, she listens to a lot of 70s-90s dad rock. 
⋆ can’t drive for shit. like literally she’s not allowed to drive without her glasses
⋆ she needs glasses btw. she doesn’t wear them because she’s already too much of a loser. but when she does where them, you tease her endlessly about them. 
⋆ can and will sleep on the floor whenever prompted. no blankets, no pillows needed. just her and the floor.
⋆ isn’t allowed to drink any sort of energy drinks on account of a previous incident that had to do with about 3 cans of redbull and 2 large cans of the ‘Java Monster.’
⋆ isn’t allowed to own small pets (like gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.) because she’d definitely forget about them. 
⋆ owns big dogs. great danes, newfoundlands, irish wolfhounds, mastiffs, st bernards, YOU NAME IT, SHE HAS IT (or has had it)
⋆ when she’s older, i feel like she’d be like one of those white people who has 192793999 dogs for no reason 
⋆ since her mannerisms are so much like joels, you guys argue playfully all the time about how things should be done, often bringing others into it too. 
“jesse, tell her!” he flips her phone screen around to reveal a very tired jesse, “it’s 1AM, ellie-“ 
⋆ i feel like at random times, she’ll just grab your boob(s). i don’t know why and you’ve never said anything about it, so she hasn’t stopped…… very handsy….
⋆ audibly goes “honk honk!” almost every time she gives ‘em a squeeze.
⋆ she’s a really sloppy kisser. not like boy-sloppy, but like the hot, messy, girl sloppy bc that sounds better and honestly i think her kisses would be the best.
⋆ she was one of those kids who’d eat dirt and find bugs all the time
because of this, she’s the designated bug killer/bug-getter-outter…. idk
⋆ she’s the worst drunk you know.
like literally sssoooooooooo messy oh my god. but you love her nonetheless :)
she’s soo clingy, and, touchy (like more than usual), but also much more emotional and sensitive than usual when she’s drunk or when she’s sick.
⋆ ellie tends to be quite difficult when she’s sick. BUT! you make it work bc you love her and she loves you :>
when you bring ellie her favorite drink from her favorite coffee shop, you literally have to fight her to be able to get out the front door. when you get up to serve her lunch, you’ve got to peel her off of you because she refuses to let you leave her side. when you go and get the medicine she says she doesn’t need…. you guessed it, she fights for you to stay in bed next to her.
“babe, what if i die right here, when you leave- like- BABE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME-“ she bewails, crossing her arms and huffing at the sight of you leaving her.
⋆ when you catch her playing her guitar, she sometimes gets all shy and plays the wrong chords n stuff. 
“don’t LOOK! >:(” she says, gripping the body of her guitar, glaring in your direction.
“oh!- okay” you say, throwing your hands up in a playful manner, giggling. 
⋆ but the times where she’s not shy about playing in front of you, she’ll ask you if you want to play.
“do you uh- maybe wanna play? i could teach you” she suggests, gesturing toward the stringed instrument.
but then after, she’d tease you about your finger placement :(
“i said the fourth fret, girl, not the second, or, the third!” she says, in between laughs.
“well fourth from the top or the bottom?!” you scoffed, looking at her, still puzzled.
she knows your trying your best but it’s still fun to poke at you when she can >:)
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constructive criticism is appreciated !!!
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kwnnys · 1 year
— main 4 fasting for the first time!
hcs : g/n reader a/n : for my muslim brothers nd sisters 🙏🙏 reader is muslim and asks the boys to try fasting w them for ramadan :D
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— stan marsh
quite intrigued when you first bring it up, also pretty hesitant to try it
"wait so like- no food or water? for a whole day? are you sure I wont die..."
but with a little bit convincing, stan will eventually agree!
he starts off strong and confident 💪 bragging to the group and telling them all about fasting
but that confidence slowly dies as the hours pass... and poor boy gets so tired
he knows you said that while fasting that you should be as productive as possible, but hes just so tired and drowsy he cant help it 😭
he tries to play basketball with his friends, or even doing his homework. but he just can't focus on anything
he ends up sleeping the rest of the day till iftar
he apologizes and feels so bad 😓, but you tell him its fine since its his first time
I dont' think he'd do it again the next day or anytime soon, but maybe give it a few years and he might be able to fast all 30 days :D
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— kyle broflovski
like stan also very intrigued and curious
he'll ask you alot of questions and take a few notes, before ultimately agreeing
hes a little nervous at first, but you manage to ease him with some words of affirmation!
tries to just distract himself for the whole day. studying, chores, video games, etc.
he doesn't make a big deal about it, but is definitely suffering on the inside
tbh the hardest part for him isn't the actual fasting, but not being able to swear or be mad (especially considering kyle has a short temper) 💀
cartman definitley takes advantage of this and calls him every name in the book. also purposely eats infront of him.
"hey stupid jew. look what I've got, a chocolate cake. you want some? oh wait, YOU CANT!" "...I swear to god cartman."
almost broke his fast cause of him. 😭
but anyways, he manages to successfully finish his fast!
he would do it again, maybe in a few days if you asked.
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— eric cartman
when you first tell him about fasting and ramadan, he'll literally be SO flabberghasted.
"wait wait wait, so you're telling me you can't EAT or even drink WATER for 30 days? you trying to get me killed or something?"
it'll take alot of convincing to get him to fast with you
alooot of convincing.
but when he eventually agrees, he will be SO dramatic about it and overexaggerates everything
"oh my god, I think Im dying. tell kyel.. I hope he gets cancer.."
refuses to go to school or even get out his room
liane gets very concerned about him, and'll constantly ask you if he'll be okay and won't die
you assure her that its completely fine, especially considering he ate almost half the fridge during suhoor.
he talks to his stuffed animals to try and cope.
tried to secretly eat a piece of candy while you weren't looking 💀you'll have to keep a close eye on him if you want him to actually finish his fast.
he'll definitely hold a grudge against you the whole day and refuse to talk to you.
but don't worry, you make it up to him by taking him to kfc for iftar 😋
bro literally ordered half the menu and gobbled everything up in a matter of minutes.
safe to say he won't be fasting again anytime soon. or ever again,
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— kenny mccormick
the only one in the group who manages to fast with little to no problem
kenny doesn't usually eat much food anyway, so hes all down
the hardest part for him is not being able to have 'dirty' thoughts or look at porno magazines 💀
the guys probably don't even notice that kennys fasting since they know kenny usually eat till you or he brings it up
cartman also takes advantage of this and tries to get him to break his fast with money. (which fails cause you're there to shut him off)
doesn't really have a change in his routine or life, he just does what he normally does
you're surprised by how easy hes taking it tbh
when its time for iftar, you decide to invite him over your house to eat :D
hes shocked at all the food you had prepared by you and your parents, and extremely grateful too
that day he had the biggest meal for the first time in probably a few years 😭
definitely took home some leftovers after for his family.
overall he'd definitely wouldn't mind doing it again! especially if it means being able to go to your house to eat again.
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neiptune · 2 years
Hi :3 im so happy to see this event because this is such a genius idea! I love taylor and all her lyrics are just Ugh😩❤️
Would you mind writing for Rengoku with the prompt “all you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing” ? Just a fluff fic where he doesn’t die, instead got married and retired with reader, looking softly at his spouse to realise that the reader only wanted sweet nothings from him❤️
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kyojuro rengoku x all you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
request a character + prompt here :)
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Kyojuro doesn't mind.
Even if you don't believe him, even if you protest each time he offers to carry the laundry basket, even if you roll your eyes as he lowers himself until he's basically sitting on his heels to offer his back whenever you're walking home and he thinks you might feel tired. He doesn't mind.
That's exactly the first thought that crosses his mind as soon as he wakes up at dawn, the back of his hand gently but barely grazing your forehead, worried crests between his furrowed brows soothing as he finds your skin cool. He's careful as he gets out of the futon you share and pays extra attention to the pressure used to close the shoji doors of your bedroom as he exists the room.
It's a quiet morning and he can hear the birds chirping outside. He decides he likes the way the kitchen changes color as hues of soft orange and pink bleed through the windows, reflecting on the ceramic bowls you had piled up the evening before. It's kinda hard, resisting the urge to hum while the rice leftovers are heating up and eggs, salt and sugar are being mixed in a larger bowl. He's not gonna go with elaborate dishes, can't risk making you sick again. The miso soup will keep you hydrated and hopefully soothe your nausea, soft rolled omelettes are your favorites and, well, rice is there just in case you're hungry enough to eat it.
You try your best to tiptoe to the kitchen, woken up and drawn to the heavenly scent of whatever is being cooked in there. You try, but of course he hears you anyway, taking a former hashira by surprise being literally (and practically) impossible.
“Hey”, your voice barely crawls out of your throat as sleep still refuses to peel off from it.
Kyojuro wishes he could turn around fully in your arms, which are around his waist as your forehead rests against his back, but he's too afraid of burning those eggs.
“How are you feeling, my love?”, he resorts to a less affectionate although momentary greeting.
“I'm fine”, you mumble, “what're you doing?”
Slender fingers holding purple chopsticks make the job of rolling and folding an omelette look embarrassingly graceful.
“Making breakfast, of course. Do you feel like eating? There's soup. I have also brewed green tea and cut a lemon, please add a slice to your cup. It will relieve your stomach”, his voice vibrates against your forehead and you have to close your eyes for a second, take his cedarwood scent in. It mixes well with the geraniums sitting next to the window, you find.
“Kyo, it's your rest day. You spend the entire week training young slayers and you haven't slept at all within the last two days. I should be making breakfast”, you complain, right before a loud and not at all elegant sneeze cuts you off. You're forced to take a step back and sniffle slightly, puffy eyes and runny nose not really helping your case.
Kyojuro turns the stove off and piles the neatly folded omelettes on a plate.
“You should be resting”, he smiles softly as he brings bowls and plates and cups and teapot to the table. You sigh, surrendering to sit and wait for him to be ready to do the same.
“I'm sorry you're forced to take care of me”, you grumble, cursing the afternoon you had decided to run outside and attempt to save your freshly hanged laundry from the sudden downpour.
Kyojuro sits at his usual place, next to you and never across from you. He jokingly claims that it's to see you better with the only eye he's left with but, really, he doesn't see any reason to be farther from you when the opposite is possible. He wouldn't call himself clingy, just... tenacious in his love for you. Ever since miraculously making it back home from a train mission, he's been more indulgent with himself and his feelings. He talks more, touches you more, is working hard to piece together a civil relationship with his father. Kyojuro is now able to cry, mostly at night, after a nightmare, but even as no sad thoughts are crossing his mind and all he's looking at is his brother laughing with the Kamado boy or you bickering with Tengen. Tears just start rolling down his cheeks abruptly and it's impossible to stop them, not by kissing them away, not by holding him, now by stroking his hair. Perhaps they have been waiting too many years and should now get to decide when and how and where to stop.
“Come here”, he demands, arms invitingly outstretched, lips stretched in a gentle smile. You comply, because how could you not? Of course you'll sit on his lap and let him press your back against his chest, of course you'll sigh as his lips softly press to a spot right behind your ear.
“I love you. Getting to take care of you makes me lucky”, he murmurs, rocking your body ever so slightly.
“But I can't always ask for that. You should get to rest as well”, you observe, only for his grip around you to grow tighter.
“You never ask for anything. All you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing”, his voice is quiet but you notice the slight crack in it. Kyojuro talks more now but that doesn't mean that he always knows the right way to say what he wants to say. It's pretty fortunate for him that you always understand.
All I give you, I give you because I'm so loved.
All I give you, I give you because you're my home.
All I give you, makes me feel privileged. Because I still get to give you.
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lily-alphonse · 2 days
hihi!! i read ur sandy fic literally today and i couldn't get it out of my head im so obsessed😭it hurts SO good i just finished rereading it again, and I was wondering, since Steve refuses to talk about his previous experience at the End, what actually happened there? :0 (sorry if this is smth that's easy to piece together I'm not very bright sometimes T-T) Also, did you have any ideas on stuff that happened in other cycles that you didn't end up including? Hehe, personally my headcanon is that for their first hug in a future reunion, Steve would try to hug Sandy for as long as he can before Sandy learns that it hurts him, so that he can get his proper hug dosage in. Sandy give that lonely man a hug damnit :') He's been waiting for like 3 lifetimes!!
Ok first, if you are reading this and haven't read Sandy: An Enderman Tale, here is the AO3 link, this is going to be a spoiler-filled discussion
And second I want everyone to know that fic writers DIE for this level of engagement, I'm deceased, melted into the ground and incredibly flattered, thank you 😭🪦
Now to answer
Oh gosh the End. Oh man. Well consider this, right. How many Enderman does the average player have to kill to even open the End portal?
Lmao yeah... that's... not something Steve is proud of.
I hadn't put much thought into it before but here is how I imagine things would have gone before the events of the fic, which will also explain Steve's hangups surrounding the End.
Steve wakes up in the world of Minecraft with no memory. He only knows his name, and that he is not of this world. He begins as an even more reckless adventurer than he is now, and just wants to experience everything the world has to offer
He kills a ton of Enderman and uses their pearls to find and open the portal. He knows somehow this portal is his escape out of this world
He makes it to the End and dies in his first attempt to kill the dragon. It was a rash decision to even try, he isn't even all that certain he wants to leave this world yet. He intends to go back some day, maybe once he is tired of being immortal.
It is at this point that he meets Sandy. Sandy saves Steve, playing out much like chapter 1 except for more hesitance on Steve's part. They have a tenuous ally-ship, mostly held up by the fact that Sandy won't quit following Steve.
Steve is hesitant to accept that Sandy could be good because of all of the Endermen he's slain assuming they were mindless monsters. What if one of them was Sandy? What if they are all like Sandy?
While he is in denial and trying to process, Sandy just keeps following him. Like I'm imagining he even builds a base under a lake only for Sandy to pop in as soon as he builds a ceiling tall enough lol
Steve lashes out at Sandy in misdirected anger at himself. Ok wait Ive just decided something very dramatic, he strikes Sandy when they won't stop following him. He's almost surprised when Sandy subsequently goes insane and hits him back, and he actually ends up killing them.
Instant regret. The Enderpearl left behind fucking haunts him. He goes to the End again out of desperation. Maybe there is some kind of answer to be found there, maybe Sandy will respawn there somewhere.
He finds nothing. It's exactly like the last time. Just endstone and faceless Endermen and a dragon that wants to kill him. But in a way everything has changed since the last time he was here. HE isn't the same.
As a last ditch effort, or maybe feeling sorry for himself, he makes eye contact with an Enderman. Sandy doesn't come to save him this time, and he is ripped apart. It feels fitting, in any case, that they should have a tiny taste of retribution for what he's done to them.
A long time passes before he encounters Sandy again. He's decided he's not leaving this world. Clearly there is so much more to experience that he can't even fathom, if his friendship with Sandy was even possible.
When Sandy finds him again he is beside himself, and actually scares Sandy away with his intense reaction. So he learns to be more casual about it in the future lol. He also learns that explaining what happened at the End is a no-no, because when he mentioned attacking the Enderdragon, Sandy got angry and went away for a long time.
There is a lot of trial and error in this go around. Sandy would either die because of rain or getting in the way of a monster again. Or maybe they attempt the Nether and Steve learns, no more Nether, lmao.
I did want to expand on the concept of the End with that in mind. It becomes sort of a symbol of his past failures and who he used to be. Even the fact that he nearly killed the Enderdragon and escaped this place haunts him.
He still has a lot of growing to do, he still displays selfishness and recklessness, but his relationship with Sandy is steadily making him a better person.
I love that you have a headcanon that's so fun for me. I would also like them to have a very long hug BUT it wouldn't be in the beginning since Sandy is easily spooked at first. At the end of the last chapter, Sandy is more accepting of the physical affection. So it just takes a while for them to warm up to the idea. It would prbly also help if Steve didn't make them kill him at any point lol. I see them making hugs a regular thing in a future lifetime, as long as Star is sitting somewhere out of sight!
Thank you for your ask and your incredible support my heart is warm ♥️
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hellwurld · 6 months
This is an open invitation to "talk about the Bible in a chill way". I'd be fascinated in your chill Bible opinions.
okay this is lowkey such a late answer to this but recent chill bible opinion has some context to it. i'm religious but in like a weird way i don't super want to get into, but basically i read the bible for the story aspects: the morals taught, the themes within, etc etc. i don't really view it as a strict religious instruction handbook, more so as like . stories meant to teach lessons and morals. kinda. its complicated!
erm. im so glad u asked tho
anyway! more importantly, i'm reading the old testament right now, and something that deeply bothers me is that i find the stories in early genesis deeply fascinating, and yet incredibly not dived into at all! and i think that's a shame, because there's so much interest and tragedy in the story of adam and eve, and in cain and abel, together and alongside adam and eve. i just think there could've been so much more done with the first ever family on earth, that is really never dived into popularly or well in adaptations. which is like chill EXCEPT for the fact that i think there's a lot of . persephone and hades tumblr bullshit going on and let me ELABORATE!
eve is a fascinating character to study as the first woman, and there's a lot to be said about eve, which is why a lot of modern looks at her that depict her as a #slay girlboss that ate the apple on purpose or as like . cheating on adam with lucifer . and i also don't fuck with the very long history of her being treated as though she's stupid or wicked or a transgressor. basically, what i'm trying to get at is that eve wasn't stupid for eating the apple, she was lied to, and in her defense, no one had ever lied before. quite literally she was the first to ever be lied to, ever, and she cannot be solely at fault for being tricked. i think it's hard to argue that eve shouldn't have fallen for it, because she was in such an incredibly unique, quite literally never happening before situation. i just think that depictions of her as a scheming seductress will never be as feminist as people think they are, because the core of eve was not someone looking to like . stick it to the man . she was curious, and trusting, and i refuse to blame her for searching for something new, because if god did not want man or woman to long for knowledge, he never should have create sapient beings 🤷
that was a long, kinda rambly way to say that i think genesis, despite being a really interesting book especially pertaining to eve, adam, and the fall, and especially relating to what could be said about abel and cain, and abel, cain, and THEIR PARENTS!!!, fails in a lot of ways as a book. mostly because of the lack of expansion on any of the interesting parts of the early story. i dont gaf abt how adam lived for 930 years. i gaf about adam and the horror of raising children and loving them and that still not being enough to save them from each other or themselves. it must have been horrifying to see your children, both your first children and the first children ever born, suffer and die, one at the hand of another and one at the hand of your own father. like idk eve adam and the horrifying fact that their sin (mistakes) passed along to their child and could've played a role in his own sin (devastating mistakes) and what you do as a parent when you realize that loving someone isn't enough to raise them perfectly and keep them safe.
but yeah sure . adams a weirdo misogynist and eve is a girlboss that cucks him with lucifer and abel and cain don't matter or exist. okay. epic.
and like this isn't to shit on fun or serious retellings based in feminism, bc i #love feminism fr, but i think it tired me out in the same way that (look at me circling back) things like the feminist retellings of hades and persephone did. bc like, it's interesting sometimes, but other times you are IGNORING the reality and interesting parts of the real story in favor for whatever fantasy you've created. hades and persephone is a fascinating story, and demeter and persephone's relationship is a tragic, lovely story that should not be boiled down into omg age gap forbidden romance with EVIL strict mom in the same way that eve and adam shouldnt be simplified to adam is mean to eve and she eats apple as REVENGE >:) . like ok guys lets get creative!
anyway to make a long story short im not an expert on the bible im just a girl raised spiritualist who fucks with books hardcore and wouldve liked to see more interesting shit in the oldest fucking book i own . or whatever .
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cartoonrival · 1 year
like after all that shite even tho it stretched him out like saltwater taffy naruto is truly not not not not mad at sasuke for any of it. he doesnt hold anything that sasuke did actually against him. in a technical sense hes like yeah you probably shouldntve killed those guys. but he fully blames sasukes circumstances and the pain that hes in for everything that he did. he cant stay mad at sasuke. rolls my eyes. cause he recognizes what drove sasuke to act the way he did and that the world is so so fucked and even if he should hold it against him naruto really does not want to he just wants his best friend back. sasuke tried to kill naruto because sasuke loves naruto and hates himself, and naruto recognizes that this is the reason. and that you have to be in so much pain to want to do that as badly as sasuke did, and he could feel it too every time he looked at sasuke or just thought about him he felt like he was being ripped in two. he realizes that sasuke has growing and learning and changing to do but he doesnt consider sasuke to have " put him through" anything like. naruto put himself through that and i think he'd be the first to tell that to you. im saving sasuke because i want to save him. that was the premise of the whole conversation with sakura in the land of iron like "why are you doing all this for sasuke" -> "because i want to". and i think if anyone tried to be like look what he put you through!!! he'd rip them a new one. which i mean a bunch of people sayig that to him is what pushed him over the edge in such a fashion that seeing sasuke face to face and swearing to die alongside him was the only thing that could bring him back from the brink.
anyways i just do not think sakura has the bandwidth (understandably) for that perspective considering i dont think she feels like she's choosing to go after sasuke in the same way that naruto does. and its not rightreally to call it a choice because obviously he doesnt get in bed every night and be like tonight i will think about sasuke and feel like im dying over and over again, but he decided to. this is two different posts but im stream of consciousnessing it into one. he very distinctly decided not to give up on sasuke i mean there was like. literally the scene where jiraiya was like drop it its not worth it go after your dream only a fool would keep going after sasuke now. and naruto says if thats what a fool is then ill be a fool my whole life. gag. anyways. obviously sakura wants to help sasuke 10000% she wants to help naruto she wants him back she wants the old team 7 back she loves sasuke etc im not trying to say none of that is true, but i dont think she feels like she is quite as active an agent in that decision as naruto does. while naruto thinks theyre on the same page about wanting to save sasuke because they both love him, sakura is quite quick to believe that naruto wants to save sasuke because HE feels obligated. she gets fed up with him for choosing sasuke every time over and over no matter what, she's sick of it! she cant do it anymore! she decides to kill sasuke because she feels driven into a corner, she feels like she has to because she DOES CARE ABOUTHIM and theres NOTHING ELSE FOR HER TO DO. SHE FEELS LIKE SHE HAS TO. ALSO part of her resolve to kill him is that she feels guilty for leaning on naruto so mcuh and relying on him to fix things, so she wants to deal with this situation for both of them which makes this like. very potently an obligation for her. she is killing him as (in her eyes) a noble act. she's tired bro SHES TIRED!
she drops it because naruto gives her hope that theres another way, not because she shares naruto's refusal to accept that there ISNT another way; she has to be shown what it is (understandably so, narutos route is bonkers insane that boy is unwell.) she has absolutely been put through the wringer BY sasuke more than naruto has (in terms of their own povs; in actuality idk im not commenting on that) and chasing after him feels less like an active choice on her part and more of an obligation to the memory of the old team 7, especially in the tail end of shippuden. and again she doesnt understand why sasuke acted the way that he did like naruto does, so immediately the room for understanding is way more narrow on her end in terms of blaming his circumstances rather than him. so for her to be not really able to stand him and way less quick to drop it all, in comparison to naruto, makes soooo so soosoo much more sense than whatever the fuck happens actually. she should be so mad
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
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literally just copy pasted what i told ghost in dms no beta we die like men
ok so my youkai au... SO I started thinking about it first when I saw Evan post about theirs, and I saw they they said theirs was more of an isekai style? So like, kinda Inuyasha vibes?? Also mine isn't like... TOO tied into the real hesowar au, bc i dont really know all the canon information so its all just... headcanons and my own worldbuilding (which i love to do i love worldbuilding its what i did for my thesis in art school ANYWAYYYY)) So my thoughts are kinda that theres this youkai world and each of the boys are originally human brothers that were all possessed by the youkai like hundreds of years ago and are now all these 6 powerful youkai that rule over 6 different domains. I think that in each domain, or maybe where all 6 of them converge theres a portal to the human world that opens up? Maybe both.... 7 portals, the strongest one thats always open is in the middle of the domains, each has their own, and their own unique connection to the human realm. I think Ichi, because he's a 9 tailed kitsune, he's connected to like, a specific Inari shrine I think each of the boys excepts for one or two, have like... at least harems or a partner or something at this point? It's later in their lives, idk theyre still young looking WHATEVER IDK, but Ichimatsu hasn't really... expressed any interest in anyone in the realm, yet complains to like, jyushi specifically that he feels particularly lonely. Like none of the people who come to worship him in the realm do it for him, theyre boring, whatever, idk, no connections. And since he's a trickster, the brothers are like "ohhh youre kiniving and play pranks and tricks, why dont you just like, trick a human to to be your mate/bride/spouse, humans are so interesting and quirky" and at first hes like 'no thats fucked up i wouldnt do that' but the he thinks about it ...
SO MEANWHILE, in the human world, this version of Mao, i think, is just in some like... job to pass the time, but they're incredibly lonely, theyre bad at making connections at work, theyre a bit burnt out, just things arent going their way. So, one day on the way home they're just tired, and maybe the route they walk on to and from work is like closed so they take a different route and on their way home they come upon an entrance to a shrine, maybe its a little overgrown, but... somethng calls them in, and they walk up the little stairs and are kinda drawn up to the big donation box. And they kinda just throw a couple coins in and pray and think 'im really lonely, i want companionship but im not sure what to do anymore, maybe i should change careers or just ... change myself completeley ... i need guidance' And theres this voice in the back of their head thats just like 'what if that could come true' and 'give yourself to me' and 'make me more offerings and ill give you a deal you wont refuse' and mao thinks theyre hallucinating from stress but they just empty their coin purse bc theyre kinda compelled to And they realize when they blink a couple times, that THAT was all the money they had on them and still need to buy dinner, so they try to reach down into the donation box to maybe snag back a 500 yen coin but then they fall into the box, and the descent down is a LOT longer than they would have assumed it was, and they land down in there with a thud and look up and around them and now have to figure out how to climb out, and eventually, once they do, and climb up and out of the hole or whatever, they are NOT in that shrine anymore, but somehow in the middle of the forest
SO THEYRE LIKE 'uuhhhh ... what the fuck? Did i hit my head??' and are like 'haha probably hit my head and this is a dream or something' and they dust themself off and start making their way down a path in a random direction to maybe figure out what theyre dreaming about, and theyre walking walking, and SHWOOM, right in front of them flies an arrow and they like, jolt back cause it almost hit them, and theres like ... some kind of lower level like ... imps or goblins or like ... SOMETHING and start fucking chasing mao, because this is some like... you know... uhhh idk if it feudal era? i think thats the term. ANYWAY they have pink hair and are like 'woah this person must have insane magical powers we must kill them and take their magics' and so mao gets chased in the woods all the way to like, a cliffside, and are then cornered, and are like ??????? So since they think its a dream they think if they try hard enough maybe dream logic will work so they maybe jump? immediatley fall and stars screaming, but whats this, something catches them midair and they look up and see theyre in the arms of a man with big ears and pretty red makeup who then like, with the wave of a hand wipes out the imps and lands on the ground with mao in his arms and he finally looks down at them and they share like, locked eye contact for a few moments before hes like 'kind of dumb of you to jump off that cliff considering humans cant fly' AND I HAVE LIKE, some other story beats, but the like... summarized story is that ichi starts to feel guilty for kind of coercing mao to come here so they go on like, a journey together, him protecting them, but teaching them to fight and things, while they travel toward where the domains are converged to get mao into the portal back home, but along the way they both genuinely start to fall for one another and mao eventully gives themself to ichi as his devoted bride/partner/mate and gets like... some minor powers and stuff i thinks... and yeah... hehe..
... heheh yeah... i might wanna draw story beats... i have MORE ideas, like... beats and things that happen on the journey if people wanna hear about those too....
ALSO SOMETHING I NEED TO CLARIFY!! when i say the other boys have partners, its not like... its moreso meant to be like, OTHER PEOPLE who self ship with the other boys, have already claimed them, like... how do i make this make sense.... like ... timeline wise, if like
HYPOTHETICLLY, if you wanted to insert your s/i into MY version of this au specifically, your and the matsu's story would have happened BEFORE mao enters the picture if that makes sense... bc i like the idea of ichi being the last of the brothers to make a connection, only realizing once his brothers have found love, that he wants it too ... haha hehehehehehhehehehe the end
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lightlycareless · 1 year
CHAPTER 35 IS HITTING LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE TROPES,, the ao3 outage earlier this week KILLED me right during my standard "rereading the latest chapter over and over" frenzy,,,
this one had me throwing my phone on my bed and covering my face w my hands like a flustered maiden. losing my fucking shit the entire time
the sudden "theres something going on that all the staff are whispering about" had me like,, what the fuck is going on,, is someone DEAD? and a momentary "HOW MANY MONTHS HAS IT BEEN SINCE THAT ULTIMATUM" and then its naoya's dumb ass getting himself sick. i'd be annoyed at him if it weren't for the incredible scenes this grants us later in the chapter
(and its also SO FUNNY *how* he got sick-- literally stranded in some cursed energy zone all pathetic and alone. just like my sad kicked dog description i keep using for him. he is embodying it fully and truly.)
when naoya's staff came up to y/n like "its about naoya's health we need you" i was like "ohh the drama is he gonna die without her there or something" and,, turns out thats exactly it he probably would've died from refusing to take medicine if she weren't there. glorious. hes so pathetic its unreal (affectionate)
THEYRE FINALLY ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN,, it feels like its been so long and it apparently has been for him-- feeling like its been centuries since hes seen her. ME TOO MF MAYBE IF YOU WERE LESS OF AN ASSHOLE WE COULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER
"it feels like you could literally do just about anything with him and he wouldn't be able to stop it" - "you were sure you could control him" Y/N,, GIRL,, YOU WANNA TOP HIM SO BAD OOO YOU WANT TO DOM HIM SO BAD. IM CHEERING FOR YOU (she might've been thinking more about murder. but i know what i was thinking) that followed by the "holding the cup directly to his lips to make him drink" scene is killing me. im going insane for them.
she FINALLY gets to interrogate his ass and he CAN'T go anywhere or do anything about it this whole scene was AMAZING. we get so much added dimension to both of them with y/n finally getting to snap on him somewhat and say/ask all the things she's been hiding, and naoya finally showing a little bit of that vulnerability with the discussion about the records and his mother. there's SO much going on here and i can't WAIT to see how that's gonna unfold in the next chapter ft. all sorts of flashbacks
i would read like 35 more chapters of just these sick shenanigans going on tbh. naoya's pov during this kinda thing would be so interesting too-- how deliriously out of it is he actually? is he gonna be absolutely mortified at this behavior when he's more lucid? i could also imagine him pretending to be sick for wayyy longer than he really is just so y/n won't leave,,,
outstanding showstopping amazing. i cant wait to see whats next!
Hi!!!! AAAA sorry for taking a while to get back to your ask, however I must say that when I saw this pop up on my inbox I was going through somewhat of a sad moment, and this made me very happy :’) So thank you!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now onto the juicy details…
I’m 100% aware that I’ve been writing nothing less than indulging tropes… AND I’M GLAD ABOUT IT HAHAHAH I’M NEVER GONNA STOP
I think I might’ve been a bit dramatic when writing the reaction from the staff. But after everything that happened… there’s no other way for them to react 😂 The never-ending drama in the Naoya-Y/N soap opera has them on edge, they saw this coming and was only a matter of waiting when it would occur.
It makes me wonder what Naobito’s opinion about this whole charade was 🤔 From disappointment towards his son, to amusement when hearing that Naoya has been incessantly calling for Y/N. He probably lurked around as close as he could to get a better look of what was happening, maybe even bringing some popcorn to enjoy the show. Y/N was right to assume that his family would’ve intervened to force her into aiding Naoya, although… not because they cared but rather because Naobito was tired of things being boring.
Omg… who does he ship Y/N with? Naoya or Naoaki? WTF am I even saying lmao 😂 I need to log off.
As for the timeline… please don’t ask me about it AHAHAH I feel like after all the things that happened, if I were to sit down and determine how much time has passed since the beginning of the story… it would probably be like 5 years or so lol —well, it certainly feels like it anyways. But I will set a time frame in the following chapters to give you an example of how long it’s been, if it’s believable anyways 😂 Thank god it’s fiction AMIRITE? (excuse my lazy writing 😭)
Anyways, the way he got sick is exactly as you described: overall pathetic. There really is no better words to say, serves to show how he’s slowly losing himself 💀😂 ah, poor Naoya, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I wonder what he actually did in those missing days?
I’m very surprised y/n was involved at all for there’s no way the staff didn’t know of their tumultuous relationship. This more likely than not could’ve worsened his situation… and if she was truly vengeful she could’ve taken this chance to kill him and yet, they still had faith on her, believed she would somehow ignore all the horrible things he had done to her and do the right thing. And in that matter, they don’t deserve Y/N lol. Once again if she were a bit more unhinged, she could easily be a Tomie-type of character… but where’s the fun in that? (at least for what I have in mind, not gonna say that writing that kind of story isn’t intriguing hehe)
Well, the threat of her being forced by her in-laws lingered in the back of her mind, perhaps even her main motivator, but all things considered she decided to do so because, well, she’s not completely evil. She should’ve been a bit harsher… but well, that doesn’t really align to the values she was taught with.
Talking about the alone part… wow. It has been a while since we saw them together like that; like what, 10 chapters? Lol Still, if Y/N had been that unhinged she could’ve been like “I’m taking my ladies with me AND Naoaki for my well-being” and that would’ve murdered Naoya and his staff immediately. HAHAHAH Can you imagine that though? Still, I won’t say that doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous 😂 the whole family reunited in his room lol.
But yeah!! It’s been so long, and it’s finally happening… under relatively normal conditions where Naoya isn’t terrorizing her. It does make me wonder how their time at the ryokan during their honeymoon was like… I might write about it… some snippets here and there (or if someone wants to send in an ask of what they think happened heheh) anyways, her being in this position of power is a bit unnerving to her, and within reason. From being berated almost daily, to being in a situation where she can literally do anything and who’s gonna stop her?????
Well, Y/N isn’t that crazy like Naoya, but I’m sure she’ll make the most out of this situation anyways.
AS FOR THE TOPPING IMPLICATION…. Damn. I didn’t even think about it like that hahah I was out here imagining how “Y/N wants to beat him up, make him suffer, so he can get a taste of what she’s been through………….” And then you show me the other side of the coin where she might want to top him DAMN that’s an interesting perspective of something that might happen further down the road…. AHAHAHHAHA I won’t say anything more.
Either way, not that the aspect of “intimacy” has been brought up, for me those moments that Y/N was taking care of Naoya felt… well, intimate, if that makes sense. Probably a delusion from my side, but it’s the kind of domestic things I want to see happening between the two 😭 no more drama or fighting, just the two being in a healthy, happy relationship. Like Naoya coming back injured from a mission and Y/N tending for him because she cares for him, not because she’s being forced or because Naoya was acting stupid or whatever.
But we shall see, we’re getting somewhere after all :>
The highlights of this chapter would definitely be Naoya opening up to Y/N (although a bit, and when he’s not 100% him, but it’s something…) and Y/N talking (or more like demanding) to know about the records and why he’s acting like that… even though she doesn’t believe him that much lol.
NGL I’m excited for the next chapter, it’s going to be flashbacks that will certainly affect their relationship—something I’ve been wanting to write too! Like, I hadn’t said anything about Tomoko outside of Naoaki’s perspective, but what about Naoya?! What’s his relationship with her like? How was she during her last days at the Estate? And for Y/N, HOW DID MINAKO DIE? Oof, very interesting indeed.
The following chapter, whether for the worse or for the better, is necessary for their marriage. As well as his sickness :> We’re finally getting development for the two yall!!
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience and support! We’re slowly moving forward to the “good stuff” that I cannot WAIT to post!!! There’s also a few more tropes (I guess) that I want to introduce… some that I think are very obvious (of course, because I know what’s happening lmao) 😂 but I can’t help but indulge on them!!!! It’s like an addiction, I must… have… it.
Once again, thank you so much for being patient with me during this short break 🥺❤️ I hope you like the next chapters!! Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon!!
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hello there! Can I request Yandere Hercules, Hades, Jack, Buddha and maybe Zerofuku with a Female Tanjiro Reader? Also, how did you think they’d react to Reader admitting her extraordinary sense of smell and hard forehead (And if your a lover of Angst, how do you think they’d react to Reader admitting she’s going to die once she turns 25 because of her awakening her Demon Slayer Mark)
Hercules is literally THE best boy, even if he’s a Yandere, and hands down would probably just ask for Reader’s hand in marriage after just being around her for less than 10 minutes
Jack is very enamored by Reader’s incredible kind soul, and her kindness towards her enemies, rather she’ll feel empathy, mercy and sympathy, even for him (Though he can also see her hidden rage over the death of her loved ones)
Hades admires Reader for her strength and dedication for her younger sibling Nezuko (And to avenge her family) and her values of family and her Elder Sister energy towards children, elderly, god or human alike (He might be a little jealous over how cute Reader’s relationship with her family is since they’re all very cute and… tiny)
Buddha respects her choices and her desire to stand up to others, even if they’re superior to her if she knows they’re in the wrong (Also she willingly cooks him yummy food and even if he takes food off her plate, she’ll kindly ask him if he’s hungry and even give him her food. Marry. HIM.) and he’d definitely laugh if Reader Headbutted Loki (And test her sense of smell by finding all the snacks others hid from him)
Zerofuku becomes possessive after seeing her Soul Core and feeling her soul’s warmth (Not to mention Reader is very kind and compassionate to him) as well as VERY jealous of Nezuko, and even though she’s a Demon, Reader still loves and protects her all the same and refuses to leave her behind
They all love Reader who’s so dedicated, honest, kind and strong-willed even after all she went through so much pain, anguish and hell to save others from suffering the same fate as her family and find a cure for her sister (They all might be a LITTLE jealous over how Nezuko has all of Reader’s attention)
I LOVE Tanjiro, he’s the VERY definition of a Best Boy Protagonist, along with Nezuko 😭🤩🥰
Okay anon, first of all i'm mad at you
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You had asked for female reader when I had already made clear a million of times that i just write for gender neutral!! Seriously im starting to get tired of this
Second, if that part of the of the mark on his forehead is real you have just done spoiler to me about the manga!!
Now, if you wanted to talk about how amazing the characters you love are or how do you think they will react im completely open to do so, we can have a loooong talk about it if you want, but don't do it while you are making a request, sorry but you have no idea how much it annoyed me when I saw it!! every time i saw it it irritated me again It makes me uncomfortable and irritated, im sorry if this wasn't your intention but it makes me feel like if you were trying to tell me how to do it and hate when people do that!
Also, how you described the relasionship is pretty wholesome and cute (most of them) and you asked for yandere, is contradictory
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If you or someone else do it again I will delete the request immediatly!!
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angelicalbones · 9 months
im so nervous to go home after work tonight. I have genuine thoughts and concerns about our relationship and how he treats me but something in me snapped last night and I was just so cruel.
like i dunno he just threw at me out of no where that hes apparently made multiple attempts on his life recently and I had no other reaction than to laugh. Like are you serious? like I know why I laughed because this isn't the first time hes done this or anyone at all has done this to me to make me feel guilty for trying to call them to task and I just cant take his emotional manipulation sometimes but also like
that's cruel to do to anyone. I care for him so much and I am so fucking scared for his safety and well being 24/7. I have had to threaten him with baker acting him or making him stay with his aunt and uncle during the day before because I was so fucking scared I would come home to him dead. Of course he told me that was evil to do and he hated me for even thinking about it even tho hes the one who said "I can't do this anymore let me die"
Fuck I dont know I know I shouldnt have been so mean, I fucking lost it so severely last night but also he is so fucking mean to me all the time. At the slightest provacation it becomes him drilling into me about how I've done nothing but use him for his money and everything is my fault and he has paid for my entire life and I wouldnt be wehre I am without him and I owe him everything. Im never allowed to get a word in edgewise but if I dont speak im an idiot who is abusively stonewalling him and leaving him to suffer alone.
but if I do speak and say the wrong thing(which is literally everything) I'm a fucking moronic bitch who will never understand him and his guy friends are the only ones who actually care about him and I'm evil and want him to die alone and am a sociopathic bitch who can't connect with people ever.
last night I suggested we go out to a bar event we were invited to by his hair dresser and it spiralled into this multi hour long fight. He got so fucking angry at me for suggesting we go do something with other people when he was just screaming and crying about not knowing anyone and not doing anything with his life. I got fed up and told him fine I will go without him if he refuses to join me.
Which might have been the worst possible shit I couldve said I swear to god. The amount of times he said I was a sociopathic bitch who was abandoning him because he is mentally unwell is frankly what caused my outbursts. Just because I said I Was going to go to a bar thing we were invited to.
He then told me to fucking leave like 5 seperate times (which is like the 18th time hes done it in our relationship) so I threw up my fucking hands and cleaned out the car, and started seperating my clothes from his. And suddenly his tune fucking changed. He didn't just tell me to leave I'm choosing to. He never said leave I am deciding to run away in stead of work on our relationshipp.
Despite literally saing the words "Go back to fucking michigan" and "Then you should just fucking leave" multiple times. Apperantely that doesn't in fact mean leave it means beg for my forgiveness.
I then got in trouble for making a mess in the closet and he bitched while we hung my shit back up even tho I told him to leave and I would clean it bc he has to be a fucking martyr about fucking everything just like his dad.
God I cant fucking handle this, when we are good we are so fucking good it's like the universe personally crafted him for me. Similar tastes in media, music, humor, literally everything lines up so beautifully. But when it's bad I want to fucking kill myself . He hates everything about me and I am the worst person to ever happen to him.
I can never know which one is the real one. I'm so tired. I dont want to go home. I want to hide somewhere else forever.
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tragically-broken · 10 months
honestly, I'm just irritated with my gf and need somewhere to put this so here I go. sometimes she goes out of the country and when this happens there is a 24hr time difference which makes communicating really hard. surprisingly this time wasn't as bad as others have been but ever since the trip we've been out of sync. she often goes through these bouts of depression periods where she sleeps all day and I mean that literally. like she will actually literally be asleep for more than 24hrs. she's going through one of these periods rn and I thought tonight we would finally get to talk and catch up but we only chatted for like 30 min and then she decided not to eat dinner and just go to sleep instead. i don't want to make her feel bad about this bc lord knows that will prob just make her depression worse but also how is this fair to me? shes applying for jobs rn which I think is really contributing to the issue for sure. a few months ago she got fired which was secretly such a blessing bc that job was making her miserable and her boss was a nightmare. for about 4ish months she was doing the depression sleeping SO much and everyday she would tell me how miserable she was which as someone who loves her is really hard to hear. i kept gently nudging her to quit but it never took but she got fired thank god. anyway all this to say is that ever since then she's been sooooooo much better! She's not telling me she wants to off herself all the time and she wasn't sleeping nearly as much. however now that she's getting a full-time job again I fear this is going to happen again. I can already feel the emotional distance, her misery, and how much she's sleeping and skipping meals. i truly can't live this way and that scares me bc I love her so much and can't imagine life without her. and maybe most people would say just talk to her but how am I supposed to have this conversation without making her situation/depression even worse? but then at the same time, what am I just never gonna say anything ever? i don't really know what to do. then there are the everyday issues that are really starting to annoy me such as her being in NY during the winter yet refusing to wear a sweater or turn the heat on despite the fact that she's terribly cold! she hates sweaters for whatever reason and she won't turn the heat on bc of "money". btw she's not in a poor demographic to where she would actually have to worry about this but she grew up poor. i get old habits die hard but it's like stop constantly telling me how miserable you are when the solution is so simple you just refuse to do it!!!!!!!!!!!! i will never understand. now that I've gotten all this out I feel a bit better. i prob just need to chill. i know relationships ebb and flow and things will most likely get back to being okay again and eventually good again. i think im just feeling neglected. like maybe I have needs!!!! maybe I need to feel connected and spend time with my gf when shes not miserable!!! imagine that!!! uhhhg! i feel kinda mean but also valid in what I'm saying. i can love her and be frustrated with her at the same time. im just tired and want to be happy and id like her to be part of that happiness.
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pillatedcompills · 1 year
My life gets worse and worse everyday. when will the suffering end good fucking LORD. Every time I think things are gonna get better, they just fucking get WORSE. I don't even play an active role in my life, literally shit just happens and I have to fucking roll with it. I'm tired, Im WORN OUT. I am tired of people and all of this hippy dippy baloney!!! Everyday I hope that things will get better, but it doesn't. "It gets better" "healing takes time" "life is too short to be worrying" SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPPPP!!!! I don't want to sit here and WAIT for shit to get better, because it won't. IT DOESN'T. People still refuse to treat me like a person, and resort to blocking me instead of trying to actually talk things out. I'm ill. I can barely think on my fucking own, every attempt fucking ends up in chaos. I can't TAKE it anymore, Im SICK of this BULLSHIT.
Everything that could've gone wrong, HAS GONE WRONG. I don't want to fucking do this insane ass BULLSHIT anymore. I don't know if you people truly understand that I'm a person behind the screen, and that I have fucking feelings as well. Everything sucks, people keep just going without an explanation. I'm so fucking tired of this insane ass bullshit, I CAN'T EVEN EAT WITHOUT FEELING SICK. I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM ALL. I FUCKING CAN'T DO THIS, IM LEAVING THIS FUCKING BITCHASS FANDOM I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE IM DONE IM DONE IM DONE. EVERYONE HATES ME, IM GOING TO DIE SOON. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE SOMEONE FUCKING KILL MEEEE
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blackvail22 · 1 year
the way i told her that smoking around me makes my pain worse and she said "sorry" n did it anyway and now my nose is throbbing, my eyes are burning, and my throat feels extremely dry (which is bad!)
and she also woke me up (knowing that i havent slept more than an hour at a time) and now i cant sleep because im in pain!!
hopefully my medicine kicks in and also makes me tired because ooo im so pissed rn!!!
doesnt help that i cant speak and have to type everything
also the fact she told me before i went into surgery she hopes i die so she doesnr have to deal w me anymore 💀
yes, ik she goes out of her way to take me to my appts n work n stuff but that doesnt change the fact she tells me she hopes i die, how much she hates me, etc....
there is no way in hell she feels other ppls pain because then she wouldnt be so disrespectful and make me feel how i feel and not care
im not even supposed to be near cigarette smoke to begin w
also my surgery was delayed an hour and she was pissed the entire time because i told her she was mean to me and how she just wanted to go smoke a cigarette n i told her she could and she wouldnt (literally refused) until it reached around an hour and 10 minutes. there was literally a time during that where she walked away for literally 10 seconds (all she did was walk out the room, go down the hallway, and then come back) and was like "oh you're still here?" in a disgusting tone and then sat in the chair farthest from me, pulled out her weed vape pen, inhaled for a bit and blew it in my face. and then she went to the chair next to me and did it again. (btw, it made me short of breath so i rlly appreciate her for that!! /s) oh and while she refused to go downstairs she kept doing little things that inconvenienced me... she moved the hospital remote away from me so if i needed a nurse i couldnt reach it (it was the side of me my iv was on), she kept hitting the handle that makes the bed go down whenbi told her i wanted to sit up (she would hit it for a second and it would make me jerk down and make me not comfortable anymore), she turned the air in my room to the coldest it can be, she mumbled to herself abt me (all i could make out was "....kill herself....that would be great"), and she also made a scene in the hospital !!
also im pretty sure her n that weed pen thing is why i reacted differently to my anesthesia (i kept falling sleep every 30 seconds)
oh n the fact i probably need another surgery????? thats gonna make me cry. i have to get a ct scan (again) and if i have to do it its so i dont get this disease when im older (why did i have to be made like this!!!)
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aphrodict · 2 years
Prompt = Morning rain
The birds chirp outside and the sound of soft rain is on the window
Characters = Scaramouche, Jaen, Walnut, Venti
Thank you in advanced 😂😂❤
- 💌 Anon
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“ morning rain “
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cw - spoilers on scaras real name, hinted spoilers on the anemo archon’s real identity (i think everyone knows who he actually is now,,),
genre - fluff
pairing - scara, jean, hu tao x gn!reader
a/n - i hope you enjoyed this! i tried a different style for writing headcannons (or should this be called drabbles) wc: 1k
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𖦹 hes more of a night person, not by choice—more of hes forced to stay up for his work at the fatui. despite having a secretary and multiple assistants, he refuses to ask for their help as he thinks theyre incompetent and useless. of course, you’ve told him to ask you if he needs anything, but all that he's replied with was ‘i can take care of myself, but thanks either way.’
𖦹 you’ve stayed up multiple times that same week just wanting to hear the door unlock and the sound of the creaking echoing through the living room. sometimes he comes home, other times you’ve fallen asleep from how tired you were.
𖦹 you woke up to the comfort of your own bed, company and the cold weather. you don't know how you got here, nor when your lover came home. smiling at his peaceful figure, noticing the slightly ruffled hair when you were about to run your fingers through it.
you’ve worked hard haven't you, kuni?
his eyes open slowly, looking at you up and down before shuffling closer to you. sighing while losely wrapping his arms around your waist
“you know, i was worried something might’ve happened to you.”
you continued to brush his hair, going down to his back and rubbing shapes. you noticed that the rain started pouring more harshly
kuni pulled you in closer and tighter, mumbling an apology
“im home now”
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𖦹 a hard-worker. sometimes she doesnt sleep at all, running on 3 cups of coffee per day. jean says the strong and bitter flavor of it helps alot with keeping her up. being the acting grandmaster isnt easy, no one said it was. she’s busy running errands 24/7, worrying over the busy or new shops, finding someones cat—jean really wants, no, needs a break.
𖦹 you’ve caught her passing out or what she would call ‘slacking off’ in her office multiple times. when she gets sick, barbara always offers to take care of her older sister despite having a busy schedule herself. you always visit her office and help her yourself when you can, you know she just needs the company. and on other days, you dont manage to see her all day or even all week.
𖦹 mondstadt cant help it whenever it rains, as much as they want their archon to blow the winds to a different direction—they know its not realistic. though they pray to barbatos about it anyway. you tried your best to travel even through the weather just to see your partner (since you know she often overworks herself)
a knock can be heard from the grandmaster’s office, jean sighs before going up to open the door.
“f/n, what brings you here?” she tries to fix her appearance, straightening the collar and tightening her ponytail
“i just wanted to make sure you were doing okay. i know how heavy your workload is everyday”
jean looks away, slightly embarrassed with the fact she forgot to take care of herself once again. she clears her throat before leading you to one of the chairs in the room and helping you feel comfortable.
“i must admit, the rain does make me sleepy.” the blonde crosses her arms and puts her head down on the table.
“you’re right. a little break wont hurt, no?”
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hu tao
𖦹 the prankster almost never gets tired, even when it rains or its a literal oven in liyue—she always continues going around the city like its nothing. hu tao’s business is quite slow, since people dont die everyday she barely has customers. people see the funeral parlor as ‘a creepy shop that works at night and gives out promotions in the morning’
𖦹 despite the negative rumors of the parlor, hu tao remains positive, and thats where you come in. she thinks that without someone to joke and hang around with, her life would probably be as boring as zhongli whenever he talks about the past (her words, not mine).
𖦹 and on one day while walking to the parlor, rain started pouring. you hurried in and tried to dry yourself as much as you can, failing to notice or hear the certain director creeping up right behind you.
you shriek out of surprise. looking behind you and seeing hu tao laugh, seeing how pretty she is letting herself go.
“did you really have to?” you asked, giving her a pity look
“im sorry-you were wide open! cant blame me for that one, now can you?” she replied, muttering a ‘wait here’ before running to her desk.
hu tao took out a small box with the logo of a popular jewelry shop in liyue. she opens it and reveals a necklace with a noctilucus jade shining as a charm.
she goes behind you and clips the cord together.
“wait a minute, i couldve prepared a gift for you too. take it first and ill—“
“its fine, keep it. the necklace looks nice on you”
biting your lip and hesitantly letting it go. unsure if you really deserve it or not.
“its really raining hard, why not stay here until it settles down? id enjoy the company.
“yeah.. sure, why not. oh, i also bought the game you were eyeing the other day.”
hu taos eyes sparkled for a moment, a smile present on her face.
“really? ill invite zhongli to play, it needs 3 or more players. i can just teach him the rules—and theres some food on the room at your right if you want. ill go get him!”
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@aphrodicts-imagination : masterlist
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spacedlexi · 2 years
have you read the clementine book? if so what are your thoughts?
i said a lot of my thoughts when the book was first announced,, and thought it was going to suck for a myriad of reasons,,,
and i was right lol
i havent read it 100% myself since i refuse to engage with it and i pretend it doesnt exist, but ive seen pages of it here and there and ive read other in depth reviews out of morbid curiosity and its just...................... it sucks so much...........................
putting this under a read more for those of u also pretending this comic doesnt exist so u can continue on ur day 💕
clem as a character has reverted back to her s3 self, and not even the end of s3 but the beginning of it before she opened up to the garcias and was just an angry distrustful loner who was tired of watching everyone she cared about die around her (which is why she pushed people away..and its like... a major part of her character development for s3.. and is now being used as her development for this book that takes place AFTER S4!!). so not only are we getting a complete retcon basically of s4, but also s3 technically?? who is this person this is not post s4 clem. this is literally 13/14 year old clem
ALSO can i just say.. when i read the synopsis and it said she was "moving into a new community of teens" i was expecting it to actually be like.....a Community...... and not LITERALLY JUST LIKE 3 PEOPLE.......... 2 of which are our store brand minnie/sophie stand-ins and the 3rd is a a half baked love interest. actually its worse than half baked. her calling clem "baby" made me choke. i was also expecting amos and whatever her name is to both be possible love interests (even tho i wasnt thrilled by the idea of either of them. louis and violet are good thanks), but no amos gets with one of the sisters and dies 💀 and the girl is calling clem "baby" before book 1 is even over................................................................ LIKE WHAT IS THIS. also why tf are these 3 TEENAGERS..ALONE... building new houses?? in the middle of winter in VERMONT!!?!?!?!?? make it make sense im begging. AND!!! theyre LEAVING!! this community!!!! at the end of the book??? WHAT?? not only did they scrap the s4 teen community but their own freaking teen community as well and now theyre going to an island or something??? and its sounding like an "island of dr moreau" reference so thats... idk im bored already. like what are we doing. what is this
and i cannot BELIEVE... clems reasoning for leaving the school.... is that she felt like the kids were treating her differently?? that people thought since she lost her leg that she was like.. useless?? the ericson kids would QUITE LITERALLY NEVER. you know aside from the fact that louis or violet could end s4 with their own disability giving them something in common with clem since they receive their injuries at basically the same time and are getting used to their new limitations side by side... HOW MANY TIMES... did clem hear from different kids... that they owe their lives to her, that she protected them and gave them a fighting chance, that she turned ericsons into a safe place worth fighting for and saved them from being a bunch of scared kids hiding in the woods just waiting for something to happen to them, how without her theyd all be child soldiers or dead....... ericsons as a community was all about these traumatized abandoned kids banding together to take care of each other in a harsh world where everyone neglected and forgot about them. they were a bunch of "troubled" kids nobody wanted not even their own families, who each were suffering from their own issues and became a tight knit group where they all looked out for each other. WHERE... IN ANY OF THIS..... does it make sense for clem to feel ostracized?? for them to treat her differently??? just because of her leg (which again shes not the only one with a disability)?? which aj specifically states he will make her a new one? lets also not get into the fact of what her losing her leg is supposed to symbolize because ive said it a million times. but i guess it makes sense for that to be retconned too since its all about her not being on the road anymore and how she has a stable and safe community of people she loves who she can rely on (which is what shes been wanting since...forever). cant have that if we're gonna shove her out on the road again and give her the same problems she had when she was young teen
also.. why tf.. does clem suddenly know NOTHING?? about WOUND CARE?? lets ignore the fact that shes leaving the school before her leg is even completely healed (wtf). but like......clem has known basic wound care since SEASON 2.. an entire scene is literally clem escaping the shed because she knows itll be bad if her dog bite is left to fester. so she breaks into the house. steals supplies to clean and patch herself up. and then LITERALLY. CLEANS AND STITCHES HERSELF... AT 11 YEARS OLD. leading to the classic and iconic "im still not bitten" line. and aside from literally everything shes learned on the road, theres also ruby? who was literally trained by the school nurse and was definitely taking care of clem and her wound and you KNOW ruby would be on top of it too like "clem did you clean today did you change your bandages let me know if you need help i have more bandages if you need them also painkillers and dont forget to rest"
also i have to just quick mention how fuckin Lame it is that she names her prosthetic "kenny" fuck off. having a character say "yeah. thats a good name" does not make it a good name that actually makes it more glaring honestly. and her flashbacks about lee and how shes like.. mad at him for not saving her or something?? or for like leaving her alone or whatever? its so.. like.. what the fuck... i hate it so much... it feels so childish honestly?? clem never blamed lee for Anything he fought so hard for her and she knows that. i feel like if anything she would have guilt for running away in the first place since its the reason he got bit? its not HIS fault he fuckin died. and he walked through hell to make sure he got her to safety
ok. i think thats everything new i have to add. there were a lot of other problems too but i dont feel like sitting here ripping this book to shreds again i just want to pretend it doesnt exist. ive at least completely separated it from the rest of twdg and i can look at it as its own mess. that is NOT clementine and i can say that with 1000% certainty now. now its just like watching a car wreck. but i know that clem is still back at ericsons enjoyin her fuckin life and vibing
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